生命延续定向方向指针 The pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing


宇宙表达式的原理表达形态就是基元科学粒子,也是基元伽利略粒子,或者是完整的伽利略相对性粒子,显现为,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,等等,这就是伽利略相对性在人类生命延续历史中的作用,也就是创生牛顿三定律的起源背景。




The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is just the unit-science-particle, or, being the unit-Galileo’s particle, or, being the particle of the completed Galileo’s relativity, and, being shown as, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and so on, this is just the historical function of the Galileo’s relativity during the human-life-continuing. Or, it is just the original creation-background of creating out three laws of Newton.

In the universe-expression, the completed self-spin of the left bracket of “(”, is creating out the Galileo’s room, or, creating out the half of Galileo’s relativity. the completed self-spin of the right bracket of “)”, is creating out the money-fluid of showing the record-shape of language, or, being the connection-state of being connected with the light-track, and, being correspondent with the blood-property.

The right bracket of “)” must be touching the left bracket of “(”, to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is fitting the universe-function of the light-track, or, it is creating out the proton, or, it is creating out the cell, or, it is creating out the quantum chain, or, it is creating out the Plank constant, or, it is creating out the 2-dimensional sheet-shape of the asymptotic freedom, or, it is creating out the Higg’s field, or, it is creating out the connection-tunnel of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. Is there anyone who understands the meaning of be-alive?

But, the connection between the money-fluid and the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, is creating out the money-number, and, it is to show the natural measured physical property of going apart away from the connection, of being connected with other dimension, and, going into the ultimate-3-dimensional stability, and, it is just creating out the completed division-effect between the fruit and the plant, and, it is creating out the fruit-dropping-effect.




But, the fruit-dropping-effect is of no necessary of plant, and, of no necessary of nutrition, and, it is creation out the situation of the single-time of be-alive, and then, going into ultimate-death-state forever. And, this is the extinction-state. And then, as long as holding the money-number, it is not necessary of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is not necessary of the definer of defining be-alive.

This is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind. Or, it is just the fundamental principle of zombie driving humankind into the extinction, or, it is just the background of creating out the planning-economics, or, it is just the background of creating out the planning-life, or, it is just the background of creating out the planning-market. And then, zombie is just the Savior of saving humankind.

And then, what is the difference between the market and the planning-market? Is there anyone who makes the division between the market and the planning-market? Is there anyone who understands the difference between the planning-market and the planning-life? Zombie is occupying both the tree and the nutrition, and then, zombie is giving humankind the fruit, and then, you say, it is very good happiness, isn’t it?



According to the universe-expression, the fruit-dropping-effect is just the completed self-spin-effect of the right bracket of “)”. And, it is holding the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, of going from the beginning-spot of language, into the ending-spot of money-fluid. And, it is just transforming the money-fluid into the money-number. Or, it is just the controlling the moving-track of money-fluid, and, it is the self-spin-completeness of price-controlling. Or, it is just the self-spin-completeness of the fruit-dropping-effect. And, this is just the extinction-property of holding the single-time of be-alive.

Or, it is just the quantum self-spin-effect between the money-number and the thinking-diameter bubble, and, it is pretending and replacing the covalent bond, or, it is applying the money-number to replace the Galileo’s room, or, it is applying the right bracken of “)” to replace the Galileo’s room, or, it is applying the right bracken of “)” to replace the left bracket of“(”, or, it is just the self-closing of the language, and, it is just creating out the language-definite, and, it is just the original creation-mechanism of creating out the math-ability of human-thinking. And, hidden behind here, it is not the problem of killing, but, it is large scale of killing, until the uncontrollable killing, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



That is to say, in the universe-expression, the left bracket of “(”, is of no necessary. Because of that, the right bracket of “)” is connected with the moving-track of the money-fluid, and, being able to replace everything and all things. When the left bracket of “(” is not the existence, then, the universe-expression is totally broken down, and, being destroyed in completed way, and, this is just the extinction-state, and it is the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

Both the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, are the same natural measured property of holding different names. But, the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, must be going back into the extinction-state. And then, it is to show that, the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect, is just the extinction-state.


The quantum effects, had brought the humankind into the connection of being connected with the extinction-state, and, it is just bring the humankind into the life-shape of P-track. And, this is the result of God-controlling, and there is no method of changing.




In the universe-expression, the relation between the left bracket of “(” and the right bracket of “)”, is just the quantum self-spin-effect. And, the self-own of left bracket of “(”, is also the self-spin-effect, according to the connection with the law of God’s power, and, and, the self-own of right bracket of “)”, is also the self-spin-effect, according to the connection with the pointer of force law, and, because of that, the money-fluid is of the ability to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.

When both the left bracket of “(”the right bracket of “)” are cut down by the absolute-unknown-spot, and, creating out two different quantum self-spin-bodies, then, the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the connection of coming from the law of God’s power, is totally cut down, and, the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, is totally cut down, and, the relation between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, is totally divided apart away.

At this time, it is creating out an equal-sign between the universe-expression and the extinction-state. Because of that, the background of the universe is just the extinction-state. And then, the relation between the left bracket of “(” and the right bracket of “)”, is just the different sight-angle of the extinction-state, and, being just the angular quantum effect.


The extinction-state is the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin, and, being also the original creation spot of creating out the angular quantum. Both the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, are the same natural measured property of holding different names, or, being the same natural measured existence of holding different observation-sight-angular. And then, the relation between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, is only the same natural measured property of holding different sides, and to show the existence of angular quantum, and, the angular quantum is only expressed through the positive integers of including the zero-number, and, the angular quantum can’t be expressed through the negative integers. Because of that, applying the negative integer to express the angular quantum, is just applying the name of “extinction-state” to express the extinction-state, and, it is not fitting the equal-sigh between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state.



The pair of extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, is just the original creation spot of creating out the angular quantum. The state of going apart away from the extinction-state, must be going back into the extinction-state, or, the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, is of no ability to change the extinction state, and, this is just the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect. No matter the angular quantum, or the quantum self-spin, all are created out from the extinction-state. But, the extinction-state must be the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, otherwise, there will be no existence of universe, and, there will be no existence of life. The experimental result is showing that, the universe must be the existence, and, the experimental result is showing that, the life must be the existence, and then, the extinction-state must be the state of going apart away from the extinction-state. And, this is just the universe immune effect.

Or, the extinction-state must be the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and it is just to show two different wave-function petals, of holding the same quantum state. When the single petal is the existence, then, the other petals are automatically disappearance, and, this is just creating out the covalent bond. And then, the relation between the single petal and all the other petals, is just the relation of equal-sign. And then, this equal-sign is just the central-knot of the wave-function, of being shown as the inexistence.



When the single wave-function-petal is expressed out, the other wave-functions must be going into disappearance in automatic way, or, the state of going apart away from the extinction-state must be going back into the extinction-state, and, this is just the quantum self-spin, and, creating out the covalent bond, and, fitting the experimental result.

And then, the equal-sign-effect at the central knot of wave function is just the universe-fulcrum-effect, No.1, it is creating out the division-effect between different wave-functions. No.2, it is creating out the division-effect between different petals at the inner position of the same function. No.3, the covalent bond between the different wave-functions, is just creating out the covalent bond, to go apart away from the extinction-state. No.4, gap between the different petals of the same wave-function, is also the division-effect between different energy-levels, or, being creating out the fine-energy-levels. No.5, the physical meaning of going apart away from the extinction-state through covalent bond, is just going apart away from other dimension, and, creating out the 3-dimensional structure, and it is to show the relation of E=MCC. No.6, going through the covalent bond of going apart away from other dimension, and to create out the 3-dimension, the final result is just creating out the life. No.7, the physical meaning of creating out the life finally, is just to be connected with the pointer of force law, and to create out the universe-diameter.


Clearly, different wave-functions are to show different names. And, different petals of the same wave-function, are to show different sight-angles of holding different names. When the single petal of wave-function is expressed out, the other wave-function-petals must be going into disappearance in automatic way, or, it is to show the situation of that, going apart away from the extinction-state must be going back into the extinction state, and, it is just the quantum self-spin-effect. And then, the naming ability is just the same with the covalent bond. And then, the wave-function-petal of being named out, is just the tendency of going apart away from the extinction-state, and going into the creation of 3-dimensional structure-existence, or, it is just creating out the energy-level-effect. And then, the zero-energy-level must be the artificial energy-level, of being connected with the naming-ability.





The extinction-state is the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect. The extinction-state is also the original creation spot of creating out the angular-quantum-effect. And, the extinction-state is also the original creation spot of creating out the major-quantum -effect.

During the original creation procedure of creating out the angular quantum from the extinction-state, there must be the existence of the pointer of force law of being located at the outer position of outside light-track, to make the extinction-state being fixed at the inner position of light-track, and, it is just applying the light-track to create out the division-effect of showing different sides of the extinction-state. Otherwise, there are not different sides of the extinction-state. When the light-track offering different side into the extinction-state, and it is just creating out the angular-quantum-effect, and, it is just creating out the 2-dimensional-sheet-effect of the asymptotic freedom, and it is driving the inner structure of universe into the fixed situation of being located at the single side of the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom.

During the original creation procedure of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect, there must be defining the pointer of force law into the inexistence, or, there must be defining the light-track into the inexistence, then, it is to show the situation of going back into the extinction state. Or, it is just creating out the result-effect of that, the mass has no ability to go beyond the light-track. Because of that, the mass has no ability to go beyond the inexistence.

That is to say, no matter the original creation procedure of creating out the angular quantum, or, the original creation procedure of creating out the quantum self-spin, there must be relying on the existence of other structure of being different the extinction-state. Or, there must be the existence-tunnel of being connected with God. That is to say, there must be the division-effect between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, to be different side of the extinction-state. When the law of God’s power is to show the extinction-state of being located at the inner position of inside universe, then, the pointer of force law must be connected with the God, through the outer-tunnel of outside the universe. Or, there must be according to the first existence of outer position of outside the universe, and then, at second procedure, it is to create out the inner existence of inside universe. Or, there must be defining the other dimension into the outer position of outside universe, and then, it is of the ability to create out the 3-dimensional structure at the inner position of inside universe. And, both the thinking-ability and the experiment-pointer-ability of a person, has no ability to go beyond the restriction of 3-dimension. And the thinking-ability of a person has no ability to touch the outer position of outside universe. There must be the completeness enough of near-science, to support the existence of the outer position of outside universe.





That is to say, going from the extinction-state to create out both the angular quantum and the quantum self-spin, there must be the division-effect in the extinction-state, and, it is to drive the extinction-state into the disappearance, and to create out the existence. But, the extinction-state has no ability to show different sides. Because of that, the extinction-state must be the unique, and the extinction-state must be the isolated, and the extinction-state must be the definite.

And then, there must be the division-effect between the inside universe and the outside universe, of being held by the extinction-state, and then, there will be the unique isolated definite extinction-state at the inner position of inside universe. And, the pointer of force law, must be connected with the existence of outside universe, and, it is just creating out the meaning of both extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and, it is creating out the original effect of angular quantum. And the connection between the ability of creating out the life and the pointer of force law, is giving out the background of showing the effect of extinction-state going back into the extinction-state, and, it is just creating out the quantum self-spin-effect.

And then, it is according to the connection between the pointer of force law and the outer position of outside universe, to show the ability of going apart away the extinction-state, and then creating out the 3-dimensional stability at the inner position of inside universe. Or, at the inner position of inside universe, only if going along the track of holding the ability to create out the life, then, there will be the ability to go apart away the quantum-self-spin of the extinction-state. And then, the zero-energy-level must be the artificial energy-level of coming from the pointer of force law. Or, the zero-energy-level is the artificial energy-level of coming from the outer position of outside the universe. And then, No.1, there must be the existence of God; No.2, the universe must be holding the ability of creating out life.

And then, the gap between the extinction-state and the artificial zero-energy-level, is just the original creation spot of creating out the major quantum. Or, the major quantum is holding the tendency-pointer of the fixed direction of going into the 3-dimensional completeness. Or, it is the completeness of going apart away from other dimension. Or, it is just the effect of fruit-dropping. Or, the gap between the zero-energy-level and the extinction-state, is just the mutation-gap between the 3-dimensional structure and the other dimension, and being just the original creation spot of creating out the energy.



宇宙表达式的生命活动形态是,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续原理截面 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,

宇宙表达式的原理表达形态是,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,





The life-action-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the inspiration-transportation-tunnel { the principle-section of life-continuing the absolute-unknown-spot the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by feeling-known }  picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,

The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the law of God’s power the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,

The mutual-structure between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, is to show the double entering-spots of going from the feeling-known beginning-spot of near-physics into the ending-spot of far-physics. Or, it is to show double pointers of directions. Or, it is to show the double pointers of going from the feeling-known beginning-spot of 3-dimensional structure into the ending-spot of fourth dimension. Or, it is to show the double pointers of going from the feeling-known beginning-spot of existence into the ending-spot of extinction-state. This is just the effect of the near-sequence and the far-chaos. The original creation spot of creating out the near-sequence is just the half of Galileo’s relativity.

The mutual-structure between the left bracket of “(” and the right bracket of “)”, is to show the double entering-spots of going from the beginning-spot of far-physics into the ending-spot of near-physics. Or, it is to show double pointers of directions. Or, it is to show the double pointers of going from the beginning-spot of fourth dimension into the ending-spot of 3-dimensional structure. Or, it is to show the double pointers of going from the beginning-spot of extinction-state into the ending-spot of existence-state. Or, this is just the original creation spot of creating out the universe, or, it is just the original creation spot of creating out the life. This is just the effect of the far-sequence and the near-chaos, and, creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track. And then, the absolute unknown-spot at the inner position of the bracket of “()”, is just the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, being the central scientific principle. The original creation spot of creating out the far-sequence, is just the extinction-state of creating out the completed Galileo’s relativity.

The far-physics is just the extinction-physics; and the near-physics is just the existence-physics.

And, the background of the universe-expression is just the extinction-state. Or, the background of the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter is just the extinction-state. Or, the background of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the extinction-state. This is just fitting the experimental result.


在宇宙表达式中,全部远程物理与远程科学的内容,都连接着灭绝性。因此,远程物理与远程科学,不是用“远程物理”和 “远程科学”这样的名称来表达,而是用第四维度全维拼网唯一性来表达。而“唯一确定性”这种自然度量属性,是来自灭绝性。

In the universe-expression, every content and all the contents in near-physics or in near science, are fixed at the inner position of inside bracket of “()”. The left bracket of “(” is connected with the asymptotic freedom, such as the atom. Is there anyone who heard about the name of “atom”? And the right bracket of “)” is connected with the constant speed of light, such as the electro-magnetic wave. Is there anyone who heard about the electro-magnetic wave? The near-science has no ability to go beyond the light-track, and, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the asymptotic freedom.

In the universe-expression, every content and all the contents in far-physics or in far-science, are connected with the extinction-property. And then, the far-physics or the far-science is not expressed in the name of the “far-physics” or the “far-science”, but, being expressed in the shape of the unique web system of fourth dimension, in the unique definite way. The natural measured property of the “unique definite” , is coming from the extinction-property.



Both the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, are to show the different expression-shapes of the same natural measured property. The beginning spot of going apart away from the extinction-state, is just the extinction-state. But, the name-meaning-shape of naming the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, must be returning back into the extinction-state. Because of that, this is the extinction-property. And, going apart away from the extinction-property is not changing the extinction-property. But, going apart away from the existence-property is touching the other existence-property, and then, it is creating out the difference-effect. And then, there is no difference-effect between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and, this is just the quantum self-spin-effect, or, being the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin. That is to say, the physical meaning of the quantum self-spin-effect is just the 2-dimensional sheet. One of the sides is the existence-side, and the other side is the extinction-side, and then, it is shown as the 1/2, and, just like the shape of the completeness of genome.

The original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect is just the extinction-property, or, being the thinking-ability-limit. The thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to touch the extinction-property. Or, the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to comprehension of the extinction-property. And this is just the thinking-limit.

宇宙表达式的生命活动形态是,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续原理截面 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,





The life-action-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the inspiration-transportation-tunnel { the principle-section of life-continuing the absolute-unknown-spot the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by feeling-known }  picking out the inspiration through using the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,

The principle-section of life-continuing and the money-fluid-section are fitting the effect of being parallel conservation with each other, or, being fitting the quantum self-spin-effect. Because of that, this is the situation of cutting down the connection, between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is the situation of cutting down the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, in completed way.

Applying the money-fluid into the tool, adding the money-fluid into the principle-section, this is the situation of destroying the connection between the principle-section and the law of God’s power, and, this is the situation of destroying the definer of defining be-alive, and, this is changing the volume-thinking, and, this is destroying the volume-thinking picking out the inspiration, and, this is just the common said of mind-washing. This is just the situation of the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

Applying the principle-section into the tool, adding the principle-section into the money-fluid, this situation is just the law of planning-economics conservation, or, this situation is just the law of planning-life conservation, or, it is just destroying the connection between the money-fluid-section and the pointer of force law, and, this is just destroying the definer of defining life. This is just the situation of the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

There is no method of making division-effect between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state. Or, the moving-track of money-fluid must be picking out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, on the surface of the life-continuing-section. But, the moving-track of money-fluid has no ability to touch the life-continuing-section. Because of that, the life-principle-section must be picking out the inspiration from the law of God’s power. If the moving-track of money-fluid is touching the molecule or atom, then, the money is changed into the paper of going into disappearance.





The money-fluid must be touching the life-continuing-principle-section, to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and the meaning is that, the quantum self-spin-effect must be creating out the covalent bond. That is to say, the right bracket of “)”must being going to touch the left bracket of “(”, to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, to create out the covalent bond. But, the original creation spot of creating out this action of “picking out”, is just the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble.

The direct connection between the thinking and the money-fluid, is fixedly destroying the covalent bond, to show that the pointer of force law is not necessary. The absolute unknown-spot at the inner position of the bracket of“()”, is also fixedly destroying the covalent bond, to show that the law of God’s power is not necessary. Because of that, the connection between the thinking and the money-fluid, is just the transformer, of transforming the money-fluid into the money-number. And, because of that, the money-number can be controlled by the selfish-triangle in completed way, and, it is the ability to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing in completed way, and to create out the extinction-state. And, this is the extinction-property.

Or, the light-track must be going to touch the asymptotic freedom, to pick out the original creation spot of creating out the proton, or, to pick out the original creation spot of creating out the mass, or, to pick out the Higg’s boson. But, the original creation spot of creating out this action of “picking out”, is just the pointer of force law, of being located at the position of super-speed of light, and, to create out the central dogma of universe vertical. And, the dark-side of the asymptotic freedom is just the law of God’s power, or, the Higg’s field.

That is to say, the central dogma of universe vertical, is just according to the original creation spot of creating out the 2-dimensional sheet, to create out the 3-dimensional structure, just like the expression in dimensional original of the biological body structure. Or, it is just according to the extinction-state being the original creation spot, to create out the existence-structure.

或者说,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,就是基元科学粒子,或者是基元物理粒子,或者是完整的伽利略相对性粒子,或者是宇宙起源粒子,或者是生命起源粒子,等等。

That is to say, rel the law of God’s power the absolute unknown-spot of making the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-trackthe pointer of force law rel => one of the name is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the unit-science-particle, or, the unit-physics-particle, or, the particle of the completed Galileo’s relativity, or the original creation-particle of creating out the universe, or, the original creation-particle of creating out the life, and so on.

但是,依据宇宙表达式的生命活动形态,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续原理截面 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,







But, according to the life-action-shape of the universe-expression, rel the tunnel of transporting inspiration  { the principle-section of life-continuing absolute-unknown-spot the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by thinking }  the thinking of picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the names is the pointer of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,

Does the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be driving the money-fluid, to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing or not?

Clearly, the first answer is that, some selfish-triangles are driving the money-fluid to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing;

The second answer is that, some selfish-triangles are driving the money-fluid to destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, in deliberate way;

The third answer is that, this is the law of killing conservation, and, this is the fourth dimensional war.

Because of that, the selfish-triangle is not in need of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, because of that, the money-fluid is able to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing in completed way. Only the pointer of force law is in need of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, because of that, it is to create out the universe-diameter according to God controlling.

This is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large scale of killing, and, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



依据,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续原理截面 ( 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生存选择,或者生死选择,或者是人类永恒生存灭绝选择,等等,

第一要素是灵感与传送;第二要素是生命延续原理截面;第三要素是绝对无知点;第四要素是货币流体运动轨迹;第五要素是想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感。 这五个要素与力定律指针连接,表达的是,依据生命含义定义器作为初始化起点,通过提取灵感来连接到活命含义定义器的连接通道结构。然后,依据活命含义定义器作为起点,创生生命延续定向方向指针。


According to, rel the tunnel of transporting inspiration  { the principle-section of life-continuing ( absolute-unknown-spot) the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by thinking }  the thinking of picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the names is the living-choice, or, the choice of living-or-death, or, the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, and so on,

The first element is the inspiration and the inspiration-transporting; the second element is the principle-section of life-continuing; the third element is the absolute-unknown-spot; the fourth element is the moving-track of money-fluid, the fifth element is the thinking of picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble. The connection between the pointer of force law and the set of these five elements, is to show the structure, of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive, through the thinking of picking out the inspiration, according to the initialized beginning-spot of the definer of defining life. And then, it is according to the beginning-spot of the definer of defining be-alive, to create out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.

The black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, is to show the existence of life, and this life-existence is the constant death-state.




The black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, must be connected with the pointer of force law, and then, to be connected with the meaning of be-alive. Or, it is creating out the “will” of be-alive, and, including both the will-pointer and the willing-power. Clearly, the will-pointer of be-alive is not the definer of defining be-alive. And, going through the universe-expression, or, going through the universe-diameter, the pointer of force law is to create out the connection, between the life-existence and the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is creating out the definer of defining life. But, the meaning of be-alive is coming from the law of God’s power transporting inspiration, and, creating out the definer of defining be-alive, and then, touching the pointer of force law finally, and to show the realization of life-goal.

The structure of transporting inspiration, is just the law of God’s power. And, the action of picking out the inspiration, is located at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble. Clearly, according to the mutual-relation between the inspiration-transporting and the inspiration-picking-out, and, according to the existence of the moving-track of money-fluid, then, the result is that the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane has no ability to show the pointer of life-continuing. Or, the life-existence has no ability to show the life-continuing. Is this result fitting the experimental result?

Or, the isolated life-existence is just to show the definite death-state. Or, any expression of expressing life and all the expressions of expressing life, are to show the isolated life-existence, and being the definite death-state. Or, both the life-existence and the life-continuing, are to show the different structures-systems. And, this is the difference between the fifth universe and the sixth universe.


No matter the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the definer of defining be-alive, all are coming from the inspiration-transporting. The clear problem is that, No.1, what is the physical meaning of inspiration? Or, what is the explanation of coming from the moon of being controlled by God, to show the meaning of inspiration? No.2, what is the physical meaning of inspiration-transporting? Or, what is the explanation of coming from the moon of being controlled by God, to show the meaning of inspiration-transporting? No matter what the explanation of coming from the moon of being controlled by God is, to show the meaning of inspiration and to show the meaning of inspiration-transporting, all the explanations are showing the state of destroying the feeling-known, and, because of that, this is showing the definite state of extinction.


The universe is 3-dimension. According to the universe being 3-dimension, then, both the name of inspiration and the name of extinction, are to show the same natural measured property of holding different names, or, it is to show the state of 3-dimensional structures being totally inexistence. And then, the physical meaning of inspiration-transporting, is just the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and, going towards the existence-state. Or, the physical meaning of inspiration-transporting, is just going apart away from the other dimension, and going towards the 3-dimensional structure-existence. And, it is just creating out the natural measured property.




It is necessary of being noticed that, both the extinction-state and going apart away from the extinction-state, are the same natural measured physical-property of holding the different names. And, correspondently, both the existence and going apart away from the existence, are to show totally different physical properties.

That is to say, according to the background of the unit cooperation pointer, the extinction-state is to show the situation of the isolated existence of natural measured property, and, of holding no rule, and, holding no function. And, going apart away from the extinction-state, is the situation of according to the extinction-state being the natural measured property, to show the unique isolated definite rule, or, it is the rule of being controlled by God. And then, the observer has no ability to identify the difference between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state. But, the existence is just the structure, and, being the mixture of both rule and function.

And then, the near-physics is the state of going from the beginning-spot of 3-dimensional structure, towards the other dimension. But, the far-physics is the state of going from the beginning-spot of other dimension, towards the 3-dimensional structure. And, the physical meaning of other dimension is just the extinction-state. And, the name of extinction-state is just the inspiration; and, the name of inspiration is just the extinction-state. That is to say, at the inner position of universe, the inspiration is the unique isolated property of the other dimension. Or, the universe is 3-dimension.


或者,rel灵感( 整体局部断裂定律) 灭绝状态rel => 灵感与灭绝性状态,是同一个物理存在的不同名称。

The difference between the inspiration and the extinction-property is that, No.1, the inspiration is fitting the law of the partial conservation; No.2, the extinction-state is fitting the law of the whole conservation; No.3, the thinking of picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, is fitting the law of partial conservation; and, No.4, the universe-position of the thinking-diameter bubble, is connected with the pointer of force law, or, being connected with the law of the whole-conservation, through the fantasy-structure.

Or, there is the, rel inspiration ( the law of division between the whole and the partial) the extinction-state rel => both the inspiration and the extinction-state are the same natural measured physical-existence of holding different names.


Both the extinction-state and the inspiration are the same natural measured property of holding the different names. Clearly, the inspiration is holding the constant direction of going into the inner position of inside universe; and, the extinction-state is holding the constant direction of going into the outer position of outside universe. And, this is just the general Hubble’s law. And, the final result is just that, the universe is 3-dimension.


The meaning of extinction-state is, No.1, including the situation of driving every 3-dimensional structure and driving all the 3-dimensional structures into the extinction-state; No.2, including the situation of driving all the feeling-known-ability into the extinction-state; No.3, including the situation of driving all the thinking-ability into the extinction-state; No.4, including the situation of driving all the expression-shape into the extinction-state; No.5, including the situation of driving all the expression-meaning into the extinction-state; No.6, and, it is driving all the life-existences into the extinction-state.




Or, at the inner position of universe, it is just the inspiration to express out the state of being located at the time-spot of after the completed extinction of the completed humankind, at the time-spot of this time now. Or, the inspiration is just changing the future-existence-state into the expression-state of this time now. It should be noticed that, during the history of life-continuing, the extinction-state is the state of unchangeable conservation.

That is to say, there is the definite equal-sign-connection, between the inspiration and the extinction-state. The future-existence is of only two situations. One of the situations is the life-continuing-state, and, the other situation is the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind.

And then, the physical meaning of picking out the inspiration, is just going apart away from the extinction-state, of holding no ability to return back into extinction-state. But, if there is no action of inspiration-picking, the result of going apart away from the extinction-state must be returning back into the extinction-state, and to create out the quantum self-spin-effect. And then, the situation of losing the ability of picking out the inspiration, is just losing the ability of going apart away from the extinction-state, and, it is making the connection-tunnel between the life-existence-state and the extinction-state, and, the final result is just the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

依据,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续的原理截面 ( 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,


According to, rel the tunnel of transporting inspiration  { the principle-section of life-continuing ( absolute-unknown-spot) the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by thinking }  the thinking of picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the names is the pointer of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,

The thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to know the inspiration. But, the definer of defining be-alive is created out from the pair of the inspiration-transporting and the inspiration-picking, and, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is create out from the pair of the inspiration-transporting and the inspiration-picking. Especially, if there is the connection between the feeling-known and the inspiration, then, the inspiration is the disappearance-state. And, going through the disappearance of the inspiration, it is creating out the situation of knowing the natural measured properties. When the inspiration is the existence, then, it is the extinction-state. And, when the inspiration is the disappearance, there is no inspiration, but, there is the feeling-known.


The moving-track of money-fluid is connected with the thinking at the inner position of thinking diameter bubble, or, being connected with the feeling-known, through the language fulcrum. There is not necessary of adding-action of “picking out”. That is to say, according to the moving-track of money-fluid, and, according to the parallel conservation between the money-fluid-section and the principle-section, then, No.1, the definer of defining be-alive is not necessary; No.2, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is not necessary; No.3, because of that, the money-fluid has ability to replace everything; No.4, this situation could be called as the money-central-ism, and, this situation is just the law of corpse-speaking conservation. No.4, clearly, this is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



rel 天威定律( 绝对无知点把光子轨道与渐进自由分离开来 )力定律指针 rel => 名称之一是宇宙表达式,另外一个名称是活命含义定义器连接结构,等等。





rel the law of God’s power transporting inspiration the absolute-unknown-spot of to make the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light track the pointer of force law rel => one of the names is the universe-expression, or, the other name is the connection of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive, and so on.

Clearly, No.1, the absolute-unknown-spot is holding the property of destroying the connection of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is the destroyer of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. Or, it is the tunnel of driving the completed humankind into the extinction. Or, it is the tunnel of Bohr’s cost, or, it is the tunnel of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN.

Clearly, No.2, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the definite death-state; and, the gap-area between the pointer of force law and the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is connected by the fantasy-structure. The black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the definer of defining the feeling-known-side of the fantasy-structure; and, the pointer of force law is the definer of defining the feeling-known-destroying-side of the fantasy-structure. The problem is very clear, and, this is the physical-relation between the be-known and the be-unknown, and, this is the physical-relation between the living and the death.

Clearly, No.3, the law of God’s power is the tunnel of transporting the inspiration. The inspiration of being transported, must be picked out by the thinking at the inner position of inside thinking-diameter bubble. This is the structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive. Otherwise, there is no be-alive-property being added into the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, and, this is the self-definition-state of defining the self-own into the corpse.

Clearly, No.4, the moving-track of the money-fluid is of only the ability of being connected with the right bracket of “)”; and,  the moving-track of the money-fluid is of no ability of being connected with the left bracket of “(”. The relation between the money-fluid-section and the principle-section, is fitting the parallel conservation. And then, what is the relation between the moving-track of money-fluid and the law of God’s power transporting inspiration? Or, what is the relation between the moving-track of money-fluid and the definer of defining be-alive? Clearly, the unique isolated answer is just the killing. And, this is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killing, until the uncontrollable killings, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.





The situation of the law of God’s power transporting inspiration, is coming from the extinction-state giving out the definite. This is the law of killing conservation. Is this math equation? Is this solving the math equation?

The extinction-state and the inspiration-transporting, are the same physical-property of holding different names. Or, there is the equal-sign, between the extinction-state and the inspiration-transporting. Or, picking out the inspiration, is just going apart away from the extinction-state, or, creating out the connection between the feeling-known and the definer of defining be-alive, and, creating out the connection between the feeling-known and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And, this is just the sequence-law of the fixed direction conservation through killing.

The law of God’s power is shown as the original creation conservation; and, the pointer of force law is shown as the ending-spot-goal conservation. This is the killing-law of goal conservation. Or, the goal of killing is protecting the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.

That is to say, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must be controlling everything on the surface of earth, and, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must not be controlled. And, the problem is that, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must be explained through the moon of being controlled by God.

依据,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,


According to the, rel the law of God’s powerabsolute-unknown-spotthe pointer of force law rel => one of the names is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing,

The problem is very clear, and, what is the useful of the money-fluid? If the existence of the money-fluid is driving out the result of that the life-continuing has no ability to be the existence, then, what is the method-way of dealing with the money-fluid? Is there anyone who heard about this word of money? YES OR NOT? And, the money-fluid-track is fixed at the tunnel of being connected with the right-bracket of “)”. This is the money.

依据,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把光子轨道与渐进自由分离开来 )力定律指针rel => 名称是宇宙表达式,或者是活命含义定义器连接结构,或者是生命延续定向方向指针,等等,

可以得到,rel 左边括号“(” 绝对无知点) 右边括号“)” rel => 名称之一是第五宇宙结构。


因此,rel 通往灵感传送通道的原理截面 绝对无知点) 想法直径泡泡感觉到的货币流体的流动轨迹 rel => 结果之一是创生驱动人类整体走向灭绝的驱动力;另一个结果是价格无法计算;或者是,货币流体的流动轨迹无法计算,等等。


According to the, rel the law of God’s power absolute-unknown-spot of to make the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light track the pointer of force law rel => the name is the universe-expression, or, the name is the structure of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive, or, the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and so on,

It is shown as, rel the left bracket of “(” the absolute-unknown-spot the right-bracket of “)” rel => one of the names is the structure of the fifth universe.

The principle-section is connected with the left bracket of “(”. The left-side of the left bracket of “(” is the tunnel of being connected with the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration. The moving-track of money-fluid is connected with the right bracket of “)”. And, the right-side of the right bracket of “)” is the thinking-diameter bubble.

And then, rel the principle-section of going towards the tunnel of inspiration-transporting the absolute-unknown-spot the moving track of money-fluid of being felt by the thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the result is the driving force of driving the completed humankind into the extinction, or, the other result is that the price can’t be calculated, or, the money-fluid can’t be calculated, and so on.

The first problem is the relation between the be-known and the be-unknown; the second problem is the relation between the living and the extinction.

要创生活命含义定义器,至少有两个要素。第一要素是天威定律传送灵感;第二要素是想法直径泡泡内部的想法,去提取灵感。依据,rel 天威定律( 绝对无知点把光子轨道与渐进自由分离开来 )力定律指针 rel => 名称之一是宇宙表达式,

结果是,rel 灵感传送通道( 绝对无知点)用想法来提取灵感 rel => 名称之一是生存选择,或者是生死选择,或者是人类永恒生存灭绝的选择,等等。

或者,rel灵感传送通道 { 通往灵感传送通道的原理截面 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生存选择,或者是生死选择,或者是人类永恒生存灭绝的选择,等等。


For creating out the definer of defining be-alive, there must be at least two elements. The first element is the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration; and the second element is the thinking of picking out the inspiration. According to the, rel the law of God’s power the absolute-unknown-spot of making the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light track the pointer of force law rel => one of the names is the universe-expression,

The result is, rel the tunnel of transporting inspiration absolute-unknown-spotthe thinking of picking out the inspiration rel => one of the names is the living-choice, or, the choice of living-or-death, or, the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, and so on.

Or, rel the tunnel of transporting inspiration  { the principle-section of going into the tunnel of inspiration-transporting absolute-unknown-spot the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by thinking }  the thinking of picking out the inspiration rel => one of the names is the living-choice, or, the choice of living-or-death, or, the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, and so on.

The first element is the tunnel of transporting inspiration. The second element is the principle-section of going into the tunnel of inspiration-transporting. The third element is the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by thinking. The fourth element is the thinking of picking out the inspiration. The fifth element is the absolute-unknown-spot. This is not the problem of killing. But, this is the problem of large scale killings, until the uncontrollable killings, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



基于, rel 天威定律(想法毁灭守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 名称之一是宇宙直径,


Based on the, rel the law of God’s power(the particle of thinking ability losing conservation) the pointer of force law rel => one of the names is the universe-diameter,

The left bracket of “(” is the connection with the asymptotic freedom, or, being connected with the principle-section; the right bracket of “)”, is connection with the light-track, or, being connected with the language fulcrum. Clearly, the moving-track of money-fluid is one of the limited-edge-shapes of the language-structure, and, being fixed with the right bracket of “)”.


这是什么含义?这个含义就是宇宙中的全部结构。或者,这就是宇宙表达式。或者说,rel 天威定律( 绝对无知点把光子轨道与渐进自由分离开来 )力定律指针 rel => 名称之一是宇宙表达式。方向表达定律,是宇宙直径与宇宙表达式之间的变换支点,并显现量子的方向粒子二像性。

According to the already completeness enough of the near-physics, every structure at the inner position of universe, and, all the structures at the inner position of universe, are either the connection with the asymptotic freedom of showing the existence of mass, or the connection with the light-track of showing the existence of energy. In the gap between the asymptotic freedom and the light track, there must be the absolute-unknown-spot of to make the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light track.

What is the meaning? The meaning is just holding every structure at the inner position of universe and holding all the structures at the inner position of universe. Or, there is, rel the law of God’s power(the absolute-unknown-spot of to make the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light track) the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the universe-expression. It is just the law of direction-expression, to make the transformation-fulcrum between the universe-diameter and the universe-expression, and, it is to show the duality of quantum direction-particle.



According to the duality of quantum direction-particle, in the universe-expression, there is the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, of being named as the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, being the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, it is just the unique isolated direction, of going apart away from the extinction-state, and going towards the existence. That is to say, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must be controlling everything, and, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must not be controlled. And then, it is to show the universe-expression.




The background of the universe-expression, is the definite extinction-state, or, being the definite existence-shape of the fourth dimension, or, being the shape of the zero-state-conservation of 3-dimensional structure. In common words, it is the state of without the existence of 3-dimensional structure. And then, the universe-expression is according to the definite-extinction-state, to protect that the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must be controlling everything; and, the universe-expression is according to the definite-extinction-state, to protect that the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must not be controlled.

Or, going apart away from the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, it is just entering the definite-extinction-state. And, there is no middle-choice. And, this is just the quantum-property, of creating out both the attractive-force and the repulsive-force, in simultaneous way. And, there is no middle-state in the gap between the attractive-force and the repulsive-force.

And then, it is either the extinction, or the existence; it is either the attractive, or the repulsive; and then, who is the friend, and who is the enemy. And then, is it whom who should be living? And, is it whom who should be dead? This is just the quantum-effect, and, is there anyone who understands the meaning?



第一要素,伽利略房子;第二要素,想法直径泡泡;第三要素,忏悔薄膜与基因图完整性之间的互为平行;这三个要素 构成了三位一体逆时针旋转时间维度。有人知道什么叫做三位一体逆时针旋转时间维度吗?相应地,有人知道什么是忏悔薄膜黑洞漩涡吗?

In the universe-expression, the thinking-diameter bubble is located in the gap-area between the pointer of force law and the right-bracket of “)”, or, being located at the right-side of the right-bracket of “)”. In the universe-expression, the Galileo’s room is located in the gap-area between the left-bracket of “(” and the inner-structure of inside the bracket, or, being located at the right-side of the left-bracket of “(”, and, it is to show the universe-position-state of the half of Galileo’s relativity. And, the relation between the inner-structure of inside bracket and the self-own of the bracket of “()”, is just the law of division between the whole and the partial.

And then, the Galileo’s room is fitting the law of partial conservation. But, the thinking-diameter bubble is connected with the law of the whole conservation. Even through the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, is fitting the law of partial conservation. And, clearly, the universe-expression is fitting the law of the whole conservation, and being connected with the law of holographic conservation.

The first element is the Galileo’s room; the second element is the thinking-diameter bubble; the third element is the state of being parallel with each other between the completeness of genome and the confessing membrane; these three elements are creating out the triple-into-one of anti-clockwise time dimension. And, is there anyone who understands what the triple-into-one of anti-clockwise time dimension is? Correspondently, is there anyone who understands what the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is?



In the universe-expression, the gap-area between the law of God’s power and the left-bracket of “(”, is just the time dimensional mutation-gap. Or, it is jumping into other time dimension of being different from the ruler-time-dimension. Or, it is going from to the position of existence into the position of inexistence, or, it is just the nothing. But, at the inner position of this nothing, it is the definer of defining be-alive, or, it is creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.

This is the problem of the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. And, this is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killings, and until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.




The problem is very clear. In the universe-expression, the direction-pointer is the constant unchangeable. Because of that, this direction-pointer of being held by the universe-expression, is the unique and the isolated and the definite. And, this unique isolated definite is fixed at the constant beginning-spot of the background of the extinction-state; and, this unique isolated definite is fixed at the constant ending-spot of the universe-expression.

If this specific direction-pointer is changed, then, the completed universe is the disappearance-state, or, entering the completed extinction-state of the completed universe. Because of that, this specific direction, is just going apart away the extinction-state, and, going into the existence-state.

The problem is also very clear. In the universe-expression, the meaning of the direction-pointer, is expressed through the pointer of force law, and through the law of God’s power. And, the direction-pointer is not expressed through any existence of being connected with the feeling-known. The law of God’s power is going through the extinction-state to express the direction-pointer; and, the pointer of force law, is going through the outer position of outside universe, to express the direction pointer.



Clearly, according to the law of God’s power, the law of God’s power is the nothing. And, according to the connection between the fantasy and the thinking at inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, the fantasy-structure proves that the pointer of force law is the nothing. The physical meaning of this situation is very clear, it is just the law of direction-expression, of going through cutting down the direction and then to express the direction. The problem is that, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown?

Does the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble know the direction-pointer of life-continuing, or not? The answer is definite, NO. Then, what is the meaning of this situation?


In the universe-expression, No.1, the gap-area between the law of God’s power and the left bracket of “(”, is the tunnel of being connected with the inner position of inside Galileo’s room, and, to show the moon of being trolled by God; No.2, the structures of being connected with the left bracket of “(”, are fixed at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, and, creating out the growth-direction of going into the right-side of the left bracket of “(”, or, creating out the growth-direction of going into the inner position of inside bracket of“()”. And then, the left bracket of “(”, is connected with the original creation-property; No.3, the thinking-diameter bubble, is fixed at the position of the right-side of the right bracket of “)”; No.4, the moving-track of the money-fluid is the fixed-connection with the right bracket of “)”, and, the moving-track of the money-fluid is of no ability to be connected with the left bracket of “(”, and, this is the clear-seeing-state of the constant-extinction-state, and then, there must be the existence of other structure; No.5, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, is the constant death-state. And, in the universe-expression, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, is not shown in direct way. The universe-expression is holding the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and then, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is connected with the pointer of force law through the middle bridge of fantasy-structure.




The problem is very clear, the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, have no ability to identify the direction-pointer of life-continuing. There must be the moon of being controlled by God, to give out the direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, there must be applying the moon of being controlled by God, to identify the direction-pointer of life-continuing. This is the law of volume conservation.

According to the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble having no ability to identify the direction-pointer of life-continuing, then, zombie is holding the ability to replace the direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.





Today is year of 2020 and mounth of 02 and date of 28

The gap of cutting life is holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Is this result fitting the experimental result? Is there anyone who wants to be the experimental material to do the experiment of giving out the experimental result? But, No.1, the gap of cutting life is the register of registering the language-fulcrum; No.2, the gap of cutting life is the register of registering the eligibility of choice-pole; No.3, the gap of cutting life is the register of registering the exchanging-spot. According to the gap of cutting life holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, then, there should be a name, to express the set of these three elements of being registered in the gap of cutting life, and, the name could be the life-destiny-quark.


The division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, is also holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Is this result fitting the experimental result? Is there anyone who wants to be the experimental material to do the experiment of giving out the experimental result? But, No.1, the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, is the register of registering the beginning-spot of creating out the experimental pointer; and, No.2, the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, is the register-spot of registering the life-continuing-principle; No.3, the principle of coming from the +1/2-country-space-bubble, is the principle of destroying the life-continuing, because of that, it is cutting down the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive; No.4, the principle of coming from the -1/2-country-space-bubble, is creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, because of that, this is the principle of being controlled by God, or, being the moon of being controlled by God, or, being the permission of coming from the natural measurement.


Clearly, the definer of defining the experimental pointer, is just the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration, and, being not the thinking-way at the inner position of thinking-diameter-bubble. Because of that, this is the effect of time-dimensional mutation. The experimental-data are not the experimental pointer, but, the experimental-data are destroying the experimental pointer. Because of that, the experimental-data are of no completeness. And, because of that, the target of the experimental-data is giving out the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, without the effect of mutation. There must be the completeness, of to show the mutation of creating out the experimental pointer, of fitting the completeness. And then, the definer of defining the experimental pointer, is just the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration. And, the experimental-data are not only the lifeless-property, but also cutting down the tunnel of transporting the inspiration, or, being the property of destroying human life.



Clearly, the definer of defining the section of life-continuing-principle, is also the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration, and, creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And, it is to show the God controlling the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. But, according to the law of direction-expression, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, must be cut down by the material. And then, the principle-section of life-continuing is the middle-breaking-spot of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, to show of cutting down the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing of being controlled by God.

And then, the meaning of controlling the material, is just controlling the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is just controlling the human life. Or, it is holding the ability of adding the principle of at the inner position of the +1/2-country-space-bubble into the principle-section, and then, it is holding the ability of both controlling and destroying the completed humankind. Or, it is the ability of pretending God, and driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, or, being the Bohr’s cost-particle. The name of expressing this-action of controlling the material, is just the “management”. Is there anyone who heard about the name of “management”? This is the angel-particle of being defined by zombie.



What is the physical meaning of the “material”? Or, what is the definition of defining the “material”? Any function or all functions are the materials. Or, any-state and all-states of cutting down the unit cooperation pointer, are all the materials, and, this is just the law of material conservation, of showing the applied-shape of the property going through everywhere. 

Clearly, this is not the problem of killing, but, being the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



The first element, the experimental pointer of with the beginning-spot being fixed at the outer surface of Galileo’s room, is to show the existence of according to excreting away the experimental-data; the second element, the section of life-continuing-principle of being registered on the outer surface of Galileo’s room, is to show the existence of according to giving out the choice-ability of life-continuing-selection; the third element, the law of God’s power transporting inspiration, or, the law of God’s power creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, creating out the life-continuing-principle through cutting down the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing of being controlled by God, is to show the law of God’s power being inexistence, of according to the law of God’s power.

In these three elements, there is the set of “single-inexistence” of being located at the inner position of Galileo’s room, and “double-existences” of being located at the outer-surface of Galileo’s room. The result is that, according to the background of the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, both the experimental pointer and the section of life-continuing-principle are creating out the quantum self-spin-effect of +1/2-1/2, or, being just the central-knot of the life-destiny-quark, of being fixed on the outer surface of Galileo’s room. According to the background of CCF field, this specific type of quantum self-spin-effect of being shown as the central-knot of the life-destiny-quark, is just the anti-clockwise time dimension, of showing the central dogma of universe vertical.



That is to say, the central-knot of life-destiny-quark is fixed at the position of the division-effect, between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, and, being connected with the universe horizontal direction. But, three elements of the life-destiny-quark are fixed in the gap of cutting life, and, being connected with the universe vertical direction.

The universe vertical direction is holding the effect of the universe horizontal direction, and, the universe horizontal direction is holding the effect of the universe vertical direction. The alternation-effect between the universe horizontal direction and the universe vertical direction, is just creating out the Bohr’s cost-particle, or, creating out the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, or, creating out the flesh-soup-sea of HAN-XIN, or, it is just the ability of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. The near-physical meaning of the Bohr’s cost-particle is just the vacuum, and, fitting the general Hubble’s law, or, being the effect of experimental pointer losing effectiveness.


No.1, the quantum self-spin-effect of the central-knot of life-destiny-quark, is fixed at the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room. No.2, one of the original creation-spots of creating out the central-knot of life-destiny-quark, is coming from the thinking-way at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble. No.3, the thinking-diameter bubble is connected with the definer of defining life, and being fixed at the right-side of the gap of cutting life, and, being fixed at the outer position of outside Galileo’s room. No.4, the inner position of Galileo’s room is connected with the definer of defining be-alive, and being fixed at the left-side of the gap of cutting life. No.5, the relation between the Galileo’s room and the thinking-diameter bubble, is also the quantum self-spin-effect of +1/2-1/2. No.6, the thinking-diameter bubble is also the Galileo’s room, but, of showing the universe-limited-edge.




The up-side of the central-knot of life-destiny-quark, is just the +1/2-country-space-bubble, of being fixed at the outer position of outside Galileo’s room. The down-side of the central-knot of life-destiny-quark, is just the -1/2-country-space-bubble, of being connected with the inner position of inside Galileo’s room. The function of the central-knot of life-destiny-quark, is dragging out the unit cooperation pointer.

The outer position of outside the nuclear surface of physical-nucleus, is just the +1/2-country-space-bubble, of being fixed at the outer position of outside Galileo’s room. The inner position of inside the nuclear surface of physical-nucleus, is just the -1/2-country-space-bubble, of being connected with the inner position of inside Galileo’s room. The existence of the physical-nucleus is just dragging out the unit cooperation pointer.

In the asymptotic freedom, the connection-area of being connected with the experimental pointer, or, the outer position of the 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom, or, the inner position of inside universe, is just the +1/2-country-space-bubble, of being fixed at the outer position of outside Galileo’s room. In the asymptotic freedom, area of destroying the experimental pointer, or, the inner position of inside 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, or, the tunnel of going into the connection with outer position of outside universe, is just the -1/2-country-space-bubble, of being connected with the inner position of inside Galileo’s room.



Comparing with the experimental result, the quantum self-spin-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, or, the quantum self-spin-effect between the +1/2-country-space-bubble and the -1/2-country-space-bubble, is shown as the quantum self-spin-effect of universe vertical. Comparing with that, the quantum self-spin-effect between different electrons, is shown as the quantum self-spin-effect of universe horizontal.

The quantum self-spin-effect of universe vertical is just the original creation spot of creating out the energy or creating out the potential energy. Or, the relation between the electron and the proton, is just one of the original creation spots of creating out the energy or creating out the potential energy. Or, the effect of excreting away the fourth dimension and creating out the 3-dimensional stability, is just the concept of the energy, or, the law of energy conservation. Is there anyone who heard about the name of energy or the name of potential energy? Is there anyone who heard about the law of energy conservation?


That is to say, according to the shape-Y of fitting the law of holographic conservation, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must be controlling every spot on the surface of earth, and, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing can’t be controlled.


And then, the zero-energy-level must be the artificial energy-lever. Is there anyone who cares about the zero-energy-level? If there is no zero-energy-level, then, what is the calculation-result of calculating energy? The gap-difference between the zero-energy-level and the energy-level of being controlled by God, is just the time-dimensional mutation-effect, of holding the unit cooperation pointer. And then, the Higgs boson or the God-particle, is just the unit cooperation pointer of being fixed in the asymptotic freedom, or, it is the principle of God creating out the universe, or, it is the fundamental principle of universe creating out the life.




The problem is very clear. The earth is the Galileo’s room of holding the isolated 3-dimensional structure. Any specific partial area on the earth-surface, is fitting the triple-pointers of shap-Y, and, fitting the law of holographic conservation. No.1, it is including a tree-stem-pointer, and being used into defining the outer position of outside Galileo’s room, and, being used into defining the half of Galileo’s relativity; No.2, it is including the tree-roots-pointer, and, being and being used into defining the inner position of inside Galileo’s room, and, being used into defining the completed Galileo’s relativity; No.3, it is including the self-own of Galileo’s room, and, being used into dragging out the unit cooperation pointer, and, creating out the connection with the universe-diameter, or, creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, simply, the Galileo’s room is just giving out the nutrition. Or, the universe-diameter is just the general nutrition. Or, the universe-diameter is just the universe-nutrition.


The problem is very clear. Does the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, be necessary or not? Or, does the nutrition be necessary or not? This is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. And, it is fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. That is to say, the unique way of answering this problem, is just the killing. Otherwise, there will be no answer in eternal way. The problem is that, what is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble?


Any specific partial area on the earth-surface is the shape-Y of fitting the law of holographic conservation, to show the triple-pointers. What is the meaning of the specific partial area on the earth-surface? Is there anyone who understands the meaning? The connection-area between a foot and the earth-surface, is just the specific partial area on the earth surface. Is there anyone who understands the meaning? This is just the triple-pointers of shape-Y to show fitting of the law of holographic conservation, and, No.1, it is including a +1/2-country-space-bubble; and, No.2, it is including a -1/2-country-space-bubble; and, No.3, it is including the earth of being the unique isolated Galileo’s room.


That is to say, any spot on the earth-surface is the triple-pointers of shape-Y, to show the fitting of the law of holographic conservation. The problem is that, what is the way of being used by math, to deal with this structure of the triple-pointers of shape-Y, with fitting the law of holographic conservation? How does math answer this question? What is the equation that math is to solve, to answer this question. That is to say, the mutual spin of weight-supporting, is just this structure of the triple-pointers of shape-Y, with fitting the law of holographic conservation. Is there anyone who understand the question? Clearly, this is not the problem of killing, but, being the large scale of killings, and, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.


The problem is very clear. The near-science must be connected with the Galileo’s room. And, the far-science must be connected with the extinction-property. It is getting the definite. The problem is that, what is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble. The direction-pointer of life-continuing must be controlling every spot on the surface of the earth. And, the direction-pointer of life-continuing can’t be controlled. Is there anyone who understand the meaning?




According to the unique Galileo’s room of the completed earth, at the inner position of the specific area on the earth-surface, it is creating out both the +1/2-country-space-bubble and the -1/2-country-space-bubble. Clearly, the language-name is only of the ability to touch the +1/2-country-space-bubble. And, the language-name is of no ability to touch the -1/2-country-space-bubble. Because of that, only the experimental pointer of holding the mutation-completeness, has the ability to touch the -1/2-country-space-bubble. And then, the name of the -1/2-country-space-bubble, is just the law of trying conservation, and, being not the name of “country”. The problem is that, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter-bubble be-known or be-unknown? What is the name of expressing the law of trying conservation? Any name and all names are destroying the law of trying conservation.


According to the central fulcrum of the specific area on the earth-surface, the single-dimensional tree-stem-pointer of defining the +1/2-country-space-bubble, is going from the beginning-spot of the specific area on the earth-surface, and, going towards sky. According to the central fulcrum of the specific area on the earth-surface, the single-dimensional tree-roots-pointer of defining the -1/2-country-space-bubble is going from the beginning-spot of the specific area on the earth-surface, and going into the connection with the periodic table of chemical elements.


There is no language-symbol to express the -1/2-country-space-bubble. Because of that, the meaning of the tree-roots-pointer is the law of trying conservation, or, the experimental pointer of holding the mutation-completeness, and, going into the disappearance of the feeling-known, or, going into the inner position of inside Galileo’s room. That is to say, the language-fulcrum is only the ability to touch the +1/2-country-space-bubble.  And, the language-fulcrum is of no ability to touch the -1/2-country-space-bubble. The problem is that, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter-bubble be-known or be-unknown?


Both the tree-stem-pointer and the tree-roots-pointer are showing of the pair of opposite directions. But, it is the specific area on the earth-surface, to make the division-effect between the tree-stem-pointer and the tree-roots-pointer, or, creating out the division-effect between the upward-direction and the downward-direction, or, creating out the division-effect between the inner position of inside Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside Galileo’s room, or, creating out the Galileo’s relativity. And, it is just touching the final-result of the isolated 3-dimension on the earth-surface.


That is to say, the way of universe creating out the isolated 3-dimensional stable structure, is just making division-effect between the opposite directions at first, and then, it is creating out the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, or, it is just the unit cooperation-pointer of going from the property to the rule to the function. Or, the specific area on the earth surface, is making division-effect between the tree-stem-pointer and the tree-roots-pointer, and, going towards the outer position of outside Galileo’s room, and going towards the inner position of inside Galileo’s room, in respective way. And, the final result is creating out the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of being held by the universe-diameter. Or, the final result is creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, the final result is to show the ability of universe creating out the life.


In the twisted-shape 8of being created out by the pair of the +1/2-country-space-bubble and the -1/2-country-space-bubble, this name of “country” is of only the ability to express the +1/2-country-space-bubble , and, this name of “country” is of no ability to express the -1/2-country-space-bubble.


That is to say, this name of “country” is of no meaning. The expression-maker of expressing the name of “country”, is just the tree-stem-pointer of creating out the +1/2-country-space-bubble. That is to say, this name of “country”, is not the “country” in completed way. The tree-stem-pointer of creating out the +1/2-country-space-bubble, is just the name of being used to express the meaning of “country”.


Because of that, No.1, the tree-stem-pointer is not the isolated tree-stem-pointer, but, it must be the tree-stem-pointer of holding the tree-roots-pointer. No.2, and, the tree-roots-pointer is not this name of the tree-roots-pointer, but, the tree-roots-pointer must be the connection-tunnel of being connected with the moon of being controlled by God. No.3, the moon of being controlled by God, is creating out the law of God’s power according to the connection with the extinction-property. And then, the law of God’s power is either the quantum-vessel, or the holographic creation-spot of creating out the quantum-vessel. Is this the universe-singularity? No.4, the law of God’s power is going through the connection with the extinction-property, to create out the result of going apart away the extinction-property. Or, it is creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of being held by the universe-diameter. No.5, according to the background of the lifeless-property, the law of God’s power is transporting the unit cooperation pointer, to show the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter. No.6, according to the background of the life-property, the law of God’s power is transporting the inspiration, to show the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter.


That is to say, the tree-stem-pointer is to show the holographic structure of shape-Y, of holding three different direction-pointers. It is just changing the pair of opposite directions, into the holographic-particle-structure of showing the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction. And it is just the law of holographic conservation of holding the shape-Y, or, it is just the law of holographic conservation. No.1, the tree-stem-pointer is including the tree-stem-pointer; No.2, the tree-stem-pointer is including the tree-roots-pointer; No.3, the tree-stem-pointer is including the unit cooperation pointer; No.4, the unit cooperation pointer is coming from the law of God’s power; No.5, the law of God’s power is connected with the extinction-property; No.6, the problem is that, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown.


Clearly, the method of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just applying the tree-stem-pointer to replace the tree-roots-pointer. Or, it is applying the feeling-known-effect to replace the effect of destroying the feeling-known. Or, it is just destroying the volume-known of being located at the inner position of inside thinking-diameter-bubble. And, it is just the division effect between the red-bean and the black-bean. And, the problem is that, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown.




The name of “society”, is just to show the connection-structure between the definer of defining be-alive and the definer of defining life. Is there anyone who heard about the name of “society”? Applying the specific area on the surface of the earth, to restrict the meaning of the name of the “society”, it is shown as the name of “country”. Clearly, the name of “society” and the name of “country”, are either the connection-structure of between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, or the structure of destroying the connection-structure of between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. And, this is just the angel-particle of being defined by zombie. What is the method of making the division-effect into the difference between the “existence” and the “destroying”? The problem is very clear, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown?


Clearly, the connection-structure between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, is not restricted by the specific closed area on the earth-surface of being held by the name of “country”. Because of that, this is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, being just the universe-diameter. What is the place where the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is not necessary? If name-A thinks that, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is not necessary, then, it is cutting down the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing of being held by the name-A, and, it is to see the experimental result.


The completed earth-surface or the closed earth-surface, is just the Galileo’s room. Is this result fitting the experimental result? And then, as the completed earth-surface being the Galileo’s room, it is holding the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room. And, any specific closed area on the earth-surface, is fitting the law of partial conservation, and, being fixed at the outer position of outside the Galileo‘s room, and, being shown as the half of Galileo’s relativity. Is this result fitting the experimental result?



According to the beginning-spot of the specific closed area on the earth-surface, adding an upward-direction-pointer of pointing towards the sky, and then, it is creating out a 3-dimensional space-bubble. And, the name of this 3-dimensional space-bubble is just the name of “country”. And, it could be called as the +1/2-country-space-bubble. Is this result fitting the experimental result? And, the definer of defining the “upward-direction-pointer”, is just the definer of defining life.

According to the beginning-spot of the specific closed area on the earth-surface, adding a downward-direction-pointer of pointing towards the connection with the periodic table of chemical elements, and then, it is creating out a 3-dimensional space-bubble. And, the name of this 3-dimensional space-bubble is also the name of “country”. And, it could be called as the -1/2-country-space-bubble. Is this result fitting the experimental result? And, the definer of defining the “downward-direction-pointer”, is just the definer of defining be-alive.


因此,+1/2“国家”空间泡泡与-1/2“国家”空间泡泡之间的连接性,就是量子自旋效应(+1/2, -1/2),并创生共价键连接性。这个结果,符合实验结果吗?

No matter the +1/2-country-space-bubble, or the -1/2-country-space-bubble, all are 3-dimensional space-bubbles. Because of that, it is 2-dimension adding single-dimension. And the Galileo’s room, is the definer of defining the isolated 3-dimensional space-bubble of holding the lifeless-property, and being shown as the shape of the isolated 3-dimensional space-bubble.

And then, the connection between the +1/2-country-space-bubble and the -1/2-country-space-bubble, is just the quantum self-spin of (+1/2, -1/2), and, creating out the covalent-bond. Is this result fitting the experimental result?

因此,“国家”这个名称表达的非生命属性三维空间泡泡,是一个量子自旋效应,表达为扭“8”字形状。扭“8”字形状中的两个圆周线的公共切点,就是地球表面上特定的封闭面积。并且,两个圆周线,表达两个三维空间泡泡。两个三维空间泡泡互为分离,构成量子自旋(+1/2, -1/2),表达伽利略房子内部与伽利略房子外部之间的划分效应,分别表达生命含义定义器与活命含义定义器的不同空间存在位置,表达宇宙水平方向确定性。


And then, the 3-dimensional space-bubble of lifeless-property of being expressed by the name of “country”, is the quantum self-spin-effect, and, being shown as the twisted-shape of “8”. The public-tangent-spot between the two circle-lines of the twisted-shape of “8”, is just the specific closed area on the earth-surface. And, these two circle-lines are to show two different 3-dimensional space-bubbles. And, the division-effect between these two 3-dimensional space-bubbles are creating out the quantum self-spin of (+1/2, -1/2), and, it is to show the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room. And it is to show the different positions of the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, in respective way, and being shown as the definite direction of universe-horizontal.

Comparing with that, No.1, the division-effect between the life-property and the lifeless-property, is just the gap of cutting life of in the CCF field, and, being shown as the definite direction of universe-vertical; No.2, the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, or, the Bohr’s cost-particle, is the alternation-effect between the universe-horizontal and the universe-vertical.


The fundamental existence-shape of zombie, is just creating out the theory of building country. The method of zombie driving humankind into the extinction, is just doing the action of building country. This is just the connection between the theory and the action, or, being the connection between the thinking and the action. Is there any equal-sign, between this name of “country” and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing? Is there any necessary of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing? Is there any necessary of the connection-structure between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive? Clearly, this is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.


The near-science must be connected with the Galileo’s room, and, creating out the definite. The far-science must be connected with the extinction-property, and, creating out the definite. The problem is that, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown.






The problem is very clear. The structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive, is just the time-dimensional-mutation structure, and, including the pair of opposite directions.

One of the direction-pointer in the opposite directions, is the experimental-pointer of holding the mutation or holding the completeness, it is including No.1 of according to the beginning-spot of feeling-known, and, it is including No.2 of according to the procedure of time-dimensional mutation, and, it is including No.3 of the ending-spot of destroying the feeling-known.

The other direction-pointer in the opposite directions, is creating out the effect of knowing the natural measured property, and, it is including No.1 of according to the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration; and, it is including No2 of according to the procedure of the inspiration touching the completeness or mutation of being held by the experimental pointer; and, it is including No.3 of the ending-spot of returning back the inspiration into the connection with the feeling-known of specific selfish-triangle, through the disappearance of the completeness, or, through the disappearance of the mutation, and then, it is creating out the feeling-known of knowing the natural measured property. It is including No.4 of that, this is the feeling-known of being located at the inner position of the specific selfish triangle, and, it is not the feeling-known of other selfish-triangle. And, it is including No.5 of that, this is the relation between the “one” and all the whole, and, the original creation spot of creating out this type of natural measured property is just the duality-connection between the infinite and the infinitesimal.



The problem is very clear. The structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive is the mutual-spin of the pair of opposite directions, of showing the largest space-scope that feeling-known has ability to touch, with the supporting–help of coming from the experimental pointer. Or, it is just the feeling-known-universe. No.1, the near-physics has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the feeling-known-universe. No.2, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the feeling-known-universe. No.3, the thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the feeling-known-universe. No.4, the thinking at the inner position of the thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the feeling-known-universe.

No.5, at the inner position of the universe, the unique isolated tunnel of holding the ability to go beyond the space-scope of the feeling-known-universe, is just the pointer of energy-shrinking, of being supported by the completed enough of the near-science. No.6, the pointer of energy-shrinking, is just the universe of going beyond the imagining ability of the selfish-triangle.



The problem is very clear. The initialized primitive state of the structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive, is just the mutual-spin of quantum self-spin between the thinking-diameter bubble and the fruit of plant. At this time, the thinking at the inner position of the thinking-diameter bubble, was choosing between the harm of the plant-fruit and the benefit of the plant-fruit, and, creating out the covalent-bond. But, there is no caring about the gap-existence between the nutrition and the roots.

The meaning of this covalent-bond, is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, being just the universe-diameter. Because of that, the law of God’s power is just located at the gap-position between the nutrition and the roots. And, zombie had been researching this problem for more than two thousand years, at least.


The problem is very clear. The ultimate-state of the structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive, is just the quantum self-spin-state between the thinking-diameter bubble and the pair of opposite directions of being held by the structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive. Clearly, at this time, it is not the problem of quantum self-spin between the thinking diameter bubble and the pair of opposite directions, but, it is the problem of that, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown. Only if based on the be-known, there will be the choice of life-continuing. If based on the be-unknown, there will be no choice of life-continuing, or, there will be the choice of destroying the life.


The problem is very clear, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking diameter bubble be-known of be-unknown? And, according to the law of determination coming from the background, it is putting the ultimate-state of the structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive, into the position of feeling-known having the ability to touch, then, it is observation of observing the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, it is the be-known or be-unknown.




The gap-position between the structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive and the structure of creating out the definer of defining life, is just the position of the fifth universe, or, being the common said of the name of “society”.

Clearly, the life-function of the “society”, is creating out the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. But, the problem is that, going through the name of “society”, is it showing the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive? Does the name of “society” have the ability to show the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing? And then, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown?

When the name of “society” is restricted by the specific area on the surface of the earth, it is changed into the name of “country”. But, the problem is that, does the name of “country” have the ability to show the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing?


The existence of zombie, is based on the fundamental-theory of building the “country”. And then, does the name of “country” have the ability to show the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing? The problem is very clear. Is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown?




No.1, the connection between the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN and the pointer of force law, is just the thinking diameter-bubble, and, it is also the BA-GUA-axle of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN. No.2, the self-original-structure of the connection between the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN and the pointer of force law, is just the connection between the gap of cutting life and the pointer of force law, and, being connected with the direction of universe vertical. No.3, the connection between the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN and the law of God’s power, is just the experimental pointer picking out the inspiration of being transported by the law of God’s power, and, it is also the TAI-JI-axle of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN. No.4, the self-original-structure of the connection between the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN and the law of God’s power, is just the connection between the law of God’s power and the inner position of Galileo’s room, and, being connected with the direction of universe horizontal. No.5, the space-scope of the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, is the space-scope that the thinking-ability or the imaging-ability at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, has no ability to go beyond, or, being the feeling-known-universe that every person has ability to known. No.6, the pointer of force law is creating out the definer of defining life, and, the pointer of force law is connected with the outer position of outside universe. No.7, the law of God’s power is creating out the definer of defining be-alive, and, the law of God’s power is connected with the extinction-property.


The black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the constant-death-state. And, there must be the covalent-bond-connection of quantum self-spin between the thinking-diameter bubble and the Galileo’s room, to create out the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, and it is just creating out the meaning of be-alive. The initialized-state of the quantum self-spin between the thinking-diameter bubble and the Galileo’s room, is just seeing the fruit of plant, or, it is the quantum self-spin-effect between the feeling-known and the fruit of plant. Or, it is just the common-said of the primitive society, and, being shown as the covalent-bond of coming from the fifth universe-force. That is to say, the structure of defining the be-alive-property, is the double-layers-structure of double-layers. Or, it is the double-layers-effect of the fourth dimension of double-layers-way.


The first layer of the double-layers-structure of defining be-alive is that, the first layer is the connection-layer of feeling-known, or, being the covalent-bond-connection of quantum self-spin between the thinking-diameter bubble and the Galileo’s room, and, being shown as the existence of life-habit-circulation. The second layer is the layer of feeling-known-disappearance, and being the experimental-pointer picking out the inspiration of being transported by the law of God’s power. Or, it is accepting the measurement of coming from God, or, it is accepting the measurement of coming from nature.


The second layer of the double-layers-structure of defining be-alive is also the double-layers-structure. The first layer is the structure-existence-layer, and, being the gap-quantum-line of being created out at the position of the gap between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, or, being the layer of being connected with the universe-diameter, and, fitting the law of partial conservation. The second layer is the extinction-property-layer, and, being expressed through the anti-clockwise time dimension in the background of extinction-property. And, it is just to show the effect of going through excreting away the extinction-property to create out the existence-structure of inner universe, and, it is to show the existence of the life-instinct-circulation.


The focused central spot of the double-layers-structure of defining be-alive of in the double-layers-situation, is just experimental pointer picking out the inspiration of being transported by the law of God’s power. Or, it is the fixed structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is the mutation-gap between the extinction-property and the existence-structure, and, being the physical meaning of time dimensional mutation. Clearly, the fixed structure of creating out the definer of defining be-alive, is the structure of destroying feeling-known in constant way, or, being the alternation between the existence-structure and the extinction-property. And then, the definition-structure of defining be-alive that can be known in constant way, is just creating out the covalent-bond through the quantum self-spin between the thinking-diameter bubble and the Galileo’s room. The problem is very clear, No.1, is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be-known or be-unknown? No.2, what is the thinking at the inner position of inside thinking-diameter bubble? No.3, what is the way of controlling the thinking at the inner position of inside thinking-diameter bubble? No.4, is the thinking at the inner position of inside thinking-diameter bubble, be-freedom or be-un-freedom?


The definition-structure of defining life is including three elements. The first element is the confessing membrane; the second element is the life-growth-pointer of going from the confessing membrane towards the pointer of force law, the third element is the pointer of force law cutting down the life-growth-pointer, and, creating out the fantasy-structure. And then, the structure of the definer of defining life is located at the tangent-edge-position of the thinking-diameter bubble. Or, the definer of defining life is the controller of controlling the thinking. Or, it is just the willing-power of life, to drive the movement of thinking, and it is just the effect of the fifth universe-force.


No.1, the near-science of being based on the near-physics is of no ability to go beyond the life-growth-pointer. No.2, the near-science of being based on the near-physics is of no ability to go beyond the structure of experimental pointer picking out the inspiration. No.3, and then, the near-science of being based on the near-physics is fixed in the gap-area between the life-growth-pointer and the experimental pointer picking out the inspiration, and, this is the space-scope of detectable universe. No.4, the space-scope of detectable universe is of no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN. No.5, because of that, the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN is parasitic on both the universe vertical and the universe horizontal. And No.6, does the near-physics understand what the universe horizontal is? No.7, does the near-physics understand what the universe vertical is? No.8, the answer is definite, no.



玻尔成本粒子,就是韩信肉羹粒子,也就是僵尸定义的天使粒子。包含三层结构。宇宙垂直方向层,是生命断裂缝隙;宇宙水平方向层,是伽利略房子内部与外部之间的划分效应,也就是伽利略相对性。半边伽利略相对性,就是牛顿第一定律,表达伽利略房子外部与感受知道之间连接的定常状态。因此,数学的宇宙位置,定位在半边伽利略相对性的位置。因此,依据伽利略相对性,量子效应导致了数学与科学之间的分离。数学不是科学,而是感受知道被连接到科学的工具,显现为, rel 科学(数学)感受知道 rel =>  数学的宇宙位置。因为数学不知道另外半边虚数空间是什么,并创生黎曼猜想。而另外半边虚数空间,连接着天威定律。因为,当数学认为另外半边虚数空间不存在的时候,上帝认为另外半边虚数空间是存在的。用数学替代科学,就是驱动人类走向灭绝的韩信肉羹粒子。


Bohr’s cost-particle is just the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, and, being the angel-particle of being defined by zombie. It is including three layers of structure. The universe-vertical-layer is just the gap of cutting life; the universe-horizontal-layer is the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room. Or simply, it is the Galileo’s relativity. And, the half of Galileo’s relativity is just the first law of Newton, to show the fixed connection state between the outer position of Galileo’s room and the feeling-known. And then, the universe-position of math, is just fixed at the position of the half of Galileo’s relativity. And then, it is just according to the Galileo’s relativity, to make the quantum effect driving out the division-effect between the science and the math. The math is not the science, but, being the tool of creating out the connection between the science and the feeling-known, to show the rel the science(the math)the feeling-known rel => the universe-position of math. Because of that, the math does not know what the other half of imaginary-number-space is, and, creating out the Riemann hypothesis. And, the other half of imaginary-number-space is connected with the law of God’s power. Because of that, when the math thinks that, the other half of imaginary-number-space IS NOT the existence, then, God thinks that, the other half of imaginary-number-space IS the existence. Applying the math to replace the science, it is just the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

In Bohr’s cost-particle or in the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, the alternation-layer between the universe-vertical-layer and the universe-horizontal-layer is just the quantum-disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, or, being the original creation spot of creating out the second law of thermal dynamics. Is it the scientific high-tech? But, the pointer of the energy-shrinking is the original creation spot of creating out the energy, and being also the original creation spot of creating out the law of energy-conservation.


Bohr’s cost-particle or the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, is to show the largest-scope of the feeling-known-ability. What is the meaning? This is creating out the wave-function. The thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to imagine what the outer position of outside the Bohr’s cost-particle is, no matter the clever or the foolish.



The connection between the pointer of force law and the Bohr’s cost-particle or the connection between the pointer of force law and the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, is just the thinking-diameter bubble. The connection between the law of God’s power and the Bohr’s cost-particle or the connection between the law of God’s power and the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, is just the experimental pointer picking out the inspiration, through the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration. The experimental pointer IS just the completeness or the mutation. And, the experimental pointer IS NOT the experimental data, but, coming from the experimental data, or, coming from the mutation of the experimental data. The law of God’s power is connected with the extinction-property, and, the pointer of force law is connected with the outer position-structure of outside universe. That is to say, the near science of being based on the near-physics, has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the Bohr’s cost-particle, or, to go beyond the space-scope of the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN.

Or, the Bohr’s cost-particle, or, the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, is just the fundamental principle of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.


rel 天威定律(韩信肉羹粒子或者玻尔成本粒子)力定律指针rel =>沿着逆时针旋转时间维度轨迹的韩信肉羹量子盘的存在形态。

或者,rel活命含义定义器(韩信肉羹粒子或者玻尔成本粒子)生命含义定义器rel =>沿着逆时针旋转时间维度轨迹的韩信肉羹量子盘的存在形态。


Is there anyone who understands the meaning of the Bohr’s cost-particle? Is there anyone who wants to research the Bohr’s cost-particle? What is the way of researching the Bohr’s cost-particle? The Bohr’s cost-particle is just the angel-particle of being defined by zombie.

The rel the law of God’s power(the Bohr’s cost-particle or the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN) the pointer of force law rel => the existence-shape of the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN going along the track of anti-clockwise time dimension.

Or, rel the definer of defining be-alive(the Bohr’s cost-particle or the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN) the definer of defining life rel => the existence-shape of the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN going along the track of anti-clockwise time dimension.

The gap of cutting life is connected with the pointer of force law to create out the BA-GUA-axle of flesh-soup; the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, is connected with the law of God’s power, to create out the TAI-JI-axle of flesh-soup. And then, where is the position of the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble? Is it the be-known or the be-unknown?


The near-science has no ability to go beyond the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN. The near-physics is fitting the law of partial conservation; and, the near-science is fitting the law of partial conservation. Is there any evidence to prove it? Is it necessary of any evidence to prove it?


No.1, according to that, the thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN; No.2, according to that, the near-physics has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, and, being pair with that, the experimental pointer has no ability to go beyond the space-restriction of both the asymptotic freedom and the Hubble’s law; No.3, the result is that, the thinking-diameter bubble is shown as the thinking-space-particle, and, the space-scope of the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, is shown as the background of the thinking-diameter bubble. And then, it is creating out the similar-true-structure of the quantum vessel, and, this similar-true-structure of the quantum vessel, is just applying the human persons into the materials, to create out the animals; No4, according to the law of determination coming from background, the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN will be controlling the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubbles, in completed way. Comparing with that, the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the Galileo’s room, is creating out the quantum self-spin of (-1/2,+1/2); No.5, at the inner position of inside universe, the unique isolated tunnel of holding the ability of going beyond the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN, is just the pointer of energy-shrinking, and also, why?




The pointer of force law is defining the right-side of the gap of cutting life; the law of God’s power is defining the left-side of the gap of cutting life. In the CCF field, the division-effect between the left-side and the right-side, is to show the direction of universe vertical. Or, it is defining the direction of universe vertical.


The outer position of outside the Galileo’s room is connected with the light-track according to supporting the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, it is going through the light-track to be connected with the pointer of force law; the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room is connected with the asymptotic freedom, and, it is going through the asymptotic freedom to be connected with law of God’s power. The division-effect between the inner position of the Galileo’s room and outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, is to show the direction of universe horizontal. Or, it is defining the direction of universe horizontal.


No matter the gap of cutting life, or the division effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, all are the effect of cutting down the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, and, all are the property of driving the completed humankind into the extinction, and, being overlapped with the property of the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN.


And then, No.1, the gap of cutting life; No.2, the division effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room; No.3, the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, these three elements are creating out the triple-layers-structure of the Bohr’s cost, or, being the angel-particle of being defined by zombie, or, the particle of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, or, being the eternal choice-particle of humankind between the living and the extinction. Is this the scientific high-tech?


No.1, the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, is defining the direction of universe horizontal; No.2, the gap of cutting life, is defining the direction of universe vertical. And then, No.3, the physical meaning of the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, is just the transformation-particle between the direction of universe vertical and the direction of universe horizontal. Or, the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, is just located in the gap-area between the direction of universe vertical and the direction of universe horizontal. And, this is just the cost-particle of Bohr.


The Bohr’s cost-particle is going through the alternation-transformation between the direction of universe vertical and the direction of universe horizontal, to cut down the universe-diameter in completed way. That is to say, the wave-function is just the universe-diameter, or, being connected with the universe-diameter, and being shown as the quantum vessel. And, the Bohr’s cost-particle or the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN is located in the gap-area between the dot and the background.


rel 宇宙垂直方向(韩信肉羹量子盘)宇宙水平方向rel => 玻尔成本粒子或者宇宙垂直交变粒子,也就是僵尸定义的天使粒子,也就是宇宙常数。

或者,rel 生命断裂缝隙(韩信肉羹量子盘)伽利略房子内部与外部之间的划分效应 rel => 玻尔成本粒子或者宇宙垂直交变粒子,也就是僵尸定义的天使粒子,也就是宇宙常数。

And then, the relation between the direction of universe vertical and the direction of universe horizontal, is just expressed as,

rel the direction of universe vertical(the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN)the direction of universe horizontal rel => the Bohr’s cost-particle or the alternation-particle of universe vertical, or, being the angel-particle of being defined by zombie, or, the universe-constant.

Or, rel the gap of cutting life(the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN) the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room rel => the Bohr’s cost-particle or the alternation-particle of universe vertical, or, being the angel-particle of being defined by zombie, or, the universe-constant.


That is to say, the central dogma of universe vertical is just going through the alternation-transformation between the direction of universe vertical and the direction of universe horizontal, to create out the 3-dimensional structure finally. Or, it is going through excreting away the fourth dimension, to create out the 3-dimension. Or, it is going through excreting away the extinction-property, to create out the existence. Or, it is going through excreting away the opposite directions, to create out the unique isolated direction-pointer of universe-diameter. Or, it is going through excreting away the chaos, to create out the sequence. And so on. And, it is just the relation between the immune-effect and the metabolism, or, being the relation between the mass and the energy, or, being the relation between the space and the time. Or, it is general Newton’s law, or, it is the original creation mechanism of creating out the Newton’s law. Or, it is the space-time-bending of Einstein. Is the flesh-soup-particle of HAN-XIN being the general-united-particle?




In the triple-into-one structure of anti-clockwise time dimension, the thinking-diameter bubble is connected with the pointer of force law through the fantasy-structure; the inner position of inside Galileo’s room is connected with the law of God’s power. The law of God’s power is creating out the definer of defining be-alive; the pointer of force law is creating out the definer of defining life. According to the constant-unchangeable of both the pointer of force law and the law of God’s power, the pair of the thinking-diameter bubble and the Galileo’s room are creating out the quantum self-spin of (-1/2,+1/2).


The pointer of force law is located at the outer position of outside the light-track, and, going to the connection with the outer position of outside the universe. The law of God’s power is connected with the inner position of inside the asymptotic freedom, and going to the connection with outer position of outside the universe through the extinction-property. And then, the covalent bond is located in the gap-area between the light-track and the asymptotic freedom, to create out the central-dogma of universe vertical, and, to create out the central principle of science. Covalent bond is coming from the fifth universe-force, and the thinking at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble is also controlled by the fifth universe-force, and running in the background of the fifth universe-force. The thinking at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble is shown as the pair of dot-background, and being shown as the quantum vessel, and being shown as the holographic structure of universe.


Simply, the covalent bond is located at the position of the gap between the 3-dimensional existence-structure and the fourth dimension. Or, the covalent bond is located at the position of the gap between the 3-dimensional existence-structure and the extinction-property. Or, simply, the covalent bond is located at the position of the gap between the existence and the extinction-property. Or, the covalent bond is located at the position of the gap between the existence and the nothing, and, creating out the physical quantum-effect. Clearly, the Nobel-Prize holders in the shameless-idiot-club have no ability to understand this meaning. And, according to the crime of death-conservation, the Nobel-Prize should be thrown into the historical garbage-bin.


According to the ultimate experimental result of the near-physics, the asymptotic freedom is located at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, the asymptotic freedom is controlled by God, and to define the definer of defining the inner position of inside Galileo’s room. Clearly, this is not the inner position of Galileo’s room of being imagined by the thinking at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble. Or, the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, is going into the connection with the extinction-property of driving the completed universe into extinction, and, being connected with the law of God’s poer.


And then, the general meaning of the Galileo’s relativity is that, the extinction-property has no ability to know what the existence is; and, the existence has no ability to know what the extinction-property is. Or, doing experiment in the background of the extinction, there is no method to detect what the existence is; and, doing experiment in the background of the existence, there is no method to detect what the extinction is. This is the Galileo’s relativity. And, clearly, the straight-line-moving of homogenous speed, is only the ultimate 3-dimensional boundary of Galileo’s relativity of showing the half of Galileo’s relativity. Clearly, this problem is related with the Riemann hypothesis, and, it is very easy to understand.


No.1, the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room is connected with the law of God’s power; No.2, the law of God’s power is connected with the property of driving the completed universe into extinction. And then, the division-effect between the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, is defining the universe horizontal direction. Or, every 3-dimensional detectable structure in the universe and all the 3-dimensional detectable structures in the universe, are creating out the universe horizontal direction. Or, according to the beginning-spot of inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, and, according the ending-spot of outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, it is creating out direction-pointer of the universe vertical, to show the meaning of the central-dogma of universe vertical.


According to the background of the CCF field, the law of God’s power is defining the left-side of the gap of cutting life; and, the pointer of force law is defining the right-side of the gap of cutting life. The law of God’s power is connected with the asymptotic freedom, and creating out the periodic table of chemical elements. Or, the law of God’s power is creating out the definer of defining be-alive; and, the pointer of force law is connected with the light-track through creating out the definer of defining life.





The original creation structure of creating out the triple-into-one structure of anti-clockwise time dimension, is just the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane. The selfish-triangle is the top-layer of the triple-layers-structure of the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane. The thinking-diameter bubble is located at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle. And, the feeling-known is restricted at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble. Clearly, the selfish triangle is controlling the thinking at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble in completed way.

Is there anyone who understands the meaning of controlling-the-thinking? Is there anyone who wants to research the techs of controlling-the-thinking? Is there anyone who understands the useful of the techs of controlling-the-thinking?


The isolated triple-layers-structure of the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, is the constant death-state. According to the background of the triple-into-one structure of anti-clockwise time dimension, the definer of defining be-alive is coming from the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. And then, the definition of defining be-alive, is directly related with the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room. Or, simply, the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the outer position of Galileo’s room, is just to define the be-alive-property of life.


Is there anyone who understands the meaning of defining the be-alive-property? Is there anyone who wants to research the tech of defining the be-alive-property? Is there anyone who understands the useful of the tech of defining the be-alive-property? No matter what, the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, is just the group of tech-sets of defining the be-alive-property. Because of that, the definer of defining life, is defining the bright-side of the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN; and, the definer of defining be-alive, is defining the dark-side of the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN. Is this the scientific high-tech?


It is the quantum self-spin effect between the Galileo’s room and the thinking-diameter bubble, and, it is creating out the general covalent bond, or, it is creating out the connection with the universe-diameter. And, the thinking-diameter bubble is located at the top-layer of the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, or, being located at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle, and, being connected with the death-state in constant way. And then, the definer of defining be-alive is located at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, why?


But, every scientific experimental result and all the scientific experimental results, are located at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room. And it is giving out the explanation of what the covalent bond is, according to going through the quantum self-spin between the Galileo’s room and the thinking-diameter bubble, and, it is giving out the feeling-know into the inner position of the inside the thinking-diameter bubble.


But, according to the mutation-effect between different time dimensions, or, according to the division-effect between the inner position of Galileo’s room and outer position of Galileo’s room, the definer of defining be-alive is destroying the feeling-known in constant way. Or, the results of scientific experiments are not the definer of defining be-alive. But, the results of scientific experiments want to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive, according to the bridge-connection of the division-effect between inner position of Galileo’s room and outer position of Galileo’s room. The definer of defining be-alive is located at the inner position of Galileo’s room. This is the measurement coming from God, or, it is the natural measurement. This is measuring the thinking at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble. Is there anyone who understands the meaning?



The definition of defining be-alive is coming from the measurement of God. Or, the definition of defining be-alive is created out through the natural measurement. Clearly, the natural measurement is totally different from the artificial measurement. The natural measurement is the measurement of coming from the law of God’s power, or, of coming from the inner position of inside Galileo’s room. But, the artificial measurement is coming from the black-hole-whirlpool structure of confessing membrane of going apart away from the fantasy, or, the artificial measurement is coming from the isolated black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane of going apart away from the pointer of force law. Or, the artificial measurement is fixed at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room. Or, the artificial measurement is coming from the death-state. What is the meaning?

The original creation spot of creating out the artificial measurement is coming from the definite death-state. But, the original creation spot of creating out the natural measurement is the God. Is there anyone who understands the difference?




In the structure of triple-into-one of anti-clockwise time dimension, the thinking-diameter bubble is connected with the definer of defining life, or, being connected with the pointer of force law; the Galileo’s room is connected with the definer of defining be-alive, or, being connected with the law of God’s power. The mutual-spin of being made up of both the confessing membrane and the completeness of genome being parallel with each other, is connected with the mutual-spin of weight-supporting.


rel力定律指针(重力支撑双子旋)天威定律rel => 地球表面背景中的最简宇宙直径物理通道,

以及,rel力定律指针(想法直径泡泡内部的想法与活命含义定义器的连接性)天威定律rel => 地球表面背景中的最简宇宙直径想法通道。


And then, the universe-diameter-expression of according to the background of the earth surface, is just,

rel the pointer of force law(the mutual-spin of weight-supporting)the law of God’s power rel => the physical tunnel of the simplest-universe-diameter of under the background of the earth surface,

and, rel the pointer of force law(the connection between the thinking at the inner position of thinking diameter bubble and the definer of defining be-alive)the law of God’s power rel => the thinking-tunnel of the simplest-universe-diameter of under the background of the earth surface.

Clearly, this is the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension of creating out the structure of the earth surface. This double-tunnels-structure is the universe-dot, and then, the background of this universe-dot is just the anti-clockwise time dimension, to drive out the connection between the thinking and the definer of defining be-alive, and creating out the universe-diameter. This is the quantum-vessel-structure of being made up of the mutual-spin of dot-background.


Clearly, No.1, the physical tunnel of the simplest-universe-diameter of under the background of the earth surface, is controlled by God, and, No.2, the thinking-tunnel of the simplest-universe-diameter of under the background of the earth surface, is artificial controlled.


According to the triple-into-one of anti-clockwise time dimension, what is the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble? At the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble, it is the be-known of being connected with the feeling-known; at the outer position of outside the thinking-diameter bubble, it is the be-unknown of destroying the connection with the feeling-known. And then, is it the be-known or the be-unknown?




The black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the triple-layers of structure. The top-layer is the selfish-triangle including three vertexes. The first vertex is the pointer of the force law. The second vertex is the language fulcrum. The third vertex is the confessing membrane.


At the inner position of the selfish-triangle, it is the thinking-diameter bubble. The measurement of the thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to go beyond the measurement of the selfish triangle. According to the existence of the mutual-spin of the weight-supporting, the existence-background of the thinking-diameter bubble is just the isolated 3-dimensional background on the surface of the earth. And then, according to the law of determination coming from background, the thinking-diameter bubble is an isolated 3-dimensional space-bubble. And, the thinking at the inner position of the thinking-diameter bubble, has no ability to imagine what the first i-space is, and has no ability to imagine what the second i-space is, and has only the ability of touching the half of the third i-space according to the imaginary number of “i”. And then, the thinking at the inner position of the thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to imagine what the fourth dimension is. And clearly, the selfish-triangle is connected with the fourth dimension.


Or, the universe 3-i-space is the bridge-tunnel of the isolated 3-dimensional space going towards the fourth dimension. But, the math has only the ability to touch the unique isolated half of the universe third i-space, and creating out the Riemann hypothesis.


The thinking-diameter bubble is an isolated 3-dimensional space-bubble. And, the Galileo’s room is another isolated 3-dimensional space-bubble of being located at the outer position of outside the thinking-diameter bubble, and to crate out the near-science. According to the beginning-spot of the triple-layers-structure of the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, and, according to the ending-spot of the thinking-diameter bubble, it is just the ending-procedure of both the original creation of universe and the original creation of human-life. Do the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes understand the fitting-scope of near-science or not? Do the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes understand what the Galileo’s room is or not? If be-unknown, what is the eligibility of occupying the top-summit of science? The Nobel-Prizes should be thrown into the garbage bin.


At the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble, it is the connection of being connected with the feeling-known. At the outer position of outside the thinking-diameter bubble, it is destroying the feeling-known, and, being connected with the law of God’s power. Or, simply, at the inner position of the thinking-diameter bubble, it is the be-known; at the outer position of the thinking-diameter bubble, it is the be-unknown. This is just the isolated 3-dimensional space.


That is to say, the mutual-spin of both the thinking-diameter bubble and the Galileo’s room, is creating out just the quantum self-spin effect. The thinking-diameter bubble is the -1/2 of the self-spin, according to the connection with the definer of defining life, and, the Galileo’s room is the +1/2 of the self-spin, according to the connection with the definer of defining be-alive, and, this self-spin effect is creating out the general covalent bond. And then, what is the useful of the Riemann hypothesis? And, what is the universe-position of the Riemann hypothesis?




The mutual-spin between the thinking-diameter bubble and the Galileo’s room, is creating out the quantum self-spin effect. The first sequence is the thinking-diameter bubble; the second sequence is the Galileo’s room; and the third sequence is both the confessing membrane and the completeness of genome being parallel with each other; these three elements are creating out the closed sequence, of being just the anti-clockwise time dimension.

Is there anyone who understands the meaning of this specific structure of anti-clockwise time dimension? Is there anyone who wants to research this specific structure of anti-clockwise time dimension? But, no matter what, zombie had been researching this specific structure of anti-clockwise time dimension, for more than two thousand years. Clearly, it is necessary of specific name to express it, and, it could be called as the triple-into-one of the anti-clockwise time dimension of being made up of the definition of human-life and the be-alive of human-life and the existence of human-life, or, simply, the triple-into-one of the time dimension.

Clearly, according to the existence of the death boundary, the triple-into-one of the anti-clockwise time dimension is overlapped with the united-battle-line of X-shape, and being shown as the angel particle of being defined by zombie.


The inner position of the thinking-diameter bubble is the be-known. The outer position of the thinking-diameter bubble is the be-unknown. Is it be-known or be-unknown? This is just the problem. And, this is the problem of the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, of being driven by the quantum disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN.




The black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the triple-layers of structure. The top-layer is the selfish-triangle including three vertexes. The first vertex is the pointer of the force law. The second vertex is the language fulcrum. The third vertex is the confessing membrane. The middle-layer is the mutual-spin between the confessing membrane and the completeness of genome both being parallel with each other. The bottom-layer is the life-instinct-circulation beacon-triangle including three vertexes. The first vertex is the completeness of genome. The second vertex is the mutual-spin of weight-supporting. The third vertex is the tunnel of going into connection with the periodic table of chemical elements.




Is there anyone who understands what the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is? Is this geometry? Is this differential geometry?

No matter what the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the constant death state. Because of that, at the inner position of selfish triangle, there is the existence of thinking-diameter bubble. At the inner position of the thinking-diameter bubble, there is the existence of thinking. Is this the result of scientific experiment or not? What is the way of taking out the result of through your scientific experiment?

The thinking must be connected with the law of God’s power, and, it is creating out the definition of be-alive. Otherwise, the isolated black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the constant death state.




The 2-dimensional sheet of being used to cut down the connection between the definer of defining life and definer of defining be-alive, is the quantum-disk of flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, and, this is the 2-dimensional sheet of the duality of connection-division, between the 3-dimensional structure and the fourth dimension, and, being located in the gap between Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, or, being located in the gap between the background and the dot, and, it is shown as the quantum-state. Is it the scientific high-tech? The connection between the background and the dot is just the quantum-particle, or, being the quantum-vessel.

Clearly, this is the problem that must be killing. And, this is not the problem of good-guy and bad-guy.






And, this is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

This is the structure of quantum-disk of flesh-soup, and, this is the TaiJi-axle of flesh-soup, and, this is the BaGua-axle of flesh-soup.

Clearly, this is not the problem of the Chinese continent, but, it is the problem of the completed surface of the earth.

But, Chinese continent is the base-land of zombie, and, transporting the united-corpses-body into every-corner and into all corners on the surface of the earth.

This is the problem that must be killing, and, it is inevitable.




If name-A thinks that, it is not necessary of killing, then, it should be making name-A into the experimental material, and, to cut down the connection between the definer of defining life of name-A and the definer of defining be-alive of name-A, and, it is letting other persons see what the experimental result is. Clearly, name-A is not necessary of knowing this experimental result.

This is the problem of without talking of logical reason. If it is necessary of talking about the logical reason, then, it is the unique logical reason of killing down the head before talking of logical reason. Making the division between the head and the body apart away at first, and then, it is the time of talking about the logical reason at second. Before the division between the head and the body, or, before the head is cut down, there is no logical-reason.

The legislation can’t be put into the position of above the God’s law. Because of that, the meaning of the “legislation”, is just the thinking or the method.
