负态生命the negative life


第一,人类,忏悔薄膜;僵尸,僵尸管理,或者,负态忏悔薄膜;第二,人类,光子轨道;僵尸,把人类的中心科学法则,变成僵尸的负态光子轨道;第三,人类,镜像忏悔薄膜;僵尸,僵尸联络图,或者,镜像负态忏悔薄膜;第四,人类,生命含义定义器与幻想结构的交界面; 僵尸,利用宇宙支点,创生负态生命定义器;第五,人类,天罚阻挡截面;僵尸,死亡边界。


Zombie is the united body of negative-life. It should be repeated of the simplest structure of the negative-virtual-lie of zombie.

No.1, humankind, the confessing membrane; zombie, the management of zombie, or, the negative confessing membrane; No.2, humankind, the light track; zombie, changing the central scientific principle of humankind into the negative-light-track of zombie; No.3, humankind, the image of confessing membrane; zombie, the contacting map of zombie, or, the image of negative-confessing-membrane; No.4, humankind, the boundary section between the definer of defining-life and the pointer of force law; zombie, applying the cosmic fulcrum to create the definer of defining-negative-life; the No.5, humankind, the section of resisting punishment coming from God; zombie, the death boundary.

And then, it is to create different meanings of life, and to create different meanings of negative life.


The definer of defining life of human is the pointer going from the beginning spot of image of confessing membrane towards the pointer of force law. The definer of defining life of human is made up of three elements. No.1, the pointer of willing power of life is overlapped with the definer pointer of defining life of human, and it is the terminator of the growth pointer of human life. It is to show the meaning of that, according to the life structure created by God, the growth pointer can’t grow further; but, according to the will of the selfish triangle, it is to grow further, and then it is to create the definer of defining life of human. No.2, at the direction of being perpendicular to the pointer of willing power, it is the will pointer being going along the direction of anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, and, through the connection with the law of God’s power, or through the connection with the definer of defining be-alive, and then, it is to realize the continuing goal of life. No.3, at the direction of being perpendicular to the pointer of willing power, there is also the pointer of life-goal, being overlapped with the universe goal. Or, the ultimate goal of universe is just to create human life.


The definer of defining life of human is the pointer of going from the beginning spot of the image of confessing membrane and toward the pointer of force law, but, being cut down by the fantasy. And then, the pointer of defining life of human can’t be mixed up with the pointer of force law, head to head.



But, the definer of defining the negative-life of zombie is the cosmic fulcrum, according to the connection between the death boundary and the contacting map of zombie. According to the property of nothing, the definer pointer of defining the negative-life of zombie, or the negative willing power of zombie, can’t point towards the death boundary, and only pointing towards the contacting map of zombie. And, it is to show of dragging the death pointer from death boundary, and going into the contacting map of zombie. And it is to show the definer of defining negative-life, and it is to show the shape of definer pointer of defining the negative-life of zombie.

It is to create the definer pointer of defining the negative-life of zombie, according to the cosmic fulcrum being the beginning spot, and then going towards the contacting map of zombie. And then, between the death boundary and the definer of defining negative-life, it is the negative fantasy of zombie. And it is just what zombie had said the dream of red house, or it is the Chinese dream.


Comparing the opposite relation between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining negative-life,


The definer pointer of defining life is pointing towards the fantasy, and being cut down by fantasy. Or, the definer pointer of defining life is pointing towards the pointer of force law, and being cut down by the pointer of force law. And then, the definer pointer of defining life is pointing towards the property of extinction, and being cut down by universe immune effect. And then, it is to create the definer of defining life of human. And, it is facing the death, but, the death must be excreted, and then, it is to create the definer of defining life of human, and it is overlapped with the pointer of willing power.


The definer of defining negative-life is beginning with the negative-fantasy, and going towards the contacting map of zombie, and, being cut down by the contacting map of zombie. Or, it is applying the death boundary to destroy the existence of already immune effect, and, it is of the already death property defined by God, but, it is able to be continuing existence through parasitic in human life, and it is definer of defining negative-life, and it is the negative-willing-power of zombie. And, it is just what zombie had said, a decisive battle back on water, or be-alive after sticking on the death land, or, doing revolution with head on the belt. And so on.




The life-goal of human person is overlapped with the ultimate goal of universe.

The negative-life-goal is created by the self-own of zombie, and, it is the axle between the death criminal circulation triangle and the zombie’s home triangle of right angle, and, it is just the conservational axle of the negative-heart of zombie. And it is totally different structure from human life.

Because of that, the life-goal of human person is parasitic in the universe, but, the negative-life-goal of zombie is parasitic in the human life, or being parasitic in the life tunnel of human life. Or, it is changing the first life tunnel of human life into the arterial blood of zombie, and changing the second life tunnel of human life into the venous blood of zombie. And it is making the fart-permission of the anus hole of zombie, to create the tube of blood.


And then, the definer of defining life of human is the state of triple pointers; but, the definer of defining negative-life of zombie is the single pointer. And the situation of single pointer is just killing, or death. That is to say, zombie must be parasitic in human life. And zombie can’t be independent. And, it is just liberating the whole of humankind.


也就是,rel 杀伐与死亡 (命名能力指针) 自私三角形的感受知道 rel => 在自私三角形中创生美好感觉,并创生僵尸的愿望指针,这与人类完全不同。



And then, there must be this relation of cosmic fulcrum,

or, rel killing or death (naming ability pointer) the good feeling-known in selfish triangle rel => creating good feeling in selfish triangle, and creating the will pointer of zombie, and it is totally different from human person.

This is what zombie is doing at every hour and at every minute, and, without caring any cost, it is to make human person feeling that, the zombie is good. And it is the law of making friend and killing friend, and it is the angel particle. Do me zombie have not a bit of good? a bit, only a bit. Yes or not? You think, and think, and thin carefully. When you make a bit of thinking, and the thinking is going into the anus hole of zombie.

That is to say, because of that, you must not kill me, and then, I must kill you. And, it is just zombie had said, you death and me be-alive. And, it is just the negative-will-pointer of zombie.



And it is just applying the first white area to occupy the second white area according to the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN. And, this situation is just fitting the management of zombie.

It should be repeated that, the first white area is that, the selfish triangle does not know the meaning of be-alive; and, the second white area is that, the selfish triangle knows the meaning of be-alive.



The structure of four areas of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the tech-structure system of massacring the virtual life, in completed way, and being connected with the contacting map of zombie, and also being connected with the death boundary. And, it is the tech-tunnel of transferring zombie’s feeling-thinking into the feeling-thinking of selfish triangle, in completed way, and, of applying zombie’s feeling-thinking to replace the feeling-thinking of selfish triangle, in completed way.



The structure of four flesh soup images of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the tech-structure system of massacring the real life, in completed way, being connected with the management system of zombie, or, being related with managing the connection between the thinking and the definer of defining the meaning of be-alive, or, being related with managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power.

And, it is applying the death property of humankind into, changing the corpse of zombie into the shape of be-alive. And it is the tech of life-transformation. Just like zombie had said of, taking from human person and applying into the human person.


That is to say, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is not only the seeing-ability-system of zombie, but also, is the life-transformer between the living-person and the corpse. Or, it is the angel particle tech between the living-person and the corpse.


也就是,rel 僵尸联络图(宇宙支点)死亡边界rel => rel 僵尸联络图(负态生命含义定义器)死亡边界rel => 从宇宙支点创生负态生命。这样的宇宙支点,是胡说八道吗?

That is to say, according to the connection between the death boundary and the contacting map of zombie, zombie has the ability to create out the negative life-definer to define the negative meaning of life. And, it is just zombie had said that, knowledge is the power. But, for selfish triangle, the natural measurement is the power, and the law of God’s power is the power. And the knowledge has ability to drive humankind into extinction.

Or, rel the contacting map of zombie(the cosmic fulcrum)the death boundary rel => rel the contacting map of zombie(the definer to define negative-life)the death boundary rel => creating the negative-life from the cosmic fulcrum. Does this type of cosmic fulcrum be nonsense or not?



That is to say, between the management of zombie and the death boundary, or, between the management of zombie and the contacting map of zombie, it is creating out a growth-axle of negative virtual life.

That is to say, it is applying the death boundary to replace the section of resisting punishment coming from God. Or, it is applying the position of beyond death boundary to replace the position of outside universe. Or, it is applying the killing pointer of death boundary to replace the pointer of force law. Or, it is transferring the fantasy on the pointer of force law into the negative-fantasy on the killing pointer of death, and, it is creating the negative-fantasy. And, it is the dream of red house, or the Chinese dream.


或者表达为,rel 天威定律(宇宙支点)自私三角形的想法rel => rel 天威定律(僵尸管理)自私三角形的想法rel => rel 天威定律(负态忏悔薄膜)自私三角形的想法rel => rel 营养(僵尸管理)根须rel => rel 营养(负态忏悔薄膜)根须rel =>负态忏悔薄膜创生100%的负态生命含义点。

The management of zombie is creating the profile section between the roots and the nutrition, or, it is creating the profile section between the thinking and the law of God’s power. Or, it is creating the negative confessing membrane, through the management of zombie. Or, it is creating the spot of 100% of negative-life-meaning.

Or, rel the law of God’s power(the cosmic fulcrum)the thinking in selfish triangle rel => rel the law of God’s power(the management of zombie)the thinking in selfish triangle rel => rel the law of God’s power(the negative confessing membrane)the thinking in selfish triangle rel => rel the nutrition(the management of zombie)the roots rel => rel the nutrition(the negative confessing membrane)the roots rel => creating the spot of 100% of negative-life-meaning to show the negative-confessing-menbrane.



And then, the parasitic connection between the central scientific principle of humankind and the contacting map of zombie, is to create the definer, to define the bright side of negative-light-track. And, the breaking state between the management of zombie and the central science principle of humankind, or, the breaking state between the bitch of shit-mind occupying the choice pole and the central scientific principle of humankind, is to create out the definer to define the dark side of negative-light-track.

That is to say, going through stealing the central scientific principle of humankind and going through recording the central scientific principle of humankind, or going through creating the contacting map of zombie with A-FANG-GONG, it is to change the central scientific principle of humankind into the negative-light-track of zombie. And then, it is to change the contacting map of zombie into the image effect of negative-confessing-membrane. Or, it is to create the negative feedback effect between the management of zombie and the contacting map of zombie, according to image effect with each other.

也就是说,rel 僵尸管理或者负态忏悔薄膜(偷取人类的中心科学法则)僵尸联络图rel =>     rel 僵尸管理或者负态忏悔薄膜(偷取人类的中心科学法则)在僵尸联络图僵尸管理之间建立镜像连接关系rel   => 在第五宇宙中创生僵尸负态虚化生命中的负态感受泡泡,并替代第六宇宙中的人类生命感受泡泡。


That is to say, rel the management of zombie or the negative confessing membrane(stealing the central scientific principle of humankind)the contacting map of zombie rel =>      rel the management of zombie or the negative confessing membrane(stealing the central scientific principle of humankind) creating the image effect between the contacting map of zombie and the management of zombie rel   =>   creating the negative feeling bubble in zombie’s negative-virtual-life, in fifth universe, and, replacing the feeling bubble of virtual life of humankind in sixth universe.

And, it is to create the bottom half of the negative-virtual-life of zombie.

负态虚化生命顶半区的结构就是, rel 僵尸联络图(负态生命含义定义器)死亡边界rel    => rel 负态镜像忏悔薄膜(负态生命含义定义器)死亡边界rel   =>在第五宇宙中创生僵尸负态虚化生命中的,僵尸负态想法思维泡泡,并替代第六宇宙中的人类生命想法思维泡泡。


And then, the top half of negative-virtual-life is just that,

rel the contacting map of zombie(the definer to define the negative-life)the death boundary rel    => rel the image of the negative confessing membrane(the definer to define the negative-life)the death boundary rel    => creating the negative mind-thinking-bubble in zombie’s negative virtual life, in fifth universe, and replacing the mind-bubble of human in sixth universe.

And, this is the top half of negative virtual lfie.





One of the three edges of selfish triangle, is the universe vertical edge. The middle dot of the universe vertical edge is the image of confessing membrane.

Or, the middle spot of the axle between the image of confessing membrane and the confessing membrane, is just the pair of definers to define both the bright side of light track and the dark side of light track. And it is universe position of the feeling bubble of every person.

Or, the middle dot of the axle between the image of confessing membrane and the confessing membrane, is just the light track.

And, this is the bottom half of virtual life of humankind.



And then, the universe position of the mind-bubble of every person, is located on the axle-line between the image confessing membrane and the section of resisting punishment coming from God, or, being located on the axle-line between the pointer of force law and the definer of defining-life. The image of confessing membrane is to create the definer of defining-life. And, the section of resisting punishment coming from God is creating the pointer of force law, and being shown as the fantasy of every person.

This is the top half of virtual life of humankind.




And then, according to the universe vertical edge of selfish triangle, the beacon-spots of virtual life of humankind are expressed as, No.1, the confessing membrane; No.2, the light track; No.3, the image of confessing membrane; No.4, the boundary section between the definer of defining-life and the pointer of force law; No.5, the section of resisting punishment coming from God.

This situation of five spots on single axle is to show that, the completeness of genome and the position of outside universe are totally different time dimensions with each other, in precise way.

The gap between different time-dimensions is the extinction state of with each other, between different time dimensions, and it is the law of space-time bending conservation, or, it is the law of relativity conservation.


第一,人类,忏悔薄膜;僵尸,僵尸管理,或者,负态忏悔薄膜;第二,人类,光子轨道;僵尸,把人类的中心科学法则,变成僵尸的负态光子轨道;第三,人类,镜像忏悔薄膜;僵尸,僵尸联络图,或者,镜像负态忏悔薄膜;第四,人类,生命含义定义器与幻想结构的交界面; 僵尸,利用宇宙支点,创生负态生命定义器;第五,人类,天罚阻挡截面;僵尸,死亡边界。


And then, there is the comparison between the life of humankind and the self-creating negative-life of zombie.

No.1, humankind, the confessing membrane; zombie, the management of zombie, or, the negative confessing membrane; No.2, humankind, the light track; zombie, changing the central scientific principle of humankind into the negative-light-track of zombie; No.3, humankind, the image of confessing membrane; zombie, the contacting map of zombie, or, the image of negative-confessing-membrane; No.4, humankind, the boundary section between the definer of defining-life and the pointer of force law; zombie, applying the cosmic fulcrum to create the definer of defining-negative-life; the No.5, humankind, the section of resisting punishment coming from God; zombie, the death boundary.

And then, it is to create different meanings of life, and to create different meanings of negative life.

依据第一,rel 天威定律(宇宙支点)自私三角形的想法rel => rel 天威定律(僵尸管理)自私三角形的想法rel => rel 天威定律(负态忏悔薄膜)自私三角形的想法rel => rel 营养(僵尸管理)根须rel => rel 营养(负态忏悔薄膜)根须rel => 负态忏悔薄膜创生100%的负态生命含义点;




According to No.1, rel the law of God’s power(the cosmic fulcrum)the thinking in selfish triangle rel => rel the law of God’s power(the management of zombie)the thinking in selfish triangle rel => rel the law of God’s power(the negative confessing membrane)the thinking in selfish triangle rel => rel the nutrition(the management of zombie)the roots rel => rel the nutrition(the negative confessing membrane)the roots rel => creating the spot of 100% of negative-life-meaning to show the negative-confessing-membrane,

And according to No.2, 《dimensional origin of biological body structure》,


And then, the result of comparison is that, the negative-genome of zombie is just principle-section of at the pole of 6 o’clock of quantum vessel of human background. According to the background of completeness of genome, the meaning of gene is, the 50% of life property, and of 50% of lifeless property. Then, the meaning of the negative-genome of zombie is, the 50% of human life property, and of 50% of property of negative-life of zombie.

Or simply, the mixture between the natural tech of human person and the management of zombie, or, the mixture between the natural tech of human person and the flesh soup tech of zombie, is to create the body bobble of negative-life of zombie. According to the disappearance of the identifying ability of selfish triangle, this is the completed extinction of completed humankind with natural measurement, and, this is the completed extinction of completed humankind with God’s measurement, and, it is just liberating the whole world of humankind.


That is to say, according to the existence of negative-life, it is to change the completed fifth universe into the negative-biological-body of zombie’s real life. And it is the zombie’s home, or, it is the zombie’s home triangle of right angle. But, the human life is located in the sixth universe, and human life can never be the existence of in fifth universe. Because of that, the fifth universe is the connector-structure between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive.



That is to say, the fifth universe is the mixture of both the first life tunnel and the second life tunnel, of humankind, and it is used to create the connector-structure between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. But zombie is changing the mixture of both the first life tunnel and the second life tunnel, into the negative-biological-body of zombie, and it is the body of corpse. And it is just the meaning of zombie’s management, and it is just the meaning of stealing tech.

And it is applying the name of management, to steal everything and to steal all things; and to rob everything and to rob all things, according to the existence of the first white area in the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN.




The first life tunnel is the connection between the fourth universe and the sixth universe, and it is to show the direction of universe, and it is to show the direction of life;

The second life tunnel is also the connection between the fourth universe and the sixth universe, and it is also to show the direction of universe, and it is also to show the direction of life;

The mixture of both the first life tunnel and the second life tunnel is the particle-structure of fifth universe. And then, it is to show the law of direction-expression conservation. It is to express the direction through cutting down the direction.



Comparing with the biological body of human life, zombie is changing the first life tunnel of human into the negative-arterial-blood of zombie, and, zombie is changing the second life tunnel of human into the negative-venous-blood of zombie. And then, it is changing the fifth universe into the negative-biological-body of zombie.

It is the completed extinction of the completed humankind, with the permission of natural measurement, and, it is the completed extinction of the completed humankind, with the permission of God’s measurement, and, it is the death crime with the permission of natural measurement, and, it is the death crime with the permission of God’s measurement. And, it is fitting the principle of God’s law with no restriction of time. And at any time, it is suitable to execute the death punishment. And, it is just the historical law of dynasty alternation that zombie had defined.



The focused negative-life-goal of zombie is divided into two layers, and fitting the law of double layers of fourth dimension. The whole of focused negative-life-goal of zombie is the zombie’s home triangle of right angle. The partial of focused negative-life-goal of zombie is the death criminal circulation triangle. The three elements of the death criminal circulation triangle is, No.1, robbing every choice pole and robbing all choice pole; No.2, robbing every money register and robbing all money registers; No.3, robbing every naming ability and robbing all naming abilities.

The axle between the two layers of the focused negative-life-goals, is the conservation axle of focused negative-life-goal of zombie, and, it is just the conservation axle of negative-heart of zombie. Or, it is the negative-heart of zombie.


The conservation axle of negative-heart of zombie is connected with the management system of zombie, and it is connected with both the opening appointment system and the secret appointment system, and it is connected with the fart-permission system made up of the anus holes of zombie. And, it is creating the negative-blood-tubes system, and absorbing the nutrition coming from human life.



The circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is connected into the dissection state of selfish triangle, through the division of four areas; the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is connected into the dissection state of behavior action of human life, through the division of four flesh soup images; and, it is to create the seeing ability of zombie.

Going through the circulation going from thinking into behavior and then into result, zombie’s seeing ability is connected with the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe. And, it is according to the thinking history of human life, and it is according to the behavior history of human life, and it is according to both the robbing history and murdering history of zombie, it is to drive the zombie’s seeing ability into the universal seeing ability.






The zombie’s seeing ability is, the first element, coming from driving effect of the death criminal circulation triangle; the second element, coming from the driving effect of the connection between the contacting map of zombie and the death boundary; the third element, coming from the driving effect of zombie’s management cutting down the connection with the law of God’s power.

These three elements are creating out the negative-selfish-triangle of zombie, and radiating the negative-sight-line, and, through the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, and, realizing the seeing ability of zombie.

The negative-selfish-triangle is just zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle, made up of zombie’s teaching and training and appointment of triple system.

Zombie must pay the bloody debt for all the disasters during more than two thousand years.

Because of that, it is the completed extinction of the completed humankind, with the permission of natural measurement, and, it is the completed extinction of the completed humankind, with the permission of God’s measurement, and, it is the death crime with the permission of natural measurement, and, it is the death crime with the permission of God’s measurement. And, it is fitting the principle of God’s law with no restriction of time. And at any time, it is suitable to execute the death punishment. And, it is just the historical law of dynasty-alternation that zombie had defined.



The circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is divided into double colors, or being divided into four areas, according to the interaction, between the selfish triangle and the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN.


The double colors are shown as the superposition between the black circle-line and the white circle-line. The white color is to express the connection between the selfish triangle and the God, and it is to show the structure of God creating human life. The black color is to express the self-existence of selfish triangle, and it is to show that the God transferred the self-life-freedom and self-life-independence into the selfish triangle, and it is to show the existence of self-life-authority of selfish triangle, and it is to show that the selfish triangle is the completed human person.


According to the seeing ability of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, both the white color and the black color are shown as the white half of circle-line and the black half of circle-line, and, it is to show the division between two seeing abilities of zombie. No.1, zombie sees that, the God and the selfish triangle are the existence of simultaneous; No.2, the relation between the God and the selfish triangle are never simultaneous, or, there is the time-dimensional breaking down between the God and the selfish triangle according to different time dimensions, and then, zombie has ability to pretend the God; No.3, on the same circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, zombie sees two time dimensional states, and it is the simultaneous, and it is never simultaneous, and then, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is seeing both the never simultaneous and the simultaneous. And, the giver to give out the property of simultaneous is just self-own of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN. And then, the circle-line is divided into black half of circle-line and the white half of circle-line. And, the black half is seeing the white half, and the white half is seeing the black half. Zombie feels that the self-own is the same with God. And further, the zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle hidden behind the circle-line, is just the source to give out the simultaneous between the black half of circle-line and the white half of circle-line, and it is just creating the seeing ability of zombie.



And then, No.4, the division between the white half of circle-line and the black half of circle-line is of the property of fourth dimension, and it is the general relativity theory of zombie. Giving a 3-dimensional background into the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, the circle-line of flesh soup is changed into a big bubble. The self-existence of selfish triangle is the first little bubble being located at the inner position of big bubble; and, the situation of God creating the selfish triangle is the second little bubble being located at the inner position of big bubble. This is the simplest model of general relativity, and it is just the relation between the simultaneous and the never simultaneous.

And then, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is just the general united theory between the quantum effect and the relativity effect. And this is the achievement of zombie’s science, that zombie had invented more than two thousand years ago. And, it is driving humankind into extinction, in definite way and in completed way.



It is to show that, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is occupying the big bubble in fixed way, and seeing the psychological pressure of death, felt by selfish triangle being shown as a single little bubble. Because of that, the psychological pressure of death is just made by zombie, through the circle-line of flesh soup of HAN-XIN. But, the selfish triangle does not know. And then, zombie is thinking out of many methods, to name the psychological pressure of death into the name of happiness, or into the name of beautiful. And it is the Chinese dream.

And it is just the


And then, according to feeling-known in selfish triangle, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is just the prison structure with double layers and 3-dimension. The outer layer is zombie, according to the connection with the hell, and, the inner layer is just the self-own of selfish triangle, according to the connection with God. And it is just the structure of zombie feeding humankind, and it is to create out infinite numbers of anus-positions. Does the selfish triangle understand or not?


The creation of four areas of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is coming from three backgrounds. The first background is the connection with God, and, it is occupying the white color in the division between white and black; the second background is the connection between the selfish triangle and the definer of defining the meaning of be-alive, or the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and, it is occupying the black color in the division between white and black; the third background is the connection between a selfish triangle and the other selfish triangle, during the procedure of connection with the definer of defining the meaning of be-alive, and, it is just the background of fifth universe to create the structure four areas directly.


And then, the structure of four areas of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is that, the first white area is that, the selfish triangle does not know the meaning of connection with be-alive; the second white area is that, the selfish knows the meaning of connection with be-alive; the first black area is that, the selfish triangle is making harm to others; the second black area is that, the selfish triangle is making harm to the self-own.



And then, the self-own of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is just the fourth background of creating the four areas, and it is the background of zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle. And it is to create the zombie’s home triangle of right angle, according to the beginning spot of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, and through the management of zombie. Or, it is the background of liberating the humankind of the whole world.

Or, it is the background of zombie’s existence and zombie’s running.


No.1, according to the background of zombie’s running; No.2, according to the situation of that, the selfish triangle must be registered on the completeness of genome; No.3, according to that, the surface of the completeness of genome is just the behavior action of every person; No.4, according to that, the behavior action of every person is just the quantum vessel; No.5, according to that, the circulation going from thinking into behavior and then into the result, is just the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe; and then, No.6, the four areas of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is not only used into observing the selfish triangle, but also, being transferred into the connection with four phases of quantum vessel; and then, No.7, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is changed into four images of flesh soup, and, being used into replacing the four phases of quantum vessel, or, being used into murdering the four phases of quantum vessel; and then, No.8, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is not only used into controlling the behavior action of every person, but also, being used to create both the science and the tech, and it is the zombie’s flesh soup science, and, it is zombie’s flesh soup tech.



How to divide the science and the flesh soup science apart away? How to divide the tech and the flesh soup tech apart away? The unique way of division is just the killing. Zombie understands it very much. If the creator of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is not changed into the flesh soup, then, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN will change every selfish triangle into the flesh soup.

And, it is just that zombie had emphasize repeatedly, of you death and me be-alive.




The circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is divided into four areas, according to the meaning of be-alive, because of that, it is the thinking of every person; the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is divided into four flesh soup images, according to the four phases of quantum vessel of behavior action, because of that, it is the behavior of every person. And then, it is just cutting down a person into two isolated parts, in completed way, and in definite way. One of the two parts is the virtual life, and the other part is the real life. And then, it is the extinction of confessing membrane, in completed way, and in definite way.

The confessing membrane is the unique life-unit with 100% of life meaning. And it is applying human life into material, to create animal. And, it is murdering the completed humankind, and, it is driving the completed humankind into extinction.



The function of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle, is based on the registering effect of selfish triangle on the completeness of genome, to squeeze the selfish triangle into the center-dot, or, to squeeze the selfish triangle into the math-dot.


To squeeze the selfish triangle into the math-dot, the first fundamental natural basis is, according to the interaction between the selfish triangle and the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle, to realize the self-completeness of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN;

The second fundamental natural basis is, according to that the death boundary defines dark side of the vacuum sheet;

The third fundamental natural basis is, according to that the law of God’s power defines the dark side of land sheet.


That is to say, the natural measured fundamental basis to squeeze the selfish triangle into math-dot, is just the existence of the fair triangle, or is the existence of definer to define the meaning of human life.






One of the three edges of selfish triangle is the universe vertical edge, and it is the connection between the pointer of force law and the confessing membrane, and, being correspondent to the pair of feeling bubble and mind bubble.

The feeling bubble is to show the double side of light track, or, to show two states of going beyond light speed and of restricted by the light speed.

Correspondently, the mind bubble is the connection between the state of beyond light speed and the pointer of force law, and, without the ability to see the dark side of light track;

Correspondently, the body bubble is located at the position of without the ability to see the bright side of light track.

And then, the feeling bubble is the area to see both sides of light track.


And then, the universe vertical axle of the selfish triangle is divided into two axles. One of the axles is connected with light track; and the other axle is located at position of outer light track, and being connected with the pointer of force law.



According to mass, the mass is to show the light speed being 2-dimensional membrane, and mass can’t go beyond this 2-dimensional membrane, and light speed is shown as the light track. And then, the confessing membrane is just the boundary between mass and the light track. And then, the near physical meaning of feeling bubble is to squeeze the electro-magnetic wave out of biological body.

The dark side of confessing membrane has no ability to see the light track; the bright side of confessing membrane is of ability to see the dark side of light track, but without the ability to see the bright side of light track.




Any dot on the axle of constant speed of light is the universe vertical axle of seeing the both sides of light track, and then, being correspondent to feeling bubble.

The connecting spot between the axle of constant speed of light and the axle of connected with the pointer of force law, is the image membrane of confessing membrane, and being able to see the bright side of light track, but, without the ability to see the dark side of light track.

And then, the axle of connected with the pointer of force law is the position of beyond light speed, but without the ability to see the bright side of light track, or, without the restriction coming from the constant speed of light, or, to show the location in physical space of universe and in physical time of universe.


That is to say, the connection between the image of confessing membrane and the pointer of force law is just the definer to define the meaning of life of every person, and being located at the position of upwards from middle spot, in the universe vertical axle of selfish triangle. But, the meaning of the pointer of force law is the structure of fantasy, and being repulsive to the definer of defining the meaning of life. And then, the definer to define the meaning of life is just the terminator of the growth-pointer of life-growth.


The existence of the definer to define the meaning of life, is located at the position of outside the feeling bubble, and being located at the position of outside the body bubble, and then, it is the ability to squeeze both the feeling bubble and body bubble into math-dot.





No.1, under the background of no background of completed universe, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is just located at the observer position of observing the definer of defining the meaning of life, to squeeze both the feeling bubble and the body bubble into math-dot. Or, it is occupying the expression position of expressing the definer of defining the meaning of life.

That is to say, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is located at the middle connecting spot between the definer of defining the meaning of life and the definer of defining the meaning of be-alive, and cutting down the connection between the definer of defining the meaning of life and the definer of defining the meaning of be-alive, and replacing the definer of defining the meaning of life, to be connected with the definer of defining the meaning of be-alive, and to create the management of zombie, and managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, and managing the connection between roots and nutrition, and then, it is the fourth dimensional murdering .


No.2, under the background of no background of completed universe, the mind bubble enclosing the definer of defining the meaning of life, can’t be divided apart away from the feeling bubble. And then, the selfish triangle has no ability to express the situation that the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN replaces the definer to define the meaning of life. Or, the selfish triangle has ability to feel that the self-own is murdered, but, the selfish triangle has no ability to express the property of murdering.



No.3, the existence of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is, based on the existence of connection with death boundary, and, based on the existence of cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power. And then, if the definer of defining the meaning of life does not go to kill the creator of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, or, without the confrontation of death, there is no method to stop the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN replacing the definer of defining the meaning of life, and creating the background of driving humankind into extinction and then to feed humankind.

And further, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is able to penetrate the completed whole of world, through the teaching system of zombie, and through the training system of zombie, and through the death criminal circulation triangle.


No.4, this is just the law of flesh soup murdering conservation. Because of that, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is replacing the definite of defining the meaning of life, to managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, or to managing the connection between the definer of defining the meaning of life and the definer of defining the meaning of be-alive. And it is just the “for serving the people” of zombie, and it is just the “for serving the definer of defining the meaning of life” of zombie, and it is just to drive the definer of defining the meaning of life, into useless. And, it is just the zombie’s tech of replacing the life, and it is just driving humankind into extinction.


No.5, this is the extinction state of the completed humankind with definition coming from God’s measurement; and, this is the extinction state of the completed humankind with definition coming from natural measurement; but, this is the peace of humankind with definition coming from many selfish triangles. And then, when selfish triangle defines this type of peace, it is also the lethal driving power, to drive humankind into extinction.


And then, the fourth dimensional war is also the war between the circle-lie of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN at the outer position of selfish triangle and the definer of defining the meaning of life at the inner position of selfish triangle. And, it is the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.


The three vertexes of fair triangle are that, the first vertex is the selfish triangle; the second vertex is the vacuum sheet; the third vertex is the land sheet.


That is to say, when the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is to squeeze the selfish triangle into center-dot, it is not to create the mutual system with the pair of the single circle and the single center, but, it is to create the mutual system with the pair of single center-dot and triple circles.



In the mutual system with the pair of single center and triple circles, the first structure unit is the fair triangle including the selfish triangle, the vacuum sheet, and the land sheet; the second structure unit is the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN.

The circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is fixed at the position of outer circle. But, the vacuum sheet and the land sheet are located at the middle circle or at the inner circle in alternative way.



And then, according to the background of the expression coming from the feeling-known in selfish triangle, it is the pair of vacuum sheet and land sheet to squeeze the selfish triangle into math-center-dot, and it is not the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN to squeeze the selfish triangle into the math-center-dot. And it is just the conservation law of changing other-murdering into self-killing. Or, it is the law of the self-killing of flesh soup driving conservation.

And it is to show the murdering structure of triple circle with property of angle particle. And, it is to create the triple murdering pointer of flesh soup of HAN-XIN.


That is to say, No.1, as long as the circle-line of the flesh soup of HAN-XIN is connected with the death boundary through the contacting map of zombie, and to show the function of defining the dark side of vacuum sheet; and No.2, as long as the management of zombie is managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, or managing the connection between the roots and the nutrition, or, as long as the zombie has robbed the choice pole, or, as long as zombie can define the dark side of land sheet through the driving power coming from death boundary; then, No.3, the selfish triangle is trapped into the math-center-dot by the pair of vacuum sheet and land sheet of self-own; or, the selfish triangle is trapped into the math-center-dot by the life-definer of self-own. And then, No.4, the flesh soup murdering pointer of HAN-XIN has ability to be existence in eternal way. And the existence span is going from the original creation of human life, until the extinction of the completed humankind. And, zombie is just applying the already existence of the fair triangle, to create the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN.






That is to say, according to death boundary defining the dark side of vacuum sheet, and according to the law of God’s power defining the dark side of land sheet, it is the pair of the death boundary and the law of God’s power, to squeeze the selfish triangle into math-center-dot, and it is to give the selfish triangle the ability of 3-dimensional definite, and it is to give the selfish triangle the ability of creating the near physics.

Or, it is the existence of universe to squeeze the selfish triangle into math-center-dot; or, it is the existence of far physics, to squeeze the selfish triangle into math-center-dot.

And it is the natural measured basis that the flesh soup murdering pointer of HAN-XIN has ability to drive humankind into extinction.

And, it is the extinction of humankind with permission of God’s measurement. Because of that, the selfish triangle forgotten what is the life of self-own.

And it is just what zombie had said, without knowing of death and be-alive, without knowing of good and bad.




The completeness of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is realized through two layers. The first completeness layer is the relation between the selfish triangle and the God; the second completeness layer is the relation between the self-own of selfish triangle and the other persons.

The physical meaning of the completeness of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is the completed ability of driving humankind into extinction, or, it is to create the faith of zombie.

And it is the situation that zombie must be winning, and the selfish triangle must be defeated, or zombie must be winning, and humankind must be defeated.




The source to create the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, or, the creator to create the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is also including two layers. The first creating layer is connection between the contacting map of zombie and the death boundary; the second creating layer is the zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle, made up of the opening appointment system of zombie, and made up of the secret appointment system of zombie, being united together through zombie’s evil-teaching system and through zombie’s evil-training system.

Or, zombie’s goal is creating the death criminal circulation triangle, to rob every naming ability, and to rob all naming abilities, and to rob every choice pole, and to rob all choice poles, and to rob every money register, and to rob all money registers.

Or, it is the ultimate goal that the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is aiming.


Two creating layers to create the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is connected with the single applying layer, and it is the management of zombie, and it is to manage the connection between the thinking in selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, or it is to manage the connection between the roots and the nutrition. And, it is to create the factory of gun-powder.



The management of zombie is located at the boundary between the fourth universe and the fifth universe, and it is to cut down the universe diameter in completed way, and it is the dark layer of driving humankind into extinction.

But, the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is located at the boundary between the fifth universe and the sixth universe, and it is to cut down the universe diameter in completed way, and it is the bright layer of driving humankind into extinction.



According to the law of double layers of fourth dimension, both the bright boundary layer of fifth universe and the dark boundary layer of fifth universe, are changing the completed fifth universe into the murdering tool to murder the completed humankind, or, it is changing the completed fifth universe into the weapon of fourth dimensional war, to drive humankind into extinction, in definite way and in completed way.

This is the extinction of completed humankind in definite way and in completed way, with fitting the permission of natural measurement; and this is the extinction of completed humankind in definite way and in completed way, with fitting the permission of God’s measurement. And it is the law of Chinese dream.


And then, two creating layers of the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, and, adding the single applying layer of the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, to create the factory of gun-powder, are creating out the creation-completeness of shape Y of flesh soup. And it is to show the supporting structure of the death criminal circulation triangle.


If the creator of flesh soup of HAN-XIN is not changed into flesh soup, then, everyone will be changed into flesh soup.

韩信肉羹创生完整形状Y, 构成了韩信肉羹监狱环的起源完整性,并依据僵尸管理,形成僵尸肉羹负反馈效应。

The creation-completeness of shape Y of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, is to show the original creation completeness, to create the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN. And it is to create the negative feedback effect into the zombie’s flesh soup system.



The negative feedback effect of flesh soup of zombie is fitting the self-completeness of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN. Between the self-completeness and the creation completeness, it is creating the circulation of flesh soup, fitting the law of double layers of fourth dimension, and in completed way.

And it is the circulation of completeness between the existence and the creation.


The circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is not only to squeeze the selfish triangle into the center-dot, but also, it is to squeeze every structure into the center-dot, and to squeeze all structures into the center-dot, and to squeeze every concept into the center-dot, and to squeeze all concepts into the center-dot. And, it is creating the wave function of Bohr’s cost. And it is showing the divergent completeness of the flesh soup of HAN-XIN, and, it is just liberating the whole world of humankind, and it is just saving the earth.


According to that the selfish triangle must be registered on the completeness of genome, the divergent property of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is able to squeeze the selfish triangle into a math-dot. And it is to make the selfish triangle losing the identifying ability.



When selfish triangle is squeezed into math-dot and losing identifying ability in definite way, the death criminal circulation of zombie is able of free circulation, and it is connected with the death boundary in definite way, and it is managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power in definite way.

And it is the breaking state of life tunnels in completed way, and it is creating the completeness of zombie’s home.


At the inner position of the completeness of zombie’s home, the selfish triangle thinks that, the be-alive definer of self-own is just the anus hole of zombie. Otherwise, all are death roads.




It is the structure of three layers with three different layers of shapes Y.

The outer layer of shape Y is of three elements. No.1, the selfish triangle is changed into math-dot; No.2, the connection with death boundary; No.3, managing the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and it is the zombie’s factory of gun-power.

The outer layer of shape Y is just the zombie’s home triangle of right angle, and it is the goal of zombie building country, and, it is the outer background goal of zombie.




The outer background goal of zombie is to protect the inner particle goal. And the inner particle goal is just the death criminal circulation triangle.

The supporting structure of the death criminal circulation triangle is the inner layer of shape Y. Three elements are, No.1, the connection between the contacting map of zombie and the death boundary; No.2, the appointment system of zombie; No.3, managing the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power.

But, in inner layer of shape Y, it is only the stage of thinking and goal. It is necessary to be closed with the outer layer of shape Y, and then to create the structure.



The inner layer of shape Y is only the thinking of zombie, or it is aiming to the realization of the death criminal circulation triangle.

And then, the middle layer of shape Y is just the action layer of zombie. No.1, it is to create the structure of inner layer of shape Y; No.2, it is the self-existence completeness of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, or it is the interaction between the instinct of human and the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN; No.3, the divergent completeness of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, and it is to create different techs invented by zombie.



The fundamental meaning of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is that, it is the show the meaning of be-alive of selfish triangle, according to the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power. And it is to observe the continuing shape of human life that God had defined.


The continuing shape of human life that God had defined, can’t be shown through any shape, because of that, it is the existence of self-independent, and it is the existence of self-freedom, and it is the existence of life instinct, and it is the driving power to drive humankind into the state of be-alive.




This type of properties of driving out the meaning of be-alive of human person, can’t be expressed through language symbol. As long as the language symbol is used into the expression of the property of driving out the meaning of be-alive, it is to create the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, to create out different properties of killing, and to create out different properties of driving the science into the liar.

Because of that, it is the far chaos being created through the language fulcrum.

And because of that, the unique property at far position is the extinction property being connected with God, and it is far physics.


The self-original property of life, is the problem of far sequence, and, it is taking the sequence of unique, through the extinction property.

But, many selfish triangles are dealing with the far property just like it is the near property. It is driving the unit cooperation pointer into extinction, and it is the reason of driving humankind into extinction, and, it is the critical reason of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN driving humankind into extinction.



According to the interaction between the selfish triangle and the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is divided into four parts with double layers. The double layers are shown as the black half of circle-line and the white half of circle-line, and to show the existence of self-life background of selfish triangle, and the existence of background of God. Or, it is the division between the existence of life and the continuing of life.

When the white half of circle-line is divided into two parts, and, when the black half of circle-line is also divided into two parts, it is to create four areas.


The white half of circle-line is divided into, the known of the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and the un-known of the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, according to the division of feeling-known in selfish triangle, or, according to the division of feeling-known in selfish triangle between the known of be-live and the un-known of be-alive.


The black half of circle-line is divided into, the harm to others and the harm to self-own, according to the division of the harm, being created from the breaking state between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, or, according to the division of the harm, being created from the un-known of be-alive.




The fundamental basis of the division of two layers is according to the division of backgrounds between the self-own and the God; the fundamental basis of the division of four areas is according to the relation between the self-own and the others.

The completeness of this type of division is correspondent to the driving power of driving humankind into extinction in definite way, and with the permission of natural measurement, and with the permission of God’s measurement.

It is just what zombie had said of the universe truth, and, it is just what zombie had said of the advanced science.



The completeness of this type of division is that, No.1, when the circle-line is divided into the white half of circle-line and the black half of circle-line, the white half of circle-line has the chance to occupy the completed circle-line, and the black half of circle-line has also the chance to occupy the completed circle-line. No.2, when the circle-line is divided into four areas, any area of four areas has the chance to occupy the completed circle-line.

And it is just the wave function of probability. But, it is the wave function of Bohr’s cost, and it is the wave function at the gap between different wave functions, and, it is the hell tunnel with definite property and with completed property.


The four areas have ability to be correspondent to the four phases of quantum vessel, and it is to create four flesh soup images being related with the four phases of quantum vessel.




The first white area is to show that, the selfish triangle does not know the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and the first white area is able to be the flesh soup image being connected with the first phase of quantum vessel.

Because of that, the first phase of quantum vessel is the phase of negative feedback effect, and it is going into the connection with the pointer of force law, through the triple layers of structure of standard set of function, or, it is going into the connection with the life-goal of life-growth, through the triple layers of structure of standard set of function.

The problem of the first white area is that, it is un-known of the realization of the life-goal of self-own, or it is un-known of the meaning of be-alive, according to the un-known of the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power. And then, zombie has ability to replace this type of life-goal, and, it is just the realization of murdering goal. And then, it is to change the first phase of quantum vessel into the first flesh soup image.




The second white area is to show that, the selfish triangle knows the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power. And then, it is correspondent to the second phase of quantum vessel, and it is the completeness of designing of structure, and it is tunnel to be connected with the law of God’s power, and it is the conservation axle of life continuing.

But, the management of zombie, is just to manage the second phase of behavior quantum vessel of every selfish triangle, through promoting the bitch of shit-mind into the choice pole, and according to the driving power of death boundary, and according to the way of robbing every choice pole and of robbing all choice poles. And then, the second white area is to change the second phase of quantum vessel into the second flesh soup image.

The problem of the second white area is that, the selfish triangle must know to kill the creator to create the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN. And it is just what zombie had defined the historical law of dynasty alternation.




The first black area is to show that, the selfish triangle is making harm to other persons.

Observing the third phase of quantum vessel, the third phase of quantum vessel is the structure of mixture with double layers. The first layer is taking the immune background or taking the equipment, through the circulation between the self-spin of quantum vessel and the outer background; the second layer is to excrete the garbage towards outer position of quantum vessel, and to excrete the garbage towards the position of outside background. And it is to fit the immune effect being already existence in the background, through the immune action. And there is the problem of outside universe, here.

And then, the third phase of quantum vessel is the phase of immune action. It is correspondent to that, the first phase of quantum vessel is the first original creation spot of immune effect, and, the second phase of quantum vessel is the second original creation spot of immune effect.


And then, the first black area of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is able to create the third flesh soup image to be connected with the third phase of quantum vessel, and to be applied into the creation of the second type of fourth dimensional war, and it is to stimulate the confrontation at the inner position of humankind.






The second black area is to show that, the selfish triangle is making harm to self-own.

Observing the fourth phase of quantum vessel, it is to show the quantum chain, and it is to show the tunnel of properties going through, and it is to show the tube of entropy explosion, and it is to show the creation of structures, and it is the fixed area of the law of trying conservation, and so on.

The most lethal property of the fourth phase of quantum vessel is that, it is the connection with the sixth universe in definite way. Or, the ultimate goal of universe is to create the life of humankind, but, the life of humankind is the situation of self-harm.

And then, the fourth phase of quantum vessel is the metabolism action phase, and, it is the isomorphic structure with the biological body.

And, it is correspondent to that, the second phase of quantum vessel is the first original creation spot of metabolism, and it is the principle of energy shrinking; and, the third phase of quantum vessel is the second original creation spot of metabolism, and it is the original creation of unit cooperation pointer.


And then, the second black area of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is able to create the fourth flesh soup image to be connected with the fourth phase of quantum vessel, and it is to create the major body of fourth dimensional war according to the self-harm of human person, and it is to change the shape of other-killing into the shape of self-killing. And it is just cutting down the relation between the humankind and the God. And it is to squeeze the sixth universe into isolated island, and going into self-destroying state. And it is driving humankind into self-extinction. And it is the realizing state of Chinese dream.


Correspondently, the first white area of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is applied into the creation of the third type of fourth dimensional war, it is to make the fourth dimensional war being the war between the humankind and the nothing, according to that the selfish triangle does not know the life-goal of self-own being replaced by zombie.


Correspondently, the second white area of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is applied into the creation of the fourth type of fourth dimensional war, and it is the law of zombie’s growth through the suicide conservation. And it is to realize the goal of catching bad guy through suicide. Do the bad guys in humankind need to be caught by zombie? And it is driving humankind into extinction.





According to the law of determination coming from background, the circle-line shape of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is based on the background of the zombie’s corpse triangle of right angle.

According to the background of the feeling-known in selfish triangle, the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the shape of prison bubble, and it is to create the volume psychological pressure.

Because of that, the physical meaning of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the set of connection tunnels, between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power; or it is the set of connection tunnels, between the selfish triangle and the different elements in central scientific principle; or it is the set of connection tunnels, between the selfish triangle and the different elements in the unique web system of fourth dimension. And then, it is shown as the natural measured property of flesh soup.



And then, according to the background of feeling-known in selfish triangle, the flesh soup prison-bubble is the psychological pressure of death, and it is to squeeze the selfish triangle into the psychological twisting, and it is just driving power of making human person into material to create the animal. And it is the life destroying effect with permission of God’s measurement.

Or, it is the result of the effect coming from the murdering pointer of flesh soup of HAN-XIN. And it is the killing situation in definite way, and killing is inevitable.


According to the background of the feeling-known in selfish triangle, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the meaning of machine of creating human person, and it is the printing machine defined by zombie. Or, it is the printing machine of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, and, it is one of the four ancient greatest inventions of zombie, and it is the effect coming from the terminating spot of zombie’s compass. And it is the death conservation.


The printing machine of flesh soup of HAN-XIN is shown through the alternation of the background, and it is very secret. The printing machine of flesh soup of HAN-XIN is holding a murdering pointer of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, coming from the contacting map of zombie, and to squeeze the selected murdering target into the center-dot, and it is the fourth dimensional aiming ability of the murdering pointer of flesh soup of HAN-XIN. And, it is used to murder any life unit of a person, and it is just what zombie said that, it is the universe truth. And, it is what zombie said that, it is able to kill any person on the world. For example, it is able to kill PIAO-JIN-HUI the former president of South Korea.


The circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the set of connection tunnels between the selfish triangle and the central scientific principle, or, it is the shape of the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power. Or, it is the set of definitions to define the meaning of be-alive in selfish triangle. And the problem can’t be mistaken.



That is to say, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is the set of definitions of the meaning of be-alive in selfish triangle, and, it is the set of connection tunnels between the selfish triangle and the central scientific principle, and, it is the set of connection tunnels between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and, it is the set of connection tunnels between the selfish triangle and the God, and so on.

And then, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN has two states. The first state is that, it is the instinct connection state of life, coming from the time of God creating human life, or, it is the physical property of connections between the selfish triangle and all things of existence background in universe; the second state is that, it is the deviation effects of coming from the connection between, the thinking or behavior coming from the selfish triangle, and the law of God’s power.



Simply, two states of the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN are that, one of the two states is the life-existence-state defined by God, or it is the eternal right state; and the other state is life-living state of selfish triangle controlling the thinking and behavior of self-own, or it is the fitting state between, the thinking or behavior coming from selfish triangle, and the definition of God, or it is the eternal wrong state according to the existence of angular quantum.

And then, according to the division situation between two states, or according to the difference between the definition of God and the definition of self-own of selfish triangle, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is divided into the pair of the black half of circle and the white half of circle.



或者,rel 自私三角形 (韩信肉羹监狱环) 天威定律或者中心科学法则或者第四维度全维拼网唯一性rel => 公平守恒指针的镜像控制截面。

The white half of circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the state of life-existence of selfish triangle, defined by God. Or, it is the instinct connection tunnel of life between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, or, it is the common sense state of be-alive.

That is to say, the existence of the pointer of fair conservation is making the division between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and to show the original creation of human life; and then, after of the existence of human person, it is necessary of going into connection with the law of God’s power, according to self-own, and to make the continuing effect of self-life. And then, according to the background of the law of God’s power, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is just the image situation of the pointer of fair conservation. And then, this circle-line can be used into driving humankind into extinction.

Or, rel the selfish triangle (the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN) the law of God’s power or the central scientific principle or the unique web system of fourth dimension rel => the image controlling section of the pointer of fair conservation.



That is to say, the pointer of fair conservation is to show the singularity of the central scientific principle, or to show the procedure of creating human life through selfish triangle going apart away from the central scientific principle. And, it is the fundamental principle of God creating human life, and it is shown in repeated way through the connection between the sperm and the egg.

But, the meaning of be-alive in selfish triangle is that, the thinking in selfish triangle must be returning back into the connection with the central scientific principle, and, it is to realize the meaning of be-alive or to realize the continuing effect of life through the unit cooperation pointer, or through the self-original sequence going from property to rule and then to function.


But, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is just researching the meaning of be-alive of selfish triangle. And then, according to the meaning of be-alive of selfish triangle, it is to design the murdering method. And it is applying the anus hole of zombie to replace the meaning of be-alive of selfish triangle, and it is applying the anus hole of zombie to replace the law of God’s power, and it is applying the anus hole of zombie to replace the central scientific principle, and it is applying the anus hole of zombie to replace the God. And, it is liberating the whole of world, and it is saving the earth, and it is death conservation.



The black half of circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the self-controlling effect of selfish triangle to the self-thinking and the self-behavior, to control the connection with the law of God’s power, or to control the connection with the central scientific principle.

This self-controlling effect between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, No.1, must be fitting the law of trying conservation, at the near area; and, No.2, must be fitting the immune effect coming from extinction effect, at far area, or it is the co-existence between immune effect and extinction effect. And, this is beyond the ability of selfish triangle, and it must be relying on the historical accumulation of science and tech, and relying on the division of professional subjects, according to the step-forward principle of science.





That is to say, the black half of circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is just the law of constant wrong forever, and aiming to the angular quantum effect in direct way.

Or, the self-controlling effect of selfish triangle to self-thinking and self-behavior is going apart away from definition of God in eternal way. And then, this deviation effect can be used as the weapon to destroying the selfish triangle. Or, it is just zombie said that, only the zombie has ability to save humankind.

Or, it is just zombie said that, applying the spear of selfish triangle to destroy the shield of selfish triangle, or, taking from human person, and then used into human person. And it is death conservation.

All responsibility must be charged into the selfish triangle, and it is not the business of zombie.




Or simply, the black half of circle-line is just the living state of life; and the white half of circle-line is just the existence state of life. And then, it is applying the living state of life, to destroy the existence state of life. And then, it is able to use human person being material, to create animal.

It is necessary for a name to express this situation, and the name is flesh soup conservation law of HAN-XIN, and it is the conservation law of driving humankind into extinction.


具体表达为(自旋量子数+1/2,自旋量子数-1/2) => (韩信肉羹监狱环白半圆+1/2,韩信肉跟监狱环黑半圆-1/2)=> 韩信肉羹监狱环与自私三角形的连接性,或者第四维度战争。

That is to say, according to the background of selfish triangle, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the quantum self-spin effect. And the quantum self-spin effect is to close the selfish triangle into the self-spin body going apart away from the central scientific principle. And, according to the background of coming from the zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle, the self-spin effect is to define the outer position of Galileo’s room.

It is expressed as that, (self-spin+1/2,self-spin-1/2) => (the white half of circle-line +1/2,the black half of circle-line -1/2)=> the connection between the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, or the fourth dimensional war.


That is to say, according to the law of determination coming from background,

No.1, according to the background of zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle, the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is a circle-line.

No.2, according to the background of feeling-known in selfish triangle, the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is a prison bubble, to create the division between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and, it is the original creator to create psychological pressure of death.

No.3, according to the background of the connection between the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN and the selfish triangle, or according to the background of fourth dimensional war, the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the quantum self-spin effect.



According to the thinking in selfish triangle, if the thinking of selfish triangle does not trying to kill the creator of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN,

The white half of circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is divided into two parts, No.1, it is the connection effect with the law of God’s power that the selfish triangle has known; No.2, it is the connection effect with the law of God’s power that the selfish triangle has not known. Because of that,the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the image effect of the pointer of fair conservation, and with the effect of connection with the original creation property of life.



According to the thinking in selfish triangle, if the thinking of selfish triangle does not trying to kill the creator of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN,

The black half of circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is also divided into two parts, No.1, it is the harm to self-own; No.2, it is the harm to others, because of breaking down with the law of God’s power.




And then, the connection between the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN and the selfish triangle is just shown the image structure of quantum vessel. According to that the behavior of human person is just the quantum vessel, and then, the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is just creating out the image structure of the quantum vessel of human behavior, and it is creating out the management effect automatically. And it is just zombie had said, riding over the head of human person, and making power, and making happiness, and it can be called as the flesh soup management particle of HAN-XIN.

The effect of the flesh soup management particle of HAN-XIN is the death conservational training subject in zombie’s evil training, and it is zombie to define the self-own into the opposite direction to humankind, and it is the standing-field problem, or it is the opinion problem, that zombie had repeated, and it is the engineering project of pretending bitch.

If no killing the creator of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, the unique living tunnel is to make the anus of zombie being the definer of be-alive, and it is the conservation law of party mother, and zombie is the mother, and it is death conservation.



The circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is to squeeze the selfish triangle into the center in definite way, and then, it is to create a pointer of direction beginning from the circle and touching into the center, and then, the physical meaning of the circle is the quantum duality of direction and particle. And it is pretending the Galileo’s room in completed way. it is the meaning of extinction.



Galileo’s room could be expressed as a bubble, and, adding a pointer with beginning spot on the bubble, and going into the inner position of Galileo’s room, and it is going into the connection with the law of God’s power, and it is the pointer of definer to define the meaning of be-alive.

To show the existence of the meaning pointer of be-alive, the bubble shape of Galileo’s room must be changed into the shape of circle. Otherwise, the meaning pointer of be-alive can’t be shown, and it is the Galileo’s room without the meaning of be-alive.


The Galileo’s room without the meaning of be-alive, will be of no meaning of continuing of life, and will not create the science. And then, it is not the Galileo’s room.


Under the fundamental basis of Galileo’s room bringing the meaning pointer of be-alive, and, if the circle and the meaning pointer of be-alive, are divided apart away, and then, the circle-line of Galileo’s room is changed into a math dot, or being changed into a Newton’s dot; and the meaning pointer of be-alive is just the experimental pointer.


This problem can’t be mistaken. Galileo’s room is the duality state between Newton’s dot and the experimental arrow. And, it is to show the law of double tunnels of fourth dimension. But, it is to divide the law of double tunnels of fourth dimension, into two different 3-dmiensional tunnels of near physics. And it is the problem of eternal choice of humankind between living and extinction. And, it is the problem of the science being changed into the liar or not.



When the Newton’s dot is connected with the language fulcrum, it is to create the math of 1. When the Newton’s dot is the tendency of going apart away from the language fulcrum, it is to create the math of 0. When the math of 0 is holding the meaning pointer of be-alive, and it is the first law of Newton, and it is going into the God finally.

And zombie is proving that the first law of Newton is wrong. And it is changing the Galileo’s relativity into the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN.



That is to say, the half of Galileo’s relativity, is just to change the Galileo’s room into a Newton’s dot and adding a meaning pointer of be-alive. And the meaning pointer of be-alive is just the experimental pointer. And it is just the near science.

When near science is going away from the half of Galileo’s relativity, it is to change the science into the liar according to the effect of fifth force in universe.


Comparing the Galileo’s room and the stone model, in Galileo’s room, it is applying a meaning pointer of be-alive to replace the infinite number of diameters in stone model. And the quantum wave function is just mixing the circle of Galileo’s room and the meaning pointer of be-alive, with each other, and it is to create the Bohr’s barrel. Clearly, the Bohr’s cost is connected with the tunnel going into the hell.


If the Bohr’s cost with effect of going into the hell, is connected with the language fulcrum, it is just the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN.



The circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is just to squeeze the selfish triangle into the center-dot. And it is to create the flesh soup pointer, going from the beginning spot of circle-line, and going towards into the center-dot.

This flesh soup pointer of HAN-XIN should have a name, and the name could be the murdering pointer of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, or simply, the murdering pointer of flesh soup.






Both the driving power and the original creation spot of this murdering pointer of flesh soup are just the corpse circulation triangle of right angle, with three vertexes being,

The first vertex is just the contacting map of zombie, hidden behind the uncountable set of math, being made up of the set of scientific names or volume names, with effect of cutting down the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and going into death boundary.

The second vertex is of managing the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, or of managing the connection between roots and the nutrition.

The third vertex is the appointment system of zombie, including opening appointment system and secret appointment system, with the effect of fitting the law of double layers of fourth dimension, to rob every choice pole and to rob all choice poles, and to rob every naming ability and to rob all naming abilities, and to rob every money register and to rob all money registers.

Hidden behind the management of zombie, it is the law of God’s power, picking out the inspiration from the duality of inspiration and faith, and dividing the inspiration apart away from the faith, and transporting the inspiration into the law of trying conservation. And it is the fourth dimensional way.


According to the law of determination coming from background, the shape of circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the existence of according to the background of zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle. According to the background of the selfish triangles of humankind, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is not the shape of circle, but, being 3-dimensional bubble shape, and, it is the shape of flesh soup prison of HAN-XIN, or simply, the shape of flesh soup prison, and it is the result of running of the zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle, and it is to show the meaning of fourth dimensional murdering.


Every selfish triangle is the center-dot of the flesh soup prison, and without knowing of what the law of God’s power is. And then, it is necessary of being fed by zombie’s anus hole. And it is the death conservation.


The flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is based on the existence of zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle. If the zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle is the existence, the flesh soup prison must be the existence. Because of that, the flesh soup prison bubble is the fundamental basis to rob every money register and to rob all money registers.


The murdering pointer of flesh soup is of the beginning spot of flesh soup prison bubble and going towards the selfish triangle. According to the law of expression of direction, the 3-dimensional structure to create the murdering pointer of flesh soup, is the evil-teaching system and evil-training system being located in zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle, and it is to create the education without son and without grandson, and it is to create the appointment system of zombie.



In the life shape of P-track, the meaning of land is not the surface of earth already. And, the meaning of land is the bridge shape of periodic table. This problem can’t be mistaken.


Because of that, the land model on the surface of earth is just the model of stone, and it is the circle with infinite number of diameters in it. The circle is to express the physical static, and the diameter is to express the universe fulcrum of physical dynamics.

也就是说,rel 伽利略房子内部 (宇宙支点) 趋向伽利略房子 rel => 绝不同时,是依据宇宙支点来表达完整的伽利略相对性。但是,伽利略房子内部,是天威定律。因此,当表达伽利略房子内部的时候,上帝认为伽利略房子内部是不存在的。因此,伽利略房子内部的表达,仅仅是趋向伽利略房子内部,而不是表达伽利略房子内部。

That is to say, rel the inner position of Galileo’s room (the cosmic fulcrum) the outer position of Galileo’s room rel => never simultaneous, is to show the completed Galileo’s relativity according to the cosmic fulcrum. But, the inner position of Galileo’s room is the law of God’s power. And then, when the expression of the inner position of Galileo’s room is shown, the God thinks that the inner position of Galileo’s room is not the existence. And then, the expression of the inner position of Galileo’s room, is not the inner position of Galileo’s room, but, it is the tendency going towards the inner position of Galileo’s room.


But, when the law of God’s power is shown as the definite natural measured property, and to show the definite existence, at this time, the inner position of Galileo’s room is replaced totally, by the law of God’s power, and without the relation of the outer position of Galileo’s room, and it is to show the time before the original creation of humankind. At this time, the inner position of Galileo’s room is able to be expressed, but there is no human person to express it. And it is the pointer of force law being observer to express it.

因此,用宇宙支点表达完整伽利略相对性的时候,宇宙支点是一个第四维度双层边界定律态势。这与rel 是 (宇宙支点) 否 rel => 绝不同时对比,是不一样的。

And then, when the completed Galileo’s relativity is shown through the cosmic fulcrum, this cosmic fulcrum is the state of the law of double layers of fourth dimension. And it is different from the rel yes (cosmic fulcrum) no rel => never simultaneous.

也就是说,rel 伽利略房子内部 (宇宙支点) 趋向伽利略房子外部 rel => rel 天威定律 (宇宙支点) 趋向构成石头模型rel => rel 天威定律 (宇宙支点) 石头内部的无穷多直径 rel => 石头模型的动态支点的直径含义,表达无穷多运动方向。这里的rel就是石头的不能封闭的圆周线,与囊胚形状匹配。

That is to say, rel the inner position of Galileo’s room (cosmic fulcrum) the tendency of going into outer position of Galileo’s room rel => rel the law of God’s power (cosmic fulcrum) the tendency going towards into the creation of stone model rel => rel the law of God’s power (cosmic fulcrum) the infinite number of diameters at the inner position of stone rel => the diameter of stone with meaning of dynamical fulcrum, to show the infinite of moving direction. The rel here is just the circle-line that can’t be closed, and fitting the blastula shape.



When the circle-line of stone is spinning around any diameter, it is changed into the bubble shape of stone. And the bubble shape of stone is connected with the equivalent between the structure and the sightline, and then, it is connected with the naming ability pointer.

And, both the circle and the diameter of the stone model are just located at the outer position of the naming ability pointer, to show the physical meaning, and it is the physical static and physical dynamics.


And then, the infinite diameters in the stone model must be explained through the experimental arrows, and it is to show the law of fixed direction of touching the root through the completeness of original data.



According to the scientific history of humankind, the infinite number of diameters in stone model is just the atom elements in the periodic table.

And then, comparing with the stone model, the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table is just to show the bubble shape of stone model, and the physical meaning is just the 3-dimensional stability of the universe.



That is to say, in periodic table of atom elements, the atom element is to show the near physics, according to the existence of the experimental pointer. But, the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table of atom elements is the starting spot going from near physics towards far physics. And it is the general shape of the general relativity of Einstein, with getting rid of Einstein’s pain. And it is totally different from the bubble of stone model, and being just opposite.

Because of that, the periodic table of atom elements is coming from God, but, the bubble of stone model is coming from the language fulcrum.


According to the background of quantum vessel, the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table of atom elements is just the functional pole being located at the 3 o’clock of the fourth universe quantum vessel. And, it is just the 3-dimensional stability, and, it is the disappearance state of the fourth dimensional property, in completed way. And it is the 3-dimensional stability defined by God, and it has no relation with language fulcrum.



That is to say, the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table of atom elements is the half of Galileo’s relativity defined by God, and it is not the half of Galileo’s relativity fined by Galileo. That is to say, the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table of atom elements is the definer of God, to define the Galileo’s room. And it is to show that, there is only the fourth universe, and there is no sixth universe. That is to say, it is connected with the time before the original creation of human life. But the stone bubble is created after the original creation of human life. And, math is also created after the original creation of human life.

No.1, math; No.2, the pair of circle and diameter; No.3, periodic table of atom elements, these three elements are creating the perception triangle.



That is to say, if the breaking state, between the thinking in selfish triangle and the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table of atom elements, is completed enough, the completed humankind will be going into extinction, according to the definition of God. And there is no choice.

And, this is the land meaning in the life shape of P-track. And then, land is not the earth. During the life shape of P-track, the sightline shape of earth has been gone inevitably.


The bubble of stone is located at the inner position of fifth universe, with the circle-line model being closed; but, the bubble of periodic table of atom elements is located at the inner position of fourth universe, and the circle-line model can’t be closed, but, being located at the boundary with connection to fifth universe.


Observing the universe, a type of star is found, and it is the pulsar. According to the physical properties of pulsar, on pulsar, the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table of atom elements is almost the disappearance.


That is to say, drawing a line between the earth and the pulsar, this is the quantum line. The physical meaning of this quantum line is just the single of cosmic constant. Or, it is a bit of smaller than the single cosmic constant.


That is to say, the distance between the earth and the pulsar is constant infinite. Or, the artificial ruler can’t be used to measure the distance between the earth and the pulsar. And it is the bending of space-time.


The distance of single cosmic constant between the earth and the pulsar is to show the bending of space-time, and it is driving the science into the liar with inevitable way. And it is the effect of fifth force.


That is to say, the stability of the earth is based on the stability of the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table of atom elements. But, the stability of the pulsar is based on squeezing the fourth dimension into the hell, and then, getting the stability.


When the science is squeezed into the liar, the physical meaning is that, the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power will be totally broken, it is very dangerous. And zombie will never be resting.



According to the structure of the quantum vessel of fourth universe, the bubble of bridge shape of periodic table of atom elements is located at the position of function pole at 3 o’clock; then, the position of pulsar is located on the axle of radius between the universe principle pole at 6 o’clock and the central black hole of fourth universe. Going beyond the pulsar, it is the dark matter.

There is a problem here. According to the background of quantum vessel, the pair of radius and diameter is the duality state. And then, it is the problem of direction of universe.


rel 僵尸联络图 (命名能力) 韩信肉羹监狱环 rel => 僵尸指南针中,僵尸联络图占据的就是科学资格位置,并通过科学资格位置连接到死亡边界。

In rel contacting map of zombie (naming ability pointer) flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN rel => the compass of zombie, the contacting map of zombie is just occupying the position of science eligibility, and it is going into connection with death boundary through the position of science eligibility.


The principle of connection with death boundary is just applying the naming ability pointer to cut down the connection between the naming ability pointer and the law of God’s power.


When the connection between the naming ability pointer and the law of God’s power is cutting down, then, the unique tunnel of connection with the law of God’s power is just the law of trying conservation.




According to that the unique connection tunnel with the law of God’s power is only the law of trying conservation, and, according to that the law of trying conservation does not know the difference between the living and the death, it is able to trap the law of trying conservation into the anus hole of zombie, and it is to trap the law of trying conservation into the management of zombie. And it is just the square-lattice web system of zombie’s management, and it is driving humankind into extinction in completed way.

But the selfish triangle does not know. Or, the selfish triangle does not know that, this is the death.

But, the selfish triangle must know that, this is the meaning of death.


And, it is the fundamental principle of managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power. Or, it is the fundamental principle of managing the connection between the roots and the nutrition. Clearly, this type of zombie’s management must be relying on the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, because of that it is the death.


That is to say, according to the definite death, the law of God’s power and the management of zombie can never be the simultaneous existences, in absolute way. There is no method to escape the killing.




The circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is the set of all tunnels of connection between the thinking in selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, or the set of all tunnels of connection between the thinking in selfish triangle and the central scientific principle, or the set of all language expressions of all professional subjects in the completed whole of science and tech.

Clearly, the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is relying on the contacting map of zombie totally. And it is the reason of that, HAN-XIM must occupied the name of great General, there must be the word of “great”, and it is occupying the position of science eligibility, to control all language, and to create the structure in nonsense way.

If someone does not know what did HAN-XIN do, then, the methods used by the smoking-meat of zombie, is just the flesh soup methods of HAN-XIN.


The relation of relying on each other in completed way between the contacting map of zombie and the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is just to create a diameter-line of universe, between the death boundary and the completeness of genome. Or it is cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power in completed way. And it is the compass of zombie.



Clearly, this compass type of diameter-line of universe is not the existence in universe. And it is only the existence in the gap of cutting life, of CCF field. And it is to show the extinction property of the gap of cutting life.

The continuing property of human life, is just to create the fifth universe in the gap of cutting life. And the life function of the fifth universe, is to make the death boundary and the completeness of genome, being divided apart away. And, it is to create the folding effect of universe. The death boundary is the existence of every dot, but being divided apart away from the completeness of genome, in completed way. And then, there is no diameter-line of universe between the death boundary and the completeness of genome.





The universe diameter tunnel of the fifth universe is just going from the beginning spot of the law of God’s power, and into the ending spot of the pointer of force law. It is the continuing direction of human life.

If applying the math arrow to express the continuing direction of human life, and being shown as pointer A, then, the compass of zombie is just the pointer B being perpendicular to the pointer A. The pointer A and the pointer B are perpendicular with each other in math way, but, the life meaning is the eternal choice of humankind between extinction and living.

The pointer A and the pointer B give out the feeling-known into selfish triangle, but without giving out the meaning. The meaning must be explained through the universe diameter.

The appointment system of zombie is also the evil-teaching system, and it is to create the pointer B into the selfish triangle.



And then, the universe diameter between the death boundary and the completeness of genome is the existence relying on the fantasy in selfish triangle, and being the existence relying on the un-known of selfish triangle. And, the function of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is just to create the fantasy in selfish triangle, or to create the un-known in selfish triangle. It is to drive humankind into extinction in completed way.

According to the definition of self-own of zombie, this is the crime of flesh soup. According to the punishment made by zombie, it is the punishment of changing into flesh soup.


The thinking in selfish triangle is fitting the conservational model of balloon. The thinking in selfish triangle is expressed as the balloon. But, the continuing direction of human life is expressed as the rope to fix this balloon into the land ground. This rope is just the eternal choice of humankind between living and extinction, and it is the perpendicular with each other between the pointer A and the pointer B. And then, only the pointer A could be the existence, and the pointer B must not be the existence, and it is fitting the model of rope. But, the compass of zombie is just applying the pointer B to replace the pointer A, and it is just driving humankind into extinction. The connection between the rope and the land ground is just the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power. And the land ground is just the law of God’s power.


Going through the management of the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, to cut down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power; going through the management of the connection between the roots and the nutrition, to cut down the connection between the roots and the nutrition; this is the thinking way that can’t be the existence in selfish triangle. And it is unbelievable for the selfish triangle of humankind. But, looking at the history of more than two thousand years in china, and looking at the base-land of zombie at Chinese continent this time now, it is the situation. All are anus holes of zombie, to control or to fart-permission the connection between the law of God’s power and the law of trying conservation. And it is the management of zombie in square-lattice web, and it is the death conservation.


The first element is the contacting map of zombie; the second element is the naming ability pointer; the third element is managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power; according to the background of CCF field, these three elements are creating the circulation of corpse triangle of right angle, and it is the appointment system of zombie, to rob every choice pole and to rob all choice poles, and to rob every money register and to rob all money registers.




The naming ability pointer is fixed on the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, and it is to squeeze the pair of selfish triangle and completeness of genome into the state of dot.

The first element is the connection between the naming ability and the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN; the second element is managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power; the third element is the circle-line of flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN to squeeze the pair of selfish triangle and completeness of genome into the state of dot.

These three elements are creating the flesh soup management triangle of right angle.


The circulation of corpse triangle of right angle and the flesh soup management triangle of right angle, are spliced with each other, to create the zombie’s home triangle of right angle.


According to the background of CCF field, three vertexes of the zombie’s home triangle of right angle are that, the first vertex is the death boundary being located at the 135degree bright angle of fifth universe; the second vertex is the duality of faith and inspiration being located at the 45degree bright angle of fifth universe; the third vertex is the family room of privacy, or being the completeness of genome, being located at the 315degree bright angle of fifth universe.


The middle dot on the bevel edge of the zombie’s home triangle of right angle, is going through the appointment system of zombie, to rob every choice pole and to rob all choice poles, and, going through robbing every choice pole and robbing all choice poles, it is to rob every money register and to rob all money registers, and, to rob every naming ability and to rob all naming ability. And it is to rob the authority of language.



That is to say, at the middle dot of the bevel edge of zombie’s home triangle of right angle, there are three elements. The first element is robbing every choice pole and all choice poles; the second element is robbing every money register and robbing all money register; the third element is robbing every naming ability and robbing all naming abilities.

These three elements are creating the death criminal circulation triangle.


According to the thinking in selfish triangle being background, the elements in death criminal circulation triangle are never simultaneous. That is to say, the thinking in selfish triangle has no method to think about the relations of the three elements in simultaneous way.


The three elements on death criminal circulation triangle are limited edges with each other. And then, the difference between every two elements is just the single cosmic constant. When a single element is shown, the other two elements are the tendency of going into disappearance. That is to say, the three elements on death criminal circulation triangle are creating the unity of three cosmic constants, and the thinking in selfish triangle has no ability to think about it.


And then, zombie is the structure of organization, and zombie is the structure of evil-teaching system or evil-training system. And according to controlling the naming ability, zombie pushes the name of evil-teaching onto human person, and destroying human person.



That is to say, between the thinking and the death criminal circulation triangle, there is the physical effect of powerful repulsive force, and it is the effect of destroying the thinking in selfish triangle, and it is the effect of fifth force in universe. That is to say, the selfish triangle has no method to understand what the zombie thinks. And then, there must be the helping coming from God, or there must be helping coming from central scientific principle.

Only if the thinking of driving humankind into extinction, it is to create the thinking on the death criminal circulation triangle. The thinking of zombie is totally different from the thinking in selfish triangle of humankind. And the thinking of zombie is of death conservation.


But, the circulation state of the unity of death criminal circulation triangle is able to parasitic on to the shape of thumbtack. And the shape of thumbtack is to show the connection between a 2-dimensional sheet and a single dimensional line. And the alternation connection between 2-dimensional sheet and single dimensional line is to show the connection between the single dot and two different backgrounds. And it is the most common shape in different techs and in different behaviors.


The relations of three cosmic constants being shown as the single dot with two backgrounds is the general shape of quantum vessel. Going apart away from the far immune effect, this shape of general quantum vessel has strong power to drive the science into the liar. And it is the power force to drive humankind into extinction, according to cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power.


That is to say, the death criminal circulation triangle has ability to penetrate any tech of humankind. And it is to create the greatest four new inventions of zombie. it is to create the state of driving humankind into extinction in completed way, and it is death conservation.





What is the meaning of applying the naming ability pointer to cut down the relation between the thinking and the law of God’s power?

Applying the naming ability pointer to cut down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power is the extinction property defined by God, and being also the extinction property defined by zombie according to all behaviors of zombie.

Why the selfish triangles don’t know? What is the meaning of unknown of selfish triangle?



The fundamental basis of unknown in selfish triangle is that, No.1, the thinking in selfish triangle must be relying on the naming ability pointer on language fulcrum. And, if there is no naming ability, there is no thinking in selfish triangle. But, No.2 every spot and all spots on central scientific principle is the property that the selfish triangle can never know. There must be the existence of the bridge being fulcrum at the position of outside selfish triangle, and, with the help of the fulcrum at the position of outside selfish triangle, and jumping over the fulcrum, and it is to give out the feeling-known into selfish triangle according to the law of God’s power.

The bridge, the fulcrum, and jumping over the fulcrum, all these actions are located at the scope of outside selfish triangle, or being located in the gap between naming ability and the law of God’s power, or being located in the gap between naming ability and the pointer of changing nothing into existence, and being located in the scope field of duality of choice between death and living. Or, it is the field of spirit wandering defined by zombie. Then, what does the selfish triangle think about?


No.1, cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power; No.2, putting the state of cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, on the tunnel of sightline of coming from the selfish triangle; No.3, it is to stimulate the feeling known at the inner position of selfish triangle; No.4, according to the existence of the pointer of fair conservation, this feeling-known is creating the thinking in selfish triangle;


No.5, this is the eternal choice between living and death, defined by God; and this is also the eternal choice between living and extinction, defined by God; No.6, this is the eternal choice between living and death, defined by zombie, according to feeding humankind; and this is also the eternal choice between living and extinction, defined by zombie, according to feeding humankind;


No.7, this is the volume psychology, and there is no relation with the thinking in selfish triangle, and then, it is able to observe and to make judgment at the position of outside selfish triangle, and being very suitable to observe the volume psychology of the choice between living and death, with deviation being small enough;


No.8, no matter what the thinking is in selfish triangle, it is of no meaning. The unique meaning result is that, does this selfish triangle have the tendency of death defined by God, or, does this selfish triangle have the tendency of be-alive defined by God? No.9, although this result is not precise, the result is enough; No.10, no matter what the thinking is in selfish triangle, it is of no meaning. The unique meaning result is that, does this selfish triangle have the tendency of death defined by zombie, or, does this selfish triangle have the tendency of be-alive defined by zombie?


No.11, the thinking with the tendency of be-alive is very simple, and, the thinking and the law of God’s power must be connected with each other; No.12, the thinking with tendency of death is very complex, and, to find every reason and to find all reasons, because of that, according to the existence of fair triangle, the definer to define the dark side of vacuum sheet is just the death boundary.


No.13, if a selfish triangle is of the tendency of death, then, zombie will feed the selfish triangle through the anus of zombie. Because of that, this selfish triangle can be used as the material to make animal, or, this selfish triangle can be controlled totally according to the compass of zombie. No.14, if a selfish triangle is of the tendency of be-alive, then, zombie will cut down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, according to the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, and to make the fourth dimensional murdering. Because of that, this selfish triangle can’t be controlled totally, by zombie, or, this selfish triangle can’t be changed into animal.


The greatest jumping of achievements in 1958, was just to show the effect of cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, in large scale way and in deliberate way; and, it was just to show the effect of cutting down the connection between the roots and the nutrition, in large scale way and in deliberate way. It was to make the whole of world being known, in deliberate way. According to the background of central scientific principle, and to observe the goal of this behavior, it is to test the stupid scale of humankind. And result of testing can be judged by every person, and it is not only the judgment of zombie.


The greatest jumping of achievements in 1958, was made by zombie, in deliberate way. And, it is the ultimate experimental showing to test the result of cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, and with the deaths of persons beyond 100 million. This experimental result was used directly into the innovation and opening after 1977. And it is used into the greatest business of liberating the whole of world. This is the plotting on bed, in fourth dimensional war, with applying the opposite effect of angle particle.


All these have been history. Then, how about the future? How to deal with the plotting on bed of zombie? It is not the problem of dealing with the plotting on bed of zombie, but, it is the problem of sending zombie into the hell, according to any reason, and according to no reason.



To manage the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, it is to manage the breaking gap between the thinking and the law of God’s power, and, it is to manage the breaking gap between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer, with property of defining field of scientific name, and with the property of choice field between living and death. And, it is to manage the breaking gap between the roots and the nutrition.

No.1, for this management, there is no method of this type of management totally; No.2, for this management, it is creating the direction of going from the death into the extinction, and to create the direction of going into the hell; No.3, the manager being necessary in this type of management is just the bitch of shit-mind. Because of that, the bitch of shit-mind can never build the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power. But, the bitch of shit-mind has the ability to grab the money register of quantum garbage, at the position of 10 and half o’clock of quantum vessel, and then to control everything. Except money, knowing of nothing, and, it is the manager. If the bitch of shit-mind is promoted into the choice pole, the goal of management is touched. And it is the death conservation.




The connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power can never by managed. And, it is the restriction coming from God. The connection between the roots and the nutrition can never by managed. And, it is the restriction coming from God.

But the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is to squeeze the selfish triangle into the dot of center, according to squeeze the completeness of genome into the dot of center, and, to make the selfish triangle being located at the inner position of the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN. And it is to manage a person.

But, the connection between the thinking of selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, is located at the outer position of f the circle-line of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, in definite way, and then, it is able to managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power.



It is to manage a person into fixed state, according to the flesh soup method of HAN-XIN, and then, it is to realize the goal of managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power. You see, is zombie very clever or not?

The God does not allow the management of connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, at the direction of 45degree bright angle of universe, but, according to the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, zombie is realizing the goal of managing the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, at the direction of 315degree bright angle of universe. You see, is zombie very clever or not? It is death conservation.



The fundamental shape of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN has three basic elements, No.1, it is the shape of closed circle, when the closed circle is running, it is changed into the prison-bobble through spinning; No.2, the center is the dot shape of selfish triangle, there must be the death pressure, to squeeze the selfish triangle into state of dot; No.3, the dot shape of selfish triangle must be registered on the biological body of a person.


Clearly, a dot state of person is never the existence. To express a person into a state of dot, the physical meaning of this state of dot is just the fair triangle, including three elements, a vacuum sheet, a land sheet, and a selfish triangle. And then, according to the existence of fair triangle, the selfish triangle is never the state of dot.



Clearly, to squeeze the selfish triangle into the dot of center through a circle, it is to squeeze the fair triangle into the dot of center, and it is to squeeze the universe into the dot of center. There is no possibility, because of that, the God does not agree. But, the death property has ability to squeeze the selfish triangle into the state of dot.

And, it is just the stupid. The stupid has ability to change the selfish triangle into the state of dot. And then, the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is just the professional tech of creating stupid.



The unique property to close the fair triangle into the center of dot is just the death boundary. Because of that, the death boundary is the definer to define the dark side of vacuum sheet. And, it is necessary of the stupid in selfish triangle to fit the death boundary, then, the death boundary is able to be applied to squeeze the fair triangle into the state of dot.

Because of that, the death boundary is the short tunnel of the original life creation, or the death boundary is the short tunnel of the original creation of sixth universe, and to be located at the position of pretending God.




When the death boundary is the existence, the sixth universe is not the existence, and the life of humankind is not the existence; when the death boundary is not the existence, the sixth universe is the existence, and the life of humankind is the existence.

The unique property to close the death boundary is just the connection tunnel going into God, and it is just the central scientific principle, and it is just the unique web system of fourth dimension. Because of that, every natural measured property and all natural measured properties are the same connection tunnel going into God, and to close the death boundary.

Or, the death boundary is the singularity of the central scientific principle, or, it is the door of the hell. And then, the contacting map of zombie must be sent into the hell.


The death and the stupid, it is the situation of Chinese continent this time now. Because of that, the breaking state between the thinking and the law of God’s power is just the meaning of death. And the creator of this situation is the death crime defined by God’s law.


The connection tunnel going into death boundary is just the contacting map of zombie, and made up of the set of scientific names, and being parasitic on the central scientific principle, or, being parasitic on the unique web system of fourth dimension.


僵尸联络图,定态连接到死亡边界,表达僵尸的运行方向,表达为rel 死亡边界 (僵尸联络图) 语言支点 rel => 僵尸指南针上半区;而韩信肉羹监狱环,定态连接到家宅四壁生命隐私中的基因图完整性,表达僵尸的运行结构,表达为rel 语言支点 (韩信肉羹监狱环) 生命隐私基因图完整性 rel => 僵尸指南针上下半区。

No matter the contacting map of zombie, or the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, all are the connections with language fulcrum, but with opposite directions.

The contacting map of zombie is fixed on the death boundary, to show the running direction of zombie, and being expressed as rel death boundary (contacting map of zombie) language fulcrum rel => the up half of the zombie’s compass; the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is fixed on the completeness of genome of life privacy, to show the running structure of zombie, and being expressed as rel language fulcrum (flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN) completeness of genome of life privacy rel => the up half of the zombie’s compass.


具体表达为,rel 僵尸联络图 (语言支点) 韩信肉羹监狱环 rel => 僵尸指南针。

或者,rel 僵尸结构方向性 (命名能力) 僵尸结构粒子性 rel => 僵尸指南针。

The contacting map of zombie and the flesh soup prison-circle are creating the zombie’s compass, and it is the pair of the direction of zombie’s structure and the particle of zombie’s structure.

The expression is rel contacting map of zombie (language fulcrum) flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN rel => the compass of zombie.

Or, rel the direction of zombie’s structure (the naming ability) the particle of zombie’s structure rel => the compass of zombie.


Comparing with the creation of selfish triangle through the connection between sperm and egg, and, according to the direction, the contacting map of zombie is the function of replacing sperm; and, the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is the function of replacing egg, according to the particle.


And then, the life function of the connection between the contacting map of zombie and the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN, is just transfer the confessing membrane into the naming ability on language fulcrum. That is to say, it is applying the naming ability pointer to replace the pointer of fair conservation being located at the inner position of selfish triangle. And, it is just applying the naming ability to driving selfish triangle into extinction.



The compass of zombie is to show the toxic psychological heart of zombie system. To change this toxic psychological heart of zombie system into the behavior action system, it is the appointing system of zombie to rob every choice pole and to rob all choice poles. And, it is to transfer the choice of zombie into the inner position of selfish triangle, and it is to replace the life choice ability of selfish triangle.

And, it is just the appointing system of zombie, and the management of zombie. It is to rob every choice pole and to rob all choice poles, and it is to rob every money register, and to rob all money registers. According to the background of quantum vessel, the choice pole is located at the position of 12 o’clock, and, the money register being quantum garbage is located at the position of 10 and half o’clock.



The management of zombie is to manage the connection between the roots and the nutrition, or to manage the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power.

The connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power can never be managed. No matter what the management system is, if it is to manage the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, the unique result of management is the breaking down of the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, and it is to show the death property or to show the extinction property, and it is opening the door of going into the hell.


The unique goal of the management of zombie is just rot every money register and to rob all money register, through robbing every choice pole and through robbing all choice poles, and then to feed humankind through the anus of zombie.



That is to say, cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power is of death property or extinction property. But, this death property or extinction property is connected with the instinct circulation, there will be no direct feeling-known in selfish triangle, and it is necessary to show the death property or extinction property through the central scientific principle.

But, the feeding effect is connected with the habit circulation, and being connected with the feeling-known in selfish triangle directly. And it is to make selfish triangle feeling very good. But, the selfish triangle does not know that, all the belongings of self-own are robbed by zombie.




For humankind, it is the strange principle. The property of strange is based on that, according to the background of quantum vessel, the choice pole is located at 12 o’clock of the quantum vessel, and the money register is located at the 10 and half o’clock of the quantum vessel.

That is to say, the choice pole and the money register are the same existence with opposite sides. As if the choice pole is robbed by zombie, the money register is also robbed by zombie, and all belongings of humankind are robed by zombie.

But, many selfish triangles do not know this type of being same relation. And then, the principle of zombie feeding humankind through driving humankind into extinction could be the existence. And also, zombie applied the un-known to attack or to destroy the known. And it is to create the second type of the fourth dimensional war.


The compass of zombie is cutting down the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, in completed way and in definite way. And it is the extinction defined by God, and it is also the extinction defined by zombie through the compass of zombie. This extinction is including the extinction of completed humankind, and also including the extinction of completed zombie. And it is just what zombie had said, making the revolution with bonding the head on belt. And it is also what zombie had said, putting it on death-line and then it will be living.


The management is to create the extinction background, and to replace the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, through the anus of zombie. And it is just the fart-permission system of zombie.



The compass of zombie is to create the 2-dimensional sheet with infinite diameter between the thinking of selfish triangle and the law of God’s power, and to create the extinction property in completed way. And, the management of zombie is to open the holes of zombie’s anus, on the 2-dimensional sheet with infinite diameter. Going through the hole of zombie’s anus, the thinking of selfish triangle can be connected with the law of God’s power. But, the money register is belonging to zombie.

That is to say, the management of zombie is to create the distribution net of zombie’s anus, and it is just the square-land system of zombie, or, it is the square-lattice system of zombie. That is to say, the humankind throws the seed into the land, but the fruits coming from the law of God’s power must be going into the anus of zombie.


This is Chinese dream. Do you hope the dream of china?




The selfish triangle must be registered on the completeness of genome, to show the existence of confessing membrane. According to the background of the pointer of fair conservation, the confessing membrane is the confessing membrane is the unique isolated pointer of direction going from inner position of biological body into the inner position of selfish triangle.

The completeness of genome is to show the 3-dimensional structure of biological body. And, the selfish triangle is created from the connection between the sperm and the egg. And both the sperm and the egg are all 3-dimensional structure.


也就是说,rel 精子(基因图完整性) 卵子 rel => 精子与卵子从互反方向上,与基因图完整性相差一个方向。

That is to say, comparing with the biological body, or, according to the background of biological body, the sperm and the egg are located at the opposite directions of the completeness of genome. The difference between the sperm and the completeness of genome is an isolated direction; and, the difference between the egg and the completeness of genome is also an isolated direction.

That is to say, rel sperm (completeness of genome) egg rel => opposite to the completeness of genome in single direction way.




That is to say, according to that, the double poles of the completeness of genome are the genes and the confessing membrane, and showing the universe vertical direction, then,

The single direction to show the difference between the sperm and the completeness of genome, is just the universe horizontal direction; and, the single direction to show the difference between the egg and the completeness of genome, is also the universe horizontal direction;

When the opposite directions on the universe horizontal direction are connected with each other, the universe horizontal direction is disappeared into the universe background, and it is to stimulate out the creation of a universe vertical direction, and the universe vertical direction is just the jumping direction, being connected with the pointer of force law, and it is to show the creation of the selfish triangle.



The sperm and the egg are different with the completeness of genome respectively, in the way of single universe horizontal direction, and, according to the experimental observation to biological body, this horizontal direction is power to drive out the meiosis. And with the expression of math, this power is just infinitesimal.

Both the infinite and the infinitesimal are all showing the feature of dynamics. Clearly, it is the effect of fifth force in universe.



According to that, the selfish triangle must be registered on the biological body, and then, it is able to express a person into a math dot. And it is according to the law of determination coming from background, and, according to the background of 3-dimensional structure, then, it is to show that the selfish triangle is squeezed into zero state.

This is the common shape and direct shape about a human person. And, there is only the biological body, and there is no selfish triangle. And it is the natural fundamental basis of zombie destroying humankind.



Clearly, according to that the thinking is fixed at the inner position of selfish triangle, and, according to the existence of thinking, and, according to that the human person being math dot is the result created by the thinking, and then, when a human person is expressed into a math dot, or being expressed into a name dot, then, this dot is not a dot, but, being double dots with overlapping state. To enlarge the shape, it is to show the shape of twisted shape of 8.

The circle at the up position is the selfish triangle; and the circle at the down position is the biological body. The up circle has two poles, the gene and the confessing membrane; the down circle has two poles, the confessing membrane and the pointer of force law.



Because of that, when a person is expressed as the math dot, the God will force it into two dots with the twisted shape of 8, and with meaning of this is the name of a person. Then, under the background of humankind, no person will research a person in the way of dot, because of that there will be never result of researching. Only if of researching the crime, it is to research the criminal person in the way of dot, and for the purpose of forcing this person into prison, it is to track down the moving track of this person.

But, the name of every person is just the math dot, and it is the necessary element of creating the flesh soup system of HAN-XIN, and it is the note of family controlling of zombie.



Zombie is to express a person in the way of dot, and then to research the dot. And it is the flesh soup circle of HAN-XIN. And, zombie has research it for more than two thousand years.

If a person is expressed into a dot, this dot state of a person is not the biological body, but, this dot state of a person is the selfish triangle, and showing the set of thinking. And the set of thinking of a person is the dynamic dot, to show the shape of electron cloud or the shape of wave function, and there is the tasting of high tech. And it is the engineering project of twisting shape of heart.


Hidden behind the thinking set of selfish triangle, there is the secret isolated pointer of direction, with name of the pointer of fair conservation. And the physical meaning of the pointer of fair conservation, is going apart away from the central scientific principle.


One of the elements is the set of thinking; the other element is the division going apart away from central scientific principle. What is the thinking in the mind of zombie?




There is the secret death property hidden behind of that, it is the tendency of going apart away from central scientific principle, according to the driving effect coming from the pointer of fair conservation. That is to say, at the inner position of selfish triangle, there is only the definer to define the meaning of life, and there is no definer to define the meaning of be-alive. And, according to the behaviors of zombie both during the history and at this time now, zombie was and is and will be to find the reason here of destroying humankind; and zombie was and is and will be to find the universe truth here of destroying humankind.

That is to say, when God created life, it was to apply the property of death boundary, to drive out the connection between the definer to define the life meaning and the definer to define the meaning of be-alive. Or, it was applying the property of death boundary, to drive the selfish triangle, of pursuing the connection with the definer of defining the meaning of be-alive, according to the self-independent and self-freedom of self-own.

It is the authority of life conservation.





And then, if researching a person in the way of math dot, it is to rob the authority of life conservation belonging to this person.

To express a selfish triangle into a dot of name, and to do researching work, and then, it is to find that, the initiate state of this dot is definitely going apart away from the central scientific principle, and it is creating the tendency towards the death boundary. And it is just what zombie had said, to liberate the whole of humankind.

Clearly, this selfish triangle with the dot sate of name, must be connected with the central scientific principle, to get rid of the tendency of going towards the death boundary, and to create the result of continuing property of living.

The problem is that, does the selfish triangle be known or be un-known? Clearly, be un-known.



That is to say, if expressing a selfish triangle into a dot of name, and fixing the dot into the center of a circle, then, the meaning of the circle is just the set of every connection and all connections, between this dot and the central scientific principle, according to the diving force coming from the death boundary.

And then, this circle around the dot of name, is just the destiny controlling circle between death and living about this selfish triangle.


That is to say, fixing the destiny controlling circle between living and death, belonging to a selfish triangle, into the position of circle, and, fixing the selfish triangle with dot of name into the position of center, and then, it is to create the pair of circle and the center, and it is just the flesh soup circle of HAN-XIN. It is to control a selfish triangle, according to definite way and according to completed way. it is the conservational way of driving humankind into extinction.



That is to say, the flesh soup circle of HAN-XIN is just the fourth dimensional prison circle. And it is also called as the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN.

When the flesh soup prison-circle is running, it is to show that the circle is going into the state of spinning, and, it is to close the center into the inner position of a bubble prison tightly.


This flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is not only the fourth dimensional prison, to drive the life-span of every person into the prison; but also, it is to drive every concept, such as the concept of language fulcrum, into the prison; and also, it is to drive every area on the surface of earth into the prison; and also, it is to drive the completed surface of the earth, into the prison. And it is the meaning of driving humankind into the state of extinction.




This flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN is not the isolated existence. There must be the existence of the contacting map of zombie, and to drive out the existence of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN.

Because of that, when the selfish triangle is fixed into the center, there must be the existence of all names coming from the central scientific principle, or coming from the unique web system of fourth dimension, to fit the goal of creating the completed circle around the center made up of selfish triangle.

Otherwise, according to the driving force coming from the instinct circulation of life, this circle is the broken state, and there is no way to create the closed circle around the selfish triangle, according to the confrontation of death.


The existence of the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN must be relying on the existence of the contacting map of zombie, and it is just the compass of zombie. And it is one of the four greatest ancient inventions of zombie.


(自旋量子数-1/2,自旋量子数+1/2)=>(僵尸联络图 -1/2,韩信肉羹监狱环+1/2)=> 驱动人类完整走向灭绝。

That is to say, the relation between the flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN and the contacting map of zombie, is just to create the effect of quantum self-spin.

(quantum self-spin -1/2,quantum self-spin +1/2)=>(contacting map of zombie -1/2,flesh soup prison-circle of HAN-XIN +1/2)=> driving humankind into extinction in completed way.



According to the connection between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer, it is to create the unique isolated pointer of going apart away from the law of God’s power. And, this is the recording principle of scientific researching results. And, it should have the expression of the fixed direction law of science recordding. And it is the critical focused spot of zombie researching how to destroy humankind.


When the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer are connected with each other, No.1, on the language fulcrum, it is to create the volume name or the scientific name, in mutation way; No.2, the pointer of changing nothing into existence is returning back into the law of God’s power, in mutation way, and being changed into nothing; No.3, the inspiration transported through the law of God’s power is going into disappearance.


On language fulcrum, when the volume name or the scientific name is created out, it is going into the selfish triangle to be connected with the feeling-known, and it is going apart away from the law of God’s power, through two different tunnels.



The first tunnel of going apart away is that, the feeling known is going apart away from the law of God’s power, according to going apart away from the central scientific principle; the second tunnel of going apart away is that, the pointer of changing nothing into existence is returning back into the law of God’s power, or returning back into the central scientific principle, and being changed into nothing, and, creating the division between the volume name and the pointer of changing nothing into existence, or, creating the division between the scientific name and the pointer of changing nothing into existence. And, it is to create the effect of language losing effectiveness.

And here is the fundamental principle of zombie destroying humankind.


That is to say, every volume name or every scientific name is holding the effect of language losing effectiveness, and it is to create the effect of difficulty. This is the problem of creating the eternal choice of humankind between living and extinction. And then, it should be emphasized in special way, and the effect could be called as the conservation law of science losing effectiveness. And, it is the power to drive the science into the liar.




That is to say, when volume name or scientific name is created according to the connection between the naming ability pointer and the pointer of changing nothing into existence, it is to create the effect of quantum self-spin.

According to going apart away from the law of God’s power, this effect of quantum self-spin is driving the pointer of changing nothing into the existence, being changed into the spirit power of scientific liar, and the spirit power of scientific liar is connected with the vacuum sheet of the fair triangle. Or, according to the law of determination coming from background, the existence of the background of language fulcrum is to resist the pointer of changing nothing into existence returning back into the law of God’s power. It is the language fulcrum to drive the pointer of changing nothing into existence jumping into the spirit of ghost soul.

But, the volume name or the scientific name is going from the beginning spot of language fulcrum towards the both bright sides of land sheet simultaneously, and creating the feeling-known in selfish triangle.




This is the shape Y effect of language fulcrum. That is to say, the language fulcrum is the central spot of the fair triangle.

According to the background of fair triangle, when the language fulcrum is connected with the law of God’s power, the language fulcrum is connected with the selfish triangle simultaneously, and the language fulcrum is connected with the death boundary simultaneously.

Hidden behind it, it is the co-existence effect between the clockwise time dimension of universe and the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, and it is the existence of universe folding.

也就是说,体积名称或者科学名称 =>(自旋量子数-1/2,自旋量子数+1/2)=>(科学骗子幽灵力-1/2,体积名称或者科学名称+1/2)=> (真空薄膜连接性-1/2,土地薄膜连接性+1/2)。


That is to say, the volume name or the scientific name =>(self-spin-1/2,self-spin+1/2)=>(the spirit power of scientific liar -1/2,the volume name or the scientific name +1/2)=> (the connection with vacuum sheet -1/2,the connection with land sheet +1/2)。

It is not the problem that the occupiers on the position of science eligibility must answer, but, it is the problem of tracking down the responsibility, and the problem of how to track down the responsibility.


A spirit is wondering on the sky. And here is the explanation about the spirit according to the central scientific principle.



The language fulcrum and the law of God’s power are two elements to create the conservation axle of scientific definition. And, according to the existence of the spirit power of scientific liar, it is also the conservation axle of the choice between living and death.

The language fulcrum is the constant tendency of existence; the law of God’s power is the constant tendency of inexistence; and, the death boundary is also the constant tendency of inexistence.


How to make division between the law of God’s power and the death boundary? According to the law of determination coming from background, it is to make the division between the death boundary and the law of God’s power through the thinking in selfish triangle.



It is the constant confrontation state between the law of God’s power and the thinking in selfish triangle, and, it is to create the metabolism ability in selfish triangle.

It is the constant parallel state between the death boundary and the thinking in selfish triangle, and, it is the constant harmonious state, and it is to show the state of parallel universe, and, it is to give out the universe vacuum immune effect to selfish triangle.


When the death boundary in parallel universe is replacing the law of God’s power, it is driving humankind into extinction, in definite way and in completed way. And, it is the base land of zombie.


The language fulcrum and the law of God’s power are two elements to create the conservation axle of scientific definition. And, the language fulcrum is the constant tendency of existence; and the law of God’s power is the constant tendency of inexistence.


The constant tendency of existence in language fulcrum, No.1, is to create the constant existence of feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle; and No.2, is to create the constant existence of the law of trying conservation at the outer position of selfish triangle; and No.3, is to create the constant existence of habit circulation, according to the background of anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, and according to the law of determination coming from background. And it is to create the constant existence of the circulation going from thinking into behavior and then into result.


The constant inexistence of the law of God’s power, No.1, is to create spirit power of scientific liar on the vacuum sheet, along the direction of clockwise time dimension of universe; and No.2, is to create the constant existence of transporting inspiration into the law of trying conservation, through the law of God’s power, and according to the direction of anti-clockwise time dimension of universe; and No.3, is to create the constant existence of instinct circulation of life, or to create the constant existence of the central scientific principle, or to create the constant existence of the God, according to the background of anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, and according to the law of determination coming from background.




According to the constant existence of spirit power of scientific liar, zombie is collecting the volume names or scientific names into the death boundary, to create the contacting map of zombie, and it is to create the theory of building country and designing of building country.

It is to rob every choice pole and to rob all choice poles, and it is to rob every money register and to rob all money registers, according to the naming ability on the language fulcrum. All I haven’t seen belong to me.

And it is just No.1, creating the background of driving humankind into extinction; and No.2, feeding humankind. And it is the death conservation. Except death, it is also the death.



In fair triangle, the definer to define the dark side of vacuum sheet is the death boundary. And, the death boundary defines the diameter of vacuum sheet being infinite. Because of that, according to the background of selfish triangle, the death property is located everywhere.



But, according to the background of selfish triangle, the diameter of vacuum sheet is infinitesimal. Because of that, the selfish triangle can only feel the existence of death property, and, the selfish triangle can never feel what the death is, otherwise, the selfish triangle is the disappearance.

Only if the selfish triangle is disappeared in completed way, it is to show the existence of death. And then, the selfish triangle can never feel what the death is.




But, according to the definition coming from God, when the connection between the thinking in selfish triangle and the law of God’s power is broken, it is the definite death property. Is it necessary of “for example”? This is the volume psychology of frightening.

And then, at the inner position of selfish triangle, there is at least a bit of thinking being connected with the law of God’s power, and it is to show the meaning of be-alive, such as the thinking of taking food, or the thinking of taking money.

It is the forgotten problem in fourth dimensional war, by humankind. And it is also the fundamental basis that zombie destroys humankind, and it is controlling both the thinking and the behavior of human person. And, it is also the central core of the flesh soup tech of HAN-XIN.


No matter what tunnel the thinking in selfish triangle must go through, and, being connected with the law of God’s power, the ultimate shape is the same shape, and it is the connection between the naming ability pointer on selfish triangle and the pointer of changing nothing into existence, and it is to create the tunnel of connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, and it is to create the meaning of be-alive.


And then, the scope field between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer, is just the choice field between living and destroying, and it is the choice field between living and death.



The choice field between living and death is the eternal constant existence. And the continuing span of this existence is going from the original creation of human life, until the extinction of the completed humankind.

The choice field between living and death is most important life unit, and it is the fulcrum of life unit, to transport the inspiration from the duality of faith and inspiration into the selfish triangle.




There must be some persons at first create the tunnel of food, according to the beginning spot of the choice field between living and death, and then, at second, the thinking in selfish triangle has ability to connect with food, and touching the law of God’s power.

There must be some persons at first create the tunnel of money, according to the beginning spot of the choice field between living and death, and then, at second, the thinking in selfish triangle has ability to connect with money, and touching the law of God’s power.

There must be some persons at first create the connection tunnel with the law of God’s power, according to the beginning spot of the choice field between living and death, and then, at second, the thinking in selfish triangle has ability to be connected with the law of God’s power, through the result of connection with the law of God’s power. And so on.


The background to create the meaning of the choice field between living and death, is the necessary connection between the law of God’s power and the thinking in selfish triangle, and it is to take the meaning of be-alive. And it is the meaning of faith, and it is to show that, the faith and the inspiration are to form duality, and being hidden behind the law of God’s power.


But, the first property of the choice field between living and death is just the effect of losing language effectiveness. Two poles of the choice field between living and death are the naming ability pointer and the pointer of changing nothing into existence. The pointer of changing nothing into existence is to show the connection with the law of God’s power, and it is the destroying of thinking freedom.




The law of God’s power has no thinking freedom. But, the naming ability pointer must be absolute freedom according to coming from selfish triangle.

The naming ability pointer must be absolute freedom. And, between the freedom effect of naming ability pointer and the effect of absolutely destroying freedom of coming from the law of God’s power, it is to show the choice field between living and death.

And, between the naming ability pointer and the pointer of changing nothing into existence, or, between the naming ability pointer and the law of God’s power, it is to create the volume name of language, or, it is to create the scientific name.


And then, the second property of the choice field between living and death, is the problem of division between the science and the liar, or, it is the problem of changing the science into the liar.




If the naming ability is connected with the law of God’s power, it is the connection with the instinct circulation of life; if the naming ability is not connected with the law of God’s power, it is the connection with the habit circulation of life.

The gap between the instinct circulation and the habit circulation, is just the choice field between living and death. And, it is to drive the selfish triangle, going to control the habit of self-own aiming into the instinct of self-own, and, it is the self-independent of life, or the self-freedom of life.

But, zombie is just pretending the God, to control the gap between the life instinct and the life habit, and it is driving humankind into extinction, and it is the fourth dimensional war.



According to the background of fair triangle, hidden behind the vacuum sheet, it is the death boundary; and hidden behind the land sheet, it is the law of God’s power. The naming ability pointer is located on one of the vertexes of selfish triangle.

According to the background of humankind, the thinking in selfish triangle is absolute freedom; but, the thinking of connection with the law of God’s power is absolutely destroyed state of freedom, and it is to create the division between habit and instinct; and, the thinking of connection with the death boundary is also absolutely destroyed state of freedom, and it is also to create the division between habit and instinct;


The problem is how to make division between the death boundary and the law of God’s power? One of them is hidden behind the vacuum sheet, and the other is hidden behind the land sheet. Or, how to make division between the God and the zombie?


The property of death boundary is that, when selfish triangle thinks that the death boundary is not the existence, the death boundary is not the existence; when selfish triangle thinks that the death boundary is the existence, the death boundary is also not the existence.



The property of the law of God’s power is that, when selfish triangle thinks that the law of God’s power is not the existence, the God thinks that the law of God’s power is the existence. Because of that, the selfish triangle, must be connected with the law of God’s power to take the meaning of be-alive, or, must be connected with the central scientific principle to take the meaning of be-alive. Otherwise, it is the death.

When selfish triangle thinks that the law of God’s power is the existence, the God thinks that the law of God’s power is not the existence. Because of that, the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, must be going through picking out the inspiration, and it is not going through the thinking, and it is not going through the naming ability pointer.


That is to say, the physical meaning of the law of God’s power, is to divide the faith and the inspiration going apart away, and to pick out the inspiration, and to transport the inspiration into the law of trying conservation. And afterwards, No.1, there is the probability to create the naming ability; and No.2, or there is no ability to create the naming ability pointer, but, it is only to create the experience circulation; and No.3, according to the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe.


And then, the connection between the naming ability pointer and the law of God’s power, or, the connection between the naming ability pointer and the pointer of changing nothing into existence, could be called as the conservation axle of scientific definition, and also, being definition axle between living and death, or, the axle of connection between the inner position of fair triangle and the outer position of fair triangle, and also, being definer to define the outer position of fair triangle and to define the inner position of fair triangle.



Going along the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe,

No.1, the law of God’s power is going into the connection with the law of trying conservation; and No.2, the law of God’s power is going into the connection with the completeness of genome; and No.3, it is to show the tendency that the law of God’s power is going apart away from the death boundary, and it is to show that, the death boundary is the singularity of central scientific principle.





According to the background of fair triangle, and going through three segments of the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, the pair of the vacuum sheet and the land sheet is going apart away from the selfish triangle, and returning back into the central scientific principle, or, returning back into the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, returning back into the lifeless natural universe.

But, according to the pointer of fair conservation, the selfish triangle is going out of the central scientific principle, or going out of the unique web system of fourth dimension, or going out of the natural lifeless universe. And it is to create the language thinking and the feeling known, at the inner position of selfish triangle.

This is the terminated situation of the creation procedure of human life, or, it is the exact time of combining between sperm and egg, and creating the universe direction. Or, it is going apart away from the interaction between molecules in completed way.


Or, the sperm and the egg are near the life. But, the connection between the sperm and the egg is just the life, and to create the selfish triangle in mutation way.



According to the law of determination coming from background, the background of the pointer of fair conservation is just going apart away from the central scientific principle.

Or, when the central scientific principle is the existence, it is to show the existence of the pointer of fair conservation. Otherwise, according to the disappearance state of the central scientific principle, the pointer of fair conservation is not the shape of existence.


But, the biological body of every person is located at the outer position of selfish triangle, and being the partial area in central scientific principle. And then, when the biological body of a person is shown, the shape of the central scientific principle is not the shape of existence, and the pointer of fair conservation is not the shape of existence.


But, according to the connection between the biological body of human person and the confessing membrane, the existence of the biological body is to create the existence of feeling-known of the fair triangle.


In the growth pointer, going from the completeness of genome and through the confessing membrane and touching the pointer of force law, the half of pointer going from the completeness of genome into the confessing membrane is located in the inner position of the central scientific principle; but, the half of pointer going from the confessing membrane into the pointer of force law is located at the universe vertical edge of the selfish triangle.


The confessing membrane and the pointer of force law is the limited edge structure of the central scientific principle. But, when it is expressed out, it is not the pair of confessing membrane and pointer of force law, being located at the limited edge of central scientific principle, and, it is the thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle, and to show the same direction property with the pointer of fair conservation. And, it is going apart away from the central scientific principle, and going into the inner position of selfish triangle, and creating the language thinking and feeling-known.


That is to say, the pointer of fair conservation and the growth pointer of virtual life are the same unique natural measured property, and with different names of expression. And the growth pointer of real life is fixed in the inner position of central scientific principle, and going from the completeness of genome into the confessing membrane.




That is to say, according to the law of determination coming from background, when the background of selfish triangle is the central scientific principle, the pointer of fair conservation is just the pointer of fair conservation.

When the background of selfish triangle is not the central scientific principle, but being the partial structure in the central scientific principle, or, for example, when the background is the biological body, or when the background is the isolated dot of confessing membrane with tendency going apart away from biological body, and with tendency going into the inner position of selfish triangle, then, the pointer of fair conservation is just the growth pointer of virtual life, with direction going from confessing membrane into touching the pointer of force law. Or, the pointer of fair conservation will not be the pointer of fair conservation.

And it is the law of determination coming from background.



Further, the pointer of force law is the pointer going with the beginning spot of the section of resisting punishment coming from God, towards the inner position of universe. When the background of selfish triangle is the section of resisting punishment coming from God, to show the isolated spot of background, the pointer of fair conservation is just the pointer of force law being located at the inner position of selfish triangle, and being shown as the structure of fantasy.

It is going apart away from the position outside universe, or it is going apart away from the central scientific principle, and changing the pointer of force law into the structure of fantasy in selfish triangle.



And further, according to that, the naming ability pointer is going from language fulcrum towards the 3 o’clock position of quantum vessel, or going from language fulcrum towards the outer surface of Galileo’s room, or going from language fulcrum towards the half of Galileo’s relativity, and then, when the language is the isolated spot being the background of selfish triangle, the pointer of fair conservation is just the sightline in selfish triangle, and showing the same direction with the naming ability pointer according to the background of feeling known.

That is to say, the sightline is the lengthening state of the pointer of fair conservation, and, going from the inner position of selfish triangle towards the outer position of selfish triangle.



The difference between the direction of sightline and the naming ability pointer is that, the beginning spot of sightline is the completed area of selfish triangle; but, the beginning spot of naming ability pointer is the single vertex of language fulcrum in selfish triangle.

The sightline and the pointer of fair conservation are the same natural existence with different names. But, the naming ability pointer is different from the pointer of fair conservation, according to that, the naming ability pointer is located at the outer side of selfish triangle, and the naming ability pointer does not belong to the inner position of selfish triangle.


That is to say, the physical meaning of the naming ability pointer is that, when the selfish triangle is driven by the pointer of fair conservation, into the tendency of going apart away from the central scientific principle, and then, the naming ability pointer is to show the direction of tendency, returning back into the central scientific principle, and going apart away from selfish triangle. And it is to show that, the unique web property of the central scientific principle will not be broken.




And then, the naming ability pointer and the direction of sightline are opposite directions, and, one of opposite directions is going apart away from the central scientific principle, and the other is going towards the central scientific principle.

The sightline being the lengthening state of the pointer of fair conservation, with the property of going apart away from the central scientific principle, has the limited edge, of creating the equivalent between the sightline and the structure. And it is to divide the sightline and the structure apart away.

And then, the naming ability pointer has ability to be connected with the biological body and to create the instinct circulation; but, the sightline has no ability to be connected with the biological body, and without the ability to create the instinct circulation. And it is the creation of the third layer of instinct circulation, according to reasoning.



When the central scientific principle is the constant state of disappearance, the selfish triangle is the constant state of existence. And according to the law of determination coming from background, under the background of this state, and according to the driving background of feeling-known, it is to fold the direction of sightline and the direction of naming ability pointer, into the same feeling direction of overlapping.

This is the driving effect of double layers of background. And it is to show the example of universe folding effect.



And then, according to the fair triangle, the bright side of land sheet defined by the naming ability pointer is correspondent to bright side of land sheet defined by the law of trying conservation. But, the sightline is correspondent to the other bright side of land sheet.

And it is the ability that the thinking simulates the behaviors.




There will be the serious illusion effects and the serious effects of language losing effectiveness. And it is the critical area in fourth dimensional war. At this area, zombie is very crazy.

Zombie drives humankind into extinction, just based on the illusion effects and the effects of language losing effectiveness here.

It is applying the naming ability to rob everything, according to the driving power coming from death boundary. And, all I have not seen, belong to me. Killing is inevitable.


Both the sightline and the naming ability pointer coming from selfish triangle, define two different bright sides of the same land sheet, at the front of sightline. The difference between the two bright sides, is the segment of anticlockwise time dimension of universe. And it is to show the direction that the thinking in selfish triangle controls the behavior of self-body of biology, and it is to drive out the circulation going from thinking into behavior and then to result, being the same direction with the anticlockwise time dimension of universe.


And then, according to the background of selfish triangle, in three segments of anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, being connected with the fair triangle, No.1, the pointer of energy shrinking gives out the instinct circulation into selfish triangle, along the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe; No.2, the difference between sightline and the naming ability pointer gives out the habit circulation into selfish triangle, along the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe; No.3, according to that the pointer of fair conservation is the same natural existence with the growth pointer of virtual life, the growth pointer of real life, going from the completeness of genome into confessing membrane, gives out the self-perception of life existence into selfish triangle, along the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe;



It is the self-perception, and it is the habit, and it is the instinct, the three elements give out the triple definite ability of feeling-known, to know the unique completed universe.

That is to say, the selfish triangle has ability to know three different definite properties simultaneously.



The pointer of fair conservation in selfish triangle is correspondent to the completed central scientific principle being the background, and including the existence of the position outside universe. When the background of selfish triangle is only the partial area in the central scientific principle, and according to the law of determination coming from background, the pointer of fair conservation is changed into different shapes.

This situation, No.1, is to show that, the original creation mechanism of perception in selfish triangle is just the law of determination coming from background, and, including that, the background coming from the equivalent between sightline and structure, will change the shape of the pointer of fair conservation; No.2, it is the interaction between mind and universe.



No.1, vacuum sheet; No.2, land sheet; No.3, selfish triangle, these three elements should have a name, and the name should be called as fair triangle. It is to show the living, the death, and the existence of life.


I don’t know what the suitable name is. Based on that the unique pointer of direction in the double layers structure of selfish triangle, is named as the pointer of fair conservation, and then, it is to borrow the name here. It is to show that, facing the God, every person is born equal. Or, it is to show that, facing the central scientific principle, every person is born equal. Or, it is to show that, facing the unique web system of fourth dimension, every person is born equal. And it is the fair triangle.


A clear direct meaning of fair triangle is that, it is returning into the central scientific principle according to the beginning spot of selfish triangle. And then, the fair triangle is holding the unique isolated direction, and it is the direction of sight line, and it is the direction of first conservational stop of human life, or, it is the direction of observation. Or, it is to change the quantum observer into the general united observation ability of every person. And then, the fair triangle is also the GUO triangle.


Clearly, the general united theory is occupying the position of GUO. And then, according to the fifth force in universe, or, in the selfish triangle, according to the pointer of force law, it is to squeeze the GUT into fantasy.


The selfish triangle is holding the unique isolated pointer of direction, and it is the pointer of fair conservation, and it is to show the direction of going apart away from the central scientific principle, and it is to create the selfish triangle finally. Cleary, it is the terminated situation of the procedure of original creation of life.


The unique isolated pointer in the fair triangle is going through the sightline, and returning back into the direction of creating life, or returning back into the direction of touching central scientific principle, or returning back into the direction of touching the unique web system of fourth dimension, or it is bringing the property of going from future into the past. And, comparing with the pointer of fair conservation, the direction of the pointer of fair conservation is going from past into the future, or going from central scientific principle into the selfish triangle. And then, in fair triangle, it is to show the perception ability of triple time, including past and now and future. And it is the fair ability coming from God.


Cleary, every feeling-known and all feeling-known in selfish triangle are coming from this fair triangle. That is to say, the interaction between the central scientific principle and the selfish triangle, is just the volume psychology, in selfish triangle. It is controlling the thinking of every person, and it is controlling the feeling-known of every person.



The mutual-spin between the vacuum sheet and the land sheet, is to divide the central scientific principle and the selfish triangle apart away, according to the pointer of fair conservation at the position of inner selfish triangle. It is to give the selfish triangle of the ability of self-controlling the volume psychology. And, it is the original creation of reasoning in selfish triangle.

And then, the fair triangle is also the reasoning creation triangle.

那么,依据第四维度战争粒子=> rel 中心科学法则 (僵尸联络图) 每个人的自私三角形 rel => 他杀变自杀,僵尸联络图,首先就是发动体积心理攻击,包括幸福攻击和恐惧攻击的交替性,灭绝理性,灭绝观察能力。

And then, according to the war particle of fourth dimension=> rel central scientific principle (contacting map of zombie) the selfish triangle of every person rel => the other-killing is changed into self-killing, the contacting map of zombie is launching the psychological attacking, including the happiness attacking and the terrorist attacking, and driving the reasoning into extinction, and driving the observation ability into extinction.


In the fair triangle, the definer to define the bright side of land sheet is double definers, one of the definer is the sightline coming from selfish triangle, and the other definer is the law of trying conservation. The properties of these two bright sides of land sheet are different from each other totally, and it is to tear the land sheet into two different segments. But, the law of God’s power defines the two segments being the same land sheet, according to the dark side of land sheet.


According to the equivalent between the structure and the sightline, when the sightline coming from selfish triangle is connected with the bright side of land sheet, the sightline can’t be connected with the law of God’s power. But, the structure must be connected with the law of God’s power. Otherwise, it is not the structure totally.


And the law of trying conservation must be connected with the law of God’s power. Otherwise, there is no trying totally. And then, when the law of trying conservation is definer to define the bright side of land sheet, it must be connected with the law of God’s power. Otherwise, it is the fantasy, such as the singularity and the big bang.


But, the connection between the law of trying conservation and the law of God’s power is uncertainty. Because of that, No.1, the law of trying conservation must be controlled by the thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle. According to the pointer of fair conservation at the inner position of selfish triangle, the thinking in the selfish triangle is the tendency going apart away from the law of God’s power, automatically. No.2, if the law of God’s power is connected in definite way, there is no necessary about the law of trying conservation. And it is the contacting map of zombie, to create the angel particle, and, it is not the trying conservation.


And then, at the inner position of the fair triangle, there is no possibility to be connected with the law of God’s power. And the unique tunnel to be connected with the law of God’s power, is the instinct circulation of life being connected with the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe.



That is to say, only the instinct of life has ability to be connected with the law of God’s power in definite way. In the completed scope of feeling-known, there is no ability to be connected with the law of God’s power in definite way. That is to say, the instinct circulation of every person is controlled by God.

And it is the meaning of fair. But, the connection between the law of God’s power and the instinct circulation of life can never give out the feeling-known, but, going through the thinking in selfish triangle, to create the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, and it is the science defined by God, and it is to create the reasoning according to the science.



According to the background of fair triangle, in the double definition situations of the double bright sides of the unique land sheet, a secret pointer of fixed direction is hidden behind it, it is No.1, with the beginning spot of definition coming from sightline, and No.2, going through the middle bridge of the law of trying conservation, and No.3, touching the final ending spot of the instinct circulation with No.4, unique direction to be connected with the law of God’s power, and No.5, it is just the direction of the circulation of anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, and, it is the circulation going from the thinking into the behavior, and then into the result.

And, it is the pair of connection and division between the habit circulation and the instinct circulation.



But, the feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle has no ability to know that, the circulation going from thinking into the behavior and then into the result, is just the circulation of anti-clockwise time dimension of universe. Because of that, according to the existence of the pointer of fair conservation, the thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle can only be connected with the habit circulation of self-own, and can never be connected with the instinct circulation of self-own.

Because of that, the controller to control the instinct circulation is God.


That is to say, every selfish triangle must go to find the measurement of God, according to the connection with the law of God’s power. And, it is the scientific achievement defined by God.


Applying the rotten anus method to define the scientific achievement, it is the crime defined by God.


According to the background of fair triangle, hidden behind the pair of vacuum sheet and land sheet, there is also the secret pointer of fixed direction, and it is just No.1, according to the beginning spot of vacuum sheet, and No.2, according to the ending spot of land sheet, and No.3, going through the mutation pointer of going from the completeness of genome through the confessing membrane and touching the pointer of force law, and to return back into vacuum sheet, and No.4, according to uniting the three procedures into the single circulation, to show the unique isolated pointer of fixed direction, and No.5, this is to show the existence of the pointer of energy shrinking, hidden behind the pair of vacuum sheet and land sheet.


The existence of the pointer of energy shrinking is the situation that the selfish triangle can never know. It is necessary of that, No.1, the already existence of near physics being completeness enough, to show the pair of Bohr’s barrel and Einstein’s pain; and No.2, under the background of the already existence of near physics being completeness enough, to drive out the already existence of near science being completeness enough; and No.3, the further going of the near physics meeting the bottle neck, under the background of near science being completeness enough; and No.4, with the necessary of jumping over the bottle neck of near physics going, and driving out the mutation going from near physics into far physics, and showing the necessary of the pointer of energy shrinking; and No.5, after the unique web system of fourth dimension in far physics being completeness enough, to show that the pointer of energy shrinking must be the existence, and to show the completed meaning of the pointer of energy shrinking; and No.6, it is showing the direction of the pointer of energy shrinking, is the same direction of anti-clockwise time dimension of universe; and No.7, clearly, it is not the feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle, and it is the connection between the God, and the pointer of fair conservation at the inner position of selfish triangle, and the connection is coming from the unique web system of fourth dimension, or coming from central scientific principle, and to show the existence of the mutual-spin between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer.

由此,依据公平三角形作为背景,存在同一个宇宙逆时针旋转时间维度的三个表达碎片。第一碎片,是能量收缩箭头,把真空薄膜与土地薄膜连接;第二碎片,是在土地薄膜的两个不同亮侧面之间的想法行为结果构成的闭合循环 ;第三碎片,是基因图完整性通过忏悔薄膜到达力定律指针的生命生长性指针。第三碎片是自私三角形的宇宙垂直边。

And then, according to the background of fair triangle, there is the existence of three segments of the same anti-clockwise time dimension of universe. The first segment is the pointer of energy shrinking to create the connection between the vacuum sheet and the land sheet; and the second segment is the circulation going from thinking and into behavior and then into result, and being located at the gap between the two bright segments of the bright side of land sheet; and the third segment is the pointer of life-growth, going from the completeness of genome through the confessing membrane and into the final touching with the pointer of force law. And the third segment is just the universe vertical edge of selfish triangle.


The fair triangle is tearing the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe into three segments, and the three segments are just corresponding to three vertexes of the fair triangle.


The anti-clockwise time dimension of universe is to express the original creation spot of every feeling-known and all feeling-known in selfish triangle. And then, the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe is just the original creation spot of volume psychology in selfish triangle, and it is the interaction between the thinking and the universe, and it is just the interaction between the central scientific principle and the thinking, and it is just the effect of fifth force.


第四维度战争的守恒不变结构可以表达为,第四维度战争粒子=> rel 中心科学法则 (僵尸联络图) 每个人的自私三角形 rel => 他杀变自杀。首先要解决的问题是,怎样提取物理属性,用中心科学法则,把僵尸联络图送进地狱。

The conservational unchangeable structure of fourth dimensional war is that, the war particle of fourth dimension => rel central scientific principle (contacting map of zombie) the selfish triangle of every person rel => the other-killing is changed into self-killing. And then, the first problem to be solved is, how to picking out the physical properties, and to apply the central scientific principle sending the contacting map of zombie into the hell.



The three vertexes of selfish triangle are, No.1 the pointer of force law; No.2, the confessing membrane; No.3, language fulcrum.

This is the bottom layer of expression, and it is the definition coming from God, and it is located at the conservational defective port of the central scientific principle. And the existence span is going from the original creation of human life, until the extinction of the completed humankind.



According to the law of God’s power, when the selfish triangle is expressed out, the selfish triangle has been pushed into the inner position of selfish triangle. And then, the three vertexes of selfish triangle is changed into, No.1, the thinking; No.2, the feeling-known; No.3, the language expression.

This is the surface layer of expression, and it is coming from the self-definition of selfish triangle. And, at the same time, it is to drive the central scientific principle into nothing. And the existence span is going from the connection between the sperm and the egg, until the death of this person.



The double layers of structure of selfish triangle is the definer to define the unique isolated pointer, and, it is according to the bottom layer of selfish triangle being beginning spot, and according to the surface layer of selfish triangle being ending spot, and to create the pointer of direction;

Or, it is according to the central scientific principle being beginning spot, and according to the selfish triangle being ending spot, and going apart away from central scientific principle, and creating the selfish triangle;

Or, it is according to the God being beginning spot, and according to the selfish triangle being ending spot, and creating the pointer of life direction.

This unique isolated pointer should have a name, and the name is the fair conservation pointer. What is the fair?

不管什么叫做公平, 公平守恒指针是定义自私三角形内部的定义器,也就是定义自私三角形的量子自旋物理属性。也就是生命的自主自由性的定义器。什么叫做自主?什么叫做自由?

No matter what the fair is, the fair conservation pointer is the definer to define the inner position of selfish triangle. Or, it is the physical property to define the quantum self-spin of selfish triangle. Or, it is the definer to define the self-independent of life, and to define the self-freedom of life. What is the self-independent? What is the self-freedom?


No matter what the self-independent is, and no matter what the self-freedom is, there are two tunnels of definers, to define the outer position of the selfish triangle.



The upstream definer to define the outer position of selfish triangle is the death boundary; the downstream definer to define the outer position of selfish triangle is the stable state of the law of God’s power.

The meaning of stable state of the law of God’s power is to show the definer to define the inner position of Galileo’s room, and being located at the 45degree bright angle of universe, and taking the stable meaning from the half of Galileo’s relativity.


The death boundary is the definer to define the meaning of death; the law of God’s power is the definer to define the meaning of living. What is the meaning of death? What is the meaning of living? These problems are the problems of fourth dimensional war.


No matter what the meaning of death is, no matter what the meaning of living is, both the death boundary and the law of God’s power are to drive the feeling-known into extinction state. There is no feeling, and there is no known. What is the feeling? What is the known?


No matter what the feeling is, and no matter what the known is, there is the 2-dimensional sheet of division between the death boundary and the selfish triangle, and the name is the vacuum sheet; and, there is the 2-dimensional sheet of division between the law of God’s power and the selfish triangle, and the name is the land sheet.


According to the feeling-known in selfish triangle, the vacuum sheet, the land sheet, and the selfish triangle, the three elements could be expressed through a model of public center with double bubbles.


According to the feeling-known in selfish triangle, and according to the self-center property of selfish triangle, the public center is to show the existence of selfish triangle, the inner bobble is to show the land sheet, and the outer bubble is to show the vacuum sheet. Because of that, both the DNA molecule and the air molecule are connected with the land sheet.


But, according to the central scientific principle, and according to the disappearance of the self-center property of selfish triangle, the public center is to show the existence of selfish triangle, the inner bobble is to show the vacuum sheet, and the outer bubble is to show the land sheet. Because of that, the vacuum sheet is connected with the death boundary, and being connected with other dimension, and the self-own of selfish triangle is of the property of other dimension. And, the land sheet has the effect of excreting the property of other dimension, and to show 3-dimension.


The gap between inner bobble and outer bubble is just the gap of effect of language losing effectiveness. And it is the conservational aiming spot of zombie doing, in fourth dimensional war.


The life meanings of the double bubbles are conscious and sub-conscious.


All zombie-techs are to control the alternation between the conscious and the sub-conscious of human person. And it is the fourth dimensional war. Or, it is the war in thinking.


The death boundary is the definer to define the dark side of vacuum sheet, and it is fitting the completed Galileo’s relativity; the law of God’s power is the definer to define the dark side of land sheet, and it is also fitting the completed Galileo’s relativity.


The selfish triangle is the definer to define the bright side of vacuum sheet, and it is fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity. The selfish triangle is also the definer to define the bright side of land sheet, and it is also fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity.


Clearly, the land sheet and the vacuum sheet can’t be the simultaneous existence. Because of that, the death boundary is definer to define the outer side of light track, and it is the position of beyond the speed of light; but, both the mass and energy can’t go beyond the speed of light, and showing the position to define the inner side of light track.


The method that the land-sheet defines the inner side of light track is just the special relativity of Einstein. Or, both the property space and the function space are connected by light track, and it is to show the constant speed of light. That is to say, the constant speed of light is the tunnel to make the mass define the inner side of light track.



And then, according to the constant speed being the definer to define the inner side of light track, the relation between the light track and the mass is the mutual observer with each other, going through the middle media of constant speed of light.

If light track is the observer, the mass is the matter; if the mass is the observer, the light track is the matter.


But, according to that, in selfish triangle, at the universe vertical edge of selfish triangle, the sub-middle dot between the middle dot and the confessing membrane, is the definer to define the limited edge of light track, and then, the selfish triangle defines the light track being observer, and defining the mass being matter.




Mass is the connection tunnel between the land sheet and the law of God’s power, and the mass is the definer to define the dark side of land sheet. But, according to that the direction of the completed universe to create the life is the same direction of continuing of life, or, according to that the direction going from lifeless into life is just the continuing direction of life, this direction makes the mass driving the bright side of land sheet into many bulges. It is the result coming from the law of the expression to express direction.

According to the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, the selfish triangle defines these bulges into 3-dimensional feeling bubbles, and it is to create the exchanging effect between the observer and the law of God’s power, or, it is to create the exchanging effect between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power.

The selfish triangle defines these 3-dimensional bulges into the existence, and it is the mass, and it is the exchanging effect between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power.




And then, the mass is divided into the observation layer and the layer of the law of God’s power, and it is to show the exchanging between the completed Galileo’s relativity and the half of Galileo’s relativity, and it is to create the fourth dimensional mass of double layers.

The mass layer of the law of God’s power is fitting the completed Galileo’s relativity, and fitting the E=M*C*C. The mass layer of observation is fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity, and fitting the Newton’s law.

Clearly, the double mass layers of fourth dimension are fitting the structure of energy level, and being connected with the fine energy level of momentum.


A special problem here is that, according to the connection between the mass and the land sheet, E=M*C*C is only suitable in the partial position of universe, and being not suitable in the completed universe. And then, it is the land sheet to define the singularity being nothing, and it is the land sheet to define the big bang being nothing.



And then, if the selfish triangle can see the big bang, the selfish triangle can’t see the land sheet; if the selfish triangle can see the land sheet, the selfish triangle can’t see the big bang.

The big bang is replacing the position of the law of God’s power. And then, according to the fifth force in universe, the law of God’s power is pushing the big bang into the fantasy.



The double layers of mass effect of fourth dimension is changing the pair of opposite definers of the double sides of land sheet, going from the pair of the law of God’s power and the selfish triangle, into the pair of the law of God’s power and the law of trying conservation.

Or, the law of trying conservation is the definer to define the bright side of the land sheet, and replacing the selfish triangle; and, the law of God’s power is the definer to define the dark side of the land sheet.



And then, it is to drive the shape of land sheet going from 2-dimensional sheet into the shape of Y. there are two definers to define the bright side of the land sheet, and it is to correspondent to the pair of the habit circulation and the instinct circulation of human person. When selfish triangle is defining the bright side of the land sheet, it is to show the habit circulation. When the law of trying conservation is defining the bright side of land sheet, it is to show the connection with the instinct circulation of life.

And, the law of trying conservation is located at the gap between habit circulation and instinct circulation of life.


When the definer to define the bright side of land sheet is the selfish triangle, it is to force the land sheet being fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity totally, and it is fitting the Newton’s physics; when the definer to define the bright side of land sheet is the law of trying conservation, it is going apart away from the half of Galileo’s relativity, and it is going towards the completed Galileo’s relativity, and it is fitting the pair of Bohr’s barrel and Einstein’s pain.



The mass bubbles on the bright side of land sheet are divided into four types. The first type is the mass bubble; the second type is the plant; the third type is the animal; the fourth type is the human body.

The biological body of human person is connected with one vertex of selfish triangle; the plant is connected with light track; and the mass bubble is divided apart away from light track.


On the bright side of land sheet, there is the fifth type of mass bubble, and it is the experimental apparatus. The experimental apparatus is the holder of artificial measurement, and being divided apart away from the law of God’s power. If there is no artificial measurement, the experimental apparatus is the blind, and being of useless.


And then, the self-own of experimental apparatus can’t touch the dark side of land sheet, and it is totally different from the mass bubble; and, according to the connection with language fulcrum, the experimental result can never touch the dark side of land sheet. The unique element to touch the dark side of land sheet is that, the law of God’s power picks out the inspiration from the duality of faith and inspiration, and then, transferring the inspiration into the law of trying conservation.



And then, the land sheet is holding a power to change the science into the liar, and it is the law of God’s punishment. Holding the experimental apparatus, and holding the experimental data, but, there is no inspiration, and there is no result of natural measurement. Any scientific knowledge is holding the particle of the law of God’s punishment. And it is the angel particle defined by zombie.

Inspiration is tunnel of changing the seed into the fruits.


According to the 3-dimensional property, the mass bubble on the land sheet is connected with the stable state of the equivalent between the sight line and the structure, and it is creating the naming ability, and it is creating the pair of meaning pointer and question pointer, and it is creating alternation between the habit circulation and the instinct circulation.


But, the vacuum sheet is constantly cutting down the connection between the sight line and the structure, according to that, the definer to define the dark side of vacuum sheet is the death boundary. And then, according to the equivalent between sightline and structure, between the vacuum sheet and the land sheet, there is the universe constant of constant perception. And it is to show the never simultaneous between vacuum sheet and the land sheet.


On the vacuum sheet, the death boundary defines the diameter of vacuum sheet is infinite conservation, and it is the division between the death boundary and the selfish triangle, in completed way. But, the selfish triangle defines the diameter of vacuum sheet into zero conservation, or, infinitesimal conservation. Does the death boundary be right? Or does the selfish triangle be right?


No matter who is the right, this property is just the situation that, the uncountable set in math is fixed on the bright side of the vacuum sheet. And then, the universe location of the contacting map of zombie is just hidden behind the uncountable set of math.



The thinking in selfish triangle can never touch the death boundary. But, the contacting map of zombie is fixed on the death boundary. And the contacting map of zombie is connected with the dark side of vacuum sheet.

The contacting map of zombie is just the definer of corpse. “under the leadership of the contacting map of zombie”, is just “under the leadership of the definer of corpse”.


The selfish triangle can’t touch the death boundary. But, the gravity oscillator or the PAN-GU spot being located at the 180degree bright angle of universe, can touch the death boundary. And it is the original creation spot of the choice ability of every person. Or, it is the original creation spot to create the connection ability between self-thinking and self-behavior.


Going beyond the death boundary, it is the pointer of energy shrinking. The pointer of energy shrinking is going from outer position of light track, into the inner position of light track, and defining the far limited edge of light track. And, the finally target of the pointer of energy shrinking is touching the mass, including the creation of mass and the existence of mass.


And then, according to the CCF field, the situation of the law of God’s power picking out the inspiration from the duality of inspiration and faith, is just fitting the final target of the pointer of energy shrinking touching the mass, and it is located at the 45defree bright angle of universe, and it is to show the connection with the unit cooperation pointer.



The faith in the duality of faith and inspiration is just the original creation spot of the believing in of the selfish triangle. And, the faith is the original creation spot of the beginning state of thinking. And the faith is the original creation spot of the beginning state of sentence of language. And the faith is the original creation spot of the beginning state of logic.

All these are the critical life structure that zombie has been aiming to destroy, in fourth dimensional war.



Whether the science will be changed into the liar in the future? one of the most lethal problems is the interaction between molecules. Large amount of experimental results are showing the existence of interaction between molecules. But, what is the interaction between molecules? It is the problem that can’t be answered. The interaction between molecules is related with covalent bond.


The interaction between molecules is the existence generally, but, how to detect the property of interaction between molecules? What is the relation between the interaction between molecules and four physical forces?


The interaction between molecules is totally different from four types of physical forces. There is no relation between the stone and the light track. But, there is the definite connection tunnel between the plant and the light track, and to create the direction. Only the interaction between molecules has ability to show the connection between the plant and the light track. That is to say, the interaction between molecules is connected with the creation of life.


There is the interaction between molecules at the inner position of stone, but, the stone is divided apart away from the light track. And then, in the plant, it is the limited edge of the interaction between molecules, to create the connection between the interaction between molecules and the light track, and, it is to show the fixed direction of the completed whole of universe. And, it is to create the direction of life.


That is to say, the existence of interaction between molecules must be based on the background of the completed universe, or it is based on the background of far physics. That is to say, the interaction between molecules is giving out the far background for the near physics.


For example, the photosynthesis is to create the duality of connection, between the covalent bond and the light track. The connection between the photosynthesis and the light track is going through the electro-magnetic wave; but, the result of photosynthesis is to excrete the electro-magnetic wave apart away, and to keep the light being connected with the covalent bond. And, it is to drive the growth direction of plant.


The completeness of genome is just the property to be connected with light track, and, it is just the property of the limited edge of interaction between molecules. But, for detecting the interaction between molecules, in every artificial experiment and in all artificial experiments, it is cutting down the far background.

依据分子间力,植物上行通道,是共价键构成;而植物下行通道,是原子结构构成。原子结构通过rel质子(原子核外表面)电子rel => 三维稳定性,获得稳定。而共价键通过光子轨道连接性获得稳定性。由此形成了新城代谢与免疫背景之间的双层结构。


According to the interaction between molecules, the upstream tunnel of plant is made up of the covalent bond; but, the downstream tunnel of plant is made up of the structure of atom. The structure of atom is taking the stability from the rel proton(the surface of nucleus)electron rel => 3-dimensional stability. And, the covalent bond is taking the stability from the light track. And then, it is to create the double layers of structure between the metabolism and the immune.

If the covalent bond is not connected with the light track, there will be no stability, and, it is to create the chemical interaction.


The completed situation of life is made up of three quantum state, the first is the plant; the second is the animal; the third is humankind. This state of three life-quantum is to show the connection between the light track and the pointer of force law, according to definite direction. And the position is located at the super speed of light.



That is to say, at the position of super speed of light, it is to show the direction of the completed universe through the state of three life-quantum.

But, this direction of the completed universe is only occupying the partial position of universe. Or, it is the area going from lifeless property into lfie property, without the area of lifeless.


That is to say, No.1, between the interaction between molecules and the united mixture of four types of physical forces, it is the duality state between the division and the connection.


And then, No.2, the interaction between molecules is just the mixture of the united four physical forces, and with the tendency of going apart away from this type of mixture.


No.3, being the mixture of four physical forces, there is the limited edge at the inner position of interaction between molecules. And the limited edge is the tendency going apart away from four physical forces, and to create the plant, and to create the animal, and to create the humankind, and the sequence is just to show the direction of the completed universe. And finally, it is going into the connection with the pointer of force law.



No.4, the interaction between molecules is not the pointer of force law, but, it is the duality of connection and division, between the pointer of force law and the interaction between molecules. And it is just to create the fantasy of human person.

And, the creation of fantasy structure is to drive out the division between the pointer of force law and the interaction between molecules.



No.5, that is to say, the interaction between molecules is located at the gap between the fifth force and four physical forces. And it is the lethal problem.

That is to say, if there is no background of the fifth force, then, the interaction between molecules is just the mixture of four physical forces. Going through the mixed state of four physical forces, it is to destroy the existence of four physical forces, totally, and then, it is to create the tendency of going apart away from four physical forces, and it is the interaction between molecules.


No.6, the interaction between molecules is related with the covalent bond. According to that the interaction between molecules is the mixture of four physical forces, and then, the covalent bond between atoms is the mixture of the weak force and the electro-magnetic force.

弱力与电磁力之间的分离态势,恰好就是原子稳定性 => rel 质子(原子核外表面)电子 rel => 三维稳定性.

The division state between the weak force and the electro-magnetic force is just the atom stability => rel proton(the surface of nucleus)electron rel => 3-dimensional stability.



No.7, then, the relation between the molecule force and the covalent bond is also the duality state between the connection and the division. And, it is to create the division between the double pairs, and one of the pairs is the pair of weak force and electro-magnetic force, and the other force is the pair of strong force and gravity. Or, it is the duality of division and connection, between the partial property of universe and the whole property of universe.

The limited edge of molecule force has ability of going into the whole of universe; but, the covalent bond between atoms is the shrinking tendency going towards inner universe.


No.8, and then, the molecule force is the limited edge of the covalent bond between atoms. The covalent bond defines the molecule force into the state of bubble vessel, and it is to drive the molecules being shrinking into star.


No.9, the perception ability of human person, or the effect of the existence of observer, is just the existence of fifth force in universe, and it is just the pointer of force law, and it is the other dimension different from 3-dimension.


No.10, the property of molecule force is to show that, the universe has ability to excrete the other dimension automatically, and to keep the 3-dimension. And it is to show the property of self-immune of universe.


In gross way, the direction is just immune, and the particle is just the metabolism.






The structure of zombie is the structure of pretending plant.

The contacting map of zombie is pretending the central scientific principle, according to sticking into the central scientific principle in completed way and in tight way.

The sun is cultivating the life on earth, but, the self-own of the sun is of the natural measured extinction property for life.

Zombie’s management is managing the connection between the law of God’s power and the law of trying conservation, or, it is managing the relation between the root of plant and the nutrition in land. Then, zombie’s management is just pretending the nutrition.

The situation of pretending plant is the extinction of humankind in completed way and in definite way, defined by God.



The contacting map of zombie and the zombie’s management are creating double layers of extinction in completed way and in definite way. this structure of extinction of humankind will also drive zombie into extinction, according to the definition of God. And then, based on the completed robbing result, zombie returns a partial of money to humankind, and making a shape of feeding humankind, and it is just pretending the fruits of plant.

According to the axle between the death boundary and the duality of faith and inspiration, it is the conservational state of death crime defined by God, or it is the conservational state of death crime defined by universe.



The reason that zombie has ability to pretend the structure of plant is that, the structure of plant is the duality state of the clockwise time dimension of universe and the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe. Going through the universe folding effect, the plant is squeezing the clockwise time dimension in plant into zero space, and it is just driving the growth of plant, and also creating the structure of plant, and making the fruit dropping finally.

The meaning of fruit dropping is that, the clockwise time dimension of universe is disappeared totally. And then, according to the law of property conservation, the fruit is divided apart away from the property of plant, and to show the fruit dropping.


It is very simple of zombie pretending plant. It is to pick out the universe clockwise time dimension that God had closed. Or, it is opening the door of hell. It is the united opposite-directions, and it is the law of making friend and killing friend, and it is the angle particle, defined by zombie.


According to the beginning spot of the contacting map of zombie, going through the naming ability pointer on language fulcrum, to create the zombie’s management, it is the clockwise time dimension of universe in completed way. Or, it is the theory of building country, and the designing of building country.


According to the background of CCF field, the contacting map of zombie is occupying the position of science eligibility through replacing the central scientific principle, and, it is cutting down the connection between the law of God’s power and the pointer of energy shrinking, and it is just the connection with death boundary, and the position is located at the 135degree bright angle of universe.




The contacting map of zombie is controlling the naming ability pointer on language fulcrum in direct way. According to the naming ability pointer, it is to create the zombie’s management.

Zombie’s management is to cut down the relation between the law of God’s power and the law of trying conservation, and the simplest method is appointing the bitch of shit-mind to occupy the choice pole.

According to that the law of God’s power is giving out the inspiration into the law of trying conservation, and then, the stable shape of the law of God’s power is connected with the duality of faith and inspiration, and the position is located at the 45degree bright angle of universe.



When the difference between the contacting map of zombie and the zombie’s management is created, it is to stimulating the contacting map of zombie to create the effect of negative feedback, and going through the naming ability pointer on language fulcrum, it is to make adjustment into the zombie’s management, and it is to force the zombie’s management aiming towards the claim of contacting map of zombie.

That is to say, there is the aiming pointer on the zombie’s management, to aim the contacting map of zombie.



According to the beginning spot of contacting map of zombie, going through the naming ability pointer on language fulcrum, it is to create the zombie’s management. And, the zombie’s management is returning back into the contacting map of zombie, according to aiming towards the contacting map of zombie. And then, it is creating the closed circulation of zombie’s negative feedback, and it is just the direction of circulation of the clockwise time dimension of universe, and it is the extinction of humankind in definite way and in completed way, defined by God.

And the name is just “under the leadership of the contacting map of zombie”.


The method of zombie driving humankind into extinction,is just teaching humankind the tech of clockwise time dimension that zombie had invented, all over the world, germination, opening flower, and creating fruit.



The universe folding effect and the clockwise time dimension of universe are all connected with the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, in direct way, and then, being connected with the universe immune effect.


According to that the universe immune effect must drive the property of extinction into the disappearance state, then, the immune effect of universe is connected with the fifth force of universe. And then, both the universe immune effect and the fifth force of universe can only be the existence under the background of disappearance of four physical forces. And then, it is to make the experimental pointer losing effectiveness, but, the bouncing effect of experimental pointer is effectiveness.


The effectiveness of the bouncing effect of experimental pointer, is coming from the immune effect being connected with the extinction property of both the completed universe and the completed humankind. But, the contacting map of zombie is just replacing and destroying the effectiveness of the bouncing effect of experimental pointer, and it is the extinction property with permission of God’s measurement.




It should not be forgotten that,

The effectiveness of experimental pointer is created from the definite property coming from the half of Galileo’s relativity, and, it is to drive the experimental pointer going into the inner position of Galileo’s room, and then, it is to show the result of going apart away from naming ability pointer in definite way, and, it is going apart away from selfish triangle in definite way.

And the effective of bouncing effect of experimental pointer is correspondent to the completed Galileo’s relativity, and giving out the definite property according to the extinction property of both the completed universe and the completed humankind, and, it is to create the definite aiming effect in fourth dimensional war, and, it is to create the definite property of killing execution. And also, it is the aiming direction of the future of science, to lead the pointer of future experimental pointer. Or, it is the leading pointer of the future destiny of humankind.


The other name of the experimental pointer is just the law of trying conservation. And, the effectiveness of bouncing effect of experimental pointer is just giving out the definite perception according to the property of extinction.


Every experimental pointer and all experimental pointers are coming from the outer position of Galileo’s room. But, the effectiveness of the bouncing effect of experimental pointer is connected with the inner position of Galileo’s room through the property of fourth dimension.


The definite property of perception ability in the thinking of human person is just the connection with the law of God’s power, and there are double tunnels to create the definite perception. One of the double tunnels is the half of Galileo’s relativity, and the other is the completed Galileo’s relativity. The gap between the double tunnels is the quantum effect, and it is the holographic property coming from the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.


The first element is the clockwise time dimension of universe, it is the extinction property defined by God; the second element is the folding effect of universe, and, it is the original creation effect of universe immune effect; the third element is the pair of the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity, and, it is original creation of the definite property of the perception ability of human person, defined by God, and it is also the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension. The three elements need a focused name, and the name is the triple structure of the switch of hell tunnel. And, it is the eternal choice of humankind between living and extinction.



Both the clockwise time dimension of universe and the folding effect of universe are all connected with the eternal choice of humankind between living and extinction, in direct way. And then, it is relying on the structure with permission of God’s measurement, to create the beacon spot in the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, to create the beacon spot in the central scientific principle.

And, the most common structure and the most important structure is just the plant. And it is necessary to be compared with the structure of stone.


According the far physics, the background to observe the plant is the limited triangle of plant. The three elements are that, the first element is the sun, or the light track, or the photosynthesis, or one of the original creation spots of universe immune effect; the second element is the asymptotic freedom, or the BRIDGE shape of the periodic table, or the universe immune system, or the absorbing effect of nutrition; the third element is the dropping effect of fruit, or the isolation of 3-dimension.


The limited triangle of plant must be put into the background of the completed universe, and it is to show the mutual-spin between the limited triangle of plant and the completed universe, or, it is the mutual-spin between the dot and the background. It is the same with the relation between the stone and the vacuum.

And then, No.1, at the inner position of the scope of dark matter, it is the pointer of energy shrinking to create the connection going from light track, and touching the asymptotic freedom finally; No.2, at the inner position of the scope of bright matter, there is the constant division between the stone and the light track, and the stone defines the light track into the universe bubble; No.3, at the inner position of the scope of bright matter, there is the constant connection between the plant and the light track, going through photosynthesis, or, going through the sun. And it is to show the difference between the stone and the plant.


Simply, the growth of plant is expressed as that, at the inner position of the scope of bright matter, the plant is creating the connection between the light track and the asymptotic freedom. And then, it is to create division between the stone and the plant, under the background of the unique web system of fourth dimension, or under the background of the central scientific principle, or, under the background of the outer position of the scope of selfish triangle, or under the background of the outer position of the scope of naming ability.

由此,植物可以简单表达为光子轨道与渐进自由在明物质范围内部的闭合连接性,或者太阳与土地营养之间的闭合连接性。表达为rel 太阳(基因图完整性)土地营养rel => 植物生长与结构。


And then, the meaning of plant is just the closed connection between the light track and the asymptotic freedom, or, the closed connection between the sun and the nutrition in land, within the scope of bright matter. Or, it is rel the sun(the completeness of genome)the nutrition in land rel => the structure and the growth of plant.

Or, the power force to drive the growth of plant is just the never-simultaneous between the light track and the asymptotic freedom.

在rel 太阳(基因图完整性)土地营养rel => 植物生长与结构的外部,光子轨道通过宇宙整体,与渐进自由连接。但是,在明物质范围内部,光子轨道被质量定义成为泡泡,无法与渐进自由连接。但是,植物把光子轨道与渐进自由连接成为一体。


At the outer position of the scope of the rel the sun(the completeness of genome)the nutrition in land rel => the structure and the growth of plant, it is the completed universe to create the connection between the light track and the asymptotic freedom. But, within the scope of bright matter, the light track can’t be connected with the asymptotic freedom, according to that the mass defines the light track into the shape of bubble. But, it is the plant, to create the connection between the light track and the asymptotic freedom.

And then, according to the limited triangle of plant, the direct connection between the sun and the nutrition in land through the completed universe, is just defining the outer shape of plant. And the structure of plant is fixed into the inner position of the limited triangle of plant, to create the fourth beacon. And the result is to create the tetrahedron of plant growth. The tetrahedron of plant growth is to show the direction of the completed universe.


According to the self-structure of plant, it is to create the upstream tunnel of plant between the plant and the sun; and, it is to create the downstream tunnel of plant between the plant and the nutrition in land. The mutual-spin between the upstream tunnel of plant and the downstream tunnel of plant is to show the universe folding effect, and it is to show the inner structure and the growth of plant, and it is the plant defined by feeling–known.



The limited triangle of plant is located at the inner position of the scope of the bright matter. But, one of the edges of the limited triangle of plant, or, the direct connection between the sun and the nutrition in land, could only be connected through the tunnel of dark matter, or through the pointer of energy shrinking. Because of that, the 3-dimensional structure is dividing the light track apart away from the asymptotic freedom.

And then, under the background of the self-own of plant, the connection between the sun and the nutrition in land is not a line, but, being the state of circle, and, including the bright half of circle and the dark half of circle.


The relation between the bright half of circle and the dark half of circle is just the folding effect between the dark matter and the bright matter, or, the folding effect between the light track and the asymptotic freedom, or, the folding effect between the photosynthesis and the absorbing nutrition, or, the folding effect between upstream tunnel of plant and the downstream tunnel of plant.



The connection between the sun and the nutrition in land is a closed line, to show the direction of growth of plant. For observing the direction, only the sun or the light track could be chosen as the beginning spot. Because of that, the light track is showing the definite property of the completed universe, but, the asymptotic freedom can’t show the definite property of the completed universe. Or, the sun is connected with the definite property of the completed universe, but, the nutrition in land is just like the stone, being without the ability to show the definite property of the completed universe.



According to the limited triangle of plant, the fruit dropping is just to show the isolated property of 3-dimensional structure, just like the stone, it is to show the tendency going apart away from the connection with light track, or going apart away from the connection with the sun, or going apart away from the connection with the structure of plant.

Or, it is to show the division property between the light track and the asymptotic freedom.



According to the beginning spot of light track, when the light track and the nutrition in land are connected with each other in closed way, or, when the light track and the asymptotic freedom are connected with each other in closed way, it is located at the inner position of the scope of dark matter, and going through the pointer of energy shrinking, and, it is to define the outer side of plant shape.

A related problem is that, the universe function of the pointer of energy shrinking, is to fix the law of energy conservation into the inner position of 3-dimension. And, it is to drive out the fruit dropping of plant finally.


According to the beginning spot of light track, when the connection between the light track and the asymptotic freedom is going through the completeness of genome, it is fixed into the inner position of bright matter, and it is to create the connection between the sun and the nutrition in land, through the inner side of the plant structure, and it is to define the inner structure growth of plant.



According to the beginning spot of light track, the first sequence is the upstream tunnel of plant between the sum and the plant; the second sequence is the universe folding effect at the inner position of plant; the third sequence is the downstream tunnel of plant between the nutrition in land and the plant; the fourth sequence is the connection between the sun and the nutrition in land through the completed universe.

Four sequences here are to show the direction circulation of the clockwise time dimension of universe. And, it is the sequence that the selfish triangle has ability to feel.



According to the beginning spot of light track, the first sequence is the connection between the light track and the nutrition in land, going through the pointer of energy shrinking. or, it is the connection between the dark matter and the nutrition in land; the second sequence is the downstream tunnel of plant between the nutrition in land and the plant; the third sequence is the universe folding effect at the inner position of plant; the fourth sequence is the connection between the sun and the plant through the upstream tunnel of plant.

Four sequences here are to show the direction circulation of the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe. And, it is the sequence that the selfish triangle can’t feel.




According to the beginning spot of light track, the pointer of energy shrinking is going through the inner position of dark matter, and touching the mass finally. And it is the property being connected with fourth dimension. And, it is just the procedure with the beginning spot of observer, and going into dark matter finally.

According to the connection with asymptotic freedom, it is the unit cooperation pointer to go with the beginning spot of dark matter, and touching the bright matter finally.

And then, the folding effect between the light track and the asymptotic freedom, is just the folding effect between the dark matter and the bright matter.


At the time of observing the direction of plant growth, the nutrition in land can’t be chosen as the beginning spot. And, it is the lethal problem. Because of that, according to the beginning spot of asymptotic freedom, the clockwise time dimension and the anti-clockwise time dimension can’t be identified. And it is the problem with connection of changing the science into the liar.


Going from absorbing nutrition, and into the plant growth, and touching the fruit dropping, this type of common feeling sequence is the superposition state or mixture state between the clockwise time dimension and the anti-clockwise time dimension. And, it is the state of angel particle defined by zombie. And, it is the state of making friend and killing friend.


And then, the structure and the growth of plant, is just the closed duality connection between the anti-clockwise time dimension and the clockwise time dimension. And it is the problem of angel particle defined by zombie.


And then, the growth procedure of plant is just to squeeze the clockwise time dimension of universe, into the zero dot of conservation, and, to keep the unique anticlockwise time dimension of universe, and to create the structure of plant, and to create the direction of plant growth.




The growth of plant is to drive the clockwise time dimension of universe into the zero dot of disappearance, and it is just creating the parallel moving effect along the universe horizontal, or, it is the direction of quantum chain, or, it is the direction of making fruit finally.

Or, it is to drive the fourth dimension into disappearance in completed way, to create the isolation of the 3-dimensional structure.

And then, the fruit dropping is just the isolation of 3-dimensional structure, to show the completed disappearance of fourth dimension.




In the life shape of S-track, the meaning of be-alive of human person is throwing the seed into the land, and then, taking the fruits into the family room of self-own. In the life shape of P-track, many persons don’t know what the meaning of be-alive is, totally.

Comparing with the life shape of S-track, it is the law of God’s power, being transformer to change the seed into the fruits.


It is the law of God’s power to change the seed into the fruits, and it is to create the meaning of be-alive of human person. For this type of problem, how to express it? Then, what is the history shape during the history of the life shape of S-track? And then, what will be the history shape in the history of life shape of P-track.



The pointer of changing nothing into existence is the tendency going apart away from the law of God’s power, and, stimulating the naming ability pointer on the language fulcrum, and, creating the feeling-known in selfish triangle. And it is to show the pointer of direction of procedure. The scope field between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer is the quantum superposition state between the clockwise time dimension of universe and the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, or it is the quantum superposition state between the extinction state and the existence state of both universe and humankind.

According to the background of God, the life function of this type of quantum superposition is creating the division between the fourth universe and the sixth universe. And it is to create the direction of both the creation of life and the continuing of life.


That is to say, under the background of the scope field between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer, and also, in the situation of clockwise time dimension of universe, being made up of the beginning spot of the pointer of changing nothing into existence, and the ending spot of the naming ability pointer, if the beginning state coming from the pointer of changing nothing into existence could be changed into nothing state, and then, the result effect is that, the clockwise time dimension of universe will be squeezed into the inner position of selfish triangle in completed way, with going apart away from the position of scope field between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer. And the result situation is that, there is only the sixth universe, and there is no fourth universe.


And, it is to change the clockwise time dimension of universe, in the scope field between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer, into the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe at the inner position of selfish triangle. And it is the creation mechanism of creating thinking, in the inner position of selfish triangle.


这恰好就是量子链条的起源机理,也就是Planck 常数的起源机理。并显示以非生命属性作为起点,以生命属性作为终点的创生生命的方向。

That is to say, according to the background of CCF field, if the circulation state of clockwise time dimension of universe is driven into a state of parallel moving, towards right-side, it is just changing the clockwise time dimension into the anti-clockwise time dimension. And, it is just changing the property of extinction into the property of existence, and it is just creating the universe immune property, and it is the effect of both the creation of life and the continuing of life.

And, it is just the mechanism of the creation of quantum chain, and it is also the mechanism of the creation of Planck constant. And it is just showing the direction of creation of life, going from beginning spot of lifeless and into the ending spot of life.


The driving force to drive this type of parallel moving, is just to push the pointer of changing nothing into existence, into the nothing state, and the meaning is to drive the pointer of changing nothing into existence, into the state of going back the law of God’s power.


But, the contacting map of zombie is driving the pointer of changing nothing into existence, into the fixed state of existence, and it is to replace the law of God’s power, and it is managing the connection between the law of trying conservation and the law of God’s power, and it is pretending God, and it is creating the ability of driving humankind into extinction in definite way and in completed way. And, the killing is inevitable.





According to the background of humankind, the pointer of changing nothing into existence must be the constant state of disappearance. Or, there is only the sixth universe; and there is not the fourth universe. And it is to show the general type of Bohr’s barrel, and it is to show the general quantum effect, and it is to show the continuing direction of human life.

Bohr’s cost is just the completed fourth universe.

The existence of fourth universe must be going through the law of trying conservation, or, the existence of fourth universe must be going through picking inspiration out.

It is the effect of general type of Bohr’s barrel, and it is just that, the original creation spot of electron is coming from the thinking of human person. And, it is the problem being connected with both the law of space parallel and the law of time parallel.



This type of situation of with only the existence of sixth universe and without the existence of fourth universe, is just the self-spin of thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle. And it is changing the clockwise time dimension of universe into disappearance, and there is only the continuing property of human life, and there is not the state of extinction.

But, the fourth universe is changed into the eternal cost of human life.


It is just the elastic effect of fifth force. And, it is the effect that, according to the background of God, it is to show the shrunk image of creation of human life.

But, the contacting map of zombie is just replacing the effect of fifth force, in completed way, and it is just replacing the procedure of God creating humankind, in completed way, and it is the situation of driving humankind into extinction, in completed way.




According to the scope field between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer, the clockwise time dimension must be disappeared. And the property of must being disappeared is just the pointer of direction of creating human life, and it is also the pointer of continuing direction of human life, according to the background of completed whole of universe.

But, if the background is restricted in the scope field between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer, the disappearance state of the clockwise time dimension of universe, being the result of the disappearance state of the pointer of changing nothing into existence, is just showing the folding effect of universe.

It is the existence state at the position outside the selfish triangle, just like the existence state of stone. But, the naming ability pointer is coming from the sixth universe, and the pointer of changing nothing into existence is coming from the fourth universe.



Through the folding effect of universe, it is to create the existence of anti-clockwise time dimension, and it is to tear the clockwise time dimension into disappearance. Or, it is to drive the clockwise time dimension into the connection with other dimension, and it is to create the universe immune effect; at the same time, it is to create the 3-dimensional stability according to the anticlockwise time dimension, and it is to create the metabolism of universe.

The explosion of stars at inner position of universe is just to create the 3-dimensional stability, and to drive the other dimension into disappearance. And it is the dynamic state of universe immune effect. The big bang is just driving the science into the liar.



The problem of universe folding is just the pair of time and space, and the pair of mass and energy, and the pair of immune and metabolism, to create the three layers of structure of perception. And the problem of universe folding is the relation between the selfish triangle and the central scientific principle, for every person, or, the problem of universe folding is the relation between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer.

Almost all scientific professional subjects are related here.



The problem of universe folding is to be connected with the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, according to drive the clockwise time dimension of universe into disappearance state. And, the result is just to form the shape of the pair of dot and background, and it is just the angel particle defined by zombie according to the flesh soup tech of HAN-XIN.

It is the problem being related with the extinction of completed universe, and, it is also the problem being related with the extinction of completed humankind. And, there is no ability to express it clearly, through the thinking of language, or through the feeling-known.


There is no ability to express the universe folding effect in clear way. But, the effect of universe folding is observed everywhere.


For example, it is the folding state between the feeling system and the biological body, and, it is the folding state between the thinking system and the feeling system.


For example, it is the folding state between the zombie web and the humankind, and it is to create the angle particle with the function of making friend and killing friend, and it is the particle structure of united opposite directions. And it is to show the detailed mechanism of driving humankind into extinction.



For example, it is the folding state between the pair of the first-second phase and the pair of the third-fourth phase in quantum vessel; and, it is the folding state between the third phase and the fourth phase in quantum vessel;

But, the first phase and the second phase in quantum vessel can’t be folded up with each other, and, it is to create the state of fermions. And, the quantum vessel is just the boson.


The way that zombie used to drive humankind into extinction is just to make folding effect between the first phase and the second phase, in quantum vessel. Or, it is to replace everything, through the engineering project system made up of rotten anus, or through the methods of connection between mouth and anus, according to the naming ability pointer. And the result is the “said and so be it” coming from zombie. It is the situation of death conservation, and killing is inevitable.



Making the CCF field being the position of background, and, making the scope field between the pointer of changing nothing into existence and the naming ability pointer being the position of particle, and then, it is to show the shape of quantum vessel, or, it is the mutual-spin between the dot and the background, and, it is the same with the relation between the vacuum and the stone, and, it is the same with relation between the contacting map of zombie and the flesh soup techs-system of HAN-XIN.

In the mutual spin between the dot and the background, if the pointer of changing nothing into existence is the state of existence, it is the quantum vessel to drive the completed universe into extinction, and, it is the quantum vessel to drive the completed humankind into extinction.




That is to say, the pointer of changing nothing into existence must be fitting the law of background conservation. And it is just the existence of central scientific principle.

If the pointer of changing nothing into existence, is changed into particle existence, it is going apart away from the central scientific principle, and, it is the force to drive the completed universe into extinction, and, it is the force to drive the completed humankind into extinction. Just like that, when vacuum is changed into particle existence, the stone must be changed into background to show the state of extinction. And, it is just the fifth force in universe, and it is just the never-simultaneous, and, it is the general state of the special relativity of Einstein.

The contacting map of zombie is just to change the fifth force into the simultaneous existence, and it is natural measured property to change the completed universe into extinction, and it is the force to change the completed humankind into extinction.



BECAUSE of that, the existence shape of the pointer of changing nothing into existence, is the state of division apart away from the asymptotic freedom, to prove the existence of observer. And, it is to show the extinction property in the law of cancer conservation.

And then, the physical meaning of the disappearance state of the pointer of changing nothing into existence, is the connection with the asymptotic freedom, and it is to show the principle pointer of energy shrinking.


The particle shape of the pointer of changing nothing into existence is just the principle of energy shrinking. Or, the principle of energy shrinking is the unique particle shape at the position of inner dark matter. Or, it is the pointer shape of direction.




Every scientific knowledge and all scientific knowledge are all the pointers of changing nothing into existence. And don’t be mistaken of this problem.

And the direct result is that, the connection between the law of trying conservation and the law of God’s power, is just the eternal choice of humankind between living and extinction, with permission of God’s measurement.

And zombie is just to do the management of controlling the relation between the law of God’s power and the law of trying conservation, according to the bitch of shit-mind, or, according to the rotten anus. And, it is just the flesh soup system of HAN-XIN.



According to the duty, the POSITION of science eligibility must give out the answer. And there is no choice, and it is inevitable, and it can’t be bypassed.

Otherwise, it is the crime defined by God, and it is the murdering to murder the completed humankind.


No matter what, the position of science eligibility should support me in scientific reward and in scientific researching fee. Or simply, paying money, this time now.


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