清理科学最高层 Clear the top-summit-layer of science






In the life-shape of S-track, the initialized life-continuing-structure, is the mutual-spin between the hand and the fruit-dropping. In the life-shape of P-track, the initialized life-continuing-structure, is the mutual-spin between the God-controlling-effect and the selfish-triangle.

The hand in the S-track-life-shape is changed into the selfish-triangle in the P-track-life-shape. And, the fruit-dropping in the S-track-life-shape is changed into the God-controlling-effect in the P-track-life-shape. Clearly, the danger in the S-track-life-shape is far more dangerous than in the P-track-life-shape.

The mutual-spin between the hand and the fruit-dropping, is transferring the life-continuing-authority, or, making the connection-tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. The mutual-spin between the God-controlling-effect and the selfish-triangle is also transferring the life-continuing-authority, or, making the connection-tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive.

Clearly, the meaning of be-alive is controlled by God. Or, the authority of large scale of killings, is controlled by God. And then, there must be God-controlling-effect. Otherwise, the unique isolated final result is the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



The life-continuing-structure is the structure of transferring the life-continuing-authority. It is including the choice-effect of coming from the thinking, and, it is including the structure-function of coming from the God-controlling-effect. The mixture of being made up of both the choice-effect and the structure-function, is just the eternal shape of the life-continuing-structure. The volume of structure, is shown through the unit cooperation pointer, and being shown as the effect of the function coming from the property.

Or, the expression-shape of expressing the life-continuing-structure and fitting with the law of volume conservation, is just the mixture-shape between the choice-effect and the unit-cooperation-pointer, and fitting with the law of direction-expression. The meaning of function is including the life-continuing-function, and including the function of destroying life. Clearly, it is the problem of eternal choice between the living and the extinction. Or, when the law of direction-expression is holding the artificial effect, then, it is shown as the problem of eternal choice between the living and the extinction.



The life-continuing-structure is just the fifth universe structure. Or, the fifth universe structure is the pair-effect of being made up of two components of both the thinking and the unit-cooperation-pointer. The selfish-triangle is the original creation spot of creating out the thinking, and it is offering the choice-effect for the fifth universe. The God-controlling-effect is offering the original beginning-spot for the unit-cooperation-pointer, and, it is offering the structure-function for the fifth universe.

Comparing with the S-track-life-shape, then, it is using the hand to explain the meaning of choice-effect, and, it is using the fruit-dropping, to explain the meaning of structure-function. Hidden behind it, it is the large scale of killings-effect. Because of that, large amount of theories are aiming into replacing the explanation of coming from God.



In the life-shape of S-track, when the relation between the hand and the fruit-dropping is destroyed, then, the life-continuing-authority is destroyed, and, it is the extinction-state of the completed humankind. In the life-shape of P-track, when the relation between the choice of selfish-triangle and the God-controlling-effect is destroyed, then, the life-continuing-authority is destroyed, and, it is the extinction-state of the completed humankind.

When the choice-effect of coming from the selfish-triangle is replaced, and, when the structure-function of coming from the God-controlling-effect is replaced, then, the life-continuing-authority is destroyed, and, it is the extinction-state of the completed humankind.




The life-continuing-structure is the artificial structure, of fitting the overlapped-effect between the existence-effect and the original-creation-effect, and, holding the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. 5 of 13 origin-sight-angles are connected with the feeling-known-scope; and, the other 8 of 13 origin-sight-angles are the effect of destroying the feeling-known. This effect of destroying the feeling-known is, No.1, the God-controlling-effect; No.2, holding the definer of defining be-alive; No.3, holding the extinction-effect.

In the 5 of 13 origin-sight-angles, the science is the connection-tunnel between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. At the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, it is including two areas of being located at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-ability-scope and being located at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-ability-scope.

At the inner position of inside the feeling-known-ability-scope, it is able of going through picking out the inspiration, or going through the result of the overlapped-effect between the meaning-pointer and the experimental pointer, to change the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope into touching the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope. But, at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-ability-scope, it is the situation of destroying the feeling-known, and, there is no method, and then, there is no method to drag the result of picking out the inspiration, into touching the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope. For example, there is no method of using the language to explain the pointer of force law. There must be using the connection-effect between the inner position of inside the universe and the outer position of outside the universe, to give out the explanation about the pointer of force law. Or, there must be using the connection-effect between the pointer of force law and the other structures, to explain the pointer of force law.




The science is just building the connection-tunnel between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. Because of that, both the name and the language are located at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope.

When the science is changed into the name and the language, then, the set of 5 origin-sight-angles are closed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, it is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God. Or, it is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being made by the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle.

Simply, the relation between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, is directly connected with the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. Or, there are methods of using the relation between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, to design, and to plan, and to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction.



No.1, there are some persons who are driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, in deliberate way. No.2, there are some persons who think of that, there are no persons who are driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, totally. No.3, there are some persons who think of that, there are no method to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction, totally. No.4, there are some persons who do the same things with the united-body of zombie, who drives the completed humankind into the completed extinction. No.5, it is shown as the quantum grade effect.

Clearly, all these problems are the thinking-problem. In the life-shape of P-track, there must be using the method of killing-execution, to solve the problem of thinking. Or, it is to solve the problem of some persons who are driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, in deliberate way.




For driving the completed humankind into touching the completed extinction-effect, then, there must be using the God-controlling-effect. If it is not using the God-controlling-effect, then, there is no method of driving the completed humankind into touching the completed extinction. Because of that, if it is not using the God-controlling-effect, then, all the methods are closed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and, there is not useful totally. Clearly, the running of life-continuing, is the same way of in need of God-controlling-effect.

That is to say, for driving the completed humankind into touching the completed extinction, there must be using the structures-existences-effects of being located at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. If it is not using the structures-existences-effects of being located at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, then, there is no method of driving the completed humankind into touching the completed extinction. Clearly, the running of life-continuing, is the same way of in need of the structures-existences-effects of being located at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope.

The problem is very clear, and, it is going through replacing the science, to destroy the science.



No matter the living, or the extinction, all are relying on the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. But, the feeling-known-effect is holding the eternal-definer-effect, and, it is defining the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope into touching the nothing; and, it is defining the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope into touching the existence.

It is just the effect of defining the self-own into the clever. It is either suitable for the selfish-triangle, or being suitable for the zombie. The division-boundary between the selfish triangle and the zombie, is just the confessing-membrane. One of the methods of zombie driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, is just united together, to use the group of persons of being located at the inner circle, to define the planned-person of being located at the inner position of inside the same circle, into holding the cleverest position. It is one of the flesh-soup-techs of HAN-XIN, or, it is the democracy-election of being defined by zombie. It is the crime of according to the God’s law, until the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and there must be execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




At the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, it is defined as the eternal-fixed-state of the inexistence-effect, by the feeling-known-effect. But, this type of inexistence-effect of being defined by the feeling-known-effect, is holding the definer of defining be-alive, or, it is holding the tunnel of going into touching the God-controlling-effect; or, it is holding the effect of being controlled by other persons; or, it is holding the effect of being controlled by zombie. All these controlling-effects are launching the destiny-pair-effect towards the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and, it is launching either the life-continuing-function or the function of destroying life.

This destiny-pair-effect is called as the destiny-pair-function. The special meaning of the destiny-pair-function, is coming from the isolated God-controlling-effect.

If the destiny-pair-function is holding the other-persons-controlling-effect, or, holding the zombie-controlling-effect, then, it is entering the crime-scope of according to the God’s law, until entering the death-crime-scope of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


That is to say, in the life-shape of P-track, changing the life-continuing-structure as the crime-tool, to manipulate the destiny, it is the most serious crime, of going beyond all the crimes. There must be the execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.








The destiny-pair-function is according to the beginning-spot of the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, and, according to the ending-spot of the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, to form the fixed-direction-pointer. That is to say, the destiny-pair-function is just the result of fitting with each other between the law of direction-expression and the fixed-direction-pointer of being held by the feeling-time-dimension. Or, it is just the result of fitting with each other between the law of direction-expression and the God-giver.

And further, the fixed-direction-pointer of being shown as the destiny-pair-function, is holding the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, and, it is including the God-controlling-tunnel, and, it is including the others-controlling-tunnel. And, the united-body of zombie is either pretending God, or, pretending the others.

Clearly, No.1, the destiny-pair-function is just the effect of fitting with each other between the feeling-time-dimension and the law of direction-expression. It is including the God-controlling-effect of fitting with the effect of beginning-spot conservation, and, It is including the feeling-known-effect of fitting with the effect of ending-spot conservation.

No.2, according to the background of the law of structure partial conservation, then, the direction-effect of being held by the destiny-pair-function, is just shown as the unit-cooperation-pointer, or, it is just the simultaneous-existence with each other between the original creation effect and the existence effect. Or, at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, it is the nothing of being defined by the feeling-known-effect, but, it is the existence of being defined by God.

No.3, the destiny-pair-function is offering the choice-target for the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, or, it is offering the quantum-wave-function-track.

No.4, the situation of the destiny-pair-function being controlled by God, is just the original creation spot of creating out the choice-ability of thinking.

The final result is that, the destiny-pair-function is just creating out the pair-effect between the choice-effect and the unit-cooperation-pointer, and, it is to show the effect of behavior being controlled by thinking-way, and, it is shown that the fifth universe is the artificial universe, or, it is the God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle. And, it can be called as the law of destiny conservation.



Clearly, if the selfish-triangles do not know what the destiny-pair-function is, then, going through manipulating the destiny-pair-function, it is able to control the completed humankind. And, it is just the method of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

That is to say, the destiny must be controlled by God. And, the destiny can’t be controlled by other persons. And, replacing the God to control the destiny, then, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be large scale of killings, and there must be execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




Making the comparison between the destiny-pair-function and the science, both are all the connection-tunnels between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. But, No.1, the fixed-direction-pointer of being held by the destiny-pair-function, is going from the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope into touching the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope; but, the fixed-direction-pointer of being held by the science, is going from the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope into touching the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. Both directions are opposite to each other.

No.2, at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, it is the beginning-spot of the fixed-direction-pointer of being held by the destiny-pair-function, and, it is able to be occupied by other persons, and, it is also able to be occupied by the zombie. At the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, it is also the ending-spot of the fixed-direction-pointer of being held by the science, and, it is only connected with the God-controlling-effect, and, it is not connected with the other-persons-controlling-effect.

Then, No.3, the self-own, the others, the God-controlling-effect, these three elements are called as the destiny-controlling-triangle. The destiny-controlling-triangle is either the life-continuing-track of the humankind, and, it is also the track of the completed extinction of the completed humankind. .


According to the destiny-controlling-triangle, when the science is losing the ability of being connected with the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, then, the destiny-pair-function of coming from the God-controlling-effect, will be disappeared completely. Or, the destiny-pair-function will be totally controlled by other persons. The meaning of the destiny-pair-function being totally controlled by other persons, is just the situation of that, the destiny-pair-function is controlled by zombie in completed way. And, it is just the completed extinction-track of the completed humankind, of being defined by God.






Comparing with the destiny-controlling-triangle, the top-summit-layer of science had lost the ability of being connected with God-controlling-effect. The occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, must be at least, know that, the science is the connection of being connected with the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, and, the definer of defining be-alive is fixed at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, and, it is the problem of choice between the living and the extinction. And further, it is only the zero-eligibility of entering the top-summit-layer-position of science.

But, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer-position of science, said that, they don’t know. They had lost the zero-state-eligibility of occupying the top-summit-layer of science. When the zero-state-eligibility of entering the top-summit-layer of science, is destroyed, then, the completed earth-surface is closed at the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. And, the unique isolated future, is just the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Clearly, for this problem, the unique method is using large scale of killings to solve it. And then, there must be large scale of killings being the background, to clear the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer-position of science, in completed way. And especially, there must be the killing-execution to deal with the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes, and, throwing the Nobel-Prizes into the history-garbage-bin. There must be rebuilding the top-summit-layer-position of science.

Otherwise, the unique isolated future of humankind, is just according to be going apart away from the God-controlling-effect, and then, to be closed at the inner position of inside the self-feeling-known-scope, and it is going into the extinction in completed way. And, this situation is just the Confucius effect.

The definer of defining be-alive is controlled by God. In the destiny-controlling-triangle, when the other persons control the destiny, then, no matter what the high morality of these other-persons hold, it will not change the completed extinction-track of the completed humankind. Because of that, the definer of defining be-alive is controlled by God.

If some ones said that, they don’t know, then, the only way is to sent them into the hell, and, let them discuss with God, what the be-known is, and, what the be-un-known is. There is no language, and there is no expression, and there is no logic reason. There is only the killing-execution. And, kill it down, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.




When the feeling-known-effect is connected with the life-continuing-goal to form the background, then, this background drives the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, to be changed into the set of 2 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. It is including the pair-effect of crime-definition and innocent-definition, and, it is including the alternative-effect between the money-fluid and the money-number. When this set of 2 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure is shown as the state of the closed-self-spin, then, it is called as Confucius-sight-angle. It should be noticed of that, the pair-definitions-relation between the good and the bad, is just the edge-state of the pair-effect of crime-definition and innocent-definition, and it is forming the central core of the Confucius-sight-angle.

The closed-self-spin-state of the Confucius-sight-angle, is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God, or, being the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by the gap of cutting life, or, being the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being made by Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle.






In the Confucius-sight-angle, if the life-continuing-goal of being located in the background, is disappeared, then, it is just changing the set of 2 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, into touching the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. It is including the universe-structure, and, it is including the life-structure, and, it is including the central scientific principle, and, it is including the pair-effect of crime-definition and innocent-definition, and, it is including the alternative effect between the money-fluid and the money-number.

According to the life-continuing-goal being the background, when the life-continuing-goal is shown as the square-wave-alternation between the existence and the inexistence, then, it is just creating out the square-wave-alternation between the isolated feeling-known-background, and the feeling-known-background of holding the life-continuing-goal. And the result is that, it is just creating out the square-wave-alternation between Confucius-sight-angle and the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure.

Simply, when the life-continuing-goals are alternative with each other, between the existence and the inexistence, then, it is just creating out the alternative-observation-effect of being held by the origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, between 2and 5. It is the relation between the life-goal and the observation. Clearly, this alternative-situation of 2-5-observations, is fitting with the life-continuing-goal, and, being connected with the original creation mechanism of creating out the thinking-ability.

Clearly, hidden behind the original creation mechanism of creating out the thinking-ability, it is the God-controlling-effect. That is to say, the alternative-situation of the origin-sight-angles between 2 and 5, is connected with the anti-God-conservation-gap, and, being just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.

The meaning of being held by the original creation mechanism of creating out the thinking-ability, is fitting the law of double meanings-layers conservation. The first layer of meaning is that, the original creation mechanism of creating out the thinking-ability, is a fixed-structure-existence-effect, or, it is going through this fixed-structure to offer the result of that, the selfish-triangle is holding the thinking-ability. The second layer of meaning is that, it is the original creation mechanism of being held by the thinking-running-ability. The first layer of meaning above is the God-controlling-effect; and the second layer of meaning above is the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect.



Or, according to the feeling-known being the background, or, at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, there is the alternative effect with each other, between the Confucius-sight-angles and the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. The driving-power of driving out this alternative-effect, is just the alternative-wave-moving of the life-continuing-goal between the existence and the inexistence.

Clearly, the alternative-wave-effect of being held by the life-continuing-goal between the existence and the inexistence, is shown as the running-state of the definer of defining life. And, the zero-state of the running-state of being held by the definer of defining life, is just that, I must be be-alive, and I must be earning money, or, it is just the Confucius-sight-angle. Because of that, it is the connection-effect between the thinking and the definer of defining life.




The zero-state of the running-state of being held by the definer of defining life, is fitting with the alternative-effect between the Confucius-sight-angle and the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. Or, it is just the alternative-effect between 2 and 5, or, it is the 2-5-alternation-effect. And, the original creation effect of creating out the thinking-ability, is hidden behind it.

Hidden behind the 2-5-alternation-effect, it is an isolated direction-pointer, or, it is just according to the two being the beginning-spot, it is according to the five being the isolated arrow at the ending-spot, and being called as the life-instinct-fixed-direction-pointer. The beginning-spot of being held by the life-instinct-fixed-direction-pointer, is just the existence-state of the life-continuing-goal.

The ending-spot-arrow of being held by the life-instinct-fixed-direction-pointer, is just the disappearance-state of the life-continuing-goal. Or, it is just using the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-goal, to fit with the disappearance-state of the life-continuing-goal. Or, it is just using the feeling-known-space-scope, to fit with the disappearance-state of the life-continuing-goal. This fitting effect between the space-scope and the life-goal, is holding the isolated fixed-direction-pointer of the life-instinct-fixed-direction-pointer, then, it is just the alternative-effect between the time and the space. See, there is no life-continuing-goal here.


A related problem is that, the disappearance-state of the life-continuing-goal, is fitting with the space-first; but, the appearance-state of the life-continuing-goal, is fitting with the time-first.




The result is that, the life-instinct-fixed-direction-pointer of being hidden behind the 2-5-alternation, No.1, it is according to the beginning-spot of the set of 2 origin-sight-angles, or, it is according to the beginning-spot of the Confucius-sight-angle, and, it is according to the ending-spot of the set of 5 origin-sight-angles, and then, to show the fixed-direction-pointer. Because of that, the set of 2 origin-sight-angles, is connected with the death-meaning of being defined by the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, but, the set of 5 origin-sight-angles, is connected with the definer of defining be-alive, of being controlled by God.

Or, No.2, it is according to the beginning-spot of the definer of defining-life, and, it is according to the ending-spot of the thinking-creation,  and then, to show the fixed-direction-pointer; or, No.3, it is according to the beginning-spot of at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and, it is according to the ending-spot of touching the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, to show the fixed-direction-pointer;  the result is shown as that, No.4, at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, it is the feeling-known-ability-scope, and the result is that, the life-instinct-fixed-direction-pointer is overlapped with the anti-clockwise time dimension, or, being just the beacon-pointer of being held by the anti-clockwise time dimension.

And then, No.5, the life-instinct-fixed-direction-pointer is the same with the life-growth-pointer of coming from the completeness of genome, and to be the closed effect of the same anti-clockwise time dimension. Or it is just the unique effect of being held by the universe. No.6, the life-instinct-fixed-direction-pointer is controlled by the direction of coming from the pointer of force law, or, it is just the state of God controlling the thinking-state, or, it is just the state of God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle, and also, it is the beacon of being located on the original creation route of creating out the life.



The Confucius-sight-angle is just the closed-self-spin-state of the set of 2 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, or, being just the state of the life-continuing-goal being shown as the appearance. The state of the life-continuing-goal being shown as the appearance, is connected with the death-state of being defined by the black-hole-whirlpool of the confessing membrane, or, it is the death-state of being defined by God. And, it is driving out the thinking of “I must be earning money, and, I must be be-alive”.

The result is that, the thinking as the “I must be earning money, and, I must be be-alive”, is closed at the inner position of inside the Confucius-sight-angle-scope, but, there is no method to make this thinking-shape being closed at the inner position of inside the Confucius-sight-angle-scope. Because of that, the thinking of being closed at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle, is going through the selfish-triangle, to be connected with the universe-structure and being connected with the life-structure. And further, it is holding the unique isolated problem of that, there must be driving the thinking-shape to hold the state of knowing both the life-structure and the universe-structure, being connected with the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. It is just the law of volume conservation, and, it is just the science, or, the central scientific principle.







The central scientific principle, is the connection-tunnel, between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. When the central scientific principle, is the existence, then, both the universe-structure and the life-structure are the existence, but, the feeling-known-scope is the disappearance-state.

When the central scientific principle is disappeared, or, when the central scientific principle is changed into the word as “science”, then, both the universe-structure and the life-structure are disappeared. But, the feeling-known-scope is created out. Or, both the universe-structure and the life-structure are changed into the feeling-known-structure.

For example, the completeness-stability of being held by the periodic table of chemical elements, is fixed at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. Because of that, the completeness-stability of being held by the periodic table of chemical elements, is holding the electrons-numbers-sequence of being fixed on the universe-horizontal-direction, and also, holding the electrons-layers-sequence of being fixed on the universe-vertical-direction. And, the result is holding the central dogma of universe vertical, or, it is the situation of destroying all the experimental pointers.

But, the stone is fixed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and the earth is fixed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and the moon is fixed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and all the other stars are able to be fixed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope. And further, these stars are fixed at the inner position of inside the periodic table of chemical elements, and, being connected with the partial-atom-structures.

But, going through telescope, the pulsar is able to be fixed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope. And also, the pulsar must be connected with the completeness-stability of being held by the periodic table of chemical elements. But, the pulsar can’t be connected with the partial atoms-structures, and, the pulsar can only be connected with the partial gap-areas between different partial atoms-structures.

It is to show the rough meaning of the division-effect between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope.






The result is that, when the central scientific principle is disappeared, or, when the central scientific principle is changed into the word as “science”, then, No.1, both the universe-structure and the life-structure are disappeared.

But, No.2, the feeling-known-scope is created out. Or, both the universe-structure and the life-structure are changed into the feeling-known-structure. Or, it is just destroying or replacing the inner structure of inside the Galileo’s room; or, it is just destroying or replacing the central dogma of universe vertical; or, it is just destroying or replacing the completeness-stability-existence of being held by the universe.

And further, No.3, the Confucius self-spin of the closed-triangle is created out. Or, it is just using the feeling-known-structure to replace the universe structure and to replace the life structure. The final shape is using the experimental result to replace the central dogma of universe vertical.

That is to say, the Confucius self-spin of the closed-triangle, is closed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and, holding the universe-structure of being defined by the Confucius-sight-angle, and, holding the life-structure of being defined by the Confucius-sight-angle, and, holding the science-structure of being defined by the Confucius-sight-angle, and, the result is that, it is forming the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God. Or, it is forming the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by the gap of cutting life.

Clearly, there must be large scale of killings-executions, to solve this type of problems. That is to say, when some names are changed into the names, then, there must be large scale of killings-executions, to solve the problems, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




God is using the gap of cutting life, to make the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, being fixed at the state of the completed extinction of the completed humankind. At the same time, God is creating out the connection-tunnels between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and, the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope.

It is including the feeling-known-ability-scope, to be fixed at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. It is including the mutual-spin between the hand and the fruit-dropping, to be connected with the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. It is including the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, to be connected with the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. And so on, it is creating out the result of the original creation tunnel of creating out the science.

When the original creation tunnel of creating out the science, is replaced by any way, then, it is just creating out the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, or, it is forming the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God. Clearly, there must be using the large scale of killings-executions, to solve this type of problems, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




The life-continuing-shape-Y, is the structure of making the connection between the anti-God-conservation-gap and the background. Or, it is just the holographic shape-state of life-continuing-structure, and, holding the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out life-continuing-structure. It is just the country of being defined by God.

The set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out life-continuing-structure, is to show the set of 13 tunnels of the God-controlling-effect, and, holding the closed-effect of space-time-self-spin.


Every origin-sight-angle in the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out life-continuing-structure, is holding the extinction-effect. The first explainer of explaining the life-continuing-structure is the God. And, the second explainer of explaining the life-continuing-structure, is the killing-execution. Kill it down. And, there is no language, and there is no expression, and, there is no logic-reason. And, there is only the pair-effect between the be-alive and the be-death.





In the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is including the alternative effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, and, including the pair of crime-definition and innocent-definition, and including the central scientific principle, and including the universe-structure, and including the life-structure.

In the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, of being connected with the feeling-known, there is the set of 2 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, of being connected with the life-continuing-goal, it is including the alternative effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, and, it is including the pair of crime-definition and innocent-definition.

In the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, of being connected with the feeling-known, there is the set of 2 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, of being divided apart away from the life-continuing-goal, it is including the universe-structure, and, it is including the life-structure.

In the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, of being connected with the feeling-known, the central scientific principle is creating out the connection-tunnel between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. And, it is just the meaning of the science being as the central core.



If the science is closed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, then, the set of 5 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, of being connected with the feeling-known, is just changed into the Confucius-self-spin of the closed triangle. It is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God.

Clearly, both culture-tunnel and the math, and making the mixture between the science and the tech, are all the structures, of to make the science being closed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope. Clearly, there must be using large scale killings, to solve this problem, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.




That is to say, when the feeling-known is connected with the life-continuing-goal, then, in the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, there are only 2 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, to be the existence, earning money and being alive. The other 11 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, are not the existence, and, the language-names are enough.

Clearly, this type of pair-definitions between the existence and the inexistence, is just the power of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. It is to show that, the focused spot of the problem, is just the pair-effect between be-known and be-unknown.

Clearly, I must be earning money, and, I must be be-alive, this type of state, is just the connection-state between the feeling-known and the life-continuing-goal.





Clearly, as long as you hold the money-number, then, you are holding the life-continuing-goal. Clearly, as long as you do not hold the money-number, then, you are not holding the life-continuing-goal.

As long as you are controlling the pair-effect between the crime-definition and the innocent-definition, then, you can close the money-fluid-moving-direction of pointing towards the crime-area. As long as you are controlling the pair-effect between the crime-definition and the innocent-definition, then, you can open the money-fluid-moving-direction of pointing towards the innocent-area.

This is just the method of controlling the thinking-way. This is just the way of controlling the behavior. This is just the way of making the life-continuing-structure. This is just the method of making the pair-effect between the death and the be-alive. Clearly, this is the be-right-method of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And, there is no wrong.

Clearly, the unique isolated method of solving this problem, is the large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, and, there must be killings-executions, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Is there any other method?




The life-continuing-structure is fixed as the inner position of inside the anti-God-conservation-gap, and creating out the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-structure. The original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is holding the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of life-continuing-structure. Every origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is the single independent connection-tunnel between the God-existence-effect and the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, or, it is just the feeling-time-dimension. Or, the dimension, is the physical-property-basis, that the science can’t be going beyond. The unique isolated definer of defining the dimension, is just the God. Or, the unique isolated definer of defining the dimension, is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind.

The connection-effect between the anti-God-conservation-gap and the definer of defining life, is creating out the volume thinking conservation axle. The connection-effect between the anti-God-conservation-gap and the completeness of genome, is creating out the biological-body-moving conservation axle. The connection-effect between the anti-God-conservation-gap and the definer of defining be-alive, is creating out the volume eligibility conservation axle. The beginning-spot of being held by the volume eligibility conservation axle, must be the God-controlling-effect. and then, it is forming the life-continuing-shape-Y, and, it is just the unit-democracy-particle.



The unit-democracy-particle is the eternal-unchangeable-state, or, the life-continuing-shape-Y, is the eternal-unchangeable-state, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Or, the life-continuing-shape-Y, is the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and, holding the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and, holding the universe-diameter-track, and, holding the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing.

The life-continuing-shape-Y is the holographic particle. It is either is completed-whole-body of life-continuing-structure, or, the inner partial any dot of being located at the inner position of inside the life-continuing-structure. This situation is just the quantum-super-position-state. No.1, it is including the alternative effect between the whole and the partial; and No.2, it is including all the angular-quantum-petals being overlapped with any single angular-quantum-petal. And so on.



The unit-democracy-particle is shown as the background of being held by the anti-God-conservation-gap, and, occupying any dot at the inner position of inside the life-continuing-structure, or, occupying any dot at the inner position of inside the fifth universe. That is to say, if any dot of being located at the inner position of inside the life-continuing-structure, is violating to the unit-democracy-particle, then, it must be excreted away, and there must be the excretion-execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. That is to say, if any dot of being located at the inner position of inside the fifth universe, is violating to the unit-democracy-particle, then, it must be excreted away, and there must be the excretion-execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. That is to say, if any dot of being located at the inner position of inside the country, is violating to the unit-democracy-particle, then, it must be excreted away, and there must be the excretion-execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

The first explainer-authority-holder of explaining this structure-relation, is the God. The second explainer-authority-holder of explaining this structure-relation, is the killing-execution. There is no language, and, there is no expression, and, there is no logic reason. There is only the pair of the death and the be-alive.



At the inner position of inside the anti-God-conservation-gap, it is holding the set of three origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, of to show the extinction-state of the life-continuing-structure. But, according to the sightline-diode-effect, the God’s sightline is hidden behind it, and holding the original creation effect of creating out the life-continuing-structure.

The first origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is the language fulcrum. The second origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is the eligibility of entering the choice-pole. The first origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is the exchange-spot of launching out the life-continuing-function, or, the exchange-spot of being located in the gap-area between the life-property and the lifeless-property.




The anti-God-conservation-gap, is shown as the law of the space-first-conservation, of being held by the original creation state of creating out the life-continuing-structure. And, it is shown as the connection-structure of being connected with the light-track, in the fifth universe.

Then, according to the universe-expression, and, according to the law of division between the whole and the partial, the law of time-first-conservation, is just going through the asymptotic-freedom of tolerance-membrane, to be connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, the law of time-first-conservation, is building the connection-tunnel between the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room. Or, it is creating out the half of Galileo’s relativity in the background of the completed Galileo’s relativity.

The half of Galileo’s relativity, is the situation of entering the inner position of inside the feeling-known-ability-scope, or, entering the inner position of inside the universe-square. And further, the half of Galileo’s relativity is connected with the feeling-known-scope, or, it is creating out the stimulation-effect, or, it is just holding the interaction-effect between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. Or, it is the fifth universe-force-effect.





The result is that, the force of being used in the second law of Newton, is just the limited-edge-state of the fifth universe-force, or, it is the state of the fifth universe-force entering the disappearance. Or, it is the interaction between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. Or, it is the interaction between the life-property and the lifeless-property. That is to say, the naming-ability-pointer of being held by the life, is just fixed on the disappearance-boundary of the fifth universe force being disappeared.

Or, the physical meaning of the language-fulcrum, is just the disappearance-boundary of the fifth universe force being disappeared. Or, the language-fulcrum is holding the division-boundary-effect between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties. Or, the fifth universe force is either holding the life-properties, or, holding the lifeless-properties. If the division-boundary-effect between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties, is expressed as the expression-axle, then, this expression-axle is just the connection-axle-tunnel, between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties. And then, it is to show that, this expression-axle is just the initialized state of the naming-ability-pointer.

Or, disappearance-state of the fifth universe force, and the division-boundary-effect between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties, are fitting with each other, to form the result of language-fulcrum-triangle, and, including double-tunnels of the language-fulcrum and the naming-ability-pointer. The humankind holds the pointer of force law triggering out the thinking of holding the naming-ability. But, the animal does not hold the pointer of force law triggering out the thinking of holding the naming-ability.

The language-fulcrum-triangle, is shown as the fitting with each other between the between the naming-ability-pointer and the disappearance-state of the fifth universe force being disappeared. And, it is fitting with the thinking-structure-creation of being located at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle. And further, the naming-ability pointer is creating out the fitting effect with each other between the physics and the math, or, it is just the fitting effect with each other between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties.


That is to say, the law of time first conservation, is shown as the connection-effect between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties, and, it is fixed in the law of the structure partial conservation. Or, the tech-procedure, or, the tech-sequence, is just building the connection-tunnel between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties. Or, it is just creating out the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the half of Galileo’s relativity, or, it is fitting with the original creation ability of the universe creating out the life, or, it is fitting with the law of time first conservation, or, it is fitting with structure-growth-effect of coming from the asymptotic freedom.




Clearly, the law of the time-first-conservation in the fifth universe, or, the law of the time-first-conservation in the life-continuing-structure, is just the central-dogma of universe vertical. Or, it is just going through the asymptotic freedom to create out the structure-growth-effect, or, it is just the fitting with each other between the feeling-time-dimension and the law of direction-expression of coming from God, or, it is going through the principle-section to create out the artificial tech procedure. And, the life-continuing-goal is fixed on the light-track.

That is to say, according to the universe-expression, the physical meaning is just creating out the fixed-direction-pointer of going from the beginning-spot of asymptotic freedom, and, into touching the light-track. Or, it is just creating out the fixed-direction-pointer of universe-diameter. When the fixed-direction-pointer of universe-diameter is cut down by the absolute-unknown-spot, then, it is just creating out the universe-vertical-pointer of coming from the asymptotic freedom. Or, it is just the structure-growth-pointer, and, going through the quantum-chain, to be shown as the direction-pointer of function-radiation finally. And, finally, it is to realize goal-realization-pointer. The result is shown as the shape-creation-effect of being made by the absolute-unknown-spot, or, the shape-creation-effect of being made by the light-track.

The first explainer of explaining these meanings is the God. And, the second explainer of explaining these meanings is the killing-execution. And, there is no language, and there is no expression, and, there is no logic reason. And, there is only the pair-effect between the be-alive and the be-death.




The law of mass conservation is shown as that, the vertical-growth-direction-pointer of coming from the asymptotic freedom, is fitting with the law of direction-expression, to create out the original creation effect of creating out the add-principle. Simply, the fitting with each other between the universe-vertical-pointer and the law of direction-expression, is just giving out the result of the mass. Or, the relation between different universe-vertical-pointers is just creating out the add-method-stability-effect finally.

The result is that, the time-dimensional-fitting with each other between the energy-shrinking-pointer and the unit-cooperation-pointer, is just creating out the original creation mechanism of creating out the energy-mass-relation. Or, the energy-mass-relation, is just the 3-dimensional-edge-effect of the cooperation-shrinking-principle, and being shown as the E=M*C*C. That is to say, if the fourth dimensional background of being held by the cooperation-shrinking-principle, is excreted away, then, the result is just the energy-mass-relation of Einstein.

The first explainer of explaining these meanings is the God. And, the second explainer of explaining these meanings is the killing-execution. And, there is no language, and there is no expression, and, there is no logic reason. And, there is only the pair-effect between the be-alive and the be-death.




Simply, the law of time-first-conservation is just according to the feeling-known being the background, to be shown as the law of past conservation. It is including the completeness-stability of being held by the periodic table of chemical elements, to offer the law of past conservation, and, it is including the history-experience, to offer the law of past conservation. It is just the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, and, it is fitting with the feeling-time-dimension.

Clearly, at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-ability-scope, the law of time-first-conservation is not the existence. And, correspondently, it is the extinction-property to offer the law of space-first conservation. At the outer position of outside the feeling-known-ability-scope, the law of time-first-conservation is shown as the duality-body of being made up of both the extinction-property and the God, and, there must be the God, to offer the law of time-first-conservation.

The feeling-known-ability-scope is just the universe-square, and, it is the God-controlling-effect. But, the feeling-known-scope must be fixed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-ability-scope, and both can’t be crossed with each other, and, creating out the law of space-first-conservation of being held by the feeling-known. But, according to the beginning-spot of the feeling-known-ability-scope, and, according to the ending-spot of the feeling-known-scope, it is creating out the law of time-first-conservation of fitting with the feeling-known.





According to the universe-expression being the comparison, the law of time-first-conservation is the connection-structure of being connected with the asymptotic freedom; and, the law of space-first-conservation is the connection-structure of being connected with the light-track. Between the time-first-effect and the space-first-effect, it is the absolute-unknown-spot of offer the connection between the time and the space.

According to the light-track being fixed in the gap-area between the confessing-membrane and the pointer of force law, and, controlling the thinking-creation, then, the effect of behavior being controlled by thinking, is just the effect of space-first-background controlling the time-first-background. It is just the life-effect of being located at the inner position of inside the anti-God-conservation-gap.

The situation of behavior being controlled by thinking, is just the effect of the negative half of Galileo’s relativity controlling the half of Galileo’s relativity, or, it is just the God-controlling-effect, or, it is just the situation of space controlling the time, or, it is the original creation mechanism of creating out the unique direction, or, it is just the self-closed-situation of universe-self-spin.

Clearly, the single self-spin-body is holding the single time-direction-pointer. When two self-spin-bodies are closed with each other, it is holding two time-direction-pointers. Clearly, two time-direction-pointers must be going through the fixed unchangeable shape of universe-expression, to be changed into the unique isolated single direction-pointer, and, it is just the law of covalent bond conservation.




That is to say, when two time-direction-pointers are met with each other, then, each time-direction-pointer is going through defining the self-own into the definer-shape, and going through the self-own occupying the asymptotic-freedom-position to define the opposite-side occupying the light-track-position, or, going through the self-own occupying the light-track-position to define the opposite-side occupying the asymptotic-freedom-position. Or, it is to define the opposite-side fitting with the constant-speed of light, or, to define the opposite-side fitting with Plank-constant, and, the result is creating out the law of division effect between the whole and the partial.

The final result is that, going through two different direction-pointer, to create out the unique isolated direction-pointer of fitting with the feeling-time-dimension, or, it is just fitting with the beginning-spot of God, or, it is just fitting with the universe-diameter, and creating out the life-direction finally. The result is that, the thermal effect is the edge state of the ability of universe creating out the life.

The first explainer of explaining these meanings is the God. And, the second explainer of explaining these meanings is the killing-execution. And, there is no language, and there is no expression, and, there is no logic reason. And, there is only the pair-effect between the be-alive and the be-death.





The life-continuing-shape-Y, is the background-connection-effect between the anti-God-conservation-gap and the background, and, holding the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, it is going through the law of division between the whole and the partial, to transform the law of space-first-conservation, into touching the law of time-first-conservation, or, it is just the effect of the behavior being controlled by thinking.

At the inner partial position of inside the space-first-conservation-effect of being held by the law of the anti-God-conservation, it is the law of time-first-conservation. Or, it is just at the inner position of inside the law of structure-partial-conservation, to create out the law of past conservation of fitting with the feeling-time-dimension. Or, it is just the curiosity-effect of pursuing the origin-source.

And, going through the connection-effect between the law of past conservation and the feeling-known, then, No.1, it is shown as the situation of the behavior being controlled by thinking; No.2, it is shown as the situation of that, the feeling-known of fitting with the 3-dimensional-body-function-radiation, is fixed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope, and, the feeling-known-scope is fixed at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-ability-scope.

Or, the humankind has the ability of creating out the 3-dimensional-body-function-radiation, and this ability is fixed at the inner position of inside universe-square.





That is to say, the law of space-first-conservation, is just making the division-effect between the God-existence-effect and the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, or, it is just making the division-effect between the God-controlling-effect and the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect. But, the law of time-first-conservation, is going along the direction-track-effect of coming from the feeling-time-dimension, to transfer the God-controlling-effect into touching the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, and also, it is creating out the existence-effect of life-body, or, it is creating out the ability of the behavior of being controlled by thinking. Or, it is just transferring the life-continuing-authority from God into touching the selfish-triangle.

Simply, the ultimate shape of the law of time-first-conservation, or, the ultimate shape of the law of past conservation, is just the law of God-first-conservation, it is offering the beginning-spot for the original creation effect of creating out the universe, and, it is offering the beginning-spot for the original creation effect of creating out the life, and, it is offering the beginning-spot for transferring the life-continuing-authority.

The first holder of holding the life-continuing-authority, is the God. The first holder of holding the life-continuing-authority, is the selfish-triangle. The life-continuing-structure can’t hold the life-continuing-authority, but, it must be in charge of duty, to transfer the life-continuing-authority. The country can’t hold the life-continuing-authority, but, it must be in charge of duty, to transfer the life-continuing-authority.

The first explainer of explaining these meanings is the God. And, the second explainer of explaining these meanings is the killing-execution. And, there is no language, and there is no expression, and, there is no logic reason. And, there is only the pair-effect between the be-alive and the be-death.





The gap-area between the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect and the God-controlling-effect, is the anti-God-conservation-effect, or, being the anti-God-conservation-gap, or, it is the eternal-war-area between the humankind and the God.

The terminator-physical-meaning of being held by the anti-God-conservation-gap, is the God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle, and being shown as the ending-spot-state of being held by the original creation procedure of creating out the life. The life is created out by God, and then, the meaning of selfish-triangle must be holding the confessing membrane.

According to the anti-God-conservation-gap being the background, there are three layers of life-continuing-authority-layers to be shown. The first layer of life-continuing-authority is the God controlling the life-continuing-authority; the second layer of life-continuing-authority, is the transferring-layer of transferring the life-continuing-authority, and, the name of being used to express the transferring-layer of transferring the life-continuing-authority, is the life-continuing-duty, and, it is not the life-continuing-authority; the third layer of life-continuing-authority is the selfish-triangle controlling the life-continuing-authority.




The universe-position of the anti-God-conservation-gap, is fixed in the gap-area between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, No.1, holding the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing; No.2, holding the power of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

The first explainer-authority-holder of explaining the structure-meaning of the anti-God-conservation-gap, is the God. The second explainer-authority-holder of explaining the structure-meaning of the anti-God-conservation-gap, is the killing-execution. There is no language, and, there is no expression, and, there is no logic reason. There is only the pair-effect between the death and the be-alive.

The definer of defining be-alive is controlled by God, and, there is no method to replace it. If there is method to replace the definer of defining be-alive, this method is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. The definer of defining life, is transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle, and, it is creating out one of the 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. Or, it is creating out the volume observation ability pointer.


Clearly, the anti-God-conservation-gap, is the structure-tunnel of God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle. But, the anti-God-conservation-gap is not the only-structure-tunnel of God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle. For example, the life-growth-pointer is also the structure of God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle.


The life-continuing-structure is fixed at the inner position of inside the anti-God-conservation-gap, and forming the fifth universe structure. In the fifth universe structure, there is no life-continuing-authority, but, there must be obeying the life-continuing-authority. That is to say, the life-continuing-structures have no authority of life-continuing, but, there is only the duty of transferring the life-continuing-authority. If using the life-continuing-structure as the crime-tool, to manipulate the life-continuing-authority, or, to replace the life-continuing-authority, then, it is the crime of according to the God’s law, until the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.



The life-continuing-authority is just the original creation spot of creating out the fifth universe, including both the God-controlling-effect and the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect. The inner-structure of inside the anti-God-conservation-gap, is the transferring-tunnel of transferring the life-continuing-authority, and, it is offering the connection-structure between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive.

Manipulating the transferring-tunnel of transferring the life-continuing-authority, or, manipulating the eternal-war-state between the God and the humankind, and, replacing the life-continuing-authority, then, it is the crime of according to the God’s law, until the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


在生命延续结构的13个起源视角中,每一个起源视角都是一个独立空间体系。并且,每一个起源视角,都显现为自私三角形与上帝之间一个独立连接通道。表达为,上帝与自私三角形之间的连接通道 => rel 上帝存在效应(宇宙整体灭绝性状态)自私三角形存在效应 rel => 感受时间维度。这是宇宙整体灭绝的状态,并且,也是生命整体灭绝的状态。什么也没有。但是,携带了宇宙起源效应,携带了生命起源效应,携带了生命延续结构的起源效应。

In the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, any origin-sight-angle is an independent space-system. And, any origin-sight-angle is shown as an independent connection-tunnel, between the selfish-triangle and the God. It is shown as, the connection-tunnel between the God and the selfish-triangle => rel the God-existence-effect(the completed extinction-state of the completed universe)the existence-effect of the selfish-triangle rel => the feeling-time-dimension. This is the completed extinction-state, and also, it is the completed extinction-state of the completed life. And, it is just the nothing. But, it is holding the effect of the original creation effect of creating out the universe, and, it is holding the effect of the original creation effect of creating out the life, and, it is holding the effect of the original creation effect of creating out the life-continuing-structure.




According to that, the connection-tunnel between the God-existence-effect and the of the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, is shown as the effect of the independent-space-system, then, structure of cutting down the connection-tunnel between the God-existence-effect and the of the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, is shown as the closed-time-effect. According to the 3-dimension being the background, the closed-time-effect is shown as a circle-line. And, this circle-line is shown as the unique isolated meaning, of cutting down the connection-tunnel between the God-existence-effect and the of the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, in completed way. And further, it is offering the ability of picking out the inspiration through the completeness-mutation-effect.

Simply, the circle-line of being used to express the time-dimension, is the original crestion spot of creating out the ability of the selfish-triangle picking out the inspiration. Clearly, this is not the clock, but, it is the original creation spot of creating out the clock. Then, the string-theory in the physics, is just driving the ability of the selfish-triangle picking out the inspiration, into touching the extinction-state. This is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the killing-execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Otherwise, the unique isolated future, is just the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

The closed-area of being closed by the circle-line-time, is perpendicular to the space-connection-tunnel between the selfish-triangle and the God, just like the earth moving around the sun of forming the circle-line. It is the original creation situation of creating out the central-dogma of universe vertical.



According to that, the connection-tunnel between the God-existence-effect and the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, is shown as the independent-time-pointer-effect, then, the fitting-effect with each other between the ending-area of this time-pointer and the law of direction-expression, is just forming the life-existence-space-scope of holding the feeling-known-space-scope. Or, it is just the effect of that, the God-existence-effect is the beginning-conservation-spot, and, the selfish-triangle-existence-effect is the ending-conservation-spot, and, it is holding the effect of the fifth universe force, and, it is holding the interaction-effect between the thinking and the universe.

The connection-effect between the God and the selfish-triangle, is holding the eternal unchangeable effect, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Using any method of changing the connection-effect between the God and the selfish-triangle, there must be large scale killings-executions to deal with it, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



第三,想法问题携带了大规模杀伐效应,必须有忏悔薄膜的存在, 为杀伐执行提供划分效应。



The first problem is the time. The second problem is the space. The third problem is the central dogma of universe vertical. The fourth problem is the God-existence-effect. The fifth problem is the selfish-triangle-existence-effect.

No.1, these five problems are all holding the extinction-effect. No.2, these five problems are all the problems of space-time controlling the thinking, and, it is holding the effect of large scale killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

No.3, the thinking-problem is holding the effect of large scale of killings, and, there must be the existence of confessing-membrane, to offer the division-effect for killings-executions.

No.4, the existence-effect of the selfish-triangle, must be holding the confessing-membrane. Comparing with that, the destroyer of destroying the confessing-membrane, is the state of losing the confessing-membrane, and being the state of without the ability to form the selfish-triangle, and then, it is not the existence-state of the selfish-triangle, but, it is the corpse-shape of being defined by God.

No.5, the united-body of the organized-shape of organizing the corpse-shapes, is just the zombie, and, holding the death conservation effect. There must be large scale of killings-executions, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



In the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, any origin-sight-angle is holding the effect of driving the completed life into the completed extinction. Or, any origin-sight-angle is holding the effect of large scale killings. Or, there must be using the large scale killings-executions as the explainer, to explain the problem of every origin-sight-angle. And, the language had lost the effectiveness, and, it is fitting with the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

There is only the killing-execution, and, there is no logic reason.


也就是说,感受时间维度 => rel 上帝存在效应(宇宙整体灭绝性状态)自私三角形存在效应 rel => 上帝与自私三角形之间的连接通道, 就是玻尔桶通道。


In the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, any origin-sight-angle is holding an independent vertical-alternative-system between the time and the space. But, the completed-body of being made up of the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is either an independent vertical-alternative-system between the time and the space, or, the set of 13-petals-system of being held by the quantum wave function, and also, holding the closed-time-dimension-sequence. Or, it is just the law of Bohr’s barrel conservation. Or, it is the original creation effect of creating out the covalent-bond.

That is to say, the feeling-time-dimension => rel the God-existence-effect(the completed extinction-state of the completed universe)the existence-effect of the selfish-triangle rel => the connection-tunnel between the God and the selfish-triangle, is just the Bohr’s barrel tunnel.

If any origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is replaced by the math-expression-shape, then, it is just the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




Clearly, according to the universe-singularity being used to replace the natural property of the universe, and, according to the universe-big-bang being used to replace the natural property of the universe, and, according to the math-group-theory being used to replace the universe-structure, and being also used to replace the life-continuing-structure, and being also used to replace life-structure, and, according to the different theories being used to replace the universe-structure, and being also used to replace the life-continuing-structure, and being also used to replace life-structure, and, according to that the completeness of being held by the universe-structure, is excreted away in deliberate way, and, according to that the completeness of being held by the life-structure, is excreted away in deliberate way, and, according to that the completeness of being held by the life-continuing-structure, is excreted away in deliberate way, and so on,

The result is that, there must be large scale killings-executions being the background, to track down the researchers of researching the universe-theory, and to track down the researchers of researching the life-theory, and, some of them must be killed down, and, the others must be kicked out of the science-field-scope in life-span.

Especially, there must be large scale killings-executions being the background, to track the basis-system of the physics, and, to track down the relations between near-physics and the far-physics, and to track the applying-situation of math being used in the physics-scope. There must be fitting with the eternal unchangeable effect of the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, until the completed extinction of the completed human life.

依据感受时间维度 => rel 上帝存在效应(宇宙整体灭绝性状态)自私三角形存在效应 rel,既是想法问题,也是控制想法方式的问题,那么,这就是生命自由问题。





According to that, the feeling-time-dimension => rel the God-existence-effect(the completed extinction-state of the completed universe)the existence-effect of the selfish-triangle rel,is either the problem of thinking, or the problem of controlling the thinking-way, then, it is just the life-freedom-problem.

The life-freedom-problem is going through the thinking-tunnel to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive, and being shown as the life-willing-power holding the thinking-freedom, and, being shown as the life-willing-power holding the behavior-freedom, and, being shown as the connection-freedom of fitting with each other between the thinking and the behavior. Clearly, it is not the isolated problem of thinking.

But, the thinking-ability has no ability to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive. And, it is the be-alive-authority, of being shown as the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, holding the completeness-mutation-pointer, to be used of picking out the inspiration, or, to be used of picking out the Giver-pointer. Or, it is going through picking out the natural measured property, to fit with the God-controlling-effect.

That is to say, the thinking-ability is including two tunnels. One of the tunnels is the thinking-ability, and, the other tunnel is the ability of thinking holding the God’s-supporting. The ability of thinking holding the God’s-supporting, is just the volume-thinking-ability. Destroying the volume-thinking-ability in deliberate way, it is just the fourth dimensional war, and, there must be the killing-execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

Clearly, the connection-freedom of fitting with each other between the thinking and the behavior, is holding the large scale of killings-effect, and holding the power of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Because of that, the definer of defining be-alive is controlled by God, or, being the fixed-conservation-state of destroying the freedom. It is the life-continuing-authority, or, it is destroying the life-continuing-authority, or, it is replacing the life-continuing-authority. There must be large scale killings-executions, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

依据感受时间维度 => rel 上帝存在效应(宇宙整体灭绝性状态)自私三角形存在效应 rel, 是解释自由含义的解释器,那么,结果是,自私三角形的控制效应,必须是自由的。但是,上帝控制效应,必须是毁灭生命自由的状态。而僵尸存在效应,必须是替代生命自由的状态。



According to that, the feeling-time-dimension => rel the God-existence-effect(the completed extinction-state of the completed universe)the existence-effect of the selfish-triangle rel, is the explainer of explaining the meaning of freedom, then, the result is that, the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect must be the freedom-state, but, the God-controlling-effect must be the state of destroying the life-freedom, and, the zombie-existence-effect must be the state of replacing the life-freedom.

In the gap-area between the God-controlling-effect and the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect, it is the anti-God-conservation-effect, or, it is the eternal-war between the humankind and the God. Or, it is the eternal-chance of zombie replacing the life-freedom, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Or, the zombie will be winning forever. Or, the BIDEN’S CURVE will be winning forever. Or, the humankind must be going into the completed extinction-state, finally. Simply, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle must be replacing the volume eligibility conservation axle finally. And, it is just the method of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

The critical problem is not the eternal-war between the humankind and the God, but, it is the zombie using the eternal-war-effect between the humankind and the God. Or, it is just the fourth dimensional war, and holding the unique isolated future of being just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind.





The gap-area between the God-controlling-effect and the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect, is the anti-God-conservation-effect, or, it is just the gap-area between the behavior and the thinking, or, it is the state of thinking-way controlling the behaviors-actions, or, it is the connector between the thinking and the behavior, or, it is the division-boundary between the thinking and the behavior. And also, it is the connector between the volume eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, and further, it is the division-boundary between the volume eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle.

The structure of the anti-God-conservation-gap, is just the shape-Y of life-continuing, and it is including the connection-effect between the volume eligibility conservation axle and the definer of defining be-alive; and it is including the connection-effect between the volume thinking conservation axle and the definer of defining life; and it is including the connection-effect between the biological-body-moving conservation axle and the completeness of genome.

Changing the words, the volume eligibility conservation axle, is just the connection-axle between the anti-God-conservation-gap and the definer of defining be-alive, or, being just the connection-axle between the life-continuing-shape-Y and the definer of defining be-alive. And, the volume thinking conservation axle, is just the connection-axle between the anti-God-conservation-gap and the definer of defining life, or, being just the connection-axle between the life-continuing-shape-Y and the definer of defining life. And, the biological-body-moving conservation axle, is just the connection-axle between the anti-God-conservation-gap and the completeness of genome, or, being just the connection-axle between the life-continuing-shape-Y and the completeness of genome.

That is to say, the life-continuing-shape-Y is just the unit-democracy-particle. And, if using the math-expression-method to replace the unit-democracy-particle, it is just the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be killing-execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




Clearly, the life-continuing-shape-Y, is just holographic shape-Y, and, it is including the volume eligibility conservation axle, and, it is including the volume thinking conservation axle, and, it is including the biological-body-moving conservation axle.

Or, the life-continuing-shape-Y, must be fitting with any origin-sight-angle in the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing, and, the life-continuing-shape-Y, must be fitting with the completed-body of being made up of the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing, otherwise, it is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind.

According to the life-continuing-shape-Y being the connection-tunnel, it is creating out the alternative-effect between the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing and the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure.



The fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing is connected with the existence-state of the life-continuing-structure, and, being also connected with the original creation state of creating out the life-continuing-structure. Or, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is the duality-body between, the existence-state of the life-continuing-structure, and, the original creation state of creating out the life-continuing-structure. Or, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is connected with the self-spin-running of the life-continuing-structure, and, being also connected with the function-radiation of the life-continuing-structure.

That is to say, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is connected with the large scale of killings-executions, and, fitting with the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.





The beginning-spot of being held by the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing must be controlled by God, and, it is the fixed-state, and, it is not the quantum-state. The ending-spot of being held by the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, must be the fitting with each other between the life-continuing-function and the life-continuing-goal, and, it must be also the fixed-state.

But, according to the universe-expression holding the absolute-unknown-spot, then, the life-continuing-function must be coming from the asymptotic freedom, and, it must be the quantum-existence-effect, and, there is no method to show the fixed-existence-state. Then, the life-continuing-function must be using the fixed-state of direction-pointer, to fit with the life-continuing-goal. Or, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is the unique isolated holder of holding the fixed-state of life-continuing-function.

And further, in the life-continuing-structure, the fixed-focused-spot of the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is shown as the double tunnels of being made up of both the top-summit-layer-position of science and the constitution-position. The top-summit-layer-position of science is to show the fixed-position of God-controlling-effect; but, the constitution-position is the fixed-position of the selfish-triangle fitting with the God-controlling-effect.

The result is that, the fitting-system with each other between the life-continuing-function and the life-continuing-goal, is holding the large scale of killings-effect, in fixed way. Because of that, some functions of being launched by the life-continuing-structure, are not fitting with the life-continuing-goal, but, it is destroying the life-continuing-goal. There must be using large scale of killings-execution, to solve these problems.




Clearly, the unique holder of holding the authority of large scale killings-executions, is just the God. Or, according to the life-continuing-shape-Y, and, according to the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, the unique holder of holding the authority of large scale killings-executions, is just the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And further, it is going through the connection-tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, to show the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing.

That is to say, the video of showing the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is just the life-continuing-structure. But, the life-continuing-structure can be used as the crime-tool of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, it is holding the effect of large scale of killings.

And then, there must be the God of controlling the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And further, the life-continuing-structure must be fitting with the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing at first, and then, at the second, there will be the life-continuing-structure of holding the quantum-state, to show the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing.


The life-continuing-structure can’t be using the fixed-definite-shape to show the fixed-direction-pointer of the life-continuing. There must be the God-controlling-effect to show the fixed-definite-shape of the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. The result is just the duality-body of direction-particle, or, the duality-body of time-space.



最终的感受知道结果,是量子自旋完整性。也就是说,任意描述生命延续结构的13个起源视角的描述形态,都会自动被封闭在生命延续结构的13个 起源视角的范围内部。结果是,量子自旋效应把上帝控制效应挤压到消失状态,并且,创生出时间空间二像性效应。


The connection-tunnel between the God and the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing is shown as No.1, the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure; and No.2, the feeling-time-dimension; and then, No.3, the result is just the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.

No.4, this double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, is just the God’s sightline-effect, and being shown as any single origin-sight-angle in the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and further, at the same time, being shown as the completed-body-shape of being made up of the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure.

The final feeling-known-result, is shown as the quantum-self-spin-completeness. That is to say, any expression-shape of expressing the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is closed automatically into the inner position of inside the set-scope of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. The result is that, the quantum-self-spin-effect is squeezing the God-existence-effect into the disappearance-effect, and, it is just creating out the duality-body-effect of space-time.

And further, going through the feeling-time-dimension, it is offering the effect of the space first conservation, for the life-feeling-known, or, it is just the life-growth-pointer conservation, or, it is just the life-existence conservation. That is to say, the fitting with each other between the life-growth-pointer and the law of direction-expression, is just the original creation mechanism of creating out the feeling-known. And then, the God-controlling-effect is shown as the fifth universe-force at the inner position of inside the universe.



The set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is not only holding the connection-tunnel of being connected with the God, but also, at the same time, holding the extinction-effect. In the gap-area between the God-existence-effect and the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, when the feeling-time-dimension is shown, it is just shown as the completed extinction-state of the completed universe in direct way.

The God-existence-effect is the unique isolated background of to show the extinction-effect. Under the background of feeling-known, there is no ability to show the extinction-effect-background. Because of that, the extinction-background is driving the feeling-known-effect into touching the extinction-state. Or, both the feeling-known-background and the extinction-background are not the same time-dimension.





Between the God-existence-effect and the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, No.1, it is the state of the feeling-time-dimension being shown directly; and, at the same time, No.2, the completed extinction-state of the completed universe is shown directly; No.3, both the feeling-known-effect and the completed-extinction-state of the completed universe, can’t be the existence at the same time, or, both do not hold the same time dimension, or, both the feeling-known-effect and the feeling-time-dimension are not the same time-dimension, and, it is driving out the division-effect between the selfish-triangle and the biological-body.

The result is that, No.4, the feeling-time-dimension is controlling the feeling-known-effect in direct way, and, it is squeezing the feeling-known-effect into touching the inner position of inside the single time dimensional restriction. No.5, the judgement-ability of being held by the feeling-known-ability, to judge “the same time”, is coming from the feeling-time-dimension, or, coming from the extinction-state, or, coming from the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension of being offered by the extinction-state.

No.6, it is creating out the comparison of that, the existence-position of inspiration, is connected with the extinction-background, or, being connected with the feeling-time-dimension. Or, both the inspiration-existence-position and the selfish-triangle-existence-position are not the same time dimension.

Simply, the existence-position of inspiration, is not located at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle. The existence-position of inspiration, is located fixedly, at the outer position of outside the selfish-triangle.






Between the God-existence-effect and the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, the direct-being-shown-effect of the feeling-time-dimension, is just the state of the extinction-background being shown. But, between the God-existence-effect and the selfish-triangle-existence-effect, the existence-state of the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is to show the state of the extinction-background being disappeared completely.

That is to say, the scientific researching procedure, or, the volume-observation-procedure, or, the volume observation ability pointer, is the direction of being opposite to the feeling-time-dimension. Or, the science is the track of going along the feeling-time-dimension to touch the God-existence-effect finally.

The result is that, No.1, in the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, any origin-sight-angle is holding the extinction-background, of fitting with the feeling-time-dimension, and, it is the state of excreting away the extinction-background-effect, or, it is the state of holding the fifth universe force.

No.2, going through excreting away the extinction-background, the result is that, the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure is fixed at the inner position of inside same space of the self-spin-closed-body of excreting away the extinction-effect, and, it is shown as the original creation effect of creating out the space, and, it is offering the law of the space first conservation for the feeling-known.

No.3, the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is shown as the set of 13 petals of being held by the quantum-angular-effect. And, between the completed-body of the closed-self-spin and the petals-set of angular-quantum-effect, it is to show the two sides of the same existence-body. The quantum-self-spin-effect is shown as the completed-whole-body-existence-effect; but, the quantum-angular-effect is shown as the partial-structure-existence-effect.





The problem is very clear. The ending-spot of the near-physics, is touching the inspiration-existence-position, or, it is touching the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room; or, the ending-spot of the near-science, is touching the inspiration-existence-position, or, it is touching the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. The result is the double layers structure of being shown as the outer-surface of the history-land of S-track-life-shape, between, the mutual-spin of Bohr’s cost and the Einstein’s pain, and, the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle.

The problem is very clear. When both the near-physics and the near-science triggered the inspiration-existence-position, there must be returning the inspiration-existence-position back into touching the God-controlling-effect.

But, the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle was to show the result of that, it is not returning the inspiration-existence-position back into touching the God-controlling-effect, but, they want to replace the inspiration-existence-position, and to build the structure of controlling the completed humankind. Or, it is to build the globalization, and it is to realize the goal of Hitler. And then, all the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes including all the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, are triggering the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and there must be killings-executions, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

Some of the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down. And the others must be kicked out of the science-field-scope in life-span. If there is no ability to track down, then, all the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. It is recreating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing-structure.




The original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing, is controlled by God. The selfish-triangle has no authority of controlling the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing. And, it is creating out the feeling-time dimension, and, it is to show the connection-tunnel between the selfish-triangle and the God. Destroying the original creation spot of life-continuing, it is the death-crime of being defined by God.

If some ones are not killed down, the others have no methods to be alive on earth. And then, there must be large scale of killings. And further, it is the problem of thinking. The execution of large scale of killings, is the necessary tool of solving the problem of thinking. Is it killing, or, is it killed? It is just the fourth dimensional war.


The gap of cutting life is the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God. Or, it is just the division-effect between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. And then, the conservational unchangeable structure of the fourth dimensional war, is just the war-structure, between, the volume eligibility conservation axle penetrating the gap of cutting life, and, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle using the gap of cutting life as the crime-tool, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.





The fixed unchangeable structure of the fourth dimensional war is that, No.1, the definer of defining be-alive is controlled by God, or, it is just the original creation state of creating out the life-continuing-structure of being controlled by God, or, it is offering the feeling-time-dimension for the life-continuing-structure, and, it is going through the feeling-time-dimension, to transfer the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. The selfish-triangle has no ability to control the definer of defining be-alive, and also, the selfish-triangle has no authority to control the definer of defining be-alive. The selfish-triangle has only the ability to use the definer of defining be-alive as the material, and, going through the choice-pole, to build the life-continuing-structure, and, launching out the life-continuing-function.

No.2, both the definer of defining life and the life-existence-completeness, are the structures of God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle. And, both the definer of defining life and the life-existence-completeness, are two vertexes of being held by the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. Using the connection-method of anus-mouth, to control the life-continuing-authority, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the killings-execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

No.3, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is just creating out the definer of defining be-alive at the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. Or, it is just using the connection-method of anus-mouth, to manipulate the duality-body between the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon. And, it is going through manipulating the feeling-known, to make the eligibility-definition of entering the choice-pole. It is the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God through the gap of cutting life. There must be the large scale of killings-execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

No.4, one of the ending-spots of being held by the volume eligibility conservation axle, must be connected with the God-controlling-effect. And, it is penetrating through the gap of cutting life, and, it is creating out the original creation state of creating out the life-continuing-structure. Or, it is creating out the original creation beginning-state of creating out the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. There must be large scale of killings, to protect the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.







The duality-body of being made up of both the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon, is the fixed-state of being connected with the outer-position of outside the Galileo’s room, or, it is the tunnel of being connected with the feeling-known. Every experimental result and all the experimental results, are connected with the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room.

But, the isolated Galileo’s room, or, the isolated 3-dimensional-body, is fixed-state of being connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, it is just the tunnel of destroying the feeling-known. The outer-boundary of outside the Einstein’s moon, or, the outer-boundary of outside the feeling-known-scope, is the location-position of being defined by God, to locate the choice-pole of life-continuing.

Comparing with that, the ability-scope of feeling-known, is just the universe-square. The ability-scope of feeling-known, is controlled by God, but, the feeling-known-scope, is held by the selfish-triangle. It is just the common said of fair. The choice-pole-position of the life-continuing-structure, is controlled by God, and, fitting with the volume eligibility conservation axle. And, it is just the common said of fair. And, it is holding the effect of large scale of killings.

Or, the choice-pole is located at the outer position of outside the selfish-triangle. And, the choice-pole is not located at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle, even through the choice-effect is located at the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle. And, it is just the problem of thinking. Or, it is the problem of thinking that must be solved through large scale of killings as the background.

There using the completeness-mutation-effect of fitting with the central scientific principle, to be connected with inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, and, creating out the volume eligibility conservation axle. And, it is not using the connection-method of anus-mouth, or, it is not using the rotten-anus-method, to define the eligibility.

The definer of defining be-alive is fixed at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, or, being fixed at the outer position of outside the Einstein’s moon, or, being fixed at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, and, it is the state of being controlled by God, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.




The life-continuing-structure of being defined by God, must be the connection-state between the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room. Or, it is just the state of going through the volume eligibility conservation axle, to be connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, it is just the state of going through the volume eligibility conservation axle, to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is just the state of going through the volume eligibility conservation axle, to be connected with the God-controlling-effect.

The Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is just using the outer-position-effect of outside the Galileo’s room, to replace the inner-position-effect of inside the Galileo’s room, or, it is just using the feeling-known-effect, to replace the effect of destroying the feeling-known, or, it is just using the feeling-known-effect, to replace the God-controlling-effect, or, it is just using the selfish-triangle-controlling -effect, to replace the God-controlling-effect, and so on.

Or, it is making the definer of defining be-alive at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, or, it is making the eligibility of entering the choice-pole at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, or, it is making the eligibility of entering the choice-pole at the inner position of inside the feeling-known-scope. It is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God, through using the gap of cutting life. There must be large scale of killings-execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



A block of stone is just the shape of Galileo’s room. Or, the isolated 3-dimensional-structure, is just the shape of the Galileo’s room.

The definer of being used to define the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, is just the God-controlling-effect, or, the connection-effect of being connected with the God’s sightline. The definer of being used to define the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, is just the Einstein’s moon, or, being just the connection-area of being connected with the feeling-known, or, it is just the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect.




Both the experimental pointer and the law of trying conservation, can only be connected with the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, and there is no ability to be connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Because of that, the Galileo’s relativity is shown as that, at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, there is no method to detect the state of being located at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room; and, at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, there is no method to detect the state of being located at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room. Because of that, both the experimental pointer and the law of trying conservation, must be connected with the feeling-known-effect, and destroying the God-controlling-effect. And then, both have no ability to be going apart away from the controlling-scope of being controlled by the Einstein’s moon.

There must be the completeness-mutation-effect of pointing towards the outer position of outside the Einstein’s moon, and pointing towards the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, to make the connection between the experimental pointer and the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Otherwise, the experimental pointer can’t be the existence. And, there is only the existence of the experimental result, but, there is no experimental pointer, and, creating out the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, and, holding the power of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

There must be the completeness-mutation-effect of pointing towards the outer position of outside the Einstein’s moon, and pointing towards the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, to make connection between the law of trying conservation and the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Otherwise, the behavior of trying is of no effectiveness. There is only the behavior of trying, and there is no result of trying, and it is creating out the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle.




Clearly, the completeness-mutation-effect is making out the beginning-spot through picking out the God-controlling-effect, and returning back into touching the feeling-known-scope, or, it is just picking out the Giver-pointer, or, it is picking out the inspiration. Or, the existence-position of the inspiration being the existence, must be fixed at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope.

The beginning-spot of being held by the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing must be the God-controlling-effect, and being shown as the beginning-spot of life-continuing, and, being shown as the beginning-spot-conservation of creating out the life-continuing-structure.

The completeness-mutation-effect is not the experimental data, and the completeness-mutation-effect is also not the connection-method of anus-mouth.







Going through the completeness-mutation-effect, it is making the connection between the experimental pointer and the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, or, making the connection between the law of trying conservation and the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. This connection-state, is the fixed quantum-connection-state, and also, it is the original creation state of creating out the volume eligibility conservation axle.

That is to say, at some time-scope, it is connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, and, at some time-scope, it is not connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, it is shown as the law of be-wrong conservation.

That is to say, when the time is definite, then, there is no method to make the space being definite. Because of that, at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, it is the God-controlling-effect. Because of that, at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, there must be going through the function-radiation, to be connected with the definer of defining life. And, at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, it is according to the permission-effect of coming from the God, to shown as the ability of being controlled by the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect, and, holding the effect of large scale of killings-effect.

According to the universe-expression, the area between the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room and the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, it is the absolute-unknown-spot.

Or, at some time-scope, the pointer-shape of the completeness-mutation-effect is the existence; and, at some time-scope, the pointer-shape of the completeness-mutation-effect is not the existence.

That is to say, going through both the experimental pointer and the law of trying conservation, it is connected with the definer of defining be-alive, and, it is creating out the life-continuing structure. Then, the result is that, at some time-scope, the life-continuing-structure is the existence, and, at some time-scope, the life-continuing-structure is not the existence. Because of that, during the time-scope of life-continuing-structure is not the existence, the life-continuing-function must be going through the feeling-known-effect, to be connected with the definer of defining life, or, being connected with the life-continuing-goal. Hidden behind it, it is the power of going through the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. In common said, the money has ability to replace the life-continuing-function.



Clearly, during the time-scope of the life-continuing-structure being the inexistence, it is holding the power of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

And, the Confucius self-spin of closed triangle, is just using the state of life-continuing-structure being the inexistence, to replace the existence-state of the life-continuing-structure. It is the state of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, of being defined by God. And, there must be large scale of killings-execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.




The life-continuing-structure must be the fixed-existence-state. And, the life-continuing-structure can’t be the quantum-existence-state. It can’t be said that, sometimes, the life-continuing-structure is the existence, and the other times, the life-continuing-structure is not the existence.

Or, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing must be the fixed-existence-state. And, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing can’t be the quantum-existence-state. It can’t be said that, sometimes, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing is the existence, and the other times, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing is not the existence. Otherwise, the unique isolated final result is the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

And then, the problem is that, what is the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing? And, what is destroying-effect of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing? And, what is replacing-effect of replacing the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing? It is just the problem of the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.



That is to say, according to the law of direction-expression, the completed-body of life-continuing-structure, must be the fixed existence state, or, it is the state of duality-body of time and space. And, it is the light-track-effect of the life-continuing-structure, and it is also the immune-effect. The structure of destroying the life-continuing-structure must be excreted away, and, the structure of replacing the life-continuing-structure must be excreted away. Otherwise, it is entering the extinction-state.

But, according to the universe-expression, the partial structure in the life-continuing-structure, is connected with the asymptotic freedom, and it must be the quantum-existence-effect, or, it is shown as the state of explaining the law of direction-expression. The result is shown as the fixed-sequence of fitting with the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, or, it is just the general covalent-bond-effect. Or, it is just using the space-effect to cut down the direction-pointer, and to be shown as situation of creating out the structure. Or, it is just the division-effect between the time and the space3. Or, it is just the asymptotic freedom state of the life-continuing-structure. Or, it is just the growth-state of the life-continuing-structure. Or, it is just common said of tech-procedure-state.



The result is that, the life-continuing-structure must be fitting with the law of division between the whole and the partial, or, it is fitting with the pair of half of Galileo’s relativity and the negative half of Galileo’s relativity, or, it is fitting with the universe-expression. At the area between the whole and the partial, it is the pair-effect between the definite-effect and the quantum-effect, and, holding the absolute-unknown-spot. Or, it is holding the effect of destroying the feeling-known, or, it is holding the power of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

There must be large scale of killings-executiong of protecting the God-controlling-effect, or, it is just protecting the fixed-existence-state of the life-continuing-structure, and, fitting with the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.


The life-continuing-structure must be the fixed-definite-state. The fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing must be the fixed-definite-state. Just like that, a person can’t be the death yesterday, but, being alive today, but, being death tomorrow.


或者说,科学最高层位置,不是量子效应存在位置,必须固定匹配生命延续定向方向指针,并固定提供生命延续结构的起源点。必须用杀伐执行,来创建科学最高层位置的固定不变状态 ,也就是显现生命延续起源点的固定不变存在状态。

According to the law of direction-expression, and, according to the universe-expression, and, according to the law of division between the whole and the partial, and, according to the quantum-effect-existence, then, the top-summit-layer-position of science must be the fixed-connection-tunnel of being connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, the top-summit-layer-position of science must be the fixed-connection-tunnel of being connected with the God-controlling-effect. Or, the top-summit-layer-position of science must be the fixed-connection-tunnel of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. It is creating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing.

Or, the top-summit-layer-position of science, is not the quantum-effect-position. But, the top-summit-layer-position of science, must be the fitting with the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, in fixed way, and, it is offering the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-structure, in fixed way. There must be using the killing-execution, to create out the fixed-unchangeable-state of being held by the top-summit-layer-position of science, or, it is to show the fixed-unchangeable-state of the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-structure.



According to the background of the large scale killings, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing must be occupying the top-summit-layer-position of science, in the fixed-unchangeable-state. It is offering the fixed-unchangeable-state of the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-structure. The fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing must be controlling the education-system, in the fixed-unchangeable-state, and, it is offering the original creation spot, for inherited-life-continuing.

There must be according to the large scale of killings, to clear the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, in completed way. At first, there must be tracking down all the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes, entirely. Some of the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down. And the others must be kicked out of the science-field-scope in life-span. If there is no ability to track down, then, all the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. It is recreating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing-structure.




The set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is holding two different backgrounds. One of the backgrounds is the existence-state of the life-continuing-structure being the existence, and, holding the set of 9 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure; and the other background is the extinction-state of the life-continuing-structure, and, holding the set of 4 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure.

Clearly, the meaning of the origin-sight-angles, is according to the constant-beginning-spot of the selfish-triangle, to launch the observation-sightline, towards the outer position of outside the selfish-triangle. Or, it is according to the beginning-spot of the volume observation ability pointer, and, it is according to the ending-spot of the volume be-known ability pointer, picking out the fitting effect between the God’s sightline and the law of direction-expression. And, the result is shown as the sightline-diode-effect.



According to the existence-background of the life-continuing-structure being the existence, the life-continuing-structure is holding the set of 9 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and, holding three different backgrounds, and, being shown as triple-layers-structure.

The first layer background is the connection-tunnel of being connected with the feeling-known-ability, and being closed at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional space, or, being closed at the inner position of inside the universe-square, and, it is including the universe-structure, and it is including the life-structure, and it is including the central scientific principle, and it is including the alternative-effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, and, it is including the pair-effect of crime-definition and innocent-definition;

第二层背景是毁灭感受知道能力的背景,携带超越三维结构的能力,或者,有能力超越宇宙正方形,并且,被划分成为双层背景。显然, 这是宇宙起源问题,也是生命起源问题,也是生命延续结构的起源问题。





The second layer background is the background-effect of destroying the feeling-known-ability, and, it is holding the ability to go beyond the 3-dimensional structure, or, it is holding the ability to go beyond the universe-square, and, being divided into double layers of backgrounds. Clearly, it is the problem of the original creation effect of creating out the universe, and also, it is the problem of the original creation effect of creating out the life, and also, it is the problem of the original creation effect of creating out the life-continuing-structure.

The inner layer background is the inner structure of inside the universe, and being shown as creating out the 3-dimension-effect through excreting away the other-dimensions, or, creating out the 3-dimensional structure of the life-body finally. And, it is according to the universe-diameter being the central-beginning-spot, to create out the law of division between the whole and the partial, or, it is creating out the pair-effect between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the negative half of Galileo’s relativity.

The outer layer background is the outer structure of outside the universe, and being shown as the other dimensional structures-effect, and it is according to the universe 8-poles structure, to show the division-boundary between the inner area of inside the universe and the outer area of outside the universe. And further, this outer layer background is shown as the third layer of the background-effect, of being held by the life-continuing-structure.

In the inner background of inside the universe, the life-continuing-structure is holding the set of 3 different origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, to fit the existence-state of the life-continuing-structure, and, it is including the general energy-shrinking-pointer, and, it is including the volume observation ability pointer, and, it is including the volume be-known ability ability pointer. One of the limited edges of being held by the general energy-shrinking-pointer, is just the single-direction-effect of thinking controlling the behavior-actions, or, being just the division-boundary between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties. The result is that, the life-effect is fitting with the universe potential power force field.

The Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is just using the single-direction-effect of thinking controlling the behavior-actions, to be the crime-tool, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. There must be large scale of killings-execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


The outer background of outside the universe, is just the background of driving the completed universe into the completed extinction, or, it is just the set of structures-backgrounds that can’t be connected with the 3-dimensional structure. That is to say, at the position of going beyond the outer structure of outside the universe, there must be the God-existence. And, the outer structure of outside the universe is just the ninth origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure.


No.1, there must be the other dimensional structure; No.2, there must be excreting away the other dimensional structure; No.3, and finally, it is holding the ability to create out the existence-effect of 3-dimensional structure, and, creating out the 3-dimensional life-structure-body. And further, between the 3-dimensional life-structure-body and the 3-dimensional lifeless-structure-body, it is forming the half of Galileo’s relativity. No.4, it is just the original creation route of creating out the universe, and, it is just the original creation route of creating out the life.




According to the background of the life-continuing-structure being the extinction-state, the life-continuing-structure is holding the set of 4 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and, being divided into two layers.

The inner layer effect is including the set of 3 different origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and, it is including the language-fulcrum, and it is including the eligibility-effect of entering choice-pole, and it is including the exchange-spot of launching out the life-continuing-function. This set of 3 different origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is fixed at the division-boundary between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties, or, being fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life.

The outer layer effect is just the God’s sightline, of coming from God, and being shown as the thirteenth origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure.

十三个生命延续结构的起源视角中的任意起源视角,都携带了灭绝性效应,或者,都携带了大规模杀伐。具体表达为,自私三角形与上帝之间的连接通道 => rel 上帝存在效应(宇宙整体灭绝效应) 自私三角形存在效应 rel => 感受时间维度。


表达为,视线二极管效应 => rel 上帝存在位置作为起点守恒(视线二极管效应的存在位置) 自私三角形存在位置作为终点守恒 rel => 感受时间维度。


Any origin-sight-angle in the set of 13 different origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is holding the extinction-effect, or, holding the effect of large scale of killings. The detailed-expression is, the connection-tunnel between the selfish-triangle and the God => rel the God-existence-effectthe completed extinction-effect of the completed universe the existence-effect of the selfish-triangle rel => the feeling-time-dimension.

Simply, the feeling-time-dimension is just according to the God-existence-position being the beginning-spot-conservation, and, according to the selfish-triangle-existence-position being the ending-spot-conservation, to create out the unique isolated direction-pointer, and, holding the sightline-diode-effect.

It I shown as, the sightline-diode-effect => rel the God-existence-effect being the beginning-spot-conservationthe existence-position of the sightline-diode-effect the existence-effect of the selfish-triangle being the ending-spot-conservation rel => the feeling-time-dimension.

The ultimate-terminator of the feeling-time-dimension is just the life-growth-pointer, and it is according to the completeness of genome being the beginning-spot, and it is according to the pointer of force law being the ending-spot, and being just the creator of creating out the feeling-time of going from yesterday to today and then to tomorrow. And also, it is the God’s definer of being used to define the “person”, or, it is the God’s definer of being used to define the human life.





The “person”, or, the human life, is just the ultimate terminator of feeling-time-dimension, and being shown as the life-growth-pointer. The “person”, and the human life, and so on, these words are not suitable, because of that, there is no physical meaning of being held, or, there is no volume meaning.

There is no one who understands what the “person” is. And, there is no one who understands what the human life is. Hidden behind this effect, it is the large scale of killings effect, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

But, the ultimate terminator of feeling-time-dimension, is holding the eternal unchangeable physical meaning, of going from the beginning-spot of the completeness of genome, and into touching the ending-spot of the pointer of force law, and, fitting with the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, fitting with the law of volume conservation.

This is the effect that every person has ability to understand, and, being eternal unchangeable, and, holding the effect of large scale of killings, and, there must be large scale of killings-execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, until the completed extinction of the completed human life.



The ultimate terminator of feeling-time-dimension, is just the life-growth-pointer. The animal has no ability to hold the ultimate terminator of feeling-time-dimension. Or, the animal can’t be connected with the language-fulcrum. The plant can only touch the isolated 3-dimension-body, and, it is using the fruit-dropping to show the Galileo’s room.

There must be the large scale of killings, to protect the ultimate terminator of feeling-time-dimension. Or, there must be the large scale of killings, to protect the life-growth-pointer. That is to say, there must be the large scale of killings, to protect the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing. There must be the killing-execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Because of that, The ultimate-terminator of feeling-time-dimension, is just the “person” of being defined by God.

依据自私三角形与上帝之间的连接通道 => rel 上帝存在效应(宇宙整体灭绝效应) 自私三角形存在效应 rel => 感受知道时间维度,生命延续定向方向指针与感受时间维度重叠。



According to, the connection-tunnel between the selfish-triangle and the God => rel the God-existence-effectthe completed extinction-effect of the completed universe the existence-effect of the selfish-triangle rel => the feeling-time-dimension, then, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is just overlapped with the feeling-time-dimension,

It is forming the duality-body between the life-continuing-structure and the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. The structure of fitting with the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is the life-continuing-structure of being defined by God, or, it is volume life-continuing-structure.

The life-continuing-structure, of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is not the life-continuing-structure, but, being the structure of destroying the life-continuing. There must be large scale of killings, to excrete it away, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.



For protecting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, there must be the law of killing conservation. The large scale of killings must be holding the volume observation ability pointer. And, the large scale of killings must be holding the volume be-known ability pointer. And, the large scale of killings must be protecting the set of 9+3+1 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. Clearly, it is the problem of thinking, and being also the eternal choice problem of humankind between the living and the extinction. That is to say, the thinking of the large scale of killings, must be the thinking of being controlled by God. It is just the beginning-spot of life-continuing. Or, it is just creating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing.

And then, according to the large scale of killings, there must the beginning-spot of clearing the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, in completed way. At first, there must be tracking down all the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes, entirely. Some of the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down. And the others must be kicked out of the science-field-scope in life-span. If there is no ability to track down, then, all the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. It is recreating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing-structure.




The life-continuing-structure of as being the isolated universe-structure-body, is holding the unique isolated background of the completed extinction-state of the completed human life. This unique isolated background is shown as the gap-area between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Or, this unique isolated background is shown as the gap-area between the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer, or, being shown as the gap of cutting life.

According to the artificial effect of the life-continuing-structure, the universe-diameter of being held by the life-continuing-structure, is just the fitting-effect with each other, between the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer.  It is shown as the division-state, between the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer, and, there must be going through the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing, to make the connection with each other. Or, it is going through the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing, to excrete away the extinction-effect, and, creating out the life-continuing-structure, and, it is going through the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing-direction, to make the life-continuing-structure-running.




There must be the law of killing conservation, of to fit with the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, it is creating out the connection-tunnel between the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer. And, it is shown as the connection-effect between the universe-diameter and the life-continuing-structure. And, it is fitting with the artificial universe effect of the life-continuing-structure.

Clearly, it is the problem of thinking. And, it is the thinking-problem of being controlled by the law of killing conservation, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

This is the life-shape of P-track. In the life-shape of P-track, there must be using the law of killing conservation, to solve the problem of thinking, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Clearly, it is very dangerous problem. There is no any danger of going beyond the thinking-danger-effect. And it is the danger of the completed extinction of the completed humankind. But, there must be facing it, and there is no other choice. There must be relying on the God’s law, to execute the killing. If using the rotten-anus to replace the God’s law, the single word, kill, and, it is fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




According to the existence-effect of the life-continuing-structure, as being the background, the life-continuing-structure is holding the set of nine origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and, being shown as the set of nine connection-tunnels between the existence-effect of the life-continuing-structure and the God. And, it is fitting with the original creation procedure of creating out the universe, and, it is fitting with the original creation procedure of creating out the life.

According to the extinction-state of the life-continuing-structure, as being the background, the life-continuing-structure is holding the set of three origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. It is including the language-fulcrum, and, it is including the eligibility of choice-pole, and, it is including the exchanging-spot of holding the alternative effect between the money-fluid and the money-number. And, it is shown as the set of life-units-effects of being located at the outer position of outside the life-body. Or, it is shown as the God transferring the life-continuing-structure into touching the selfish-triangle.

Then, the God’s sightline is just shown as the thirteenth origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure. Or, the God-existence-effect is just shown as the thirteenth origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and, being shown as the original creation spot of creating out the feeling-time-dimension.



用孔夫子自旋封闭三角形,替代生命延续功能辐射区域,就是上帝定义的人类生命整体灭绝效应。必须要有大规模杀伐 ,来保护生命延续的功能辐射区域,也就是保护上帝视线效应,服从天律无时效原则。

The exchanging-spot of holding the alternative effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, is just creating out the area of launching the life-continuing-function. The area of launching the life-continuing-function, is just the space-area of being occupied by the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. Or, it is just the winning-area of the fruit-robbery, of being defined by zombie.

It is using the area of launching the life-continuing-function, to excrete away the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, and, it is just the law of life-continuing-conservation, or, it is just the law of volume conservation, and holding the law of killing conservation.

Using the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, to replace the area of launching the life-continuing-function, then, it is just the completed extinction-effect of the completed humankind, of being defined by God. There must be large scale of killings, to protect the area of launching the life-continuing-function, or, it is just protecting the God’s sightline effect, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.



When the original-creation-effect and the existence-effect are connected with each other to form the same single system, clearly, it is not the 3-dimensional structure system, but, it is the system of creating out the 3-dimensional structure system. Or, it is the system of holding the fourth dimensional effect, or, it is the system of holding the extinction-effect. And then, there must be the God’s sightline, to excrete away the extinction effect. And then, it is able to creating out the existence-effect.

That is to say, there must be large scale of killings to protect the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. And, it is fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




When the original creation effect and the existence effect are connected with each other to form the same single system, then, it is not shown as the isolated Galileo’s room-shape, or, it is not shown as the isolated 3-dimensional body-shape. But, it is shown as the double tunnels effect of being made up of both the metabolism system and the immune system. And, it is fitting with the double tunnels effect of being made up of both the Bohr’s barrel tunnel and the Bohr’s cost tunnel. And, it is fitting with the completed Galileo’s relativity. Clearly, the Einstein’s relativity effect is fixed at the inner position of inside the Bohr’s cost tunnel, and, going through the light-track, to be connected with the negative half of Galileo’s relativity, and, it is leading out the Einstein’s pain.

This state of making both the original creation effect and the existence effect, to be connected with each other, and, to form the same single system, is just the science, or, being called as the law of science conservation, or, being called as the law of volume conservation, and, fitting with the law of universe-diameter conservation, and, fitting with the law of life-continuing conservation.

That is to say, the name as “science”, is not suitable. The suitable name is the central scientific principle. Or, every natural measured property must be fitting with all the other natural measured properties.


The life-continuing-structure must be the system, of both the original creation effect and the existence effect, being connected with each other to form the same single system. An example-situation is that, both the food and the cell-structure must be connected with each other to form the same single system. And, the other example-situation is that, both the periodic table of chemical elements and the cell-structure, must be connected with each other to form the same single system. And, so on. The cell-structure can’t be violating to the food property. And, the cell-structure can’t be going apart away from the periodic table of chemical elements, and to be the existence. And so on. Otherwise, it is the extinction-state.



The life-continuing-structure must be the system, of both the original creation effect and the existence effect being connected with each other to form the same single system. According to the existence-effect of the life-continuing-structure, as being the background, there must be large scale of killings to protect the set of nine origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing structure. And, according to the extinction-state of the life-continuing-structure, as being the background, there must be large scale of killings, to offer the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, for the set of three origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing structure. And the unique source of creating out the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is just the God’s sightline.  

The set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is shown as creating out the immune effect, in the life-continuing-structure, and, it is also shown as creating out the metabolism effect, in the life-continuing-structure.


Any origin-sight-angle in the set of 13 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is holding the effect of large scale of killings. Simply, there must be using large scale of killings, to protect the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, the beginning spot of creating out the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is just the God’s sightline. And, the fitting with each other between the God’s sightline and the law of direction-expression, is just the natural measured property, or, being the God’s measurement-effect. The volume eligibility conservation axle must be connected with the God’s measurement-effect, until the completed extinction of the completed human life.



The life-continuing-structure must be the system, of both the original creation effect and the existence effect being connected with each other to form the same single system. That is to say, there must be going through the God’s sightline, to excrete away the extinction-effect, and, to create out the cooperation-shrinking-principle, and, to create out the unit cooperation pointer.

Using any method, to replace the origin-effect of creating out the life-continuing-structure, in deliberate way, it is the single word of kill. Kill it down, and it is fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Using the math-method to replace the universe-structure, or, using the math-method to replace the life-structure, it is the single word of kill. Kill it down, and it is fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Serve for zombie, and Send zombie into the hell.


表达为,量子定位守恒定律 => rel 存在效应(量子效应的宇宙位置) 起源效应 rel => rel 伽利略房子内部连接着负态半边伽利略相对性(量子效应的宇宙位置)伽利略房子与爱因斯坦月亮二像体携带半边伽利略相对性 rel => 伽利略守恒定律匹配宇宙表达式。


The life-continuing-structure must be the system, of both the original creation effect and the existence effect being connected with each other to form the same single system. The division-membrane of being located in the gap-area between the original creation effect and the existence effect, is just the quantum-effect, and being called as the law of quantum-position conservation. It is to express the fixed position of the quantum-effect in the universe-structure.

It is expressed as, the law of quantum-position conservation => rel the existence effectthe universe-position of the quantum-effect the original creation effect rel => rel the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room is connected with the negative half of Galileo’s relativity the universe-position of the quantum-effect the duality-body of being made up of both the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon is holding the half of Galileo’s relativity rel => the law of Galileo’s conservation is fitting with the universe-expression.

The general shape of the Galileo’s relativity is able to be called as the law of Galileo’s conservation. And, it is offering the universe-position for the quantum-effect.

The law of Galileo’s conservation is expressed as that, No.1, the existence-effect is fixed at the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room; No.2, the original creation effect is fixed at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room; No.3, the experimental procedure is shown as of going through breaking down the Galileo’s room to pick out the natural measured property, of being hidden at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. No.4, the experimental pointer has no ability to touching the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room.


There must be the law of killing conservation, to protect the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And the killing must be holding the goal. The first goal of killing, is just protecting the set of 9+3+1 origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure. And then, there must be the background of the large scale of killings, to clear the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, in completed way. At first, there must be tracking down all the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes, entirely. Some of the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down. And the others must be kicked out of the science-field-scope. If there is no ability to track down, then, all the holders of holding the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. It is recreating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing-structure.



The sixth origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is the contronnling-effect of being controlled by universe-diameter, or, being just the God-controlling-effect. The life-continuing-structure is just the fifth universe structure, and being also the artificial universe. According to the isolated 3-dimensional body holding the second law of thermal dynamics, and being shown as the direction-pointer of going apart away from the universe diameter, then, the fixed-existence on the universe-diameter is shown as the ability of creating out the life. Then, the fixed-existence on the universe-diameter, must be including the direction-pointer of with the beginning-spot of the universe-diameter, and pointing towards the inner partial position of inside the universe. Or, it is just the general energy-shrinking-pointer.


The way of taking the energy shrinking pointer, is according to beginning-spot of both the completeness enough of near-physics and the completeness enough of near-science, and to take the energy shrinking pointer from the whole-body of the completed universe, or, it is to take the energy shrinking pointer from the God-controlling-effect. But, general energy-shrinking-pointer, is going from the beginning-spot of the universe-diameter, or, going from the beginning-spot of the whole-body of the completed universe, or, going from the beginning-spot of the God-controlling-effect, and then to enter the controlling-effect of coming from the selfish-triangle.  

The controlling-effect of coming from the selfish-triangle, is fitting the law of structure partial conservation, and there is no ability to touch the whole-body of the completed universe.  


The double ending-spot of being held by universe-diameter, is holding the fixed-shape of God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle, and, being shown as both the volume observation ability pointe and the volume be-known ability pointer, and being making the division-effect between the volume observation ability pointe and the volume be-known ability pointer. And, it is according to being connected with the extinction-effect, to show both the seventh origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure and the eighth origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure.




The unique isolated background of being held by the universe-diameter, is the completed extinction-effect of the completed universe, and this extinction-effect must be closed by the God’s sight-line. The unique isolated background of the life-continuing-structure, is just the completed extinction-effect of the completed life, and being shown as the gap of cutting life, of to make the division-effect between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, or to make the division-effect between the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer.

The background of being held by the life-continuing-structure, is going through both the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer, to be connected with the feeling-known. According to the feeling-known being the background, the unique isolated background is just the gap-area-effect between the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer, and being shown as the completed extinction-state of the completed human life, or, being just the power-force-driving of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And it is just the universe-potential-power-force-field.

For individual person, the gap-area-effect between the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer, is just the death-feeling-known driving out the effect of pursuing the be-aliven.



Making the division-effect between the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer, it is the power-force-driving of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Destroying the volume observation ability pointer in deleberate way and destroying the volume be-known ability pointer in deliberate way, it is power-force of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, of being defined by God, or, it is extinction-state of the completed humankind, and, it is fitting the death-crime of according to God’s law. There msut be large scale of killings, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. And, it is just the fourth dimensional war.

According to the God’s law, there must be the large scale of killings, to create out the connection-effect between the universe-diameter and both the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.



The universe structure of being connected with the feeling-known, is not the universe structure, but, being the tool of creating out both the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer.

The life structure of being connected with the feeling-known, is not the life structure, but, being the tool of creating out both the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer.


According to the completed-life-extinction being the background, there must be going through large scale of killings, to create out the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, including the universe-structure, and including the life-structure, and including the central scientific principle of being connected with the God-controlling-effect, and including both the money-fluid and the money-number fitting with the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and including the pair of crime-definition and innocent-definition. And, it is just the fourth dimensional war, and there must be the large scale of killings, and fiting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


According to the completed-life-extinction being the background, there must be going through the large scale of killings, to create out the sixth origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and being shown as the effect of fitting with each other between the genersl energy-shrinking-pointer and the unit-cooperation-pointer, or, being called as the cooperation-shrinking-principle. According to the feeling-known being the background, the cooperation-shrinking-principle is just the effect of thinking-controlling-the behavior. It is the fourth dimensional war, and there must be the large scale of killings, and fiting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


According to the completed-life-extinction being the background, there must be going through the large scale of killings, to create out the seventh origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and being shown as the effect of the inspiration-existence-position of being coverd by the law of God’s power, that is located at the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. According to the feeling-known being the background, it is shown as the land-effect. It is including the earth-land of being controlled by God, and it is including the history-land of S-track of life-shape that is experienced by humankind. Or, it is just the history of going from the Confucius until touching the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle. It is the fourth dimensional war, and there must be the large scale of killings, and fiting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


According to the completed-life-extinction being the background, there must be going through the large scale of killings, to create out the eight origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, and being shown as the pointer of force law creating out the definer of defining life. Or, there msut be according to the large scale of killings, to protect the definer of defining life, including the will of life-continuinhg, and including the life-goal of life-continuing, and, including the willing-power of life-continuing. There must be using the eternal-life-continuing-effect, to show the meaning of life. It is the fourth dimensional war, and there must be the large scale of killings, and fiting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.



The life-continuing-structure is fixed on the universe-diameter, and it is just the original creation effect of creating out the time. At the same time, the life-continuing-structure is fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life, and it is just the original creation effect of creating out the space. The gap of cutting life, is the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind, of being defined by God. There must be the law of killing conservation to protect the existence-effect of the universe-diameter. There must be the law of the fixed suquence direction conservation through killing, to protect the existence-effect of the universe-diameter. There must be the law of the life-goal conservation through killing, to protect the existence-effect of the universe-diameter.

According to the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, and, according to the BIDEN’S CURVE of being shown as the effect of winning forever at Janural 20, 2021, then, there must be going through the large scale of killings, to create out the life-continuing-structure, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

Because of that, the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind. Because of that, the BIDEN’S CURVE of being shown as the effect of winning forever, is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind.





According to that both the volume observation ability pointer and the volume be-known ability pointer must be connected with each other, to create out the universe-diameter of the fifth universe, or, to create out the universe-diameter of the life-continuing-structure, then, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, must be in charge of death-resposibility at first. Because of that, the top-summit-layer-position of science, is controlled by God. And, the top-summit-layer-position of science, is the unique isolated constant-state of the focused tunnel of being connected with the God’s sightline. As the comparison, the tech-system is the quantum-flash-tunnel of being connected with the God’s sightline.

The top-summit-layer-position of science, is the position of being located at the inner position of inside the fifth universe, but being controlled by God. It is the constant-state of the focused-spot of God controlling the life-continuing-tunnel. It is creating out the volume eligibility conservation axle, and the authority is belonging to God.

There must be tracking down the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, in completed way, and, there must be tracking down the relations between the universe-diameter and the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, and, there must be tracking down the relations between the central-scientific-principle and the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science. At first, there must be tracking down all the occupiers of occupying the Nobel-Prizes, in completed way. Some of then must be killed, and, the others must be kicked out of the science-field-scope. If there is no ability to track down them, then, all the occupiers of occupying the Nobel-Prizes must be killed down.

Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell. If there is no of Serve for zombie, then, zombie will be according to Serve people, to send humankind into the hell.


God had transferred some authorities into touching the selfish-triangle by God. But, for some other authorities, God had not transferred into touching the selfish-triangle. It is just the fourth dimensional war, and, there must be the large scale of killings, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.






The set of five origin-sight-angles of the life-continuing-structure, is to show the set of five be-alive-tunnels, and, holding the observer-effect, and, fitting the ability of universe creating out the life, and, fitting the artificial universe effect of being held by the fifth universe, but, without holding the procedure of universe creating out the life-structure.  The set of five origin-sight-angles of the life-continuing-structure, is only holding the result of the universe creating out the life.

Simply, the set of five origin-sight-angles of life-continuing-structure, is shown as the connection-state of being connected with the feeling-known finally. Or, the sixth origin-sight-angle of life-continuing-structure, and the seventh origin-sight-angle of life-continuing-structure, and the eighth origin-sight-angle of life-continuing-structure, and so on, all are holding the effect of destroying the feeling-known. Or, it is only holding the procedure of universe creating out the life, but, without holding the result of universe creating out the life.

That is to say, the difference between destroying the feeling-known and being connected with the feeling-known, is just the difference between different quantum sight-angles. Between different petals in the quantum wave function, there is the effect of going through the unique time dimension, to make different petals being connected with each other. Or, the angular quantum effect is just the time-quantum-number. But, the major quantum effect is just the space-quantum-number. Or, the energy is just the space-quantum-number. And, the quantum-effect is just changing the pair of opposite directions into the unique isolated direction, and, fitting with the pair of metabolism and immune.

The effect of destroying the feeling-known, can’t be violating to the universe-ability of creating out the life. And then, the sixth origin-sight-angle of life-continuing-structure, and the seventh origin-sight-angle of life-continuing-structure, and the eighth origin-sight-angle of life-continuing-structure, all are holding the procedure of universe creating out the life, or, it is the situation of that, the observer has not been created out, or, it is not holding the observer-effect, and, it is fitting with the effect of that, the observer has no ability to observe the self-own. And, it is holding the effect of driving the completed humankind into the extinction here.



There is the comparison of that, the ninth origin-sight-angle of life-continuing-structure, or, the ninth origin-sight-angle of the universe-origin, and so on, all are connected with the outer position of outside the universe, to show the effect of that, the universe has not been created out. And, it is holding the effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction here.

According to the background of the feeling-known being already existence, it is the God’s sightline to hold the outer position-effect of outside the universe, or, holding the ninth origin-sight-angle of the life-continuing-structure, or, holding the ninth origin-sight-angle of the universe-origin. And, it is the problem of the original creation spot of creating out the universe. And, it is the problem of the original creation spot of creating out the life. And, it is the problem of the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-structure.




Changing the observation-sight-angle, why does the observer have no ability to observe the self-own? Because of that, the observer must be registered on the life-structure. And, the life-structure must be holding the life-completeness.  Otherwise, it is cutting the life-structure apart, and making the death, and being equivalent to the killing.

When the observer is observing the self-own, it is just making the division-effect between the observer and the life-completeness, and to show the state of the life being destroyed. Or, it is to show the state of the observer being disappeared. The result is that, when the observation-effect is the existence, then, the observation-effect has no ability to observe the self-own.

The observer has no ability to observe the self-own, and, this effect is just fitting with the half of Galileo’s relativity, or, fitting with double layers-structure of being made up of both Galileo and Newton. And, the effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, is hidden behind it. Because of that, when the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is holding the observer, then, it is fitting with the half of Galileo’s relativity. At the same time, and going through the extinction-background, five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is also connected with the negative half of Galileo’s relativity, and, holding the effect of destroying the observer.



The set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is holding the effect of touching the feeling-known finally, or, holding the observer-effect, and fitting the ability of universe creating out the life. But, when the feeling-known is the existence, then, the ability of universe creating out the life can’t be shown. It is to show the result of that, at some specific position of inside the universe, the life-effect has been the existence. And further, the stability-existence of the universe-structure is to fit the feeling-known of being held by the life, or, offering the life of holding the naming-ability, or, offering the life of holding the choice-ability between the food and the poison.

Going beyond the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, such as touching the sixth origin-sight-angle of creating out the life-continuing-structure, then, the be-shown-shape of the universe holding the ability to create out the life, is shown. When the ability of universe creating out the life is shown, then, it is to show the situation of that, the universe has not created out the life, or, the life has not being created out. Or, the observer is the disappearance-state. Or, it is just the state of that, there is no life-existence at the inner position of inside the universe. And, it is just the original creation effect of creating out the universe.




The set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is shown as the set of five tunnels of going towards God, or, being shown as the set of five tunnels of going into touching the other dimensional structures, and being also shown as the set of five tunnels of driving the completed life into the extinction.

That is to say, the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is just fitting with the set of five origin-sight-angles of the original creation procedure of creating out the universe. The critical problem is that, during the original creation procedure of creating out the universe, the stable structure of being located at the inner position of inside the universe, has not been created out. And, the completed universe is connected with the extinction-background.

That is to say, the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, must be holding the life-continuing-effect. Or, the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, must be holding the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing. Or, there must be excreting away the extinction-property. The result is that, the background of supporting the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is just the already existence of the universe-diameter. Otherwise, if going apart away from the universe-diameter-scope, then, all the five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, are connected with the extinction-background. There will be neither the observer, no the life-existence.



The set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is shown as the set of five tunnels of going towards God. No.1, it is including the universe structure; No.2, it is including the life structure; No.3, it is including the science; No.4, it is including the alternative effect between the money-fluid and the money-number; No.5, it is including the pair of the crime-definition and the innocent-definition.

According to the quantum wave function effect, there must be using the Bohr’s barrel tunnel, to define the innocent; and, there must be using the Bohr’s cost tunnel, to define the crime. But, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle is fixed into the inner position of inside the Bohr’s cost tunnel, by God, and, it is holding the effect of replacing the Bohr’s barrel and destroying the Bohr’s barrel. It is just the fundamental principle of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.




The fifth universe is the artificial universe. The artificial universe is to create out the life-continuing-structure, and being fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life. The gap of cutting life is the state of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And then, the life-continuing-structure can also be used as the crime-tool of destroying humankind, and, the life-continuing-structure can also be used as the crime-tool of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

That is to say, according to the background of feeling-known, the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, is fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life, and, being used as the tool to excrete away the extinction-property, and, being used as the tool of creating out the life-continuing-structure. And, it is just the God’s law.

But, clearly, the result of being shown on the earth-surface is that, all the five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, are used into the crime-tool of destroying the life, and, being used as the crime-tool of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.



The method of using the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool of destroying life, is very simple. It is just fixing the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, into the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle.

The Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle is the state of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, of being defined by God. And, there must be large scale of killings, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




The Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is holding both the definer of defining life and the completeness of the life-existence. But, the third vertex of the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is the duality-body of being made up of both the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon. And, the Einstein’s moon, is fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life, and, and holding both the naming-ability and the feeling-known, but, according to destroying the volume meaning-pointer, to be also the state of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, of being defined by God.

That is to say, the duality-body of being made up of both the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon, is only holding the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, and, wihout the ability of holding the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. The Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is just the explainer of explaining the law of making friend and killing friend.

The outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, is fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life, and, holding the state of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, of being defined by God. Only the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, is going into the God-controlling-effect, and holding the definer of defining be-alive of coming from the law of God’s power. And, it is just the volume eligibility conservation axle, holding the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.



Any sight-angle in the set of five origin-sight-angles of creating out the life-continuing-structure, must be holding the law of God’s power. And, the inspiration-existence-position is hidden behind the law of God’s power, and it is picking out the be-alive-authority of being controlled by God. And, it is creating out the definer of defining be-alive.


The running of the top-summit-layer of science, must be protecting the tunnel, of inspiration picking out the definer of defining be-alive. And, it is creating out the life-continuing-function, at the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. And, it is using the life-continuing-function, to excrete away he Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. Or, it is just using the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, to excrete away the extinction-property. And, it is just that, Serve for zombie, and, Send zombie into the hell.




The occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, use the science-theory, to destroy the law of God’s power creating out the definer of defining be-alive. The occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, use the universe-theory, to destroy the law of God’s power creating out the definer of defining be-alive. The occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, use the life-theory, to destroy the law of God’s power creating out the definer of defining be-alive. And further, it is showing the law of pretending death conservation. And, the result is shown as that, the confessing-membrane is the state of disappearance totally. It is just the death-crime conservation state of according to the God’s law.

The occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, use the law of pretending death conservation, to protect result of changing the alternative-effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, into touching the behavior of killing-robbery-pair. The occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, use the law of pretending death conservation, to protect the pair of rotten-anus defining the crime and the rotten-anus defining innocent. It is destroying the God’s law in deliberate way, and, it is just the death-crime conservation state of according to the God’s law.

There must be according to the law of killing conservation being the background, to clear the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, in completed way, and, recreating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing.


At first, according to the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, or, according to the law of self-definition conservation of zombie, there must be completely tracking down all the holders of holding the Nobel Prizes, of according to the God’s law. Some of them must be killed down, and, the others must be kicked out of the science-field-scope in the life-span. If there is no ability of tracking down, then, all the holders of holding the Nobel Prizes should be killed down, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. It is recreating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.






No.1, the fifth universe is the artificial universe; No.2, the fifth universe is located at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life; No.3, the gap of cutting life is the state of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, of being defined by God; No.4, the structure of being located at the inner position of inside the fifth universe, must be the life-continuing-structure of being controlled by God, and, there must  be fitting with the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing.

No.5, according to the existence of the tolerance-membrane, using any method to replace the life-continuing-structure of being controlled by God, it is the crime of changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool, and, it is the crime of according to the God’s law, until the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

The result is very clear. There must be large scale of killings. And, the target-aiming of killing, is pointing towards the controllers of changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime, or, the zombie-united-body. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.


The law of killing conservation, must be controlled by God. There must be human-persons to execute the law of killing conservation. And, there must be aiming into touching the zombie-structure, to execute the killing, including large scale of killings, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.



According to that, the law of killing conservation must be the God-controlling-effect, then, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, must be in charge of the first death-responsibility. Because of that, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, must be holding the eligibility of being connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, must be holding the eligibility of being connected with the God’s sightline. Or, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, must be understanding what the natural measured property is. Or, the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, must be understanding what the God’s measurement is, and so on.

If the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science are showing the law of pretending death conservation, the result is just destroying the connection-structures of being connected with the God’s sightline, or, it is just destroying the life-continuing-origin-structure. If it is the behavior-action of the person-individual, then, there must be kicking it out of the science-field-scope in the life-span. If it is the behavior-action of the organization, then, the result is just fitting the law of self-definition conservation of zombie, and, there must be execution-killing of death-crime, and further, there must be large scale of executions-killings, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.




When the connection-structure of being connected with the God’s sightline, is disappeared, then, the life-continuing-structure is changed into touching the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle.  The Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is the state of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, of being defined by God. Or, it is just fitting the state of being held by the gap of cutting life, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

The physical meaning of the Confucius self-spin of closed triangle, is just using the overlapped-effect between the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon, to replace the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. The result is just putting the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room into touching the extinction-state. Or, it is just putting the universe-immune system into touching the extinction-state. Or, it is just putting the life-immune system into touching the extinction-state. Or, it is just using the selfish-triangle-controlling-state to replace the God-controlling-state.

The result of the Confucius self-spin of closed triangle, is just destroying the volume eligibility conservation axle. But, the volume eligibility conservation axle is just the life-continuing-eligibility conservation axle, and, going into touching the God-controlling-effect. Then, the unique isolated result of being held by the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is just going through destroying the volume eligibility conservation axle, to put the completed humankind into touching the completed extinction-state finally.



The fifth universe is the artificial universe, of being shown as the life-continuing-structures. As being the artificial universe, the origin-shape of the fifth universe is holding the set of five sight-angles. Or, the origin-shape of the life-continuing is holding the set of five sight-angles.

The first origin-sight-angle of life-continuing is the universe-structure; the second origin-sight-angle of life-continuing is the life-structure; the third origin-sight-angle of life-continuing is the science; the fourth origin-sight-angle of life-continuing is the alternative-effect between the money-fluid and the money-number; the fifth origin-sight-angle of life-continuing is the pair of crime-definition and the innocent-definition.




The set of five origin-sight-angles of being held by the life-continuing-structure, is fixed with the universe-diameter, and, creating out the connection-effect between any thinking-behavior-structure and the universe-diameter. Or, the set of five origin-sight-angles of being held by the life-continuing-structure, must be fixed with the life-continuing-direction-pointer, and pointing towards the life-continuing-result, and fitting with the universe-ability of creating out the life.

When the fixed-existence is located on the universe-diameter, then, this fixed-existence must be holding the fixed-direction-pointer of pointing towards the inner partial position of inside the universe. Then, this fixed-direction-pointer is just to show the sixth origin-sight-angle of the universe-origin, and also, being the sixth origin-sight-angle of being held by the life-continuing-structure, and, it can be called as the origin-pointer of creating out the structure. Or, it is just going apart away from the extinction-background, and entering into the existence-background. Or, it is just the general shape of the energy shrinking pointer.

Simply, the sixth origin-sight-angle of the life-continuing-structure is going through the universe diameter, to be connected with the set of other five origin-sight-angles of the life-continuing-structure, and, it is forming the completed quantum-wave-function-body. And further, according to the background of life-continuing-structure, the universe-diameter is able to be expressed as the connection-tunnel, between the volume observation-ability-pointer and the volume be-known-ability-pointer.



The origin-pointer of creating out the structure, is just the general shape of the energy shrinking pointer. As being the sixth origin-sight-angle of life-continuing-structure, it is coming from the universe-diameter and touching the 3-dimensional structure-stability finally.

The limited edge shape of the universe-diameter, is just the connection-tunnel between the volume observation-ability-pointer and the volume be-known-ability-pointer, and further, making the connection-effect between the volume-thinking-ability and the set of five origin-sight-angles of life-continuing. It is just fitting with the universe holding the ability to create out the life, and also, it is fitting with the artificial universe-effect of the fifth universe.



It is to show the God giving out the explanation of explaining the quantum-effect. No.1, when the connection-tunnel between the volume observation-ability-pointer and the volume be-known-ability-pointer, is shown as the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, then, it is just the time-direction-effect. No.2,when the connection-tunnel between the volume observation-ability-pointer and the volume be-known-ability-pointer, is shown as the general shape of the energy shrinking pointer of being held by the origin-pointer of creating out the structure, then, it is shown as changing the direction-effect into touching the space-particle-structure-effect. No.3, the ability of the universe creating out the life, is just the effect of changing the space-particle-structure-effect into touching the time-direction-effect. No.4, it is just to show the overlapped-effect between the life and the universe.

The focused meaning of the quantum-effect is that, the Bohr’s barrel is fitting with the metabolism-system, and, the Bohr’s cost is fitting with the immune-system and going into the connection of being connected with the extinction-background.


That is to say, according to the completed universe being the background, in the five origin-sight-angles of life-continuing, every origin-sight-angle is holding the 2-dimensional-section-property. One of the sides of the 2-dimensional-section, is going through the extinction-background, to be connected with the God’s sightline, and being shown as the natural measured properties, or, being shown as the properties of being measured by God, or, being shown as the God-controlling-effect; the other side of the 2-dimensional-section, is the connection with the feeling-known, and being shown as the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect.




In the five origin-sight-angles of life-continuing, the science is to show the connection-tunnel between the God and the humankind. The other four origin-sight-angles are all to show the division-effect between the God and the humankind. When the science is changed into the expression-shape, then, the completed humankind is closed into the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, and the God’s sight-line is disappeared. Clearly, it is the choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. And, there must be large scale of killings.

According to the God’s sight-line being the background, and, according to the God’s sightline holding the volume-explanation, when the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, are showing the law of pretending death conservation, then, it is to show the result of that, it is making the division-sheet between the God and the humankind, or, it is just changing the science into the extinction-crime-tool of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Or, it is changing the science into the crime tool.

Occupying the top-summit-layer-position of science, and showing the law of pretending death conservation, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, there must be execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Clearly, according to the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle launching the power of destroying the completed humankind, then, there must be clearing the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science in completed way. There must be large scale of killings, and there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


According to the law of killing conservation, to re-create the top-summit-layer-system, and, according to the law of the fixed sequence direction conservation through killing, to re-create the top-summit-layer-system, and, according to the law of life-goal conservation through killing, to re-create the top-summit-layer-system, it is just creating out the beginning-spot of life-continuing in the P-track of life-shape. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell. Otherwise, going through Serve for people, the humankind will be sent into the hell.













结果是,第一,科学最高层位置;第二,来自伽利略房子内部的体积知道能力指针;第三,来自生命含义定义器的体积观察能力指针;第四,这三个要素 ,构成的就是第五宇宙的宇宙直径起源三角形。或者,简称宇宙直径起源三角形,或者,称为生命延续起源三角形。






The unique isolated background of being held by the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is just the completed extinction-state of the completed human life. The unique isolated background of being held by the universe-diameter, is just the completed extinction-state of the completed universe.

The connection-state between the universe-diameter and the feeling-known, is just the connection-effect between the volume observation-ability and the volume be-known-ability, and being shown as the original creation state of creating out the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, with holding the feeling-known, or, being shown as the universe-diameter of the fifth universe, and, fitting the connection-effect between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. It is to show the overlapped-effect between the universe-diameter and the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing.

Or, the universe-diameter of the fifth universe, of holding the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is fixed in the gap-area between the volume observation-ability and the volume be-known-ability, and being shown as the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. It is just the problem of volume-thinking. Changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool, to destroy the volume-thinking, it is the death-crime of being defined by the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, there must be the execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

It is neither the problem of thinking-freedom, nor the problem of language-freedom. But, it is the choice-problem between the living and the extinction. There must be execution-killing, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.

The volume observation-ability is coming from the pointer of force law, or, coming from the definer of defining life, and further, pointing towards the definer of defining be-alive, and, being called as the volume-observation-ability-pointer; the volume be-known-ability is coming from the inspiration-existence-position of being hidden behind the law of God’s power, or, coming from the definer of defining be-alive, and further, pointing towards the definer of defining life, and, being called as the volume-be-known-ability-pointer.

One of the problems is the observation, the other is the be-known-problem, and, it is just the thinking-problem, and, holding the unique isolated background of the completed extinction of the completed human life. And further, it is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

The top-summit-layer of science, is the public-focused-spot between the volume-observation-ability and the volume-be-known-ability, and also, being the feeling-known-connector of the universe-diameter. No.1, going through the science-researching, the top-summit-layer of science is offering the original creation spot of creating out the volume-observation-ability; and, No.2, going through the inherited-education-system, the top-summit-layer of science is offering the original creation spot of creating out the volume-be-known-ability.

Using the top-summit-layer-position of science as the crime-tool, and, using the law of pretending death conservation, to destroy the volume-observation-ability-pointer, and, using the education-system of without the son and without the grandson, to destroy the volume-be-known-ability-pointer, the result is that, it is launching out the completed extinction background-effect of the completed universe, of being held by the universe-diameter, and, it is launching out the completed extinction background-effect of the completed human life, of being held by the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. It is just the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the large scale of killings, and, there must be the execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

The top-summit-layer-position of science, is not the group of occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science. The top-summit-layer-position of science, is the life-continuing-structure-position in the fifth universe, of being controlled by God. It is shown as the connection-effect with each other, between the inner position of inside the feeling-known-ability-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-ability-scope. It is the effect of anti-gap of cutting life, or, it is the original creation spot-effect of creating out the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing in the fifth universe, or, it is the original creation effect of creating out the universe-diameter of the fifth universe.

Simply, the top-summit-layer-position of science, is the focused spot of being held by the connections-tunnels between the God’s sightline and the human-life, or, being the focused-spot of being held by the connections-tunnels between the feeling-known-existence-effect and the feeling-known-disappearance-effect.

That is to say, the top-summit-layer-position of science, is the connection-effect between the feeling-known and the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing, in the fifth universe-structure. A comparison is that, the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, is the effect between destroying the feeling-known and the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing in the fifth universe-structure.

The result is that, No.1, the top-summit-layer-position of science; No.2, the volume-be-known-ability-pointer of coming from the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room; No.3, the volume-observation-ability-pointer of coming from the definer of defining life; No.4, these three elements are forming the original creation triangle of creating out the universe-diameter of being held by the fifth universe, or, simply, being called as the original creation triangle of creating out the universe-diameter, or, being called as the original creation triangle of creating out the life-continuing.

According to the background of the original creation triangle of creating out the life-continuing, then, the top-summit-layer-position of science, can also being called as the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing in simple way. Or, it is the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing, of holding the transferring effect of God transferring life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle. A comparison is that, the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, is the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing, of holding the God-controlling-effect.

One of the effects is the God-controlling-effect, and, the other is the effect of God-transferring-authority. And then, the top-summit-layer-position of science, is not the group of occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science. The selfish-triangle must be fitting with the volume eligibility conservation axle at first, and then, it is the permission of entering the top-summit-layer-position of science, and, it is offering the original creation spot of the life-continuing for the fifth universe-structure. If the selfish-triangle has no ability to fit the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing, then, there must be according to the law of killing conservation, to kick it out of the top-summit-layer-position of science.

Using the group of occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer-position of science, to replace the top-summit-layer-position of science, it is the death-crime of according to God’s law, and, there must be execution. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.

If the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, using the law of pretending death conservation, to destroy the connector of being connected with the God’s sightline, or, using the law of pretending death conservation, to destroy the original creation spot-structure of creating out the life-continuing, or, using the law of pretending death conservation, to destroy the volume-observation-ability-pointer, or, using the education-system of without the son and without the grandson, to destroy the volume-be-known-ability-pointer, then,  it is just triggering the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.  

According to the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, there must be clearing the occupiers of occupying the top-summit-layer of science, in completed way, and, it is fitting the law of killing conservation, and, it is fitting the law of fixed sequence direction through killing, and, it is fitting the law of life-goal through killing, and, it is fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




















No.1, the gap of cutting life, is the completed extinction-state of human life, of being defined by God. Because of that, the gap of cutting life, is making the division-effect, between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive.

No.2, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane, is the individual-death-state, of being defined by God, even though the confessing-membrane is the definer of defining %100 of life-property. Because of that, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing-membrane, is only connected with the definer of defining life, and without the ability to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive.

No.3, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is making the connection-body, between, the completed extinction state of the completed human life of being defined by God, and, the individual-death-state of being defined by God, to form a self-spin of the isolated-united-body, of aiming into destroying the volume eligibility conservation axle. Or, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is making the connection-body, between the gap of cutting life and the and the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing-membrane, to form a self-spin of the isolated-united-body, of aiming into destroying the volume eligibility conservation axle.

The Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is forming a structure-body of an isolated-death-extinction conservation, or, being just the peace-structure-body, or, the structure-body of being controlled by zombie, or, being the structure-body of the fourth dimensional war, or, being the structure-body of the legislation-controlling-power, or, being just the structure-body of an isolated-death-extinction conservation, or, being just the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. Or, it is making the division between the God and the human life, and, forming the anti-Jesus-triangle.

No.4, the meaning of be-alive is controlled by God. The selfish-triangle has no ability to control the definer of defining be-alive. Or, the life-continuing-effect is controlled by God. The selfish-triangle has no eligibility to control the life-continuing-effect. Or, one of the terminator-spots of being held by the volume eligibility conservation axle, is controlled by God. There must be using the God-controlling-effect, to penetrate the gap of cutting life, and, to create out the life-continuing-effect. The selfish-triangle must be going through the completeness-mutation-effect, to touch the God-controlling-effect, and fitting with the God-controlling-effect.

No.5, it is the God going through the universe-8-poles structure, or going through the pointer of force law, to offer the be-alive-meaning, for the individual black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane. The universe-8-poles structure is just the universe-tunnel, of bypassing the gap of cutting life, to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive.

The selfish-triangle must be going through the completeness-mutation-effect, and going along the volume eligibility conservation axle, and to penetrate the gap of cutting life, and to be connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. And, it is going through the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, to be connected with the universe-8-poles structure, and then, it is able to create out the be-alive-effect, or, to create out the life-continuing-effect.

No.6, the volume eligibility conservation axle, is the unique isolated completes-mutation-tunnel, of making the connection, between, the structure-body of the isolated-death-extinction conservation, and, the be-alive-effect of being controlled by God. Or, it is making the connection, between, the structure-body of the isolated-death-extinction conservation, and, the life-continuing-effect of being defined by God. Or, it is making the connection, between, the structure-body of the isolated-death-extinction conservation, and, the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, and so on.

The expression-shape of expressing the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, is the double layers structure of being made up of both the law of God’s power and the inspiration-existence-position, and, holding the effect of destroying any expression-shape. The double layers structure of being made up of both the law of God’s power and the inspiration-existence-position, is connected with the universe-8-poles structure, and to create out the definer of defining be-alive.

No.7, the definer of defining be-alive is just the effect of fitting with each other between the God’s sightline and the law of direction-expression. Or, it is just the natural measured property, or, the property of being controlled by God. Or, it must be the property of being measured by God, or, the property of being measured by the God’s sightline, or, it is just the volume property.

No.8, there is an army-officer who asked a question, what is the way of beating down the zombie? Clearly, this army-officer had not sensed what the question is, that he had asked.

There is an ancient tale. This ancient tale said, the zombie has no ability to beat down the USA army. Then, the method of beating down the USA army is that, at first, (A), the zombie has ability to beat down the USA enterprises; then, (B), using the USA enterprises, to beat down the USA Congress-men; and then, (C), using the USA Congress-men to beat down the USA army.

The event-result of being happened at January the twentieth 2021, had proved that, it is not the ancient tale, but, it is the public declaration of beating down the USA army, with holding the set of detailed designs and plans and behavior-actions. And it is fitting the law of the self-definition conservation of zombie. And, it is just that, the communists never say the fake-words.

No.9, according to the explanation of coming from the God’s sightline, the meaning of beating down the zombie, is just beating down the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, or, it is beating down the structure-body of the isolated-death-extinction conservation, or, it is just beating down the peace-structure-body, or, it is beating down the structure-body of being controlled by zombie, or, it is beating down the structure-body of the fourth dimensional war, or, it is beating down the structure-body of the legislation-controlling-power, or, it is beating down the death-effect of being held by the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing-membrane, or, it is beating down the extinction-effect of being held by the gap of cutting life, and so on.

And, the final result of beating down the zombie, is just protecting the unique isolated fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, changing the length of the future-direction-pointer into touching the infinite.

And then, No.10, according to the result of being given out by the God’s sightline, the USA army has no ability to beat down the zombie. Because of that, the zombie has ability to change the Army into the crime-tool. Or, the USA army has no ability to beat down the BIDEN‘S CURVE, but, the BIDEN’S CURVE has the ability to change the USA army into touching the crime-tool. And, the event-result of being happened at January the twentieth 2021, is just the example-evidence.

But, the Army has the ability to protect the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, the Army must be protecting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. The fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is the unique tool of beating down the zombie. Or, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, must be beating down the zombie. Otherwise, the unique isolated result is just the completed extinction of the completed human life. That Mark·Alexander·Milley must be killed down into the death, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.











The gap of cutting life, is the state of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction, of being defined by God.

No.1, there must be using the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, to excrete away the extinction-property of being held by the gap of cutting life; No.2, there must be using the law of killing conservation, and, there must be the killing-execution, to support the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing; No.3, the unique isolated background of being held by the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is the completed extinction-state of the completed human life. Then, No.4, for life-continuing, there must be killing. Or, No.5, Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.

Then, No.1, the Army must be protecting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, the Army must be protecting the fitting-effect with each other, between the institution and the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. No.2, the Army can only be used to kill down the destroyers, of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, the Army can only be used to kill down the connection-relations, between the institution and the connection-methods of anus-mouth.

No.3, the Army can only be used to protect the eligibility conservation axle of being controlled by God, and being connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. No.4, the Army can only be used to kill down the replacers of replacing the volume eligibility conservation axle. Or, the Army can only be used to kill down the replacing-effect, of using the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle to replace the volume eligibility conservation axle.    

Using the Army as the crime-tool, to protect BIDEN’S CURVE occupying the position of being held by the general elected president, it is just the set of behaviors, of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, it is just the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. That Mark·Alexander·Milley must be killed down into the death, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.

The humankind has entered the life-shape of P-track. Before the death of self-own, every person should be understanding how the self-own should be the death.

The Army can only be used to protect the God-controlling-effect, and, the Army can’t be used to protect the selfish-triangle-controlling-effect, and, it can be called as the law of the fixed-Army-direction conservation.

The Army can only be used to protect the eligibility conservation axle of being connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, and, the Army can’t be used to protect the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, and, it is just the law of the fixed-Army-direction conservation. Violating to the law of the fixed-Army-direction conservation, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. That Mark·Alexander·Milley must be killed down into the death, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.

The gap of cutting life, is the state of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction, of being defined by God.







The gap of cutting life is the state of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction, of being defined by God, and, being also the detector of being defined by God, to detect the zombie’s inner-heart-thinking. The life-continuing-structure is fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life. There must be tracking down the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be execution-killing of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

No.1, the selfish-triangle is holding the language-fulcrum; No.2, using the language-fulcrum to control the choice-pole; and, No.3, using the choice-pole to control the exchange-spot of holding the alternative-effect between the money-fluid and money-number;

No.4, these three elements are making the triple-layers-structure, to form the fixed-direction-pointer of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction, and being called as the fixed-direction-pointer of destroying human life, and being also the destruction-ability-pointer of being parasitic in the universe-diameter, and being fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life, or, being fixed on the life-continuing-structures, and being fixed on the universe-radius, and forming the situation of destroying the life-continuing-structures. And, the unique final result is driving the completed human life into the completed extinction.

The fixed-direction-pointer of destroying human life, is the third vertex in the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. The first vertex in the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is the completeness of genome. The second vertex in the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is the definer of defining life. The result is that, the definer of defining be-alive is disappeared in completed way. The result of being shown through the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is just the law of the self-definition conservation of zombie.

The gap of cutting life is the state of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction, of being defined by God, and, being also the detector of being defined by God, to detect the zombie’s inner-heart-thinking. The life-continuing-structure is fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life. There must be tracking down the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be execution-killing of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.



Since january the sixth, 2021, the general election in USA has been disappeared. There is neither 2024, nor 2028, and so on. It is the death-crime according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. BIDEN’S CURVE is death conservation.









The USA has been changed into the zombie-country already. BIDEN’S CURVE is to define the death, and, BIDEN’S CURVE is to define the be-alive. Every word and all words have lost the meanings. Only the killing and the money-robbery are holding the meanings. Because of that, both the killing and the money-robbery are not the words, but, being the actions of replacing the be-alive, and, replacing all the words, or, being replaced by all the words.

The law of unique conservation in universe, or, the law of unique conservation in life, is just the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. The unique isolated background of supporting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is just the completed extinction-state of the completed human life. And, the gap of cutting life is just the state of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction. Clearly, zombie understands it very much.

There must be using the law of killing conservation, to protect the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, there must be using the law of the fixed-sequence-direction conservation through killing, to protect the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, there must be using the law of life-goal conservation through killing, to protect the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. And, it is fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

The protector of protecting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing should be alive on the earth. May be. For the destroyers of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, the single word is killing. Kill it down, or, be killed. It is just the universe potential power field. There is neither logic, nor reason. Because of that, it is defined by God.

This is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large amount of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed human life. Serve for zombie, send zombie into the hell.

The USA has been changed into the zombie-country already. BIDEN’S CURVE is to define the death, and, BIDEN’S CURVE is to define the be-alive. Every word and all words have lost the meanings. Only the killing and the money-robbery are holding the meanings. Because of that, both the killing and the money-robbery are not the words, but, being the actions of replacing the be-alive, and, replacing all the words, or, being replaced by all the words.



The USA has been changed into the zombie-country already. 2021/01/20



The fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing, is the unique isolated definer of defining peace. There must be the law of killing conservation, to protect the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing. There must be the law of the fixed sequence direction  conservation through killing, to protect the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing. There must be the law of life-goal conservation through killing , to protect the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing. Because of that, according to the law of direction-expression, the unique isolated background of being held by the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing, is just the completed extinction of the completed human life.——When USA is changed into the zombie-country——.2021/01/20

Clearly, it is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrolable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed human life. It is just the problem of BIDEN’S CURVE.


生命断裂缝隙,是上帝定义的灭绝 人类整体的态势。






生命断裂缝隙,是上帝定义的灭绝 人类整体的态势。

The gap of cutting life is the situation of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction, of being defined by God.

Changing the legislation-system into the crime-tool, to make the BIDEN’S CURVE, and, changing the legislation-system into the crime-tool, to protect the BIDEN’S CURVE occupying the position of the general elected president, it is just changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool of destroying the life-continuing-structure, and, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, there must be tracking-down the life-eligibility, and, there must be tracking-down the eligibility of money-using, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

Changing the judicial-system into the crime-tool, to make the BIDEN’S CURVE, and, changing the judicial-system into the crime-tool, to protect the BIDEN’S CURVE occupying the position of the general elected president, it is just changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool of destroying the life-continuing-structure, and, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, there must be tracking-down the life-eligibility, and, there must be tracking-down the eligibility of money-using, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

Changing the government-system into the crime-tool, to make the BIDEN’S CURVE, and, changing the government-system into the crime-tool, to protect the BIDEN’S CURVE occupying the position of the general elected president, it is just changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool of destroying the life-continuing-structure, and, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, there must be tracking-down the life-eligibility, and, there must be tracking-down the eligibility of money-using, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

Using the culture-media and the web-media to define the life-properties, and, using the culture-media and the web-media to manipulate the life-continuing-direction, and, using the culture-media and the web-media to define the pair of the crime and the innocent, then, it is just changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool of destroying the life-continuing-structure, and, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, there must be tracking-down the life-eligibility, and, there must be tracking-down the eligibility of money-using, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

To define the science-creation at the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, it is just changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool of destroying the life-continuing-structure, and, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, there must be tracking-down the life-eligibility, and, there must be tracking-down the eligibility of money-using, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

The gap of cutting life is the situation of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction, of being defined by God.





Using the army as the crime-tool, to force BIDEN’S CURVE occupying the position of the general elected president, in force way, it is the death-crime according to the God’s law, and, there must be execution, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. Clearly, this is not the election, and, it is occupying the authority-positon in force way.

The whole world has seen the determined-heart of zombie killing human persons. The whole world has seen the determined-heart of zombie destroying human life. And, it is fitting the law of self-definition conservation of zombie.



Institution can be fitting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. Institutios can also be fitting the connection-method of anus-mouth. This is just the choice between the living and the extinction. Using the institution to support the BIDEN’S CURVE, it is just the connection-method of anus-mouth, and, it is not the institution.


依据宇宙整体双层含义守恒定律 => rel上帝控制的通过上帝视线显现的体积含义解释(资格守恒轴与孔夫子自旋封闭三角形之间的体积排斥力效应)感受知道连接的表达含义解释rel => 生命延续权力移交的体积机理,


According to the the law of double layers meanings conservation of the completed universe => rel the volume-meaning-explanation of being shown through God’s sightline of being controlled by Godthe volume repulsive force effect between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed trianglethe expression-meaning-explanation of being connected with feeling-known rel => the volume-mechanism of transferring the life-continuing-authority,

The method of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, is just using the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, to replace the eligibility conservation axle. Or, it is just using the Einstein’s moon to replace the Galileo’s room. This is just the meaning of the BIDEN’S CURVE. And also, it is just the reason of zombie making the BIDEN’S CURVE. Zombie had been researching for more than two thousand years, why is there no person researching it in detailed way? The Stephen William Hawking said, it is necessary of using 200 years to drive the humankind into the extinction. But, BIDEN’S CURVE said, it is not necessary of 200 years, and it is enough to drive the humankind into the extinction. Because of that, they are building the methods of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.



Using the army into the crime-tool, to protect the destroyer of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, to kill the protector of protecting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, it is the death-crime of according to God’s law, and, there must be the execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




The fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing is the definer of being used by God, to define the crime. The fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing is also the definer of being used by God, to define the innocent. The fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing is registered on the universe-diameter, and to show the situation of being controlled by God. The selfish-triangle has no authority to control the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. The selfish-triangle is only holding the authority of fitting with the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, fitting with the future of being defined by God. Otherwise, it is just pretending the God, and also, it is the death-state of being defined by God, through the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane.

Destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is holding the crime of being defined by God, or, holding the death-crime of being defined by God. But, the criminal of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, uses the connection-method of anus-mouth, to define the protector of protecting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, into the crime, and, to define the destroyer of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, into the innocent. And further, this criminal of being defined by God, changes the army into the crime-tool, to protect the destroyer of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, to aim into killing the protector of protecting the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing.—-This is the way of humankind going into the extinction, and, it is also the way of zombie driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. It is the crime of being defined by God’s law, until the death-crime of being defined by God’s law. There must be punishment-execution of according to God’s law, until the death-crime-execution of according to the God’s law. And, it is fitting with the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.






The BIDEN’S CURVE is the definer, of being used to replace the God and to define the be-alive; and, the BIDEN’S CURVE is the definer, of being used to replace the God and to define the death. The result is that, the BIDEN’S CURVE is the destroyer of destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, according to the universe potential power force field, to be fitting with the death-crime of according to God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

The position of the general elected president is neither the definer of defining life, nor the definer of defining be-alive. But, No.1, there must be holding the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing; No.2, there must be holding the volume eligibility conservation axle of life-continuing. And then, according to the God’s law, and, according to the BIDEN’S CURVE destroying the fixed-direction-pointer of life continuing, the result is that, the BIDEN’S CURVE can’t enter the general elected president position. If the BIDEN’S CURVE enters the general elected president position, then, according to the God’s law, the BIDEN’S CURVE must be kicked out of the general elected president position according to the execution of God’s law, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. It is just the choice between the living and the extinction.

The connection-axle-line between the general elected president position and the pointer of force law, is the God’s will conservation axle. One of the meanings of being held by the God’s will conservation axle is that, the set of three elements of including the pointer of force law and the fantasy structure and the definer of defining life, is forming the triple-structures to show the definer of defining life of being controlled by God, and, it is not the definer of defining life of being held by selfish-triangle. It is to show the life of being defined by God holding the God’s law, and, it is to show the God’s will. The general elected president position must be fitting the God’s will.

And then, according to BIDEN’S CURVE destroying the God’s will in deliberate way, then, the BIDEN’S CURVE can’t enter the general elected president position. If the BIDEN’S CURVE enters the general elected president position, then, according to the God’s law, the BIDEN’S CURVE must be kicked out of the general elected president position according to the execution of the God’s law, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. It is just the choice between the living and the extinction.



The science is changed into the crime-tool. The country is changed into the crime-tool. The institution is changed into the crime-tool. The legislation is changed into the crime-tool. The judicial system is changed into the crime-tool. The media-system is changed into the crime-tool. The army is changed into the crime-tool. The puppet is changed into the president. The democracy is changed into the word. The mind is changed into the idiot. Very good, very excellent.  Very peace.




Every person of being created out by God, should understand the meaning of what the BIDEN’S CURVE is. At least, it is understanding how the self-own will be the death before the death of self-own. BIDEN’S CURVE is the definer of defining be-alive, of being created out by the fake-persons. BIDEN’S CURVE is the tool of being used to define what the death is, and to define what the be-alive is. BIDEN’S CURVE is the tool of being used to replace the definer of defining be-alive, of being defined by God. The direct useful of the BIDEN’S CURVE is making the eligibility conservation axle into the fixed disappearance-state. And, the direct useful of the BIDEN’S CURVE is creating out the definer of defining be-alive and creating out the eligibility, at the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. The situation of Chinese continent is completely giving out the explanation of what the meaning is of creating out the definer of defining be-alive and creating out the eligibility, at the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. The situation of Chinese continent is completely giving out the explanation of what the BIDEN’S CURVE is. The USA has being changed into the China. The USA of being create out by George Washington, has disappeared on earth.

Using the name of institution to replace the fitting-effect between the institution and fixed the life-continuing-direction-pointer, it is just the Confucius. Using the name of country to replace the fitting-effect between the country and fixed the life-continuing-direction-pointer, it is just the Confucius. Using the name of democracy to replace the fitting-effect between the democracy and fixed the life-continuing-direction-pointer, it is just the Confucius. And so on. All these are the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. When the army is used as the crime-tool, to protect the BIDEN’S CURVE, it is not the disaster of the USA, it is the disaster of the earth. It is the death crime of according to the God’s law, and there must be the execution. This is just the way of zombie beaten down the USA army. The USA army has been beaten down.




The fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing, is the unique isolated definer of defining peace. There must be the law of killing conservation, to protect the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing. There must be the law of the fixed sequence direction  conservation through killing, to protect the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing. There must be the law of life-goal conservation through killing , to protect the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing. Because of that, according to the law of direction-expression, the unique isolated background of being held by the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing, is just the completed extinction of the completed human life.

Using the connection-method of anus-mouth to define the peace, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law. Let it be peace at the inner position of inside the hell.



If there must be after the death, to think about what the death is; if there must be after the death, to know what the death is, then, the humankind has no eligibility to be alive on the earth.



The legislation system has been changed into the crime-system. It is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution. The BIDEN’S CURVE is not the evidence, then, send it into the hell, and, let it discuss with God at the inner position of inside the hell, what the evidence is, and, it is not the business on the earth. The business on earth is that, Serve for zombie, Send zombie into the hell.




January 6, 2021, it was the darkest day. The democracy of being created by George Washington, had been disappeared on earth. January 6, 2021, it was the most shameless day. The democracy of being created by BIDEN’S CURVE, was appeared on earth. BIDEN’S CURVE created the New-Era on earth. Long live BIDEN’S CURVE. Jenuery 6, 2021, it was the darkest and most shameless and most evil day. The Reichstag-fire of being invented by Hitler, appeared again. The tech in Tian-An-Men square at 6.4, appeared again. Facing this rotten-anus tech, where is the mind? If there is no mind, where is the eligibility?

The democracy of being created by George Washington, is the volume-democracy of being defined by God, even through being full of defective chaos-wrong. But, the democracy of being created by BIDEN’S CURVE, is the ether-democracy of being defined by fake-person, and, fitting with the law of self-definition conservation of zombie. Where is the difference between the connection-method of anus-mouth and the legislation?



According to the democracy of being defined by the BIDEN’S CURVE, and, according to the connection-method of anus-mouth, all the persons who fight against the BIDEN’S CURVE must be killed down. According to the democracy of being defined by the God, and, according to the God’s law, and, according to the law of self-definition conservation of zombie, all the “persons” who create the BIDEN’S CURVE should be killed down, or, must be killed down. According to the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time, there must be tracking down the life-eligibility, and there must be tracking down the eligibility of money-using.


All the institution-rules, must be fitting to the God’s law. All the legislation-rules, must be fitting to the God’s law. The focused spot of God’s law, is just the law of life-continuing conservation, or, the law of universe-diameter conservation, or, the law of volume conservation. The expression-shape is focused at two tunnels-positions of being shown as the positions of the top summit layer of science and the position of the volume-institution. That Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi has fitted the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, she must be arrested. If there is no ability to arrest her, then, there must be kill her down. Serve for zombie, send zombie into the hell.


Transferring the life-continuing-authority into the hand of BIDEN’S CURVE, it is the serious history-crime. There must be confessing, or, there must be confessed in force way. Jiang-Jie-Shi is the example-evidence, and, Xiang-Yu is the example-evidence.




so easy, isn’t it, it is only necessary of a little-finger-moving.(2021/01/08)where is the mind???

BIDEN’S CURVE is equal to democracy, and being more greatest than Newton.Because of that, it is not the evidence. As long as you make the BIDEN’S CURVE very good, you can hold everything. Everyperson must be the protector of protecting the BIDEN’S CURVE. Ohterwise, your language should be forbidden, or, you should be killed down. Because of that, you destroyed the democracy. Is it OUR-democracy? or, Is it YOUR-democracy? Who are our emeny? Who are our friend? As long as you going through the scientific researching work, find out “it is not the evidence”, then, it is just the excellent OK done. If you have no ability to find out “it is not the evidence”, then, you are definitely the death. Because of that, costing more than two thousand years, the connecion-method of anus-mouth had prepared all the evidences for you, no matter what you do. It is just the “SERVE FOR PEOPLE”. Every night, it is thinking about you. Because of that, you have no evidence.



According to the law of direction-expression, the unique isolated background of being held by the universe-diameter, is the completed extinction-state of the completed universe. The unique isolated background of being held by the life-continuing-direction, is the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind.  Every person must be choice, and, it is inevitable.(2021/01/09) Who should be the death? Who should be alive? There must be the choice. There must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.





It should be repeated of that, No.1, according to the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, the occupiers of occupying the top summit layer of science, are making the public declaration to the completed humankind of that, they themselves-own, are just the zombie, or, being controlled by zombie in completed way, and fitting the law of self-definition conservation of zombie. Or, it is just what zombie had said of that, the communists never hide the opinions of self-own.

It should be repeated of that,  No.2, according to the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, the occupiers of occupying the top summit layer of science, are making the public declaration to the completed humankind of that, they have started the step of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.

It should be repeated of that,  No.3, the occupiers of occupying the top summit layer of science, are making the public declaration to the completed humankind of that, they themselves are the death-crime, or, being just the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




There must be the God’s law, to protect the life-continuing. Any rule and all the rules, including the institution-rules, must be fitting the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. The constitution must be fitting to the God’s law, and, the constitution must be fitting to the life-continuing-direction-pointer. Otherwise, it is not the constitution, but, it is the connection-method between the anus and the mouth. Without understanding what the life-continuing-direction is, and, using the connection-method of anus-mouth to replace the life-continuing-direction, where is the eligibility?

Using the shape of God’s sightline, and using the name of God’s sightline, to destroy the existence of God’s sightline, and to destroy the meaning of God’s sightline, changing the life-continuing-structure into the crime-tool,  it is the most serious crime, and, it is the crime of going beyond all the crimes, then, there is no pardon forever, and, there must be punishment-execution of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.



According to(2020/03/28)(2020/03/31)(2020/04/01)(2020/04/04)(2020/04/10)(2020/04/11)(2020/04/13)(2020/04/15)(2020/04/16)(2020/04/17)(2020/04/20)(2020/04/25)(2020/04/30)(2020/05/03)(2020/05/05)(2020/05/011)(2020/05/014)(2020/05/016)(2020/05/019)(2020/05/023)(2020/05/024)(2020/05/030)(2020/05/031)(2020/06/01)(2020/06/04)(2020/06/06)(2020/06/07)(2020/06/08)(2020/06/11)(2020/06/16)(2020/06/18)(2020/06/27)(2020/07/01)(2020/07/20)(2020/08/26)(2020/08/30)(2020/09/06)(2020/09/09)(2020/09/19)(2020/09/30)(2020/12/04)(2021/01/03)(2021/01/12)(2021/01/13)(2021/01/16)



Today is 2020/03/13.(2020/03/14)(2020/03/17)(2020/03/19)(2020/03/20)(2020/03/22)(2020/03/24)(2020/03/25)


All I have








The fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is the eternal unchangeable shape of being controlled by God, and, holding the situation of destroying any feeling-known, and, holding the situation of destroying any expression-shape, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Because of that, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, is registered on the universe-diameter. That is to say, there must be the unique web system of forth dimension, to express it.

The gap of cutting life, is also controlled by God, and, to show the situation of the completed-humankind-extinction of being defined by God, and, holding also the situation of destroying any feeling-known, and, holding also the situation of destroying any expression-shape, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. That is to say, there must be the unique web system of forth dimension, to express it.

What the crime is, and what the innocent is, there must be God’s definition at first. There must be the God using the gap of cutting life and using the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, to give out the definition, at first. Otherwise, it is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large amount of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

Using the connection-method of anus-mouth to define the crime, and, using the connection-method of anus-mouth to define the innocent, it is the crime of being defined by God, until the death-crime of being defined by God, there must be execution of according to God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




表达为,宇宙整体双层含义守恒定律 => rel上帝控制的通过上帝视线显现的体积含义解释(资格守恒轴与孔夫子自旋封闭三角形之间的体积排斥力效应)感受知道连接的表达含义解释rel => 生命延续权力移交的体积机理。




According to the mutual-spin of weight-supporting being the background, both the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, are making the volume repulsive force effect, and, No.1, it is holding the situation of being connected with the universe-diameter; No.2, it is holding the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing; No.3, it is holding the power-force-effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction; the result is that, No.4, it is to show the universe potential power force field.

That is to say, the volume repulsive force effect between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is holding the mechanism-structure of God transferring the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle. That is to say, the volume repulsive force effect between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is holding the law of double layers meanings conservation of the completed universe.

Or, the volume repulsive force effect between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is holding the universe-position of being fixedly-located at the inner position of inside the gap-area, between the double layers meanings, in the law of double layers meanings conservation of the completed universe.

And it is shown as, the law of double layers meanings conservation of the completed universe => rel the volume-meaning-explanation of being shown through God’s sightline of being controlled by Godthe volume repulsive force effect between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed trianglethe expression-meaning-explanation of being connected with feeling-known rel => the volume-mechanism of transferring the life-continuing-authority.

If some ones using the connection-method of anus-mouth, to destroy the volume-meaning of the life-continuing-authority-transferring of being controlled by God, then, it is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and there must be the execution of according to the God’s law, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.

It is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large amount of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.

During the history, many persons did not known how the self-own should be the death, after the death of self-own. Then, the volume-mechanism of transferring the life-continuing-authority, is just to tell them, how the self-own should be the death. That is to say, if someone wants to be the death, then, it should be the death of understanding.









During the history of the life-shape of P-track, and, according to be restricted and to be controlled by the law of double layers meanings of the completed universe, then, large amount of experimental results have no ability of offer the experimental result, but, offering the thinking.

Before the Galileo, the humankind had been holding large amount of the experimental results. But, before the Galileo, where was the science-existence? Before the Galileo, where was the periodic table of chemical elements? Before the Galileo, there was no science-existence.

According to the God’s law, the experimental results must be going through the completeness-mutation, and, with the help of the law of direction-expression as being the track, to be connected with the God’s sightline. Or, it is shown as the effect of being controlled by God, or, being measured by God, and fitting the law of volume conservation.

There must be the division-effect between the thinking and the God’s sightline, and the thinking drive out the division-effect between the experimental results and the God’s sightline. And the result is shown as the effect of being repulsive with each other between the experimental results and the science. And, it is just to show the result of being repulsive with each other between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle.

That is to say, the experimental results of holding only the ability to create out the thinking, have no ability to be connected with the inner position of inside the universe, and, it is just to show the effect of God transferred the life-continuing authority into touching the selfish-triangle.

That is to say, in the life-shape of P-track, the choice-problem of humankind between the living and the extinction is the clear-state, and being not the hidden-state. And further, it is holding the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle to be the fixed-outer-surface of covering on the S-track-history-land, and to show the power-force of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.


The P-track-life-shape is connected with the negative half of Galileo’s relativity, in direct way. Because of that, No.1, the fifth universe is artificial universe. No.2, at the inner position of inside the completed universe, the expression-method of expressing the completed universe, is just the double layers boundaries-effect of being made up of both the universe-square and the universe 8-poles structure.





No.3, when the selfish-triangle is to express the completed universe, then, the thinking-diameter bubble of being held by the selfish-triangle, is putting the self-own at the fixed outer position of outside this universe, and further, driving the naming-ability-pointer to point this completed universe-body, and, it is said, “This is just the universe, and, at the inner position of inside this universe-body, there are four types of physical forces, and, ……”.

Clearly, the outer position of outside the universe is the situation of driving the completed universe into the extinction-state. And then, the selfish-triangle has no ability to put the self-own to be fixed at the outer position of outside the universe. And then, the selfish-triangle has no ability to use the naming-ability-pointer, of pointing towards the completed universe-body. The result is that, the universe of being expressed by the selfish-triangle, is not holding the God’s permission. And, all the universe concepts are all the liars.

The result is that, the completed universe-body is squeezing the thinking into touching the inner partial position of inside the selfish-triangle, and being fixed connection with the mutual-spin of weight-supporting. No.1, it is driving the naming-ability-pointer of naming the universe, into touching the fixed-extinction-state. No.2, it is to make the completed universe being shown as the nothing-shape.

And then, it is to show the negative half of Galileo’s relativity. And, it is totally different from the situation of the half of Galileo’s relativity of seeing the stone.



The half of Galileo’s relativity is the fixed situation of creating out the naming-ability-pointer of being held by the selfish-triangle. It is to show the situation of God transferred the life-continuing-authority into touching the selfish-triangle.

But, the negative half of Galileo’s relativity, is the situation of destroying the naming-ability-pointer of being held by the selfish-triangle. It is to show the God-controlling-effect, and humankind has no authority. That is to say, there must be accepting the natural-measurement, or, there must be accepting the God’s measurement. Otherwise, the unique isolated final result is just the completed extinction of the completed humankind. There is no chance of choice. And, it is just the law of volume conservation.








The gap of cutting life is the division-sheet between the life-property and the lifeless-property, and, holding the effect of driving the complete life into the completed extinction. As the gap of cutting life being the 2-dimensional sheet-effect, the bright-side is the connection-effect of being connected with the feeling-known, and holding the feeling-known-background; and, the dark-side is the effect of the feeling-known being disappeared, and holding the background of destroying the feeling-known. The background of destroying the feeling-known, is just the God’s sightline background, and being connected with the extinction-background.

Both the extinction-property and the God’s sightline are forming the duality-body, to show the result of that, the situation of the completed universe holding all the inner-universe-structures, is just made up of double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.

No matter the God’s sightline, or the extinction-property, all are holding the effect of driving the feeling-known into the extinction-state, or, holding effect of driving all the expression-shapes into the extinction-state, and then, being located at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-ability-scope, and, being also located at the outer position of outside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle.

The feeling-known-ability-scope, is able to touch the dark-side of the gap of cutting life, and being located at the inner position of inside the universe-square, and, fitting the law of volume conservation. But, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle is fixed at the bright-side of the gap of cutting life, and without the ability to touch the dark-side of the gap of cutting life, and, destroying the law of volume conservation. According to the gap of cutting life being the background, the choice between living and the extinction is shown here.








The gap of cutting life is holding the situation of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction. The other expression-shape of expressing this extinction-situation, is that, the definer of defining be-alive is fixed at the dark-side of the gap of cutting life, and, being located at the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. The feeling-known-scope is just the Confucius self-spin-scope of the closed triangle, and, it is not the ability-scope of being held by the feeling-known.

The ability-scope of being held by the feeling-known, is controlled by God, to show the ability-existence-scope, and, including both the inner position of inside the feeling-know-scope and the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, and, it is fitting with the closed-effect of the universe-square.

The outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, is including both of that, it is the space-scope of with the ability to take the feeling-known through the law of trying conservation, or, it is the inner position of inside the ability, and, it is the space-scope of without the ability to take the feeling-known through the law of trying conservation, or, it is the outer position of outside the ability.

That is to say, at the inner position of inside the ability-scope of being held by the feeling-known, there must be penetrating through the gap of cutting life at first, to touch the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, and being connected with the definer of defining be-alive, and then, at second, there will be the life-continuing-effect.

It is to show the feeling-time dimensional sequence of that, the first existence-effect is that, there must be penetrating through the gap of cutting life; the second existence-effect is that, there must be the connection of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive;

Third existence-effect is going through the beginning-spot conservation of being made up of the inspiration-existence-position, to create out the measured-time-dimension. Or, it is going through the beginning-spot of the definer of defining be-alive, to create out the life-continuing-structure, or, it is creating out the life-continuing-function.

The set of three existence-effects above, are to show the feeling-time-dimensional sequence, that can be called as the God’s law sequence-triangle, of during the life-continuing-procedure. Or, it is just the anti-clockwise time dimensional sequence of being held by the right angle of democracy triangle. And it is connected with the background of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.


According to the Galileo’s room being the background, the God’s law sequence triangle is holding the pair of opposite directions-pointers. The first direction-pointer is going from the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, into touching the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room; the second direction-pointer is going from the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, into touching the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room.


In the God’s law sequence-triangle, the first existence-effect is the life-structure of being located at the outer position of outside the life-body, of to show the result of God creating out the human life. It is including the language-fulcrum, and, it is including the eligibility of entering the structure-choice-pole of life-continuing, and, it is including the exchanging spot, of holding the alternative-effect between the money-fluid and money-number.


In the God’s law sequence-triangle, the second existence-effect is the connection-effect of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is the connection-effect of being connected with the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope. Or, it is the connection-effect of being connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, it is the connection-effect of being connected with the God’s sightline. Or, it is just to penetrate the sightline-diode-effect, of fitting the law of universe-diameter conservation. Or, it is just fitting the law of life-continuing conservation. Or, it is just fitting the law of volume conservation.




In the God’s law sequence-triangle, the third existence-effect is the Giver-effect of coming from the God’s sightline. Or, it is going through the beginning-spot of the Giver-effect of being offered by God’s sightline, to create out the direction-pointer of being held by the volume-structure of life-continuing.

And further, the direction-pointer of life-continuing is going through the law of direction-expression, to be changed into touching life-continuing-structure, and then, it is connected with the exchanging-spot, of holding the alternative effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, and it is just direction conservation effect in the volume economics, or, it is just the law of money-fluid blood conservation.

That is to say, the definer of defining be-alive, is just the Giver-effect, or, being just the original creation spot of creating out the measured-time-dimension in the fifth universe. Or, it is just transforming the God-existence-background into touching the feeling-known-existence-background, and, holding the original creation effect of creating out the life.





In the God’s law sequence triangle, the first existence-effect is going through the life-structure of being located at the outer position of outside the life-body, to be fitting with the God’s law; the third existence-effect is going through the God’s sightline and the law of direction expression, to be fitting with the God’s law, or, it is just going through the structure-existence-effect, to be fitting with the God’s law.

All these structures are connected with the procedure-structures of God creating out the life, and, holding the effect of God-controlling. Or, it is fitting with the law of double layers meanings conservation.

In the God’s law sequence triangle, the second existence effect uses the fitting-effect between the selfish-triangle and the God’s law as the definer, to define the eligibility of entering the structure-choice-pole. Or, it is just going through the eligibility conservation axle, to be connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room.

Or, it is just going through the eligibility conservation axle, to be connected with the God’s sightline offering the Giver-effect. Or, it is just going through the eligibility conservation axle, to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is just going through the eligibility conservation axle, to make the connection between the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room.



The importance of Galileo is that, during the completed history-life-span of life-continuing, it was the first time of using the symbol to note the definer-position of defining be-alive. And further, it was the last time of using the symbol to note the definer-position of defining be-alive, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. And, it is just the eligibility conservation axle of life-continuing.

The Galileo is the unique isolated. There will be no second Galileo. Before the appearance of the second Galileo, it must be the completed extinction of the completed human life.



The God’s law sequence triangle is the up-side-down transformation to touch the dark-side of the gap of cutting life, in mutation way. Or, it is the situation of touching the outer position of outside the feeling-known-scope, in mutation way.

That is to say, between the God’s law sequence triangle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, it is the state of destroying with each other. Or, it is just fitting with the universe potential power field, to show the relation between the creation-ability-pointer and the destruction-ability-pointer.



According to the God’s law sequence triangle being the background, the connection-effect between the language-fulcrum and the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, is the initialized state of the eligibility conservation axle. Or, it is just the completeness-mutation to be shown as the experimental pointer, of fitting with the law of trying conservation, and to create out the original creation spot of creating out the behavior-structure. It is just the thinking-problem that must be solved during the P-track-history of life-shape.

According to the God’s law sequence triangle being the background, the eligibility of entering the structure-choice-pole, is coming from the eligibility conservation axle; and further, the connection-effect between the exchanging-spot of holding the alternative-effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, and the inner position of inside Galileo’s room, is coming from the God’s sightline offering the Giver-pointer. The result is that, there must be the God’s sightline offering the Giver-pointer, to controlled the exchanging-spot of holding the alternative-effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, and being shown as the connection-track of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive.


The alternative-effect between the money-fluid and the money-number, must be controlled by the Giver-pointer. Or, it must be controlled by the definer of defining be-alive. This effect is just the target of the Labor Theory of Value aiming into destroying it and replacing it. This effect is just the target of the universe singularity aiming into destroying it and replacing it. This effect is just the target of the universe black-hole aiming into destroying it and replacing it, and so on. There must be execution of the death crime, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


通过资格守恒轴作为宇宙支点,让选择极在自私三角形背景与上帝视线背景之间交替,可以称为进入选择极资格守恒定律。或者称为想法行为连接守恒定律。并创生行为守恒定律,做可以做的事情, 不做不可以做的事情。因为你不能在水面上行走。必须要有来自上帝视线的支撑。


For entering the structure-choice-pole of life-continuing, there must be fitting with the eligibility conservation axle. Or, there must going through the eligibility, to be connected with the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room. Or, there must going through the eligibility, to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive Or, there must going through the eligibility, to be connected with the Giver-pointer. Or, it is just the up-side-down transformation of going from the feeling-known background into touching the God’s sightline background.

Going through the eligibility conservation axle being used as the universe-fulcrum, it is making the choice-pole to be alternative between the background of being held by selfish-triangle and the background of being held by the God’s sightline, it is called as the law of the eligibility conservation of entering the choice-pole. Or, it is the law of connection conservation between the thinking and the behavior. And further, it is creating out the law of behavior conservation, do what can be done, and don’t do what can’t be done. Because of that, you can’t walk on the water-surface. There must be the supporting of coming from God’s sightline.

The eligibility conservation axle is just the mother-effect of being defined by zombie, or, being just the original creation spot of creating out the artificial life-continuing. That is to say, going through controlling the structure-choice-pole, zombie is to define the self-own being the mother of humankind, with the result of that, the effect of the BIDEN’S CURVE holds the artificial definer effect of defining be-alive. When the BIDEN’S CURVE is changed into the definer of defining be-alive, it is just driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. It is just the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and, there must be the execution of death-crime, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.




One of the ending-spots of being held by the eligibility conservation axle, is just the Giver-pointer. The result of fitting with each other between the Giver-pointer and the law of direction-expression, is just the natural measured property, or, being just the result of the experimental pointer to detect, and, offering the original creation spot of creating out the measured time dimension for the life-continuing-structure.

Comparing with that, the result of fitting with each other between the God’s sightline and the law of direction-expression, is just the double layers structure of being made up of both the inspiration-existence-position and the law of God’s power. And, it is to show the overlapped-state-effect between the original creation procedure of creating out the life and the original creation procedure of creating out the universe.

Then, the eligibility conservation axle, is the original creation spot of creating out the life-continuing-structure. But, it should not be forgotten of that, the life-continuing-structure is also the set of tools of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And, it is just explaining the meaning of being held by BIDEN’S CURVE.






One of the ending-spots of being held by the eligibility conservation axle, is the existence-position of the structure-choice-pole, and being also one of the vertexes of being held by the Confucius self-spin of closed triangle. No.1, it is fixed at the inner position of inside the gap of cutting life; No.2, it is fixed in the gap area between the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon.

No.3, the Einstein’s moon is fixed at the bright-side of the gap of cutting life; and, No.4, the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, is fixed at the dark-side of the gap of cutting life; and, No.5, the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, is the alternative-transformation between the bright-side of the gap of cutting life, and, the dark-side of the gap of cutting life.

No.6, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is holding the Einstein’s moon to be one of the vertexes. And, going through the controlling the outer-position of outside the Galileo’s room, the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, is fixed at alternative-transformation-state between the dark-side of the gap of cutting life and the bright-side of the gap of cutting life.

No.7, the eligibility conservation axle, is the segment-line-connection, between the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, and, being fixed at the dark-side of the gap of cutting life.

The gap of cutting life is holding the effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And then, the eligibility problem of being held by the structure-choice-pole, is just the eternal choice-effect of humankind between the living and the extinction. It is not only the life-continuing-problem of being held by the occupier of occupying the structure-choice-pole, but also, it is the life-continuing-problem of being held by all the others. It is not only the choice-problem now, but also, it is the choice-problem in the future, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.





Going from the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room, into touching the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, and further, going through the feeling-known-effect, to be connected with both the definer of defining the life-existence and the definer of defining life-meaning, it is just the structure of being connected with the universe-diameter. And, the structure of being connected with the universe-diameter is just the structure of going through the universe-diameter, to be to be connected with the completed universe. And, the shape of the completed universe is the double layers structure of being made up of both the universe-square and the universe 8-poles structure.

The structure of being connected with the universe-diameter, is also expressed as that, going through the public-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the gap-area between the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon, or, going through the position of being held by the structure-choice-pole, being the public-spot, or, going through gap of cutting life being the public-spot, it is to make both the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, being connected with each other, and, to form the completed-structure-body of fitting the universe-diameter. And, it is to show the connection-relation between the universe-diameter and the universe-radius, or, it is to show the connection-relation between the living and the extinction. And, it is also to show the set of explanations of explaining the law of making friend and killing friend.

But, both the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of closed triangle, are mutual-definer with each other of defining the mutual-outer-position of outside the each other. Or, both are excreting away with each other. Or, according to the Galileo’s relativity, both are defining the each other being in-existence.

Or, both the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of closed triangle, are repulsive with each other. Or, there is the repulsive-conservation-force of being located in the gap-area between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of closed triangle, and to be focused into the same position of the structure-choice-pole, and being shown as the choice between the living and the extinction. Or, it is just to show the fifth universe-force-effect. This situation is holding the power of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. There must be the execution of killing.



The fixed-universe-position of being held by the eligibility conservation axle, is just the connection-segment-line between the inner position of inside the Galileo’s room and the outer position of outside the Galileo’s room, and fitting with the completed Galileo’s relativity. Clearly, the fixed-universe-position of being held by the eligibility conservation axle, is just the position of being controlled by God, and being not the free-thinking of being held by the selfish-triangle.

For entering the structure-choice-pole, the selfish triangle must be fitting with the volume-eligibility of being measured by God. Otherwise, there must be the execution of punishment, until the execution of the death-crime. And then, it is just creating out the differentiation-effect of the professional subjects in the life-continuing-structure.

The thinking and the feeling-known of being held by the selfish-triangle, is fixed at the inner position of inside the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle. It is going through the duality-connection-effect between the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon, to create out the connection effect between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, and then, it is just fitting the structure of being connected with the universe-diameter. But, both are mutual-definer of defining mutual-outer-position of outside with each other. And, there is the repulsive conservation force between both, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.


具体表达为,体积排斥力 => rel资格守恒轴(结构选择极位置)孔夫子自旋封闭三角形rel => 人类永恒生存灭绝选择效应。

或者,体积排斥力 => rel资格守恒轴(伽利略房子与爱因斯坦月亮之间的缝隙)孔夫子自旋封闭三角形rel => 人类永恒生存灭绝选择效应。

或者,体积排斥力 => rel资格守恒轴(生命断裂缝隙)孔夫子自旋封闭三角形rel => 人类永恒生存灭绝选择效应。


According to the behavior-structures being the background, or, according to the earth-surface being the background, or, according to the mutual-spin of weight-supporting being the background, the universe-diameter is expressed as the repulsive-force-effect with each other between the eligibility conservation axle and the Confucius self-spin of closed triangle, or, being just the volume-repulsive-force. Or, it is just the battle-battle-battle of being defined by zombie.

It is expressed as, the volume-repulsive-force => rel the eligibility conservation axle the position of being held by the structure-choice-pole the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle rel => the eternal choice-effect of humankind between the living and the extinction.

Or, the volume-repulsive-force => rel the eligibility conservation axle the gap-area between the Galileo’s room and the Einstein’s moon the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle rel => the eternal choice-effect of humankind between the living and the extinction.

Or, the volume-repulsive-force => rel the eligibility conservation axle the gap of cutting life the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle rel => the eternal choice-effect of humankind between the living and the extinction.

The result is very clear. There must be the God’s law. And, there must be the punishment execution of according to the God’s law. And, there must be the killing-execution of according to the God’s law. And, it is for the unique isolated goal of being called as the life-continuing.

依据体积排斥力 => rel资格守恒轴(结构选择极位置)孔夫子自旋封闭三角形rel => 人类永恒生存灭绝选择效应,




According to the volume-repulsive-force => rel the eligibility conservation axle the gap of cutting life the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle rel => the eternal choice-effect of humankind between the living and the extinction,

Using the Confucius self-spin of the closed triangle, to replace the eligibility conservation axle, it is just the method of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Because of that, it is cutting down the definer-existence of defining be-alive. There must be killing-execution to excrete away it.

The effect of the volume-repulsive-force, is just the repulsive-effect of with each other between the dark-side of the gap of cutting life and the bright-side of the gap of cutting life. It is the fundamental principle of creating out the 2-dimensional sheet, at the inner position of inside the 3-dimensional space-background. It is the fundamental principle of to keep the 3-dimensional structure being stable; and, it is also the fundamental principle of to destroy the stability of the 3-dimensional structure. It is just the artificial fifth universe.

There must be the volume-researchers-structure, to research the method of how to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And, this volume-researchers-structure, of researching the method of how to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction, must be occupying the top summit layer of science.



Clearly, the result of being shown through the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, is that, the occupiers of occupying the top summit layer of science, had already started of researching how to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. But, No.1, they are researching in secret way, and the others do not know. No.2, the goal of their researching is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and fitting the law of self-definition conservation of zombie.

The humankind must be researching how to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction, also. No.1, the researching work must be opening, and offering the public volume be-known-ability. No.2, the unique goal of the researching work, is the life-continuing. No.3, it is just the universe potential power force field.






The 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, had shown the result of that, according to openly declaration of starting the step of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and, according to human life had entered the ending-state of the life-shape of S-track, and, according to human life had entered the beginning-state of the life-shape of P-track, then, the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle occupied the position of the history-mutation-beacon-floor in the completed history-life-span of human life.

That is to say, going from the beginning-spot of the Confucius, and touching the ending-spot of the 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle, it is the unique isolated artificial history-land of the S-track.

This artificial history-land of the S-track is holding the unique isolated effect, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Because of that, history had been fixed-solid, and, including the volume-tunnel of being controlled by God, and including the artificial deceiving tunnel, and being shown as the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.

This S-track-history-land is the double tunnels land of fourth dimension. Clearly, it is different from the earth surface, and holding double tunnels. The first tunnel is the volume-life-continuing procedure of being controlled by God, to show the general history-land tunnel; the second tunnel is according to the feature of the zombie accumulating the methods of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, to show the special history-land of S-track.

The tunnel of being controlled by God must be continuing in the life-shape of P-track. And, the methods of being accumulated by zombie, must be disappeared through the law of killing conservation, in the life-shape of P-track. Otherwise, the unique isolated future of being held by humankind, is just the completed extinction of the completed humankind.




The 2020-Nobel-Prizes-triangle being as the history-mutation-beacon-floor of humankind entering the life-shape of P-track, it is holding the experimental basis of that, large amount of experimental results had shown that, the experimental pointer had met the top-position that the experimental pointer had no ability to go beyond. Or, it is the effect of the experimental pointer going into disappearance-state.

That is to say, the experimental results had no ability to show the definite existence effect of the experimental pointer being the existence, through the completeness-mutation. That is to say, the law of the double layers meanings conservation of the completed universe, is squeezing the experimental pointer, into touching the inner position of inside the selfish-triangle. And, the result of being held is the thinking, and, it is not taking the experimental result. The experimental result is controlled by God, and being shown as the unique web system of fourth dimension.

Simply, large amount of experimental results are not shown as the scientific results, but, it is the deceiving effect. And then, it is holding the effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.





The zombie had understood that, both the near-physics and the near-science had no ability to go further. The occupiers of occupying the top summit layer of science, had also understood that, both the near-physics and the near-science had no ability to go further.

But, they did not tell the humankind. It is just destroying the volume observation ability of humankind, in deliberate way. And, it is just destroying the volume be-known-ability of humankind, in deliberate way. And also, it is destroying the law of universe-diameter conservation in deliberate way. And also, it is destroying the law of life-continuing conservation in deliberate way.

Their goal is very clear, and, it is just to control the completed humankind, copying the zombie’s history in Chinese. This situation of controlling the completed humankind, is just driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction according to the situation of being defined by God through the gap of cutting life.

This is the death-crime of according to the God’s law, and there must be the execution, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.


Clearly, there must be clearing the occupiers of occupying the top summit layer of science in completed way. The goal is very clear, and, it is building the beginning-spot of life-continuing in the life-shape of P-track, and, it is changing the length of the future-direction-pointer, from the limited, into touching the infinite.



The occupiers of occupying the top summit layer of science, had defined themselves into the public enemy of the completed humankind, and, fitting the law of the self-definition conservation of zombie.

There must be the killing. This is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large amount of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
