The definition of defining zombie: zombie is the unique united-corpses-body that wants to organize every person and to organize all persons who have will to make harm to other person or to other persons, into the unique body, and, to create harm to other person or to other persons who does/do not want to make harm,according to the background of cutting down the connection between the definer of defining life and definer of defining be-alive.
Simply, if you do not want to make harm, then, you should be harmed. This is just the thinking way of zombie. Or, it is the thought of the manure-pit-hole.
The applyed-meaning of the quantum-disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, is just the 2-dimensional membrane of playing-life, with the diameter of being equal to the universe-diameter, but, being perpendicular to the universe-diameter. Is this the scientific high-tech? Both the diameter of the quantum-disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN and the universe-diameter are creating out the united battle line of X-shape, or, being the angel-particle. Clearly, this is the global united-corpses-body. The common meaning of the quantum-disk of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, is just controlling the whole world, or controlling the life.
或者,rel 灵感传送通道 { 通往灵感传送通道的原理截面 ( 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感 rel => 名称之一是生存选择,或者是生死选择,或者是人类永恒生存灭绝的选择,等等。
Or, rel the tunnel of transporting inspiration { the principle-section of going into the tunnel of inspiration-transporting ( absolute-unknown-spot) the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by thinking } the thinking of picking out the inspiration rel => one of the names is the living-choice, or, the choice of living-or-death, or, the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, and so on.
The first element is the tunnel of transporting inspiration. The second element is the principle-section of going into the tunnel of inspiration-transporting. The third element is the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by thinking. The fourth element is the thinking of picking out the inspiration. The fifth element is the absolute-unknown-spot. This is not the problem of killing. But, this is the problem of large scale killings, until the uncontrollable killings, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
The black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the constant death-state.
If name-A thinks that, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is not the constant death-state, and, applying the science to prove that the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is not the constant death-state, and, applying the existence of self-own to prove that the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is not the constant death-state, then, it should be making name-A into the experimental material, and, putting the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane of name-A, into the isolated state. This is to let other selfish-triangles see what the experimental result is. Clearly, name-A is not necessary of knowing this experimental result.
The reason is very simple, because of that, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane has no ability to know what the pointer of force law is, even though the pointer of the force law is one of three vertexes of the selfish-triangle. And then, is it the be-known or the be-unknown?
宇宙表达式的原理表达形态是,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等。
The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on.
According to that the background of the universe-expression is the definite extinction-state, then, the universe-expression is to show all the structures-existence-scope being located in the gap area between the extinction-state of inner universe and the extinction-state of outer universe, and, being connected with the 3-dimensional universe, and, it is to show the quantum-line of showing the original creation-procedure of both creating out the universe and creating out life, of going from the beginning-spot of extinction-state, and touching the 3-dimensional structure finally, and, returning the extinction-state of outer universe. And, it is to show the duality-state of both time and space. Or, it is the holographic vessel.
The correspondent extinction-state-expression is the quantum-line between the extinction-state of inner universe and the extinction-state of outer universe, of showing the completed disappearance-state of 3-dimensional structure, and, it is to show the self-original state of the extinction, with holding the physical meaning of other dimension. And then, the division-effect between the inner universe and the outer universe, is the public original creation spot of creating out both the universe, and the life, and, it is driving out the creation of creating out the set of four quantum-effects.
The division-effect between the inner universe and the outer universe, is relying on the already-existence of outer universe. And, the existence of the outer universe is relying on the already-existence of God. The physical meaning of God-existence is that, when the universe is in the completed extinction-state, and, including the inner universe being the completed extinction-state, and, including the outer universe being the completed extinction-state, then, it is the existence of God; when the universe is the existence, then the God is the in-existence.
And then, according to the existence of quantum-effect, and, according to the division-effect between the inner universe and the outer universe driving out the original creation procedure of creating out the set of four quantum-effects, then, no matter the God being existence or the God being in-existence, the God is just the existence. And then, the God is the second tunnel of the original creation spot of creating out the quantum-effects, and, being just the angel-particle of being defined by zombie. And then, no matter the inner universe structure and the outer universe structure, all are the same double tunnels effect of fourth dimension. And then, the universe is 3-dimension with fitting the experimental result, and, the other dimensions are all the same definite extinction-state, and fitting the self-original sequence of universe.
Or, the universe-expression is either the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, the researching-tunnel of science, and, being not the symbol-expression. And, the universe-expression is destroying all the symbol-expressions. All the contents in near-science and all the contents in far-science, are all fixed in the universe-expression, and, being located in the quantum-line between the be-known and the be-unknown, or, being located in the gap-area between the feeling-known and the moon of being controlled by God, or, being located in the quantum-line between the feeling-known and the law of God’s power. And, it is to show the physical meaning of quantum super-position.
Clearly, according to the principle of the property going through everywhere, or, according to the law of property conservation, hidden behind the expression of quantum-line, there is the unique pointer of the fixed direction, of going from the beginning-spot of the existence, and touching the ending-spot of extinction-state, and, being the same with the equal-sign-squeezing of going into extinction-state, and, being shown as the be-right-squeezing of going into extinction-state. And then, the quantum-line-expression is only used into the observation-tool. And, the quantum-line-expression is neither the near-science nor the far-science, and being just the specific observation-method. Or, it is common said of Gemini-effect. And, this is the general-existence of the observation-entering-effect. Applying the quantum-line to pretending the science, is the lethal-method of zombie driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and this is just the pair of Tai-Ji and Ba-Gua. And, this is just the fourth dimensional war.
And, according to the quantum-line being the tool, the quantum-line is able to be used into the tool of zombie driving humankind into the extinction-state, or, it is just the method-theory, or the science of being defined by zombie, and, being the same with the pair-effect in math-group-theory. Or, the expression-shapes of quantum-line must be explained through dragging out the explanation of coming from the moon of being controlled by God, and it is forbidden of the explanation of coming from the feeling-known. The method of zombie creating out the fourth dimensional war, or, the method of zombie driving humankind into the extinction-state, is just changing the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, into the quantum-line, or, the quantum-line of being made up of the pair of Tai-Ji and Ba-Gua, and, being parasitic in the law of direction-expression. And, the math-group-theory is giving out the universe-fulcrum between the Tai-Ji and the Ba-Gua, and, being shown as the equal-sign-squeezing of going into extinction-state, or, being shown as the be-right -squeezing of going into extinction-state. And, both the universe-big-bang and the singularity are all giving out the universe-fulcrum between the Tai-Ji and the Ba-Gua.
All the behaviors and all the thinking of human beings, can be used into creating out the universe-fulcrum between the Tai-Ji and the Ba-Gua, by zombie. And then, there must be the volume-property of being created through the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, there must be the God.
Or, the universe-expression is shown as the tube-shape of science-researching. The length of this tube-shape is just the distance between the feeling-known and the moon of being controlled by God, and being called as the volume-tube, or being called as the science-researching-tube. At the outer position of outside the volume-tube, it is according to the existence being the beginning-spot, and according to touching the extinction-state being the ending-spot, to show the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction. Or, at the outer position of outside the volume-tube, it is holding the tendency of going into the extinction-state.
Both the near-science and the far-science are all going apart away from the definite of feeling-known, and, dragging out the explanation of coming from the moon of being controlled by God. And, this is just the effect of the completeness-mutation. But, the background of near-science-existence and the background of far-science-existence, are different with each other.
The background of near-science-existence is fixed on the earth-surface. But, the background of far-science-existence, is fixed with the completed-universe. And then, it is showing the fitting-effect with the holographic quantum-vessel.
When science is changed into the liar, then, it is the situation of the volume-tube being disappearance, or, the disappearance-situation of the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and, being the situation of the completed humankind going into extinction. And then, the science can’t be changed into the liar.
近程科学显现为近程有序远程无序;远程科学显现为远程有序近程无序。或者说,宇宙表达式,显现的就是近程科学与远程科学之间的量子自旋效应 => (近程物理,远程物理) => (近程科学,远程科学) => (+1/2,-1/2)。
The science-researching-tube or the volume-tube of being shown through the universe-expression is including the pair of the near-physics and the far-physics, and, including the pair of the near-science and the far-science. The common meaning is shown as that, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must be controlling everything, and, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing can’t be controlled. Explaining the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is coming from the moon of being controlled by God, and, being not coming from the feeling-known. Because of that, the isolated black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the constant death-state.
The near-science is shown as the near-sequence and the far-chaos; the far-science is shown as the far-sequence and the near-chaos. And then, the universe-expression is shown as the quantum self-spin between the near-science and the far-science => ( the near-physics,the far-phyics) => (the near-science,the far-science) => (+1/2,-1/2)。
The existence-scope of the near-science is, according to the pair of asymptotic freedom and light-track being the beginning-spot, and, according to the vacuum immune-background of excreting away the extinction-property, then, touching the final ending-spot of the connection between the pair of experimental pointer and the 3-dimensional structure, with fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity. That is to say, when Galileo created out the principle of near-science, then, the final result of near-science development must be finding out the asymptotic freedom and finding out the constant speed of light.
The existence-scope of the far-science is, according to the pair of the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law being the beginning-spot, and, going into the inner-position of the extinction-state, and, creating out the unique web system of fourth dimension, of excreting away the extinction-property, and, giving out the immune-background for near-science. The unique web system of fourth dimension, is fitting the completed Galileo’s relativity. Or, it is according to the moon of being controlled by God, to excrete away the extinction-property.
That is to say, the universe-expression is shown as the law-effect of the fixed-direction-pointer of the self-spin-covalent conservation. Or, the quantum self-spin must be holding the universe vertical direction. Or, the quantum self-spin must be holding the covalent bond. Or, the covalent bond is just the universe vertical direction, or, being the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, being the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, being the effect of the universe fifth force. Or, it is just according to excreting away the extinction-property, to create out the existence structure.
When both the existence and the action are making the pair-effect, it is just cutting down the original creation spot, or, it is according to destroying the law of trying conservation, to go apart away from the moon of being controlled by God. The law of trying conservation, is the tunnel of being connected with the moon of being controlled by God, or, applying both the action and the existence into the time-dimensional-mutation-unit of fitting the division-effect between the life-property and the lifeless-property, and, going through fitting the universe vertical direction to create out the self-spin-covalent-effect of quantum chain. And, it is just creating out the division-effect between the useful-action and the garbage-action.
According to the law of trying conservation to fit the universe vertical direction, is just fitting the Higgs boson. The expression-shape of Higgs boson is that, drawing a 3-dimensional bubble with pencil, the diameter of this 3-dimensional bubble is automatic overlapped with the universe vertical direction. But, the math-group-theory is just applying the pair-effect between the action and the existence, to destroy the Higgs boson in completed way.
The pair-effect between the action and the existence, is just destroying the universe vertical direction, or, destroying the time-dimensional mutation effect, or, destroying the effect of creating out the 3-dimension through 2-dimension, or, destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And, this is just the extinction-tunnel of being held by the math-group-theory, and, according to the be-right-effect of the equal-sign, to excrete away the moon of being controlled by God. And then, there must be the existence of the law of trying conservation, of being connected with the moon of being controlled by God, to create out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, no matter the high-tech or the low-tech.
Or, the math-group-theory must be picking out the existence-eligibility of self-own from the law of trying conservation. And then, math-group-theory is just the tech-tool, and being not the theory, and being not the science even more. Clearly, going through researching the pair-effect between the action and the existence, to replace the science, this is just creating out the angle-particle of being defined by zombie, and, this situation is not the problem of killing, but, the problem of large scale of killing, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
The universe-expression is to show the tube-shape of science-researching. The science-researching is just going apart away from the connection of being connected with the feeling-known, and according to the moon of being controlled by God, to create out the beginning-spot of life-continuing, and, to create out the beginning-spot of creating out the definer of defining be-alive, and, to create out the beginning-spot of creating out the life-continuing-tech, or, to create out the beginning-spot of creating out the life-continuing-principle. And, the science is the beginning-spot of creating out the tech, and, the tech must be coming from the science, and, fitting the division conservation between the science and the tech.
Science is just according to going apart away from the feeling-known being the beginning-spot, to touch the moon of being controlled by God; the tech is according to going apart away from the moon of being controlled by God, to touch the feeling-known. And, clearly, the top-summit-layer of science must understand what the science-researching is. If the top-summit-layer of science does not understand what the science-researching is, then, this type of the top-summit-layer of science is just the machine of making shit, and being of no eligibility of self-existence.
Quantum self-spin is just the direction-expression, or, it is according to the law of direction-expression to create out the law of the fixed-direction-pointer of self-spin-covalent conservation. or, it is just changing the state of returning back into the extinction-state, into state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and, creating out the quantum chain. And then, according to the holographic quantum vessel, the other three quantum-effects are giving out the background for the quantum-self-spin-effect, and, it is changing the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, into the 3-dimensional structure, and, the result is just creating out the 3-dimensional structure of according to coming from the 2-dimensional sheet.
That is to say, the four quantum-effects are just creating out the universe vertical direction, or, creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is just creating out the 3-dimensonal stable structure. And then, the law of the 3-dimensonal stable structure, or, the law of universe stable, could be shown as that, it is going through the pointer of force law, to return back into the extinction-state of outer universe. Or, the law of universe stable, is just the ability of universe creating out human life finally. Or, the universe creating out the human life is just to show the final result of returning back into extinction-state through outer universe, and it is just creating out the completed-body of inner universe. And then, the pointer of force law is just the definer of defining the universe. Clearly, according to the structure of selfish-triangle, the pointer of force law is creator of creating out the definer of defining life. And, this is just the physical meaning of the Jesus antenna of going into God.
That is to say, the physical meaning of the wave function is just cutting down the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, cutting down the direction-pointer of the universe vertical, or, cutting down the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, it is just the law of direction-expression. It should be emphasized in repeated way that, the physical wave-function, and the law of direction-expression, are to show the same natural measured existence of holding different names, and, holding a direction-pointer of going apart away from the extinction-state, of creating out the Bohr’s barrel, and, holding a direction-pointer of returning back into the extinction-state, of creating out the Bohr’s cost. This is the relation between the existence and the extinction, and, this is just the physical wave-function.
Is it applying the physical wave-function to drive humankind into the extinction-state, or, is it applying the physical wave-function to drive the continuing of human life? Clearly, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, giving out the answer. The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is the country of holding the nearest distance between the earth-surface and the moon of being controlled by God. If the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America is keeping silent to me, and pretending be-unknown, then, what is the meaning?
The background of the universe-expression is the definite extinction-state. And, it is to show the physical meaning of that, the universe-expression is the particle-shape of the original creation spot of creating out the set of four quantum-effects, and, it is to show that, the set of four quantum-effects is holding the holographic completeness.
The meaning of the completed universe of being shown through universe-expression, is that, the universe-expression is the connection-structure of being connected with the fourth universe, and, the universe-expression is also the connection-structure of being connected with the sixth universe, but, the universe-expression is the original creation-structure of creating out the fifth universe. The universe-expression is giving out all the original creation spots of creating the fifth universe. And, this is not the problem of killing, but, the problem of large scale of killing, and, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
The background of the universe-expression is the definite extinction-state. The extinction-state is defining the universe-expression into 2-dimensional-sheet.
The bright-side of the 2-dimensional sheet is the unique isolated definite direction-pointer of creating out 3-dimensional structure according to 2-dimensional section. No.1, it is creating out the universe-structures, or, creating out the fourth universe; No.2, or, it is creating out the life-structures, or, creating out the sixth universe; No.3, or, it is creating out the life-continuing-structures, or, creating out the fifth universe.
The dark-side of the 2-dimensional sheet is the definite extinction-state, of destroying all the existences. No.1, it is destroying the universe-structures, or, destroying the fourth universe; No.2, or, it is destroying the life-structures, or, destroying the sixth universe; No.3, or, it is destroying the life-continuing-structures, or, destroying the fifth universe.
Clearly, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, giving out the answer. The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is the country of holding the nearest distance between the earth-surface and the moon of being controlled by God. If the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America is keeping silent to me, and pretending be-unknown, then, what is the meaning?
The bright-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of universe-expression, is the unique isolated definite direction-pointer, of creating out 3-dimensional structures out from 2-dimensional sheet. And, it is creating out all the life-continuing-structures or creating out the fifth universe, according to the already existence-backgrounds of both the fourth universe and the sixth universe.
Both the fourth universe and the sixth universe are all the universes of being created out by God. But, the fifth universe is the artificial universe. And, the math-group-theory, is just according to the pair-relation of the action and the existence, to create out the theory of creating out the fifth universe in final way. According to the measurement-result of being measured by the moon of being controlled by God, applying the math-group-theory to create out the fifth universe, is just shown as the zombie’s management, No.1, it is managing the existences; No.2, it is managing the actions; No.3, going through managing both the existences and actions, it is just destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and to show the unique definite final result of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
The unique isolated fixe direction-pointer of according to 2-dimensional section to create out the 3-dimensional structure, is just the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, being the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, being just the universe vertical direction, or, being the central dogma of universe-vertical.
The original creation-spot of creating out the central dogma of universe-vertical, must be the coming from the law of God’s power, or, coming from the moon of being controlled by God. But, according to the pair-effect of action and existence, and, according to defining the absolute-unknown-spot into the unit-existence-element, or, according to the math-equal-sign-effect, the math-group-theory is defining the original creation-spot of creating out the central dogma of universe-vertical, into the situation of coming from the absolute-unknown-spot, in force way.
The math-group-theory is according to the equal-sign-effect, to apply the absolute-unknown-spot replacing the original creation spot of creating out the universe-vertical-direction, or, it is applying the absolute-unknown-spot to replace the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, it is applying the absolute-unknown-spot to replace the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, this is just the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
宇宙表达式的原理表达形态是,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,
The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,
Applying the completeness of genome to replace the left bracket of “(”, and, applying the confessing-membrane to replace the right bracket of “)”, then, the result is just creating out sixth universe.
Applying the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom to replace the left bracket of “(”, and, applying the light-track to replace the right bracket of “)”, then, the result is just creating out fourth universe; applying the Higgs boson to replace the left bracket of “(”, and, applying the constant speed of light to replace the right bracket of “)”, then, the result is the observation of observing the fourth universe, and, being connected with the law of God’s power.
Applying the mutual-spin of weight-supporting to replace the left bracket of “(”, and, applying the language-fulcrum to replace the right bracket of “)”, then, the result is just creating out the fifth universe; applying the principle-section of life-continuing to replace the left bracket of “(”, and, applying the money-fluid-section to replace the right bracket of “)”, then, the result is just creating out the structures in the fifth universe. The math-group-theory, is according to the pair-effect of the action and the existence, to replace the artificial structure, and, according to the absolute-unknown-spot to create out the completed division-effect between the life-continuing-principle and the money-fluid-section, and the final result is just driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
Clearly, the math-group-theory is useful, because of that, the math-group-theory is expressing the pair-effect between the action and the existence. Clearly also, the math-group-theory is holding the tunnel of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, it is also because of that, the math-group-theory is expressing the pair-effect between the action and the existence. And, this is just the angel-particle of being defined by zombie.
Then, what is the way of using the math-group-theory? The top-summit-layers of different countries of being located at the outer position of outside Chinese continent, must be in charge of responsibility.
Especially, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, giving out the answer. The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is the country of holding the nearest distance between the earth surface and the moon of being controlled by God. If the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America is keeping silent to me, and pretending be-unknown, then, what is the meaning?
具体表达为,rel天威定律( 数学群理论)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针的灭绝态,或者叫做灭绝人类表达式,或者叫做逻辑灭绝性,或者叫做依据正确性而灭绝人类,或者叫做第四维度战争守恒粒子的人类侧面,或者叫做论持久战粒子的人类侧面,天使粒子,等等。
与之对比的是,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等。
The math-group-theory is holding the tunnel of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And this tunnel of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, is shown as driving the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing into the completed the extinction-state.
The specific expression is, rel the law of God’s power ( the math-group-theory )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the extinction-state of the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing, or, the expression of expressing human-life-extinction, or, the extinction of according to logic reason, or, the human-life-extinction of according to be-right, or, the human-side of the particle of the fourth dimensional war conservation, or, the human-side of the long-war-particle, or, the angel particle, and so on.
Comparing with the, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on.
The fundamental basis of this effect of driving humankind into extinction, is based on the effect of that, the black-hole-whirlpool of confessing membrane is the constant death-state, or, being the state of zombie-defined of human-right very good, or, being the state of zombie feeding humankind. But, the life-continuing must be relying on the pointer of force law, to create out the definer of defining life, and, the life-continuing must be relying on the law of God’s power, to create out the definer of defining be-alive.
Clearly, the top-summit-layers of different countries of being located at the outer position of outside Chinese continent, must be in charge of responsibility. Because of that, the Chinese continent is zombie’s base-land, and, there is only the existence of the Grand-General of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN.
Especially, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, giving out the answer. The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is the country of holding the nearest distance between the earth surface and the moon of being controlled by God. If the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America is keeping silent to me, and pretending be-unknown, then, what is the meaning?
The key-pointer should be emphasized of that, in the pair of the action and the existence-element, the action is just the moving-state of the function. Or, the action is the function of life. And then, the action is holding the function-first-effect, or, holding the goal-first-effect. And then, the action is just driving the existence-element going apart away from the moon of controlled by God, and creating out the math-group-theory. And then, the math-group-theory belongs to the scope of Einstein’s moon, but, being controlled by equal-sign. This is the situation of the natural measured property being controlled by action.
But, in the unit cooperation pointer, the pair of the property and the rule, is forcing out the division effect between the property and the function. The property must be coming from the moon of being controlled by God, and then being the natural measured property. Or, it is just the volume property. And, the function must be connected with the goal, otherwise, the function is just the property. When there is the connection between the function and the goal, there is no connection between the function and the rule. But the rule is just the mixture between the rule and the function. In the unit cooperation pointer, it is the situation of natural measured property controlling the original creation spot of creating out the rule. Or, it is the situation of the rule being controlled by the property, or, the situation of the natural measured property controlling the state of action, and, creating out the division effect between the permission-action and the forbidden-action.
依据,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,
具体表达为,rel太极( 数学群理论)八卦rel => 名称之一是人类整体灭绝态,或者叫做第四维度战争守恒粒子的僵尸侧面,或者叫做论持久战粒子的僵尸侧面,或者叫做天使粒子,等等。
According to, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,
The state of the completed extinction of the completed humankind is, No.1, applying Tai-Ji to replace the law of God’s power; No.2, applying the math-group-theory to replace the absolute-unknown-spot, and then, it is just replacing the unit cooperation pointer; No.3, applying the Ba-Gua to replace the pointer of force law.
And then, the result-shape is, rel Tai-Ji ( math-group-theory )Ba-Gua rel => one of the name is the extinction-state of the completed humankind, or, the zombie-side of the particle of the fourth dimensional war conservation, or, the zombie-side of the long-war-particle, or, the angle particle, and so on.
也就是说,生命延续定向方向指针的存在状态与灭绝状态之间,构成了自旋量子数。具体表达为,第四维度战争自旋量子数 => ( rel天威定律(绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel , rel太极(数学群理论)八卦rel ) => (生命延续定向方向指针,灭绝性状态)=>(+1/2,-1/2)。由此表达的形状是,在灭绝性与脱离灭绝性之间,存在等号关系。
对比宇宙表达式的生命活动形态是,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续原理截面 ( 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等。
That is to say, for the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, the relation between the existence-state and in-existence-state, is creating out the quantum self-spin-effect, with the specific shape of,
The quantum self-spin-effect of the fourth dimensional war => ( rel the law of God’s power(the absolute-unknown-spot of creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track) the pointer of force law rel , rel Tai-Ji ( math-group-theory )Ba-Gua rel ) => (the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, the extinction-state)=>(+1/2,-1/2). And, it is just the same shape of that, there is the existence of equal-sign, between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state.
This equal-sign is just the covalent bond. And then, the math-group-theory is just applying the relation of be-equal, to replace the covalent bond in completed way, to hold the tunnel of the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind. According to the mutual-relation between the action and the existence-element, this extinction-state is controlling the running way of the money-fluid in direct way.
Comparing with the life-action-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the inspiration-transportation-tunnel { the principle-section of life-continuing ( the absolute-unknown-spot ) the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by feeling-known } picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on.
That is to say, the three layers structures of the route of creating out the origin of the equal-sign are that, the first layer is just the covalent bond, or, being the equal-sign between the extinction-state and state of going apart away from the extinction-state, or, being the equal-sign between returning back into the extinction-state and state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and, with the final result of creating out the law of direction-expression, and, creating out both the law of parallel of time and the law of parallel of time; the second layer is just the absolute-unknown-spot; the third layer is the connection between the math-equal-sign and the language-fulcrum.
And then, it is to show the physical meaning of that, No.1, the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin is just the extinction-state; No.2, the final target of the quantum self-spin is going towards the 3-dimensional stability. Or, the final target of the quantum self-spin is creating out the division-effect between the second law of thermal dynamics and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And then, No.3, both the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing and the second law of thermal dynamics, are creating out the double-tunnels effect of fourth dimension, or, being the division-effect between the life-properties and the lifeless-properties, or, being just the CCF field. No.4, it is to show the result of that, both the original creation spot of creating out the universe and the original creation spot of creating out the life, are the same with each other. No.5, it is to show the result of that, both the quantum self-spin and the anti-clockwise time dimension are the same with each other, or, the quantum self-spin must be creating out the covalent bond, or, the law of the fixed direction of self-spin-covalent conservation. No.6, it is to show the result of that, the ultimate goal of the quantum self-spin-effect is just changing the pair of opposite directions into the unique pointer of the fixed direction, or, it is just creating out the pointer of universe vertical, or, it is creating out the central dogma of universe vertical, or, it is just the law of the fixed direction of self-spin-covalent conservation, or, it is just creating out the connection between the definer of defining life and the pointer of force law, of making the ultimate-end. No.7, and so on.
The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, giving out the answer. The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is the country of holding the nearest distance between the earth surface and the moon of being controlled by God. If the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America is keeping silent to me, and pretending be-unknown, then, what is the meaning?
According to the universe-expression, the group-theory of math, is just holding the tunnel of changing the earth into the Mars, or, it is just holding the tunnel of driving humankind into the extinction-state. Is there any-one who heard about the group-theory of math? Was there anyone who researched the group-theory of math?
宇宙表达式的原理表达形态是,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,
The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on.
According to the universe-expression, the original creation spot of creating out the group-theory of math, is just the right bracket of “)”. Because of that, the right bracket of “)”is not only the connection of being connected with the light-track, but also the c connection of being connected with the language-fulcrum. The group-theory of math, is to be applied into the structure of being connected with the Galileo’s room, or, the group-theory of math is to be applied into expressing the structure. Or, the group-theory of math is going to be connected with the left bracket of “(”. But, the group-theory of math has no ability to be connected with the left bracket of “(”. Because of that, the left bracket of “(” is the connection of being connected with the asymptotic freedom, or, the connection of being connected with the Higgs boson, or, the connection of being connected with the universe vertical direction.
The group-theory of math is occupying the position of universe vertical direction, or, the position of driving the central-dogma of universe-vertical into the completed extinction, and, this is just so called as the theoretic physics, and, this is just the extinction of the completed humankind. Is there anyone who remembers the universe singularity and the universe-big-bang?
Then, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is the country of holding the nearest distance between the earth surface and the moon of being controlled by God.
In the universe-expression, the group-theory of math is fixed in the gap-position between the left bracket of“(” and the right bracket of “)”, and being connected with the absolute-unknown-spot.
The fundamental definition of defining the group-theory of math, is made up of the set of many existence-elements and an action. The first axiom of the group-theory of math is that, there is the existence of that, the result of the existence-element being operated by action, is also the existence-element of being fixed at the inner position of the same math-group, or, the result of (a*b) is also the inner existence-element of the same math-group. And then, it is creating out the definition of defining the math-group, or, it is just the self-closed-property, or, it is just the creation of creating out the classification-effect of according to the actions.
The useful of the math-group-theory is that, in the procedure of according to the beginning-spot of single 3-dimensional space-bubble, and according to the ending-spot of the other 3-dimensional space-bubble of the imaginary-number “i”, this procedure is shown as the bending-effect of space-time. Such as the procedure of going from integers into the rational number, and then, going from the rational number into the real number, and then, going from the real number into the imaginary number of “i”, and then, going from the imaginary number of “i” into the Riemann hypothesis of being correspondent to the half of 3-dimensional space-bubble, and, this procedure is just shown as the bending-effect of space-time. And, it is also shown as the classification-effect of the bending-effect of space-time.
And then, the group-theory of math, is just used into fitting the classification-effect of the bending-effect of space-time. Or, it is just going to make quantization of quantizing the bending-effect of space-time, or, creating out the connection between the space-time-bending and the Plank-constant. Or, it is just replacing the structure of at the inner position of inside bracket of “()” in the universe-expression, in completed way. And, this is just driving the completed human life into the completed extinction.
The direct result is shown as that, it is applying the connection-method of mouth-anus, to replace the moon of being controlled by God, or, it is just replacing the volume-property, or, it is just destroying the definer of defining be-alive, and, it is just creating out the planning-life, and, it is just creating out the planning-be-alive, and, it is just creating out the planning-economics, and, it is just pretending God to feed humankind, just like the Wu-Han-plague.
The example of the classification-expression-situation of the bending-effect of space-time is shown as that, there is the existence of remainder-effect in the division-action. In the universe-expression, this remainder-effect is connected with the absolute-unknown-spot at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”. And, this remainder-effect is shown out clearly, in the operation-action of the radical expression, and, it is creating out the imaginary of “i”.
This is the bending-effect of space-time, going from single 3-dimensional bubble into the other 3-dimensional bubble. Or, it is just the quantum-classification-effect of being shown through the connection-effect between the be-known and the be-unknown. Or, it is just the quantum-classification-effect of being shown through the connection-effect between the existence and the in-existence.
But, the universe-vertical-effect of being shown through the Higgs boson, is not fitting of this math-expression of expressing the quantum classification effect. Because of that, this is just the physical property of fourth dimension, to destroy the math-expression. Or, it is just the volume-property of forbidding the math-expression of expressing the universe, or, it is just the volume-property of forbidding the math-expression of expressing the life. Or, it is just the moon of being controlled by God, of forbidding the math-expression of expressing both the universe and the life. Hidden behind it, it is just according to destroying the universe vertical of being held by Higgs boson, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. Or, the math-group-theory is of only the ability to express the pieces of tech-procedure, and, the math-group-theory is of no ability to express the natural measured property.
数学群论的第二公理,是存在性元素与动作之间的连接规则,也就是交换律。也就是用存在性元素与动作之间的分离性,来替代属性与规则之间的连接性,也就是排泄掉上帝控制的月亮,进入到感受知道连接性。也就是创生第四维度战争。也就是操作结果构成的存在性元素,与初始独立存在性元素之间,在与动作连接的时候,连接关系不变。或者,a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c。
The second axiom of the math-group-theory, is just the connection-rule between the existence-element and the action, or, being exchanging regularity. Or, it is applying the division-effect between the existence-element and the action, to replace the connection-effect between the property and the rule. Or, it is just excreting away the moon of being controlled by God, and, going into the connection of being connected with the feeling-known. Or, it is just creating out the fourth dimensional war. That is to say, the existence-element of being made up of the action-operation-result, is of no changing effect with the initialized isolated existence-elements, during the connection-procedure between existence-elements and the action. Or, it is a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c.
Or, there is no relation between, the moon of being controlled by God, and, the natural measured property of coming from the moon of being controlled by God. This is just the situation of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And, this is the situation of destroying this type of natural measured property of that, the rule is also the natural measured property of coming from the gap of cutting life. The rule , must be controlled by the moon of being controlled by God, and the moon of being controlled by God, can’t be controlled by the connection of being controlled by feeling-known. This is the problem of volume-property.
The third axiom of math-group-theory is that, there is the existence of the equal-sign, or, there is the existence of the unit-element.
The third axiom of math-group-theory is that, there is the existence-element of being opposite direction, and, the definer of defining the opposite direction, is just the unit-element.
Math-group-theory is the tunnel of going into the extinction-state, and, the reason in the completed whole position is that, the axiom-definition of defining the math-group-theory, is just replacing the unit cooperation pointer, or, it is just replacing the self-original sequence of going from the property into the rule, and then, into the function. Or, it is just replacing the unique web system of fourth dimension. And, this is just the situation of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
The universe-expression is just the unit cooperation pointer, or, being just the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, being just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, being just the pointer of universe vertical.
The beginning-spot of the universe vertical pointer is just the property, because of that, it is the connection with the extinction-property, because of that, it is the connection with the extinction property of creating out the quantum effect. The ending-spot of the universe vertical pointer is just the function, because of that, it is keeping the situation of going apart away from the outer position of outside the universe. The self-own-existence of the universe vertical pointer, is just the is just the rule, or, it is going through the connection with the property, to create out the function, just like the vertical pointer of Higgs boson of going back into the moon of being controlled by God in automatic way.
And then, the definition of defining the math-group-theory, is just created out, from the indistinguishable-effect between the initialized property and the result-function. This indistinguishable-effect is just creating out the existence-element. The rule must be connected with the property, to show the force-effect. And then, the connection-result between the rule and the property, is just creating out the action of showing the moving-state of function. The action is of no ability to show the existence of property. And the action has no ability of showing the property. And then, the function is just the static-state of action, or, being the state of no action-existence, or, being the state of action finished.
The connection between the property and the action is just picking out the property of natural measurement. Action is creating out the connection between the feeling-known and the natural measured property, and without the ability to change the natural measured property. But, the rule-shape and the action-shape are different with each other. The rule must be connected with the natural measured property to creating out the force-effect. But, the connection between the action and the natural measured property, is creating out the existence-effect, or creating out the mass-effect, and being not the force-effect. And then, the interaction between the action and the existence-element is not in need of natural measured property, but, being in need of the feeling-known of the connection between the feeling-known and the natural measured property.
Or simply, the rule must be connected with the natural measured property, to create out the force-effect, and, there must be the connection of being connected with the lifeless-property. But, the action must be connected with the feeling-known, to create out the existence-effect, and, there must be the connection of being connected with the life-property. But, the math-group-theory is cutting down the connection between the feeling-known and the natural measured property, in completed way. And then, this is just the situation of pretending God, of creating out the extinction-state through replacing the force-effect. This is just the behavior of zombie.
Or, the rule must be connected with the natural measured property, but, the action must be connected with the feeling-known. And then, the existence-element is to show the connection with the natural measured property, through cutting down the natural measured property. And the existence-element is not the self-origin-existence of the natural measured property. If the natural measured property is the sea, and then, the action is just putting the water into the cup. Keeping the water in the cut and excreting away the sea, this is just the effect of single time be-alive with ultimate death forever. Hidden behind it, it is the tunnel of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
The connection between the property and the rule is creating out the function-result, but, being in need of the natural measured property. The connection between the existence-element and the action is also creating out the function-result, but, being in need of the feeling-known of creating out the math, and the natural measurement is not necessary. This is just the creation-mechanism of creating out the second axiom of math-group-theory, and, it is just replacing the unit cooperation pointer, and excreting away the moon of being controlled by God, of according to the be-first-effect of feeling-known. Or, it is just the effect of breaking down the bridge after going through the river. Hidden behind it, it is just the tunnel of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
The third axiom of the math-group-theory, is just the existence of equal-sign, or, the existence of unit-element. But, the original creation spot of creating out the equal-sign, is just the original creation spot of creating out the angular quantum-effect, or, being the extinction-state.
The extinction-state is holding the unique, and, holding the isolated, and, holding the definite. And then, there is no ability to show the angular quantum-effect in the extinction-state. The definer of defining the existence of angular quantum-effect in the state of extinction, is just the division-effect between the inner position of inside universe and the outer position of outside universe, or, being the division-effect between the 3-dimensional existence and the other dimension. And then, the thinking-ability in the selfish-triangle has no ability to touch this type of universe-existence.
According to the division-effect between inner universe and the outer universe, the original creation spot of creating out the angular quantum-effect is just the equal-sign, between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state. And, the expression of expressing the extinction-state is just the quantum-line between the extinction-state and the outer position of outside universe. And, at the inner position of inside universe, there is no method of expressing the extinction-state, in absolute way. Because of that, there is no expression-ability to express the extinction-state. Or, the extinction-state is driving the expression-ability into the extinction-state. And then, the unique physical meaning of the extinction-state at the inner position of inside universe, is just the inspiration, or, being the duality-effect of inspiration-faith. Or, it is just the ability of selfish triangle knowing the universe, no matter the selfish-triangle being existence or not. Or, it is just the ability of universe creating out the life.
Or, the physical meaning of the inspiration-existence, is just according to that the state of going apart away from the extinction-state must be returning back into the extinction-state, and then, and then, the returning-effect of selfish-triangle going back into the extinction-state, is just creating out the ability of selfish-triangle of knowing the universe. Or, it is just creating out the duality-effect of inspiration-faith in the extinction-state, and, with showing out the division-effect between the inner universe and the outer universe, and creating out the existence of instinct-circulation of life.
Or, when the inner position of inside the universe, is creating out the angular quantum effect, it is creating out the duality-effect of humankind between the inspiration and the faith. And, this is just the ability of universe creating out the life. And, the ability of selfish triangle knowing the universe, is just the opposite direction to the direction of universe-ability of creating out the life. And, this is just the original creation mechanism of creating out the equal-sign.
In the universe-expression, the absolute-unknown-spot at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, is just the original creation spot of creating out the equal-sign. Clearly, the absolute-unknown-spot is not the extinction-property, but, being the definite existence-element, and, being just creating out the unit-element at the inner position of inside the math-group-theory, and, being the original creation spot of creating out the math-equal-sign.
In the universe-expression, the absolute-unknown-spot is making the division-effect between the light-track and the asymptotic freedom, and, creating out just isoflux-tunnel of both creating out the 3-dimensional structure and excreting away the other dimension. And, this isoflux-tunnel could be called as the isoflux-tunnel of creating out 3-dimensional structure, or, being the isoflux-tunnel of universe-stability. Both the constant speed of light and the Plank-constant, are giving out the explanation of explaining the universe stability.
三维结构等通量管道的存在含义在于,通过排泄其他维度,创生三维结构稳定性,并显现宇宙垂直性,与希格斯玻色子是同构形态。也就是表达光子轨道从渐进自由二维截面上提取质量结构。也就是创生rel质子()电子rel >= 原子。
The physical meaning of the isoflux-tunnel of creating out 3-dimensional structure could be shown as that, applying a cylinder-tube to express the inner-gap-position between the left bracket of “(” and the right bracket of “)” in the universe-expression, then, this gap-position is just the inner structure of inside universe, between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track.
The 2-dimensional sheet of light-track, is one of the ending-sections of the cylinder-tube of expressing the isoflux-tunnel of creating out 3-dimensional structure; the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom, is the other ending-section of the cylinder-tube of expressing the isoflux-tunnel of creating out 3-dimensional structure. And then, the cutting-down-section of being perpendicular to this cylinder-tube of creating out 3-dimensional structure, is just the absolute-unknown-spot. It is to show the meaning of that, the absolute-unknown-spot is making the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track. Then, this cylinder-tube of creating out 3-dimensional structure, could be called as the universe-vertical-cylinder, and, being just the completed universe of being connected with the feeling-known. Or, it is to show that, according to the completeness enough of near-physics being background, to show the limited universe scope that the feeling-known has ability to touch. Or, it is just the largest universe-scope that all the experimental pointers have ability to touch.
The existence-meaning of this isoflux-tunnel of creating out 3-dimensional structure, is just going through excreting away the other dimension, and then, creating out the stability-structure of 3-dimension, and to show the universe vertical direction, and, being the isomorphic with the Higgs boson. Or, it is just to show that, the light-track is picking out the mass-structure from the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom. Or, it is creating out the, rel proton (the outer surface of nuclues) the electron rel >= atom.
Making the comparison between the math-group-theory and the isoflux-tunnel of creating out 3-dimensional structure, the third axiom of the math-group-theory or the existence of unit-element, is just occupying the position of the absolute-unknown-spot, and being connected with the section-sheet of being perpendicular to this cylinder-tube of isoflux-tunnel of creating out 3-dimensional structure. Or, it is just creating out the equal-sign.
But, the equal-sign in math is totally different from the absolute-unknown-spot of creating out the isoflus-relation at the gap-position between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track. The absolute-unknown-spot is connected with the extinction-property through the background of the universe-expression. But, the equal-sigh of math is connected with the language-fulcrum, or, being connected with the right bracket of “)”. Or, it is just connected with the light-track, and destroying the existence of the Higgs boson. Or, the near-physics has no ability to hold the mass.
That is to say, according to the background of the completed inner position of inside universe, the original creation route of creating out the equal-sign, is holding three isolated layers. The first layer of equal-sign, is just the extinction-state creating out the angular quantum-effect, and to show the moon of being controlled by God. The second layer of equal-sign, is just the absolute-unknown-spot of being located at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, in the universe-expression, and, to show the connection-tunnel between the feeling-known and the moon of being controlled by God. The third layer of equal-sign, is just the equal-sign in math, and, to show the Einstein’s moon of being created out from the feeling-known, and, with the largest scope of touching the half of imaginary number of “i-space”.
The physical meaning of these three layers of equal-sign, is just to show the partial route of the original creation-route of creating out the definite-ability of thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble.
Comparing the math-group-theory and the inner structure at the position of inside the bracket of “()” in universe-expression, No.1, the structure at the inner position of inside the bracket of “()”, is to show the largest universe-scope that could be chosen by the life-behaviors; No.2, the math-group-theory is just to replace this largest universe-scope that could be chosen by the life-behaviors;
No.3, clearly, the math-group-theory is defining the gap-area between the left bracket of “(” and the law of God’s power, into the in-existence. Or, it is just defining the definer of defining be-alive into the in-existence, and, this is just the first extinction-tunnel of being held by the math-group-theory. No.4,
the math-group-theory is defining the gap-area between the right bracket of “)” and the pointer of force law, into the in-existence. Or, it is just defining the definer of defining life into the in-existence, or, it is defining the selfish-triangle into the in-existence, or, it is defining the thinking of life into the in-existence, and this is just the second extinction-tunnel of being held by the math-group-theory. No.5, this is just the self-destroying-effect of being shown as that, it is unknown of what the self-own is. No.6, the math-group-theory is completely fitting the thinking of zombie and fitting the behavior of zombie.
The math-group-theory is holding the first extinction-tunnel and holding the second-extinction-tunnel. And then, according to the universe-expression, the extinction-state of being held by the math-group-theory is, No.1, of no ability to touch the extinction-state of being defined by outer position of outside universe through the pointer of force law; No.2, of no ability to touch the extinction-state of being defined by the inner position of inside universe through the law of God’s power;
No.3, the math-group-theory is according to the unchangeable restriction of equal-sign in math, to touch the extinction-property of being located at the dark-side-background of the universe-expression, along the absolute-unknown-spot at the inner position of the bracket of “()”, and, it is tendency of going along the opposite direction to the direction of the original creation route of creating out the equal-sign, to touch the extinction-property, and, it could be called as the equal-sign-squeezing of going into the extinction. No.4, the equal-sign-squeezing of going into the extinction, is only of the ability to touch the extinction-property of being shown at the position of quantum-line between, the extinction-state of being defined by the inner position of inside universe, and, the extinction-state of being defined by the outer position of outside universe. And, this type of extinction-property is going through destroying the immune system of universe-vacuum, to touch the extinction-property, of driving the completed universe into the extinction-state, and driving the completed life into the extinction-state. And, this is the extinction.
The physical meaning of equal-sign-squeezing of going into the extinction is that, the original creation route of creating out the equal-sign, is according to the extinction-state being the beginning-spot, and, going through excreting away the extinction-state, to create out the absolute-unknown-spot, and it is making the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track, and then, creating out the 3-dimensional structure-stability; but, the equal-sign-squeezing of going into the extinction, is going through the beginning-spot of the 3-dimensional structure-stability, with tendency of touching the ending-spot of extinction-state, and, to change the already existence of 3-dimensional structure-stability, into the extinction-state. And, this is the extinction.
One of the extinction-states is the direction of creating out 3-dimensional structure and creating out the life; the other extinction-state is the direction of destroying the 3-dimensional structure and destroying life. And, these situations are totally different with each other. And, there must be the existence of the outer position of outside universe.
The math-group-theory is holding the physical meaning of equal-sign-squeezing of going into extinction. And then, the top-summit-layers of different countries must be in charge of responsibility. Especially, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, giving out the answer. The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is the country of holding the nearest distance between the earth surface and the moon of being controlled by God. If the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America is keeping silent to me, and pretending be-unknown, then, what is the meaning?
According to the beginning-spot of the Galileo, and, according to the ending-spot of the Higgs boson, this is the isolated history-beacon during the human-history of life-continuing, and, it is the life-shape-mutation of human life. and it is shown as that, the life-shape of humankind is going from the S-track of life-shape into the P-track of life-shape.
The feature of this isolated mutation-history-piece of life-continuing is just that, the near-physics was going from the initialized situation into the situation of completed enough, and it was driving the near-science going from the initialized situation into the situation of completed enough. Or, it was the procedure of creating out the P-track of life-shape. And the historical function of Galileo during the life-continuing-history, is just opening the initialized door of the P-track of life-shape.
The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is holding the nearest distance between the earth surface and the moon of being controlled by God.
The life-continuing-duty of being held by the top-summit-layer of science, is just keeping the unchangeable connection of being connected with the moon of being controlled by God. Or, it is avoiding humankind going into the extinction-state. The Grand-General of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN, is just occupying the position of the top-summit-layer of science, and, destroying the connection of being connected with the moon of being controlled by God, and, driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction-state.
The explanation of humankind going into the extinction-state, must be coming from the moon of being controlled by God. And, the moon of being controlled by God, is just the other expression of about the law of God’s power. The explanation of humankind going into the extinction-state, must be going away from the connection of being connected with the feeling-known, and it is just dragging out the explanation of coming from the moon of being controlled by God. And, this is just the volume-property.
The difference between the top-summit-layer of science and the shameless-idiot-club made up of the group of Nobel-Prize holders is that, No.1, the top-summit-layer of science is belonged to specific country, and the shameless-idiot-club is occupying the completed earth-surface; No.2, the shameless-idiot-club is not controlled by the metabolism, of being shown as the single direction, but, the top-summit-layer of science in different countries must be controlled by the metabolism according to the measurement-result of being measured by the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, of being shown as the opposition directions; No.3, the top-summit-layer of science of going apart away from the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must be excreted away, or, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must be controlling everything, and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing must not be controlled.
宇宙表达式的原理表达形态是,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等。
The pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing can’t be expressed by the language-symbol, but, it is to explain the life-continuing-result trough dragging out the moon of being controlled by God. And, this is just the volume-property, and, this is just the volume-measurement, and, this is just the natural measurement.
The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,
Hidden behind the asymptotic freedom, it is the extinction-tunnel of being located at the inner position of inside universe; and, hidden behind the light-track, it is going towards the extinction-tunnel of being connected with the outer position of outside universe.
The universe-expression is just the expression of expressing the volume-particle. Because of that, the background of the universe-expression is just the definite extinction-state. The definite extinction-state is just squeezing the universe-expression into 2-dimensional sheet, and, this is just the physical meaning. The dark-side of this 2-dimensional sheet is just the extinction-state in definite way. And, the bright-side of this 2-dimensional sheet is the universe-expression, or, being the volume-particle.
According to the universe-expression, the beginning-spot of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the law of God’s power, because of that, the law of God’s power is connected with the extinction-state at the inner position of inside universe. According to the universe-expression, the ending-spot of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the pointer of force law, because of that, the pointer of force law is connected with the extinction-state at the outer position of outside universe.
And then, the first tunnel of expressing the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is according to the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, and according to the ending-spot of the pointer of force law, and, to create out the unique isolated definite direction; the second tunnel of expressing the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is according to the beginning-spot of the dark-side-background of the universe-expression, and according to the ending-spot of the bright-side-expression, to create out the unique isolated definite direction.
And then, the universe-expression is just the shape of the double tunnels structures, of being shown as the central-dogma of universe vertical, or, the central-dogma-particle, or, the universe-vertical-particle, or, the central-scientific-principle-particle, or, it is just the definer of defining the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, or, it is the universe-constant-particle of Einstein, or, it is just the definer of defining Einstein-bending of space-time.
The universe-expression is the definer of defining space-time-bending. The universe is also the definer of defining the Higgs boson, or, the definer of defining the quantum effect, because of that, the universe-expression is just the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And then, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America, should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me.
The universe-expression is the particle-shape of the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, and fitting the law of direction-expression, and to express the direction through cutting down the direction.
The physical meaning of the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter is just the radiation-line that can’t be cut down. According to universe-expression being as the central-dogma-particle of universe vertical, the physical meaning of “the radiation-line that can’t be cut down” is shown as that, according to the outer position of outside universe being the definer of defining angular quantum effect of the extinction-state, and, according to the pointer of force law being connected with the tunnel of being connected with the outer position of outside universe, then, any-dot on the universe-diameter-expression is fitting the universe-vertical, or, the property of going apart away from the extinction-state, and holding the tendency-direction of going into the creation of 3-dimensional stable structure.
Or, the universe-diameter is the direction-side of the holographic particle, and the universe-expression is the particle-side of the holographic particle.
If using pencil to draw a 3-dimensional bubble, then, the diameter of this 3-dimensional bubble is automatically overlapping into the direction of universe-vertical, and going apart away from the connection of being connected with the feeling-known, and then, this 3-dimensional bubble is just the Higgs boson, or, being the Higgs field, and fitting the law of God’s power. This situation of being overlapped with the universe vertical direction, is just connected with the universe-diameter, or, being overlapped with pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
Or, the universe vertical direction, is just according to the partial-structure at the inner position of inside universe, to express the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, to express the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
The common-expression of expressing the universe vertical direction is just, going through breaking down the stone, to touch the powders, and, going through breaking down the powder, to touch the molecules, and, going through breaking down the molecule, to touch the atoms, and, going through breaking down the atom, to touch the nucleuses, and, going through breaking down the nucleus, to touch the asymptotic freedom.
And, this definer of defining the universe vertical direction, is just the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And then, this 3-dimensional bubble of being connected with the universe vertical direction, is just the Higgs boson, or, the universe vertical particle, or, the central dogma particle, or, it is just the universe-expression, and of including the quantum-effect, and, including the general-relativity-effect at the same time.
The diameter of the 3-dimensional bubble is holding the automatic tendency of being overlapped with universe vertical direction, and, it is just to show the physical meaning of that, the universe-diameter is situation of radiation-line that can’t be cut down. Or, it is just going apart away from the connection of being connected with the feeling-known, and going into the natural measurement, or, being connected with the moon of being controlled by God in automatic way, or, it is just connected with the tunnel of transporting the inspiration. Or, the Higgs boson is just the connection-particle of being connected with the inspiration.
The 3-dimensional particle of being drawn out, or, the 3-dimensional bubble of being thought out through the thinking-diameter bubble, must be connected with the moon of being controlled by God, going through the pointer of universe vertical direction, and, going apart away from the connection of being connected with the thinking-diameter bubble, and, going apart away from the connection of being connected with the feeling-known, and, creating out the connection of being connected with the inspiration-transportation-tunnel, and, picking out the inspiration, and, picking out the meaning-explanation of coming from the moon of being controlled by God. And, this is just the Higgs boson, or, creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, creating out the science, or, it is just the law of science-duty conservation.
And then, the zero-eligibility of going into the top-summit-layer of science is just that, there must be understanding of picking out the inspiration. If be-unknown of picking out the inspiration, and occupying the top-summit-layer of science, then, it must be excreted away according to the metabolism.
This is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Because of that, picking-out-the-inspiration, is just creating out the definer of defining be-alive, and creating out the beginning-spot of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
The top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America should be in charge of responsibility at first, and, giving out the answer. And, the top-summit-layer of science in the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me. Because of that, United States of America is the country of holding the nearest distance between the earth surface and the moon of being controlled by God.
If the position of holding the nearest distance between the earth surface and the moon of being controlled by God is cutting down the connection of being connected with the moon of being controlled by God, then, the unique future of humankind, or, the unique destiny of humankind, is just definitely going towards the extinction-state, and, it is just changing the Earth into the Mars.
宇宙表达式的原理表达形态是,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,
The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,
The universe-expression is also the unit-science-particle. Clearly, according to the meaning of the universe-expression, the unit-science-particle is not expressed through the name of “unit-science-particle”. Because of that, the background of the universe-expression is the definite extinction-state. And then, the meaning of science, is going through the running-structure, to realize the goal of excreting away the extinction-property and going into the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and this situation is called the law of science conservation, or the law of life-continuing conservation, or, the universe-expression, or the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
Clearly, the extinction is not expressed through the name of “extinction”. The extinction-state, is the original creation spot of creating out the set of four quantum effects, this is the side-expression of the extinction-state of creating out the 3-dimensional existence. And, the self-own-expression of the extinction-state, must be relying on the existence of God, or, relying on the existence of the outer position of outside universe.
Or, only the quantum-line between the extinction-state and the outer position of outside universe, is of the ability to express the self-original meaning of the extinction-state. No matter what this quantum-line is.
The background of the universe-expression, is just the definite extinction-state. And then, different connection-effects between the universe-expression and the extinction-background, is just creating out the law of direction-expression. It is to show the unique pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, it is to show the unique pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is to express the science, at the inner position of inside universe.
Clearly, this is not applying the name of “science”, to express the science. But, it is applying all the behavior-actions going from the ancient to now, and until future, and until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, to express the meaning of science.
In the universe-expression, the law of God’s power is to show that, the extinction-state is connected with the inner position of inside universe. The pointer of force law is to show that, the extinction-state is connected with the outer position of outside universe. No.1, then, it is to show the creation of creating out the completed universe-space-scope, of going through excreting away the extinction-state, according to the background of the extinction-state, and, holding the principle of the space first. No.2, it is to show the creation of the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, and the creation of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, according to the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, and according to the ending-spot of the pointer of force law. No.3, and then, the physical-shape of the completed universe is just the duality-state of particle-direction, or, being the universe holographic effect.
The universe-expression is to show the creation of the completed universe-space according to excreting away the extinction property. It is including the science-contents of already being found, and including the science-contents of not being found. It is including the science-contents of being expressed, and including the science-contents of not being expressed.
The universe-expression is holding the near-science, and holding the far-science also, and, holding the relation between the near-science and the far-science.
According to that, both the science and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing are the same natural measured property of holding two different expression-shapes, then, the fixed direction-pointer of life-continuing of being held by the universe-expression is expressed through at least two different sides, including the far-science side and the near-science side, and then, it is shown as the disappearance state of the pointer-shape of the fixed direction of life-continuing, in the completed universe, and, this is just the law of direction-expression, and fitting the law of space-first conservation.
Both the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing of being held by near-science and the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing of being held by far-science, are the same the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing. Because of that, the fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing must the unique, and being isolated, and being definite.
But, both the near-science and the far-science are to show the different space-scope, and holding the property of never simultaneous. The existence-space of near-science is the near-sequence and far chaos. The existence-space of far-science is the far-sequence and the near-chaos. These two science-spaces can’t be the existence at the same time. And then, at the inner positions of inside different spaces-bubble, there is the existence of the same single fixed-direction-pointer of life-continuing, and fitting the unique, and fitting the definite, and fitting the isolated, and then, this pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the universe vertical pointer. And then, this is fitting the law of parallel of time.
Then, it is shown as that, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the radiation-line that can’t be cut down into pieces, and being shown as holding different time dimensions. Or, the pointer of universe is just the property of the pointer that can’t be cut down into pieces, and, being correspondent to the law of time parallel conservation, and, it is just creating out the Plank-constant. And then, the near-science is shown as the duality of direction-particle, and far-science is also shown as the duality of direction-particle. And then, the direction in the duality of direction-particle of quantum, is just the universe vertical direction.
The Higg’s boson, or, the God-particle, is just the universe-vertical-pointer, and, being the original creation spot of creating out the Plank-constant, and, being the original creation spot of creating out the mass. And, the Plank-constant is just the central-dogma of universe-vertical, and fitting the law of time parallel conservation. And, the pointer of the universe vertical, is just the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, and being the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, being the unique isolated definite direction-pointer of being held by the universe-expression. Or, it is just going apart away from the extinction-state and going into the 3-dimensional structure-stability.
Clearly, the universe-expression is not the expression of language-symbol, because of that, the background of the universe-expression is the extinction-state. There must be the running-structure, to make the connection between the universe-expression and the moon of being controlled by God, and, picking out the explanation of coming from the moon of being controlled by God, and, it is just picking out the natural measurement. Or, it is just creating out the volume-property.
Clearly, the beginning spot of this running-structure is just the top-summit-layer of science. And then, the top-summit-layer has no authority to be silent to me.
As being the top-summit-layer of science on the completed earth-surface, the group of Noble-Prize holders has being changed into the shameless-idiot-club, and being shown as the situation of destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and then, the Nobel-Prize must be thrown into the historical garbage-bin. And then, the top-summit-layer of different countries must be in charge of the responsibility of the life-continuing, and giving out the natural measured answer of the universe-expression, or, giving out the volume answer.
Especially, the top-summit-layer of the United States of America has no authority to be silent to me, no matter what the name of the top-summit-layer of the United States of America is, or what the running-way of the top-summit-layer of the United States of America is. Because of that, on the surface of the earth, it is the nearest-distance between the United States of America and the moon of being controlled by God. And because of that, this is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and it must be going apart away from the shape of language-expression.
宇宙表达式的原理表达形态就是基元科学粒子,也是基元伽利略粒子,或者是完整的伽利略相对性粒子,显现为,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,等等,这就是伽利略相对性在人类生命延续历史中的作用,也就是创生牛顿三定律的起源背景。
The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is just the unit-science-particle, or, being the unit-Galileo’s particle, or, being the particle of the completed Galileo’s relativity, and, being shown as, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and so on, this is just the historical function of the Galileo’s relativity during the human-life-continuing. Or, it is just the original creation-background of creating out three laws of Newton.
In the universe-expression, the completed self-spin of the left bracket of “(”, is creating out the Galileo’s room, or, creating out the half of Galileo’s relativity. the completed self-spin of the right bracket of “)”, is creating out the money-fluid of showing the record-shape of language, or, being the connection-state of being connected with the light-track, and, being correspondent with the blood-property.
The right bracket of “)” must be touching the left bracket of “(”, to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is fitting the universe-function of the light-track, or, it is creating out the proton, or, it is creating out the cell, or, it is creating out the quantum chain, or, it is creating out the Plank constant, or, it is creating out the 2-dimensional sheet-shape of the asymptotic freedom, or, it is creating out the Higg’s field, or, it is creating out the connection-tunnel of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. Is there anyone who understands the meaning of be-alive?
But, the connection between the money-fluid and the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, is creating out the money-number, and, it is to show the natural measured physical property of going apart away from the connection, of being connected with other dimension, and, going into the ultimate-3-dimensional stability, and, it is just creating out the completed division-effect between the fruit and the plant, and, it is creating out the fruit-dropping-effect.
But, the fruit-dropping-effect is of no necessary of plant, and, of no necessary of nutrition, and, it is creation out the situation of the single-time of be-alive, and then, going into ultimate-death-state forever. And, this is the extinction-state. And then, as long as holding the money-number, it is not necessary of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is not necessary of the definer of defining be-alive.
This is just the completed extinction-state of the completed humankind. Or, it is just the fundamental principle of zombie driving humankind into the extinction, or, it is just the background of creating out the planning-economics, or, it is just the background of creating out the planning-life, or, it is just the background of creating out the planning-market. And then, zombie is just the Savior of saving humankind.
And then, what is the difference between the market and the planning-market? Is there anyone who makes the division between the market and the planning-market? Is there anyone who understands the difference between the planning-market and the planning-life? Zombie is occupying both the tree and the nutrition, and then, zombie is giving humankind the fruit, and then, you say, it is very good happiness, isn’t it?
According to the universe-expression, the fruit-dropping-effect is just the completed self-spin-effect of the right bracket of “)”. And, it is holding the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, of going from the beginning-spot of language, into the ending-spot of money-fluid. And, it is just transforming the money-fluid into the money-number. Or, it is just the controlling the moving-track of money-fluid, and, it is the self-spin-completeness of price-controlling. Or, it is just the self-spin-completeness of the fruit-dropping-effect. And, this is just the extinction-property of holding the single-time of be-alive.
Or, it is just the quantum self-spin-effect between the money-number and the thinking-diameter bubble, and, it is pretending and replacing the covalent bond, or, it is applying the money-number to replace the Galileo’s room, or, it is applying the right bracken of “)” to replace the Galileo’s room, or, it is applying the right bracken of “)” to replace the left bracket of“(”, or, it is just the self-closing of the language, and, it is just creating out the language-definite, and, it is just the original creation-mechanism of creating out the math-ability of human-thinking. And, hidden behind here, it is not the problem of killing, but, it is large scale of killing, until the uncontrollable killing, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
That is to say, in the universe-expression, the left bracket of “(”, is of no necessary. Because of that, the right bracket of “)” is connected with the moving-track of the money-fluid, and, being able to replace everything and all things. When the left bracket of “(” is not the existence, then, the universe-expression is totally broken down, and, being destroyed in completed way, and, this is just the extinction-state, and it is the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
Both the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, are the same natural measured property of holding different names. But, the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, must be going back into the extinction-state. And then, it is to show that, the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect, is just the extinction-state.
The quantum effects, had brought the humankind into the connection of being connected with the extinction-state, and, it is just bring the humankind into the life-shape of P-track. And, this is the result of God-controlling, and there is no method of changing.
In the universe-expression, the relation between the left bracket of “(” and the right bracket of “)”, is just the quantum self-spin-effect. And, the self-own of left bracket of “(”, is also the self-spin-effect, according to the connection with the law of God’s power, and, and, the self-own of right bracket of “)”, is also the self-spin-effect, according to the connection with the pointer of force law, and, because of that, the money-fluid is of the ability to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
When both the left bracket of “(”the right bracket of “)” are cut down by the absolute-unknown-spot, and, creating out two different quantum self-spin-bodies, then, the connection between the thinking-diameter bubble and the connection of coming from the law of God’s power, is totally cut down, and, the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, is totally cut down, and, the relation between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, is totally divided apart away.
At this time, it is creating out an equal-sign between the universe-expression and the extinction-state. Because of that, the background of the universe is just the extinction-state. And then, the relation between the left bracket of “(” and the right bracket of “)”, is just the different sight-angle of the extinction-state, and, being just the angular quantum effect.
The extinction-state is the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin, and, being also the original creation spot of creating out the angular quantum. Both the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, are the same natural measured property of holding different names, or, being the same natural measured existence of holding different observation-sight-angular. And then, the relation between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, is only the same natural measured property of holding different sides, and to show the existence of angular quantum, and, the angular quantum is only expressed through the positive integers of including the zero-number, and, the angular quantum can’t be expressed through the negative integers. Because of that, applying the negative integer to express the angular quantum, is just applying the name of “extinction-state” to express the extinction-state, and, it is not fitting the equal-sigh between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state.
The pair of extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, is just the original creation spot of creating out the angular quantum. The state of going apart away from the extinction-state, must be going back into the extinction-state, or, the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, is of no ability to change the extinction state, and, this is just the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect. No matter the angular quantum, or the quantum self-spin, all are created out from the extinction-state. But, the extinction-state must be the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, otherwise, there will be no existence of universe, and, there will be no existence of life. The experimental result is showing that, the universe must be the existence, and, the experimental result is showing that, the life must be the existence, and then, the extinction-state must be the state of going apart away from the extinction-state. And, this is just the universe immune effect.
Or, the extinction-state must be the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and it is just to show two different wave-function petals, of holding the same quantum state. When the single petal is the existence, then, the other petals are automatically disappearance, and, this is just creating out the covalent bond. And then, the relation between the single petal and all the other petals, is just the relation of equal-sign. And then, this equal-sign is just the central-knot of the wave-function, of being shown as the inexistence.
When the single wave-function-petal is expressed out, the other wave-functions must be going into disappearance in automatic way, or, the state of going apart away from the extinction-state must be going back into the extinction-state, and, this is just the quantum self-spin, and, creating out the covalent bond, and, fitting the experimental result.
And then, the equal-sign-effect at the central knot of wave function is just the universe-fulcrum-effect, No.1, it is creating out the division-effect between different wave-functions. No.2, it is creating out the division-effect between different petals at the inner position of the same function. No.3, the covalent bond between the different wave-functions, is just creating out the covalent bond, to go apart away from the extinction-state. No.4, gap between the different petals of the same wave-function, is also the division-effect between different energy-levels, or, being creating out the fine-energy-levels. No.5, the physical meaning of going apart away from the extinction-state through covalent bond, is just going apart away from other dimension, and, creating out the 3-dimensional structure, and it is to show the relation of E=MCC. No.6, going through the covalent bond of going apart away from other dimension, and to create out the 3-dimension, the final result is just creating out the life. No.7, the physical meaning of creating out the life finally, is just to be connected with the pointer of force law, and to create out the universe-diameter.
Clearly, different wave-functions are to show different names. And, different petals of the same wave-function, are to show different sight-angles of holding different names. When the single petal of wave-function is expressed out, the other wave-function-petals must be going into disappearance in automatic way, or, it is to show the situation of that, going apart away from the extinction-state must be going back into the extinction state, and, it is just the quantum self-spin-effect. And then, the naming ability is just the same with the covalent bond. And then, the wave-function-petal of being named out, is just the tendency of going apart away from the extinction-state, and going into the creation of 3-dimensional structure-existence, or, it is just creating out the energy-level-effect. And then, the zero-energy-level must be the artificial energy-level, of being connected with the naming-ability.
The extinction-state is the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect. The extinction-state is also the original creation spot of creating out the angular-quantum-effect. And, the extinction-state is also the original creation spot of creating out the major-quantum -effect.
During the original creation procedure of creating out the angular quantum from the extinction-state, there must be the existence of the pointer of force law of being located at the outer position of outside light-track, to make the extinction-state being fixed at the inner position of light-track, and, it is just applying the light-track to create out the division-effect of showing different sides of the extinction-state. Otherwise, there are not different sides of the extinction-state. When the light-track offering different side into the extinction-state, and it is just creating out the angular-quantum-effect, and, it is just creating out the 2-dimensional-sheet-effect of the asymptotic freedom, and it is driving the inner structure of universe into the fixed situation of being located at the single side of the 2-dimensional sheet of asymptotic freedom.
During the original creation procedure of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect, there must be defining the pointer of force law into the inexistence, or, there must be defining the light-track into the inexistence, then, it is to show the situation of going back into the extinction state. Or, it is just creating out the result-effect of that, the mass has no ability to go beyond the light-track. Because of that, the mass has no ability to go beyond the inexistence.
That is to say, no matter the original creation procedure of creating out the angular quantum, or, the original creation procedure of creating out the quantum self-spin, there must be relying on the existence of other structure of being different the extinction-state. Or, there must be the existence-tunnel of being connected with God. That is to say, there must be the division-effect between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, to be different side of the extinction-state. When the law of God’s power is to show the extinction-state of being located at the inner position of inside universe, then, the pointer of force law must be connected with the God, through the outer-tunnel of outside the universe. Or, there must be according to the first existence of outer position of outside the universe, and then, at second procedure, it is to create out the inner existence of inside universe. Or, there must be defining the other dimension into the outer position of outside universe, and then, it is of the ability to create out the 3-dimensional structure at the inner position of inside universe. And, both the thinking-ability and the experiment-pointer-ability of a person, has no ability to go beyond the restriction of 3-dimension. And the thinking-ability of a person has no ability to touch the outer position of outside universe. There must be the completeness enough of near-science, to support the existence of the outer position of outside universe.
That is to say, going from the extinction-state to create out both the angular quantum and the quantum self-spin, there must be the division-effect in the extinction-state, and, it is to drive the extinction-state into the disappearance, and to create out the existence. But, the extinction-state has no ability to show different sides. Because of that, the extinction-state must be the unique, and the extinction-state must be the isolated, and the extinction-state must be the definite.
And then, there must be the division-effect between the inside universe and the outside universe, of being held by the extinction-state, and then, there will be the unique isolated definite extinction-state at the inner position of inside universe. And, the pointer of force law, must be connected with the existence of outside universe, and, it is just creating out the meaning of both extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and, it is creating out the original effect of angular quantum. And the connection between the ability of creating out the life and the pointer of force law, is giving out the background of showing the effect of extinction-state going back into the extinction-state, and, it is just creating out the quantum self-spin-effect.
And then, it is according to the connection between the pointer of force law and the outer position of outside universe, to show the ability of going apart away the extinction-state, and then creating out the 3-dimensional stability at the inner position of inside universe. Or, at the inner position of inside universe, only if going along the track of holding the ability to create out the life, then, there will be the ability to go apart away the quantum-self-spin of the extinction-state. And then, the zero-energy-level must be the artificial energy-level of coming from the pointer of force law. Or, the zero-energy-level is the artificial energy-level of coming from the outer position of outside the universe. And then, No.1, there must be the existence of God; No.2, the universe must be holding the ability of creating out life.
And then, the gap between the extinction-state and the artificial zero-energy-level, is just the original creation spot of creating out the major quantum. Or, the major quantum is holding the tendency-pointer of the fixed direction of going into the 3-dimensional completeness. Or, it is the completeness of going apart away from other dimension. Or, it is just the effect of fruit-dropping. Or, the gap between the zero-energy-level and the extinction-state, is just the mutation-gap between the 3-dimensional structure and the other dimension, and being just the original creation spot of creating out the energy.
宇宙表达式的生命活动形态是,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续原理截面 ( 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,
宇宙表达式的原理表达形态是,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,
The life-action-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the inspiration-transportation-tunnel { the principle-section of life-continuing ( the absolute-unknown-spot ) the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by feeling-known } picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,
The principle-expression-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the law of God’s power ( the absolute-unknown-spot creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track )the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,
The mutual-structure between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, is to show the double entering-spots of going from the feeling-known beginning-spot of near-physics into the ending-spot of far-physics. Or, it is to show double pointers of directions. Or, it is to show the double pointers of going from the feeling-known beginning-spot of 3-dimensional structure into the ending-spot of fourth dimension. Or, it is to show the double pointers of going from the feeling-known beginning-spot of existence into the ending-spot of extinction-state. This is just the effect of the near-sequence and the far-chaos. The original creation spot of creating out the near-sequence is just the half of Galileo’s relativity.
The mutual-structure between the left bracket of “(” and the right bracket of “)”, is to show the double entering-spots of going from the beginning-spot of far-physics into the ending-spot of near-physics. Or, it is to show double pointers of directions. Or, it is to show the double pointers of going from the beginning-spot of fourth dimension into the ending-spot of 3-dimensional structure. Or, it is to show the double pointers of going from the beginning-spot of extinction-state into the ending-spot of existence-state. Or, this is just the original creation spot of creating out the universe, or, it is just the original creation spot of creating out the life. This is just the effect of the far-sequence and the near-chaos, and, creating out the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track. And then, the absolute unknown-spot at the inner position of the bracket of “()”, is just the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, being the central scientific principle. The original creation spot of creating out the far-sequence, is just the extinction-state of creating out the completed Galileo’s relativity.
The far-physics is just the extinction-physics; and the near-physics is just the existence-physics.
And, the background of the universe-expression is just the extinction-state. Or, the background of the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter is just the extinction-state. Or, the background of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the extinction-state. This is just fitting the experimental result.
在宇宙表达式中,全部远程物理与远程科学的内容,都连接着灭绝性。因此,远程物理与远程科学,不是用“远程物理”和 “远程科学”这样的名称来表达,而是用第四维度全维拼网唯一性来表达。而“唯一确定性”这种自然度量属性,是来自灭绝性。
In the universe-expression, every content and all the contents in near-physics or in near science, are fixed at the inner position of inside bracket of “()”. The left bracket of “(” is connected with the asymptotic freedom, such as the atom. Is there anyone who heard about the name of “atom”? And the right bracket of “)” is connected with the constant speed of light, such as the electro-magnetic wave. Is there anyone who heard about the electro-magnetic wave? The near-science has no ability to go beyond the light-track, and, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the asymptotic freedom.
In the universe-expression, every content and all the contents in far-physics or in far-science, are connected with the extinction-property. And then, the far-physics or the far-science is not expressed in the name of the “far-physics” or the “far-science”, but, being expressed in the shape of the unique web system of fourth dimension, in the unique definite way. The natural measured property of the “unique definite” , is coming from the extinction-property.
Both the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, are to show the different expression-shapes of the same natural measured property. The beginning spot of going apart away from the extinction-state, is just the extinction-state. But, the name-meaning-shape of naming the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, must be returning back into the extinction-state. Because of that, this is the extinction-property. And, going apart away from the extinction-property is not changing the extinction-property. But, going apart away from the existence-property is touching the other existence-property, and then, it is creating out the difference-effect. And then, there is no difference-effect between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state, and, this is just the quantum self-spin-effect, or, being the original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin. That is to say, the physical meaning of the quantum self-spin-effect is just the 2-dimensional sheet. One of the sides is the existence-side, and the other side is the extinction-side, and then, it is shown as the 1/2, and, just like the shape of the completeness of genome.
The original creation spot of creating out the quantum self-spin-effect is just the extinction-property, or, being the thinking-ability-limit. The thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to touch the extinction-property. Or, the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble has no ability to comprehension of the extinction-property. And this is just the thinking-limit.
宇宙表达式的生命活动形态是,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续原理截面 ( 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,
The life-action-shape of the universe-expression is, rel the inspiration-transportation-tunnel { the principle-section of life-continuing ( the absolute-unknown-spot ) the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by feeling-known } picking out the inspiration through using the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the name is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,
The principle-section of life-continuing and the money-fluid-section are fitting the effect of being parallel conservation with each other, or, being fitting the quantum self-spin-effect. Because of that, this is the situation of cutting down the connection, between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is the situation of cutting down the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, in completed way.
Applying the money-fluid into the tool, adding the money-fluid into the principle-section, this is the situation of destroying the connection between the principle-section and the law of God’s power, and, this is the situation of destroying the definer of defining be-alive, and, this is changing the volume-thinking, and, this is destroying the volume-thinking picking out the inspiration, and, this is just the common said of mind-washing. This is just the situation of the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
Applying the principle-section into the tool, adding the principle-section into the money-fluid, this situation is just the law of planning-economics conservation, or, this situation is just the law of planning-life conservation, or, it is just destroying the connection between the money-fluid-section and the pointer of force law, and, this is just destroying the definer of defining life. This is just the situation of the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
There is no method of making division-effect between the extinction-state and the state of going apart away from the extinction-state. Or, the moving-track of money-fluid must be picking out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, on the surface of the life-continuing-section. But, the moving-track of money-fluid has no ability to touch the life-continuing-section. Because of that, the life-principle-section must be picking out the inspiration from the law of God’s power. If the moving-track of money-fluid is touching the molecule or atom, then, the money is changed into the paper of going into disappearance.
The money-fluid must be touching the life-continuing-principle-section, to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and the meaning is that, the quantum self-spin-effect must be creating out the covalent bond. That is to say, the right bracket of “)”must being going to touch the left bracket of “(”, to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, to create out the covalent bond. But, the original creation spot of creating out this action of “picking out”, is just the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble.
The direct connection between the thinking and the money-fluid, is fixedly destroying the covalent bond, to show that the pointer of force law is not necessary. The absolute unknown-spot at the inner position of the bracket of“()”, is also fixedly destroying the covalent bond, to show that the law of God’s power is not necessary. Because of that, the connection between the thinking and the money-fluid, is just the transformer, of transforming the money-fluid into the money-number. And, because of that, the money-number can be controlled by the selfish-triangle in completed way, and, it is the ability to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing in completed way, and to create out the extinction-state. And, this is the extinction-property.
Or, the light-track must be going to touch the asymptotic freedom, to pick out the original creation spot of creating out the proton, or, to pick out the original creation spot of creating out the mass, or, to pick out the Higg’s boson. But, the original creation spot of creating out this action of “picking out”, is just the pointer of force law, of being located at the position of super-speed of light, and, to create out the central dogma of universe vertical. And, the dark-side of the asymptotic freedom is just the law of God’s power, or, the Higg’s field.
That is to say, the central dogma of universe vertical, is just according to the original creation spot of creating out the 2-dimensional sheet, to create out the 3-dimensional structure, just like the expression in 《dimensional original of the biological body structure》. Or, it is just according to the extinction-state being the original creation spot, to create out the existence-structure.
或者说,rel天威定律( 绝对无知点把渐进自由与光子轨道分离开来)力定律指针rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,就是基元科学粒子,或者是基元物理粒子,或者是完整的伽利略相对性粒子,或者是宇宙起源粒子,或者是生命起源粒子,等等。
That is to say, rel the law of God’s power( the absolute unknown-spot of making the division-effect between the asymptotic freedom and the light-track)the pointer of force law rel => one of the name is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the unit-science-particle, or, the unit-physics-particle, or, the particle of the completed Galileo’s relativity, or the original creation-particle of creating out the universe, or, the original creation-particle of creating out the life, and so on.
但是,依据宇宙表达式的生命活动形态,rel灵感传送通道 { 生命延续原理截面 ( 绝对无知点) 想法感知的货币流体的流动轨迹 } 想法直径泡泡内部的想法提取灵感rel => 名称之一是生命延续定向方向指针,或者叫做宇宙表达式,等等,
But, according to the life-action-shape of the universe-expression, rel the tunnel of transporting inspiration { the principle-section of life-continuing ( absolute-unknown-spot) the moving-track of money-fluid of being felt by thinking } the thinking of picking out the inspiration at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble rel => one of the names is the pointer of life-continuing, or the universe-expression, and so on,
Does the thinking at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble be driving the money-fluid, to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing or not?
Clearly, the first answer is that, some selfish-triangles are driving the money-fluid to pick out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing;
The second answer is that, some selfish-triangles are driving the money-fluid to destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, in deliberate way;
The third answer is that, this is the law of killing conservation, and, this is the fourth dimensional war.
Because of that, the selfish-triangle is not in need of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, because of that, the money-fluid is able to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing in completed way. Only the pointer of force law is in need of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, because of that, it is to create out the universe-diameter according to God controlling.
This is not the problem of killing, but, it is the problem of large scale of killing, and, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.