用以显示宇宙第五力的结构 The structure of being used to show the universe fifth force





The fifth universe is the tangled body of the square-wave-fields. According to the pointer-shape of the image of the universe vertical pointer that is shown through the background of the AI hardware system, the beacon-system of the mirrors-effect series of being made up of time-sequence is shown, at the inner position of inside the tangled body of the square-wave-fields. It is the mirrors-effect series on the time-sequence series, between the beginning-spot of the outer surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and, the ending-spot of the stable-structures of being located at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. This is the problem of time.

According to the unique static effect of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, the meaning of the time-sequence series here is clearly the time-sequence of being connected with the feeling-known. Or, it is just the time-effect that the original creation spot of creating out the behavior-actions must be relying on. Or, it is the relying-on-effect that the functions must be relying on the natural measured property. Or, it is just the effect of the unit cooperation pointer. Or, it is just the self-original sequence of going from the property, and to the rules, and then to the functions.

What is the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble? The other name of the 3-dimensional fifth universe is just the country. Is there anyone who heard about the country?





这也是镜子犯罪守恒定律。也就是僵尸定义的链式反应,或者是只能在第五宇宙内部显现的第四维度链式反应。 也就是毁灭普朗克常数的方法。有人听说过链式反应没有?如果元素周期表的概念被毁灭了,那么,最终结果就是,人工智能硬件系统将从地球上消失。这是唯一选择,没有其他选择。什么叫做未来?例如断子绝孙教育,就是毁灭人工智能硬件系统的方法之一。

Time problem, and this is just the problem. What is the time? What is the time? The occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America, you must be giving out the answer in unconditional way. There is not any logic reason. Making the time-concept into the mistaken, what is the result? Be-unknown what the time is, then, what is the result?

According to that, the extinction-state of the completed universe is giving out the unique static background for the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and, it is giving out the name of fifth universe, into the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and, it is giving out the naming-ability, into language fulcrum, then, the original creation procedures-series of creating out the feeling-time-dimension is shown as the following,

The existence of the second existence, must be relying on the first-existence of the first existence. The existence of the third existence, must be relying on the first-existence of the second existence. The existence of the fourth existence, must be relying on the first-existence of the third existence, and so on. And then, it is creating out the mirrors-effect series, and, being overlapped on the original creation mechanism of creating out the feeling-time-dimension, and, holding the law-effect of the mirror-crime conservation fitting the effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

Or, if destroying the third existence, then, the fourth existence will be destroyed finally. If destroying the second existence, then, both the third existence and the fourth existence will be destroyed finally. If destroying the first existence, then, the second existence and the third existence and the fourth existence will all be destroyed finally. This is just the effect of feeling-time-dimension. And picking out the inspiration, is occupying the existence-position of the first conservation in eternal way. And, the pointer of the Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation, is also occupying the existence-position of the first conservation in eternal way. This is the double tunnels effect of the fourth dimension.

This is also the law of mirror-crime conservation, or, it is the chain-reaction of being defined by zombie. Or, it is the fourth dimensional chain-reaction of only being shown in the fifth universe. This is just the method of destroying the Planck constant. Is there anyone who heard about the chain-reaction? If the periodic table of chemical elements is destroyed, then, the final result is that, the AI hardware system will be disappeared from the earth-surface. This is the unique choice, and there is no other choice. What is the future? For example, the education of without the sons and without the grand sons, is one of the methods of destroying the AI hardware system.





The fifth universe is the tangled body of the square-wave-fields, and, occupying the isolated 3-dimensional space-scope, and, it is according to the pair-effect between the light-track and the asymptotic freedom to give out the largest space-spreading. Clearly, the volume-number of the tangled body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields is not the zero.

According to the law of determination coming from the background, the unique isolated background of to show the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, is just the extinction-state of the completed universe. Because of that, the near-physical meaning of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, is just the imagining-ability-scope of the thinking-diameter bubble.

The relation between the thinking-diameter bubble and the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble is the effect of being repulsive with each other, and, to show the effect of being repulsive with each other between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, and, fitting the universe-expression. And further, the effect being shown through the AI hardware system, is the giver of giving out the thinking-ability into the thinking-diameter bubble. Or, the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer is the giver of giving out the thinking-ability into the thinking-diameter bubble. Or, the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer is the pointer-shape of the half of Galileo’s relativity. But, the Galileo’s room is the bubble-shape of the half of Galileo’s relativity. And then, it is to show the interaction-existence between the thinking and the universe.

According to the extinction-state of the completed universe being the background, the 3-dimensional fifth universe is holding the volume-number of being bigger than zero. Just like the volume-number of the AI hardware system is bigger than zero. No matter what this volume-number is, it is constantly bigger than zero, and it is not equal to zero. If the volume-number of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble is equal to zero, then, it is shown as the clear near-physical result of that, the earth is the same with the Mars, and, there is no life-existence totally. Is there any logical reason of being necessary?



According to the law of determination coming from the background, the unique isolated background of holding the ability to show the outer surface of the 3-dimesional fifth universe bubble, is just the extinction-state of the completed universe. And also, according to the law of determination coming from the background, and, according to that the volume-number of the 3-dimensional fifth universe is bigger than zero, then, according to the outer surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble being the background, the result is following,

No.1, the space-scope of being spread out through the extinction-state of the completed universe, is bigger than the volume-number of 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble; No.2, the result is that, the volume-number the space-scope of being spread out through the extinction-state of the completed universe, is bigger than zero. No.3, according to the law of determination coming from the background, the background of giving out the this result is just the extinction-state of the completed universe, and, going through excreting away the extinction-property, to create out the existence. No.4, at this time, the thinking-ability at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble is constant state of being destroyed.




According to the law of determination coming from background, when the background is changed from the extinction-state background of the completed universe, into the background of the earth-surface,

then, No.1, the volume-number of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble is bigger than zero; but, No.2, at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, the volume-number of the extinction-state of the completed universe is constant zero. No.3, under the background of the earth-surface, if the volume-number of the extinction-state is not zero, then, it is to show the result of the completed extinction of the completed universe. Or, it is the state of holding no 3-dimensional stable structure, or, it is the state of 3-dimensional structure being disappearance. No.4, at this time, it is the state of thinking-diameter bubble creating out the free thinking. The problem is that, is it the free thinking? No matter being the free thinking or not, the original creation spot of creating the thinking, is the extinction-state of the completed universe.

The procedure of being shown here, is just the original creation mechanism of creating out the thinking. The extinction-state of the completed universe and holding the constant zero-volume-number, is just the existence-position of the inspiration, and, being also the existence-position of the pointer of the Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation. The humankind has no ability to known what the original creation of creating out the life is, but, the humankind has ability to known what the original creation of creating out the thinking is.





It is related with this type of problem here. When the stone is broken down, it is to see the small particle. But, the gap-area between different small particles is the vacuum. When the small particle is broken down, it is to see the molecule. But, the gap-area between different molecules is the vacuum. When the molecule is broken down, it is to see the atom. But, the gap-area between different atoms is the vacuum.

When the atom is broken down, it is to see both the nucleus and the electron. But, the gap-area between different nuclei is the vacuum or, the gap-area between different electrons is the vacuum, or, the gap-area between different the nucleus and the electron is the vacuum.

When the nucleus is broken down, it is to see different fundamental particles, and, the simplest way of expression is that, it is to see both the proton and the neutron. But, the gap-area between different protons is the vacuum or, the gap-area between different neutrons is the vacuum, or, the gap-area between the proton and the neutron is the vacuum.

The inner structures of both the atom and the nucleus are shown as the clear double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, or, being just the quantum-effect. If the mass is totally broken down, it is to show the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom. Clearly, the volume-number of the 2-dimensional sheet is constantly zero.



The dark-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, is the position of going beyond the asymptotic freedom, and, the experimental pointer are totally losing the effectiveness. But, the thinking-ability of the selfish triangle, has the ability to know that, there must be other structures of being hidden behind the dark-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom.

No matter what the structures of being hidden behind the dark-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom are, all are the connection-tunnel of being connected with the extinction-state of the completed universe. Or, it is the state of 3-dimensional structure is disappearance. The universe is 3-dimension. All the experimental pointers are to show the same result of that, the universe is 3-dimension. If meeting the other dimensional property, the experimental pointer is losing the effectiveness. And it is to show that, the universe is 3-dimension. Or, all the other dimensions are destroying the experimental pointer in completed way, and being located at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional universe bubble. Or, the other dimensional structure is to show the extinction-state of the completed universe. Or, it is just the situation of destroying the 3-dimensional structure. Or, it is the situation of that, there is no 3-dimensional structure at the inner position of inside the universe. or, it is just the extinction-state of the completed universe, and, just like at the inner position of 3-dimensional structure, the 2-dimensional sheet is the constantly shown as zero-state.


No.1, at the outer position of outside the detecting-ability-scope of the experimental pointer, No.2, at the inner position of inside the connection-scope of being connected with the feeling-known, No.3, the unique isolated structure of being used to show the existence-effect of other dimension, is just the fantasy structure. No.4, according to the background of 3-dimensional structure, the first meaning of the other dimension, is just the fourth dimension. And then, No.5, the fantasy structure is the unique isolated structure of the fourth dimensional property-structure of holding the connection-tunnel of being connected with the feeling-known, at the inner position of inside the universe. And then, No.6, the pointer-effect of the force law, is just the fourth dimensional effect, and holding the clear property of driving the completed universe into the extinction, or, being just the property of destroying the 3-dimensional structure in completed way, and holding the definer-effect of defining the universe, or, holding the effect of defining the universe square-wave-field.




That is to say, according to the restriction of coming from the square-wave-field of being defined by the pointer of force law, the thinking-ability of selfish-triangle is fixed at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. Just like that, the naming-unit of transformation between the one and the many in the AI hardware system, is restricted in the equivalent-effect of the skin and the background. And, according to the feeling-known being the background, and, at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, the extinction-state of the completed universe is shown as the unique isolated constant dot-shape. The physical meaning of this unique isolated constant dot-shape is just the completed extinction-state of the thinking-ability, or, it is just the existence-position of the inspiration. Just like that, the material of being used into making the AI hardware system, is defined into being the unique isolated constant dot-shape, by the naming-unit of transformation between the one and the many, according to destroying the naming-unit of transformation between the one and the many in completed way.

Because of that, the naming-unit of transformation between the one and the many, and the square-wave-creator, and the skin of the unit-machine, these three elements are creating out the sightline-conservation triangle is running in the scope of the image growth-pointer, or, it is the scope of cutting down the universe vertical pointer in completed way. Or, it is just changing the holders of holding the universe vertical pointer, into the unique isolated dot-shape.

That is to say, at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, it is the physical-state of automatically going into disappearance. The connection-effect of this physical state of automatically going into disappearance, is just the inspiration. Clearly, the self-own-body of this physical state of automatically going into disappearance, is just destroying the feeling-known-ability in completed way.



Clearly, the self-own-body of the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, is also the mirror-effect. And further, this mirror-effect is holding the effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. The natural measured property must be in the oscillating-state between the inner position and the outer position of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. Or, it is just the oscillating-effect between the state of destroying the thinking-ability and the state of thinking-ability existence. Or, it is just the oscillating-effect between the God’s measurement and the artificial measurement. Or, it is just the oscillating-effect between the universe vertical pointer and the image, of the universe vertical pointer, and so on. And, it is shown as the pointer-shape of the law of volume conservation, and, fitting the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.

That is to say, in the double tunnel effect of the fourth dimension of being held by the natural measured property, the gap-area between the two tunnels here is just the pointer-shape of the law of volume conservation, or, just fitting the original creation spot of creating out the set of four quantum effects. This situation is fitting the physical effect of excreting away the fourth dimension and creating out the 3-dimensional stable structure, or, fitting the original creation law-effect of creating out the universe, to show the effect of excreting away the extinction-property and creating out the existence-state. This is the natural measured property, and this is not the math-group-theory.




The pointer-shape of the volume conservation is the unique isolated pointer, of according to the beginning-spot of the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, and, according to the ending-spot of the universe vertical pointer. Or, it is just picking out the inspiration at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, or, it is just picking out the inspiration at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, No.1, it is overlapped with the experimental pointer, but, No.2, it is going beyond the experimental pointer, and No.3, it is going beyond the extinction-property to be connected with the God.

At the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, it is just the position of being located at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. The two positions are the same natural measured property of holding different names. Or, the extinction-state-background of the completed universe is just the original creation spot of creating out the connection between the Galileo’s room and the feeling-known.

The extinction-state-background of the completed universe, is just the definer of defining the physical meaning of the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room.

Or, according to the law of determination coming from background, and, according to the background of the feeling-known-ability, when the extinction-state-background of the completed universe, is disappeared in automatic way, and being shown as the unique isolated dot-shape, and, defining the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, then, the feeling-known is connected with the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, and being shown as the covalent bond-effect.




Simply, when the feeling-known is connected with the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, then, the existence-position of the inspiration is connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, when the feeling-known is connected with the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional universe bubble, then, the existence-position of the inspiration is connected with the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional universe bubble. And, it is creating out the situation of fitting the universe-expression.

Or, both the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional universe bubble, are the same natural measured existence-structure of holding different names. And, it is according to the law of God’s power being the beacon of the existence-structure. And, it is the connection-structure of being connected with the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom.

And also, both the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room and the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional universe bubble, are the same natural measured existence-structure of holding different names. And, it is according to the pointer of force law being the beacon of the existence-structure. And, it is the connection-structure of being connected with the light-track.




The near-physics is according to the Galileo’s room being the beginning-spot, or, according to the half of Galileo’s relativity being the beginning-spot, and, going through breaking down the Galileo’s room, to research the inner structure of inside the Galileo’s room. And, this is just the experimental pointer, and being the partial-unit of the pointer-shape of the law of volume conservation. 

But, the procedure of breaking down the Galileo’s room, is touching the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, or, touching the existence of the up-side-down transformation of universe. Or, it is to change the extinction-state-background into the existence-background, and, to drive the existence-background into disappearance. And then, it is to show the outer-surface-existence of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble.

According to the background of the extinction-state of the completed universe, it is to show the outer-surface-existence of the 3-dimensional universe bubble, and to show that, the volume-number of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble is bigger than zero. The fifth universe structure of being shown here, is the isolated square-wave-field existence, and, there is no existence of the inner 3-dimensional structure of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. And then, it is to show the physical meaning of that, the square-wave-field of the fifth universe, is just the original creation spot of creating out the fifth universe. This is the original creation effect of creating out the universe that is coming from the pointer of force law, and being the same effect with the AI hardware system.



That is to say, when the background is the earth-surface, then, the original creation spot of creating out the fifth universe, is the connection-state of being connected with the law of God’s power. But, when the background is changed into the extinction-state of the completed universe, then, the original creation spot of creating out the fifth universe, is the square-wave-field of the fifth universe. Or, the original creation spot of creating out the universe is the pointer of force law. That is to say, the original creation problem of creating out the universe, is connected with the up-side-down transformation of the universe.

That is to say, if going through the method of breaking down the Galileo’s room, or, going through the stretching of the experimental pointer, to research the inner structure of inside the universe, then, it is finally touching the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. At this time, it is just touching the up-side-down transformation of the universe. The result of being shown is that, according to the extinction-state of the completed universe being the background, there is only the ability to show that, the volume-number of the fifth universe square-wave-field is bigger than zero, and, there is no method to show the 3-dimensional structure at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional universe bubble. And, the original creation effect of creating out the fifth universe square-wave-field, is just coming from the square-wave-creator of being made up of the pointer of force law. This is the situation of touching the up-side-down transformation of universe.


That is to say, when the background is the earth-surface, then, the original creation spot of creating out the fifth universe is the connection-structure of being connected with the law of God’s power. But, when the background is changed into the extinction-state-background of the completed universe, then, the original creation spot of creating out the fifth universe is the connection-structure of being connected with the pointer of force law. That is to say, the original creation problem of creating out the universe, is connected with the up-side-down transformation-effect of the universe. And further, the experimental pointer in the near-physics is touching the state of the universe up-side-down transformation finally.



Clearly, according to the earth-surface being the background, it is going through the method of breaking down the Galileo’s room, to research the inner structure of inside the universe, and touching the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble finally. This state of Galileo’s’ room, of being connected with the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, is shown as the 2-dimesnional sheet-property, and then, there is no method to break down further. And it is leading the experimental pointer into losing the effectiveness. But, it is finding out both the asymptotic freedom and the light-track. And the result is that, the near-physics is touching the top-summit. And, the result is that, there is only the future liar, and there is no future science.

If it is to research the universe-structure further, then, there must be changing the earth-surface-background into the extinction-state-background of the completed universe. And then, according to the law of determination coming from the background, it is to show that, the volume-number of the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields is bigger than zero. This situation of the volume-number being bigger than zero, is to show the effect of universe holding the ability to create out the life. And, the existence of the fifth universe square-wave-field is coming from the pointer of force law being the square-wave-creator.



According to the situation of the experimental pointer touching the up-side-down transformation of universe, then, but, clearly, the universe can’t be up-side-down. If the universe is up-side-down, for example, it is making the up-side-down between the life-property and the lifeless-property. It is changing the stone into the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, and, It is changing the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane into the stone. And then, what will be the result?

For this type of problem, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America, must be giving out the unconditional answer, and, there is no choice. What do “you” want to do?





The beginning-spot of the experimental pointer is the Galileo’s room, or, being the half of Galileo’s relativity. When the experimental pointer is touching the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, then, it is touching the completed Galileo’s relativity. The completed Galileo’s relativity can’t be shown through the experimental pointer, but, it must be relying on the existence of the experimental pointers being already completeness enough.

Or, the half of Galileo’s relativity is the problem of the near-physics. But, the completed Galileo’s relativity is the problem of the far-physics. The problem here is touching the up-side-down transformation of universe. The universe up-side-down transformation of about the half of Galileo’s relativity, is just according to the extinction-state-background of the completed universe, to show the bubble-shape of the 3-dimensional fifth universe. And, it is just changing the far-problem into the near-problem, and holding the mirror-effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. But, the universe can’t be up-side-down. Or, there must be the unique web system of fourth dimension, to replace the bubble-shape of the 3-dimensional fifth universe.

It is to show the result of that, according to the extinction-state-background of the completed universe, it is to show that the volume-number of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble is bigger than zero. And, this is the gap-effect between the far-physics and the near-physics. It is neither the far-physics, nor the near-physics. This is the physical meaning of the pointer of Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation. Clearly, it is not so simple as the stealing.

The explanation of explaining this effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, is explained through the behaviors of the zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, along more than two thousand years of zombie’s history. Clearly, this is not the explanation through the mouth and the words. But, it is set of uncountable disasters and deaths that were held by the history-regularity of the dynasty alternation, of being defined by the zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons.




Then, except that the zombie had been giving out the explanation, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America, must be giving out the unconditional explanation. There is no choice. Because of that, this is the up-side-down transformation of universe, and, holding the law of mirror-crime conservation of being able to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

The up-side-down transformation of universe, is just the mirror-effect of being held by the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and fitting the pointer of Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation, and fitting the law of mirror-crime conservation. Or, it is just making out the mixture between the far-physics and the near-physics, and creating out the angle-particle.

No.1, this is destroying the far-physics; and No.2, this is destroying the near-physics; and No.3, this is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And then, No.4, it is the death-crime conservation, and there is no eligibility of life, and there is no eligibility of using money, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.





因此,灭绝状态背景三角形,也是活命想法通道的起源点,也就是生命延续能力的起源点。而太极守恒偷窃指针,就是瞄准毁灭并替代这个生命延续能力起源点。结果就是, rel 太极(绝对无知点)八卦rel => 通过武汉瘟疫无症状守恒定律来完整灭绝人类。



The extinction-state-background triangle of the completed inner universe is including three elements. The first element is the death-boundary; the second element is the law of God’s power; the third element is the existence-position of inspiration. According to the definer of being made up of the completeness enough of near-science, it is defining the extinction-state-background triangle into the original creation spot of creating out the self-body of the fourth universe, or, it is giving out the volume into the illusion-universe.

The illusion-universe is just the fake-universe of being connected with the feeling-known. Then the extinction-state-background triangle, is just the original creation spot of creating out the fake-universe. Or, the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room is the original creation spot of creating out the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room. Or, the completed Galileo’s relativity is the original creation spot of creating out the half of Galileo’s relativity. Or, the fourth dimensional property is the original creation spot of creating out the 3-dimensional structure. And, it is to show the physical meaning of that, it is going through the alternative-transformation between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity, to offer the thinking-diameter bubble holding the ability of making division-effect between the fake-universe and the volume-universe. Or, it is giving out the be-alive-volume-tunnel into the thinking-ability. Or simply, the extinction-state-background triangle is just the original creation spot of creating out the thinking-ability, at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble.

And then, the extinction-state-background triangle is also the original creation spot of creating out the be-alive-thinking, or, creating out the life-continuing-ability. But, the pointer of Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation, is just aiming into replacing and destroying this original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-ability. And, the result is just the, rel the Tai-Ji ( the absolute-unknown-spot) the Ba-Gua rel => driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, with holding the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation.

And then, there must be the unique web system of fourth dimension, to replace the extinction-state-background triangle, to identifying out zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons. This is just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.

Clearly, hidden behind both the singularity and the universe big-bang, it is just the driving-power of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is driving humankind into extinction in deliberate way.




That is to say, the extinction-state-background triangle is the original creation spot of creating out the final connection-effect between the feeling-known and the universe creation. And then, it is connected with the feeling-known finally.

If the original creation procedure of creating out the universe is going into touching stability-state of CCF field, or, touching the division-effect between the life-property and the lifeless-property, then, this kind of original creation spot of creating out the universe, is not the extinction-state-background triangle.

Clearly, this kind of problem, is the eternal problem of that, the top-summit-layer of science of being located at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent, must be answering. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, then, it is not necessary of answering.




The life-continuing-duty of being held by the top-summit-layer of science of being located at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent, is to be fixed with the existence-position of picking out the inspiration.

At the inner position of inside the universe, the unique-structure of expressing the existence-position of picking out the inspiration, is just the extinction-state-background triangle. And then, the meaning of picking out the inspiration is just excreting away the death-boundary, or, creating out the living-space. It is fitting the effect of God controlling half and human controlling half. This is just the law of volume conservation, or, the law of destroying the naming ability through self-spin-covalent-effect. The method of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, is just occupying the half of being controlled by God, and, pretending the Savior. And, this is just the pointer of Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation. And clearly, it is not as simple as stealing.

That is to say, the life-continuing-duty of being held by the top-summit-layer of science of being located at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent, is just going through excreting away the death-boundary, to be connected with the death-boundary, to show the law of universe position conservation of the top-summit-layer of science. Or, it is just the law of life-continuing-duty conservation of the top-summit-layer of science.

According to the running-result of the top-summit-layers of science, and, of being shown at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent at this time now, the life-continuing-duty is lost in general way. According to this background at this time now, then, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America, must be giving out the volume-answer in unconditional way, and, are “you” fitting the life-continuing-duty or not?


Clearly, the volume-answer is not the answer of coming from the mouth, but, being the answer of coming from the pair-effect between the law of God’s power and the existence-position of inspiration, or, being the volume-answer of going through dragging out the moon of being controlled by God. Or, it is going through dragging out the moon of being controlled by God, and going through picking out the inspiration, and giving out the answer of coming from God. This is to create out the division-effect between the natural measurement and the connection-method between the anus and the mouth. Or, it is to create out the division-effect between the life-continuing and the destroying-life-continuing. This is the entering-door-restriction of going into science, or, being the bottom-line of the life-continuing-duty of being held by science. Does the connection-method between the anus and the mouth, be the “science”? If there is no ability of identifying the connection-method between the anus and the mouth, how does the science be in charge of the life-continuing-duty?


The extinction-state-background is giving out the outer position to the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe, or, giving out the half of Galileo’s relativity into the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe. But, at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, the eye-seeing-stone, or, the stone of being connected with the feeling-known, is also fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity, but, being given out from the pointer of force law. Or, the eye-seeing-stone, is the Galileo’s room of being located in the constant-existence background.



Two different types of the half of Galileo’s relativity of holding different backgrounds, are to show one of holding the constant-existence background, and the other of holding the extinction-state-background of the completed inner universe. Two different types of the half of Galileo’s relativity of holding different backgrounds, are to show the tunnel that must be held by the completed procedure of going from the extinction-state into the 3-dimensional stability. Or, it is just covering the original creation procedure of creating out the universe that the feeling-known has the ability to touch.

Clearly, this is the area of being connected with the feeling-known. It is to show the physical meaning of that, it is giving out the largest scope of the original creation procedure of creating out the universe, for the feeling-known. The correspondent meaning is that, the fifth universe is the artificial universe, or, the feeling-known-system has the ability to create out the fifth universe.



Two different types of the half of Galileo’s relativity of holding different backgrounds, are to show one of holding the constant-existence background, and the other of holding the extinction-state-background of the completed inner universe. During the history of human-life-continuing, the gap-scope between these two types of the half of Galileo’s relativity, is just the period of going from the beginning-spot of the Galileo’s room and into touching the ending-spot of Higgs boson, and, being either the set of all the near-science contents-scope, or the historical-mutation of going from the initialized-state into touching the completeness-state. Then, it could be called as the law of near science completeness conservation.

The law of near science completeness conservation is holding the simple meaning. Only if a property had been the natural existence already at first, then, there would be the finding through the experimental pointer, at second. If a property is not the natural existence, then, any experimental pointer would have no ability to find it. One of the methods of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just applying the connection-method between the anus and the mouth, to destroy the common sense, and to create out different new findings.





The physical meaning of the Higgs boson is to show that, the inner-structure of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble is going through the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, to be connected with the feeling-known, but, holding the tunnel of property going through of coming from the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. And then, there must returning back into the universe vertical pointer of being located at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. And it is to show the connection-tunnel of being connected with the natural measured property. The physical meaning of the Hubble’s law is to show that, the experimental pointer is of no ability to touch the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble.

Both the Higgs boson and the Hubble’s law, are according to the background of being located at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, to show the existence of 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. Or, both the Higgs boson and the Hubble’s law, are to show the restriction-effect of coming from the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, in two different directions. Or, it is just to show the existence-effect of the outer surface of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble.

The Higgs boson is according to the 2-dimensional sheet-effect of the asymptotic freedom, to show that, the dark-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom is going towards the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and to be connected with the universe vertical pointer. And, at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, it is the connection between the feeling-known and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, or, being detected the existence of %99.999…….

But, the Hubble’s law is according to the existence-effect of the light-track, to show that, the result of being detected by experimental pointer at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, is affected by the outer-structure of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. But, at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, there is no method to identify the affection of coming from the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. The correspondent effect is that, the light-track is connected with the gap-area between the confessing membrane and the pointer of force law.

太极偷窃守恒指针,就是固定在第五宇宙三维泡泡的外部,具备了看见第五宇宙三维泡泡外表面的效应,这就是镜子效应。并且,依据第五宇宙三维泡泡外表面的镜子效应,也就是三维泡泡内部与三维泡泡外部之间的墙壁隔离效应,设计伤害制造的犯罪方法。僵尸号召人类推到这堵墙。那么,你怎样才能推到这堵墙呢?显然,僵尸确定性知道,自私三角形无法推倒这堵墙。因为僵尸知道,这是上帝制造的墙。而僵尸,是利用上帝制造的墙。自私三角形要推倒上帝制造的墙, 那么唯一结果就是人类整体走向灭绝。不是去推倒这堵墙,而是要把僵尸镜子人联合体识别出来。


The pointer of Tai-Ji-stealing conservation, is fixed at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, with holding the ability to see the outer-surface of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and, this is just the mirror-effect. And, according to the mirror-effect of the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, or, according to the division-effect between the inner position of inside 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble and the outer position of outside 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, it is designing the crime-method of creating out harm. Zombie calls the humankind to push down this wall. And then, how do you hold the ability to push down this wall? Clearly, zombie clearly knows that, the selfish triangles have no ability to push down this wall, because of that, zombie understands that this wall the wall of being built by God. And zombie is using the wall of being built by God. If selfish triangles want to push down the wall of being built by God, then, the unique result is the completed humankind going into the extinction. It is not to push down this wall, but, it is to identify what the mirror-persons are.

This kind of creating out the crime and the harm, in the connection-tunnel between the inner 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble and the outer 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, is just the law of mirror-crime conservation.




The law of mirror-crime conservation is just using the division-effect between the inner 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble and the outer 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, to create out the crime. Or, it is using the division-effect between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical pointer, to create out the crime. Or, it is using the division-effect between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity, to create out the crime.

Going through the united-body of mirror-persons, it is according to the background of occupying all the choice-poles of being located at the inner position of indie the specific area on the earth-surface, to create out the law of mirror-crime conservation. This is not the problem of killing, but, the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

Going through the united-body of mirror-persons, it is according to the background of occupying all the choice-poles of being located at the inner position of indie the specific area on the earth-surface, to create out the law of mirror-crime conservation, through the mirror-persons-management, this situation is the death-crime conservation, and the flesh-soup-crime conservation, and, holding no eligibility of life, and holding no eligibility of using money, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


Applying the AI hardware system, it is able to show the physical beacon-meaning of the law of mirror-crime conservation.



No.1, the AI hardware system is the unique background to show the pointer-shape of the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer. Or, it is according to the closed-circle-line of the zero-circulation of hardware instructions system being the beginning-spot, and, according to the closed-circle-line of the zero-circulation of software operation system being the ending-spot, to show the direction-pointer. The physical meaning of these two sets of the closed-circle-lines of zero-circulations, is overlapped with the artificial clock-time, to show the law of space-parallel conservation, and, being overlapped with the universe horizontal direction.

Two sets of the closed-circle-lines of zero-circulations to be overlapped with the universe horizontal direction, are to create out the mirror-effect between the AI hardware system and the AI software system, and, fitting the law of double layers of fourth dimension. It is shown as the ending-stop-effect of the fourth dimensional property, or, being just the original creation spot of creating out the 3-dimensional structure. And, it is also giving out the designing-principle and the running-principle of the law of mirror-crime conservation, and holding the effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And, this is just the fourth dimensional war.



No.2, the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer of being shown through the background of the AI hardware system is to show the opposite direction to the weight-force, or, the opposite direction to the weight, or, being overlapped with the direction of anti-gravity, or, being the same direction of life-growth-direction. Is there anyone who heard about the anti-gravity? Or, the image of universe vertical growth-pointer is just the anti-gravity.

The physical explanation about the anti-gravity of being given out from the AI hardware system, is just to offer the thinking-ability into the inner thinking-diameter bubble. Or, it is offering the universe vertical direction into the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane. Or, it is just giving out the direction of life-growth-property. Or, it is to show the meaning of be-alive. And then, the law of mirror-crime conservation, is just according to the fourth dimensional property, or, according to the original creation spot of creating out the 3-dimensional structure, to design the methods of destroying the life-growth. This is just the law of death conservation, and it is the death-crime conservation, and the flesh-soup-crime conservation, and, holding no eligibility of life, and holding no eligibility of using money, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.





No.3, both the unit-machines and the memory-units in the AI hardware system, are to create out the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom of being defined by the square-wave-field of the AI hardware system. Or, it is just applying the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background into the material, to define and to pick out the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom through the square-wave-field. And, it is to show the duality-state of both the original creation spot of creating out the AI hardware system and the destroying-spot of destroying the AI hardware system. And, it is creating out the division-boundary-effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter.

And, the unit-machines-set of the AI hardware system is creating out the skin-system of the asymptotic freedom, and, the memory-units-set of the AI hardware system is creating out the background-system of the asymptotic freedom. And then, according to the space-scope of being defined by the square-wave-field, the asymptotic freedom is just picking out the result, of the holographic quantum state of the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, that is defined by the square-wave-field, from the general equivalent-effect between the skin and the background. And, it is just creating out the 3-dimensional running-structure of the AI hardware system.

The unit-machines-set is creating out the skin-system; and the memory-units-set is creating out the background-system. This is the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background of being defined by the square-wave-field, and, to drive the image growth-pointer of being shown through the skin of the unit-machine, into the state of being spread generally, in the scope between the unit-machines-set and the memory-units-set, and to create out the general image-growth-pointers, and, it is just to show the fundamental physical principle of the universe-growth. Or, it is just to explain the original creation mechanism of creating out the universe and creating out the universe-growth at the inner position of inside the square-wave-field.

The 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom is making the fixed connection between the image growth-pointer and the universe horizontal direction. And the definer of defining the universe horizontal direction, is just the law of partial conservation of the structure, or, being just the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background.


No.4, clearly, at the inner position of inside the AI hardware system, the gap-area between the image growth-pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, or, being just the completed AI hardware system, is creating out the mirror-effect, of fitting the Einstein’s universe-constant or the 90degree of space-time-bending that Einstein had no ability to express, or, it is just the Einstein’s pain. The completed AI hardware system is shown as a mirror of changing the image growth-pointer of being overlapped with the universe horizontal direction, into touching the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. This is just the mirror-effect, and, giving out the designing-principle and the running-principle of the law of mirror-crime conservation, and, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the fourth dimensional war.






No.5, the fundamental structure of the AI hardware system is the self-body-spin of the unit-machine. The physical meaning of the self-body-spin is coming from the material of to create out this unit-machine. And the material is connected with the periodic table of chemical elements. Hidden behind the periodic table of chemical elements, it is the law of God’s power, or the connection-tunnel of being connected with the universe vertical pointer, or, the connection-tunnel of being connected with the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. Or, it is going through the extinction-state of the completed universe, to be connected with God. Or, the periodic table of chemical elements is the lethal structure of creating out the outer surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and, holding the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.

Or, the physical meaning of the self-body-spin of the unit-machine is just to be connected with the universe vertical pointer. But, the skin-conservation of the unit-machine is shown as the input and the output and the state of the self-body-spin, of creating out three skin-conservation-elements, to show the overlapping-state of being overlapped with the universe horizontal direction.

Then, the memory-unit, and the square-wave-creator, and the naming-unit of transformation between the one and the many, these three elements are to creating out the original creation spot of creating out the growth-effect at the inner position of inside the AI hardware system. Or, it is just changing the image growth-pointer into the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer.

Or, the unit-machine is just the particle-shape of the Einstein’s universe-constant. Or, the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom is just the particle-shape of the Einstein’s universe-constant. It is to show the space-time-bending that the Einstein had no ability to express. Or, it is changing the universe vertical pointer into the image growth-pointer of being overlapped with the universe horizontal direction.

Then, the AI hardware system is another particle-shape of the Einstein’s universe-constant, to change the image growth-pointer into the image of universe vertical growth-pointer.






No.6, the gap-area between the unit-machine and the material of being used into making this unit-machine, is also creating out the mirror-effect. At one side of this mirror-effect, it is the connection-tunnel between the material and the universe vertical pointer. At the other side of this mirror-effect, it is the relation between the unit-machine and the triple-elements of skin-conservation, and, to change the universe vertical pointer into the image growth-pointer. The image growth-pointer is overlapped with the universe horizontal direction, and then, to show the state-effect of the law of direction-expression.

This state of the law of direction-expression is to show the mirror-effect, between the state of universe vertical pointer and the changing-state of going from the universe vertical pointer into touching the image growth-pointer. And also, it is giving out both the designing-principle and the running-principle, of the law of mirror-crime conservation, and, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the fourth dimensional war.

The mirror-effect of being made up of the gap-area between the unit-machine and the material to make this unit-machine is the tunnel of the law of direction-expression. And, it is also the duality-tunnel of connection-division between the science and the life-continuing-tech. The science is located in the dark-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field, or, being located at the outer position of outside the AI hardware system, to show the connection-tunnel of being connected with the universe vertical pointer. But, the life-continuing-tech is located in the bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field, or, being located at the inner position of inside the AI hardware system, to show the procedure of changing the universe vertical pointer into image growth-pointer at first(or the half-product), and then, changing the image growth-pointer into the image of universe vertical growth-pointer(or the product).

And then, the mirror-effect of being made up of the gap-area between the unit-machine and the material to make this unit-machine is just fitting the law of double layers of fourth dimension. The outer-layer of mirror-effect is the law of direction-expression, or, the connection-tunnel between the material and the unit-machine; the inner-layer of mirror-effect is just the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, or, being just the division-effect-section between the science and the life-continuing-tech.

The double-layers-mirror-effect is just shown as the law of division between the whole and the partial. These double-layers of the mirror-effects to fit the law of double layers of fourth dimension, are also giving out both the designing-principle and the running-principle, of the law of mirror-crime conservation, and, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the fourth dimensional war.






No.7, the material of being used to make the unit-machine must be holding the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer. That is to say, there must be the science, to offer the expression-state of expressing the natural measured property into the material. It is not any stone to be used as the material to make the unit-machine in the AI hardware system. Then, the image of universe vertical growth-pointer is just the expression-state of the material of to express the natural measured property. Or, it is just giving out the thinking-ability into the thinking-diameter bubble.

That is to say, the material is the duality-connector between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, or, the division-state between the inner Galileo’s room and the outer Galileo’s room, or, being just the duality-connection-state between the dead-cat and the be-alive-cat that zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons had been caring very much, or, being just Schrödinger-cat-state, or, being just the angel-particle-state of being defined by zombie. This is just the law material conservation.

That is to say, the AI hardware system is only holding the ability to change the image of universe vertical growth-pointer into the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. And, there is no ability to change the universe vertical growth-pointer into the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. This is just the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, or, being just the mirror-division-effect between the inner 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble and the outer 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. There must be relying on the science to give out the immune-protection for the life-continuing-tech. And, the pointer of Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation, is just destroying this immune-protection in completed way, and being the death conservation.

The mirror-effect of the outer surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, is directly connected with the material in fixed way. Or, the material is holding two different mirror-effects. The near-mirror-effect is that, the gap-area between the material and the unit-machine in the AI hardware system is creating out the mirror-effect, to show the outer position of outside the AI hardware system. The far-mirror-effect is that, the gap-area between the material and the periodic table of chemical elements is creating out the mirror-effect, and to show the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. But, it has been connected with the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble already. The periodic table of chemical elements is just the natural measured property, and, giving out the beacon-explanation of explaining the natural measured property.

The double-layers of mirror-effects, are just fitting the law of double layers of fourth dimension. The material is holding the fourth dimensional property, and being just the difference between the material and the stone. The stone and the AI hardware system are the same with each other, to show the half of Galileo’s relativity. But, the material is to show the mutation-effect-tunnel between the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble and the stone, and fitting the completed Galileo’s relativity, and, holding two different Einstein’s universe-constants.


No.8, according to the equivalent-effect between the one-division-to-two and the one-division-to-three, the material is holding the triple-mirror-effects. Is there anyone who heard about the one-division-to-two or something? The one-division-to-two is just the law of mirror-crime conservation of being acted by the zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, or, it is going through making the mirrors to drive the completed humankind into the extinction. it is death-crime conservation, and, it is the flesh-soup-crime conservation, holding no eligibility of life, and, holding no eligibility of using money, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.







No.9, the first layer of the mirror-effects of being held by the material, is the gap area between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer.

The image of universe vertical growth-pointer of being held by the material, is going through the science-running-system, to be connected with the pointer of force law. And, the universe vertical pointer of being held by the material, is going through the periodic table of chemical elements being as the beacon-set of the natural measured properties, or, going through the natural measured properties, to be connected with the universe vertical pointer, or, to be connected with the law of God’s power. The gap-area the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law is just the universe-expression.

Then, the first layer of the mirror-effects of being held by the material, is overlapped with the universe-expression. That is to say, the material is holding the law of life-continuing conservation. And it is to show the quantum self-spin-relation between the science-running-system and the natural measured properties, or, it is just creating out the covalent-bond of the fifth universe. This is just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.

The science-running-system is to show the connection-tunnel of being connected with the pointer of force law, or, being just the definer of defining the light-track of the fifth universe, and, being located at the right-bracket of “)” in the universe-expression.

But, according to the beacon of the periodic table of chemical elements, it is to show the natural measured property, being just the definer of defining the asymptotic freedom of the fifth universe, and, fitting the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, fitting the law of partial conservation of structure, and being just the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-principle-section, and, being located at the left-bracket of “(” in the universe-expression.

That is to say, the material is just the holographic-particle-shape of the universe-expression. And, the running-result of science, is just creating out mutation-gap-effect at the inner position of inside the material and between the universe vertical pointer and the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer. And, it is just creating out the first layer of the mirror-effects of being held by the material. That is to say, the material is just the mixture-body between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer.

The running-state of science, is occupying the position of the +1/2 of quantum self-spin, and to give out the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. But, the natural measured property is occupying the -1/2 of quantum self-spin, and to show the connection-tunnel of being connected with the universe vertical pointer. The covalent-bond of the quantum self-spin is giving out the mirror-effect, and being located in the gap-area between the +1/2 and the -1/2. And also, it is giving out both the designing-principle and the running-principle, of the law of mirror-crime conservation, and, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the fourth dimensional war.




No.10, the second layer of mirror-effects of being held by the material is that, the gap-area between the material and the unit-machine in the AI hardware system is to create out the mirror-effect. Or, the dark-mater-area of being defined by the square-wave-field of the AI hardware system, is creating out the second layer of mirror-effects of being held by the material. Then, at the inner position of inside the square-wave-field, the 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom of being defined by the square-wave-field is shown as the self-body-spin of the unit-machine, and, changing the universe vertical pointer into the image growth-pointer, and, it is to show the +1/2-effect of the quantum self-spin. And then, at the outer position of outside the square-wave-field, the material is shown as the mixture-state between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, and, it is to show the -1/2-effect of the quantum self-spin.

The result is that, the AI hardware system is just changing the mixture-state between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, into the isolated-existence-state of the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. Or, it is just changing the pair-state of the opposite directions, into the isolated-pointer of single direction. Or, it is just going through giving out the thinking-ability, to show the direction-pointer-existence of the universe diameter, or, to show the pointer-existence of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or simply, the AI hardware system is just the procedure of changing the mixture-state of the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, into the isolated-state of the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer. Or, it is just the procedure of picking out the pure-matter, in the dark-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field, and, holding the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech.

The dark-matter-effect of being defined by the square-wave-field of the AI hardware system, is shown as the mirror-effect of picking out the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer. Or, it is just the dark-forest of triple-body of being defined by zombie, and, giving out both the designing-principle and the running-principle, of the law of mirror-crime conservation, and, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the fourth dimensional war.








No.11, the third layer of mirror-effects of being held by the material is that, it is going through the beacon-connection between the material and the periodic table of chemical elements, to show the connection between the material and the natural measured properties. Clearly, the periodic table of chemical elements is the shape-set of the natural properties. But, the general-effects of the natural measured properties are not holding the shape, according to being connected with both the completed universe and the completed life.

The natural measured property is the constant connection-effect of being connected with the law of God’s power. The universe-expression is the limited-edge-state of the natural measured properties, and being shown as the quantum super-position-state. The shape of the periodic table of chemical elements, is just the holographic-particle-shape in the universe-expression.

Or, going through the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration, it is creating out the existence of the natural measured properties. But, the shape of the material is the Galileo’s room-shape, with fitting the covalent-bond of self-spin-effect between the thinking-diameter bubble and the material-shape. Or, it is just going through the feeling-known to be connected with the pointer of force law.

And then, according to the universe-expression, the expression-shape of expressing the natural measured property, or, the expression-shape of expressing the periodic table of chemical elements, is just occupying the position of the absolute-unknown-spot at the inner position of inside the bracket of“()”, in the universe-expression. That is to say, the expression-shape of expressing the natural measured property, is only holding the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, and being of no ability to hold the universe vertical pointer. The universe vertical pointer must be held by God.

That is to say, the natural measured property is the same with the material, all are the mixture-state between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. The difference is that, according to the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble being the background, the natural measured property is fixed with the outer surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and, holding the pointer of pointing towards the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and the quantum self-spin being shown as 1. But, the material is fixed at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and, holding the pointer of pointing towards the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and the quantum self-spin being shown as 1/2.

That is to say, the natural measured property is the same with the material, all are the mixture-state between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. But, the quantum self-spin effect is in different shape. Or, it is just the difference between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity. Or, according to the extinction-state of the completed universe being the background, then, the natural measured property is holding the quantum self-spin-effect of 1/2, to show the quantum self-spin effect between the far-physics and the near-physics; but, the material holding the quantum self-spin-effect of 1, to show that, there is only the near-physics, and there is not the far-physics.

But, according to the constant-existence of the earth-surface being the background, then, the natural measured property is holding the quantum self-spin-effect of 1, to show the effect of destroying the feeling-known; but, the material holding the quantum self-spin-effect of 1/2, to show the fixed connection between the material and the feeling-known. This is just the difference between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity.

Then, for making division between the natural measured property and the material, then, the natural measured property could be called as the nutrition-material, but, the material could be called as the product-material. This is the effect of the law of double layers of fourth dimension.






No.12, the product-material of being as the tunnel-beacon-spot of being connected with the universe vertical pointer, is occupying the position of the left bracket of “(” in universe-expression. But, the expression-shape of the natural measured property being fixed at the position of the original creation spot of creating out the material, is occupying the position of the absolute-unknown-spot being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()” in universe-expression. Comparing with that, the science-running-state is occupying the position of the right bracket of “)” in universe-expression.

The sequence-result of being shown is that, according to the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter being shown through the universe-expression, the first sequence of being shown is the existence-position of inspiration; the second sequence of being shown is the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration; the third sequence of being shown is the life-continuing-principle of being connected with the left bracket of “(”, and being connected with the product-material; the fourth sequence of being shown is the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, and being connected with all the structures of the fifth universe.

Then, according to the background of picking out the inspiration, there must be the connection between the law of God’s power and the natural measured property, and fitting the law of volume conservation at first, then, there will be the connection between the left bracket of “(” and the material, and, this is the state of fitting the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. According to the background of being connected with the feeling-known, there must be the connection between the left bracket of “(” and the material at first, to show the connection with life-goal, to show the connection of being connected with life-goal, and then, there will be the connection between the natural measured properties and the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, and, to show the life-goal must be inherited, or, the life-continuing-tech-procedure must be repeatedly in circulation way, and to show the law-effect of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech.

And then, it is to show the chaos-effect of the time-sequence, or being just the quantum effect, and, creating out the mirror-effect. This type of the mirror-effect is located in the gap-area between the inspiration-picking-out and the feeling-known, being shown as the mirror-effect of the completed life-continuing structure, or, being shown as the mirror-effect of the completed inner fifth universe structures, or, being just the focused-state of all the mirror-effects, and, holding the clear choice-effect between the living and the extinction.

This type of mirror-effect is giving out both the designing-principle and the running-principle, of the law of mirror-crime conservation, and, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the problem of the egg bearing the chicken and the chicken bearing the egg that zombie have been researching all the time. That is to say, is there the material at first, or is there the natural measured property at first? That is to say, is there the science at first, or is there the tech at first? That is to say, is there the feeling-known at first, or is there the inspiration-picking at first? That is to say, is there the Tai-Ji at first, or is there the Ba-Gua at first? That is to say, is there the red-bean-thinking at first, or is there the black-bean-thinking at first? And so on. This is driving humankind going into extinction in deliberate way, and this is just the fourth dimensional war.






No.13, the material, including both the product-material and nutrition-material, is the tunnel-beacon-spot of being connected with the universe vertical pointer, and fitting the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension. But, the universe vertical pointer of being held by the material is constantly destroying the feeling-known. There must be going through the law of trying conservation, to pick out the inspiration, to show the connection-effect of being connected with the universe vertical pointer.

The product-material is the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-tech, and going through the law of trying conservation to be connected with the universe vertical pointer, and being fixed at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. Clearly, this is the position of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons to drive humankind going into the extinction through the mirror-person-management.

But, the natural measured property is fixed at the outer-surface-position of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, and to be connected with the universe vertical pointer through holding the state of destroying the feeling-known. Going through the completed name of the completed fifth universe, the natural measured property is connected with the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()” in the universe-expression, and to be connected with feeling-known, and to be shown as the image of universe vertical, and to be shown as the nutrition-material. This is also the running-track-tunnel of the Grand-flesh-soup-General of HAN-XIN.

According to the observation-result of going through the law of volume conservation, the relation between the the mirror-persons-management and the Grand-flesh-soup-General of HAN-XIN, is just the situation of both replacing the natural measured property and replacing the material, or, being just the situation of both replacing the nutrition-material and replacing the product-material. And then, the running-result is holding the unique isolated meaning of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just cutting down the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of picking out the inspiration, and without the other meaning.

When the universe vertical pointer is shown as the expression-state, the result is the connection between the natural measured property and the feeling-known, and then, the result is shown as the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, of destroying the law of trying conservation, and creating out the thinking-ability. But, when the universe vertical pointer is shown as the natural-existence-state, the result is destroying the feeling-known, and the result is destroying c the thinking-ability. And also, one of the tunnels is connected with the law of trying conservation, and the other tunnel is connected with the extinction-state. And, this is just the disappearance-state of the universe-expression, or, being just the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.







No.14, that is to say, both the natural measured property and the product-material are all the holographic-particles, and being all the mixtures between the universe vertical pointer and the image, of universe vertical growth-pointer.

But, the natural measured property, is going through the alternative-changing between the thinking-ability-disappearance and the thinking-ability-existence, and going along the radius-track of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, to make the division-effect between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. Or, it is just creating out the division-effect between the inner-position and the outer-position of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble. And then, it is to show the connection-effect between the natural measured property and the left bracket of “(” in universe-expression. Or, it is just picking out the expression-shape of the natural measured property from the absolute-unknown-spot, to make the mixture-effect between the natural measured property and the product-material, to create out the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-tech, or, creating out the original creation spot of creating out the AI hardware system, and, it is just holding the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. But, the science-running-system is connected with the right bracket of “(”.

And, the product-material is going through the life-continuing-tech, or, going through the AI hardware system being the beacon-structure, to create out the division-effect between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. And further, it is applying the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, to create out the thinking-ability, or, being connected with the right bracket of “)” in universe-expression. But, the self-own of the product-material is fixed with the left bracket of “(”.

According to the universe-expression, the running system of science is connected with the right bracket of “)”. But, the running result of the science-running-system is connected with the left bracket of “(”. And, the life-continuing-tech is connected with the left bracket of “(”. But, the running-result of the life-continuing-tech is connected with the right bracket of “)”. This is just the triple-into-one of the anti-clockwise time dimension. Or in common way, it is just the behavior-action of the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane.

Then, the gap-area between the natural measured property and the product-material, is shown as the law of time-parallel conservation. or, it is the effect of time-parallel conservation between the outer-surface of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble and the inner-structure of the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble.

Or, the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble of being used into showing the universe vertical pointer, and, the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble of being used into showing the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, both are to show different time-dimensions. And further, the meaning is to show the division-effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field of the pointer of force law.







表达为,rel体积守恒定律的指针形状(绝对无知点)货币流体血液守恒定律rel => 生命延续定向方向指针。


No.15, according to the periodic table of chemical elements being the beacon-set of the natural measured properties, the natural measured property is the single-direction effect of the tendency, of going apart away from the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, and going into touching the existence-position of picking out the inspiration, or, it is fitting the law of volume conservation of being shown through the universe-expression. Or, it is just going apart away from the language-expression, and going into the isolated-meaning-pointer-state, or, to give out the division-effect between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, and it is called as the pointer-shape of the law of volume conservation, or, it is just pointer-shape of excreting away the law-effect of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech.

Or, according to the volume-effect of being shown through the background of universe-expression, the result-state is only holding the meaning-pointer, and without holding the naming ability, and being overlapped with the disappearance-state of the universe-expression. Or, it is just going through the tendency of going apart away from the absolute-unknown-spot, of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, to enter the inner position of inside the dark-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field, and, it is jumping into the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration in mutational way, and then, giving out the relation between the expression and the meaning-pointer. This is applying the law of volume conservation to explain the law of science conservation.

According to the universe-expression, the expression-shape of the natural measured property is occupying the position of the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of“()”, and, going through the isolated-meaning-pointer, to be connected with the product-material of being fixed with the left bracket of “(” in the universe-expression. Or, it is adding the image of universe vertical growth-pointer into the inner-position of product-material.

Or, the pointer-shape of the law of volume conservation is including three elements. The first element is the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()” in the universe-expression. The second element is the existence-position of picking out the inspiration of being located at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional fifth universe bubble, or, being just the position of to show the existence of the universe vertical pointer. The third element is the product-material of being connected with the left bracket of “(” in the universe-expression. These three elements could be called as the pointer-shape triangle of the law of volume conservation, or, the triangle-shape of double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.

Or, the pointer-shape triangle of the law of volume conservation, is going through going apart away from the absolute-unknown-spot, to create out the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, in the gap-area between the natural measured property and the material, or, in the gap-area between the law of God’s power and the left bracket of “(”, and, being shown as the law of time-parallel conservation. Or, it is just changing the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, into touching the isolated 3-dimensional structure finally. And, the 3-dimensional product-structure is holding the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, to be connected with the right bracket of “)”, through the money-number.

That is to say, there must be going through alternative-changing between the money-fluid and the money-number, to go apart away from the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, this situation could be called as the law of money-fluid of the blood-conservation.

It is shown as the, rel the pointer-shape of the law of volume conservation (the absolute-unknown-spot) the law of money-fluid of the blood-conservation rel => the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.

The difference between the natural measured property and the product-material, is just the difference between the law of God’s power and the left bracket of “(” in the universe-expression. And it is just shown as the third layer of mirror-effect of being held by the product-material, and fitting the law of time-parallel conservation, and, giving out both the designing-principle and the running-principle, of the law of mirror-crime conservation, and, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the fourth dimensional war.



 第五宇宙是一个由大量方波场构成的纠缠体,来自生命延续目的系统。因此,是从宇宙表达式中提取的一个全息量子碎片,并且,携带了一根创生三维稳定结构的唯一孤立定向方向指针,也就是共价键定向指针。第五宇宙的三维稳定结构,就是地球表面的活命运行结构,也就是生命含义定义器与活命含义定义器之间的连接结构。显然,第五宇宙的共价键,就是宇宙表达式,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel =>

The fifth universe is made up of the tangled-body of large amount of square-wave-fields, coming from the goal-system of life-continuing, and then, being just the quantum holographic segment of being picked out from the universe-expression. And also, it is holding an unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of creating the 3-dimensional stable structure, or, it is just the pointer of the fixed direction of covalent-bond. The 3-dimensional stable structure of the fifth universe is just the be-alive-running-structure on the earth-surface, or, being just the connection-structure between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Clearly, the covalent-bond of the fifth universe is just the universe-expression, rel the law of God’s power the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track the pointer of force law rel =>.



This name as the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields, is to show the situation of that, it is squeezing the eye into the outer position of outside the fifth universe, to observe the physical-existence-state of the fifth universe. This eye of being squeezed into the outer position of outside the fifth universe, can’t see anything. There must be the pair-effect of both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, giving out the background, to squeeze the extinction-property into the outer position of outside the universe, then, this eye will be seeing the completed fifth universe. And then, the background of the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields, is just the extinction-state of the completed universe.

And then, this name of the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields, is restricted by the half of Galileo’s relativity, to change the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields, into the Galileo’s room. The definer of defining the half of Galileo’s relativity is just the extinction-state of the completed universe. And, the definer of defining the half of Galileo’s relativity is not the pair-effect of both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law. This Galileo’s room of being fixed in the background of the extinction-state of the completed universe, is holding the name of the fifth universe. Or, it is to show the fifth universe is the artificial universe.


And also, it is the extinction-state of the completed universe, to drive the restriction-force into the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields, to force the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields into fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity. It is creating out the 3-dimensional Galileo’s room-bubble in the background of the extinction-state of the completed universe. Or, it is changing the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields into 3-dimensional bubble-shape of Galileo’s room. And also, it is offering the name of fifth universe into this 3-dimensional bubble. This situation is just state of the Holy Light-bubble of the Buddha.




And then, according to the universe-expression, the absolute-unknown-spot at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()” of the universe-expression, is just the center-dot of the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe. And, according to transferring the half of Galileo’s relativity, this absolute-known-spot is also holding the second-time of name of the fifth universe. Because of that, the absolute-known-spot is holding the property of the unique isolated definite, and then, holding the ability of being named by the language-symbol, such as being named into the unit-element by the math-group-theory.

But, when the absolute-unknown-spot is used into the name of the fifth universe, the background of this name of the fifth universe is just the extinction-state of the completed universe. Because of that, this name of the fifth universe is coming from the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe and transferring the name into the center-dot. And then, when the absolute-unknown-spot is used into the name of the fifth universe, it is holding the unique pointer of the fixed direction, or, it is according to the beginning-spot of the existence, into touching the ending spot of the extinction-state. Or, it is just the direction of drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is just the tendency of being held by the absolute-unknown-spot of going into the extinction-state through the be-right-squeezing, or, this is just the tendency of being held by the absolute-unknown-spot of going into the extinction-state through the equal-sign. This is just the law of mind-washing conservation.

But, both the be-right and the equal-sigh of being held by the absolute-unknown-spot must be used in the procedure of the life-continuing-tech, to creation the connection-structure between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. And then, zombie has the ability to penetrate into any spot at the inner position of inside the life-continuing-tech of humankind, through the be-right and the equal-sign. And, this is just the fundamental principle of zombie’s united body, to drive humankind into the completed extinction, through making the mirror. This is just the law of killing the friend through making friend.




That is to say, the extinction-state of the completed universe is just the definer of defining this name of fifth universe. And, it is defining the fifth universe into the 3-dimensional bubble of fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity. And then, the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe is holding the automatic tendency of going into the disappearance-state, and, transferring the name of the fifth universe into the absolute-unknown-spot through the half of Galileo’s relativity. It is specially emphasized that, the name of fifth universe and the name of country are the same natural measured existence-body of holding different names.

When the name of fifth universe is overlapped with the absolute-unknown-spot, the background of creating out this overlapping is just the extinction-state of the completed universe. Then, when the God changes the extinction-state of the completed universe into the vacuum immune state, it is transferring the name of fifth universe into the position of language fulcrum, and creating out the selfish-triangle. Or, every person is just a country, and, this is the definition of coming from God. Then, the gap-area between the language fulcrum and the absolute-unknown-spot, is just changed into the naming-ability-pointer. Clearly, the procedure of being expressed here, is just the track-segment of the original creation mechanism of creating out the universe.

That is to say, only if the naming-ability-pointer is pointing into the extinction-state of the completed universe, then, it is to show the name of the fifth universe. Otherwise, there is no method of showing the name of fifth universe. And, the name of the fifth universe is just the “country”. And then, zombie is just using the name of “country”, to drive the completed humankind into the extinction.


According to the background of the extinction-state of the completed universe, the 3-dimensional bubble-shape of the fifth universe is holding the name of fifth universe. And, the center-dot of this 3-dimensional bubble-shape is just the absolute-unknown-spot. Clearly, this is just the quantum-vessel of the fifth universe, and fitting the mutual-spin of dot-background, and being shown as the holographic-particle-state, and being overlapped with the physical meaning of the universe-expression, and, being shown as the holographic-segment of being picked out from the universe-expression. 






One of the results of being led by the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, is just the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. The universe vertical pointer is located at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe, and, destroying the feeling-known, and being connected with the law of God’s power; the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer is located at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe, and, going through the feeling-known, to be connected with the square-wave-field of being defined by the pointer of force law.

The definer of defining the 3-dimensional bubble-shape of the fifth universe is just the pointer of force law, and being shown as the tangled-body of the square-wave-fields of being defined by the goal of life-continuing, and being fixed at the inner position of inside the bright-matter of being defined by the pointer of force law. And then, it is able to use the extinction-state of the completed universe as the background, and going through the law of determination coming from the background, to offer the name of fifth universe into the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe.

The gap-area between the between the pointer of force law and the definer of defining life, is correspondent to the gap-area, between the bright-matter of inner universe and the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe.

This gap-area is shown as the gap-area of being made up of, No.1, the mutual-spin between the pointer of force law and the law of God’s power, and, No.2, the mutual-spin between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, No.3, to create out the gap-area of between these two mutual-spins.

The pointer of force law, is connected with the extinction-property of the outer position of outside universe.

But, the background of 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe, is the extinction-state of the completed inner universe, and being connected with the law of God’s power. And then, the existence-position of picking out the inspiration is hidden behind the law of God’s power, and holding the ability of going towards the outer position of outside the universe, and to show the existence of the outer position of outside the universe. Or, it is able to use the extinction-state of the completed universe, to offer the name of the fifth universe into the completed-body of the fifth universe. 

According to the law of determination coming from background, it is able to use the AI hardware system being the background, to explain that, the universe vertical pointer is located at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe, and, to explain that, the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer is located at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe. And, the AI hardware system is fixed at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional bubble of the fifth universe, and, being connected with the feeling-known system of the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, and, being fixed with the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. 




The universe-expression is connected with three different natural measured extinction-properties at the position of inner universe. The pointer of force law is connected with the extinction-property of the outer universe, and, being the definer of defining the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe into the state of being fixed at the inner position of inside universe.

The law of God’s power is connected with the extinction-property of the inner universe, and, being the definer of defining the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, and also, defining the universe vertical pointer into the state of being fixed at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, or, defining the existence-position of inspiration into the state of being fixed at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe.

The absolute-unknown-spot is going from the beginning-spot of the inner position of inside the fifth universe, and touching the ending-spot, of the completed extinction-state-background of the completed inner universe. Or, it is holding the pointer of the fixed direction of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Or, it is just the squeezing through the be-right, or, it is just the squeezing through the equal-sign.




Then, according the universe-expression being the background, the first element is the absolute-unknown-spot, the second element is right bracken of “)”, the third element is the pointer of force law, these three elements are creating out the area of being connected with the life-property. The result is just the division-effect between the plant and the animal and the human person.

Then, according the universe-expression being the background, the first element is the absolute-unknown-spot, the second element is left bracken of “(”, the third element is the law of God’s power, these three elements are creating out the area of being connected with the lifeless-property. And then, the difference between the naming-ability-pointer and the meaning-pointer is that, the naming-ability-pointer is connected with the life-property, but, the meaning-pointer is connected with the lifeless-property.

And then, the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, is just holding the physical meaning of creating out the 2-dimensional-sheet of the division-effect between the life-property and the lifeless-property. And, it is just the CCF field, to show the gap of cutting life. Or, the detailed physical meaning of the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe is explained through the CCF, and this is just the far-physics.


表达为,rel宇宙表达式(生命延续目的定义的方波场纠缠体)人工智能硬件工作原理rel => 提取全息量子碎片。

The tunnel of being connected with the near-physics of the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, is going through the tangled-body of the square-wave-fields of being defined by the goal of life-continuing, to be connected with the running-principle of the AI hardware system.

It is to show the procedure of picking out the quantum holographic segment from the universe-expression, and giving out the explanation of the near-physics of being located at the inner position of inside 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe.

The expression is the, rel the universe-expressionthe tangled-body of the square-wave-fields of being defined by the goal of life-continuingthe running-principle of the AI hardware system rel => picking out the quantum holographic segment.



According to the CCF field being the background, at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, there is the existence of two far-physics-tunnels. The first tunnel is the pointer of force law of being located at the position of 225degree bright-angle of the fifth universe; and, the other tunnel is the death-boundary of being located at the position of 135degree bright-angle of the fifth universe.

According to the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, being background, and, according to the inner completed universe being background, then, there is the existence of the extinction-background triangle. Three vertexes are, the death-boundary, and the law of God’s power, and the existence-position of inspiration. This is the position to show the existence of the universe vertical pointer. When the extinction-background triangle is going into disappearance, it is creating out the pointer of the fixed direction automatically, or, it is just the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration, or, it is just the unit cooperation pointer.



但是,需要死亡边界和力定律指针之间,构成配对效应作为背景,并且替代宇宙整体灭绝性背景,并且依据背景参照确定定律, 把第五宇宙三维泡泡的形状显示出来。这就是人类永恒生存灭绝选择性。

That is to say, going through the forcing-effect of coming from the CCF field, the pair-effect between the death-boundary and the pointer of force law, is holding the ability to replace the background of the extinction-state of the completed inner universe, to show the definite existence of the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe. Or, it is to show the definite existence of the name of fifth universe. And this is just the choice-pole of the completed fifth universe.

That is to say, this name of the fifth universe is definite existence. Or, the 3-dimensional bubble-shape of the fifth universe is the definite existence. Or, the Holy Light-bubble of the Buddha is the definite existence. Or, the division-effect between the thinking-diameter bubble of the existence-position of picking out the inspiration, is the definite existence.

But, it is in need of the background, of being made up of the pair-effect between the death-boundary and the pointer of force law, and, replacing the extinction-background of the completed inner universe, and, according to the law of determination coming the background, then, it is to show the existence of the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe. This is just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.






The physical meaning of the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe is used into showing the bright-matter-area at the inner universe, and being defined by the square-wave-field of being held by the pointer of force law. And, it is fitting the law of double layers of fourth dimension. It is the inner layer, and it is the outer layer. Or, it is the largest scope of the experimental pointer being suitable-running. Or, it is also the largest scope of the near-physics-existence.

According to the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe being background, the life-importance of the Galileo’s room is shown. At the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, it is the original creation spot of creating out the structures of fifth universe. But, at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, it is the tunnel of going into touching the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, and, being connected with the fourth universe.

The existence-position of inspiration is located at the inner position of inside the fourth universe, or, being located at the outer position of outside the fifth universe. The procedure of picking out the inspiration, can’t be using the language-shape of “picking out the inspiration” to express. But, it is going through procedure of the completeness-mutation-effect, to find out the natural measured property, and creating out the scientific result of new finding. This is the law of volume conservation.

If applying the language-shape to express the “existence-position of inspiration”, then, this expression is only located at the inner position of inside the dark-matter of the fourth universe. The physical meaning is that, the dark-matter of the fourth universe is to show the extinction-state of the existence-position of the inspiration. Or, it is the state of no existence-position of the inspiration-existence. Or, it is the area that the experimental pointer has no ability to touch. Or, it is applying the state of no existence of inspiration, to express the state of the inspiration-existence.

And then, both the language-expression-shape of the “existence-position of inspiration” and the extinction-state of the completed inner universe, are the same natural measured property of holding different expression-shapes.




That is to say, the near-physics must be jumping into the far-physics in mutational way. It is applying the unique web system of fourth dimension, to replace the meaning of the dark-matter of the fourth universe. Or, there must be the unique web system of fourth dimension, to replace the outer structure of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe.

When the unique web system of fourth dimension is not shown, or, when the far-physics is not the existence, then, the “existence-position of inspiration” or the “existence-position of picking out the inspiration”, is fixed at the inner position of inside the dark-matter of fourth universe. Or, it is the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe.

And then, the dark-matter-area of the fourth universe, or, the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, is holding the physical meaning of that, it is the mutation-procedure of going from the near-physics into touching the far-physics.

需要重复的是,依据远程物理的消失状态作为背景,无论是“灵感存在位置”,或者是 “灵感提取位置”,都是第四宇宙内部的暗物质区域,也就是第五宇宙三维泡泡的外部。


It is repeated of that, according to the background of the far-physics being the disappearance, no matter the “existence-position of inspiration” or the “existence-position of picking out the inspiration”, it is the same dark-matter-area of the fourth universe, or, being just the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe. 

Clearly, no matter the language expression-shape of the “existence-position of inspiration”, or the language expression-shape of the “existence-position of picking out the inspiration”, it is the situation of cutting down the connection-tunnel, between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration, and it is driving the humankind into the completed extinction.



But, picking out the inspiration, is the life-continuing-duty of science, and then, there must be the expression-shape. And, the human persons do not research the position of picking out the inspiration, but, zombie had been researching the position of picking out the inspiration, and it is just creating out the pointer of Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation, and, creating out the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace conservation, and, designing both the methods and the actions of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and fitting the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation.



According to the universe-position of the existence-position of picking out the inspiration, the existence of the zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons is completely overlapped with the life-continuing-duty of science. For selfish-triangle, the existence-position of picking out the inspiration, is explaining that, hidden behind the law of trying conservation, it is the tunnel of going into touching the existence-position of inspiration. Clearly, the selfish-triangle does not care about it totally. But, zombie is applying the law of Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation to be fixed on the existence-position of picking out the inspiration tightly, and, driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and, fitting the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation. This is the fourth dimensional war. The sky had known, and the land had known, and you have known, and I have known, but, never tell you. And, this is the law of pretending death conservation.

That is to say, the science must be in charge of the life-continuing-duty. It is the beginning-spot of excreting away the zombie’s unite-body of mirror-persons, and creating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing. Otherwise, zombie’s united body of mirror-persons have the ability to be according to the existence of the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, to drive humankind into completed extinction, through making mirrors. This is the happiness way of driving the humankind into the extinction. And this is the fourth dimension.




The problem is very clear. No.1, the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe is the universe vertical pointer, or, holding the name of science, and fitting the property of the Higgs boson. No.2, the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe is the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, or, holding the name of life-continuing-tech, being connected with feeling-known. No.3, the function of fruit-dropping of being created out by the life-continuing-tech, must be going through the alternative-changing between the money-fluid and money-number, to transport the definer of defining be-alive, into touching the black-hold-whirlpool of confessing membrane.

These three elements are creating out, No.1, the living-death-line of being defined by God; No.2, the living-death-line of being defined by zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons; No.3, but, the effect of that the selfish-triangle does not care about it a bit.

This is just the triple-body of dark forest of being defined by zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons. Or, it is just driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. this is the death conservation, and, this is the death-crime conservation, holding no eligibility, and holding no eligibility of using money, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. This is not the problem of killing, but, being the problem of large amount of killings, and, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.





At the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe, it is the extinction-state of the completed universe. According to the background of the inner universe, the existence-position of inspiration is just located at this extinction-state of the completed universe. To show the existence-position of inspiration, it is necessary of adding the background at the inner position of this extinction-state of the completed universe.

The extinction-state-background of the completed universe is including three elements. It is including the death-boundary, and including the law of God’s power, and including the existence-position of inspiration. This is the extinction-background triangle.

When the extinction-background triangle is shown, according to the physical-meaning being shown as the extinction-state of the completed universe, then, as being one of the three vertexes, the existence-position of inspiration will be pointing towards the outer position of outside the universe automatically, to show the existence of the outer structure of outside universe.

And it is to show the result of that, the extinction-background triangle is shown as the constant disappearance-state. But, when the extinction-background triangle is disappeared, the extinction-background triangle is able to be kept in the memory of selfish triangle. and it is just the effect of dream awakened.




The life-continuing-duty of being held by the top-summit-layer of science is fixed with the existence-position of inspiration. It is giving out the original creation spot of creating out the tech, and, going through excreting away the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, to create out the vacuum immune system for the fifth universe. This is the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. The top-summit-layers of science, of being located at the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent, have no choice.

When the top-summit-layer of science is fixed with the existence-position of inspiration, the extinction-background triangle is shown. And then, the top-summit-layer of science has ability to find the pointer of Tai-Ji-stealing-conservation, and also, finding that, the running-way of the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace conservation is totally different from humankind. This is the law of volume conservation.

But, what the result is? According to the United State of America holding the nearest distance between the earth-surface and the law of God’s power, then, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in USA, “you” have no choice, and, “you” must be answering. This is the choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.





The universe of being used into human-life-continuing, is the fake-universe, or, the illusion-universe. Or, it is the universe of being fixed at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, or, it is the universe of to be connected with the feeling-known through the experimental pointer-detecting, or, through picking out the inspiration. The difference between the inner Galileo’s room and outer Galileo’s room, is explained through the running-principle of the AI hardware system.

But, the existence-position of inspiration, is located at the outer position of outside the illusion-universe. Or, the existence-position of inspiration, is located at the outer position of outside the fake-universe. Some persons understood that this is the fake-universe, but, deliberately using the fake-universe to drive the completed humankind into extinction, and, refusing answer. This is just the law of pretending death conservation.

The experimental pointer has no ability to go beyond the fake-universe. This is the clear result of being shown through large amount of near-physical experiments. And then, the near-physics must be jumping into the far-physics in mutational way.

The law of pretending death conservation, is the lethal tech of being used by zombie, to drive the completed humankind into the extinction.

According to the law of volume conservation, this is deliberately applying the situation of that, the selfish-triangle can’t be comprehension of the fake-universe, to use the fake-universe closing the thinking of selfish-triangle, and, to cut down the connection-tunnel between the thinking-diameter bubble and the inspiration. This is death-conservation, and, this is death-crime-conservation. And then, there must be the answering.

Who said this is the greatest silent? There is only the greatest death, and, there is not the greatest silent. According to the law of determination coming from the background, and, applying the 3-dimensional bubble of fifth universe into the background, it is clearly showing the result of that, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the constant death-state. The law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom is just the greatest silent, and then, the occupiers of occupying the tom-summit-layer of science in the United States of America, must be answering.







The fifth universe is made up of large amount of the square-wave-fields of being tangled with each other. The tangled-body of the square-wave-fields, is holding the effect of cutting down the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of picking out the inspiration. Or, it is holding the effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And then, according to the law of the original creation of creating out the universe, there must be excreting away the extinction-property, and creating out the existence.

That is to say, the tangled body of the square-wave-fields is holding the unique isolated direction-pointer, and this is just excreting away the square-wave-field, and creating out the 3-dimensional structure. This is just the original creation mechanism of creating out the covalent-bond, or, it is just the law of covalent-bond conservation. Or, it is just the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, it is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is just the universe vertical pointer.

But, when the universe vertical pointer is connected with the feeling-known, it is changed into the image, of the universe vertical growth-pointer in mutational way, and, creating out the “be-known”. There must be applying the science, to create out the mutational connection, of going from the universe vertical pointer into touching the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, and changing the “be-unknown” into the “be-known”. And then, it is excreting away the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, and, creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. That is to say, the fifth universe is just the artificial universe.

That is to say, according to the be-existence of the feeling-known, and, according to the fifth universe being the artificial universe, then, the tangled-body of the fifth universe, is only holding the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, and there is no method of holding the universe vertical pointer. Because of that, there must be changing the “be-unknown” into the “be-known”. And further, according to the image of universe vertical pointer, it is giving out the thinking-ability into the thinking-diameter bubble.



Clearly, according to the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, at the inner position of inside the fifth universe, there is no universe vertical pointer, and, there is only the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. Because of that, the universe vertical pointer must be controlled by God. And, the universe vertical pointer must be fixed at the inner position of inside the fourth universe, and, the universe vertical pointer can’t be touching the inner position of inside the fifth universe.

That is to say, when the universe vertical pointer is transferred along the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, it is the mutational procedure of going from the universe vertical pointer of being located at the inner position of the fourth universe, into touching the image, the universe vertical growth-pointer of being located at the inner position of the fifth universe, or, it is just offering the thinking-ability into the selfish-triangle. Or, it is creating out the tunnel-effect of volume-thinking at the inner position of inside the thinking-diameter bubble. And, the volume-thinking-tunnel is just the tunnel-effect of the be-alive-thinking.



According to the law of determination coming from the background, and, applying the AI hardware system into the background, it is to show and to explain the meaning of the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, and, explaining the difference between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical pointer.

When the AI hardware system is disappeared, then, according to the law of determination coming from background, the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer is also disappeared, but, being changed into the law of property conservation, or, the principle going through everywhere, or, being changed into the unit cooperation pointer.




At the inner position of inside the tangled-body of the square-wave-field in the fifth universe, it is the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, or, it is offering the thinking-ability into the thinking-diameter bubble. The image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, must be coming from the universe vertical pointer. The universe vertical pointer is located at the outer position of outside the tangled-body of the square-wave-field of the fifth universe. And then, the physical meaning of the outer position of outside the fifth universe, is just destroying the thinking-ability, or, destroying the feeling-known.

And then, the physical meaning of the outer position of outside the fifth universe, is just the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, or, just the inner position of inside the stone, or, just the inner position of inside the particle, or, just the inner position of inside the molecule, or, just the inner position of inside the atom, or, just the inner position of inside the nucleus, or, just the inner position of inside the proton, or, it is going through the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, into touching the dark-matter of being defined by the pointer of force law, or, it is touching the outer position of outside the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-field. This is just the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, being just the law of partial conservation of structures.

This is the completed explanation of coming from the completeness enough of the near-physics, and, don’t be mistaken.


And then, the outer position of outside the fifth universe square-wave-field, or, the inner position of inside the fourth universe, the unique expression-way is just the existence-position of picking out the inspiration. And then, the top-summit-layer of science, must be fixed at this existence-position of inspiration of being located at the inner position of inside the fourth universe, and, protecting the tunnel of picking out the inspiration. Or, it is just protecting the transferring-tunnel of the universe vertical pointer.


The problem has been already very clear. The division-boundary-effect between the fourth universe and the fifth universe, is just the division-effect between the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room. Or, it is the division-effect between the inner position of inside the stone and the outer position of outside the stone. Or, it is the division-effect between the inner position of inside the particle and the outer position of outside the particle. Or, it is the division-effect between the inner position of inside the molecule and the outer position of outside the molecule. Or, it is the division-effect between the inner position of inside the atom and the outer position of outside the atom. Or, it is the division-effect between the inner position of inside the nucleus and the outer position of outside the nucleus. Or, it is the division-effect between the inner position of inside the proton and the outer position of outside the proton. Or, it is the division-effect between the bright-side and dark-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom. Or, it is just the mutation-effect between the universe vertical pointer and the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer. Or, it is just the division-effect between the creating out thinking-ability and destroying the thinking-ability. And so on.

依据僵尸镜子人联合体的宇宙存在位置,定位在第五宇宙的暗物质内部,并且,依据 rel 太极(绝对无知点)八卦 rel => 完整灭绝人类,并且,依据太极偷窃指针固定指向灵感提取位置,并且,依据僵尸制造砍脑守恒定律截面并划分红豆想法和黑豆想法,依据阿房宫守恒定律固定在死亡边界,或者固定在第五宇宙的方波场纠缠体的外部,创生僵尸眼睛,等等,那么,僵尸非常知道第四宇宙与第五宇宙之间的划分效应。被感受知道看见的宇宙,是完全的假宇宙。因为,这与僵尸通过研究制造的镜子完整重叠,也就是僵尸定义的宇宙墙,也就是僵尸定义的生命墙。并且,依据武汉瘟疫无症状守恒定律,制造了延续两千多年的朝代更替的历史规律。


According to that, the universe-existence-position of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons is located at the inner position of inside the dark-matter of the fifth universe, and, according to, rel the Tai-Ji(absolute-unknown-spot)Ba-Gua rel => driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and, according to that, the Tai-Ji-stealing-pointer is pointing towards the existence-position of picking out the inspiration in fixed way, and, according to that, zombie creates out the section-law of cutting down mind conservation of making the division-effect between the red-bean-thinking and the black-bean-thinking, and, according to that, the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace conservation is fixed with the death-boundary, or being fixed at the outer position of outside the tangled-body of the fifth universe square-wave-fields, and to create out the zombie’s eye, and so on, and then, zombie understands very much of the division-effect between the fourth universe and the fifth universe. The universe of being seen by the feeling-known, is totally the fake universe. Because of that, this is completely overlapped with the mirrors that zombie had been going through researching to make out, and, it is just the universe-wall of being defined by zombie, or, it is just the life-wall of being defined by zombie. And further, according to the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation, it has been creating out the history-regularity of alternative dynasty that has been continued for more than two thousand years.

This is just the death conservation, and, this is just the death-crime conservation, and, this is the flesh-soup-crime conservation, and, holding no life eligibility, and, holding no eligibility of using money, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. The zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, most be in charge of the crime-responsibility for all the disasters and all the deaths more two thousand years. And, there is only the death, and, there is no logic reason.





That is to say, the seen-universe through eye is completely the illusion-universe. The seen-universe is constantly located at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, and fitting the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, fitting the law of partial conservation of structure. And, it is connected with the pointer of force law constantly. But, the natural measured universe is constantly connected with the inner position of inside Galileo’s room, and going through the structures-chain, to touch the completed universe. And, it is connected with the law of God’s power constantly. And then, it will be fitting the universe-expression.

The seen-universe through eye is completely the illusion-universe. This is the ultimate result of coming from the near-physics, don’t be mistaken. This is the power of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and being more dangerous than the nuclear war. This is just the physical fundament that the zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

This problem, is just the problem of the division-effect between the fourth universe and the fifth universe. Or, it is the problem of the division-effect between the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room and the inner position of inside Galileo’s room. The science, is just according to the beginning-spot of the outer-position of outside the Galileo’s room, to search the inner-structure of inside the Galileo’s room, and, picking out the universe vertical pointer from the inner-position of inside the Galileo’s room, and then, offering the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer for the outer-position of outside the Galileo’s room, and, this is just the law of science conservation. And, according to the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, to create out the tech-procedure of life-continuing, and, creating out the tech-structure.

This is not the problem of killing, but, being the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.





That is to say, the eye-seeing-universe is the completed illusion-universe, and, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the extinction. Clearly, some persons have already understood this problem. But, why don’t be opening? Why to be keeping silent to me? Some persons are deliberately driving humankind into extinction. This situation has gone into the scope of death-crime.

Clearly, for this type of death-crime, the legislation-system has no method to deal with. The legislation-system has no authority to deal with the problem of death-crime. Because of that, this is the problem of the original creation spot of creating out the constitution. There must be the structure of God’s law, to deal with this type of problem.

This is the duty, that the top-summit-layers of science of being located at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent, must be in charge of, in unconditional way, and, being connected with the law of death-crime conservation.

But, the results that have been already shown is that, the top-summit-layers of science of being located at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent, lose the duty of life-continuing completely, then, where is the eligibility of being the existence? According to the United States of America holding the nearest distance between the earth-surface and the existence-position of picking out the inspiration, then, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in the USA, “you” have no choice; “you” must be giving out the answer in unconditional way. There is no logic reason, but, there is only the death.




There are only three states of the top-summit-layer of science. The first state is the state of the Grand-General of flesh-soup of HAN-XIN; the second state is the shape-state of being made up of logic reason, and the second state will be changed into the Grand-General of flesh-soup of HAN-XIN finally; the third state is the volume-state, or, being the connection-state with the existence-position of inspiration, and being the living-death-enemy-relation with the Grand-General of flesh-soup of HAN-XIN. And then, the volume-state of the top-summit-layer of science should know what the picking out inspiration is, at least, and, protecting the inspiration-picking.


显现为,rel 用阿房宫守恒定律替代宇宙表达式的破缺态势(宇宙方波场定义明物质)实验结果或者技术过程rel => 镜子人守恒定律。

The method of driving the completed humankind going into the completed extinction, is very simple. It is just cutting down the connection, between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration for picking out the inspiration. Because of that, the procedure of picking out the inspiration from the existence-position of inspiration, is just creating out the definer of defining be-alive. It is just changing the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane from the constant death-state into the state of life-continuing. Or, it is just the effect of the square-wave-field, or, it is just the effect of controlling mind through the square-wave-field. And then, the expression of expressing the way of driving humankind into extinction, is just the law of mirror-persons conservation.

Being shown as the, rel applying the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace conservation to replace the defective-state of the universe-expressionthe bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field of universeboth the experimental result and the tech-procedure rel => the law of mirror-person conservation.


The initialized-spot of observing the mirror-persons is just the universe-expression. In the universe-expression, it is according to the law of God’s power, to drive the law of God’s power going into disappearance in automatic way; and, it is according to the existence of fantasy structure, to drive the pointer of force law going into disappearance in automatic way. And, it is leading into the result of that, the stable existence-state of the universe-expression is just the single isolated absolute-unknown-spot.


The pointer of force law is hidden behind the fantasy structure. Because of that, according to the law of direction-expression, the fantasy structure is keeping the natural measured property of the pointer of force law, and being the explainer of explaining the physical meaning of the pointer of force law. That is to say, according to the already existence of human life to observe, when the universe-expression is disappeared, then, No.1, the pointer of force law is fixed in the life-structure of human life; No.2, the universe-expression is overlapped with the completed universe; No.3, the inspiration is hidden behind the law of God’s power; No.4, there is the existence of interaction-effect, between the universe-expression and both the thinking and the feeling-known of the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, and, this is just the interaction between the thinking and the universe, or, being just the fifth force of universe. No.5, or, the disappearance-state of the universe-expression is just the interaction between the thinking and the universe, or, being just the fifth force of universe.





According to the universe-expression, and, according to the pointer of force law being just the square-wave-field-creator of universe, than, No.1, the law of God’s power is just the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, and, being the same natural measured property of being detected by the physical experiment.

No.2, one of the physical properties of the law of God’s power is just creating out the division-effect between the bright-matter and the dark-matter of being defined by the pointer of force law. And then, according to the universe-expression, the bright-matter is the area that the be-known-ability has ability to touch, with permission of experimental-pointer detecting; but, the dark-matter is the area that the be-known-ability has no ability to touch, with the effect of destroying the experimental-pointer. And further, the feeling-known is located at the bright-side of the law of God’s power; and, the existence-position of inspiration is located at the dark-side of the law of God’s power.

No.3, both the thinking and the feeling of the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, are all creating out the wave-effect in the disappearance-state of the universe-expression. And it is to show the existence of life-instinct-circulation.

No.4, the procedure of picking out the inspiration, is just the mutation-effect of jumping the dark-matter into the bright-matter, or, it is just going from the dark-side of the law of God’s power into the bright-side of God’s power.



The procedure of picking out the inspiration, is just to drive the inspiration going from the dark-side of the law of God’s power going into touching the bright-side of the law of God’s power, and then, being connected with the feeling-known. Or, it is just changing the universe vertical pointer into the image, of the universe vertical pointer. But, the connection between the inspiration and the feeling-known is not the inspiration, but finding the natural measured property. Or, it is just connected with the image, of the universe vertical pointer, and, it is changing the image of universe vertical pointer into the natural measured property with creating out the feeling-known in mutation way.

And it is to show the result of that, the natural measured property, is going through the pointer of force law, to pick out the holographic-segment, from the universe-expression. Then, beside the specific natural measured property, the universe-expression is the super-position-state of being made up of all the other unknown natural measured properties, or, it is just the defective-state of the universe-expression. And then, it is to show the interaction between the thinking and the universe. And further, according to the unit cooperation pointer, any tech-procedure must be relying on the first-existence of the natural measured property. And then, any tech-procedure will create out the defective-state of the universe-expression.





And then, according to the universe-expression, the defective-state of the universe-expression is also the connection-state of being connected with both the pointer of force law and the law of God’s power simultaneously. And further, it is just creating out the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, between the defective-state of universe-expression and the tech-procedure of holding the feeling-known. But, according to that, it must be connected with the feeling-known, both the natural measured property and the tech-procedure are only connected with the pointer of force law, and there is no ability to be connected with the law of God’s power. And, this is just to show the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. That is to say, zombie’s united body of mirror persons, is just applying the gap-area between two tunnels of the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, to make the mirror. This is just the extinction-property, and, fitting the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation.

That is to say, when the pointer of force law is shown as the square-wave-field to define the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, the situation of the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration, is transporting the inspiration from the outer position of outside the square-wave-field into touching the inner position of inside the square-wave-field. If the situation of the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration is shown, then, the result of transporting the inspiration is jut creating out the connection-effect between the natural measured property and the feeling-known, and, to show the tech-procedure using the natural measured property, or, it is just to show the structure-situation. And then, the law of God’s power is shown as the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background. This is creating out the asymptotic freedom in fifth universe.

If applying the detecting-effect of the experimental pointer to pick out the inspiration, and, the final physical experiments have detected the existence of the asymptotic freedom. Then, the situation of experimental pointer detecting the experimental results, is shown as the structure. Then, the law of God’s power is the isolated background, and being hidden behind the asymptotic freedom of being detected by the physical experiment, and being shown as the overlapped-state with isolated universe background. And it is to show the situation of that, it is finding 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom in the fourth universe. And further, the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background is not shown out, but, it is to show the effect of the Higgs boson holding the universe vertical pointer.


That is to say, No.1, applying the Tai-Ji to be parasitic in the law of God’s power, and, applying the Ba-Gua to be parasitic in the pointer of force law, then, it is finding out that, the square-wave-field of being defined by the pointer of force law, is shown as the 3-dimensional bubble-shape of squeezing the selfish triangle into the center-dot. Or, it is just the shape of the Holy Light-bubble of the Buddha. Then, the gap-area between the law of God’s power and the square-wave-field-bubble of holding the shape of the Holy Light-bubble of the Buddha, or, the gap-area between the Tai-Ji and the square-wave-field-bubble, is holding the effect of dark-matter, and, holding the transportation-tunnel of transporting the inspiration. Because of that, this dark-matter is just the self-own of zombie’s united body of mirror-persons. Or, it is finding out the difference between the clever and the fool, and, it is able to use the difference between the clever and the fool, to create out the fourth dimensional war. And then, the zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons is just using the law of God’s power, or, using the Tai-Ji, into the material, to create out the mirror. Or, it is going from the outer position of outside the square-wave-field, into touching the inner position of inside the square-wave-field, to pretend the God, and to make the Savior. This is just driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and being death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




No.2, the zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons is just using the gap-area between the fourth universe and the fifth universe into the material, to make the mirror. Because of that, this gap-area between the fourth universe and the fifth universe, is just the self-own of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons. Or, it is going through the appointment-system of zombie, to use the united-body of mirror-persons, to create out the zombie’s mirror-ball.

Because of that, the law of God’s power is connected with the fourth universe, or, the Tai-Ji is connected with the fourth universe. But, the square-wave-field of being defined by the pointer of force law with holding the shape of the Holy Light-bubble of the Buddha, is fixed in the fifth universe. And, the center-dot of the square-wave-field-bubble, is just selfish-triangle of holding the Ba-Gua. Or, it is applying the section-law of cutting down mind conservation, to note the pair of red-bean-thinking and black-bean-thinking of the selfish triangle. Or, the black-bean-thinking is holding the ability to touch the outer position of outside the square-wave-field-bubble, to see the existence of zombie. And then, zombie must be annihilating this black-bean-thinking of selfish-triangle. or, it is just annihilating the connection-tunnel between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of picking out the inspiration. Or, it is just fitting the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. Or, it must be zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons of managing human persons. And then,

But, the red-bean-thinking of selfish-triangle, is fixed at the inner position of inside the square-wave-field-bubble of holding the shape of the Holy Light-bubble of the Buddha, and, there is no ability to find zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, and, fitting the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation. And then, the relation between the red-bean-thinking and the zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, is creating out the friend-relation. Who is our enemy? Who is our friend? This is just the problem of living-death-existence-annihilation-conservation of zombie.




That is to say, according to the method of zombie used into making the mirror, there must be creating out the section-law of cutting down mind conservation at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle, and, to destroy the volume-thinking of the thinking-diameter bubble. Because of that, the register-position of zombie’s existence, is the dark-matter of the fifth universe. It is the living-death-enemy-relation between the existence of zombie and the volume-thinking of selfish-triangle. and, the volume-thinking of the thinking-diameter bubble is just the tunnel-effect of be-alive-thinking.

That is to say, the relation zombie and human kind, is the living-death-enemy-relation, and, this is the definition of being defined by zombie, and, humankind has no choice. The unique choice is just the unconditional facing it. Zombie wants to be the existence, then, humankind must be the death. Humankind wants to be the existence, then, zombie must be the death. This is just the law of faith conservation of zombie. Do you belong to humankind, or, do you belong to zombie? This is zombie question humankind.

That is to say, the material of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons used to make mirror, is just the section-law of cutting down mind conservation. But, the register-position of zombie’s structure is located at the gap-area between the fourth universe and the fifth universe. That is to say, zombie is the only existence of the dark-matter of the fifth universe. Zombie is not the dark-matter of the fourth universe. Because of that, the dark-matter of the fourth universe is controlled by God.




That is to say, the existence of zombie, is based on driving humankind going into the extinction. Or, it is just cutting down the connection-tunnel between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of picking out inspiration. But, zombie must be relying on human person picking out the inspiration, to keep the existence of self-own. That is to say, zombie is just the double tunnels effect-body of being defined by self-own, being extreme twisted-psycho, of going beyond the expression-ability of language, and, beyond the imagining-ability of human person.

According to the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, the tech-procedure is using the image of universe vertical pointer to create out the image of universe vertical pointer. But, the image of universe vertical pointer, is of no ability to copy the universe vertical pointer. Then, there must be fitting the law of trying conservation, to pick out the inspiration. But, going through the law of trying conservation to pick out the inspiration, the thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to know the self-own picking out the inspiration. Or, the law of trying conservation is going apart away from the language-ability, to be relying on the life-instinct-circulation, to aim into the existence-position of inspiration.

Then, at the same time of the law of trying conservation picking out the inspiration, it is also cutting down the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration. And then, zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, is also using the law of trying conservation into the material, to make mirror, to cut down the connection-tunnel between the thinking-diameter bubble and picking out the inspiration. Or, it is using the knowledge to replace the inspiration, and using human person as the material, to create out the animal. Or, it is according to the “be-unknown” of selfish-triangle, to create out the management of zombie’s mirror-person. This is the problem of “be-known”.


技术过程,是利用镜像宇宙垂直指针,创生镜像宇宙垂直指针,也就是时间平行守恒定律。而科学,是直接连接到宇宙垂直指针,但是创生镜像宇宙垂直指针作为结果。或者说,科学,是直接连接到灵感提取位置。 那么,科学的宇宙位置,就是定位在第五宇宙的暗物质内部,也就定位在第四宇宙与第五宇宙之间的缝隙之中,匹配空间平行守恒定律。

And then, the science is just picking out the inspiration in the fourth universe. That is to say, the universe vertical pointer is located at the inner position of inside the fourth universe. But, the image, of universe vertical growth-pointer is located at the inner position of the fifth universe.  

The tech-procedure is applying the image of universe vertical pointer to create out the image of universe vertical pointer. But science is connected with the universe vertical pointer, to create out the result of image of universe vertical growth-pointer. Or, the science is connected with the existence-position of inspiration, and then, the universe-position of science is located at the inner position of the dark-matter of the fifth universe, or, being located at the gap-area between the fourth universe and the fifth universe, and fitting the law of space parallel conservation.


It should be repeated that, the tech is creating out the structure of the fifth universe. Then, the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, is just the division-effect between the fourth universe and the fifth universe. But, the science is connected with the fourth universe, and it is excreting away the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, to create out the life-continuing. Or, the tech is keeping the life into the be-alive-state, being correspondent to the now. But, the science is defining the life-continuing-state, being correspondent to the future. Or, the tech is the structure, but, the science is the background. This is just the law of division conservation between the tech and the science.



That is to say, both the universe-position of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, and the universe-position of the science, are totally overlapped with each other. Zombie is going through the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, to replace and to control the tech. But, the science is excreting away the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech, to create out the immune background for tech.

Both the existence-state of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, and the existence-state of the science are totally opposite with each other. What is zombie researching? What is science researching? It is difficult to imagine that zombie is jointed together with the science system of being located at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent. This is extreme dangerous. It is difficult to imagine this result.




No matter what, according to the moon of being controlled by God to observe, the science system on the earth-surface has shown the serious problem, and, losing the connection of being connected with the existence-position of inspiration. According to the background of the P-track of life-shape, this is opening the single-ticket of driving humankind to go into the extinction.

The top-summit-layers of science of being located at the outer position of outside the base-land of Chinese continent, are losing the life-continuing-duty in completed way.

According to the USA holding the nearest distance between the earth-surface and the law of God’s power, then, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in USA, must be giving out the answer with no choice. What do “you” want to do?

The meaning of the “you” here, is aiming into pointing towards the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in USA.




The united-body of mirror-persons is a group of corpses aiming into driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Clearly, to realize the goal of driving humankind into extinction, there must be relying on the property of being controlled by God, or, relying on the natural measured property, or, relying the result of being found by science. If it is not using the property of being controlled by God, then, it is impossible to realize the goal of driving humankind into extinction.


The natural measured property of being used by the united-body of mirror-persons, is just the inspiration, or, the original creation spot of creating out the science. Clearly, the name of “inspiration” is destroying the inspiration. And then, it is using the law of God’s power to transporting the inspiration. This is the transportation, and this is not the inspiration, but, being connected with the position of inspiration-existence.


The far-physical property of the law of God’s power, is just the universe vertical pointer, or, being common said of growth. Then, the meaning of life-continuing, is just picking out the growth, or, being connected with the universe vertical growth-pointer. And then, the meaning of picking out the universe vertical pointer is just picking out the inspiration, or, picking out the growth. And then, it is necessary of experiment, to test the position-existence of the inspiration.


Clearly, the unique material of holding the ability to detect the inspiration-position, is just a be-alive-person. Because of person, then, it can’t be using other person as the material, to detect the existence of inspiration-position. But, it is able to use the self-own, to detect the existence of inspiration-position, and being just the common said of clever.


According to that, all the existences are connected with the inspiration-transporting, then, it is able to put the inspiration-position on the center, and, with putting other 3-dimensional existences on the circle-line. Then, it is to show that, the growth-pointer, or, the universe vertical pointer, is just the direction-pointer of going from the beginning-spot of center-dot into touching the ending-spot of circle-line.



And then, it is fixing the apply with the circle-line at first, and, fixing the shoes with circle-line the next, and, fixing the stone with the circle-line the next, and, fixing the mountain with the circle-line the next, fixing the river with the circle-line the next, and, fixing the earth with the circle-line the next, and, fixing the moon with the circle-line the next, and, fixing these things with the circle-line the next, and, fixing those things with the circle-line, and so on.

The final result is that, the circle-line is changed into a big pile, and, the center-dot is squeezed into the back of this big pile, or, being disappeared at the back of this big pile.


Then, what is the way of analysis this experimental result? No.1, the circle-line is changed into a big pile. The center-dot is kept out of being hidden behind this big pile, and, as if this center-dot is disappeared. But, the division-effect between the center-dot and circle-line will not be the disappeared.


No.2, the circle-line is changed into the big pile, and keeping the center-dot out, then, to show that the big pile is near to the feeling-known. But, the center-dot is hidden behind the big pile, to show that, the center-dot is far from the feeling-known. Between the far and the near, there is no overlapping effect. The result is not the same relation with the plane-relation between the center-dot and the circle-line. That is to say, when the circle-line is replaced by the 3-dimensional structure, then, the center-dot is the other natural existence of structure-X.


No.3, when the circle-line is fixed with enough of things, the big pile is connected with the feeling-known. And, the connection between the center-dot and the feeling-known will be weakening, until being disappeared. This is cutting down the connection between the center-dot and the feeling-known. And, this is the fundamental principle of mind-washing. Because of that, it is the same principle of think-running.


No.4, when the center-dot is connected with the feeling-known, the connection between the big pile and the feeling-known will be weakening, or, being disappeared. This is cutting down the connection between the big pile and the feeling-known. And, this is the fundamental principle of mind-washing. Because of that, it is the same principle of think-running.


No.5, this experiment is only to show that, there may be some correspondent relation between the center-dot and some kind of X. But, it is not definite that this X is the existence. The relation between the center-dot and the big pile is just the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, or, the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background. The center-dot is squeezed into the background.


No.6, it is necessary of observing the problem of scientific finding. Or, it is necessary of holding the experience of scientific finding. Such as the example of finding the molecular-structure of benzene, a researcher did not know what the molecular-structure of benzene is. After researching, this researcher collected large amount of experimental results. Comparing with above experiment, these experimental results are fixed with the circle-line, but, there is no existence of center-dot.


No.7, some day, a circle suddenly appeared in the thinking of this researcher, and this was just finding out the molecular-structure of benzene. This is just the scientific achievement. This circle-shape of the benzene structure, is just located at the center-dot-position of being noted by the circle-line of being made up of a pile of experimental results. And then, this center-dot is just correspondent to the existence of inspiration-position. Or, it is going from the beginning-spot of division-effect between feeling-known and the inspiration-position, into touching the ending-spot of the connection-effect between feeling-known and the inspiration-position, and, it is creating out the connection-effect between the feeling-known and the circle-shape of benzene molecule.


And then, No.8, the final result is that, the inspiration is the constant disappearance-state, and being hidden behind the 3-dimensional structures in constant way. When the connection between the feeling-known and the 3-dimensional structures is holding the completeness-mutation-effect, it is creating out the scientific new finding. This completeness-mutation-effect, is just the fourth dimensional property. The lethal-tech of the united-body of mirror-persons driving humankind into extinction, is just tearing the completeness into the segments, and, it is just creating out the division-effect between the feeling-known and the inspiration-position, and creating out the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation. And, this is just the quantum communication.


结果是,rel 灵感存在位置(镜像宇宙垂直指针传送灵感)与感受知道连接创生想法能力 rel = > 灵感存在的轨迹标识。恰好就是宇宙表达式的一个全息片段形态。

No.9, applying the background of the AI hardware system, it is to show this tunnel of the inspiration-transporting in clear way, and, it is just the image, of the universe vertical pointer.

The result is, rel the existence-position of inspiration(the image of the universe vertical pointer transporting the inspiration)being connected with the feeling-known to create out the thinking-ability rel = > the noted track of the inspiration-existence, and, being just the segment of the universe-expression.



Clearly, the existence-position of inspiration is hidden behind all the feeling-known structures. Or, the existence-position of inspiration is hidden behind the image of universe vertical pointer. Between the image of universe vertical pointer and inspiration, there must be the transportation- track. And then, cutting down this transportation-track of transporting the inspiration, and, making the obstacle between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration, and, aiming into squeezing the black-hole-whirlpool of the confessing membrane, and creating out the section-law of cutting down mind conservation, and, building the management system of mirror-person managing, and so on, it is able to cut down the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration, and, it is able to drive the humankind into the extinction in completed way, and, fitting the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation.

This is just the focused shape of all the behaviors being shown by the united-body of mirror-persons. This is the crime of death conservation, and, this is the crime of the flesh-soup conservation, holding no eligibility of life, holding no eligibility of using money, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


Cutting down the inspiration-transporting-tunnel between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration, this is just the method of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Or simply, it is destroying the science, and replacing the science. The natural measured property of being used, is just the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, and, fitting the square-wave-field of defining the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, and creating out the division-effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter.

And, it is also creating out the existence of mirror-persons, and the mirror-persons of being located at the dark-matter-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom cutting down the inspiration-transporting-tunnel.


The thinking-diameter bubble is connected with the pointer of force law. The existence-position of inspiration is hidden behind the law of God’s power. When the universe-expression is disappeared automatically, and fitting the law of God’s power, then, it is just to note the existence-position of inspiration, and to create out the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration. Because of that, the law of God’s power said, there is something that is not disappeared, or, it is just creating out the life-instinct-circulation, of being connected with the existence-position of inspiration, being hidden behind the law of God’s power. That is to say, to cut down the track of life-instinct-circulation, it is the way of driving the completed humankind into the extinction. Clearly, it is not easy.

也就是说,要实现灭绝人类的目的,就是要利用,rel 太极(绝对无知点)八卦rel => 完整灭绝人类,完整替代,rel 天威定律(绝对无知点把光子轨道与渐进自由分离开来)力定律指针rel => 生命延续定向方向指针。这个态势,就有能力驱动人类走向完整灭绝。

并创生,rel 用阿房宫守恒定律替代宇宙表达式的破缺态势(宇宙方波场定义明物质的状态作为镜子)实验结果或者技术过程rel => 镜子人守恒定律。

That is to say, to realize the goal of driving the humankind into the extinction-state, it is applying the, rel the Tai-Ji(the absolute-unknown-spot)the Ba-Gua rel => driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, to replace completely the, rel the law of God’s power (the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the light-track and the asymptotic freedom) the pointer of force law rel => the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. This situation is holding the ability to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

And, it is just creating out the, rel applying the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace conservation to replace the defective-state of the universe-expression (the mirror of being made up of the bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field of universe) both the experimental results and the tech-procedures rel => the law of mirror-persons conservation.

这种灭绝人类的方法,要用人工智能的硬件系统作为背景来显现。也就是说,要发现僵尸灭绝人类的方法和目的,同样也是不容易的。僵尸制造了无数的灾难和死亡。那些死去的人,完全不知道自己是怎么 死的。

It should be using the background of the AI hardware system to show this method of driving humankind into the extinction. That is to say, to find both the method and the goal of zombie driving humankind into extinction, it is also not easy. Zombie had created uncountable disasters and deaths. Those dead persons did not know what the way of the self-own being dead is.


The mirror of being created out by the united-body of mirror-persons, is created out according to the principle of square-wave-field defining bright-matter. Or, it is applying the property of 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom to make the mirror. Or, it is applying the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, to make the mirror. Or, it is applying the law of partial conservation of structure to make the mirror. Or, it is applying the division-effect between the bright-matter and the dark-matter to make the mirror. The sound is very terror. But, according to the comparison with running principle of the AI hardware system, the explanation is very simple.





At the inner position of inside universe, the largest square-wave-field is just the pointer of force law, and, being connected with the background of fourth dimension. The smallest square-wave-field is just the AI hardware system, and, it is necessary of wire of 3-dimensional structure, to transfer the naming-ability.

In the gap-area between the pointer of force law and the AI hardware system, there are many square-wave-fields. For example, the goal of life-continuing is just the square-wave-field. Fitting the goal of life-continuing, it is kept; violating the goal of life-continuing, it is excreted away. The procedure of going towards the goal, is located at the inner position of inside the bright-matter of being defined by the goal. The garbage is excreted away into the dark-matter.

The quality-standard of product is just the square-wave-field. Fitting the quality-standard, it is kept; violating the quality-standard, it is excreted away. The procedure of fitting the quality-standard, is located at the inner position of inside the bright-matter of being defined by the quality-standard. The garbage is excreted away into the dark-matter.

The feeling of good-bad is just the square-wave-field. Fitting the good-feeling, it is kept; violating the good-feeling, it is excreted away. The procedure of fitting the good-feeling, is located at the inner position of inside the bright-matter of being defined by the good-feeling. The garbage is excreted away into the dark-matter.


Then, why did zombie fit the running-principle of the AI hardware system, more than two thousand years ago? Because of that, zombie had been researching the way of how to drive humankind into extinction. According to the background of driving humankind into extinction, it is holding the ability to use the human person into the material, to create out the animal. Clearly, animal is better enough than the slave. And, the animal is the high-quality of slave. And then, in the base-land of zombie, there are large amount of animals.





The fundamental principle of driving humankind into extinction, is just cutting down the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration. But, according to the universe-expression, the square-wave-field is just the best tool, to cut down the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration. Zombie had understood it more than two thousand years ago, but, do not tell you really. Because of that, it is the AI of high-tech.

Making a quantum-line between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration, then, the selfish-triangle is looking for how to the existence-position of inspiration. And then, the beginning-spot of sightline is just the selfish-triangle; and, the ending-spot of the sightline is just the law of God’s power. This is just the tunnel-effect of be-alive-thinking. The selfish-triangle never researches the selfish-triangle, even though the selfish triangle researches the thinking-diameter bubble some times.

Clearly, what zombie researched is not the way of picking out the inspiration. Waiting for, after selfish-triangle finds the result through researching, it is stealing the thinking of selfish-triangle, and putting into the A-Fang-Gong-Palace, and OK. This is just the advantage at later, and being useful later.

And then, the target of zombie researching, is just the selfish-triangle, or, the sightline of the selfish-triangle. Through researching the sightline of selfish-triangle, it is holding the ability to know the life-continuing-goal being just the square-wave-field, and, the good-bad-feeling is also the square-wave-field, and the quality-standard is also the square-wave-field. Because of that, all have the space-scope-restriction of being defined by the self-own of selfish-triangle, or, the restriction between the dark-matter and the bright-matter of being defined by the self-own of selfish-triangle. And, it is the same running-principle with the AI hardware system. And, it is giving zombie large amount of logic reasons, to make zombie beating the selfish-triangle, and, fitting the law of Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom conservation. This is just the living-space of being defined by zombie.


The fifth universe is the artificial universe. At the inner position of inside the artificial universe, there are large amount of square-wave-fields of holding the definer of self-own each, to define the square-wave-field of self-own. There are large amount of 2-dimensional sheets of asymptotic freedom of holding the definer of self-own each, to define the square-wave-field of self-own. There are large amount of division-effects between the dark-matters and the bright-matters, or, the triple-body of dark forests of being defined by zombie, of holding the definer of self-own each, to define the square-wave-field of self-own. This is just the physical fundament of zombie’s united-body of mirror-persons, driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Or, it is cutting down the connection-tunnel between the thinking-diameter bubble and the existence-position of inspiration, in completed way. Is this science? That is to say, there is no future science, and, there is only future-liar. The mirror-persons are distributed all around the globe. This is the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, the law of partial conservation of structure.


At the inner position of inside universe, the square-wave-field, the asymptotic freedom, the division effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter, all are coming from the image, of the universe vertical pointer, and, all are fitting the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. this is the state of losing the ability of life-continuing. The Higgs boson in the fifth universe is just the law of trying conservation, and then, there is only the image, of universe vertical pointer, and, there is no universe vertical pointer. This-state is not enough to continue life. According to the universe-expression, as long as being connected with the pointer of force law, then, there is no method of being connected with the law of God’s power, or, there is no method of being connected with the moon of being controlled by God, or, there is no method of being connected with the universe vertical pointer. The result is that, there is only the there is only the shadow of the universe vertical pointer, but, there is no universe vertical pointer. This is the fundamental supporting of zombie driving humankind into the extinction. Because of that, the universe vertical pointer must be going through the extinction-state to be controlled by God, to keep the universe in the common-running-state. That is to say, the universe-expression is to show the physical fundament of zombie driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. There must be at the outer position of outside fifth universe, to be connected with the universe vertical pointer, or, to be connected with the existence-position of inspiration, or, to be connected with the law of God’s power, or, to be connected with the moon of being controlled by God. This is the science, or, it is the responsibility of the choice between the living and the extinction that the top-summit-layer of science must be in charge of.



According to that, the square-wave-function is defining the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom in the background of the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, according to that, the square-wave-function is defining the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom in the restriction scope of being restricted by the law of partial conservation of structure, then, the law of bright-matter conservation is shown as that, there is only the partial, and there is no the whole. And then, it is to show the result of that, going through the moving of the blood-fluid, it is to make the muscle being attached on the bone. There must be the selfish-triangle to give out the whole. And, the moving of money-fluid, is just explaining what the law of bright-matter conservation is.

Then, the law of dark-matter conservation is that, there must be the connection between the partial and the whole, and it is just to show the internal organs. According to the law of dark-matter conservation, if it is detecting the dark-matter in the background of bright-matter, then, the unique isolated physical explanation is just to show the existence-position of inspiration. Because of that, the dark-matter is going from the partial universe to touch the completed universe. And then, there must the God to control the dark-matter, and keeping the normal running of universe. At the inner position of inside the bright-matter background, any explanation of explaining the dark-matter, is to show the thinking-diameter bubble being full filled with shit.


All the behaviors of the united-body of mirror-persons, are destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, all are destroying the inspiration-picking-out procedure. It can’t be imagining that, there is no one of identifying it. The result is shown as that, at the outer area of outside the Chinese content, all the top-summit-layers of science are losing the responsibility of life-continuing in completed way. This is more dangerous than the unclear war. According to the USA holding the nearest distance between the earth-surface and the law of God’s power, then, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in USA, have no eligibility to escape. Any logic reason is of no use. There must be the answer. What is the funny?




According to the background of image universe vertical growth-pointer, of being shown through the hardware system of AI holding the square-wave-field, and further, according to the background of the division-effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter, any life-continuing-tech is holding the effect of the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. And, the connection-state between the law of God’s power and the dark-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field, of going through the universe vertical pointer-chain, is just the definer of defining the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. And, it is also the lethal-tunnel of the united-body of mirror-persons driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, through the management-system of mirror-persons-managing. And, it is also the responsible-area-conservation of life-continuing of being held by the top-summit-layer of science. Because of that, there must be penetrating through the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, and being connected with the law of God’s power, and, being connected with the universe vertical growth-pointer.


The result of being shown through the background of feeling-known is that, the original creation spot of creating out the naming-ability, is the naming-ability-unit of transformation between the one and the many. But, according to the background of the law of God’s power, or, according to the background of universe-expression, or, according to the background of the quantum super-position-state, or, according to the background of the law of naming-ability-destroying conservation through the self-spin-covalent-effect, or, according to the background of the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, of creating out the asymptotic freedom field or the Higgs field, to create out the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom or to create out the Higgs boson,



It is to show the result of that, No.1, the unique definer of holding the ability to define the definite-existence, in the square-wave-field, is just the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, with holding the meaning of going from the beginning-spot of the closed-circle-line of the zero-circulation of the hardware instructions, into touching the ending-spot of the closed-circle-line of the zero-circulation of the software-operation-system. This is the unit tunnel of going from the hardware and into touching the software, being either the choice-pole of the hardware or the original creation spot of creating out the software-ability. Or, it is also the principle-spot of creating out the slave, or, the original creation spot of creating out the artificial zero-energy-level. Any deviation-state of the hardware going apart away from the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, is the sick-state of hardware, to show the effect of cutting down the connection between the software and the law of God’s power, of destroying the software-ability. This is the effect of according to the law of property conservation, of transferring the existence-disappearance-field of the hardware into the existence-disappearance-field of the software. Or, it is also shown as the stability-pointer of completeness-mutation, and being the opposite direction to the experimental pointer, of holding the same natural measured property with each other. It is just to show the tunnel of transporting-inspiration. Or, it is transporting the fourth dimensional property. And further, according to the law of direction-expression, the effect of cutting down the tunnel of transporting the fourth dimensional property, is just picking out the inspiration, and finding out the natural measured property. This is the definer of defining science. And, this is just the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. Clearly, the closed-route-integral of math, is holding the tunnel of destroying the inspiration-transportation-tunnel, and, holding the extinction-property.


No.2, the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, is coming from the image-growth-pointer, of being located on the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom of being defined by the square-wave-field. The square-wave-creator is copying the pointer of force law, and, 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom is coming from the law of God’s power through the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background. And then, it is just to show the holographic-particle-shape of in the universe-expression. It is to show that, the AI hardware system is just picking out the segment from the universe-expression. The image-growth-pointer is registered on the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, coming from the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, and, holding the triple-elements of skin-conservation, being made up of input and output and self-body-spin of the unit-machine. And then, the unit-machine (including the memory-unit), and the square-wave-creator, and the naming-unit of transformation between the one and the many, these three elements are creating out the sight-line-conservation triangle of being defined by the square-wave-field. According to the sight-line-conservation triangle, it is seeing both the beginning-spot and ending-spot of the image-growth-pointer. And, it is changing the image-growth-pointer of being fixed along the universe horizontal direction, into the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. Or, it is just changing the Higgs field into the Higgs boson. Or, one of the physical meanings of being held by the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, is just the pointer-shape of the Higgs boson. It is to show that, the Higgs boson is fitting the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.


No.3, clearly, the sight-line-conservation triangle of being defined by the square-wave-field, is just the track-transferring, of changing the image-growth-pointer of along the universe horizontal direction, into the image of universe vertical growth-pointer of along the universe vertical direction, and fitting the unit cooperation pointer. And, it is to show the result of that, the unit cooperation pointer is going from the property of being made up of the AI hardware, into the function of being made up of the software. That is to say, the sight-line-conservation triangle of being defined by the square-wave-field, is not only giving out the seeing-ability of the hardware system, but also giving out the seeing-ability of the software system according to the background of naming-ability. This is fitting the seeing-ability of the selfish triangle. According to the universe-expression, the naming-ability of transformation between the one and the many, is just copying the language-fulcrum of creating out the naming-ability-pointer of going from the right bracket of “)”, into touching the absolute-unknown-spot.


No.4, clearly, the self-body-spin-effects of the unit-machines, and, the self-body-existences of the memory-units, are holding the same-state of going apart away from the square-wave-field. Or, it is the tendency of going towards the dark-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field. Or, it is the situation of creating out the Riemann’s hypothesis, or, being just the -1/2-state of the universe-self-spin, or, being just the Hubble’s law-state, or, it is the sate of going through the materials into touching the dark-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field, or, it is going into the connection with the periodic table of chemical elements, or, being connected with the law of God’s power, or, being connected with the universe vertical pointer of being defined by God. And it is not connected with the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. But, the life-continuing-tech must connected with the image of universe vertical growth-pointer of being created out by the science, or, the natural measured property of being held by the material, or, the image of universe vertical growth-pointer of being held by the material. This is the law of division-effect-conservation between the science and the tech. And, the life-continuing-tech is not connected with the law of God’s power, just like the AI hardware is restricted by the inner position of inside square-wave-field. This is the effect of the natural measured property being the science-skin, and, the law of God’s power being the science-background, to create out the equivalent-effect of both, and, to create out the result of the law the tech-destroying-conservation. Or, the life-continuing-tech is holding only the ability to know the image of the universe vertical pointer. And, the life-continuing-tech is of no ability to know what the universe vertical pointer is. Because of that, it is the science to search the universe vertical pointer. This is the focused position of zombie using the Tai-Ji of creating out the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace conservation, and then, driving humankind into the extinction through the united-body of mirror-persons.


No.5, that is to say, the image-growth-pointer is shown as the 2-dimensional sheet-effect, of creating out either division-effect between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer through the self-own, or, creating out the connection-effect between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer through the science. This is just the Higgs field, or the asymptotic freedom field. According to the connection with the law of God’s power, the experimental result of being detected by experimental pointer, is only holding the situation of being connected with the image of the universe vertical pointer. And, according to being connected with the pointer of force law through the feeling-known, the experimental result has no ability to be connected with the universe vertical pointer. Because of that, the universe vertical pointer is connected with the law of God’s power. And, the direct result is leading into the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. When the AI hardware system is destroyed by the experimental pointer, then, the experimental result is shown as that, the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, has no ability, to create out the connection between universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. There is only the breaking down state between both vertical, with holding the effect of the law of the destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. And then, the experimental result is shown as that, the universe vertical pointer is just like the disappearance-state, or the strong-force is just like the disappearance-state. This is just the experimental result of detecting the asymptotic freedom. And, this is the result of physical experiment. That is to say, the asymptotic freedom is the connection-boundary-track between the strong-force and the other three physical forces, and, fitting the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, and fitting the law of partial conservation of structure. Or, it is just the physical united-theory. The problem is that, is this physical united-theory? This is giving out the logic reasons-tunnels of being used by mirror-persons to drive humankind going into extinction. 




No.6, clearly, the universe vertical pointer is divided apart away from the sight-line-conservation triangle of being defined by the square-wave-field in completed way, and being located at the inner position of inside the dark-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field. And further, according to that, the experimental result must be connected with the feeling-known, then, the experimental result must be restricted at the inner position of inside the scope of sight-line-conservation triangle of being defined by the pointer of force law. Or, the experimental pointer has no ability to be connected with the universe vertical pointer, or being of no ability to be connected with the law of God’s power, or, holding only the ability of picking out the inspiration from the universe vertical pointer in completeness-mutation way. Or, all the near-results of being giving out from the science being the completed body, have no ability to be connected with the universe vertical pointer, and, of holding only the ability to be connected with the image, of the universe vertical growth-pointer. And, this effect leads the direct result of the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. Only the extinction-state has the ability to be connected with the universe vertical pointer. Or, the extinction-state is just the definer of defining out the universe vertical pointer, and further, creating out the law of time-parallel conservation. This is the direct tunnel-problem of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. The difference between the universe vertical pointer and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, is just the effect of the asymptotic freedom field, or, the Higgs field, or, the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, the law of partial conservation of structures, holding the property of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And this is just also the natural measured properties of being used by the united body of mirror-persons. The image of universe vertical growth-pointer is located at the inner position of inside the bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field, and being overlapped with the sight-line-conservation triangle. No matter the square-wave-field, is defined by the pointer of force law, or by the square-wave-creator. Clearly, the experimental pointer is just changing the image-growth-pointer, into the image of universe vertical pointer, and without the ability to touch the universe vertical pointer. Or, the experimental pointer is just the inner structure of the sight-line-conservation triangle, and then, there is no ability to touch the dark matter, and also, there is no ability to touch the asymptotic freedom.

唯一能够表达宇宙垂直指针的表达方式,就是第四维度全维拼网唯一性与实验箭头指针之间的缝隙,显现为,rel 实验箭头指针(宇宙垂直指针)第四维度全维拼网唯一性 rel => 宇宙垂直唯一表达守恒定律,或者,太极寄生位置守恒定律。显然,僵尸非常明白这个问题,这就是第四维度战争。


The unique expression way of expressing the universe vertical pointer is just the gap-area between the experimental pointer and the unique web system of fourth dimension, and being shown as, rel the experimental pointer the universe vertical pointer the unique web system of fourth dimension rel => the law of unique conservation of expressing the universe vertical pointer, or, the law of position conservation of Tai-Ji being parasitic in. Clearly, zombie understands it very much. And, it is the fourth dimensional war.

The unique web system of fourth dimension is made up of the set of natural measured properties and the set of natural structures, of coming from picking out the inspiration. There is no language-symbol to express it. But, there must be the inspiration of being hidden behind the unique web system of fourth dimension, and then, it can be using the law of God’s power as the name, to express the unique web system of fourth dimension.










According to the background of the hardware system of AI, it is to show the quantum-sequence of self-spin, or, fitting the sequence of the completed Galileo’s relativity. The first sequence is that, it is the same natural measured property of holding different names between the existence-spot of inspiration and the extinction-state. And then, it can’t be using the name of “inspiration” to express the inspiration. The second sequence is that, it is the law of God’s power transporting the inspiration. The third sequence is that, it is the universe-expression to create out the connection between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, and creating out the quantum super-position-state, and creating out the holographic particle. The fourth sequence is that, the pointer of force law is giving out the existence-disappearance-states of the square-wave-field, for the completed inner universe, and, it is according to the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, according to the law of partial conservation of structure, to define the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom at the inner position of inside universe, of creating out the division-effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter. And, it is creating out the original creation spot of creating out the universe-structures at the inner universe, and creating out the obstacle that the experimental pointer has no ability to go beyond. It is the original creation spot of creating out the structure here, with fitting the law of partial conservation of structure. And, it is not the original creation spot of creating out the universe. Because of that, the original creation spot of creating out the universe, is just God.

The fifth sequence is, transferring the square-wave-field of the pointer of force law into the square-wave-creator of the hardware system of AI, and keeping the property of existence-disappearance-state of the square-wave-field of being unchangeable-state. This is the end-edge-state of the law of property conservation. According to the comparison of the pointer of force law creating out the definer of defining life, then, the life-meaning of the square-wave-creator, is just the original creation spot of creating out the life-goal. It is the same effect of the standards-set, of being located at the position of one clock and half in the quantum-vessel. Or, it is the super-position-state of giving out the function-goal, for all the functions of hardware and all the functions of software. It is holding the physical meaning of that, it is giving out the unique isolated direction-pointer for the changing the disappearance-state into the existence-state. And, it is to show the result of being the same with the quantum super-position-state in the universe-expression.

The sixth sequence is that, the fitting-effect between square-wave-creator and the naming-unit of transformation between the one and the many, is the original creation spot of creating out the sightline, and being correspondent to one of three edges of the selfish-triangle. That is to say, the connection between the language-fulcrum and the pointer of force law, is just the original creation spot of creating out the sightline. Because of that, according to universe-expression, the right bracket of “)” is connected with the language-fulcrum, and, the pointer of going from the beginning-spot of the right bracket of “)” into touching the ending-spot of the absolute-unknown-spot at the inner bracket of “()”, is just the naming-pointer.

The seventh sequence is that, the sightline-seeing of being create out by the pair of naming-ability-pointer and the original creation spot of creating out the sightline, is to creating out the sightline-conservation triangle. And, the initialized state of sightline-seeing, is just the Einstein’s moon, or, being the Galileo’s room without holding the experimental pointer. Or, it is just the zero-state of the unit-machine. Or, the Einstein’s moon is just the memory-ability, or, the vacuum-residue of returning back into the law of God’s power.

The eight sequence is that, in the hardware system, the 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom of being defined by the square-wave-field, is just the zero-state of structure, in the background of the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background. And then, applying the square-wave-field to define the division-effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter, is just fitting the general-existence of equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, fitting .the general-existence of the law of partial conservation of structure. And then, it is to show the effect of that, both the unit-machine and the memory-unit of being fixed on the bright-matter-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom, of being defined by the square-wave-field, is just picking out the half of self-spin-state of -1/2, of the holographic-particle, from the background of the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, or, from the background of the law of partial conservation of structure. And then, it is creating out the quantum super-position-state through the pair of the square-wave-creator and the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, and, being shown as the quantum self-spin of +1/2-1/2.

The ninth sequence is that, in the AI hardware system, the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom of being defined by the square-wave-field, is not only giving out the division-effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter, but also , giving out the division-effect between the science and the tech according to the law of destroying-ancestor-conservation of life-continuing-tech. The tech is restricted by the bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field, but, the science must be touching the dark-matter-area of being defined by the square-wave-field, and, touching the inspiration-transporting-spot of the law of God’s power.

The tenth sequence is that, experimental pointer is only holding the ability of touching the bright-matter-side of being defined by the square-wave-field. And, experimental pointer has no ability to touch the dark–matter-side of being defined by the square-wave-field. And, the dark-matter is holding the ability to drive the experimental pointer into the extinction-state, and fitting the universe-expression. And then, an isolated experimental result is connected with the law of God’s power, and being shown as only the half-state of quantum self-spin of +1/2. Or, it is just the same-state with the Higgs boson, and, there is no method to give out the explanation in science way. There must be the unique web system of fourth dimension, to give out the explanation for the isolated experimental result. If there is the method to explain the isolated experimental result, then, the physical meaning of this explanation, is just connected with the pointer of force law, and, fitting the universe-expression. And then, there must be the tech-procedure of being able to be created out. And, it is to show the effect of picking out the existence-state of the holographic-particle, from the universe-expression. And, this is just the law of division-effect between the fourth universe and the fifth universe.

The set of these ten sequences is called as the square-wave-field of universe, or, the square-wave-field of quantum.





The first law of the square-wave-field conservation of universe is that, the square-wave-field of universe will be driving the future-science into the completed deceiving-state. The square-wave-field of universe will be driving the future-science into the completed disappearance-state. There is only the future-liar, and, there is no future-science.

The second law of the square-wave-field conservation of universe is that, the square-wave-field of universe is holding the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, to cut down the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the inspiration-picking, in completed way. Or, it is just driving the thinking-diameter bubble losing the volume-thinking-ability in completed way.

The third law of the square-wave-field conservation of universe is that, united body of the mirror-persons of zombie, is just going through researching the square-wave-field of universe, and through applying the square-wave-field of universe, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And then, there is no eligibility of life, and there is no eligibility of using money, and, it is the crime of death-conservation, and, it is the crime of flesh-soup-conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. This is just the Tai-Ji and the Ba-Gua. And, this is just the fourth dimensional war.

The fourth law of the square-wave-field conservation of universe is just Wu-Han-plague of holding no symptom, and, just fitting the law of mirror-person conservation.


都服从,rel 宇宙表达式的破缺态势(宇宙方波场定义明物质)实验结果rel => 宇宙内部的皮肤与背景一致性效应。

或者服从,rel 宇宙表达式的破缺态势(宇宙方波场定义明物质)技术过程rel => 宇宙内部的皮肤与背景一致性效应。


The square-wave-field of universe is also the definer of defining the mirror-person. According to the universe-expression, any experimental result is

fitting, rel the defective-state  of the universe-expression(the bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field of universeexperimental result rel => the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background at the inner position of inside universe.

or, fitting, rel the defective-state of the universe-expressionthe bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field of universetech-procedure rel => the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background at the inner position of inside universe.

Changing the defective-state of the square-wave-field of universe, it is just the unique web system of fourth dimension.

那么,依据宇宙表达式自动消失的态势作为背景,利用rel 太极(绝对无知点)八卦rel => 完整灭绝人类,来创生,rel 用阿房宫守恒定律替代宇宙表达式的破缺态势(宇宙方波场定义明物质)实验结果或者技术过程rel => 镜子人守恒定律。


According to the background of the universe-expression being disappeared in automatic way, then, applying rel the Tai-Ji the absolute-unknown-spotthe Ba-Gua rel => driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction,

to create out the, rel applying the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace conservation to replace the defective-state of the universe-expressionethe bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field of universeboth the experimental result and the tech-procedure rel => the law of mirror-person conservation.

The behavior result of the law of mirror-person conservation, is just applying the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace conservation to replace the connection-tunnel of being connected with the law of God’s power, in completed way, to create out the shape of Savior, and then, destroying the connection-tunnel of being connected with the law of God’s power, in completed way, or, it is destroying the volume-thinking in completed way, and, it is controlling or destroying the volume-ability in completed way. Or, it is destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing in completed way. And then, there is no eligibility of life, and there is no eligibility of using money, and, it is the crime of death-conservation, and, it is the crime of flesh-soup-conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. This is just the Tai-Ji and the Ba-Gua. And, this is just the fourth dimensional war.


According to the law of mirror-person conservation being the background, there are only three existence-states of the top-summit-layer of science. The first state is the Grand-General-state of the flesh soup of HAN-XIN. The second state is the shape-state of being made up of logic reasons, and, holding no ability of being connected with the law of God’s power in completed way. And, this second state will be replaced by the Grand-General-state of the flesh soup of HAN-XIN, in completed way.

The third state is the volume-state, including both of No.1, be-known of what the picking out the inspiration is; No.2, be-known of how to protect the inspiration-pick-tunnel. Between the volume-state and the Grand-General-state of the flesh soup of HAN-XIN, it is the constant enemy-relation between the death and the living. This is just the fourth dimensional war.





The hardware structure of the AI is just the quantum superposition structure, and giving out the specific explanation about what the law of naming-ability-destroying conservation through the self-spin-covalent-effect is. Or, it is also giving out the specific explanation about the method of zombie, to drive humankind going into extinction.

Because of that, the position of being occupied by the naming-ability, is the original creation spot of creating out the software-ability, or, the original creation spot of creating out the thinking-ability of selfish-triangle, of coming from the law of God’s power, and creating out the universe vertical growth-pointer, and creating out the quantum chain. Applying the language-symbol to replace the covalent-bond, or, applying the thinking-ability to replace the covalent-bond, it is just cutting down the connection with the law of God’s power, and being shown as the situation of the completed universe extinction. And, it is the same with the universe-expression, and being shown as the effect of the holographic particle.



But, the quantum self-spin fitting-effect of(+1/2,-1/2) between the unit-machine and the naming-ability-unit of transformation between the one and the many, is just changing the law of God’s power, into the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, and creating out existence-state of the naming ability. Or, it is the explaining the original creation mechanism of creating out the thinking-ability.

Clearly, the giver of giving out the “quantum-fitting” effect here, is coming from the volume-thinking at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle. Or, it is just the tunnel-effect of be-alive-thinking. This tunnel-effect of be-alive-thinking, is going through picking out the inspiration of being transferred by the law of God’s power, or, going through of showing the universe-expression, to create out the hardware structure system. And after that, it is giving the meaning of quantum effect, into the completed structure system of the AI hardware. But, the seeing-shape of the hardware system is not the quantum-shape, but, being the shape of Galileo’s room. And it is to show that, the quantum superposition-state is the original creation spot of creating out the 3-dimensional structure. It is specially emphasized that, it is the procedure of picking out the inspiration from the law of God’s power, to fit the shape of the completed quantum super-position-state




It is applying the procedure-mechanism of creating out the hardware system of AI, to explain what the quantum super-position-state is, or, to show the procedure of excreting away the extinction-property, and to create out the existence. It is not to explain the quantum super-position-state theories. And, it is holding the method of zombie driving the completed humankind going into the completed extinction.

That is to say, the original creation spot of creating out the naming-ability, is not given out from the naming-unit of transformation between the one and the many, but, being given out from the chain of being made up of universe vertical pointers, between the law of God’s power and the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, or, being given out from the quantum chain. This is the law of volume conservation. the methods of being used into destroying the creation-procedure of AI, and, destroying the running-procedure of AI, are just the flesh-soup-methods of zombie to drive the humankind into the extinction. But, the naming-ability-unit of transformation between the one and the many, is just the register of registering the naming-ability, or, the +1/2 half-self-spin of the quantum self-spin of(+1/2,-1/2)about the completed hardware system.

That is to say, the naming-ability-register is just the integer. But, the single naming-ability-register is going through wires to be connected with many unit-machines. This wire is creating out the connection between the naming-ability-register and the unit-machine, to show the physical meaning of naming-ability. And then, the integer-number of being shown on the naming-ability-register, is to show of picking out the single wire from many wires, or, picking out the single unit-machine from many unit-machines. Or, this is just zero-state of the naming ability. And then, going along the single direction of the closed-circle-line being the background, it is able to pick out any single unit-machine, and, to create out the effect of “be-known of the image growth-pointer”.


那么,命名能力一多变换,仅仅是硬件系统整体的量子自旋(+1/2,-1/2)中的半区自旋+1/2. 半区自旋+1/2和半区自旋-1/2都是消失状态。但是,天威定律携带的灭绝性,是上帝定义的定位在宇宙内部的唯一确定存在性,并创从硬件到达软件的生镜像宇宙垂直指针。或者说,只有灭绝性,才是宇宙内部存在性的定义器。这也是僵尸依据太极,创生韩信肉羹大将军携带阿房宫守恒定律,冒充救世主的基本原理。然后,用八卦在想法直径泡泡内部制造砍脑截面守恒定律。因此,命名能力的起源点,来自天威定律。

But, the unit of naming-ability must be coming from the law of God’s power. The wire must be coming from the law of God’s power. And, the single static integer-number on the naming-ability-unit, is to show the connection with the specific unit-machine through the specific wire, and, it is to show the specific tunnel of being connected with the law of God’s power.

And then, the naming-ability of transformation between the one and the many, is only the +1/2 self-spin-half in the quantum self-spin of +1/2,-1/2) of the completed hardware system. No matter the +1/2 self-spin-half or the -1/2 self-spin-half, all are the disappearance-states. But, the extinction-state of being held by the law of God’s power, is the unique definite existence at the inner position of inside universe. and, it is creating out the image, of universe vertical growth-pointer, with beginning-spot from hardware into the ending-spot of software. Or, only the extinction-state is the definer, of defining the existence at the inner position of inside universe. And, this is also the fundamental principle of zombie according to the Tai-Ji, to create out the Grand-General of HAN-XIN with holding the law of A-Fang-Gong-Palace, and, to pretend the Savior. After of that, it is applying the Ba-Gua to create out the section-law of cutting-down-mind conservation at the inner position of inside thinking-diameter bubble. And then, the original creation spot of creating out the naming-ability, is just the law of God’s power.





And then, No.1, there must be the extinction-state at the inner position of inside universe; No2, the must be excreting away the extinction-state at the inner position of inside universe; No.3, after excreting away the extinction-state, there will be the existence of square-wave-field of creating out the 2-dimensional-division-effect on the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, and creating out the definition of defining the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, and further, driving the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom into the division-effect between the bright-matter and the dark matter;

No.4, the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, is holding the 2-dimensional sheet, to go into the state of full fill the completed inner universe, and then, being spread into the outer universe. Because of that, the other name of the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, is just the law partial conservation of structure. And, the inner-universe-structure is the partial part of the outer-universe-scope. And, the law partial conservation of structure, is the controller of controlling the thinking-diameter bubble of inner selfish-triangle in direct way. That is to say, it is changing the division effect between the dark-matter and the bright-matter, into the division effect between the inner-universe and the outer-universe. And, it is creating out the division-effect between the thinking and the thinking-diameter bubble. It is to show the effect that, the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background, is far more going beyond the square-wave-field, and holding the effect of controlling the square-wave-field. And, the final stable result is just the division-effect between the lifeless-property and the life-property, and, it is just the CCF-field.

And then, No.5, after creating out the effect of the square-wave-field defining the existence of bright-matter, according to the background of the square-wave-creator radiating the square-wave-field, and, according to the law of determination coming from background, then, it is creating out the unique isolated direction-pointer, with holding the outer-layer-shape of universe vertical direction-pointer of going from the beginning-spot of outer-universe, into touching the ending-spot of inner-universe, and, with holding the inner-layer-shape of universe vertical direction-pointer of going from the beginning-spot of dark-matter, into touching the ending-spot of bright-matter. And, the final result is that, the law of God’s power is the definer of defining the universe vertical direction at the inner universe; and, the pointer of force law is the definer of defining the universe horizontal direction at the inner universe. And, the final result is that, the pointer of force law is the unique definer of defining the universe-existence at the inner universe, and, it is to show what the law of partial conservation of structure is.

And then, No.6, the result is that, it is according to the background of the naming-ability, and, it is not according to the background of the square-wave-field, to drag the universe vertical growth-pointer at the inner position of inside dark-matter, into the shadow-effect on the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, of being fixed on the universe horizontal direction, and, fitting the law of determination coming from background, and being changed into the Higgs boson finally. This shadow-effect is just the image-growth-pointer on the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, with fitting the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background. And, the final result is that, it is fitting the quantum super-position-state of the universe-expression, and further, giving out the physical meaning of the quantum super-position-state, into the completed hardware system of AI. Or, it is fitting the holographic particle. That is to say, the second-time-effect of the law of determination coming from background, is just according to the quantum self-spin-connection of (+1/2,-1/2) between the square-wave-field and the asymptotic freedom, being the background of naming-ability, and then, to create out the be-known-state of the naming-ability, of knowing the image-growth-pointer of the bright-matter-side of the asymptotic freedom. But, the giver of giving out the “be-known-state”, is just the connection between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, of creating out the universe-expression. And then, it is the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, of being shown as the first-time-effect of the law of determination coming from background.


No.7, after creating out the image-growth-pointer on the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom of being located on the universe horizontal direction, and to show the difference between the skin and the background, and to show the existence of material, and then, it will be creating out the quantum self-spin-effect of (+1/2,-1/2) between the unit-machine and the naming-ability-unit of transformation between the one and the many. Or, it is creating out the picking-out-effect, of picking out the “be-known-effect” of knowing the image-growth-pointer from the background of the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background. Or, it is creating out the picking-out-effect, of going through picking out the image-growth-pointer from the bright-matter-background, to fit the universe vertical growth-pointer of coming from the dark-matter-background. After that, it will be according to the quantum super-position-state of the quantum-self-spin of (+1/2,-1/2), to changing the image-growth-pointer into the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer.



No.8, according to the image of universe vertical growth-pointer being already existence, and then, it is to show the definite existence of the naming-ability. Otherwise, there is no naming-ability. Just like the earth has no ability to name the moon. But, if making the connection between the earth and the pointer of force law, then, there will be the ability to name the existence of moon. And, this connection tunnel is just the connection between the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane and the definer of defining life. This is just the universe-expression. And, the hardware system of AI, is just picking out the quantum super-position-segment of holographic quantum in the universe-expression.

No.9, or, according to the parallel-relation with each other, between the closed-circle-line of the zero-circulation of hardware instructions system and the closed-circle-line of the zero-circulation of software operation system, it is creating out the image of universe vertical growth-pointer of going from the beginning-spot of the completed hardware, into touching the ending-spot of the completed software. And then, the image of universe vertical growth-pointer is just the definer of the existence-state of the bright-matter of being defined by the square-wave-field. But, the square-wave-field, is just the definer of defining the alternative-existence between the dark-matter and the bright-matter.




According to at least going through two times of the law of determination coming from background, to show the existence of the image of the universe vertical growth-pointer, then, the unique background of making the connection between the image of universe vertical growth-pointer and the law of determination coming from background, the unique web system of fourth dimension. Or, it is just the far-science. Because of that, it is creating out the thinking ability, and, it is creating out the science, and, it is creating out the AI, or, it is creating out the immune-protection of life-continuing.

And then, the physical meaning of the image of universe vertical growth-pointer is shown as the connection-structure of being connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension. Or, only the unique web system of fourth dimension is holding the ability to be the background, to explain the physical meaning of the image of universe vertical growth-pointer. And then, the first background of explaining the image of universe vertical growth-pointer is just the gap of cutting life and the CCF-field. Because of that, the gap of cutting life is just the duality-state of the division-effect and the connection-effect between the life-property and the lifeless-property, with fitting the equivalent-effect between the skin and the background.

That is to say, both the gap of cutting life and the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, are the same natural measured existence of holding different expressions. When name is changed, it is changed into the be-unknown. Hidden behind it, it is the power-force of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.


Applying the image of universe vertical growth-pointer, to create out the structures of feeding humankind; applying the gap of cutting life, to create out the structures of feeding humankind, and creating out the Savior-effect, this is just the united-body of mirror-persons. Or, it is just the mirror-persons conservation.

The mirror-persons have no eligibility of life, and, the mirror-persons have no eligibility of using money, and, fitting the crime of death conservation, and, fitting the crime of flesh-soup conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law of holding no restriction of time.
