According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the wave-function of near-physics is located at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line. The fundamental meaning of the wave-function of near-physics, is 50% of the existence or the 50% of inexistence. Clearly, the physical meaning of 50% of the existence or the 50% of inexistence, is the absolute un-stability; but, the math meaning is the math-probability.
依据现实守恒定律B => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律,
依据现实守恒定律B => rel绝对不稳定(死活变换守恒定律)现实守数学几率rel => rel文明(死活变换守恒定律)文化rel => 僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律。
According to the law of reality conservation-B => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie,
The absolute un-stability is just the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, and, fitting the law of direction-expression; but, the math-probability is the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation, and without the restriction of the law of direction-expression, but being the edge of language. And then,
According to the law of reality conservation-B => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie,
The unique result is that, the physical meaning of the wave-function of the near-physics, is just the absolute un-stability, with the unique isolated pointer of direction being hidden behind it, and, it is not the math-probability. And, it is fitting the law of civilization conservation, and being called as the law of wave-function conservation.
No.1, according to the law of the wave-function conservation of the near-physics, and, No.2, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, No.3, according to the background of CCF field,
The wave-function of the near-physics, is going through the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, and going through the mutation effect, then, to be connected with the far-physics. According to the law of original creation of universe, the same direction with the anti-clockwise time dimension, is just the direction of creating out the wave function. Or, it is just the direction-pointer of the defective angle of absolute faith that the wave-function must hold, and pointing towards the law of trying conservation, and occupying the position of the bottom half of the anti-clockwise time dimension. Or, it is going through excreting away the fourth dimension, to touch the 3-dimensional stable structure. Or, it is according to the beginning-spot of 100% of inexistence, to touch the ending-spot of 100% of existence. And, it is defining the wave-function into the 50% of existence or the 50% of inexistence. And, the far-physical meaning is just bottom-half of the anti-clockwise time dimension. Or, it is just the unit cooperation pointer, or, it is going through the beginning-spot of property, to touch the ending-spot of the function.
No.1, according to the law of the wave-function conservation of the near-physics, and, No.2, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, No.3, according to the background of CCF field,
According to the law of original creation of universe, the direction being opposite to the direction of anti-clockwise time dimension, is just the direction of the disappearance of wave function, or, it is the direction of creating out the Bohr’s cost. Or, it is to show the focused beacon of the Bohr’s cost, or, it is the definite existence of the Bohr’s cost.
It is to drive the connection with the law of trying conservation into the extinction, and, it is going through the beginning-spot of 3-dimensional background, and returning back into the background of the fourth dimension. Or, it is going through driving the 3-dimension into extinction, to touch two different final ending-spots. The first ending-spot is the unique web system of fourth dimension; the second ending-spot is the completed extinction.
That is to say, going through the beginning-spot of the 100% of existence, it is to touch the ending-spot of the 100% of inexistence of two different branches finally, and defining the wave-function into 50% of existence and 50% of inexistence. The far-physical meaning is that, it is to show the sum effect of the top-half of the anti-clockwise time dimension, adding the completed extinction of the universe, and making the sum effect into the situation of mixture.
That is to say, No.1, there must be excreting away the extinction property, to keep the existence of the unique web system of fourth dimension; No.2, there must be going through the division effect, between the background effect of the unique web system of fourth dimension and the existence of anti-clockwise time dimension, and then, there will be the ability to show the existence of the top-half of the anti-clockwise time dimension. Or, there must be the existence of the pointer of energy-shrinking, of excreting away the extinction property, then, it is to show the existence of the anti-clockwise time dimension.
宇宙颠倒变换力=> rel宇宙监狱球(玻尔成本聚焦航标)全部近程科学rel =>死亡完整驱动力。
That is to say, in the wave-function of near-physics, the petal-area is just the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, or, being the area of the property going through, with holding the law of direction-expression, and to show the area of the electron-clouds of wave function. But, the gap-area between different petals, is the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, creating the mixture with the extinction property, or, being shown as the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, and, it is just the tunnel of going towards the energy-shrinking. And, according to the energy-shrinking being the original creation spot of the energy, to drive the momentum into the fine-energy-levels. But, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just intercepting the energy-shrinking, to change the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost into the cosmic fulcrum, to create out the,
The power force of up-side-down transformation of universe => rel the universe-prison-ball(the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost)all of the near-science rel => the driving power of death completeness.
This is the extinction situation with the permission of natural measurement, or it is the extinction situation with the permission of God’s measurement.
The first element is the unique web system of fourth dimension; the second element is the universe-prison-ball; the third element is the near science; these three elements are creating out the shape of “Y”, to show the holographic particle. And, it is just what zombie had said of triple-bodies of dark forest(SAN-TI).
The focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, is just common said of black hole, with physical meaning of that, it is tunnel of going through the beginning-spot of 3-dimensional structure, to go towards the unique web system of fourth dimension. Or, it is the universe immune tunnel, and being called as the law of black hole conservation.
According to the petal-shape of wave-function, the Bohr’s barrel is located at the position of petal, with holding the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, or, with holding the unit cooperation pointer, and being the bright-area according to the law of direction-expression; the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, is located at the gap-area between different petals, and holding the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, or, it is the tunnel of going towards the energy-shrinking through the universe immune system. And, it is according to the law of direction-expression, to cut down the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, and to intercept the pointer of the energy-shrinking, and creating out the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, and to create out the dark-area.
According to intercepting the energy-shrinking, there must be the universe-secret-tunnel, between the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost and the universe-prison-ball of zombie.
The focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, is just original creation spot of the probability in the math-expression, or the property of destroying the volume but being connected with the universe immune system, or, it is the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, with holding the power force of life-continuing. The focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, is also the tunnel of the modulus-ether in complex numbers.
This is just the experimental result of quantum diffraction. Or, the black hold is the tunnel of going towards the energy-shrinking; but, the worm-hole is the tunnel of coming from the unit cooperation pointer. Both the black hole and the worm hole are all of the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, and being shown as the modulus-ether in complex numbers. The near-science has begun to go into the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, in general way.
On the particle-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, the simplest structure is the triple-colors of structure. On the direction-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, it is the original creation spot of creating out the differentiation pointers of different professional subjects coming from the inner thinking of selfish triangle. This is just what zombie had defined of the quark of the atomic unclear layers-model. Or, it is the fundamental element of creating out the completed structure of universe.
依据宇宙颠倒变换力=> rel宇宙监狱球(玻尔成本聚焦航标)全部近程科学rel =>死亡完整驱动力,也就是依据僵尸定义的科学顶峰,
According to the force of up-side-down transformation of universe => rel the universe-prison-ball(the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost)all of the near-science rel => the driving power of the death completeness, or, according to the summit-top of the science that zombie had defined,
there is another isolated particle, being connected with the contacting map of zombie, and, it is just the connection-particle with the death boundary, and it could be called as the isolated death-particle of black bean. The meaning of the isolated death-particle of black bean is that, it is the tunnel of going through the death boundary, and to be connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension. The comparison-factor with the isolated death-particle of black bean is that, the selfish triangle must be based on the already supporting-background of the completed enough of the near-science, No.1, there must be finding the existence of the far-tunnel with the effect of total difference from the near-science; No.2, there must be finding at least two different far-beacons in the far-background. And then, No.3, there will be the beginning-spot of creating the unique web system of fourth dimension, according to the difference between the near natural measured property and the far natural measured property. And, this is only the zero-spot of beginning.
Or, according to the background of universe-prison-ball, going from the self-original-creation of zombie, zombie had already stood on the pretending position of pretending the unique web system of fourth dimension. And this is just the extinction property. And, this history has been for several hundred years at least. Or, this history has been for several thousand years.
When the Bohr’s barrel was appeared, the selfish triangle never thought of that, actually there was the existence of Bohr’s cost. But, zombie’s eye is fixed on the death boundary, and, going through stealing the volume-thinking of selfish triangle, and comparing with the central scientific principle, zombie knew that, there must be the existence of a spirit-spot.
And, this spirit-spot must be related with the completed universe, and then, this spirit-spot must be located at the front-spot of the development-route of the near-science. This spirit-spot is just the summit-top of science that zombie had defined. According to the definite existence of this spirit-spot, when the pair of Bohr’s barrel and the Einstein’s pain was appeared, this spirit-spot was shown as the vertex of a triangle. A spirit was wandering above the sky of Europe. Is there anyone who heard about it?
The first vertex is just the Bohr’s barrel; the second vertex is the Einstein’s pain; the third vertex is just this spirit of being the summit-top of science, and being changed into the isolated death-particle of black bean. And, it is clearly seen that, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost. Because of that, the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost must be located at the inner position of this triangle. Because of that, the isolated death-particle of black bean, is connected with the completed universe. Because of that, the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost must be located at the inner position of the universe-prison-ball of zombie. And then, have all the contents in near-science detected the existence of the contacting map of zombie, or not?
According to the background of the isolated death-particle of black bean, the particle-shape being connected with the death boundary has two tunnels. The first particle-tunnel is the central scientific principle; the second particle-tunnel is the up-side-down transformation between the death and the be-alive. The isolated death-particle of black bean, is the public connector-spot of these two tunnels of being connected into death boundary, and being located at the gap-area between the universe-prison-ball and the definer-cone of defining negative life. The isolated death-particle of black bean, is just the sightline-stretching of zombie’s eye, and fitting the law of direction-expression.
The near-science has begun to go into the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, in general way.
That is to say, the isolated death-particle tunnel of black bean, is the second tunnel of black bean, being different from the pair of red beans and black beans. Or, it is the tunnel of going into the unique web system of fourth dimension, and being the definer of defining the completeness of the contacting map of zombie. But, the pair of red beans and black beans on the contacting map of zombie, is the definer of defining the partial of the contacting map of zombie.
Both the definer of defining the completeness and the definer of defining the partial, are to change the contacting map of zombie into the quantum wave-function, and it could be called as the wave-function of universe-prison. The white area on the contacting map of zombie, is the expression-situation of natural measured property, and being the connection-tunnel of between the definer of defining the completeness and the definer of defining the partial.
依据宇宙颠倒变换力=> rel宇宙监狱球(玻尔成本聚焦航标)全部近程科学rel =>死亡完整驱动力,或者依据僵尸定义的科学顶点,
According to the force of up-side-down transformation of universe => rel the universe-prison-ball(the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost)all of the near-science rel => the driving power of the death completeness, or, according to the summit-top of the science that zombie had defined,
When a specific subject in the near-science is developed towards the front direction, then, it could be called as the direction-A of the professional subject. This direction-A of the professional subject, must be the pointer-A of going towards the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost. Because of that, the researching work of professional subject in near science, must be the pointer of fixed direction, of according to the beginning-spot of 3-dimensional structure, and going towards the direction of touching the ending-spot of the unique web system of fourth dimension, but without the ability to touch the unique web system of fourth dimension forever. That is to say, any pointer-A of researching direction, must be intercepted by the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost. Or, the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, is the power force to drive the near-science into the liar, with holding the extinction property.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, any researching work of the professional subject in near-science, must be shown as the pointer-A of fixed direction of according to the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and according to the ending-spot of outer circle-line. But, according to being intercepted by the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, this pointer-A of researching direction, has no ability to touch the outer circle-line forever. Because of that, there is no method to make division effect between petal of wave-function and the gap-area between different petals. Or, there is no method to make division effect between this sight-angle and that sight-angle. Because of that, it is researching of un-known. The correspondent tech-researching is pointer-B of applying the natural measured property, with the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and going towards the center-dot.
According to that, the pointer-A of researching direction of professional subject in near-science, must be pointing into the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, then, there must be the existence of the quantum line of future science. The beginning-spot of the quantum line of the future science, is the pointer-A of researching direction of professional subject; the ending-spot of the quantum line of the future science, is the constant focused beacon of Bohr’s cost.
Then, No.1, according to stealing the pointer-A of researching direction of professional subject in humankind, No.2, according to that, the isolated death-particle of black bean is located in the gap-area, between the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost and the universe-prison-ball, No.3, according to the universe-prison-ball or the contacting map of zombie, of holding the natural measured property of fourth dimension, and, being parasitic in the unique web system of fourth dimension, then, No.4, zombie is according to the quantum line of future science being the constant summit-top of science, to make the mixture, between, the pointer-A of researching direction of professional subject being stolen from the humankind, and, the already known of natural measured property being stored on the universe-prison-ball, and then, it is creating out the highest scientific result-A being located at the inner position of quantum line of future science. For example, and so on.
And then, the final result is that, according to that, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, then, finally, the highest scientific rewards on the surface of the earth, will belong to zombie. And this is the fundamental principle of getting the scientific rewards. For example, and, so on.
依据现实守恒定律B => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律,作为背景,
现实守恒定律的方向表达 => rel活命数学箭头确定性(生命延续力把死亡数学箭头与活命箭头混合物变成生命延续定向方向指针)死亡数学箭头确定性rel => 文明守恒定律。
According to the background of the law of reality conservation-B => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie,
The direction-expression of the law of reality conservation => rel the fixed math arrow of the be-alive(the power force of life-continuing is changing the mixture between the math arrow of the be-alive and the math arrow of the death into the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing)the fixed math arrow of the death rel => the law of civilization conservation.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, in the law of civilization conservation, the definer of defining the fixed math arrow of the be-alive, is the outer circle-line; the definer of defining the fixed math arrow of the death, is the fixed connection between the outer circle-line and the universe-prison-ball of zombie, at the position of the outer circle-line.
According to that, the power force of life-continuing is changing the mixture between the math arrow of the be-alive and the math arrow of the death, into the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing, then, the relation between the power force of life-continuing and the universe-prison-ball, the war-conservation of fourth dimension. According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the meaning of the war-conservation of fourth dimension, is explained through the outer circle-line. But, the selfish triangle at the center-dot defines that, the outer circle-line is not the existence. This is just the law of the red bean conservation.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the gap-relation between the outer circle-line and the inner circle-line, is just the original creation of creating out the structure. Or, it could be called as the quantum line of creating structure, with holding the power force of life-continuing. Or, it is holding the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation. Or, the beginning-spot of the quantum line of creating structure is just the outer circle-line; and, the ending-spot of the quantum line of creating structure is just the inner circle-line.
But, the defective port in the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port, is just overlapped on the quantum line of creating structure, in completed way. Or, it is the effect of two different words of expressing the same natural measured property. The physical meaning is just the angular quantum. Or, it is just what zombie had said that, when the name is changed, you don’t know the meaning, do you? This is the fourth dimensional war, and, it is the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
It could be expressed as that, (the defective port in the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port = the quantum line of creating structure)=> when the name is changed, you don’t know the meaning, do you? This is just physical meaning of the particle of killing conservation, and being just the near-physical wave-function. When the name is changed, you don’t know the meaning, do you? And, it is just the power force of life-continuing, and, when the name is changed, you don’t know the meaning, do you?
自私三角形定义结构起源量子线段的起点是不存在的,表达为“否”。但是,从自私三角形发射出来的视线结构一致性,定义结构起源量子线段的终点是存在的,表达为“是”。这就是人类永恒生存灭绝选择性。因此,结果就是,结构起源量子线段=> rel“否”(宇宙支点)“是”rel => 携带破缺口的地狱背景圆周线中的破缺口。结构起源量子线段,就是现实守恒定律的方向表达,也就是万物起源性。生命延续力躲藏在万物起源的宇宙支点之中。而僵尸的宇宙监狱球,就是要通过红豆黑豆双子旋,构建天使粒子,来替代生命延续力,也就是灭绝生命延续力。
The selfish triangle defines that, the beginning-spot of the quantum line of creating structure, is not the existence, and it is to show the “no”. But, the sightline being radiated out from the selfish triangle defines that, the ending-spot of the quantum line of creating structure, is the existence, and it is to show the “yes”. This is just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. And then, the result is that, the quantum line of creating structure => rel“no”(the cosmic fulcrum)“yes”rel => the defective port in the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port. The quantum line of creating structure, is just the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, or, it is the original creation of all things. The power force of life-continuing is just hidden behind the cosmic fulcrum of the original creation of all things. And the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just creating out the angel particle to replace the power force of life-continuing, through the mutual-spin of the red bean and the black bean, and, it is just driving the power force of life-continuing into extinction.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the inner circle-line is the stable 3-dimensional structure, and being connected with the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, and it is creating out the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation. At the inner circle-line, it is divided into two types of structures. The first type of structure, is the structure controlled by God, such as the sun. The first type of structure, is the structure controlled by selfish triangle, such as the structure of TV. These two structures are all fitting the quantum line of creating structure. The difference is that, the structure of TV is connected with the artificial principle; but the structure of the sun is not connected with the artificial principle. Then, what is the artificial principle? This problem is the critical problem in the quantum line of creating structure, and clearly, according to the fourth dimensional war, it is connected with the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
Zombie driving humankind into extinction is just beginning from the principle, or, it is going from the beginning-spot of the division-boundary between the God controlling structure and the artificial structure. Because of that, here is connected with the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, and being the bottom-end of the static power of the death completeness. And, the top-end of the static power of the death completeness, is just the universe-prison-ball.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, at the position of inner circle-line, there must be a principle-section. One of the physical meanings of principle-section, is just the division boundary between the God controlling structure and the artificial structure. Clearly, zombie is just intercepting the structure of humankind, at the position of principle-section, or, it is just the central axle conservation of zombie’s management. It is not only the near-physical negative sightline of zombie’s monkey hair, but, it is also the large amount of the sets of zombie’s techs. Or, it is just the death conservation.
The selfish triangle at the center-dot said that, “I don’t know”. Then, the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, is just giving out the “known” to the selfish triangle.
或者,现实守恒定律=> rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(原理截面)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => rel 上帝控制的结构(原理截面)人造结构rel => 半眼瞎守恒定律 => rel 结构(原理截面)结构rel => 证明上帝不存在。因此,僵尸的红豆通道守恒定律永远胜利。
According to the background of the law of reality conservation, the position of the principle-section, is just located at the division-boundary, between the God controlling structure and the artificial structure, and, being just the division-boundary, between the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation and the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation. But, it should not be forgotten that, this is the earth-surface of the partial structure of universe being background, there is no background of the completed universe. And then, it is shown the original creation situation of the law of red bean tunnel conservation on zombie’s contacting map, or, it is just the law of half-eye blind conservation.
Or, the law of reality conservation => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the principle-section)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => rel the God controlling structure(the principle-section)the artificial structure rel => the law of half-eye blind conservation => rel the structure(the principle-section)the structure rel => of proving that the God is not the existence. And then, the law of the red bean tunnel conservation of zombie will win forever.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the bright side of the principle-section is coming from the center-dot, to show that, the principle-section must be coming from the growth-goal of life-continuing, and then, it is to show the meaning of the original creation spot of creating out the life-goal register. The dark side of the principle-section, must be coming from the outer circle-line, or, it must be coming from the natural measured property, or, it must be accepting the measurement coming from the God. Otherwise, according to the effect of the fifth universe force, the principle-section will be put into the fantasy structure being located at the center-dot, by God.
The principle-section is located at the inner circle-line. But, the dark side of the principle-section must be coming from the outer circle-line. The gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, is just the quantum line of creating structure, with holding the power force of life-continuing. And, the fixed math arrow of the death coming from the universe-prison-ball is parasitic in the power force of life-continuing. And then, the physical meaning of the principle-section is shown as a 3-dimensional bubble to put the power force of life-continuing into this 3-dimensional bubble. But, zombie is going to put the fixed math arrow of the death into this same 3-dimensional bubble. This is the meaning of the particle of killing conservation. And, it is just the meaning of the war-particle of fourth dimension.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the wave-function of near-physics is located at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line. When one of the petals in the wave-function of near-physics, is connected with the dark side of the principle-section of being located at the inner circle-line, the other petals in the wave-function of near-physics are going to touch the outer circle-line automatically. Or, it is the effect of quantum collapse, or, it is the effect of energy-shrinking. The meaning of the outer circle-line is the 100% of inexistence. But, the meaning of the inner circle-line is the 100% of existence. Then, the wave-function of near-physics is the 50% of inexistence, or, the 50% of existence.
In the wave-function of near-physics, there must be the existence of quantum center-dot, with the physical meaning of No.1, the definite inexistence of the 100%; No.2, being the glue to make the wave-function being connected into a isolated completed body. And then, this quantum center-dot is shown as a 3-dimensional bubble to put the wave-function into the inner position of this 3-dimensional bubble.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, this quantum center-dot is to show the meaning of being connected with the single-dot on the outer circle-line, with the physical meaning of this single-dot being 100% of inexistence. That is to say, the experimental pointer has no ability to touch this quantum center-dot, but, the wave function is proving that, this quantum center-dot is the existence.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the physical meaning of this quantum center-dot is that, the quantum center-dot is to show the existence of the inner position of Galileo’s room. That is to say, between the inner position of Galileo’s room and the quantum center-dot, there is the effect of the quantum line. one of the two ends of this quantum line, is the quantum center-dot; the other end of this quantum line, is just the duality of inspiration and the faith. The duality of inspiration and the faith, is the unique property to express the inner position of Galileo’s room, under the background of 3-dimension.
That is to say, the existence of the quantum center-dot, is to show the existence of the mutation-gap, between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity. Or, all experimental results are located at the outer position of Galileo’s room. Then, according to the background of the near-physics, the quantum center-dot is the mutation-gap going from near-physics into the far-physics; and, according to the background of the far-physics, the quantum center-dot is the mutation-gap going from far-physics into the near-physics. If the quantum center-dot is shown as the mutation-gap of going from the far-physics into the near-physics, the meaning is that, the wave-function of near-physics is holding a unique isolated pointer of direction, to show that, it is the unique isolated direction of going from the beginning-spot of wave function, into touching the ending-spot of the law of trying conservation. This unique isolated pointer of direction, is just the defective angle of absolute faith, or, it is just the far-physical meaning of the anti-clockwise time dimension. That is to say, the effect of quantum collapse is coming from the anti-clockwise time dimension.
That is to say, the wave-function of near-physics must be holding a pointer going towards the experimental pointer. Otherwise, the wave-function of near-physics will be going into the liar. This is fitting the anti-clockwise time dimension, and to show the meaning of Bohr’s barrel. That is to say, everything and all things going into the Bohr’s barrel is the existence, according to fitting the anti-clockwise time dimension. Otherwise, it is not the existence.
That is to say, the wave function of near-physics is holding the Bohr’s cost. And the physical meaning of this Bohr’s cost, is in violation of the anti-clockwise time dimension. The far-physical meaning of the anti-clockwise time dimension, is excreting away the extinction property. Then, the Bohr’s cost, is just holding the extinction property according to being in violation of anti-clockwise time dimension.
But, the extinction property of the Bohr’s cost, is connected with the far-physics, or being connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension. Then, excreting away the Bohr’s cost, it is also excreting away the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, it is excreting away the universe immune system, and, it is also the same extinction.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according to the wave-function of near-physics being located at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, then, the wave-function of near-physics with holding the defective angle of absolute faith, is located at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line. Then, the opposite direction to the defective angle of absolute faith, is to show the existence of the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost. Then, the physical meaning of the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, is just the mutation gap of going from the near-physics into the far-physics, and being connected with the quantum center-dot.
That is to say, No.1, the quantum center-dot is holding the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, and to stop the near-science going further; and, No.2, the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, is connected with the tunnel of going into inner position of the universe-prison-ball of zombie.
也就是说,第一,僵尸的宇宙监狱球,可以把玻尔成本聚焦航标点,作为宇宙支点,创生, rel僵尸的宇宙监狱球(玻尔成本聚焦航标点)尝试守恒定律连接的近程科学rel => 完整替代外层圆周线。
That is to say, No.1, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, has the ability to make the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost being the cosmic fulcrum, and to creating out the, rel the universe-prison-ball of zombie(the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost)the near-science holding the law of trying conservation rel => replacing the outer circle-line in completed way.
No.2, if there is no mutation effect of being based on the completed enough of the near-science, and, to drive the near-science going into the completed property of the universe, or, going into the completed property of the life, then, the unique isolated result is going into the inner position of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, with the said of “I don’t know”. And, this is just the fundamental principle of the completed humankind going into completed extinction.
According to the background of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, the area on the surface of the earth, is divided into two parts, of being the inner position of zombie’s base-land, and being the outer position of zombie’s base–land. What is the ratio of this division effect? According to the background of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, the 6 billion of persons on the surface of the earth, is divided into two parts, of being the inner position of zombie making friend-circles, and being the outer position of zombie making friend-circles. What is the ratio of this division effect? According to that, the zombie’s base-land has no ability to restrict the scope of zombie making friend-circles, and, according to that, the zombie’s base-land is used to support every zombie’s friend-circle and all the zombie’s friend-circles, then, the zombie’s friend-circles are divided into two parts, of being the inner position of zombie’s base-land, and being the outer position of zombie’s base –land. Zombie’s base-land is not the country.
But, the meaning scope of the “outer position of zombie making friend-circle”, is definitely located at the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land. Because of that, the “outer position of zombie making friend-circle” of at the inner position of zombie’s base-land, is definitely controlled or manipulated by zombie in completed way, to show the situation of death conservation. That is to say, the situation of the inner position of zombie’s base-land, has gone into the situation of the completed extinction of the completed humankind, and it is just the situation of Chinese continent at this time now, and, the meaning is shown through the law of reality conservation. That is to say, at the inner position of zombie’s base-land, it is totally the null-meaning of making division effect between the “inner position of zombie making friend-circle” and the “outer position of zombie making friend-circle”. At the inner position of zombie’s base-land, it is to make the division effect between the inner position of zombie’s appointment system and the outer position of zombie’s appointment system.
That is to say, the meaning of the “outer position of zombie making friend-circle”, is located at outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, in definite way. That is to say, if zombie drives the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, into the completed situation of zombie making friend-circle, and it is to change the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, into the shape of Chinese continent at this time now, then, it is just the situation of the completed extinction of the completed humankind. This is just the community of destiny of humankind, or, it is just the Chinese dream. Or, the procedure of the completed humankind going into completed extinction, is at least divided into two procedures. The first procedure of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, is just the procedure of zombie making friend-circles controlling the completed surface of the earth. The second procedure of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction is that, when zombie making friend-circles control the completed surface of the earth, it is the inevitable situation of breaking down effect, between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Because of that, this is the fundamental principle of zombie beating down the humankind. And then, the third procedure is that, there will be no humankind on the surface of the earth.
All these procedures are shown on the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, in the way of the pair of red beans and black beans, and, in detailed way. Because of that, this is the mixture between the central scientific principle and the set of expressions of all the natural measured properties. And, it is giving out the volume-supporting to support the definite existence of the fixed math arrow of the death. Or, the mixture between the central scientific principle and the set of expressions of all the natural measured properties, is just the driving power of death completeness, to drive the fourth dimensional war. And, it is aiming into replacing the power force of life-continuing, and, it is aiming into driving the power force of life-continuing into the completed extinction.
Zombie making friend-circles are the battle-units in the fourth dimensional war, and being connected with the appointment systems of zombie. And, the standard-language in zombie making friend-circles is just that, “you and me unite together, to make a bit of harm to him/her”. Clearly, zombie making friend-circles are divided into two parts of both the opening shape and the secret shape. And it is just the structure of double tunnels of fourth dimension, and being definer of defining the fourth dimensional war into the secret privacy-war. This is just the extinction property of the fourth dimension, and, it is the most important natural measured property.
Because of that, the law of original creation of universe, is just shown as excreting away the fourth dimension, and to create out the stable 3-dimensional structure. And, going through excreting away the fourth dimension, it is creating out the pointer of fixed direction of the completed 3-dimensional structure at the inner position of universe. And, it is giving out the fundamental physical basis for the power force of life-continuing.
The earth surface of this time now, is just repeating or copying the historical period of the war-states-time, at two thousand years ago, and being created out by Confucius.
Applying the language to express these problems, it is totally beyond the imagining. Because of that, these problems are totally not the problems of language-expression. But, these are the problems of the volume structures and the running of volume structures. And, the most important part in these volume structures, is the structure of running the law of fixed direction through the killing. Because of that, this is the war, and, it is not the funny. Or, it is the structure of fixing the direction in the mixture, between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive. The meaning of the mixture, between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, is that, the first element is the original creation of the near-science; the second element is the original creation of the far-science; the third element is the original creation of the near-rule; the fourth element is the original creation of the far-rule.
Applying the language to express these problems, it is totally beyond the imagining. Because of that, the unique isolated final result is just the un-controllable killing. Is it necessary of argument? What is the result of argument? What is the relation between the argument-result and the natural measured properties? What is the relation between the argument-result and the law of God’s power? What is the relation between the argument-result and the strategic distribution diagram coming from the pair of red beans and black beans? What is the relation between the argument-result and the particle of killing conservation? And, so on.
The fourth dimensional war is the war of classification. Or, it is just what zombie had said of class struggle. The fundamental basis of the war, is the division effect between the red beans and black beans. Does your thinking belong to red bean? Or, does your thinking belong to black bean? Does zombie agree with it no not? Or, what is the thinking of zombie? What is the method that zombie has used, to manage the completed surface of the earth?
At the inner position of zombie’s base-land, it is totally the null-meaning of making division effect between the “inner position of zombie making friend-circle” and the “outer position of zombie making friend-circle”. At the inner position of zombie’s base-land, it is to make the division effect between the inner position of zombie’s appointment system and the outer position of zombie’s appointment system.
At the outer position of zombie’s base-land, it is divided into two parts, of the inner position of zombie making friend-circle and the outer position of zombie making friend-circle. Then, according to the background of the universe-prison-ball, and, according to the background of the classification-war, at the outer position of zombie making friend-circle, the free persons are divided into four beacon-types of free persons. The first beacon-type is that, it is to think of that, zombie should be supported, and it is necessary of learning zombie’s techs. The second beacon-type is that, it is to think of that, “I don’t know”, or, “I don’t care about it”. The third beacon-type is that, it is to think of that, zombie is very bad, but, there is no method. The fourth beacon-type is that, it is to think of that, it is necessary of thinking about some methods, to make zombie into disappearance. But, how do these methods penetrate the universe-prison-ball?
If there is no ability to penetrate the universe-prison-ball of zombie, then, according to the universe-prison-ball of zombie, No.1, zombie has ability to replace the original creation of near-science; No.2, zombie has ability to replace the original creation of far-science; No.3, zombie has ability to replace the original creation of near-rule; No.4, zombie has ability to replace the original creation of far-rule.
The problem is that, how to make the division effect, between the first beacon-type of free persons and the zombie’s monkey hair? how to make the division effect, between, the persons being controlled by zombie making friend-circle, and, the persons being not controlled by zombie making friend-circle, in the both the second beacon-type of free persons and the third beacon-type of free persons?
The answer is the isolated and the unique, and, it is that, there is no method to be used into making division effect. Any method has no ability to create out the division effect. the unique thing that has ability to make division effect, is the secret appointment system of zombie. Or, it is just the family note-book, or the grand data. Because of that, it is adding the third reference of time-dimension. And then, the critical content of recounting the zombie, is just recounting this family note-book or grand data.
No matter at the outer position of zombie making friend-circles, or, at the inner position of zombie making friend-circles; No matter at the outer position of zombie’s base-land, or, at the inner position of zombie’s base-land, the natural measured properties that are of the ability to create out the identification, are just both the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, or, it is the pair of the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter. It is just what zombie had said of the principle-problem. Because of that, the math arrow of the be-alive is just the power force of life-continuing. Or, it is the connector of connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is just the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter, to excrete away the negative universe-diameter.
The power force of life-continuing is shown through both the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter. Under the background of the stable 3-dimensional surface of the earth, the way of showing the power force of life-continuing is to make the division effect in the law of reality conservation, and to create out the division-result between the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation and the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation. And the meaning must be coming from the law of God’s power.
The law of God’s power is the inexistence. But, the original creation spot of creating the near-science, is coming from the law of God’s power. And, the original creation spot of creating the far-science, is coming from the law of God’s power. And, the original creation spot of creating the near-rule, is coming from the law of God’s power. And, the original creation spot of creating the far-rule, is coming from the law of God’s power. The law of God’s power is the inexistence. But, the picking tunnel of picking out the inspiration is just the law of God’s power. And, the principle of picking out the inspiration, is coming from the background-existence of the law of God’s power, and fitting the law of determination coming from the background.
依据现实守恒定律B => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律,作为背景,
而现实守恒定律的粒子表达,通过视线在内层圆周线上扫描而创生,就是文化。也就是说,现实守恒定律=> rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律,就是文明文化分离守恒定律。而僵尸,把文明和礼貌混合在一起,并用礼貌替代文明。这是经过刻苦研究得到的灭绝人类的技术方法之一。也就是僵尸所说的和平原则。杀伐守恒粒子就是和平守恒粒子的体积含义,也就是排泄垃圾获取营养,并创生生命延续力。怎样把杀伐守恒粒子和礼貌混合在一起?当文明被礼貌替代的时候,将是个什么结果?文明是文明,而礼貌是文化。
或者,现实守恒定律 => rel文明(死活变换守恒定律)文化rel =>文明文化分离守恒定律。但是,文明文化分离守恒定律,就是僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律。因为,文明,是杀伐守恒粒子,也就是排泄垃圾获取营养的粒子,必须连接到天威定律,接受上帝的度量和认可。也就是僵尸所说的,研究人类的排泄物。
According to the background of the law of reality conservation-B => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie,
The direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, is just the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive. According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the outer circle-line is the definer of defining the definite math arrow of the be-alive. The law of God’s power hidden behind the outer circle-line, is the definer of defining be-alive. But, the universe-prison-ball of zombie being fixed on the outer circle-line, is the definer of defining the definite math arrow of the death. That is to say, the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, is just common said of civilization, or, being the particle of killing conservation.
But, the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation, is going through the sightline scanning on the inner circle-line, to create out the culture. That is to say, the law of reality conservation => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie, is just the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture. But, zombie is making the mixture between the civilization and the polite, and applying the polite to replace the civilization. This is just the tech-method of zombie driving humankind going into extinction, through the hard work of researching of zombie. Or, it is just what zombie had said of peace-principle. The particle of killing-conservation, is just the volume meaning of the particle of the peace-conservation. Or, it is taking the nutrition through excreting away the garbage, or, it is creating out the power force of life-continuing. How does the particle of killing conservation being mixed up with the polite? When the civilization is replaced by the polite, then, what will be the result? The civilization is the civilization, but the polite is the culture.
Or, the law of reality conservation => rel civilization(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the culture rel => the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture. But, the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture, is just the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie. Because of that, civilization is the particle of killing-conservation, and being through excreting away the garbage to take the nutrition, or, there must be the connection with the law of God’s power, to accept the God’s measurement and the God’s permission. Or, it is just what zombie had said of researching the excreting stuff of human person.
The procedure of excreting away the garbage and then taking the nutrition, is just the procedure of excreting away the Bohr’s cost and then taking the Bohr’s barrel, and, it is just the law of metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter, or, it is the power force of life-continuing. Does the Bohr’s cost be garbage? Clearly, this is not the problem of language expression, but, being the problems of volume structure and the running of the volume structure, with holding the particle of killing-conservation. And then, there must be the natural measured properties controlled by God, to give out the judgment of killing.
现实守恒定律 => rel文明(死活变换守恒定律)文化rel =>文明文化分离守恒定律,也是宇宙不对称守恒定律,或者杀伐不对称守恒定律,或者结构不对称守恒定律。显然,依据僵尸的行为结果,僵尸的超限战,不对称作战,含义都在这里。
The law of reality conservation => rel civilization(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the culture rel => the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture, is also the law of asymmetry conservation of universe, or, the law of asymmetry conservation of killing, or, the law of asymmetry conservation of structure. Clearly, according to the result of zombie’s behavior, the meaning of the zombie’s war beyond the limit, or the meaning of the asymmetry war of zombie, are all located at here.
That is to say, only the stable 3-dimensional structure is the definer of defining the structure of symmetry, or, it is the law of symmetry conservation of structure. Then, the law of asymmetry conservation of structure, is just according to the up-side-down transformation of universe, to cut down the equivalent between the sightline and the structure. And then, according to the law of reality conservation, it is making the connection effect, between the structure, and, pair of the existence-state and the inexistence-state, of the up-side-down transformation of universe.
也就是说,文明,是不对称守恒性;而文化,是对称守恒性。而僵尸灭绝人类的方法,是制造文明对称性,同时,制造文化不对称。也就是制造量子战争,灭绝自私三角形的识别能力。或者说,现实守恒定律 => rel文明(死活变换守恒定律)文化rel =>文明文化分离守恒定律 => rel结构不对称守恒定律(死活变换守恒定律)结构对称守恒定律rel => 量子战争。
That is to say, the civilization is the asymmetry conservation; but, the culture is the symmetry conservation. zombie’s way of driving humankind into extinction, is creating out the symmetry of civilization, and the asymmetry of culture. Or, it is creating out the quantum-war, and, driving the identifying ability of selfish triangle, into the extinction. Or, the law of reality conservation => rel civilization(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the culture rel => the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture => rel the law of asymmetry conservation of structure(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the law of symmetry conservation of structure rel => the quantum war.
现实守恒定律 => rel文明(死活变换守恒定律)文化rel =>文明文化分离守恒定律,就是僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律,并显现为量子战争 => rel结构不对称守恒定律(死活变换守恒定律)结构对称守恒定律rel。
The law of reality conservation => rel civilization(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the culture rel => the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture, is just the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie, and, being shown as the quantum war => rel the law of asymmetry conservation of structure(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the law of symmetry conservation of structure rel.
At the inner position of civilization, or, hidden behind the law of asymmetry conservation of structure, there is the fixed math arrow of the death coming from the universe-prison-ball of zombie, and it is the fourth dimensional war.
依据量子战争 => rel结构不对称守恒定律(死活变换守恒定律)结构对称守恒定律rel,的背后,躲藏了来自僵尸宇宙监狱球定义的确定死亡数学箭头,
According to that, hidden behind the quantum-war => rel the law of asymmetry conservation of structure(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the law of symmetry conservation of structure rel, it is the fixed math arrow of the death coming from the universe-prison-ball of zombie,
then, it is to show that, the existence-shape of the seventh negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, being located at the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, is just the tech of pretending human person, or, the angel-particle.
The original creation meaning of the seventh negative universe-unit-particle, is the image-zombie, or, it is the zombie of being located at the outer position of zombie’s mirror-ball. One of the critical functions of the image-zombie is creating out the shape of zombie fighting communist party, at the outer position of zombie’s base-land. And, this is the strong death-crime situation.
依据感受知道起源双层圆周线作为背景,并且,依据现实守恒定律E => rel依据近程科学的足够完整性来创生第四维度全维拼网唯一性(死活变换守恒定律) 视线结构一致性rel => 信仰定向守恒定律进入僵尸联络图中的黑豆区域,
因此,近程科学与远程科学之间的突变缝隙=> rel近程科学(宇宙监狱球固定在外层圆周线)远程科学rel => rel半边伽利略相对性(宇宙监狱球固定在外层圆周线)完整伽利略相对性rel => rel自然度量属性的独立存在分布态势(宇宙监狱球固定在外层圆周线)第四维度全维拼网唯一性态势rel => rel近程规则起源箭头指针的起源区域(宇宙监狱球固定在外层圆周线)远程规则起源箭头指针的起源区域rel =>死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头之间的混合物。
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according to the law of reality conservation-E => rel according to the completeness enough of near-science to create out the unique web system of fourth dimension(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the equivalent between the sightline and the structure rel => the law of the fixed direction of the faith with tendency of entering the black bean area on the contacting map of zombie.
The meaning of according to the completeness enough of near-science to create out the unique web system of fourth dimension, is the situation of the defective port of mutation. Or, it is the defective port of mutation between the near-science and the far-science, or, it is the defective port of mutation between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity. The physical meaning of the near-science is the half of Galileo’s relativity. The physical meaning of the far-science is the completed Galileo’s relativity.
And then, the mutation-gap between the near-science and the far-science => rel near-science(the universe-prison-ball being fixed on the outer circle-line)the far-science rel => rel the half of Galileo’s relativity(the universe-prison-ball being fixed on the outer circle-line)the completed Galileo’s relativity rel => rel the independent existence-situation of natural measured properties(the universe-prison-ball being fixed on the outer circle-line)the situation of the unique web system of fourth dimension rel => rel the original creation area of the original creation near-pointer of creating rule(the universe-prison-ball being fixed on the outer circle-line)the original creation area of the original creation far-pointer of creating rule rel => the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive.
That is to say, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, being connected with the mixture between the near-science and the far-science, and, being connected with the mixture between the original creation near-pointer of creating rule and the original creation far-pointer of creating rule, and, being connected with the mixture between the independent natural measured properties and the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, being connected with the mixture between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity,
and then, it is located at the gap area, between the outer circle-line and the inner circle-line, and being folded with the gap-area, between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles. And, it is just the mixture between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity.
And the outer circle-line, is the definite beacon-existence of the instinct circulation of life of selfish triangle. And, the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, is just the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation. Or, the outer circle-line, is just original creation spot of creating out the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation. And correspondently, the mixture between the inner circle-line and the sightline, is just the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation. And then, what is the problem of the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive?
And then, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the outer circle-line is the definer of defining the particle shape of math arrow of be-alive. Or, the definite beacon-existence of the instinct circulation of life of selfish triangle, is the definer of defining the particle shape of math arrow of be-alive. But, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just the definer of defining the particle shape of math arrow of the death, being fixed at the same outer circle-line.
The outer circle-line, is the definite beacon-existence of the instinct circulation of life of selfish triangle. No.1, it is also the original creation spot of the near-science; No.2, it is also the original creation spot of the far-science; No.3, the near-science is also the original creation spot of the original creation near-pointer of creating rule; No.4, the far-science is also the original creation spot of the original creation far-pointer of creating rule. These four elements could be called as the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe. Or, it is the set of four lifeless-ether-beacons, or, it is just the set of four land-ether-beacons. Or, it is set of four ether-beacons of the definer of defining be-alive.
第四宇宙以太航标四子集合。就是非生命以太四子航标集合。那么,依据感受知道双层圆周线作为背景,rel外层圆周线(第四宇宙以太航标四子集合)僵尸宇宙监狱球rel => rel自私三角形生命本能循环存在航标(第四宇宙以太航标四子集合)僵尸宇宙监狱球创生死亡数学箭头的固定态势rel => rel活命数学箭头的固定态势(第四宇宙以太航标四子集合) 死亡数学箭头的固定态势rel => rel活命数学箭头的固定态势(杀伐守恒粒子) 死亡数学箭头的固定态势rel =>现实守恒定律的方向表达,或者死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合物。
And then, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the set of four lifeless-ether-beacons, is just the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, and, being located at the gap-area, between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, and being folded with the gap-area, between the universe 8-poles and the outer circle-line. And, it is just overlapped with the zombie’s hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port. What is the meaning of this? And, the outer circle-line, is just the definer of defining the definite math arrow of be-alive. And, the universe-prison-ball of zombie being fixed at the outer circle-line, is just the definer of defining the definite math arrow of the death.
The set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe, is just the set of four lifeless-ether-beacons. And then, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, rel the outer circle-line(the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe)the universe-prison-ball of zombie rel => rel the definite beacon-existence of the instinct circulation of life of selfish triangle(the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe) the fixed math arrow of the death created out by the universe-prison-ball of zombie rel => rel the fixed math arrow of the be-alive(the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe) the fixed math arrow of the death rel => rel the fixed math arrow of the be-alive(the particle of killing conservation) the fixed math arrow of the death rel => the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, or, the mixture between the math arrow of the be-alive and the math arrow of the death.
That is to say, the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe, is just the particle of killing conservation. Or, it is the lifeless property. Or, it is just common said of the property of the matter. Or, it is just what zombie had said of materialism, or, it is just the particle of materialism. That is to say, the materialism is just the definer-ism of defining be-alive, or, it is just the planning life, and it is just planning be-alive. And, it is just the death conservation, with driving humankind into extinction. All the rules created out by zombie are all invalid, and being the crime of death conservation.
Or, the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe, is just the general matter-particle, or, being the general material-particle. Or, it is just the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive. Or, it is just the mixture between the nutrition and the garbage. Or, it is the running mechanism of the definer of defining be-alive, and so on, and, being located at the defective port of zombie’s hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port. It is including four elements. The first element is connected with the original creation spot of near-science; the second element is connected with the original creation spot of far-science; the third element is connected with the original creation spot of near-rule; the fourth element is connected with the original creation spot of far-rule. And then, zombie is just applying the negative rules systems to drive the original creation property of life, into extinction.
And then, all the rules systems created out by zombie, are all invalid. Zombie has no eligibility of life, and zombie has no eligibility of using money, the creators of creating out zombie’s negative rules systems, are the crime of death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
现实守恒定律的方向表达,就是杀伐守恒粒子 => rel外层圆周线上的生命本能存在性(第四宇宙以太航标四子集合)僵尸宇宙监狱球固定在外层圆周线上rel => rel 活命数学箭头确定性(第四宇宙以太航标四子集合)死亡数学箭头确定性rel => rel活命数学箭头确定性(活命数学箭头与死亡数学箭头的混合物创生杀伐守恒粒子)死亡数学箭头确定性rel => 等等。也就是,现实守恒定律的方向表达。
因此,现实守恒定律B => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律,
就变成了,现实守恒定律B => rel rel外层圆周线上的生命本能存在性(第四宇宙以太航标四子集合)僵尸宇宙监狱球固定在外层圆周线上rel (死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel =>僵尸联络图上的红豆黑豆三色战略分布图。
The direction-expression of the law of reality conservation is just the particle of killing conservation => rel the definite existence of the instinct circulation of life on the outer circle-line(the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe)the universe-prison-ball of zombie being fixed on the outer circle-line rel => rel the fixed math arrow of be-alive(the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe)the fixed math arrow of the death rel => rel the fixed math arrow of be-alive(the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive and then to create the particle of killing conservation) the fixed math arrow of the death rel => and so on. And, it is just the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation.
And then, the law of reality conservation-B => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie,
Is changed into the, the law of reality conservation-B => rel rel the definite existence of the instinct circulation of life on the outer circle-line(the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe)the universe-prison-ball of zombie being fixed on the outer circle-line rel(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the strategic distribution diagram of triple-colors on the contacting map of zombie.
也就是把现实守恒定律B => rel rel外层圆周线上的生命本能存在性(第四宇宙以太航标四子集合)僵尸宇宙监狱球固定在外层圆周线上rel(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel =>僵尸联络图上的红豆黑豆三色战略分布图,
变换成为现实守恒定律B => rel rel外层圆周线上的生命本能存在性(第四宇宙以太航标四子集合)僵尸宇宙监狱球固定在外层圆周线上rel(死活变换守恒定律)僵尸朋友圈内部与外部构成的双层第四维度战争结构rel =>僵尸联络图上的红豆黑豆三色战略分布图。
The particle-expression of the law of reality conservation is just that, the name-A goes from the home to the shop, or, it is just the double layers of fourth dimensional war, between the zombie making friend-circle and the four types of the free-person-beacons being located at the outer position of zombie’s friend-circle. That is to say, zombie making friend-circle, is creating out the fixed division effect of dividing the completed humankind into two fixed-parts, on the completed surface of the earth. Or, it is creating out the classification-war. One of the two types is located at the inner position of zombie making friend-circle; and the other type is located at the outer position of zombie making friend-circle.
Or, it is changing the law of reality conservation-B => rel rel the definite existence of the instinct circulation of life on the outer circle-line(the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe)the universe-prison-ball of zombie being fixed on the outer circle-line rel(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the strategic distribution diagram of triple-colors on the contacting map of zombie,
Into the law of reality conservation-B => rel rel the definite existence of the instinct circulation of life on the outer circle-line(the set of four ether-beacons of the fourth universe)the universe-prison-ball of zombie being fixed on the outer circle-line rel(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the double layers of fourth dimensional war of both outside the zombie making friend-circle and inside the zombie making friend-circle rel => the strategic distribution diagram of triple-colors on the contacting map of zombie.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, no matter how the war, the power force of life-continuing is just that, the center-dot is connected with the outer circle-line, through the inner circle-line.
现实守恒定律A => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)名字A从家里走到商店rel => 半眼瞎守恒定律创生想法直径泡泡的外壳硬化效应。
The law of reality conservation-A => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the name-A goes from the hole to the shop rel => the law of half-eye blind with the hard-shell on the surface of the thinking-diameter bubble.
现实守恒定律B => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律。
The law of reality conservation-B => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie.
现实守恒定律C => rel死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 疑问守恒定律。
The law of reality conservation-C => rel mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of question conservation.
现实守恒定律D => rel宇宙直径与负态宇宙宇宙混合物(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 深刻疑问守恒定律。
The law of reality conservation-D => rel mixture between the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of deep-question conservation.
现实守恒定律E => rel依据近程科学的足够完整性来创生第四维度全维拼网唯一性(死活变换守恒定律) 视线结构一致性rel => 信仰定向守恒定律进入僵尸联络图中的黑豆区域。
The law of reality conservation-E => rel according to the completeness enough of near-science to create out the unique web system of fourth dimension(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the equivalent between the sightline and the structure rel => the law of the fixed direction of the faith with tendency of entering the black bean area on the contacting map of zombie.
现实守恒定律F => rel宇宙监狱球创生定态死亡数学箭头并连接到现实守恒定律的方向表达 (死活变换守恒定律) 视线结构一致性rel => 第四维度战争守恒定律。
The law of reality conservation-F => rel the universe-prison-ball creating out the fixed math arrow of the death to be connected with the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the equivalent between the sightline and the structure rel => the law of the fourth dimensional war conservation.
现实守恒定律G => rel rel宇宙监狱球创生定态死亡数学箭头并连接到现实守恒定律的方向表达 (现实守恒定律方向表达)把活命数学箭头变成僵尸饲养人类数学箭头rel (死活变换守恒定律) 视线结构一致性rel => 双层宇宙支点表达完整灭绝人类。
The law of reality conservation-G => rel rel the universe-prison-ball creating out the fixed math arrow of the death to be connected with the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation)changing the math arrow of the be-alive into the math arrow of zombie deeding humankind rel (the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the equivalent between the sightline and the structure rel => the double layers of cosmic fulcrum to show the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
Driving the universe-prison-ball of creating out the fixed math arrow of the death, into the parasitic in the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, it is just the driving power of death completeness. The completeness of death is not the death, but, being the fixed math arrow of the death. Or, it is the completeness of the negative universe-diameter. No.1, it is the definite; No.2, it is the completed humankind; and, No.3, it is creating out the completed extinction, according to the completeness of the mixture between the central scientific principle and the contacting map of zombie. And, this is the completeness of death. And, it is the fourth dimensional effect, and, it is the effect of multi-time-dimensions. And, it is not the feeling-known.
The death completeness is coming from the universe-prison-ball, to show the connection between the fixed math arrow of the death and the law of reality conservation. And, going through the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, and, going through the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle, or, it is just going through the transportation tunnel of track-particle of driving humankind into extinction, to be changed into the united thinking and united behavior-action of large amount of zombie’s monkey hairs. And, it is going through the friend-circle of zombie, to affect every person. And, it is just zombie’s doing of the mass-movement of all people.
And then, the connection between the universe-prison-ball of zombie and the fixed math arrow of the death, is just creating out the quantum line of the death completeness, and, being parasitic in the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, and, creating out the top tunnel of the universe-destroying wall. This is just what zombie had said the principle-problem of without any concession. Because of that, this is the natural measured property, or, it is the result of God’s measurement. But, it is the forbidden state of the natural measured property with God’s measurement. The physical meaning is the up-side-down transformation of universe, or, the universe folding effect.
Zombie, is just applying the up-side-down transformation of universe, to realize the up-side-down transformation between the death and the be-alive, and driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction finally.
For the target-goal of managing the earth, there is only the unique isolated pointer of fixed direction, going from the beginning-spot of the mixture of the universe-prison-ball and the central scientific principle, towards being parasitic in the unique web system of fourth dimension, to be the unique isolated standard of universe-truth, and then, it is creating out the appointment system of zombie. And, there is no division effect between the good guy and the bad guy. Otherwise, there is no other method to drive humankind into extinction.
The universe-prison-ball, is the definite existence of the up-side-down transformation of the universe. The mutual-spin of weight and supporting, is the definite inexistence of the up-side-down transformation of the universe. This is the natural measured physical property, and being of the background situation of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, in definite way. The fundamental principle of driving the completed humankind into the extinction, is just the difference-effect between different time dimensions, and, it is just applying the thinking of self-own to replace the natural measured properties, and, it is just the situation on the contacting map of zombie to apply the red bean into replacing the black bean.
According to the static driving power of death completeness, the way of zombie managing the earth is very simple. Or, the way of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is very simple. It is making the friend-circle of zombie, to cover the completed surface of the earth. And, at this time now, the friend-circle of zombie, is running on the surface of earth, very smoothly. Because of that, this is the static driving power of death completeness of universe-prison-ball of zombie, or, it is just the common said of science. But, it is the forbidden situation of science.
According to the zombie’s way of managing the earth being very simple, or, according to that, zombie drives humankind into extinction is very simple, the first problem is that, how much is the area of earth-surface controlled by zombie making friend-circle? The second problem is that, how many persons are controlled by zombie making friend-circle? The background of these two questions is that, the area of the completed earth-surface is the constant number, and, the numbers of persons on the surface of earth are some about 6-billion, and being some about the constant number also.
No matter what the answer is, the earth-surface is divided into two parts of being controlled by zombie and being not controlled by zombie. Then, the base-land of zombie, is definitely the area of being controlled by zombie. And the numbers of persons on the surface of the earth, is also divided into two parts of being controlled by zombie and being not controlled by zombie. Then, the numbers of persons in the base-land of zombie, are all controlled by zombie definitely.
At the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, what is the way of identifying the area of controlled by zombie? And, what is the way of identifying the area of un-controlled by zombie? Clearly, this is the problem with no answer. But, at the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, how many persons are controlled by zombie making friend-circle? And how many persons are not controlled by zombie making friend-circle? For this problem, zombie understands very clear. But, it is very difficult for selfish triangle to know.
Zombie’s friend-circle is the war-unit, including the opening shape and the secret shape. For this type of war-unit, zombie had researched for more than two thousand years. Or, it is just the circle-lien of flesh soup of HAN-XIN. Or, it is the guerilla, and being very twisted and beyond the imagination. The great general of this war-unit is the universe-prison-ball. The fundamental basis of zombie making friend-circle is the universe-prison-ball and the up-side-down transformation between the death and the be-alive. And, the fundamental basis of zombie making friend-circle is not the tyrant or the dictator, even though the shape is the same with the tyrant and dictator. And then, zombie is not only the existence at the inner position of zombie’s base-land, but, zombie is covering all over the completed earth surface. The difference is that, the base-land of zombie is able to be used as the standard to identify the zombie definitely; but, at the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, what is the standard to be used, to identify the zombie?
At the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, the persons of being controlled by zombie are divided into three layers. The first layer is the candidate of zombie, or, it is the body of the twisted mind. The second layer is the persons who can be controlled by zombie. The third layer is those who hope to make benefit through the help of zombie.
According to the background of the universe-prison-ball, at the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, the persons who have not been controlled by zombie can be called as the free persons. Clearly, according to the background of the universe-prison-ball, these free persons are divided into four types. The numbers of the first type of free persons think that, it is necessary to support the zombie, and, it is necessary to learn the techs of zombie. The numbers of the second type of free persons think that, “I don’t know”, or, “I don’t care about it”. The numbers of the third type of free persons think that, zombie is very bad, but, there is no method. The numbers of the fourth type of free persons think that, it is necessary to think some methods of driving zombie into disappearance. But, all these methods have no ability to penetrate the distribution diagram of the pair of red beans and the black beans, on the contacting map of zombie. Because of that, this is the central scientific principle.
That is to say, the method of zombie managing the earth is very simple. Or, it is according to the background of the universe-prison-ball, it is based on the zombie making friend-circle, applying different techs or methods, to drive the thinking of selfish triangle going apart away from the natural measured properties, or, going apart away the white color and black color on the contacting map of zombie. Or, it is driving the thinking of selfish triangle into the red bean tunnel. Or, it is just what zombie had said of researching the excreting stuff of human person. Or, it is the tech of beating Anteaus. Or, it is the tech of breaking down the bridge after passing through the river. And so on. And then, it is creating out the confrontations between the four types of free persons. And, according to the background of universe-prison-ball, it is giving out the universe truth supporting to support the opposite sides of confrontation. And at the same time, it is enhancing the numbers of persons controlled by zombie making friend-circle. And, it is applying the friend-circle of zombie to squeeze the four types of free persons. Or, it is the classification struggle, or, it is the classification war.
The way of zombie driving humankind into extinction is very simple. Or, it is applying the wrong of the thinking of selfish triangle, to create out the harm. Of course, according to the triple-colors structure of zombie’s contacting map, the wrong is equal to the “wrong”. But, the critical point, is not the wrong of the thinking of selfish triangle, but, it is the universe-prison-ball.
The universe-prison-ball is made up of the set of expressions of every natural measured property and all the natural measured properties. And, it is shown as the distribution diagram of wrongs of every person and all persons. The distribution diagram of wrongs of every person and all persons is, No.1, used into attacking every selfish triangle, until the death; No.2, used into analyzing the situation, and designing the rules-systems. Of course, the rules-systems are equal to the connection systems between the anus and mouth. Or, the distribution diagram of wrongs of every person is used into designing the fourth dimensional war, or, it is the “rightness”-war. According to the background of the “rightness”-war, it is creating out the physical-economics and commodity dynamics. And, the physical-economics and commodity dynamics is also to promote the “rightness”-war. This type of circulation will go into infinite.
无论怎样,问题都聚焦到现实守恒定律B => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 僵尸联络图上的红豆通道守恒定律。
No matter what, the problem is focused on the law of reality conservation-B => rel the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the law of red bean tunnel conservation on the contacting map of zombie.
According to that, one of the two-ends of the quantum line of the death completeness is connected with the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, No.1, according to the background of the quantum line of the death completeness, it is able to show the inner-thinking of selfish triangle within the scope of the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation; No.2, what is the way of making the division effect between the selfish triangle and the zombie’s monkey hair? No.3, what is the way to show the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation?
The static driving power of death completeness is made up of three elements. The top layer is the universe-prison-ball; the middle layer is the appointment system of zombie; the bottom layer is the mutual spin of weight and supporting with holding the pair of central axle conservation of zombie’s management and the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle.
These three layers of structure are just the volume structure made up of the connection between the behavior-action and the universe-destroying wall, and, including the quantum line of top tunnel of life-destroying wall, between the life-destroying wall and the universe-prison-ball; and including the quantum line of bottom tunnel of life-destroying wall, between the life-destroying wall and the mutual-spin of weight and supporting. And the life-destroying wall is located at the position of the central cosmic fulcrum in the law of reality conservation, or, it is just the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, and aiming into destroying and aiming into replacing, the four life-ether-beacons at the inner position of selfish triangle.
可以表达为,rel静态死亡完整驱动力(死活变换守恒定律)新人类六子以太航标集合rel => 人类命运共同体。
According to the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive being the central cosmic fulcrum, and, according to the up-side-down transformation of universe being the physical track of transportation, it is aiming into destroying and aiming into replacing the four life-ether-beacons at the inner position of selfish triangle. Or, it is applying both the section-law of cutting mind conservation and the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, to change the set of four life-ether-beacons at the inner position of selfish triangle, into the shape of the set of six life-ether-beacons. This selfish triangle with holding the shape of the set of six life-ether-beacons, is just the zombie creating of new-human-person, and it could be called as the set of six life-ether-beacons of new-human-person.
And, it is shown as, rel the static driving power of death completeness(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the set of six life-ether-beacons of new-human-person rel => the community of the destiny of humankind.
Clearly, the physical meaning of the community of the destiny of humankind, is just driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This type of the community of the destiny of humankind, is just the Chinese dream. And the physical meaning of Chinese dream, is just the set of six life-ether-beacons of new-human-person, and it is not the common life with holding the set of four life-ether-beacons. Or, it is just the planning life and it is just the planning be-alive.
The creator of creating out this type of the set of six life-ether-beacons of new-human-person, is just the zombie, and, being of no eligibility of life, and, being of no eligibility of using money, and it is death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The central cosmic fulcrum of the universe-destroying wall, is just the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive. The central cosmic fulcrum of the law of reality conservation, is also the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive. And then, the physical meaning of the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is just the central cosmic fulcrum of the completed fifth universe, and it is just the life-destroying wall.
And then, the double tunnels of the law of reality conservation, including both the direction-expression tunnel and the particle-expression tunnel, and the double tunnels of universe-destroying wall, including the quantum line of top tunnel of life-destroying wall and the quantum line of bottom tunnel of life-destroying wall, the public cosmic fulcrum of these four elements, is just the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, and, being show as the set of four ether-beacons of the fifth universe.
This physical meaning of this set of four ether-beacons, is clearly only the set of beacons of mixture-ether, and being shown as ultimate target of that, the meaning-pointer of language is going to touch. Because of that, according to the law of property conservation, the ability of language must be returning back into the mixture-ether finally. But, according to the connection between the selfish triangle and the meaning-pointer of language, the meaning-pointer of language has no ability to touch the mixture-ether-beacon. Because of that, the showing of the mixture-ether must be under the background of universe 8-poles. And then, there must be the track of going through both the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter, and going through the natural measured properties to show the volume meaning. The volume meaning is the meaning given out by the natural measured properties, or the meaning given out by God.
The meaning of the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is shown as that, when the length of math arrow of the death is the one, then, the math arrow of the be-alive is the zero; when the length of math arrow of the be-alive is the zero, then, the math arrow of the be-alive is the one. And, the sum of the length of math arrow of the death adding the length of math arrow of the be-alive, is equal to constant one. That is to say, the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is just the law of life-continuing eligibility conservation, or, it is the law of the original creation conservation of the choice pole of the fifth universe.
第五宇宙选择极起源守恒定律,就是生命延续力起源守恒定律。生命延续力表达为,依据现实守恒定律 => rel现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 创生僵尸的死亡活命变换战略分布图,
The law of the original creation conservation of the choice pole of the fifth universe, is just the original creation conservation of life-continuing power force. The life-continuing power force is expressed as that, according to the law of reality conservation => rel the direction-expression of law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => creating out the zombie’s strategic distribution diagram of transformation between the death and the be-alive,
No.1, there must be the connection with the black bean; No.2, there must be excreting away the red bean; No.3, there must be excreting away the math arrow of the death; No.4, there must be creating out the math arrow of the be-alive; No.5, there must be the protection of protecting the math arrow of the be-alive. And then, it is creating out the power force of life-continuing.
The particle-expression of the law of reality conservation, is connected with the red bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie. The direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, is the mixture of both red bean tunnel and black bean area on the contacting map of zombie. And the universe-prison-ball of zombie is creating out the fixed math arrow of the death, and the fixed math arrow of death is hidden behind the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, and it is changing the math arrow of be-alive into the math arrow of feeding humankind.
依据感受知道起源双层圆周线作为背景,在内层圆周线上存在着,rel远程规则起源箭头与近程规则起源箭头双子旋(内层圆周线)死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头构成现实守恒定律方向表达rel => 重力支撑双子旋变换成为灭绝人类轨迹粒子。内层圆周线的另外一种表达,就是重力支撑双子旋,连接着僵尸管理中心守恒轴和僵尸朋友圈量子线段,构成灭绝人类粒子的传输轨迹。
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, on the inner circle-line, there is the, rel the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule(the inner circle-line)the mutual-spin between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death to create out the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => changing the mutual-spin of weight and supporting into the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction. The other expression of the inner circle-line is just the mutual spin of weight and supporting, being connected with the pair of, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, and, the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle. And, it is creating out the transporting-track of transporting the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction.
表达为,rel远程规则起源箭头与近程规则起源箭头双子旋(来自僵尸宇宙监狱球的定态死亡数学箭头)活命死亡变换守恒定律rel =>人类永恒生存灭绝选择性。死亡活命变换守恒定律,把现实守恒定律,切割成为现实守恒定律的方向表达与现实守恒定律的粒子表达。
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule, is located at the gap-area, between the inner circle-lien and the outer circle-line, and, going towards the connection with inner circle-line. And, the original creation far-pointer of creating rule, is coming from the gap-area, between the outer circle-line and universe 8-poles.
And then, the mutual-spin between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death to create out the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, is fixed on the inner circle-line. Or, the mixture of math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, is fixed on the inner circle-line, or, being fixed on the structure, or, being fixed on the mixture of rules and functions. And, the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation, is fixed in the gap-area, between the inner circle-line and the center-dot, and being shown as the isolated function.
And then, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, coming from the pointer of force law, or, coming from the definer of defining lie, is just located at the gap-area, between, the structure or the inner circle-line, and, the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule. But, the fixed math arrow of the death, coming from the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is also located at this same gap-area, but, coming from the death boundary. This is the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
And, it is shown as, rel the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule(the fixed math arrow of the death coming from the universe-prison-ball of zombie) the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive rel => the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. The law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is cutting down the law of reality conservation into two parts, of both the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation and the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation.
And then, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the outer circle-line is just the fixed math arrow of be-alive, and being correspondent to that, the universe-prison-ball of zombie is also fixed on the outer circle-line, and to show the fixed math arrow of the death.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the meaning of the isolated function, is just the pointer of being opposite to the sightline of the selfish triangle. Or, all seen by the eye, are the functions, and it could be called as the law of seeing conservation, or, the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation.
And then, the direction-expression the law of reality conservation made up of both the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive, is fixed on the inner circle-line. Or, the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive, is fixed on the inner circle-line, or, being fixed on the structures, or, being fixed on the mixture between the rules and the functions. But, the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation is located at the gap-area, between the inner circle-line and the center-dot, and being correspondent to the isolated function.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the contacting map of zombie is fixed on the outer circle-line, No.1, it is replacing both the original creation spot of creating out the near-science and the original creation spot of creating out the far-science; No.2, it is replacing both the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule; No.3, it is controlling the structure, or, controlling the inner circle-line, or, controlling the connection between the structure and the fixed math arrow of the death, or, it is just controlling the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation; No.4, going through manipulating the structure, and fitting the method of connection between the anus and the mouth, it is cutting down the connection between the thinking in selfish triangle and the outer circle-line, or, it is cutting down the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, and, it is to make the thinking and feeling of selfish triangle, being fixed at the gap-area, between the inner circle-line and the center-dot. And, it is radiating out the great functions of coming from the universe-prison-ball of zombie, and without the necessary of natural measured properties. Or, it is greatest jumping achievement(DA-YUE-JIN). No.5, this is the way of zombie driving completed humankind into the completed extinction, and it is just teaching zombie’s rotten-anus-techs all over the world.
The law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is just the law of the eligibility conservation of life-continuing. Or, it is the law of the original creation conservation of the choice pole of the fifth universe. Or, it is the differentiation conservation of professional subjects. Or, simply, it is the law of eligibility creation, being shown as the law of immune first conservation. And the physical meaning is just shown as a 3-dimensional bubble, to squeeze the mixture of the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive into the inner position of this 3-dimensional bubble. Or, it is the law of completeness conservation. And then, the way of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just tearing the completeness into the segments, and driving the completeness into the extinction.
在,宇宙真理静态守恒三角结构 => rel僵尸宇宙监狱球(僵尸任命系统) 两个灭绝人类标准点rel => 静态死亡完整驱动力,中,僵尸的宇宙监狱球,是通过中心科学法则与僵尸联络图连接两个要素,寄生在自然度量属性的不变存在性之中,并趋向寄生到第四维度全维拼网唯一性。自然度量属性,是上帝控制的,通过表达完整性突变稳定效应的实验箭头获得,对应的是宇宙颠倒变换效应,自私三角形永恒没有能力改变。
In the static triangle structure of zombie’s universe truth => rel the universe-prison-ball of zombie(the appointment system of zombie) the two standard-spots of zombie driving humankind into extinction rel => static driving power of death completeness, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is going through two elements of zombie’s contacting map and the central scientific principle, to be parasitic in the unchangeable existence of the natural measured properties, and with tendency of being parasitic in the unique web system of fourth dimension. The natural measured property, is controlled by God, and being picked out through the completeness of mutation-effect being shown as the experimental pointer, and being correspondent to the up-side-down transformation effect of universe, and the selfish triangle has no ability to change it forever.
The selfish triangle has only the ability to apply the mixture of the rule and the natural measured property, and going through pointing towards the direction of universe-diameter, and then, to change the mixture of the rule and the natural measured property, into the mixture of the rule and the function, and it is creating out the function of life-continuing. Zombie, is just applying the unchangeable existence of the natural measured property into the driving power, also applying the mixture of the rule and the natural measured property, and going through adding the death-rule to create out the death-function, and then, to drive humankind into extinction. This is just the relation between the math arrow of the be-alive and the math arrow of the death. And, it is the public, and it is not the secret.
The action-spot of zombie’s static power force of the death completeness, is just the law of reality conservation. Or, it is applying the static power force of the death completeness, to control and to manipulate both the particle-expression tunnel of the law of reality conservation and the direction-expression tunnel of the law of reality conservation, and, going along the tunnel of the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, to control the set of four life-ether-beacons at the inner position of selfish triangle. This is organized deliberate way of driving humankind into extinction. This is the planning life and this is the planning be-alive.
现实守恒定律的第四维度双通道完整结构 => rel死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合态势显现为现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel => 创生僵尸的死亡活命变换战略分布图。
The completed structure of double tunnels effect of the fourth dimension to show the law of reality conservation => rel the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive to show the direction-expression of law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => creating out the zombie’s strategic distribution diagram of transformation between the death and the be-alive.
The existence-basis of the zombie’s strategic distribution diagram of transformation between the death and the be-alive, is just fixed on the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive. Or, when the length of the math arrow of the death is the one, then, the length of the math arrow of the be-alive is the zero. When the length of the math arrow of the death is the zero, then, the length of the math arrow of the be-alive is the one. The sum of the length of the math arrow of the be-alive plus the length of the math arrow of the death, is equal to the constant one.
死亡数学箭头的初始化含义,是负态宇宙直径的定向方向性;活命数学箭头的初始化含义,是宇宙直径的定向方向性。依据现实守恒定律的第四维度双通道完整结构 => rel死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合态势显现为现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel,如果没有宇宙直径与第四维度全维拼网唯一性的连接性来提供体积解释,或者,如果没有自然度量属性来提供体积解释,那么,现实守恒定律在自私三角形内部,全部定位在想法偏移泡泡内部,也就是在僵尸联络图上显现为孤立红豆通道,并且是黑豆面积为零的态势。这个态势,就是死亡数学箭头的长度为1的态势。
The initialized meaning of the math arrow of the death, is the pointer of the fixed direction of the negative universe-diameter. The initialized meaning of the math arrow of the be-alive, is the pointer of the fixed direction of the universe-diameter.
According to the completed structure of double tunnels effect of the fourth dimension to show the law of reality conservation => rel the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive to show the direction-expression of law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel, if there is no volume explanation coming from the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, if there is no volume explanation coming from the natural measured property, then, the law of reality conservation will be located at the inner position of shift-thinking bubble of selfish triangle, in completed way. Or, it is to show the isolated red bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie, and, the black bean area will be zero. And, this is the situation with the length of math arrow of the death being one.
That is to say, according to the background of zombie’s contacting map, in the double tunnels made up of red beans and black beans, if there is only the black bean area, and there is no red bean tunnel, then, it is the situation of the length of math arrow of the death being zero, and the length of math arrow of the be-alive being the one, and it is to show that, the universe-prison-ball is in the destroying situation.
according to the background of zombie’s contacting map, in the double tunnels made up of red beans and black beans, if there is only the red bean tunnel, and there is no black bean area, then, it is the situation of the length of math arrow of the death being one, and the length of math arrow of the be-alive being the zero, and it is to show that, the universe-prison-ball is in the healthy situation. Then, what is the thinking in the negative selfish triangle?
也就是说,依据现实守恒定律的第四维度双通道完整结构 => rel死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合态势显现为现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel,产生了现实守恒定律的物理力效应。也就是红豆黑豆之间的互为切割力。这就是僵尸所说的阶级斗争,也就是分类斗争,也就是分类战争。也就是第四维度战争。
That is to say, according to the completed structure of double tunnels effect of the fourth dimension to show the law of reality conservation => rel the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive to show the direction-expression of law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel, it is creating out the effect of the physical force. Or, it is the mutual-cutting-force with each other between the red bean and the black bean. This is what zombie had said the class-struggle, or, it is the classification-struggle, or, it is the classification-war. Or, it is just the fourth dimensional war.
也就是说,依据现实守恒定律的第四维度双通道完整结构 => rel死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合态势显现为现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel,
That is to say, according to the completed structure of double tunnels effect of the fourth dimension to show the law of reality conservation => rel the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive to show the direction-expression of law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel,
In the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive to show the direction-expression of law of reality conservation, it is the situation of the co-existence of both red bean tunnel and black bean tunnel. Because of that, it is going through both the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter, to be connected with the natural measured properties. But, in the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation, it is the situation of all the red bean tunnels, because of that, it is the connected with the privacy-area of life, according to going along the tunnel of the equivalent between the sightline and the structure. Or, it is connected with the set of four life-ether-beacons of selfish triangle. And it is to show the situation of that, there are three life-ether-beacons striking the single life-ether-beacon.
And then, the selfish triangle must apply the thinking of the black bean, to go to the connection with the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, and increasing the area of black bean, and then to create out the power force of life-continuing.
Clearly, the power force of life-continuing being shown through the background of the law of reality conservation, is clearly shown on the contacting map of zombie, and further, being shown as the situation of destroying the universe-prison-ball of zombie, and, being shown as the situation of destroying the static driving power of death completeness. Then, zombie must design large amount of techs, to annihilate this power force of life-continuing. And then, it is to stimulate out the effect of creation and protection of both the central axle conservation of zombie’s management and the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle.
Clearly, according to feeling, the power force of life-continuing is coming from the selfish triangle. But, also clearly, the selfish triangle has no ability to create the power force of life-continuing. Because of that, the original creation spot of creating out the negative selfish triangle, is just the selfish triangle. This is the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. And then, the source of the power force of life-continuing is coming from the pointer of force law, and being connected with the universe 8-poles. This is the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. Going through the universe 8-poles, it is connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension. And going through the unique web system of fourth dimension, it is connected with the independent natural measured property. According to the natural measured property, No.1, it is excreting away the red beans; and No.2, it is excreting away the math arrow of the death; and then, No.3, it is creating out the power force of life-continuing.
Clearly, the power force of life-continuing must destroy the universe-prison-ball, and, the power force of life-continuing must destroy the static driving power of death completeness, and then, it is able to create out the self-existence of the power force of life-continuing. But, zombie must destroy the power force of life-continuing.
According to the background of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map with holding the triple-colors, in the law of reality conservation, the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation is the isolated red been tunnel; the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation is the mixture of both red bean tunnel and black bean area. And then, according to the law of reality conservation, No.1, there must be the connection with the black bean; No.2, there must be excreting away the red bean; No.3, there must be excreting away the math arrow of the death; No.4, there must be creating out the math arrow of the be-alive; No.5, there must be the protection of protecting the math arrow of the be-alive. And then, it is creating out the power force of life-continuing.
Clearly, according to the background of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map with holding the triple-colors, zombie is very clear about the power force of life-continuing. And it is just zombie had said of, both knowing about the self-own and knowing about the enemy, then, hundreds of battles will not be beaten.
One of the lethal goals of recounting, is just according to the background of killing, to track down that, what natural measured properties are located on the universe-prison-ball of zombie, especially those natural measured properties that the selfish triangle does not know. This is the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
依据现实守恒定律的第四维度双通道完整结构 => rel死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合态势显现为现实守恒定律的方向表达(死活变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子化表达rel,
One of the original creation standard-spots of creating out the power force of life-continuing, is just the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, and being located at the gap-area between the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation and the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation, and, being connected with both the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter.
According to the completed structure of double tunnels effect of the fourth dimension to show the law of reality conservation => rel the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive to show the direction-expression of law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel,
The law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is just a life-destroying wall, with increasing the red bean, and with resistance of creating black beans.
There must the black beans being connected with the mixture of between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of be-alive, to excrete away the math arrow of the death, and to create out the math arrow of the be-alive, and then, there is the ability of penetrating through this life-destroying wall. This is the power force of life-continuing.
And, the quantum line made up of the connection between the life-destroying wall and the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, is just to show the bottom tunnel of the life-destroying quantum line. The quantum line made up of the connection between the life-destroying wall and the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just to show the top tunnel of the life-destroying quantum line.
生命毁灭量子线段的底部通道与生命毁灭量子线段的顶部通道,构成的就是一个宇宙毁灭墙。表达为, rel生命毁灭量子线段的底部通道(死活变换守恒定律构成生命毁灭墙)生命毁灭量子线段的顶部通道rel => 宇宙毁灭墙。
Both the top tunnel of the life-destroying quantum line and the bottom tunnel of the life-destroying quantum line, are creating out the universe-destroying wall, and being shown as, rel the bottom tunnel of the life-destroying quantum line(life-destroying wall coming from the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive)the top tunnel of the life-destroying quantum line rel => the universe-destroying wall.
The top-ending of the universe-destroying wall is going through the pointer of the fixed direction of negative sightline, and applying the section-law of cutting mind conservation, to manipulate the set of four life-ether-beacons at the inner position of selfish triangle; and, the bottom-ending of the universe-destroying wall is going through the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle, and applying the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, to manipulate the set of four life-ether-beacons at the inner position of selfish triangle. This is the situation of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
The existence background of the selfish triangle, is the life-ether. The fundamental physical meaning of ether, is the set of four isolated pointers of directions, and being shown the existence of ether. Or, it is to show that, going through the central scientific, the ether is connected with the feeling-known. The more fundamental basic meaning of ether, is connected with extinction property, and giving out only the known, and without the ability to give out the meaning. There must be going through the connection between the unique web system of fourth dimension and the structure of outside universe, to give out the meaning of the connection between the ether and the extinction property.
That is to say, the first original creation meaning of ether, or the known with holding the meaning of ether, is just the set of four isolated pointers of directions. And then, ether must be connected with the law of direction-expression. Going through cutting down the direction, it is creating out the particle-structure. According to the beginning-spot of the ether-set of four isolated pointers of directions, and, according to the ending-spot of 3-dimensional stable structure, it is creating out the procedure of showing the 2-dimensional quantum plane, of the 16-colors quantum-areas. Going through the universe-diameter, it is changing the 16-colors quantum-areas into 18-colors of stable structure. This is the universe structure.
The property of life-ether at the inner position of selfish triangle, is according to the law of direction-expression, to be changed into the set of four life-ether-beacons. The first life-ether-beacon is the heart-direction-pointer; the second life-ether-beacon is the disgusting-pointer; the third life-ether-beacon is the inner-core area of thinking; and, the fourth life-ether-beacon is the shift-thinking bubble.
The section-law of cutting mind conservation of zombie creating, and the circle-line of particle of cutting down waist of zombie creating, are invading into the inner position of selfish triangle, to control and to manipulate the life-ether beacons layer, and creating out the 《Pilgrimage to the west》 or 《Journey to the west》or (《XI-YOU-JI》). This is applying the extinction property of ether, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
This is not the choice between the good and the bad, and, this is not the choice between the death and the be-alive, and, this is not the choice between the living and the destroying, and, this is the extinction with permission of natural measurement, and, this is the extinction with permission of God’s measurement. This is not the problem of death crime, but, this is the crime of being changed into the flesh soup.
According to the background of extinction, ether is directly connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension. And, ether has no ability to be connected with the 3-dimensional structure in direct way. The 3-dimensional structure must be located at the inner position of the immune-background of the unique web system of fourth dimension. But, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, or, the contacting map of zombie, is just fixed in the gap-area between the 3-dimensional structure and the unique web system of fourth dimension. This is picking out the extinction property, and it is not the choice between the living and the destroying.
The simplest structure of the contacting map of zombie, is the structure of 3-colors. The first color is the background of the white-color, and, according to the completed particle structure-shape of the contacting map of zombie, it is changing the background of white-color into the particle-structure of white-color. The second color is the black bean area, to show the thinking-set in the inner-core area of thinking, at the inner position of selfish triangle. The third color is the red bean tunnel, to show the thinking-set in the shift-thinking bubble, at the inner position of selfish triangle, and, to show the division effects of cutting down the relations with the natural measured properties.
依据,rel远程规则起源箭头与近程规则起源箭头双子旋(内层圆周线)死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头构成现实守恒定律rel => 重力支撑双子旋变换成为灭绝人类轨迹粒子,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule(the inner circle-line)the mutual-spin between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death to create out the law of reality conservation rel => changing the mutual-spin of weight and supporting into the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction,
The red bean tunnel is connected with, the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule, and being located at the gap-area between the center-dot and the inner circle-line, in the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known. The black bean area is connected with, the mutual-spin between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death to create out the law of reality conservation, and being located at both the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the inner circle-line, and, the area going from the outer circle-line towards the structure of outside universe, in the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known.
And then, the section-law of cutting mind conservation is connected with the inner circle-line of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known. Or, the section-law of cutting mind conservation is connected with the surface of the earth.
That is to say, going through the section-law of cutting mind conservation, being located at the inner position of selfish triangle, the 2-dimensional sheet with triple-colors of the contacting map of zombie, is covering on the surface of the completed earth, and it is not covering the surface of zombie’s base-land only. Or, it is going through the country-occupying, or, going through the methods of managing the universe, to create out the zombie’s home, and to create the zombie’s land, and, finally, it is managing the completed surface of the completed earth, and, it can be called as the law of zombie’s home conservation. Or, it is the law of international conservation of zombie. Clearly, this zombie’s home, or zombie’s base-land, is not the country. Thinking the zombie’s home into the country, and treating the zombie’s base-land as the country, the unique final result is the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
僵尸之家守恒定律表达为 => rel僵尸联络图的二维截面最简单三色结构(自私三角形内部的砍脑截面守恒定律)重力支撑双子旋上的灭绝人类轨迹粒子rel => 僵尸联络图的二维截面最简单三色结构完整覆盖地球表面。
The law of zombie’s home conservation is expressed as => rel the 2-dimensional sheet with holding triple-colors of the contacting map of zombie(the section-law of cutting mind conservation at the inner position of selfish triangle)changing the mutual-spin of weight and supporting into the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction rel => applying the 2-dimensional sheet with holding triple-colors of the contacting map of zombie to cover the completed surface of the completed earth.
The difference between the zombie’s home and the zombie’s base-land is that, zombie’s base-land is restricted by the area of the earth surface; but, zombie’s home is not restricted by the area of the earth surface. Zombie’s home is the universe home, or the home of the completed humankind, or the completed global home, and, being not restricted by the partial area of the earth surface. Or, it is the law of international conservation of zombie. Or, it is just what zombie had said of everywhere being home, or, our friends are all over the world.
Going through zombie’s friend-circle, it is creating out the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle, between the mutual-spin of weight and supporting and the confessing membrane of selfish triangle. No.1, it is creating out the flesh soup circle-lines systems of HAN-XIN in the fifth universe; No.2, it is creating out the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, at the division boundary between the fifth universe and the sixth universe. No.3, the pair of the section-law of cutting mind conservation and the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, is creating out the double layers structure of creating new-human-person, with the effect of controlling the set of fourth life-ether-beacons, at the inner position of selfish triangle. No.4, and then, according to the mutual-spin of weight and supporting being cosmic fulcrum, it is transporting the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction, into the inner position of selfish triangle.
This is not the choice between the good and the bad, and, this is not the choice between the death and the be-alive, and, this is not the choice between the living and the destroying, and, this is the extinction with permission of natural measurement, and, this is the extinction with permission of God’s measurement. This is not the problem of death crime, but, this is the crime of being changed into the flesh soup.
僵尸朋友量子线段与僵尸之家之间的底部连接通道=> rel僵尸之家(重力支撑双子旋) 僵尸朋友量子线段rel => 灭绝人类轨迹粒子传输通道,依据重力支撑双子旋作为宇宙支点,通过僵尸朋友量子线段,进入并操纵生命以太四个航标结构,构成了僵尸宇宙真理自旋闭合回路的六个负态宇宙基元子完整结构。并且,连接到僵尸的13个负态宇宙基元子构成的完整背景。
Between the zombie’s home and the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle, the bottom tunnel is going through the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, to be connected into the unique completed body; and, the top tunnel is connected together, to create the closed circuit, through the four life-ether-beacons at the inner position of selfish triangle.
The connection-tunnel of bottom tunnel between the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle and the zombie’s home => rel the zombie’s home(the mutual-spin of weight and supporting) the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle rel => the transporting tunnel of transporting the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction, is according to the cosmic fulcrum of mutual-spin of weight and supporting, and going through the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle, and entering into the four life-ether-beacons, and it is creating out the completed structure of the closed self-spin circuit of zombie’s universe truth, with holding the six negative universe-unit-particles of zombie. And, it is connected with the background of 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie.
两个灭绝人类标准点,通过僵尸任命系统,与僵尸的宇宙监狱球,构成了僵尸的宇宙真理静态守恒三角结构。宇宙真理静态守恒三角结构 => rel僵尸宇宙监狱球(僵尸任命系统) 两个灭绝人类标准点rel => 静态死亡完整驱动力。
And then, the two standard-spot of zombie driving humankind into extinction are that, the first standard-spot of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, or, it is applying the near-physical negative sightline of zombie, to be fixed on the structure of mutual-spin of weight and supporting; the second standard-spot of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle.
These two standard-spots are going through the appointment system of zombie, to be connected with the universe-prison-ball of zombie, to create the static triangle structure of zombie’s universe truth. The static triangle structure of zombie’s universe truth is => rel the universe-prison-ball of zombie(the appointment system of zombie) the two standard-spot of zombie driving humankind into extinction rel => static driving power of death completeness.
The static driving power of death completeness, is located in the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, and, to control and to manipulate the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive. The length of the math arrow of the death pluses the length of the math arrow of be-alive, is equal to the constant one.
The static driving power of death completeness is of three layers. The top layer of the static driving power of death completeness is the universe-prison-ball of zombie.
The middle layer of the static driving power of death completeness is the appointment system of zombie.
The bottom layer of the static driving power of death completeness is the pair of two standard-spots of driving humankind into extinction.
And the static driving power of death completeness is correspondent to the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation of that, name-A is going from the home to the shop.
依据感受知道起源双层圆周线作为背景,僵尸的带有缺口的地狱背景圆周线的构成方式表达为,第一要素,是内层圆周线,或者是重力支撑双子旋,或者是rel远程规则起源箭头与近程规则起源箭头双子旋(内层圆周线)死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头构成现实守恒定律rel => 重力支撑双子旋变换成为灭绝人类轨迹粒子。或者说,依据僵尸的宇宙监狱球作为背景,这就是定位在僵尸镜面球内部的外星人粒子,瞄准把活命数学箭头,替换成为饲养人类。也就是构建负态规则系统。也就是NRCL的起源点。
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port, is made up of the following elements. The first element is the inner circle-line, or, it is the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, or, it is the rel the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule(the inner circle-line)the mutual-spin between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death to create out the law of reality conservation rel => changing the mutual-spin of weight and supporting into the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction. Or according to the background of the universe-prison-ball of zombie being fixed on the outer circle-line, it is just the Alien-particle, being located at the inner position of zombie’s mirror-ball, and, aiming into replacing the math arrow of be-alive through the zombie feeding humankind. Or, it is creating out the negative rules system. Or, it is the original creation spot of the NRCL.
The second element is the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, being located at the position of replacing the equivalent between the sightline and the structure of selfish triangle, and then, it is the original creation spot of the math arrow of the death, or, it is the original creation spot of defining the death. Going through the spinning of that, the pair of zombie’s appointment system and the management system of zombie, spins around the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, it is creating out the definer-spin of defining the death, and then to define the selfish triangle into the death, and creating out the original creation spot for the math arrow of zombie feeding humankind replacing the math arrow of be-alive.
That is to say, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is just the original creation spot of the corpse mind, or, it is just the near-physical negative sightline of zombie’s monkey hair. And, it is giving out the public original creation spot of both creating out the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of zombie feeing humankind replacing the math arrow of be-alive. And, one of the physical meanings is creating out the multi-time-dimensions on the mutual-spin of weight and supporting. Or, it is creating out the door of Alien.
The third element is just the appointment system of zombie, or, it is the second negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, or, it is the original creation particle of creating the negative rules systems, or, it is the creation-particle of creating out the Alien-rules. And, it is including the opening appointment system, and including the secret appointment system, and including the appointment at the outer position of outside zombie’s base-land, and so on.
The background of the appointment system of zombie, is just the education without sons and without grandsons. It is zombie of building the self-own into the Alien. Clearly, the education without the sons and grandsons, is not the independent existence of the structure. And, it is connected with the training system of zombie, and the learning system of zombie, and the teaching system of zombie, and the family teaching system of zombie, and so on. It is just creating out the division layer between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power. Or, it is keeping the connection between the natural measured properties and the universe-prison-ball of zombie, through the meaning comprehension, but, at the same time, squeezing the inner-core area of thinking in selfish triangle. Or, it is according to the contacting map of zombie, to apply the red bean, striking and replacing the black bean.
Or, the education system of without the sons and grandsons, and the training system of zombie, and the learning system of zombie, and the teaching system of zombie, and the family teaching system of zombie, and so on, are creating out the layer of core-background of launching the fourth dimensional war. And, according to the layer of core-background, it is creating out the appointment system of zombie.
The fourth element is the definer-cone of defining negative life, or, the base-land of creating out the red beans and black beans, and, including three different colors. The white color is the expression-shape of natural measured properties; the red bean is correspondent to the shift-thinking bubble at the inner position of selfish triangle; and the black bean is correspondent to the inner-core area of thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle.
The fifth element is applying the central scientific principle, to change the contacting map of zombie into the static situation, and creating out the universe-prison-ball.
The sixth element is zombie’s eye being fixed on the death boundary, and applying the central scientific principle, to push the universe-prison-ball being parasitic in the direction towards fitting the unique web system of fourth dimension.
The seventh element is fixing the universe-prison-ball on the outer circle-line of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, through being parasitic in the unique web system of fourth dimension. And, it is just creating out the third time dimension at the position of outer circle-line.
That is to say, on the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port, there are two tunnels being used into adding the third time dimension. One of the two tunnels is the universe-prison-ball being fixed on the outer circle-line; and the other tunnel is the central axle conservation of zombie’s management being fixed on the inner circle-line. And, the source of the third time-dimension, is coming from the death boundary, and coming from the up-side-down transformation axle-conservation between the be-live and the death.
The eighth element is that, according to the static reference of the universe-prison-ball being fixed on the outer circle-line, and according to the dynamic particle of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management being fixed on the inner circle-line, at the defective port area between the inner circle-line and outer circle-line, and, according to applying the up-side-down transformation of universe, it is applying the universe-prison-ball to replace the original creation spots of creating out both the far-science and the near-science, and, it is applying the universe-prison-ball to replace both the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule, and, it is just changing the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, into the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. Or, it is creating out the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction.
If there is no specific structure to protect the natural measured properties, the unique isolated final result is the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Because of that, there is only the universe-prison-ball of zombie, to be parasitic in the unique web system of fourth dimension, according to the comprehension ability. Under this type of background, if the selfish triangle does not rely on the protection of zombie, then, who is reliable whom the selfish triangle can rely on? Does the selfish triangle be in need of the protection of zombie, and then, doing the Chinese dream?
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, there are three beacons of quantum wave-function. The first beacon of quantum wave-function, is the near-physical quantum wave-function, being located at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line. In any near-physical quantum wave-function-A, there is the single quantum center-dot-A, to show the meaning of nothing.
Or, it is expressed as that, according to the background of the specific quantum wave-function-A, the unique isolated central scientific principle-dot, is just the quantum center-dot-A, with the physical meaning being the inexistence. But, according to the central scientific principle, every existence and all existences at the inner position of quantum wave-function-A, are proving that the quantum center-dot-A is the existence. Such as, the probability is proving that, the inexistence is just the shape of existence. And then, this quantum center-dot-A, is just the completed property of this quantum wave-function-A. And, the relation between the quantum center-dot-A and the quantum wave-function-A, is just fitting the law of division between the whole and the partial.
That is to say, the quantum center-dot-A is able to be shown as a 3-dimensional bubble-A, and the quantum wave-function-A is to be shown as the inner structure of this 3-dimensional bubble-A. That is to say, this 3-dimensional bubble-A is just the isolated natural measured property, but, according to the equivalent between the property and the function, it is able to be shown as the shape of functional bubble-A, but, it is not the meaning of function, but, it is the meaning of natural measured property. And then, the far-physical meaning of this 3-dimensional bubble-A, is just the up-side-down transformation of universe, and, being definer of to define the center-dot in the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known into being inexistence.
When the 3-dimensional bubble-A is disappeared, then, the near-physical meaning of quantum wave-function-A is just the physical force, and being the mixture of the rule and the function, and the math expression is the probability. That is to say, the physical meaning of quantum wave-function-A is changing the physical force into the structural effect. or, the near-physical quantum wave function, is just giving out the structural effect for the physical force. And, this structural effect, is just the set of four quantum numbers. When any dot in the near-physical quantum wave-function-A is connected with the inner circle-line in the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, such as being connected with the experimental pointer, then, it is changed into the mixture of rule and function, or being changed into the shape of structure, and, it is just to show that, going through the quantum collapse effect, it is squeezing out the definite existence of structure. And then, the quantum collapse effect is just that, existence-state of the up-side-down transformation of universe, is changed into, the inexistence-state of up-side-down transformation of universe.
第二量子波函数航标是现实守恒定律的方向表达形态,也就是生死变换守恒定律。或者说,死亡数学箭头的长度,加上活命数学箭头的长度,结果是定常1. 也就是说,生死变换守恒定律的物理含义,是一个三维泡泡,把死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合物,定位在生死变换守恒定律的三维泡泡的内部结构位置。因此,依据生死变换守恒定律的三维泡泡形状作为背景,死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合物所构成的现实守恒定律,就是这个生死变换守恒定律含义的三维泡泡内部的量子波函数,可以称为生死变换量子波函数。三维泡泡的含义,就是死亡数学箭头的长度加上活命数学箭头的长度,等于常数1. 量子波函数的含义,就是死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头的混合物。
生死变换守恒定律的三维泡泡形状的物理含义,也是把现实守恒定律的方向表达形态与粒子表达形态,定义成为第四维度双通道结构,而生死变换守恒定律,或者其三维泡泡形状,就是两个通道之间的隔离缝隙。表达为,rel现实守恒定律的方向表达形状(生死变换守恒定律)现实守恒定律的粒子表达形状rel => 完整的第四维度双通道结构。现实守恒定律的粒子表达形状,就是名字A从家里走到商店。
The second beacon of quantum wave-function, is just the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation, or, it is just the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive. Or, the sum of the length of math arrow of the death adding the length of math arrow of the be-alive, is just the constant one. That is to say, the physical meaning of the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is just the 3-dimensional bubble, to fix the mixture of both the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, into the position of the inner structure of this 3-dimensional bubble with meaning of the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive. And then, according to the background of this 3-dimensional bubble with meaning of the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, the law of reality conservation being made up of the mixture of both the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive, is just the inner structural quantum wave-function of this 3-dimensional bubble with holding the meaning of the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive. And, it could be called as the quantum wave-function of the transformation between the death and the be-alive. The meaning of 3-dimensional bubble is that, the length of the math arrow of the death, pluses the length of the math arrow of the be-alive, is equal to the constant one. And, the meaning of the quantum wave-function is, the mixture between the math arrow of the death and the math arrow of the be-alive.
The quantum center-dot of the quantum wave-function of transformation between the death and the be-alive, is just the effect of destroying the existence of different time-dimensions, or, it is squeezing multi-time-dimension into the single time-dimension, in force way, and, with only giving out the known, and without giving out the meaning. The gaining of the meaning must be going through both the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter, and to be connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension.
The physical meaning of the 3-dimensional bubble with holding the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is very clear. It is to show that, the effect the different time-dimensions being the simultaneous existence, is shown as the shape of that, there are two small bubble being located at the inner position of a 3-dimensional bubble, with the meaning of the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation.
The physical meaning of the 3-dimensional bubble with holding the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is also changing both the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation and the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation, into the double tunnels structure of fourth dimension, and, the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, or, it’s shape of the 3-dimensional bubble, is just the division-gap-area between two tunnels, and being expressed as, rel the shape of the direction-expression of the law of reality conservation(the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive) the shape of the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation rel => the completed structure of the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension. And, the shape of the particle-expression of the law of reality conservation, is just that, name-A is going from the home to the shop.
Third beacon of quantum wave-function is just the language fulcrum being isolated existence of the quantum center-dot. According to the background of the selfish triangle, the expression of language fulcrum, No.1, must be expressed through the confessing membrane; No.2, must be expressed through the pointer of force law; No.3, must be expressed through the background of all the 3-dimensional structures at the inner position of universe. And then, for expressing the physical meaning of the language fulcrum, there must be activating the background of the universe 8-poles, or, it is driving all the 3-dimensional structures at the inner position of universe, into the extinction state. Or, it is squeezing the language into the extinction state. And then, it is to show the isolated physical existence of the language fulcrum.
The background of the physical existence of the language fulcrum, is applying the structure of the universe 8-poles, to drive all the structures at the inner position of universe, into the extinction state, including of driving the shape of confessing membrane into the extinction state. But, according to being single pole of the eight poles of universe, the pointer of force law is the constant existence. Then, according to the structure of universe 8-poles being connected with the extinction property coming from the outer position of outside universe, then, under the background of universe 8-poles, there is only the ether-existence at the inner position of universe. Or, it is just the mixture shape between the life-ether and the lifeless-ether. And then, according to the background of ether, the physical meaning of the language fulcrum is the public beacon of both the life-ether and the lifeless-ether.
And, according to the self-original ability of universe creating out the human life, under the background of universe 8-poles, the language fulcrum is simultaneous existence with the pointer of force law, and then, the language fulcrum is creating out the effect of making division effect between the life-ether and the lifeless-ether. And, No.1, language fulcrum is the mixture of both the life-ether and the lifeless-ether; No.2, according to the self-original ability of universe creating out the human life, it is creating out the result of language fulcrum going apart away from the lifeless-ether, and showing the tendency of going into life-ether, and it is creating out the division effect between the life-ether and lifeless-ether, then, the language fulcrum is just changing the effect of three time-dimensions into the isolated self-time-dimension, or, it is just the isolated-time-dimension to show the ability of universe creating out the human life. And then, the language is of the property of destroying 3 different time-dimensions. And, the isolated background of universe 8-poles, is also the situation of destroying 3 different time dimensions, to show the existence of anti clockwise time dimension.
According to the connection with the extinction property, the background of universe 8-poles is not the background of the existence, and it is the background of inexistence. When the background of universe 8-poles is disappeared, then, at the inner position of universe, there will be the background of multi-time-dimension, or being the background of structures-existence. When the background of universe 8-poles is not the existence, then, according to the self-background of the language fulcrum, the language fulcrum is just under the background of already-existence of the unique time-dimension of showing the already-ability of universe creating human life, and according to the law of property conservation, with the beginning-spot of life-ether, to return back towards the mixture of both life-ether and lifeless-ether, or, to return back towards pointing the existence of the multi-time-dimensions. According to the background of the universe 8-poles being the situation of disappearance, the route-track of going from the beginning-spot of life-ether, and returning back towards the mixture of life-ether and lifeless-ether, is cutting down by the structure of inner universe. it is just to show that, going from the beginning spot of language fulcrum, it is radiating infinite arrows towards the inner universe. and, it could be called as the original creation pointer of the ability of language.
There are two segments on the original creation pointer of the ability of language. The first segment is that, it is the tendency of going from the beginning-spot of the mixture between the life-ether and lifeless-ether, towards the isolated life-ether, and to show the background of the existence of universe 8-poles; the second segment is that, it is the tendency of going from the beginning of isolated life-ether, towards the mixture of the life-ether and lifeless-ether, but, without the ability to touch the mixture of the life-ether and lifeless-ether, but, being cut down by the structural background. And then, No.3, there is third segment-stretching tendency, or, it is just according to the beginning-spot of structure, and going towards the mixture of the life-ether and lifeless-ether. Or, it is just the original creation spot of creating out the meaning arrow.
Clearly, the original creation pointer of the ability of language must be fitting the law of direction-expression, or, it is just cutting down the original creation pointer of the ability of language, and, it is just changed into the ability of language. And clearly, this ability of language created out by the law of direction-expression, is just the definer of defining the original creation pointer of ability of language into the radius of a 3-dimensional bubble, and defining the language fulcrum being the center-dot, at the inner position of this 3-dimensional bubble. This 3-dimensional bubble is just the original creation 3-dimensional structure of creating out the language, with the surface of the 3-dimensional bubble being the law of direction-expression. That is to say, the procedure of going from the language fulcrum into the ability of language, is just the quantum wave-function, and with the language fulcrum being the quantum center-dot. That is to say, the procedure of creating out the language ability, is just the quantum wave-function of creating language, being the third beacon of quantum wave-function.
Clearly, the quantum wave-function of creating out language is connected with the final equivalent between the sightline and the structure, but being shown as the different tunnels. The quantum wave-function of creating language is of no relation with the completeness of genome, but, the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, is related with the completeness of genome. Then, the direction of creating out the language, is the direction of going from the single time-dimension towards multi-time-dimensions; but, the direction of the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, is the direction of excreting away the multi-time-dimensions, to create out he single time dimension. Then, the modules-ether in the complex numbers is correspondent to the physical property of language fulcrum.
The relations between three different beacons of quantum wave-functions, are to show the effect of the bending effect of space-time. And then, it is to show the meaning of general united observation. All the three beacons of quantum wave-functions are foxed at the inner position of universe-prison-ball of zombie.
依据感受知道起源双层圆周线作为背景,内层圆周线上是,rel远程规则起源箭头与近程规则起源箭头双子旋(内层圆周线)死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头构成现实守恒定律rel => 重力支撑双子旋变换成为灭绝人类轨迹粒子。也就是僵尸的第十三负态宇宙基元粒子,也就是马加爵守恒定律粒子,也就是立法木马守恒定律粒子。其物理含义之一,是宇宙颠倒变换粒子。
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the structure of inner circle-line is, rel the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule(the inner circle-line)the mutual-spin between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death to create out the law of reality conservation rel => changing the mutual-spin of weight and supporting into the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction. Or, it is the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, or, it is just the particle of the law of MA-JIA-JUE conservation, or, it is the particle of the law of legislation Trojan conservation. And one of the physical meanings is the particle of up-side-down transformation of universe.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, when the center-dot radiates the sightline, and scanning on the inner circle-line, it is seeing the stone, or seeing that the name-A goes from the home to the shop, or seeing the constant existence of the surface of the earth, or, seeing the half of Galileo’s relativity, and, it is shown as the particle-shape of the law of reality conservation. And the far-physical meaning is the definite disappeared state of the up-side-down transformation of universe.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the direction-shape of the law of reality conservation on the inner circle-line is that, the alternation effect between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death, is creating out the law of transformation conservation between the death and be-alive. Or, the sum of the length of the math arrow of be-alive and the length of math arrow of the death, is just the constant one. Is this the math?
That is to say, the meaning of the law of reality conservation is just the structure, or the mixture between the rule and the function, and cutting down the tunnel of coming from natural measured property. And then, the law of reality conservation, is also the law of mixture conservation between rule and function, and, being the definer of defining that, the up-side-down transformation of universe is definitely not the existence. Or, it is creating out the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, and without seeing the natural measured properties.
But, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the original creation pointers of creating out the rules, are coming from the outer circle-line, and, it is showing that, the up-side-down transformation of universe is the definite existence. The correspondent experimental result is that, the sightline being fixed on the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, goes from seeing the earth, and going into seeing the solar system, and going into seeing the Galaxy system.
Clearly, the natural measured properties coming from the scientific researching and being the original creation spot of creating out rules, are proving the existence of the outer circle-line, and, it is just proving the definite existence of the up-side-down transformation of universe. The applying of science or the creation of tech, is just going from the beginning-spot of the existence state of the up-side-down transformation of universe, into the ending-spot of the disappearance state of the up-side-down transformation of universe, and to show the existence of function, and being shown as the major sight-angle of the law of tech conservation.
And, the near-science is just applying the experimental apparatus to replace the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, to create out the seeing, with fitting the existence of the up-side-down transformation of universe. The problem is that, how does the near-science see the universe-prison-ball of zombie?
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the original creation pointers of creating rules, are coming from the outer circle-line. The physical meaning is that, the outer circle-line must be excreting away the third time-dimension, and creating out the mixture of rule and function at the inner circle-line. But, if the outer circle-line has no ability to excrete away the third time-dimension, then, according to the existence of three of time-dimensions, the mixture of rules and functions at the inner circle-line will be going into the extinction state.
And, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just fixed on the outer circle-line, and it is just applying the state of three time-dimensions, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according to the beginning-spot of the outer circle-line, the math arrow going into the gap-area, between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, is the original creation math arrow of creating near-science. The original creation math arrow of creating near-science, is the original creation spot of creating out the original creation near-pointer of creating rule, and being shown as the only shape of direction, and without the ability to show the shape of particle. According to the beginning-spot of the outer circle-line, the math arrow going into the gap-area, between the universe 8-poles and the outer circle-line, is the original creation math arrow of creating far-science. The original creation math arrow of creating far-science, is the original creation spot of creating out the original creation far-pointer of creating rule, and being shown as the only shape of direction, and without the ability to show the shape of particle.
Clearly, the direction of the original creation math arrow of creating out the near-science, is according to the beginning-spot of the definite existence of the up-side-down transformation of universe, and according to the ending-spot of the definite inexistence of the up-side-down transformation of universe, to create out the direction, and to create out the original creation near-pointer of creating rule.
The direction of the original creation math arrow of creating out the far-science, is according to the beginning-spot of the definite existence of the up-side-down transformation of universe, and according to the background of extinction property, to change the up-side-down transformation of universe into the fixed state, to create out the direction, and then, to create out the original creation far-pointer of creating rule.
Clearly, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just replacing the fixed state of the up-side-down transformation of universe, and going through driving the original creation spot of creating science, into extinction state, and then, it is driving the original creation spot of creating rules, into extinction state. This is aiming into driving the original creation property into extinction. Or, it is just creating out the negative rules systems through the connection method between the anus and the mouth, to drag the extinction property into the earth. And, it is death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
也就是说,在,rel远程规则起源箭头与近程规则起源箭头双子旋(内层圆周线)死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头构成现实守恒定律rel => 重力支撑双子旋变换成为灭绝人类轨迹粒子,中, 远程规则起源箭头与近程科学起源箭头双子旋的显示与消失的交变性,对应的就是宇宙颠倒变换的存在与消失的交变性,也就是对应了僵尸联络图内部的红豆通道黑豆通道之间的交变性,也就是对应了自私三角形内部的自由想法。可以称为宇宙颠倒变换夸克交变性。
That is to say, in the relation of, rel the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule(the inner circle-line)the mutual-spin between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death to create out the law of reality conservation rel => changing the mutual-spin of weight and supporting into the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction, the alternative effect between the existence and the disappearance, about the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule, is correspondent to the alternative effect between the existence and the disappearance, about the up-side-down transformation of universe, and, it is correspondent to the alternative effect between the red bean tunnel and the black bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie, and, it is correspondent to the free thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle. And, it could be called as the alternative effect of the quark of the up-side-down transformation of universe.
The alternative effect of the quark of the up-side-down transformation of universe, is just changing the up-side-down transformation of universe, into that, the first element, is the alternative effect between the existence and the disappearance, about the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule; the second element is the alternative effect between the red bean tunnel and the black bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie; the third element is the free thinking in selfish triangle, or the alternative effect between the shift-thinking bubble and the inner-core area of thinking.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according to that, the surface of earth is fixed on the inner circle-line, and, according to that, the earth surface is the definer of defining the gap area, between the center-dot and the inner circle-line, being the existence, and defining the gap-area, between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, being the tunnel of going into inexistence, then,
In the area being defined into the tunnel of going into the inexistence, by the earth surface being definer, there are four elements, the first element is the definite existence of the up-side-down transformation of universe; the second element is the definite existence of the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule; the third element is the black bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie; the fourth element is the inner-core area of thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle.
In the area being defined into the existence, by the earth surface being definer, there are four elements, the first element is the definite inexistence of the up-side-down transformation of universe; the second element is the definite inexistence of the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule; the third element is the red bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie; the fourth element is the shift-thinking bubble at the inner position of selfish triangle.
The eight elements here are just the target of zombie’s management, or, it is creating out the vibrating effect between the death and be-live, in the gap-area between the center-dot and the inner circle-line. It is creating out infinite zombie’s techs, and it is not the problem of death crime, and, it is the crime of being changed into flesh soup.
表达为,rel重力支撑双子旋(僵尸朋友圈)自私三角形的忏悔薄膜rel => 僵尸朋友圈量子线段。其物理含义,就是灭绝第五宇宙的渐进自由结构。这个僵尸朋友圈量子线段,就是创生韩信肉羹圆周线系统的背景。也就是通过切断生命含义定义器与活命含义定义器之间的连接性,或者,通过在僵尸管理中心守恒轴与自私三角形之间,构建隔离层,来饲养人类。
The way of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is creating out the quantum line, of applying the zombie’s friend-circle, to create out the connection, between, the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, and, confessing membrane of selfish triangle, and, it is aiming into replacing the feeing and thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle, or, it is replacing the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. And, it could be called as the quantum line of zombie making friend-circle.
It is expressed as, rel the mutual-spin of weight and supporting(zombie’s friend-circle)the confessing membrane of selfish triangle rel => the quantum line of the zombie making friend-circle. The physical meaning is driving the asymptotic freedom of fifth universe, into the extinction. This quantum line of zombie making friend-circle, is just the background of creating out the flesh soup circle-lines system of HAN-XIN. Or, it is going through the cutting down the connection between the definer of defining life and definer of defining be-alive, or, going through creating out the division layer between the selfish triangle and the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, to feed humankind.
显然,僵尸灭绝人类的方法非常简单,第一,用僵尸朋友圈覆盖地球表面;第二,依据僵尸朋友圈作为背景,传授僵尸技术;第三,依据僵尸朋友圈作为根基背景,生根,发芽,开花,结果,创生僵尸任命系统,也就是建立,rel重力支撑双子旋连接僵尸管理中心守恒轴 (僵尸任命系统) 负态生命定义锥 rel => 负态宇宙直径的粒子化运行结构。第四,依据宇宙监狱球作为背景,管理地球。第五,宇宙监狱球是人类全部科学研究结果,与僵尸几千年全部研究结果的,加和,
Clearly, the way of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is very simple, No.1, applying the zombie’s friend-circle to cover the surface of earth; No.2, according to the background of zombie’s friend-circle, to teach the tech of zombie; No.3, according to the root-background of zombie’s friend-circle, it is rooting, germinating, blooming, harvesting, and it is creating out the appointment system. Or, it is creating out the rel the mutual-spin of weight and supporting being connected with the central axle conservation of zombie’s management (the appointment system of zombie) the definer-cone of defining negative life rel => the particle shape of running structure of the negative universe-diameter. No.4, it is according to the universe-prison-ball of zombie, to manage the earth. No.5, the universe-prison-ball is the sum of both all the results of the scientific researching of humankind, and all the results of zombie’s researching for several thousand years.
The confessing membrane is creating out the mutual-spin of the heart-direction-pointer and the disgusting-pointer. And it is going into the inner position of selfish triangle, and being the fixed position of zombie’s circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist. The section-law of cutting mind conservation is located at the gap-area between the shift-thinking bubble and the inner-core area of thinking.
The physical root structure at the inner position of selfish triangle is made up of two fundamental directions. The first direction is going into the inner position of selfish triangle, through the mutual-spin of heart-direction-pointer and disgusting-pointer, from the beginning-spot of confessing membrane. And it is creating out the feeling-known, and being the controlling spot of zombie, through the zombie’s circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist. The second direction is going from the beginning-spot of inner position of selfish triangle, towards the outer position of selfish triangle, and creating out the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, and being the controlling spot of the section-law of cutting mind conservation.
Two fundamental directions at the inner position of selfish triangle, is direction of going into the selfish triangle and coming out from the selfish triangle. The fantasy structure is the glue to create the completed selfish triangle of making the connection between the two directions. The two directions of creating out the physical root structure of selfish triangle, is divided into four directions at the inner position of selfish triangle. The first direction is creating out the shift-thinking bubble; the second direction is creating out the inner-core area of thinking; the third direction is creating out the heart-direction-pointer; and the fourth direction is creating out the disgusting-pointer.
The physical meaning of the four directions at the inner structure of selfish triangle, is to show the ether structure at the inner position of selfish triangle. Or, it is the thinking-ether, or it is the life-ether. The physical meaning of life-ether is just the self-original ability of universe creating out the human life.
The initialized situation of the inner structure of selfish triangle, is just the life-ether. According to the law of direction-expression, four directions of life-ether are changed into four elements of thinking. The first element is the shift-thinking bubble; the second element is the inner-core area of thinking; the third element is the heart-direction-pointer; the fourth element is the disgusting-pointer. The relation between every two elements is the never simultaneous. That is to say, the creation of feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle, is just fitting the law of original creation of universe. And, it is fitting the situation of the thinking coming from the up-side-down transformation of universe.
Ether is the structure of going into the extinction property. According to the background of extinction property, the completed universe is made up of life-ether and lifeless-ether, and to show the simplest structure of universe. Then, the background of selfish triangle being existence is just the ether.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according to the Galileo’s relativity being universe-fulcrum, it is to show the definite up-side-down transformation of universe. When the center-dot is the center-dot, then, the outer circle-line is the outer circle-line; when the center-dot is the outer circle-line, then, the outer circle-line is the center-dot, and, it is just creating out the sightline-seeing on the surface of earth.
Here is holding the willing power of negative life of zombie. Giving me a fulcrum, then, I can lever the universe. Or, it is just managing the universe. And, the earth-managing is only the partial business of managing the universe. Clearly, the area of zombie’s base-land has no ability to restrict the zombie’s action, and it is the law of international conservation of zombie. And, this is the long war.
Every selfish triangle has ability to feel the result of this up-side-down transformation of universe. When the sightline sees the earth, the earth is a ball, and, the sightline is located at the outer position of this ball. But, when the sightline is seeing the solar system, the solar system is of the tendency of being changed from the ball into the bubble. Some sightlines are restricted at the inner position of solar system, and other sightlines have ability to touch the outer position of solar system. But, when sightline sees the Galaxy system, the sightline is very difficult to touch the outer position of the Galaxy system. Or, the Galaxy system is near the shape of a closed bubble, and it is to squeeze the selfish triangle at the inner position of this bubble. And it is driving some selfish triangles think that, according to the experimental results, the Galaxy is just the completed universe, and the final result is going into the effect of the earth being the center. That is to say, the Galaxy is of clear effect of the bending of space-time already. This is the physical effect of driving humankind into the extinction, and, it is just the interaction between the thinking and the universe.
No.1, the clear effect of space-time bending in the Galaxy system, is creating out the free thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle. Or, the sightline is attracted by the surface of earth, but, the fantasy structure is going through the pointer of force law, to touch every position at the inner position of the completed universe. What is the meaning of this? No.2, the space-time bending effect with holding the effect of the up-side-down transformation of universe, is directly driving the thinking into the chaos, and it is the effect of driving humankind into extinction. No.3, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the universe-prison-ball is fixed on the outer circle-line, to squeeze the Galaxy into the inner position of the universe-prison-ball, or, it is driving the effect of the up-side-down transformation of universe, into the fixed-state, or, it is aiming into destroy the free thinking at the inner position of the selfish triangle, and then to create the sightline-chaos, and to create the fantasy-chaos, and it is shown as the distribution diagram made up of the pair of red bean tunnels and black bean tunnels, on the particle side of the contacting map of zombie. No.4, then, what is the thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle? No.5, is there any selfish triangle who has ability to go apart away from the mutual-spin of weight and supporting?
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the defective port on the hell-background circle-line is located at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, and, it is just showing the single definite cosmic constant of the up-side-down transformation of universe, between, the definite existence of the up-side-down transformation of universe, and, the definite disappearance of the up-side-down transformation of universe. Clearly, the meaning of this cosmic constant is very clear, and it is just the cosmic constant of the destiny of human life, and, it is just the wave function of near-physics.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the meaning of the cosmic constant of the destiny of human life is very clear. No.1, the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the center-dot, is just the sightline-area, and then, there is only the habit circulation of human life, and, there is not the instinct circulation of human life. No.2, in the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles, there is only the instinct circulation of human life, and, there is not the habit circulation of human life. No.3, in the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the inner circle-line, it is the mixture-area, between the instinct circulation of human life and the habit circulation of human life. Or, it is just the area of the physical forces, or, it is the defective port on the hell-background circle-line of zombie, or, it is just the cosmic constant of the destiny of human life. No.4, the folding situation between, the cosmic constant of the destiny of human life, and, the instinct circulation area of human life, is just the situation of the mutual-spin between, the original creation far-pointer of creating rule, and, the original creation near-pointer of creating rule. No.5, the position of zombie’s universe-prison-ball, is just creating out the division effect, between the original creation near-pointer of creating rule and the original creation far-pointer of creating rule. Or, it is just creating out the division effect, between, the cosmic constant of the destiny of human life, and, the area of the instinct circulation of human life. This is the ability of the universe-prison-ball of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And, this is the long war, and it is shown as the situation of aiming into destroying all the rules systems of the life-continuing of humankind. Or, it is just replacing the math arrow of be-alive, and creating out the math arrow of the death. Or, it is just the law of reality conservation.
依据外层圆周线被固定在僵尸宇宙监狱球上作为背景,用宇宙支点表达,四根数学箭头的关系是,rel远程规则起源箭头与近程规则起源箭头双子旋(内层圆周线)死亡数学箭头与活命数学箭头构成生死变换守恒定律rel => 重力支撑双子旋变换成为僵尸第十三负态基元子,也就是灭绝人类轨迹粒子,也就是僵尸管理系统。这个灭绝人类的轨迹粒子,其形状与费曼图是完全一致的。当视线在地球表面移动的时候,或者当自私三角形在地球表面移动的时候,内层圆周线,就变成了二维截面的地球表面,并通过感受知道起源双层圆周线,显示宇宙颠倒变换的通道轨迹。也就是僵尸所说的国有化,或者国家管理,计划生命,计划活命。
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, there are four math arrows on the inner circle-line. The first math arrow is the original creation far-pointer of creating rule, coming from the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles; the second math arrow is the original creation near-pointer of creating rule, coming from the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line; the third math arrow is the math arrow of be-alive, going towards the center-dot; the fourth math arrow is the math arrow of the death, going towards the death boundary through the appointment system of zombie.
According to the background of the outer circle-line is fixed on the universe-prison-ball of zombie, applying the cosmic fulcrum to express, the relation between four math arrows is, rel the mutual-spin between the original creation far-pointer of creating rule and the original creation near-pointer of creating rule(the inner circle-line)the mutual-spin between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death to create out the law of reality conservation rel => changing the mutual-spin of weight and supporting into the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, or, it is just the track-particle of driving humankind into extinction, or, it is just the management system of zombie. This track-particle of driving humankind into extinction, is just the same shape with the Feynman diagram. When the sightline is moving on the surface of earth, or, when the selfish triangle is moving on the surface of earth, the inner circle-line is changed into the 2-dimensional surface of earth, and to show the tunnel-track of the up-side-down transformation of universe, through the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known. And, it is just what zombie had said the country-occupying, or it is the country-management, or the planning life, or the planning be-alive.
And then, according to the God’s measurement, the base-land of zombie is not the country. If thinking that the base-land of zombie is the country, then, the unique final result is just the completed extinction of completed humankind. And this is the long war. Clearly, at the inner position of zombie’s base-land, the numbers of zombie’s monkey hairs are very large. Only if there is the background of large amount of zombie’s monkey hairs, it is able to change the mutual-spin of weight and supporting into the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, through the large amount of zombie’s friend-circles.
Clearly, the way of zombie driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, is very simple. And it is, No.1, teaching the zombie’s techs into every corner on the surface of earth; No.2, then, changing the tech-teaching system into the appointment system of zombie. And, No.3, this is just the power force of the universe-prison-ball.
According to that, the universe has 3 different time-dimensions, then, the physical meaning of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, is expressed as that, No.1, the outer circle-line is excreting away the third time-dimension; No.2, the inner circle-line is excreting away the second time-dimension; No.3, then, the result is that, it is creating out the unique single time-dimension at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the center-dot. And then, No.4, the hell-background circle-line of zombie with holding the defective port, at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, is just changing the single time-dimension into three different time-dimensions, through the management of zombie, and, at the position of the mutual-spin of weight and supporting. It is just driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. No.5, there must be creating out the volume country, on the area of zombie’s base-land. Or, it is sending zombie into the hell.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the expression of the math arrow of be-alive, is going from the inner circle-line towards the center-dot; the expression of the math arrow of the death, is going from the inner circle-line towards the death boundary. according to the background of CCF field, the math arrow of be-alive is the direction of universe-diameter; and the math arrow of the death is the direction of negative universe-diameter.
The relation between the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death, is the relation of never simultaneous. Or, both the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death, are to show of two different time-dimensional tunnels. But, according to the background of the inner universe, and, according to the background of the anti-clockwise time dimension of universe, and, according to the background of the expression of language symbol, it is able to squeeze both the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death, into the same time dimension, in force way, and it is just destroying the difference effect between different time-dimensions. And it is just to show the result of that, both the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death, are perpendicular with each other.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the beginning-spot of both the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death, are all located on the inner circle-line. And, according to the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port, the math arrow of the death is squeezing the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known into the situation of universe horizontal. The meaning of the situation of universe horizontal is shown through the CCF field.
That is to say, according to destroying the effect of multi-time-dimension, both the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death, are able to be shown on a 2-dimensional Cartesian reference, and it is the situation of only with known and without the meaning. The expression of the meaning is going through both the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter, and to be connected with the natural measured properties, and to be connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, it is to show the volume meaning.
According to the background of the 2-dimensional Cartesian reference, the origin-dot is just the inner circle-line in the original creation double circle-line of feeling-known, and being the public beginning-spot of radiating out both the math arrow of be-alive and the math arrow of the death. The axle-X is to show the math arrow of be-alive, and the maximum length of the math arrow of be-alive, is just 1; The axle-Y is to show the math arrow of the death, and the maximum length of the math arrow of the death , is also 1. And, when the length of the math arrow of the death is the one, the length of the math arrow of be-alive is the zoro; and, when the length of the math arrow of the death is the zero, the length of the math arrow of be-alive is the one.
This situation is just the law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive. Or, it is just the zombie’s strategic distribution diagram of transformation between the death and the be-alive. And, it is fitting zombie’s strategic distribution diagram of the section-law of cutting mind conservation; and, it is fitting zombie’s strategic distribution diagram of the particle of cutting down through waist.
The law of transformation conservation between the death and the be-alive, is just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. And, it is creating out the known on the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known. But, it is necessary of relying on both the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter being connected with the natural measured properties, and applying all the natural measured properties both at the inner position of universe and at the outer position of universe, to give out the explanation of volume meaning.
According to the background of both the universe-diameter and the negative universe-diameter, the math arrow of be-alive must cut down the math arrow of the death, to make the self-existence; and, the math arrow of the death must cut down the math arrow of be-alive, to make the self-existence. Because of that, it is the situation of different time-dimensional tunnels, and there is no choice. The situation of cutting down with each other, is just the situation of killing with each other, or, it is just the situation of being perpendicular with each other. And then, according to the background of killing, every selfish triangle has no authority to say good words for zombie; and, every selfish triangle has no authority to prove that zombie is of no crime; and, every selfish triangle has no authority to protect zombie. Zombie has no eligibility of life, and zombie has no eligibility of using money, and it is death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, between the center-dot and the outer circle-line, there is the existence of the up-side-down transformation of universe. When the selfish triangle is located at the center-dot, the outer circle-line is located at the outer position of outside inner circle-line, and it is to show the existence of God’s controlling effect through the natural measured properties. When the outer circle-line is changed into the center-dot, then, the center-dot is changed into the outer circle-line, and, it is to show the sightline situation of seeing the inner circle-line into the shape of 3-dimensional structure, through the equivalent between the sightline and the structure.
Clearly, this type of up-side-down transformation of universe, is just creating out the fourth dimensional war-confrontation directly, with the hell-background circle-line holding the defective port. Because of that, the defective port on the hell-background circle-line, is just the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line. And, because of that, the physical meaning of this up-side-down transformation of universe, is just the transformation between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity, and, being also the free thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle.
If there is the free thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle, then, it is just creating out the fourth dimensional war, between the free thinking and the universe-prison-ball of zombie. And, this is just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
That is to say, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, when the definer of defining life is located at the center-dot, the definer of defining be-alive is located at the outer circle-line; when the definer of defining be-alive is located at the center-dot, the definer of defining life is located at the outer circle-line. This is just the transformation between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity. And, the life meaning of this up-side-down transformation of universe, is just the free thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle.
Clearly, the free thinking is going through the up-side-down transformation of universe, to destroy the state of the universe-prison-ball of zombie. And then, for protecting the self-own, zombie must drive the free thinking of humankind into extinction. And, this is just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
The problem is that, does the person who do the scientific researching, understand that, the thinking of self-own, was just destroying the universe-prison-ball of zombie? During the history, uncountable persons had gone into death according to this reason. And the result was that, they did not know why the self-own should be going into death, until after the death.
You have destroyed the universe-prison-ball of zombie, and you say you don’t know, will zombie let you be alive?
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and according to the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and, according to the center-dot being the ending-spot, it is to show the math arrow expression of the pointer of life-continuing of a selfish triangle, and, it is also the pointer of fixed direction of the life-continuing of the completed humankind.
According to the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and, according to the death boundary being ending-spot, it is the math arrow expression that can’t be shown directly. It is necessary of according to the law of determination coming from background, through adding the background of the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port, to show this math arrow expression. And, the connection with death boundary is shown through the pair of double tunnels, made up of zombie’s eye and the up-side-down transformation between the death and the living. And it is just aiming into driving the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing into extinction, and, replacing it. Or, it is just the shrinking radius pointer of negative faith of zombie.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the math arrow going from inner circle-ling to touch the center-dot is the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing, or simply, it is the math arrow of be-alive; the math arrow going from inner circle-ling to touch the death boundary is the extinction state of the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing, or simply, it is the math arrow of the death.
The one is the math arrow of the pointer of life-continuing direction; and the other is the math arrow or the extinction state of the pointer of life-continuing direction. The one is the math arrow of be-alive, and the other is the math arrow of the death. And, this is just the law of reality conservation. And then, No.1, this is the situation that every selfish triangle has ability to know; and it is also the situation that every selfish triangle must known; No.2, this is the situation that every negative selfish triangle has ability to know; and it is also the situation that every negative selfish triangle has already known; No.3, this is the killing rule between the death and the be-alive, that God had defined, and it is the situation that must be executing without choice, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
What is the rule? According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the inner circle-line is the mixture between the rule and the function. And the center-dot is the definer, of defining the outer circle-line being inexistence. But, the outer circle-line is the existence-beacon-spot of the natural measured property, or, it is the existence-spot to show the controlling effect that God controlled. Or, the outer circle-line is just the original creation spot of creating out the rules, and including of creating out the original creation far-pointer of creating rule, and including of creating out the original creation near-pointer of creating rule.
That is to say, the selfish triangle at center-dot defines the outer circle-line being inexistence; but, the God defines that, the outer circle-line is the existence. That is to say, the outer circle-line is connected with the law of God’s power, and being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. And then, what is the rule? The rule is just be-alive, and it could be called as the law of rule of be-alive conservation.
And then, the original creation far-pointer of creating rule is just the original creation far-pointer of creating out far-be-alive; and, the original creation far-pointer of creating rule is just the original creation near-pointer of creating out near-be-alive. And then, does the center-dot define the outer circle-line being existence, according to habit? Or, does the center-dot define the outer circle-line being inexistence, according to instinct? If the instinct of life is lost, then, God will be permission of the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
That is to say, if the outer circle-line is the existence, then, the center-dot is not the existence, or, the selfish triangle is not the existence, or, there is no human life at the inner position of universe. That is to say, when outer circle-line is the existence, the universe has no function of creating out the human life, and then, there is only the rule on the inner circle-line, and there is no function on inner circle-line.
That is to say, No.1, the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, has no ability to show that, the universe has ability to create out the human life. No.2, the ability that the universe created out the human life, is located at the outer position of outside the original creation double circle-liens of feeling-known. No.3, what is the meaning of the outer position of outside the original creation double circle-liens of feeling-known? No.4, and then, the pointer of force law being held by the selfish triangle at the center-dot is just the video, to show the ability of that, the universe has ability to create out human life.
That is to say, the existence-area of lifeless property at the inner position of universe, is located at the gap-area, between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, and, it is just what zombie had said of materialism, or, it is just the defective port on the hell-background circle-line. And, according to the background of self-original self-sequence of going from property to rule and then to function, or, according to the background of the unit cooperation pointer, the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, is just the mixture between the property and the rule, or, it is just the physical force, or, it could be called at the law of definition of defining physical force. Is there anyone who heard about the physical force? No matter what, the near-physics has no ability to go beyond Bohr’s barrel.
According to the comparison with the second law of Newton, the property is just the mass, and the acceleration is just the function. When the force and the acceleration are mixed up with each other, then, it is just the structure. When the force is mixed up with the math, it is just the natural measured property. And then, the mass is the just the connection tunnel of being connected with natural measured property, and this tunnel can’t be cut down, and finally being shown as the asymptotic freedom.
The first law of Newton, is the constant tendency that, the inner circle-line must be going towards the outer circle-line; the third law of Newton, is to show that, the inner circle-line must be closed, and the closed situation is completeness. Or, the inner circle-line is the definer of defining the outer circle-line being inexistence.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the outer circle-line is the existence-beacon-spot of the natural measured properties. And, the physical meaning is that, No.1, in the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, the natural measured property is the situation of independent existence, and being able to be detected through experimental pointer. No.2, in the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles, the natural measured property can’t be the independent existence, but, being the net-situation of all natural measured properties being spliced together. No.3, then, the outer circle-line is the duality-connection-spot, of both independent property and the net-splicing properties, and being not the independent property, and being also not the net-situation of all properties being spliced together. No.4, the outer circle-lien is the duality-situation of two different types of natural measured properties, and then, it is to show that, the outer circle-lien is the original creation beacon-spot of creating out natural measured property. No.5, the outer circle-line being the original creation beacon-spot of creating out the natural measured property, is not the original creation spot of creating out the natural measured property. But, the original creation spot of creating out the natural measure d property, must be connected with the outer circle-line in definite way. No.6, and, in the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles, or, in the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the inner circle-line, there is no original creation spot of creating out the natural measured properties, and there is no original creation beacon-spot of creating out the natural measured properties also, why?
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, no matter why the outer circle-line is the unique original creation beacon-spot of creating out the natural measured properties, the outer circle-line is the existence-beacon-spot of the instinct circulation of life. That is to say, when the outer circle-line is the existence, there must be going through the universe 8-poles, to show that, the universe has the ability to create out human life finally. That is to say, the outer circle-line is of the ability to show the definer of defining be-alive, and there is no ability to show the definer of defining life.
That is to say, when the outer circle-line is disappeared, then, the ability of universe creating out the human life, is shown at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the center-dot. Or, the humankind has no ability to know what the original creation procedure of creating out human life is. Or, according to the dragging effect coming from the pointer of force law, the universe has the ability of creating out the human life. That is to say, the outer circle-line is connected with the definer of defining be-alive. And the definer of defining be-alive is related with the original creation procedure of creating out the human life.
The original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, is focused of the most lethal property at the inner position of universe, and, being focused of the most lethal property of life, and being focused of the killing rule and the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing. And then, it is necessary of repeating that, where does the shape of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known comes from.
The beginning-spot of observing the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, is that, the mutual-spin of supporting and weight is located at the gap between the earth and the completeness of genome in human life-body. The selfish triangle is connected with the biological body of human person. And, according to the property conservation, the selfish triangle is located at the outer position of biological body. The sightline-seeing is connected with the thinking. And then, the sightline-seeing is radiating outward from the inner position of selfish triangle, and the sightline-seeing is not radiating outward from the biological body.
That is to say, the function of eye-seeing must be going through the confessing membrane, to be connected with the inner position of selfish triangle, and then, there will be the ability of seeing, or, it is radiating sightline outward. And, the procedure of changing from eye into the sightline, is just the same direction of the life-growth. Clearly, this problem is related with other natural measured properties, and it will not be talked about too much here.
The sightline-seeing is radiated from the inner position of selfish triangle towards the outer position of selfish triangle. This is the fundamental basis-spot. It is the meaning of according to the static background of selfish triangle. The sightline is seeing the earth at first. And then, at the center-dot of the earth, there must be the existence of an atom-A. Then, the expression-way is that, the surface of the earth is a 3-dimensional bubble, and the atom-A is located at the center-dot of this 3-dimensional bubble. Clearly, this shape of expression is just making the atom-A without the ability of creating out the feeling-know at the inner position of selfish triangle. For atom-A creating out the feeling-know at the inner position of selfish triangle, the surface of earth can’t be expressed as a bubble, but, being expressed as a circle-line. The gap-area between the atom-A and the circle-line, is the shape of all the 3-dimensional structures in the earth. The problem here is related with the following.
Applying the circle-line to express all the 3-dimensional structures in earth, and with the atom-A being located at the center-dot, and with selfish triangle being located at the outer position of this circle-line, and, this is the situation of the sightline seeing the earth. The problem is that, is there any defective port on this circle-line. Or, this expression of circle-line is completeness or not? If there is the defective port on the circle-line, then, there must be an experimental pointer goes to see the position of atom-A directly, without penetrating through the other 3-dimensional structure in earth. And then, according to the experiment, there is the 99.99……% of probability, to believe in it.
According to the law of determination coming from background, when the background is changed, from the selfish triangle, into the atom-A, then, according to the completeness of closing circle-line, the earth-expression is the same circle-line, but, the center-dot is changed into the shape of selfish triangle, with holding the sightline. But, the atom-A, is located at the outer position of this circle-line. Clearly, there is the up-side-down transformation here. And the physical meaning of this up-side-down transformation is just the up-side-down transformation between the near-science and the far-science, because of that, there is the second tunnel of sightline-seeing being created out, and being fixed on the background of atom-A. Or, the atom-A is of the ability to see the 3-dimensional structure.
The atom-A is a definite 3-dimensional structural-spot. And then, the atom-A is able to be fixed on the circle-line also. And then, it is able to be applying a definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A, to replace the atom-A. Then, the circle-line is the completed 3-dimensional structure of earth.
The 3-dimensional structure of earth is connected with the sun. Then, according to the background of this definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A, all the 3-dimensional structures in solar system can be connected with the circle-line. The 3-dimensional structures in solar system are connected with the galaxy. Then, according to the background of this definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A, all the 3-dimensional structures in galaxy can be connected with the circle-line. The 3-dimensional structures in galaxy are connected with the other 3-dimensional structures at the inner position of universe. Then, according to the background of this definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A, all the other 3-dimensional structures at the inner position of universe, can be connected with the circle-line. And, in this way of circulation, until the infinite, it is to squeeze all 3-dimensional structures at the inner position of universe, into the connection with the circle-line.
According to infinite actions, it is to make all the 3-dimensional structures at the inner position of universe being connected on the circle-line, and, being located at the gap-area between this definite 3-dimensional know-spot-A and the selfish triangle, and it is creating out the expression shape of circle-line. It should be emphasized that, there is the up-side-down transformation of universe here.
This circle-line, is not enough, to show the completeness of universe. And then, this circle-line is only shown as the circle-line-A. Or, it is the completed universe, or shape of all the universe structures, of being known through the near-science. But, it is not touching the scope of far-science, but being of the flashing shape of the far-science.
For showing the completeness of universe, there must be relying on the natural measured properties. According to the supporting of near-science being completeness enough, the selfish triangle is connected with the fantasy structure. And, the fantasy structure is totally not fitting all the natural measured properties given out by the near-science. And then, the natural measured property of fantasy is just the singularity of the near-science. And, all the results given out by the near-science, are going apart away from the natural measured property of fantasy structure, in automatic way. Or it is to show that, hidden behind the fantasy structure, there is the pointer of force law.
That is to say, No.1, the pointer of force law, is able to be connected with definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A, through the completed property of universe. No.2, the pointer of force law, is connected with the inner position of selfish triangle, through the self-spin completeness of selfish triangle. No.3, the selfish triangle is located at the center-dot of the circle-line-A. No.4, the definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A is located at the outer position of the circle-line-A. No.5, this way of expressing the completed universe, is also not the completeness.
For the completeness of universe, at the outer position of outside the circle-line-A, there must be many other natural measured properties and many other natural existences of structures, to be found. This way of expressing universe, is also not the completeness.
And then, for the completeness of universe, No.1, at the outer position of outside the circle-line-A, there must be many other natural measured properties and many other natural existences of structures, to be found. No.2, the structure of being connected with the extinction property must be found. And then, No.3, the unique and the isolated natural measured property that has ability to express definitely the completeness of universe, is just the extinction property. Or, it is the natural measured property that drives all the structures at the inner position of universe into being extinction. And then, No.4, only the extinction property with holding the unique isolated definite property, is of the ability to show the completeness of universe. And the extinction property will also drive the definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A into extinction.
The extinction property is not only giving out the completeness of universe, but also, giving out the completeness of life, and further, giving out the standard of killing, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. The death punishment coming from the judgment of being made by God, must be executed, and without the caring about the time. But, it is necessary of selfish triangle to do the execution. Otherwise, the unique final result is the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
That is to say, if it is necessary of God, to execute the death punishment by the self-own of God, then, the unique isolated way of execution, is the completed extinction of the completed humankind. And there is no division effect between the zombie and the humankind.
According to the extinction property, there must be the immune property, to excreting away the extinction property. And then, the structure being connected with the extinction property, must be the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, with the necessary of fitting the central scientific principle. The difference between the unique web system of fourth dimension and the central scientific principle, is that, the central scientific principle must be connected with feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle, but, the unique web system of fourth dimension must be destroying the feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle.
And then, for fitting the completeness of universe, the definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A, must be transformed into the central scientific principle, of creating out the connection between the extinction property and the feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle. And then, the natural measured property of this definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A, must be fitting into the connection with the duality between inspiration and faith.
That is to say, No.1, the mutual-spin of weight and supporting; No.2, the equivalent between the sightline and the structure; No.3, the mutation of background of going from the selfish triangle and jumping into the background of the atom-A; No.4, the mutation going from the background of atom-A into the background of the definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A; No.5, the mutation going from the background of the definite 3-dimensional known-spot-A into the background of duality between the inspiration and the faith.
This series of sequence, is just going from the half of Galileo’s relativity, into touching the completed Galileo’s relativity, with the route being not broken. And then, this route without being broken of going from the half of Galileo’s relativity into the completed Galileo’s relativity, is just the route of creating out the scientist. And, it is also the route of creating out the division effect between the scientist and the zombie. And, this is the problem of the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the outer circle-line, is the first beacon-viewing spot of showing the completed extinction of the completed human life. And, it is shown as that, two original creation pointers of creating the rules are of no ability to be connected with the outer circle-line. Or, the original creation spot of the completed rules system is of no ability to be connected with the volume property coming from the law of God’s power. Or, the original creation spot of the completed rules system is coming from the red beans tunnel on the contacting map of zombie. Or, the universe-prison-ball with holding the pair of red beans and black beans, being fixed on the outer circle-line, is making the division-effect between the original creation near-pointer of creating the rules and the original creation far-pointer of creating the rules, and aiming into destroying it and replacing it.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the original creation far-pointer of creating the rules, is according to the beginning-spot of the gap-area, between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles, and, according to the ending-spot of the inner circle-line, to show the expression of math arrow. The expression of math arrow is only of known, but, being of no meaning, or, being located in the red bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie. And then, the meaning is coming from the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, it must be going into the black bean area on the contacting map of zombie.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the original creation near-pointer of creating the rules, is according to the beginning-spot of the gap-area, between the outer circle-line and the inner circle-line, and, according to the ending-spot of the inner circle-line, to show the expression of math arrow. The expression of math arrow is only of known, but, being of no meaning, or, being located in the red bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie. And then, the meaning is coming from the independent natural measured properties created out by the law of trying conservation with holding the experimental pointer, or, it must be going into the black bean area on the contacting map of zombie.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the center-dot, is the second beacon-viewing spot of showing the completed extinction of the completed human life. That is to say, at the inner position of selfish triangle being fixed on the center-dot, it is applying the pair of the section-law of cutting mind conservation and the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, to create the double layers structure of creating new-human-person, to control the pair of feeing and thinking of selfish triangle, and, it is just controlling the connection-thinking state between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the inner circle-line, is the third beacon-viewing spot of showing the completed extinction of the completed human life. That is to say, the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing of, going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line towards the ending-spot of center-dot, is changed into the state of zombie feeding humankind, or, the state of the universe-prison-ball feeding humankind. And, at the same time, the shrinking radius pointer of negative faith of zombie being shown as of going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line towards the ending-spot of death boundary, is the stable existence.
Three states of the beacon-viewing spots of showing the completed extinction of the completed human life, is glued into the completed whole-body, through the gluing effect of the pair of the central scientific principle and the universe-prison-ball. And, it is creating out the thinking-power-driver of driving humankind into completed extinction.
The ninth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is the physical-economics, and, it is creating out the behavior-power-driver of driving the humankind into completed extinction. Two fundamental elements of the physical-economics are the physical-fluid-track of money-fluid and the death criminal conservation triangle. The third element controlled by these two elements is the physical-track of the commodity-moving, and it could be called as the commodity-dynamics. And then, it is creating out the planning-life and planning-be-alive.
The pair of the behavior-power-driver and the thinking-power-driver, are creating out the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension. And, the gap-area between the two tunnels, is just that, the “rightness” is creating out the mixture-power-driver of both thinking and behavior, of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the meaning of the “rightness” creating out the mixture-power-driver of both thinking and behavior, of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction, is that, No.1, “rightness” must be expressed through the language, and being fixed at the near-area of the center-dot, and being correspondent to the red bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie. No.2, the “rightness” must be measured by the natural measured properties being picked out through the law of God’s power, or, there must the measurement coming from God. Or, there must be the outer circle-line, to measure the meaning of the “rightness”. Or, there must be going into the black bean area on the contacting map of zombie, at first, and then, there will be the chance of measuring the meaning of “rightness”. No.3, the center-dot defines the outer circle-line being inexistence. Or, the center-dot has no ability to going into the black bean area on the contacting map of zombie. And, the center-dot, must be going through the scientific researching, at first, and then, there will be the chance of going into the black area on the contacting map of zombie. Otherwise, the center-dot is fixed in the red bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie. No.4, this is just according to zombie being clever, and according to human person being stupid, and to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And then, No.5, what is the problem of scientific researching? Does the result of science is making zombie clever, and making human person stupid?
依据感受知道起源双层圆周线作为背景,第六,“正义”与“正确”的区别在于,“正确”来自内层圆周线与外层圆周线之间的独立自然度量属性。第七, 度量“正义”的度量器,定位在外层圆周线与宇宙八极结构之间,也就是必须用第四维度全维拼网唯一性来度量“正义”。但是,第八,在大多数自私三角形内部,“正义”无法定位在内核想法区域,也就是无法显现在僵尸联络图的黑豆上。或者说,第九,大多数自私三角形的内部,“正义”都是定位在想法偏移泡泡内部,也就是定位在僵尸联络图的红豆通道内部。因此,第十,依据“正义”的红豆普遍性,也就是僵尸依据红豆定义的人类愚蠢,“正义”,构成了驱动人类走向完整灭绝的想法行为混合驱动力。第十一,因为,“正义”必须是杀伐构成。而杀伐必须要瞄准。
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, No.6, the difference between the “rightness” and the “right” is that, the “right” is the independent property of natural measurement coming from the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line. No.7, the measuring-ruler of measuring the “rightness”, is located at the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles. Or, there must be the unique web system of fourth dimension, to measure the “rightness”. But, No.8, at the inner position of most selfish triangles, the “rightness” has no ability to be located at the inner position of inner-core area of thinking, or, it is of no ability to be shown at the black bean area on the contacting map of zombie. Or, No.9, at the inner position of most selfish triangles, the “rightness” is located at the inner position of shift-thinking bubble, or, being located at the red bean tunnel on the contacting map of zombie. And then, No.10, according to the general situation of the “rightness” being located at the inner position of red tunnel on the contacting map of zombie, or, it is zombie defining humankind being fool according to the red bean tunnel, the “rightness” is creating out the mixture-power-driver of both thinking and behavior, of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction. No.11, the “rightness” must be made up of killing, and killing must be relying on the aiming-sight.
The background of the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, is just the friend-circle. The extinction-property of zombie’s friend-circle, is just putting the monkey hair of zombie, at the center-dot of zombie’s friend-circle; and it is putting the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, at the circle-line-dot of zombie’s friend-circle. And then, any dot on the circle-line-part of the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, will be easily put into the center-dot of the circle-line of flesh soup of HAN-XIN. And, this is the sequence-structure of triangle-circle-lines, and being very complex. This is the tech of single-direction-killing of killing human person. Or, the zombie has ability to kill human person, and, human person has no ability to kill zombie.
The first mission conservation of zombie’s friend-circle, is creating out the friend relation, between the zombie’s monkey hair and the confessing membrane of selfish triangle. According to the background of friend relation, it is teaching the logic of zombie and the tech of zombie. Or, it is teaching both the logic and tech of coming from the shrinking radius pointer of zombie’s negative faith. And, it is just the second mission conservation of zombie’s friend-circle.
The zombie’s logic and zombie’s tech, are all coming from the universe-prison-ball, or, coming from the central scientific principle, or, coming from the up-side-down transformation between the death and the be-alive. And, the critical point is that, zombie’s logic and zombie’s tech are all parasitic in the natural measured property according to the central scientific principle, and then, it is of the unchangeable stability, and being suitable at any time and at any place. This is the result of coming from the central scientific principle.
And then, the extinction-property of the “rightness”, being the mixture-power-driver of both thinking and behavior, of driving the completed human life into completed extinction, is just realized through the zombie’s friend-circle, according to teaching zombie’s logic and teaching zombie’s tech, and going along the tunnel of privacy. This is the criminal of being changed into the flesh soup, or, it is just zombie had said of organization ability. And there is not a bit of funny.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the life-continuing of human person is not relying on the “rightness”, but, No.1, it is relying on that, both the original creation near-pointer of creating rules and the original creation far-pointer of creating rules, must be connected with the outer circle-line. No.2, the meaning of the math arrow of going from the inner circle-line to the center-dot, must not be replaced. This is the meaning of the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing of human life. And then, zombie’s friend-circle, is just aiming into destroying the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing of human life. Or, it is just what zombie had said of buying the pair of soul and spirit.
And then, zombie’s friend-circle is just the circle-of-buying-soul-spirit. According to the background of the circle of both buying soul and buying spirit, it is creating out the circle-lines system of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, and, it is just creating out the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN. And, it is destroying everything, and it is driving everything into extinction, and, it is the criminal of being changed into flesh soup. Or, it is to create out the uncontrollable killing in deliberate way. And, it is just the appointment system of zombie.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, zombie’s universe-prison-ball is just fixed on the outer circle-line, and, it is making the division effect, between the original creation near-pointer of creating rules and the original creation far-pointer of creating rules. No.1, it is driving the original creation far-pointer of creating rules, into extinction at first; No.2, it is applying the management triangle of zombie, to squeeze the original creation near-pointer of creating out rules, into the anus holes of zombie, or, it is squeezing the original creation near-pointer of creating rules, into the anus holes of zombie’s mirror-ball. And then, it is feeding humankind. This is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
The original creation spot of the original creation far-pointer of creating rules, is just the unique web system of fourth dimension. The unique web system of fourth dimension, is connected with the definer of defining life, and being connected with the definer of defining be-alive, and being connected with the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing. And so on. The far-rule is the rules-system of life-continuing, and holding the mutation effect of different time-dimensions.
The contacting map of zombie, is just according to the central scientific principle, and, according to the expression-shape of the natural measured properties, to pretend the unique web system of fourth dimension. And, it is just changing the multi-time-dimensional effect, into the unique time dimensional effect of the 2-dimensional sheer of zombie’s contacting map. And then, according to the death-completeness of coming from the closed self-spin circuit of universe truth of zombie, it is going through the designing procedure, to transform the single time-dimensional effect of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, into the connection of multi-time-dimensional effect. This is according to time dimensional transformation, to drive humankind into the completed extinction.
That is to say, according to the distribution diagram of the pair of red beans and black beans, on the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, No.1, it is applying the connection-method between the anus and the mouth, to replace the definer of defining life, and giving out the definition of life, and then, to create out the planning-life. No.2, it is applying the connection-method between the anus and the mouth, to replace the definer of defining be-alive, and giving out the definition of be-alive, and then, to create out the planning-be-alive. No.3, it is applying the connection-method between the anus and the mouth, to replace the original creation position of the original creation far-pointer of creating rules, to define the negative rules-systems, and so on. And then, No.4, zombie has no eligibility of life, and zombie has no eligibility of be-alive, and it is the death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
Both the unique web system of fourth dimension and the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, are all holding the effect of fifth universe force. The common shape of the fifth universe force, is the interaction between the thinking and the universe. The central effect of the interaction between the thinking and the universe, is just the law of original creation of universe, and it is applying the fantasy, to create out the division effect between the thinking-diameter bubble and the pointer of force law, and, it is changing the fourth dimensional property of the pointer of force law, into the thinking structure of 3-dimensional thinking-diameter bubble, in mutation way.
That is to say, the fundamental effect of the fifth universe force-effect, is just excreting away the connection between the fourth dimensional property and the thinking. Or, it is creating out the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, with holding the feeling-known, and being located at the gap-area between the 3-dimensional structure and the sightline.
And then, it is creating out the lethal effect of the law of life-cost conservation of that, the connections between the natural measured properties and the thinking, are very easily to be forgotten. Or, the fifth universe force is creating out the law of life-cost conservation, and it is to drive the selfish triangle forgetting the volume thinking very easily. And, it is just correspondent to the tendency-pointer of going from the black bean into the red bean on the contacting map of zombie. Or, it is just the segment of the life-growth-pointer being located at the inner position of selfish triangle, and going from the inner-core area of thinking, into the shift-thinking bubble. And then, zombie is very happiness. Because of that, this is just the strategic direction of zombie driving human kind into extinction, and, it is just the universe truth that zombie defines humankind into the fool.
The law of life-cost conservation is directly creating out the law of forgetting the history, and this is just time-extinction-completeness, of driving humankind into extinction. Being correspondent to it, the pair made up of zombie’s universe-prison-ball and zombie’s mirror-ball, is just space-extinction-completeness, of driving humankind into extinction.
Both the time-extinction-completeness and the space-extinction-completeness, are creating out the space-time-extinction-completeness, with fitting the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension. And, the gap area of the space-time-extinction-completeness, is just destroying and replacing the volume ability of selfish triangle, to recount zombie through the organized volume structure. Or, it is just creating out the seventh negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. Or, it is just driving the black bean into the situation of no volume ability of fighting against zombie, and driving the black bean into the situation of being isolated with no reinforcement. This is the quantum extinction completeness, or, it is just the mixture of space-time of extinction completeness.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the first meaning of the law of reality conservation, is the sightline coming from the center-dot, going to touch the inner circle-line, and, it is to see the shape of inner circle-line into the moving state of 3-dimensional stable structures. For example, when the sightline coming from the center-dot touches the inner circle-line, and then, the segment on the inner circle-line, is changed into the shape-A.
The showing result of shape-A is that, name-A is going from the home to the shop. At the inner position of universe, every 3-dimensional structural tunnel and all the 3-dimensional structural tunnels, being connected with this shape-A, are creating out the inner circle-line. For example, the 3-dimensional structure at the inner position of universe is connected with the galaxy, and the galaxy is connected with the sun, and the sun is connected with the earth, and the earth is connected with the shape-A. Then, this shape-A is just the first meaning of the law of reality conservation, and holding the effect of bending of space-time. Or, it is just the effect of the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, and, holding the effect of bending of space-time. And, the effect of bending of space-time is holding the effect of fifth universe force.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the second meaning of the law of reality conservation, is the relation of being perpendicular with each other, between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. That is to say, the math arrow on the universe-diameter, is just the math arrow, going from the beginning-spot of the inner circle-line, and going towards the ending-spot of center-dot, and going along the background of radius. Or, it is just the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing. Then, what is the relation between the near-physics and this math arrow?
In shape-A, No.1, it is to show that, the commodity in the shop is giving the name-A, of the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing, or, of the math arrow going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and toward the ending-spot of the center-dot, and, fitting the law of direction expression. No.2, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting is giving the name-A, of the supporting-track of name-A walking on, or, of the math arrow going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and toward the ending-spot of the center-dot, and fitting the life-growth defined by the completeness of genome.
Or, there are two radius-tunnels being located in the gap-area, between the center-dot and the inner circle-line. One of the two tunnels is the sightline-radius-tunnel, and the other tunnel is the tunnel of biological body.
If the shape-A is changed, from “the name-A goes from the home to the shop”, into the shape of, “the name-A is applying the experimental apparatus, to research the structure at the inner position of universe”, and then, what will be the situation? Does this name-A understands what the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port is? Does this name-A understands what the inner circle-line is? What is the relation between the contacting map of zombie and this name-A?
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the math arrow on the negative universe-diameter can’t be shown out. According to the law of determination coming from background, for showing out the math arrow on the negative universe-diameter, then, it is necessary of according to the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, to add on a background of the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port. And, it is the existence-background of going towards the death boundary tunnel, through the universe-prison-ball of zombie. That is to say, at the inner position of the background of the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port, the math arrow on negative universe-diameter is shown as, going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and towards the ending-spot of the death boundary.
The problem is that, what is the relation, between this name-A and the math arrow on the negative universe-diameter? Or, does name-A be connected with the selfish triangle, or, does name-A be connected with the negative selfish triangle? The selfish triangle is connected with the center-dot, and being jumping into the pointer of force law in mutation way. But, the negative selfish triangle is connected with the death boundary. Under the background of 3-dimension, this is the duality-problem between the death and the be-alive. But, under the background of universe 8-poles, this is identified in clear way.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the math arrow going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and going towards the ending-spot of center-dot, is just the math arrow on the universe-diameter, and being just the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is the connector tunnel of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. And the definer of defining be-alive is coming from the outer circle-line.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the math arrow going from the beginning-spot of the inner circle-line, and going towards the ending-spot of death boundary, is just the math arrow on the negative universe-diameter, or, it is the shrinking radius pointer of zombie’s negative faith. Or, it is aiming into destroying, or replacing, the math arrow of going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and going towards the ending-spot of center-dot. And, it is changing this math arrow into the state of zombie feeding humankind. And, it is creating out the existence-stability of the math arrow of going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line, and going towards the ending-spot of death boundary.
This is just according to the background of universe-prison-ball of zombie, to apply the method of connection between the mouth and the anus into the definer, or, to applying the math arrow of going from the beginning-spot of inner circle-line towards the ending-spot, into the definer, of defining the life of human person, and defining the be-alive of human person, and defining who is the poor and who is the rich, and defining who is good guy and who is bad guy, and defining who is criminal and who is legal, and so on. This is the detailed thinking, and the detailed action, and the detailed behavior, and the detailed policy, and the detailed management, and so on, in the procedure of driving humankind into extinction. Or, it is the second meaning of the law of reality conservation.
And then, one of the critical lethal meanings of the law of reality conservation, is that, the math arrow of going from the inner circle-line towards the death boundary, is just the original creation math arrow of creating out the methods of connection between the mouth and the anus. Or, it is just the math arrow of death conservation.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the math arrow of going from the inner circle-line towards the death boundary, is perpendicular to the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and being math arrow on the negative universe-diameter, or, being the shrinking radius pointer of zombie’s negative faith, and, being the definer of defining the life of human person, and of defining be-alive of human person, and of defining who is the poor and who is the rich, and of defining who is good guy and who is bad guy, and of defining who is criminal and who is legal, and so on. And, it is just the definer of defining the law of reality conservation.
That is to say, the math arrow of going from the inner circle-line towards the death boundary, is just pretending God, and it is of no eligibility of life, and it is of no eligibility of using money, and it is death conservation, and, it is fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
Or, the math arrow on negative universe-diameter is just the original creation spot of creating out the physical-economics, or, it is the original creation spot of creating out the ninth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. And, according to adding the background of CCF field, and, according to adding the background of earth-surface, the math arrow on negative universe-diameter is shown as that, going through the appointment system, and going through the management triangle of zombie, it is going through the central axle conservation of zombie’s management to create out the definer-spin of defining death, and it is just connected with the death criminal conservation triangle.
Zombie has no eligibility of life, and zombie has no eligibility of using money, and it is death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
That is to say, according to the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the law of reality conservation, is fixed on the inner circle-line. And the physical meaning is just the 3-dimensional stable structure, and, being made up of two math arrows. One of the math arrows is going from inner circle-line towards the death boundary; and the other math arrow is going from the inner circle-line towards the center-dot. And, tow math arrows are perpendicular with each other.
The physical meaning of the law of reality conservation is just 3-dimensional stable structure, and being the mixture between the rules and the functions. Then, according to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according to the background of the unit cooperation pointer, No.1, the mixture between the rules and the functions, are fixed on the inner circle-line. But, No.2, the original creation spot of inner circle-line, is just the outer circle-line, and, fitting the law of property conservation, or, fitting the unit cooperation pointer. No.3, the inner circle-line is going through the outer circle-line, to be connected with the law of God’s power, and, to show the taking-track of taking out the natural measured properties. No.4, this is the way of applying the structure being fixed at the inner circle-line, to take out the natural measured property, from the outer circle-line; and, it is not applying the thinking at the center-dot, to take out the natural measured property, from the outer circle-line. And, this is lethal problem.
That is to say, according to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the outer circle-line is according to the connection with the law of God’s power, to show the original creation spot of taking out the natural measured property, and fitting the effect of picking out the inspiration, and, fitting the division effect of dividing the instinct circulation of life and the habit circulation of life apart away.
And then, according to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, No.1, the outer circle-line is the original creation taking-spot of taking out the natural measured property, or, it is going through the law of God’s power, and to pick out the inspiration, or picking out the natural measured property. And, at the same time, No.2, the outer circle-line is also the original creation spot of creating out the rules, or, the original creation spot of the inner circle-line, is just the outer circle-line.
And then, according to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and according to that, the center-dot defines the outer circle-line being inexistence, then, when the inner circle-line is created out from the outer circle-line, then, the inner circle-line is just the isolated rules, and at the same time, there is no function on the inner circle-line.
That is to say, according to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, when the outer circle-line is not the existence, then, the inner circle-line is the structure, or, the mixture between the rules and the functions. But, when the outer circle-line is the existence, then, the inner circle-line is the isolated rules, and without the functions.
What is the meaning? This is just the ability of the behavior-action of human life, or, it is making the mixture between the properties and rules, to create out the mixture, and creating out the function radiation, and fitting the unit cooperation pointer. And, this is the problem of eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
That is to say, according to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the outer circle-line is just the original creation spot of the ability of the behavior-action, or, it is the original creation spot of the taking-track of taking out the natural measured property, and, to show the physical meaning of the law of trying conservation. Then, according to the background of the outer circle-line, the taking-track of the ability of human’s behavior-action taking out the natural measured property, is divided into two parts of far-track and near-track.
In the gap area of between the outer circle-line and universe 8-poles, it is the taking-track-area of humankind’s taking ability of taking out the unique web system of fourth dimension. In the gap area of between the outer circle-line and the inner circle-line, it is the taking-track-area of humankind’s taking ability of taking out the independent natural measured properties. And, this is the problem of eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
The taking-track-area of humankind’s taking ability of taking out the natural measured properties, is just the area of taking out the inspiration, or, it is just the original creation area of creating out the rules. And then, according to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, there are two original creation pointers of creating out the rules being fixed on the inner circle-line.
The first original creation pointer of creating out the rules, is the math arrow of being created out, according to the beginning-spot of the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, and according to the ending-spot of the inner circle-line.
The second original creation pointer of creating out the rules, is the math arrow of being created out, according to the beginning-spot of the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles, and according to the ending-spot of the inner circle-line.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according to the background of the mutual-spin of the first original creation pointer of creating out rules and the second original creation pointer of creating out rules, the mixture of rules and functions being fixed on the inner circle-line, is created out the division effect.
When it is showing that, the mutual-spin of the first original creation pointer of creating out rules and the second original creation pointer of creating out rules, is coming from the outer circle-line, then, it is just to show the existence of the outer circle-line, then, there is only the rules on the inner circle-line, and there is no function. It is to show that, the center-dot is not the existence, and it is creating out the definer of defining be-alive.
When the mutual-spin of the first original creation pointer of creating out rules and the second original creation pointer of creating out rules, can’t be shown as coming from the outer circle-line, such as coming from the methods of connection between the mouth and the anus, then, the inner circle-line is the mixture between the rules and the functions. A problem the law of harm conservation, is hidden behind here, and holding the problem of the mutual-spin of immune and killing, and holding the problem of the eligibility of choice pole.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, No.1, when the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line is showing the existence of the first original creation pointer of creating out rules, going towards the inner circle-line, No.2, and, when gap-area between the universe 8-poles and the outer circle-line is showing the existence of the second original creation pointer of creating out rules, going towards the inner circle-line, No.3, on the inner circle-line, there is only the rule, and there is no function, and, it is to show the original creation tunnel of the definer of defining be-alive.
No.4, when the inner circle-line is only shown of the existence of rules, and without the functions, then, the function being fixed on the inner circle-line is just the register of life-goal. Or, it is just the register conservation of life-goal, of showing the original creation spot of creating out the effect of thinking controlling body-behavior. Or, it is just the isolated pointer of single direction of going from thinking towards the biological body, or, it is the effect of fourth dimension, or, it is the effect of fifth universe force, or, it is just one of three edges in the management triangle of zombie. Or, it is just the law of reality conservation, or, the isolated law of reality conservation being fixed on the inner circle-line, with fitting the existence of life-goal. Because of that, the definer of defining “reality”, is just the center-dot, or the death boundary.
No.5, according to the law of reality conservation, the first function meaning of being fixed on the inner circle-line, is just “the name-A is going from the home to the shop”. And it is to show that, the fifth universe is artificial universe. No.6, according to the law of reality conservation, the second function meaning of being fixed on the inner circle-line, is just the situation of two math arrow being perpendicular with each other. The first math arrow is going from the inner circle-line towards the center-dot; and the second math arrow is going from the inner circle-line towards the death boundary.
No.1, when the mutual-spin of the first original creation pointer of creating out rules and the second original creation pointer of creating out rules, is coming from the outer circle-line, then, it is transporting the definer of defining be-alive, and it is to show the division effect between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. No.2, When the mutual-spin of the first original creation pointer of creating out rules and the second original creation pointer of creating out rules, can’t be coming from the outer circle-line, it is creating out the law of harm conservation, and, it is to show the effect of going apart away from the God’s controlling, and creating out the self-independent of life and the self-freedom of life. No.3, the cost of the self-independent of life and the self-freedom of life, is just the going apart from God, and creating out the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
The creation of the universe-prison-ball is that, No.1, changing the death boundary into the eye; No.2, changing the central scientific principle into the sightline; No.3, according to the death boundary being the eye, and applying the central scientific principle, to observe the contacting map of zombie; No.4, it is just applying the central scientific principle being the connector, to make the connection-line between the death boundary and the contacting map of zombie, being changed into a quantum line. And, this quantum line could be called as the quantum-line-expression of the universe-prison-ball.
The quantum-line-expression of the universe-prison-ball, is changing the forbidden singularity of the unique web system of fourth dimension, at the death boundary, into the opening shape of singularity. That is to say, in the quantum-line-expression of the universe-prison-ball, one ending-spot of the quantum line is the death boundary, and the other ending-spot of quantum line is applying the central scientific principle, to be parasitic into the unique web system of fourth dimension. Or, it is changing the extinction property of fourth dimension, into the web-structure existence. And, the closed self-spin circuit of universe truth with six negative universe-unit-particles of zombie, is just changing the extinction property into the connection with the law of reality conservation, and it is creating out the physical-economics.
What is the ability of the extinction completeness of universe-prison-ball being shown as the quantum-line? It is, No.1, being parasitic in the researching ability of humankind; No.2, and replacing the researching ability of humankind; No.3, and driving the researching ability of humankind into extinction; No.4, according to the contacting map of zombie, when the researching ability of humankind goes into extinction state, then, on the surface of earth, only zombie has the result of science, and humankind will losing all results of science. And, No.5, it is creating out the single-way-ticket of going into the hell-extinction, and it is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction finally.
The selfish triangle is the unique isolated singularity in the unique web system of fourth dimension. According to the law of determination coming from background, the existence-background of this unique isolated singularity, is that, the death boundary is the unique isolated forbidden-shape of singularity in the unique web system of fourth dimension. And then, it is just showing the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, made up of the pair of selfish triangle and death boundary. Or, it is the mould-container effect of human life. The original creation spot of the mould-container effect of human life, is just the connection between the egg and the sperm. Or, the connection between the egg and the sperm, is just going through excreting away the death boundary, to create out the selfish triangle.
The physical meaning of the mould-container effect of human life, is that, according to the background of the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, according to the law of property conservation is shown as the principle of property going through everywhere, then, the connection-tunnel between the death boundary and the unique web system of fourth dimension, is just the mould-container; but, the connection-tunnel between the selfish triangle and the unique web system of fourth dimension, is just the body-shape structure of inner mould-container. And it is just to show the original creation track of human life, and being fitting the CCF field.
That is to say, No.1, according to the beginning-spot of the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, according to the ending-spot of the pair of death boundary and selfish triangle, it is to show the existence of the original creation track of human life; No.2, this type of original creation track of human life, is divided into double tunnels, and to show the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension. No.3, one of the two tunnels is the tunnel of mould-container, and going into the death boundary; No.4, and, the other tunnel is the tunnel of shape-body structure of inner mould-container, and going into selfish triangle.
Then, the central scientific principle is just the opposite direction, to the original creation track of human life. Or, it is direction-tunnel of going from the beginning-spot of selfish triangle, and returning back into the unique web system of fourth dimension. And, this is just the far-physical meaning of scientific researching.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the direction of scientific researching, is going from the beginning spot of center-dot, and going to touch the inner circle-line, and stretching into the outer circle-line, and stretching into the universe 8-poles structure, and stretching into the outer position of outside universe .
And then, according to the definite connection between the zombie’s eye and the death boundary, and, according to applying the central scientific principle, and, adding the way of stealing the volume thinking of human person, and it is creating out the contacting map of zombie, and, this contacting map of zombie has the tendency-pointer ability, of fixed direction, of going into fitting the unique web system of fourth dimension. And this is just the universe-prison-ball, to show the static state or the edge state of contacting map of zombie. Or, the meaning of universe-prison-ball, is according to the central scientific principle, to create out the situation of contacting map of zombie, of adding the direction of going into the God.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, No.1, according to the central scientific principle, it is driving the contacting map of zombie into the tendency of fitting the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, it is just fixed on the outer circle-line; No.2, going through the connection, between, the expression-shape of the natural measured properties, and, the pair of red beans and black beans, it is creating out the section-law of cutting mind conservation, at the center-dot; and, No.3, going through the friend relation, between, the confessing membrane, and, the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, it is creating out the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, at the center-dot; and, No.4, going through the central axle conservation of zombie’s management; and, No.5, going through the definer-spin of defining death; and finally, No.6, it is robbing and occupying the inner circle-line in completed way.
The result is that, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, No.1, the humankind has no ability to be the existence at the outer circle-line; and No.2, the humankind has no ability to be the existence at the outer circle-line; and No.3, the center-dot is controlled by zombie, in completed way. And then, the meaning is that, according to losing the instinct circulation of human life, the completed humankind is going into the completed extinction. And, it is just like the Chinese continent at this time now, and feeling very happiness.
The law of reality conservation, is shown as the situation of being perpendicular with each other, between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. This is the situation with only the known and without the meaning. Or, it is the red bean situation on the contacting map of zombie. But, going through the connection between the law of God’s power and the pair of universe-diameter and negative universe-diameter, and according to the natural measured properties, it is able to get the volume meaning. Or, it is changing the red bean into the black bean on the contacting map of zombie.
依据第五宇宙作为背景,宇宙直径上的数学箭头的一个基本形态是,rel 生命含义定义器(人类生命延续定向方向指针)活命含义定义器 rel => 第五宇宙的宇宙直径。以及,rel 负态生命定义锥(僵尸的负态信仰收缩半径指针)韩信肉羹量子容器三角形 rel => 第五宇宙的负态宇宙直径。
According to the background of the fifth universe, the fundamental shape of the math arrow on universe-diameter is just, rel the definer of defining life(the pointer of fixed direction of human’s life-continuing)the definer of defining be-alive rel => the universe-diameter of fifth universe. And the, rel definer-cone of defining negative life(the shrinking radius pointer of the negative faith of zombie)the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN rel => the negative universe-diameter of fifth universe.
Clearly, only the fifth universe has the negative universe-diameter. If both the fourth universe and the sixth universe have the negative universe-diameters, then, both the fourth universe and the sixth universe have all been extinction already.
It is the relation of being perpendicular with each other between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. Or, it is the relation of being opposite with each other, and, destroying with each other. That is to say, the math arrow on negative universe-diameter must kill down the math arrow on universe-diameter; and, the math arrow on universe-diameter must kill down the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. And, it is just what zombie had said of you death and me be-alive, and, there is no chance of co-existent.
You death and me be-alive, and, there is no chance of co-existent, and, it is just connected with the ninth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. And, it is just the money-fluid being connected with the death criminal conservation triangle. Simply, the ninth negative universe-unit-particle, is just the physical-economics. Or, it is researching the physical fluid-track of the money-fluid.
Clearly, the physical-economics is only the existence on the math arrow of the negative universe-diameter. And, the physical-economics is not the existence on the math arrow of universe-diameter. Because of that, the unique garget-goal of physical-economics, is changing the math arrow on the universe-diameter, into the extinction state, and applying the way of feeing the humankind to replace it.
The fundamental meaning of physical-economics is that, No.1, putting the hand into the pocket of name-A; No.2, take out the money from the pocket of name-A; No.3, letting the money-fluid moving into the pocket of self-own; No.4, this is just the physical-fluid-track of money-fluid. No.5, clearly, according to the instinct circulation of life, the first black-bean-thinking at the inner position of the selfish triangle of name-A, is cutting down this hand, even the God’s hand is not allowed. No.6, what is the legislation system doing? What is the thinking of the legislation system?
No.7, clearly, the physical-economics is very clever, and it is changing this hand into the death criminal conservation triangle, and, keeping the physical-fluid-track of money-fluid into the same unchangeable constant. Then, what does the thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle of name-A, be changed into? No.8, no matter what the thinking of name-A is changed, on the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, the result is shown as that, the black-bean-thinking of name-A, is changed into the red-bean-thinking. Or, at least, the black-bean-thinking of name-A is going into ineffectiveness. You say, does the physical-economics be very clever or not? No.9, clearly, the existence of the physical-economics, is aiming into destroying the instinct circulation of life. Or, it is destroying the sub-conscious. And then, it is in need of the fitting effect, coming from other 12 negative universe-unit-particles. And, this is just the fourth dimensional war.
According to the background of the sightline of eye, the law of reality conservation, is shown as the moving of 3-dimensional structure. Such as that, name-A is going from the home and moving into the shop. Then, where is the physical-economics? But, changing the background of eye’s sightline into the background of CCF field, the law of reality conservation, is changed into that, according to the relation of being perpendicular with each other, between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter, the physical-economics is only connected with the math arrow on negative universe-diameter, and aiming into both destroying and replacing the math arrow on universe-diameter. Then, when name-A is going from the home to the shop, the thinking of name-A is affected by something or not? Which universe-diameter does this name-A be going along?
No matter what the thinking in the mind of name-A is, when the name-A is going from the home to the shop, there is no chance of going apart away from the mutual-spin of the weight and the supporting. Because of that, it is the natural measured property controlled by God. According to the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the mutual-spin of the weight and the supporting, is fixed on the inner circle-line.
According to the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line being the beginning-spot, and, according the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the center-dot being the ending-spot, it is to show the direction of supporting. According the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line being the ending-spot, and, according the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the center-dot being the beginning -spot, it is to show the direction of weight.
Adding the background of the hell-background circle-line holding the defective port, the defective port of this hell-background circle-line, is just the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, and, it is to show the original creation area of the mutual-spin of supporting and weight. Clearly, the supporting and the weight are to show the opposite directions. Then, according to that, the center-dot defines the outer circle-line being inexistence, then, the outer circle-line is just the mixture state of the supporting and the weight. Or, the outer circle-line is the original creation spot of the mutual-spin of supporting and weight, or, it is just the original creation spot of gravity. According to that the universe-prison-ball of zombie is fixed on the outer circle-line, then, going through mutual-spin of supporting and weight, and going through the law of MA-JIA-JUE conservation, it is to show the existence-position of the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie.
That is to say, when name-A is going from the home to the shop, then, either the thinking, or the mutual-spin of supporting and weight, are all controlled by zombie’s universe-prison-ball. Then, what is the thinking of name-A? No matter what the name-A thinks, it is relying on the high morality of zombie, to be lived on the surface of earth. The problem is that, if some day, suddenly, zombie does not want to be high morality, what will be the situation?
No matter the high morality of zombie or not, No.1, the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie; No.2, the central axle conservation of zombie; No.3, the universe-prison-ball of zombie; these three elements are controlling the mutual-spin of supporting and weight of name-A, from three different directions. Or, it is just creating out the negative rules system through the management triangle of zombie.
Clearly, the earth is fixed at the inner position of universe-prison-ball; and, the sun is fixed at the inner position of universe-prison-ball; and, the galaxy is fixed at the inner position of universe-prison-ball; and so on. It should not be forgotten that, going through applying the central scientific principle, and going through stealing the thinking, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is the single pointer of direction, of pointing fixedly into being parasitic in the unique web system of fourth dimension.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, there is a defective port on the inner circle-line, and the name could be called as the defective port of Hubble’s law. No.1, the meaning of the defective port of Hubble’s law is that, on the inner circle-line, there must be at least a single spot, and there is no mutual-spin of supporting and weight on this spot. This is some easy. No.2, the other meaning of the defective port of Hubble’s law is that, at the inner position of universe, there must be at least a single area of 3-dimensional structure, and the experimental pointer will never touch this area. Or, it is the area that the near-physics will be ineffective in completed way. This is some difficult. No.3, on the inner circle-line, the position of the defective port of Hubble’s law, will never be detected. No.4, the reason of creating out the defective port of Hubble’s law, is just the law of division between the whole and the partial. When the shape of inner circle-line is closed, it is to show the whole of universe. But, the mutual-spin of supporting and weight is the constant partial of inner universe. And then, on the inner circle-line, there must be the existence of fifth universe force.
The natural measured property of creating out the defective port of Hubble’s law, is the law of division between the whole and the partial. And, the natural measured property of creating out the quantum wave function, is just the completed Galileo’s relativity. According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, there is the definite connection between the outer circle-line and the inner position of Galileo’s room; and, there is the definite connection between the inner circle-line and the outer position of outside Galileo’s room. Then, in the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, No.1, there is no ability to be connected with the outer position of outside Galileo’s room, in definite way; and No.2, there is no ability to be connected with the inner position of Galileo’s room, in definite way, or, there is no ability to be connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension, and it is driving the far-physics into Bohr’s cost.
That is to say, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, in quantum wave function, there must be the existence of the central knot. No.1, the first physical meaning of this central knot is the inexistence; No.2, the second physical meaning of this central knot is the whole of quantum wave function; No.3, and then, this central knot is constantly shown at the central position of the expression shape of quantum wave function, and, it is just applying all the existence-dot in wave function, to prove this central knot being the existence, or, it is just the central scientific principle; No.4, or, this central knot is the unique symbol-knot of showing the meaning of central scientific principle. The common meaning is just applying all the existence-spots in quantum wave function, to prove this central knot being the existence, but, any existence-spots in wave function is divided apart away from this central knot. No.5, that is to say, the experimental pointer has no ability to touch this central knot, in absolute way. But, the experimental results are proving that, there are 99.99……% of probability, to believe the existence of this central knot. No.6, and then, the existence of this central knot is just the isolated dot on the outer circle-line. No.7, the meaning of the isolated dot on the outer circle-line is that, going from the near-physics into the far-physics, the unique route is just the mutation. Because of that, the meaning of the isolated dot on the outer circle-line, is just the inexistence.
Clearly, no matter the Hubble’s law, or the quantum wave function, they are all fixed at the inner position of universe-prison-ball of zombie. Or, not only the galaxy is fixed at the inner position of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, but also, all the near-physics and all the near-science are all fixed at the inner position of universe-prison-ball of zombie. And this is the meaning of universe-prison. When the electro-magnetic wave is touching the outer circle-line, it is returning back, and being changed into the laser. And, there is not a bit of funny. This is the property of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And, it is because of that, the universe-prison-ball is to show the existence of the third time dimension. Or, it is just changing the law of God’s power into the fixed constant existence.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and, according to the background of the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port, the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line, is just the position of the defective port, in the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port. And the when the universe-prison-ball of zombie is fixed on the outer circle-line, it is not only the original creation spot of the mutual-spin of supporting and weight, but also, it is the original creation spot of all the near science. And it is just what zombie had said the summit of science.
That is to say, according to the background of universe-prison-ball of zombie, all the near-physics and all the near-science are all able to be used into designing the methods systems and the techs systems of driving humankind into extinction. Because of that, all the near-physics and all the near-science are only the partial 2-dimensional picture-area of black beans, on the contacting map of zombie, and, holding the red beans tunnel, and, with no ability to go beyond the universe-prison-ball of zombie. And, what have happened during the last 14 years?
More than two thousand years, zombie had created out the infinite tech-inventions and methods of aiming into driving humankind into extinction. No matter how many methods and techs, they are all focused on the same unique method, and, it is cutting down and replacing the math arrow on the universe-diameter, and, creating out the math arrow on the negative universe-diameter. Clearly, the fundamental basis of this focused unique method, is just squeezing the area of black bean on the contacting map of zombie, and enhancing the space of the red bean on the contacting map of zombie. And, it is just what zombie had said of plotting on the bed and winning the miles away.
The distribution diagram of the pair of red bean and black bean, on zombie’s contacting map, is directly connected, with the relation of being perpendicular with each other, between the math arrow on the universe-diameter and the math arrow on the negative universe-diameter. Or, it is directly connected, with the law of reality conservation. Or, it is applying the central scientific principle, to explain the law of reality conservation.
在,rel红豆(自然度量属性的描述形态)黑豆rel => 与名字A连接的联络图通道,中,把自然度量属性,换成名字A, 就变成了名字A想法内部的,砍脑守恒定律截面。这是依据中心科学法则,来解释灭绝性的含义。因为在僵尸联络图上,在红豆黑豆双子旋的周围,是僵尸宇宙监狱球上的,用来冒充第四维度全维拼网唯一性的,全部自然度量属性。
In the relation of, rel the red bean(the expression shapes of natural measured properties)the black bean rel => the connection tunnel of zombie’s contacting map being connected with name-A, if “the expression shapes of natural measured properties” is changed into “the name-A”, then, it is creating out the section-law of cutting mind conservation at the inner thinking of name-A. This is explaining the meaning of extinction according to the central scientific principle. Because of that, on the contacting map of zombie, around the pair of red bean and black bean, they are all the other natural measured properties, being used into pretending the unique web system of fourth dimension, and being fixed on the universe-prison-ball of zombie.
The unique method being focused into the law of reality conservation, is divided into three central tech structures of zombie, and creating out the central tech structures of driving humankind into extinction. The first central tech structure, is just the section-law of cutting mind conservation; the second central tech structure, is the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, being constant unchangeable situation of the near-physical negative sightline of zombie’s monkey hair; the third central tech structure, is the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN. These central techs structures of zombie, are developed to create out large amount of techs systems of zombie, and it is very complex.
The three central tech structures of zombie, are overlapped completely on the life triangle or right angle, or, being overlapped completely, on the democracy triangle of right angle. Or, it is just replacing the life triangle of right angle, in completed way, or, it is just replacing the democracy triangle of right angle in completed way. Or, it is according to the double layers structure of machines of creating new-human-person, to create out the new-human-persons.
The section-law of cutting mind conservation, is aiming into the definer of defining life, to destroy the definer of defining life. The quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, is aiming into the confessing membrane, and going through making friend with the confessing membrane, to destroy the confessing membrane, and, at the same time, it is aiming to strike the life-existence of privacy being held by the completeness of genome. The central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is aiming into replacing the definer of defining be-alive, and it is just the planning-be-alive, and being more advanced than the planning-economics. And, the final result is that, it is changing the math arrow on the universe-diameter, into the state of zombie feeding human kind. And, it is creating out the stability of the existence of the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. This is just the extinction property.
This is the track of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction with property of being able to be realized, and with holding the permission of natural measurement. This type of natural measured permission, is coming from the pair of red bean and black bean, on the contacting map of zombie, and it is just applying the red bean to manage the black bean on the contacting map of zombie. And, the contacting map of zombie, is just the effect of fifth universe force, and being shown as the effect of fourth dimension.
The far-focused-spot of zombie’s three central tech structures, is just the connection with central scientific principle, going through the universe-prison-ball of zombie. Or, three tech structures of zombie, are all the results of central scientific principle. And further, all the techs systems of zombie, are all the different applying ways of applying the central scientific principle. The maximum scope of zombie applying the central scientific principle, is just 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie. And, it is just what zombie had said that, zombie has all the things that humankind has, and zombie has also the things that humankind has not. (We have all the things that the enemies have, and we have also the things that the enemies have not.)
依据自私三角形是第四维度全维拼网唯一性的奇异点作为背景,在,rel 天威定律(体积想法的生灭闪烁性)自私三角形 rel => 抗天守恒定律或者第一生命守恒问题,中,天威定律与体积想法的生灭闪烁之间的量子线段,可以称为科学探索量子线段;体积想法的生灭闪烁性与自私三角形之间的量子线段,可以称为第二生命守恒问题起源量子线段。那么,僵尸的宇宙监狱球,是瞄准寄生到科学探索量子线段,并瞄准打击第二生命守恒问题的起源量子线段。
According to the background of selfish triangle being the singularity of the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, in the relation of, rel the law of God’s power(the flashing state between the existence of volume thinking and the inexistence of volume thinking)the selfish triangle rel => the law of fighting God conservation or the first problem of life conservation, the quantum line of between the law of God’s power and the flashing state of between the existence of volume thinking and the inexistence of volume thinking, could be called as the scientific researching quantum line; the quantum line of between the selfish triangle and the flashing state of between the existence of volume thinking and the inexistence of volume thinking, could be called as the original creation quantum line of the second problem of life conservation. Then, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just aiming into being parasitic in the scientific researching quantum-line, and striking the original creation quantum line of the second problem of life conservation.
Or, on the contacting map of zombie, it is applying the red bean to attack the black bean. Or, it is applying the fifth universe force, to drive the volume thinking of selfish triangle into useless. And then, it is controlling all the selfish triangles, and it is creating out the new-human-person.
That is to say, the unique ultimate power force of driving humankind into extinction, is just the central scientific principle, or, applying the central scientific principle. And, there is not a bit of funny. And, this problem should not be mistaken.
At the layer of being connected with the law of God’s power, or, at the black bean area of zombie’s contacting map, and, according to observing and researching the differences between different black bean area of different selfish triangles, and, creating out the confrontations between different selfish triangles, the different tech-inventions created by zombie, and different structure created by zombie, and different running ways of zombie’s structures, are all fitting the natural measured properties enough, as applying the natural measured properties to create out the harms.
If there is no central scientific principle, there is no chance to touch such the results. No.1, the zombie of Hitler had no such fitting of natural measured properties; No.2, the zombie of Soviet had no such fitting of natural measured properties. And then, the unique conclusion is that, both the zombie of Hitler and the zombie of Soviet did not have the completed universe-prison-ball.
Commonly, all the scientific knowledge and all the tech knowledge accumulated by humankind for several thousand years, will be finally used by zombie, to create the tech-methods systems of driving humankind into extinction. And this is just what zombie had said of, picking from human person, and being used into the human person, and taking the advantage of after, and it is death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
A critical lethal problem is that, what is the difference between the universe-prison-ball and the definer-cone of defining negative life? The universe-prison-ball of zombie is the situation of that, the negative sightline of zombie’s eye is going through fitting the central scientific principle, to get the permission of natural measurement, and then, to scan on the contacting map of zombie, and, it is to show the structure of the eighth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie.
Or, simply, the universe-prison-ball of zombie is according to the central scientific principle, to create out the connection situation between the death boundary and the contacting map of zombie, and to create out the eighth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. But, the definer-cone of defining negative life is the first negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. This is the fundamental difference.
That is to say, the connection way between the universe-prison-ball of zombie and the zombie’s eye, is applying the central scientific principle, to replace the sightline of zombie’s eye, and, it is to keep the connection between the contacting map of zombie and the law of God’s power. Zombie’s eye is fixed on the death boundary. And, the death boundary is the top vertex of the definer-cone of defining negative life. But, in the definer-cone of defining negative life of zombie, the connection tunnel between the death boundary and the contacting map of zombie, is the up-side-down transformation axle between the death and the be-alive, and being not the central scientific principle.
That is to say, the difference between the universe-prison-ball and the definer-cone of defining negative life, is just the difference between the central scientific principle and the up-side-down transformation between the death and the be-alive.
That is to say, the universe-prison-ball is the natural measured properties being the fundamental basis; but, the definer-cone of defining negative life, is to create out the structure, and to radiate the negative function. Or, the definer-cone of defining negative life, is applying the natural measured properties. That is to say, the universe-prison-ball is to show the property, and the definer-cone of defining negative life is to show the mixture of rules and functions, and, it is just fitting the law of property conservation, and it is creating out the unit cooperation pointer. But, it is pointing into driving humankind into extinction, and it is the negative unit cooperation pointer.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the universe-prison-ball is to be fixed on the outer circle-line. Or, it is just according to the central scientific principle, to be parasitic in the unique web system of fourth dimension. The difference between the central scientific principle and the unique web system of fourth dimension is that, the central scientific principle must be giving out the result of being connected with the feeling-known in selfish triangle; but, the unique web system of fourth dimension, must be destroying the feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle. Because of that, the selfish triangle is the singularity of the unique wet system of fourth dimension.
If the unique web system of fourth dimension is connected with the inner thinking of selfish triangle, then, there will be no result of that, the original creation spot of selfish triangle is the connection between the egg and the sperm. And, it is the extinction state of human life. Or, the universe has no ability to create out human life. Or, it is the situation of that, there is no human life at the inner position of universe.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the definer-cone of defining negative life, is going through the appointment system of zombie, and going through the management triangle of zombie, and to be connected with the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, and it is connected with inner circle-line.
That is to say, the universe-prison-ball is the pointer of fixed direction, to be pointing towards the fourth dimension; but, going through the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, the definer-cone of defining negative life, is the pointer of fixed direction, of pointing into the 3-dimensional structure. This is the situation of being opposite with each other. And, it is just the difference between the first negative universe-unit-particle and the eighth negative universe-unit-particle.
The initialized state of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is the constant zero state, or, it is the state of human person managing, or, it is the state of God creating out the universe, or, it is the state of no zombie. Then, the goal of zombie, is just changing the zero state of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, into the completed state of definer-spin of defining death, and it is used to define the be-alive meaning of selfish triangle. This is the war.
And then, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management is of no chance to be stable, or, it is the constant state of war. It is to define the be-alive, is it very funny?
And then, the property of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, to drive humankind into extinction, is not coming from the central axle conservation of zombie’s management in direct way, but, it is coming from the supporting background of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management. That is to say, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management is only the door of hell. But, the structure of hell, is hidden behind the background of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management. Or, the hell-structure is the background conservation of the structure of hell.
Then, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management is continually picking out the hell-property from the background of hell-structure, and to transport the hell-property into selfish triangle. And then, zombie is changing the self-own into the God, and saving the humankind. Because of that, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management is located at the door of hell, and covering on the background of hell-structure, and it is to protect humankind.
That is to say, No.1, zombie must build the hell-structure at first; No.2, and then, controlling the door of hell; No.3, and then, the selfish triangle has the only choice of relying on the protection of zombie. No.4, these rotten anus techs are used into every place.
This constant situation of hell-structure conservation, is just the universe-prison-ball, and, with the fundamental meaning of that, it is applying the mixture situation of all the natural measured properties being located at the root-position of all professional subjects, to drive the differentiation of professional subjects into extinction.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the fundamental structure of hell-background is that, No.1, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management is connected with the structure; No.2, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management is the edge state of zombie’s management triangle; No.3, the management triangle of zombie is coming from the appointment system of zombie; No.4, the appointment system of zombie is coming from the definer-cone of defining negative life; No.5, when the up-side-down transformation axle between the death and the be-alive in the definer-cone of defining negative life, is changed, into the central scientific principle, the definer-cone of defining negative life, is changed, into the universe-prison-ball. No.6, the universe-prison-ball is connected with the zombie’s eye being fixed on the death boundary.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, this shape of connection tunnel, is creating out the half of circle-line between the death boundary and the inner circle-line. And it could be called as the half-circle-line of applying the hell-structure.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the fundamental structure of hell-background is that, No.1, zombie’s eye is fixed on the death boundary; No.2, applying the central scientific principle, it is making the fitting effect between the contacting map of zombie and the unique web system of fourth dimension; No.3, clearly, the single way of central scientific principle, is not enough to make the fitting effect, between the contacting map of zombie and the unique web system of fourth dimension, and then, there must be the continues stealing of stealing the volume thinking of selfish triangle; No.4, going through fitting with the unique web system of fourth dimension, it is squeezing the contacting map of zombie to be fixed on the outer circle-line, and, it is creating out the universe-prison-ball.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, this shape of connection tunnel, is creating out the half of circle-line between the death boundary and the outer circle-line. And it could be called as the half-circle-line of the property of the hell-structure.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the half-circle-line of the property of the hell-structure and the half-circle-line of applying the hell-structure, is just creating out a circle-line of hell-structure with holding a defective port, and it could be called as the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port. The defective port in the hell-background circle-line with holding the defective port, is just the gap-area, between the inner circle-line and the outer circle-line. Or, it is driving zombie’s eye into position of seeing the law of trying conservation holding the experimental pointer.
Clearly, in this position, zombie’s eye has no ability to see anything. But, this is not the problem. And, the management triangle of zombie, is just transforming the state of no chance of seeing, into the seeing. Or, the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, has the ability to see the detailed procedure, through the selfish triangle. Clearly, this is the twisted mind in completed way.
The initialized creation of zombie’s contacting map is stealing the natural measured properties found by human. And then, in the shape of 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, the side of sightline-scanning of zombie’s eye, is just the set of expression-shapes of natural measured properties; and the other side is the set of original creation pointers of differentiation of professional subjects of selfish triangle, and, it is to show the second original creation tunnel of differentiation pointers of professional subjects. The first original creation tunnel of differentiation pointers of professional subjects, is located at the inner thinking of selfish triangle. The public connector of the two original creation tunnels of differentiation pointers of professional subjects, is just the language fulcrum. Large amount of zombie’s tech-inventions are connected with this double tunnels effect of fourth dimension.
According to the background of natural measured properties, the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map is divided into the particle-side and the pointer-side. The particle-side is the set of expression-shapes of natural measured properties, and, the pointer-side is the set of the second original creation tunnel of differentiation pointers of professional subjects. Clearly, the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, is just the duality state of the pair of particle and direction. And then, the sightline scanning of zombie’s eye, is only of the ability to scan on the particle-side of zombie’s contacting map, and being of no ability to scan on the pointer-side. The pointer-side is relying on the appointment system of zombie, and being connected with the management triangle of zombie. And, the management triangle of zombie is connected with the mutual-spin of weight and supporting. Going through the law of MA-JIA-JUE conservation, the mutual-spin of weight and supporting is to show the existence of the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. And, the appointment system of zombie is the second negative universe-unit-particle of zombie.
That is to say, the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map is not the 2-dimensional math-sheet, but, being the tech-inventions system of zombie and the set of techs system of zombie.
One of the fundamental working ways of zombie’s contacting map, is just working way of the central scientific principle. That is to say, it is applying all the other expression-shapes of natural measured properties, to test any single expression-shape of natural measured property. And then, it is creating out that, the initialized applying way of zombie’s contacting map, is creating out the section-law of cutting mind conservation, at the inner position of selfish triangle, through noting the pair of red color-dot and the black color-dot, on the particle-side of set of expression-shapes of natural measured properties. This is just what zombie had said that, according to this, it is noting you a red bean; and, according to that, it is noting you a black bean.
That is to say, comparing the contacting map of zombie with the thinking of selfish triangle of name-A, and according to the central scientific principle, some of the thinking of name-A is fitting the natural measured property, and being absorbed by the central scientific principle, and being noted as the black bean on the contacting map of zombie; some of the thinking of name-A is not fitting the natural measured property, and being excreted by the central scientific principle, and being noted as the red bean on the contacting map of zombie, and being located at the side of black bean through the name-A being connector.
由此,僵尸联络图上的任意自然度量属性描述点,都可以表达为第一形态,rel红豆(名字A)黑豆rel =>名字A的砍脑守恒定律截面,以及第二形态,rel红豆(自然度量属性的描述形态)黑豆rel => 与名字A连接的联络图通道。其中红豆连接到名字A的想法偏移泡泡内部;黑豆连接到名字A的内核想法区域内部。由此,在名字A的自私三角形内部,建立了砍脑守恒定律截面。
And then, any expression-spot of natural measured property on the zombie’s contacting map, is expressed as the first shape of, rel the red bean(name-A)the black bean rel => the section-law of cutting mind conservation belonging to name-A, and the second shape of, rel the red bean(the expression-shape of natural measured property)the black bean rel => the zombie’s contacting map tunnel being connected with name-A. the red bean is connected with the inner position of shift-thinking bubble of name-A; and, the black bean is connected with the inner position of inner-core area of name-A’s thinking. And then, it is creating out the section-law of cutting mind conservation, at the inner position of selfish triangle of name-A.
Clearly, the inner-core area of thinking belonging to the selfish triangle of name-A, is not shown as the single of black bean on the zombie’s contacting map, but, being shown as a group of black beans to create a set, and the name of this set is just the name-A. Or, it is just the family-note, or it is the grand data. A group of black beans is shown as a shape of 2-dimensional picture-area, on zombie’s contacting map. Clearly, the meaning of this shape of 2-dimensional picture-area is very clear, and it is just the scope of the volume ability of this selfish triangle of name-A. Or, it is the scope of the professional ability of this selfish triangle of name-A.
Does this name-A understand what had happened? No matter what, large amount of zombie’s tech-inventions are created out.
No matter what the selfish triangle of name-A thinks, the name-A must be connected with the law of God’s power with applying the volume thinking of self-own, or, the name-A must be connected with the definer of defining be-alive. And then, No matter what the selfish triangle of name-A thinks, the thinking of name-A is creating out a volume psychological pointer, going from the beginning-spot of the picture-shape of black beans, on zombie’s contacting map with symbol of name-A, and towards the ending-spot of the law of God’s power. This is just the volume psychology of name-A, or the action of volume psychology of name-A. Or, it is the thinking of name-A to make living.
This is just what zombie had said of quantum communication, being secret very much. The problem is that, does name-A understand the meaning of quantum communication?
No matter what the volume ability of name-A is, the volume thinking of name-A must be going through the structure, and then to be connected with the law of God’s power, or, the volume thinking of name-A must be going through the structure, and then to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive. But, what being connected with the structure, is just the central axle conservation of zombie’s management. And the creation of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is made up of the quantum line, between the ending-spot of structure and the ending-spot of the physical eye of zombie’s monkey hair. The physical meaning of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is the unchangeable constant state of the near-physical negative sightline of zombie’s monkey hair.
The one side of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is just the management triangle of zombie. The other side of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is just the appointment system of zombie, or, it is the second negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. The appointment system of zombie is coming from the definer-cone of defining negative life. And, the definer-cone of defining negative life is connected with the contacting map of zombie. And the set of black beans and red beans, on the contacting map of zombie, is connected with the section-law of cutting mind conservation. And the section-law of cutting mind conservation, is located at the inner-thinking of selfish triangle of name-A. And, the static state of zombie’s contacting map is just the universe-prison-ball of zombie.
The two sides of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is just the pair of the zombie’s management triangle and the appointment system of zombie. When the pair of the zombie’s management triangle and the appointment system of zombie, is spinning around the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, then, it is defining that, the volume thinking of name-A will never be connected with the law of God’s power, for ever, or, the volume thinking of name-A will never be connected with the definer of defining be-alive, for ever.
Then, the situation of that, the pair of the zombie’s management triangle and the appointment system of zombie, is spinning around the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is just the definer-spin of defining death, to define the selfish triangle of name-A into the death. Who is name-A?
But, zombie has very high morality. Zombie’s definer-spin of defining death, is defining the name-A into the death. But, on the outer surface of the definer-spin of defining death, or, on the outer surface of the mirror-ball of zombie, zombie is opening the anus-hole. The monkey hairs of zombie are working very hard, and the attitude is very kind. In this way, the name-A is able to go into the anus-hole of zombie, to be connected with the law of God’s power, and to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive. In this way, zombie has ability to save the humankind, and creating out the destiny community of humankind.
The door for human person going in and out, is closed. The hole for dog climb in and out, is opening. A sound is shouting highly, climb in, giving you the freedom. Is there anyone who had heard about it?
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the structure is located at the inner circle-line. The definer of defining be-alive is coming from the outer circle-line. The selfish triangle is located at the center-dot. The three shape-elements on the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, are creating out three isolated spots, and to show the triangle of with meaning of the existence-beacon triangle of instinct circulation of life. Because of that, the outer circle-line is the situation of that, only the instinct circulation of life has ability to touch it, and the habit circulation of life has no ability to touch it. And, it is just showing the natural measured effect of division between the instinct circulation and the habit circulation.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, No.1, the outer circle-line is fixed with the universe-prison-ball of zombie, and the universe-prison-ball of zombie is just the static state of zombie’s contacting map. The section-law of cutting mind conservation created out by zombie’s contacting map, is entering into the inner position of the inner-thinking of selfish triangle of name-A. No.2, the definer-spin of defining death is creating out the hell-door at the position of inner circle-line, and it is defining the name-A into the death.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, No.3, the outer surface of the definer-spin of defining death, is just the outer surface of zombie’s mirror-ball. On the outer surface of zombie’s mirror-ball, zombie designed many anus-holes, and it is applying the facts of iron-evidence to prove that, zombie is the good friend, and zombie is no harm, and zombie is just like God to save humankind.
At the gap-area between the inner circle-line and the center-dot, the anus-holes of zombie, is continually doing the innovation, doing the opening, doing the creation-new, or, it is just doing the vibration at the gap-area between the inner circle-line and center-dot. And, in this vibration, the connection between the volume thinking of name-A and the definer of defining be-alive, is to be broken. In this way, it is stimulating the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist being located at the center-dot, effectively. This is just the way of according to manipulating the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, to control and to manipulate the life instinct circulation of selfish triangle, and this is just the fourth dimensional murdering.
According to the background of original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the top structure of the fourth dimensional murdering is shown as that, when the universe-prison-ball is shrunk towards the inner universe, it is creating out the definer-cone of defining negative life. The definer-cone of defining negative life is connected with zombie’s contacting map. The picture-shape of the group of black beans with name-A, and the pair of black beans and red beans, on the contacting map of zombie, are creating out the section-law of cutting mind conservation at the inner thinking of selfish triangle.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the bottom structure of fourth dimensional murdering is shown as that, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management and the anus-holes on the surface of zombie’s mirror-ball, are creating out the double layers of structure, and it is called as the zombie’s friendship of double layers of structure. The zombie’s friendship of double layers of structure is creating out the vibration continually, between the center-dot and the inner circle-line, and creating out the effective stimulating effect into the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist.
The circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, is located on the confessing membrane, being located at the one of three vertexes of selfish triangle. The section-law of cutting mind conservation is located at the inner position of thinking-diameter bubble, and being located at the gap between the shift-thinking bubble and the inner-core area of thinking. The red bean on the zombie’s contacting map is connected with the inner position of shift-thinking bubble belonging to name-A, and, the black bean on the zombie’s contacting map is connected with the inner position of the inner-core area of thinking belonging to name-A.
And then, going through both the section-law of cutting mind conservation and the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, both the zombie’s contacting map and the zombie’s friendship of double layers of structure, are creating out the double layers of cooperation effect being controlled by outer power, and being located at the inner position of selfish triangle of name-A. This is just the double layers of cooperation effect of creating new-human-person.
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, and observing the double layers of cooperation effect of creating new-human-person, the gap-area between the center-dot and the inner circle-line, is creating out the bottom-machine of creating new-human-person; and, the gap-area between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles, is creating out the top-machine of creating new-human-person. Clearly, this double layers of machines of creating new-human-person, is holding large amount of fourth dimensional natural measured properties. Facing the double layers of machines of creating new-human-person, what is the thinking in selfish triangle of name-A? This is the situation of single direction of killing human person.
Zombie has no eligibility of life, and zombie has no eligibility of using money, and this is death conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
第一生命守恒问题,是想法与天威定律连接性问题,具体表达为,rel 天威定律(体积是想法的生灭闪烁性)自私三角形 rel => 抗天守恒定律。
The first problem of life conservation, is the problem of the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, and being expressed as, rel the law of God’s power (the flashing state of volume thinking of between the existence and the inexistence) the selfish triangle rel => the law of fighting against God conservation.
第二生命守恒问题,是用生命延续定向方向指针,来度量天威定律连接性问题,具体表达为,rel 天威定律连接性(选择极的双重选择性)生命延续定向方向指针的生命目的性 rel => 生命延续定向方向指针。
The second problem of life conservation is the problem of applying the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing, to measure the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power, and being expressed as, rel the connection with the law of God’s power (the double layers of choice at the choice pole) the life-goal of the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing rel => the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing.
The outer-focused-spot of the two problems of life conservation, is the law of God’s power being the definer of defining be-alive. The meaning of the law of God’s power is that, when the inner-thinking in selfish triangle thinks that, the law of God’s power is the existence, then, the law of God’s power is not the existence; but, when the inner-thinking in selfish triangle thinks that, the law of God’s power is not the existence, then, the law of God’s power is the existence. This is the problem of between the existence and the inexistence. Or, this is the problem of definer of defining be-alive. What is the meaning of be-alive? What is the meaning of defining be-alive?
According to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the outer circle-line is the universe-beacon of showing the existence of the law of God’s power, because of that, the selfish triangle defines the outer circle-line being inexistence, or, the center-dot defines the outer circle-line being inexistence.
When the experimental pointer is connected with the outer circle-line, and going through the mutation effect of completeness to pick out the inspiration, and, driving out the creation of the connection, between, the feeling-known at the center-dot, and, the natural measured property being shown on the specific structure-position of the inner circle-line, then, the center-dot knows that, the natural measured property is shown on the inner circle-line, and, it is just defining that, the outer circle-line is not the existence.
The outer circle-line is the original-reason of the inner circle-line. Where is the original-reason? The original-reason is just the inexistence, and being in need of looking for. The natural measured property being shown on the inner circle-line, must be coming from the outer circle-line. But, the center-dot is to define that the outer circle-line is not the existence, because of that, the center-dot does not know what the outer circle-line is. But, the outer circle-line is the definer of defining be-alive, and, this is the effect of the law of God’s power. And, it is the problem of the relation, between the known and the unknown. Many selfish triangles do not know the definer of defining be-alive, and, and many selfish triangles do not know that, there must the killing to protect the definer of defining be-alive, and, it is to make the zombie defining the meaning of be-alive, and, this is the original creation spot of the fourth dimensional war.
That is to say, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, when the experimental pointer is connected with the outer circle-line and picking out the inspiration, the outer circle-line is not the existence, because of that, the mutation effect of completeness, is creating out the feeling-known at the center-dot, through inspiration. A related problem is that, what is the element to change the electro-magnetic wave into the laser?
After picking out the inspiration, when there is the division effect between the experimental pointer and the outer circle-line, the center-dot knows that, the natural measured property is shown on the specific beacon-position of the inner circle-line. But, the natural measured property being shown on the inner circle-line, must be coming from the outer circle-line. And then, the outer circle-line must be the existence.
When the center-dot knows that, the natural measured property being shown on the inner circle-line, must be coming from the outer circle-line, then, where is the outer circle-line? According to that, the center-dot wants to know what the outer circle-line is, then, the outer circle-line is changed into the inexistence.
But, when outer circle-line is not the existence, the outer circle-line is the definer of defining be-alive, and, defining that the inner circle-line must be connected with the definer of defining be-alive. This is the mutation effect between different time-dimensions, and, it is the problem of definer of defining be-alive.
And then, what zombie wants to do or had done already, is very simple, and, it is just telling the center-dot, to abandon the outer circle-line, and, to let zombie managing the outer circle-line, and defining the meaning of be-alive of the center-dot. Is it very simple?
That is to say, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, when selfish triangle defines the outer circle-line being inexistence, the outer circle-line is connected with the law of God‘s power, and it is to show the existence of the law of God’s power. But, when the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known is used, to show the existence of the outer circle-line, then, the law of God’s power is squeezed into the gap between the outer circle-line and the universe 8-poles, and being shown as the inexistence. And so on. But, the unique web system of fourth dimension is just the existence.
And, it is to show that, according to the background of the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, No.1, the near-physics is fixed at the inner position of outer circle-line, or, it is located at the inner position of the universe-prison-ball of zombie. No.2, the far-science is located at the outer position of outside the outer circle-line. No.3, according to the mutation effect, the pointer of force law is an isolated pole of universe 8-poles, and creating out the definer of defining life at the position of center-dot. No.4, that is to say, the far-science is automatically folding towards the inner position of the outer circle-line. And it is creating out the effect of the fifth universe force.
According to the completeness of death, the contacting map of zombie is fixed on the outer circle-line, and, creating out the universe-prison-ball. And, according to the section-law of cutting mind conservation, it is noting the thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle, into the pair of red color-dot and black color-dot, on the contacting map of zombie.
And then, the outer focused spot of the two problems of life conservation, is just the war-problem between the law of God’s power and the universe-prison-ball. This is the problem between the living and the extinction, and, it is not the problem between the be-alive and the death, and it is not the problem between the good and the bad. That is to say, the universe-prison-ball defines the law of God’s power being constant fixed existence. And, it is just pretending the God, and, it is just pretending the definer of defining be-alive. And, it is defining the be-alive of selfish triangle, and it is defining the death of selfish triangle. And, this is driving the completed humankind into completed extinction, in completed way.
Is there anyone who understands the meaning of definer of defining be-alive? Do those who research the universe theory, understand the meaning of definer of defining be-alive?
Simply, if no one wants to kill you, then, you are located at the state of be-alive. But, if someone wants to kill you, then, you have no method to be connected with the state of be-alive, in definite way. And, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just aiming into everyone to kill it into death, but, zombie has not killed every person into death. You say, does zombie have very high morality or not? Is every person in need of the protection of zombie, or not?
The inner-focused-spot of the two problems of life conservation, is the problem of being perpendicular with each other, between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. The math arrow on universe-diameter is the meaning of be-alive, and also, being the register of registering the life-goal of every person. The math arrow on negative universe-diameter is the meaning of death, but, being the register of registering the be-alive-goal of zombie. This is the problem of transformation between the death and the be-alive.
Zombie’s definer-cone of defining negative life, is to show that, there is a realizable effect of up-side-down transformation, between the death and the be-alive. And, it is transforming the thinking of be-alive into the death result; and, it is transforming the death-thinking into the result of be-alive. Is it funny?
And then, the problem of being perpendicular with each other between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter, is just the problem of eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. And the problem of eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, is not explained through the mouth, and being also not explained through the language symbol. But, it is explained through the law of God’s power, and, being also explained through the universe-prison-ball of zombie. This is the obstacle that the life-continuing of humankind must be facing, and there is no choice.
That is to say, the problem of eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, is explained through a quantum line. One of two ending-spots of the quantum line, is the expressed through the effect of being perpendicular with each other between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter, with giving out the known, and without giving out the meaning.
The unique isolated source of giving out the meaning, is just the connection with the law of God’s power, and, including both the far-science and the near-science. Or, the other ending-spot of this quantum line of being used into explaining eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, is just the connection with the law of God’s power. But, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is located at the gap, between the law of God’s power and the near-science, and being parasitic in the far-science, or being parasitic in the law of God’s power. Or, the other ending-spot of this quantum line is just the war between the law of God’s power and the universe-prison-ball of zombie.
This quantum line could be called as the volume explanation quantum line, of explaining the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. Or, to sound in good-feeling, it could be called as the meaning-explanation quantum line of explaining the choice between the living and the destroying. And, the common meaning of this quantum line, is just the connection between the existence-seeing and the law of God’s power, and it is common said of reality.
The reality is just the definer of defining the law of God’s power into the inexistence. The problem of eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction is fixed in the reality, with defining the law of God’s power into the inexistence, and it is just what zombie had said of facts with iron-evidence, or, the facts with precise evidence. The problem is that, how does the law of God’s power being precise? How does the law of God’s power be changed into the reality?
One of two ending-spots of the quantum line of explaining the choice-meaning of between the living and the destroying, is just the final result of the choice between the living and the destroying, or, it is the existence-state of eternal now, and being expressed through the relation of being perpendicular with each other, between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter, and, with only giving out the known, and without giving out the meaning, being shown as the disappearance state of volume property, and, it is just the common said of reality. Or, it is common said of “the existence is the truth”.
The other ending-spot of the quantum line of explaining the choice-meaning of between the living and the destroying, is just the war between the law of God’s power and the universe-unit-particle of zombie. And it is just the war between creating out the volume property and destroying the volume property. And it is just the war between the definer of defining be-alive and replacing the definer of defining be-alive. Clearly, zombie is just applying the universe-prison-ball to replace the definer of defining be-alive.
The problem of being perpendicular with each other between the math arrow on the universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter, is located at the ending-spot of “the existence is the truth”, in the quantum line of explaining the meaning of choice between the living and the destroying. Or, it is the ending spot of reality. It could be called as the law of reality conservation.
The two problems of life conservation are located at the ending-spot of the law of God’s power, or, the ending-spot of the war between the law of God’s power and the universe-prison-ball of zombie, in the quantum line of explaining the meaning of choice between the living and the destroying. And then, it is to show the volume meaning of choice between the living and the destroying, and, it is to show the volume meaning of choice between the living and the extinction.
That is to say, the quantum line of explaining the meaning of choice between the living and the destroying, is just the quantum line of explaining the meaning of choice between the living and the extinction. There is no chance of showing the difference between the good-feeling and the bad-feeling.
And then, according to the background of the quantum line of explaining the meaning of the choice between the living and the extinction, going through the section-law of cutting mind conservation, and going through the circle-line of the particle of cutting down through waist, and, applying “the existence is the truth”, to full fill the thinking of selfish triangle, and, making the completed division effect, between, the inner-core area of thinking in selfish triangle, and, the war-situation between the two problems of life conservation and the universe-prison-ball of zombie. This is the strategic method conservation of zombie, to drive the completed humankind into the extinction. Or simply, it is driving the selfish triangle into the state of that, the selfish triangle has no ability to make volume judgment of judging the situation of the war, between the law of God’s power and the universe-prison-ball of zombie.
Or, according to the background of the quantum line of explaining the choice-meaning between the living and the extinction, it is driving the selfish triangle knowing the single ending-spot, and without knowing the other ending-spot. It is applying this method to drive the completed humankind into the extinction. And, this is the public, and this is happened at every minute and every hour, and, this is not the secret.
According to the background of the fifth negative universe-unit-particle, or, according to the background of the section-law of cutting mind conservation, and, according to the background of two problems of life conservation, the fundamental strategic way of driving the humankind into extinction, is just squeezing the inner-core area of thinking, and decreasing the thinking scope of inner-core area of thinking, and enhancing the shift-thinking bubble, and luring the shift-thinking bubble. Or, it is just creating out the effect of fourth dimensional suicide. And then, there are many types of negative techs being created out.
Decreasing the thinking scope of the inner-core area of thinking, and enhancing the shift-thinking bubble, the target is aiming into of striking the math arrow on the universe-diameter, and enhancing the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. This situation could be called as the strategic distribution diagram of the section-law of cutting mind conservation. Or, it is just the distribution diagram of showing the pair of red color-dots and black color-dots on the contacting map of zombie.
According to the background of the fourth negative universe-unit-particle, or, according to the background of the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, the conservational strategic way of zombie, is just driving the pair of the heart-direction-pointer and the disgusting-pointer in selfish triangle, to fit the creation of zombie’s mirror-ball, and striking the pair of the heart-direction-pointer and the disgusting-pointer in selfish triangle, of un-fitting the creation of zombie’s mirror-ball. And, the target is also aiming into of striking the math arrow on the universe-diameter, and enhancing the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. This situation could be called as the strategic distribution diagram of the particle of cutting down through waist.
No matter the strategic distribution diagram of the section-law of cutting mind conservation, or, the strategic distribution diagram of the particle of cutting down through waist, they are all aiming into of striking the math arrow on the universe-diameter, and enhancing the math arrow on negative universe-diameter. And then, the reality distribution situation of being perpendicular with each other between the math arrow on universe-diameter and the math arrow on negative universe-diameter, could be called as the strategic distribution diagram of the transformation between the death and the be-alive. Clearly, the strategic distribution diagram of the transformation between the death and the be-alive is constantly connected with the central axle of the definer-cone of defining negative life.
No.1, the strategic distribution diagram of transformation between the death and the be-alive; No.2, the strategic distribution diagram of the section-law of cutting mind conservation; No.3, the strategic distribution diagram of the particle of cutting down through waist; these three distribution diagrams are called as the strategic distribution triangle of root conservation. Or, it is just the grand data strategic triangle, or, it is the family-notes strategic triangle.
The creation of the strategic distribution triangle of root conservation is based on the 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie. Clearly, there is no chance of making division between the good-guy and the bad-guy. The unique division effect is that, whether it is fitting the appointment standard created from definer of defining negative life, or not.
The management triangle of zombie, is not the single negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. The function of zombie’s management triangle is the transformer of transforming both space and time. Or, it is cutting down the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing on the universe-diameter in completed way. And, it is to create out the negative universe-diameter of zombie, and, it is creating out the shrinking radius pointer of negative faith of zombie, on the negative universe-diameter. This is just the war, and fitting the rules of war.
Or, the management triangle of zombie is the structure of war, and being not the negative universe-unit-particle. The management triangle of zombie, is connected with the negative goal of zombie. Or, the management triangle of zombie, is just applying the 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie, to realize the negative goal of zombie.
The physical meaning of the negative goal of zombie, is just registered on the negative universe-diameter of zombie. The gap between the goal and the register of goal is just the quantum line being fixed on the universe-diameter. Just like that, many life-structures of human life are connected with the universe-diameter, then, in the same shape, many negative life structures of zombie, are connected with the negative universe-diameter of zombie.
The management triangle of zombie, is the structure of war-triangle created by zombie. The central axle conservation of this war-triangle, or, the central axle conservation of zombie’s management triangle, is just the structure-seeing of the near-physical negative sightline of zombie’s monkey hair. Or, it is just the situation of that, the monkey hair of zombie applying the near-physical negative sightline, sees, the outer surface of Galileo’s room, and at the same time, occupying completely, the side of the set of differentiation pointers of professional subjects of humankind, in the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map. And, it is connected with the mutual-spin of weight and supporting.
The math expression of expressing the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is just the situation of showing the limited edge of the near-physical negative sightline of zombie’s monkey hair. And it is able to be expressed through a math arrow. That is to say, according to the beginning-spot of the physical-eye of zombie’s monkey hair, and, according to the ending-spot of the surface of Galileo’s room, it is creating out a math-arrow. The math-arrow shape of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is also shown through a quantum line. One of the ending-spots is the physical-eye of zombie’s monkey hair, and the other ending-spot is the outer surface of Galileo’s room.
This is the situation of being connected with the mutual-spin of weight and supporting, or, it is the situation of being connected with the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie.
The physical meaning of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is very clear. And, it is just the connection-axle, between the connection of fourth dimensional background, and the connection of background of 3-dimensional stable structure. This connection-axle, is just the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, and, the physical meaning is correspondent to the law of original creation of universe, and, it is just creating out the 3-dimensional stable structure according to excreting away the fourth dimension.
This is just the physical meaning of the fourth dimensional war, and this is just the physical meaning of the war of fifth universe force.
In the negative universe of zombie, the space-time position of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is located at the gap-position, between the second negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, and the third negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. And, it is either the time property, or the space property. Clearly, the physical meaning is very complexes.
The second negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is just the appointment system of zombie; and, the third negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is just the zombie’s quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN.
The explanation of explaining the physical meaning of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, must be relying on the law of determination coming from background. Because of that, this is fitting the law of original creation of universe.
The first focused physical meaning of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, is the space-time position of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, in the inner position of zombie’s negative universe, and, the space-time position of the central axle conservation of zombie’s management, in the inner position of natural universe created by God. This is the math-arrow tunnel, between the background of fourth dimension and the background of 3-dimensional stable structure, and, being fixed on the law of original creation of universe.
The outer most layer of expressing the negative universe of zombie, is expressed as the zombie’s home triangle of right angle. The three vertexes of zombie’s home triangle of right angle are that, the first vertex is the death boundary. The death boundary is connected with the definer-cone of defining negative life; the second vertex is the law of God’s power. The law of God’s power is connected with the structure, through the inner tunnel of Galileo’s room. Or, it is connected with the Galileo’s room, or, it is connected with the outer surface of Galileo’s room. And, finally, it is connected with the central axle conservation of zombie’s management; the third vertex is the completeness of genome. The completeness of genome is connected with the confessing membrane through the biological body. And the confessing membrane is connected with the zombie’s circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist.
Simply, the three vertexes of zombie’s home triangle of right angle, are that, the first vertex is the death boundary; and the second vertex is the law of God’s power; and the third vertex is the completeness of genome.
The quantum line of connection between the death boundary and the law of God’s power, is creating out the vertical edge of zombie’s home triangle of right angle. The quantum line of connection between the law of God’s power and the completeness of genome, is creating out the horizontal edge of zombie’s home triangle of right angle. The quantum line of connection between the death boundary and the completeness of genome, is creating out the bevel-edge of zombie’s home triangle of right angle.
The bevel-edge of zombie’s home triangle of right angle, is made up of three universe beacon-positions. The first universe beacon-position is the death boundary; the second universe beacon-position is the language fulcrum; the third universe beacon-position is the completeness of genome. The three universe beacon-positions on the bevel-edge of zombie’s home triangle of right angle, is just creating out the original creation spot of the negative universe-diameter of zombie, or, creating out the original creation spot of the shrinking radius pointer of negative faith of zombie. And, the negative-life-structures of zombie, are connected with the negative universe-diameter of zombie.
According to the background of zombie’s home triangle of right angle, the area of going beyond the vertical edge, is going towards the outer position of outside universe, through the universe 8-poles; the area of going beyond the horizontal edge, is going into the fourth universe controlled by God; and, the area of going beyond the bevel-edge, is going into the human life-structure being connected with the definer of defining life at the inner position of selfish triangle. And then, the zombie’s home triangle of right angle, is able to express the universe-position of zombie’s negative universe in completed way.
According to the background of CCF field, the universe-position of zombie’s home triangle of right angle is unchangeable conservation. Until the completed extinction of the completed human life, the shape of position will not be changed.
According to the background of the language fulcrum being unchangeable conservation, the zombie’s home triangle of right angle, is divided into two right angle triangles. The one is the corpse circulation triangle of right angle; the other is the zombie’s management triangle of right angle. These two right angle triangles have the single public edge, and the public edge is just the quantum line between the language fulcrum and the law of God’s power.
The second negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is just the appointment system of zombie, being located at the inner position of zombie’s corpse circulation triangle of right angle. The management triangle of zombie, is located at the inner position of zombie’s management triangle of right angle. But, the management triangle of zombie is not the independent negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, but, being parasitic at the inner position of human person’s life structure, and, creating out both space-transformation and time-transformation.
Both the time-transformation and space transformation are including the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, and including the circle-line of particle of cutting down through waist, and including the section-law of cutting mind conservation, and so on.
Zombie’s management triangle of right angle, is the limited outer most edge that the management triangle of zombie has no ability to go beyond. Because of that, the three vertexes of zombie’s management triangle of right angle are of controlling property of controlled by God. The three vertexes of zombie’s management triangle of right angle are that, the first vertex is the language fulcrum, and the second vertex is the law of God’s power, and the third vertex is the completeness of genome.
The three outer areas of zombie’s management triangle of right angle are that, the first outer area is the appointment system of zombie; the second outer area is the fourth universe controlled by God; and, the third outer area is the sixth universe with human life in it.
But, the management triangle of zombie is going through the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, and going through the particle of cutting down through waist, and going through the section-law of cutting mind conservation, and going through the pointer of fixed direction conservation of negative sightline, and going beyond the zombie’s home triangle of right angle, and going into the structure of human life.
According to the beginning-spot of language fulcrum, and going through the death criminal conservation triangle, it is connected with the management triangle of zombie. The zombie’s management triangle is according to robbing and occupying the choice pole, to manage the connection between the definer of defining life and definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is creating out the fourth dimensional murdering.
The definer of defining be-alive must be connected with the structure, or, it is connected with the Galileo’s room through the inner position of Galileo’s room. All the experimental results are fixed at the outer position of Galileo’s room, and being fixed at the inner position of zombie’s universe-prison-ball. This is the structure of fourth dimensional war. And then, the definer of defining be-alive is going through the structure , to be connected with the near-physical negative sightline of zombie’s monkey hair. And, it is creating out the connection with central axle conservation of zombie’s management. This is the structure of fourth dimensional war.
Every experimental result and all the experimental results are all fixed at the outer position of Galileo’s room, and this is the eternal choice of humankind between living and extinction. Is there anyone who understands the meaning?
The three vertexes of zombie’s death criminal conservation triangle are that, the first vertex is the language fulcrum; the second vertex is robbing and occupying the choice pole of quantum vessel; the third vertex is robbing and occupying the register of money-fluid, or, robbing and occupying the quantum garbage-spot. This zombie’s death criminal conservation triangle, is just the static tunnel of the ninth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. And the dynamic tunnel of the ninth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is just the physical-track of money-fluid. Or, it is the physical-economics. Or, it is death-criminal conservation.
The initialized shape of zombie’s contacting map, is made up of the expression-shapes of all the natural measured properties that zombie has ability to collect. And, according to the background of the negative sightline-scanning coming from zombie’s eye being fixed on the death boundary, zombie’s contacting map is the shape of 2-dimensional sheet. Zombie’s eye is the eighth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie.
One of the two sides of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, is the differentiation disappearance state of the professional subjects of humankind, and, at the same time, it is the shape of pretending the unique web system of fourth dimension, and it is the applying state of applying the central scientific principle.
No.1, the researching procedure of that, the sightline-scanning of zombie’s eye scans on the contacting map of zombie, is researching the relations, between different natural measured properties, and, it is just researching the relations, between the existence-structures of different professional subjects. No.2, for keeping the death-completeness of zombie’s contacting map, zombie is applying all the other natural measured properties, to test the volume meaning of any single natural measured property. And, it is just the situation of applying the central scientific principle. No.3, this situation of applying the central scientific principle, was driving zombie finding many fourth dimensional natural measured properties, and being the universe truth, but, the selfish triangles are totally un-known about these fourth dimensional natural measured properties. No.4, this is creating out the negative science and negative tech, and being parasitic in the far-science.
No.5, at the same time of applying all the other natural measured properties to test any single natural measured property, it is able to apply all the other natural measured properties to destroy any single natural measured property. And, it is just fitting the structure of the flesh soup circle-line of HAN-XIN. And, it is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction in definite way, and, it is just the united battle-line, or the law of killing friend through making friend, and so on. No.6, and then, the method of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just what zombie had done, of robbing and occupying the front-line of science, or, robbing and occupying the highest summit of science temple. Large amount of zombie’s structures are creating and running based on this principle. Beginning from Confucius, zombie had researched this problem for more than two thousand years, and this is the way of driving the completed humankind into completed extinction in definite way.
The other side of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, is the set of differentiation pointers of professional subjects of humankind. And then, in the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, the side of driving the differentiation pointer of professional subjects into disappearance, is just the definer, of defining zombie’s contacting map, into the original creation spot of the differentiation pointers of professional subjects of humankind. This is the situation of driving the completed humankind into completed extinction in definite way. Because of that, the meaning of original creation spot of differentiation pointer of professional subject, is just the original creation spot of be-alive, or, it is the original creation spot of life-continuing. This is the problem of being related with every person, because of that, it is the problem of life-structure. Is it funny? Large amount of zombie’s structures are creating and running based on this principle.
According to the background of science, or, according to the background of natural measured property, one of the two sides of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, is applying the central scientific principle, to pretend the unique web system of fourth dimension, and it is just pretending the far-science, or, it is according to the death boundary to add the death-completeness into the set of natural measured properties, and, it is designing the structure and running procedure of driving humankind into extinction.
The other side of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, is the set of differentiation pointers of professional subjects of humankind, or, it is the division boundary between the science and the techs, and, it is just the sightline-following tunnel of zombie’s eye of stealing the volume thinking and stealing the techs, and, it is just creating out the management triangle of zombie, and it is just creating out the quantum vessel triangle of flesh soup of HAN-XIN, and, it is just the caring-tunnel of zombie. And, it is just what zombie had said of caring the destiny of humankind. Is there anyone who has ability to escape from zombie- caring?
The meaning of the law of thinking-diameter conservation is that, it is applying the inner-thinking of thinking-diameter bubble to replace the natural measured property at the outer position of thinking-diameter bubble. And then, according to the background of thinking diameter bubble being divided apart into shift-thinking bubble and the inner-core area of thinking, only the inner-core area of thinking has the ability to be connected with the law of God’s power, through creating out the thinking of fitting the differentiation pointer of professional subject, and through going along the differentiation pointer of professional subject, in definite way. The shift-thinking bubble has no ability to be connected with the law of God’s power, through creating out the thinking of fitting the differentiation pointer of professional subject, and through going along the differentiation pointer of professional subject, in definite way.
And then, according to the background of thinking-diameter bubble, the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map is just creating out the section law of cutting mind conservation, at the gap-position between the shift-thinking bubble and the inner-core area of thinking, of the inner position of selfish triangle. This is the effect of the fifth universe force.
The section law of cutting mind conservation is just the fifth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, and being located at the inner position of selfish triangle. But, the connection between the zombie’s contacting map and the death boundary to create out the definer-cone of defining negative life, is located at the outer position of outside selfish triangle, and to show the first negative universe-unit-particle, and, it is creating out the negative selfish triangle.
And then, at the gap-position, between, the fifth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, and, the first negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, it is the sixth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, or, it is the pointer of the fixed direction conservation, going from the beginning-spot of zombie’s contacting map, and jumping into the inner-position of thinking-diameter bubble of selfish triangle. Or, it is the negative sightline pointer of fixed direction conservation. Or, it is just showing the constant beacon-existence of the fifth universe force. Or, it is the interaction between the thinking and the universe.
That is to say, according to the background of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, the shift-thinking bubble at inner position of selfish triangle, is shown as the red color-dot, on the side of pretending the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, it is the excretion tunnel of excreting garbage in the contacting map of zombie, and it is showing the result of applying the central scientific principle, and, it is just what zombie had said of researching the excretion-stuff of humankind;
And, according to the background of the 2-dimensional sheet of zombie’s contacting map, the inner-core area of thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle, is shown as the black color-dot, on the side of pretending the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, it is the target of zombie planning to steal, and it is the original creation spot of creating out the contacting map of zombie. Is it funny?
Clearly, making division between the red color-dot and the black color-dot, it is the fundamental root of zombie’s self-existence, and it is just making effort to fit the natural measured property. And then, what is the thinking in selfish triangle?
And then, the creation of zombie’s contacting map is just based on the initialized shape of zombie’s contacting map, to make division effect between two colored-areas automatically. One of the two areas is existence-area of zombie’s contacting map, and the other area is the garbage-bit-area of zombie’s contacting map. Based on the contacting map of zombie, any-dot on the side of applying the central scientific principle, is the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, made up of double tunnels of the red color-tunnel and the black color-tunnel. And then, the general shape of zombie’s contacting map is just the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, and, it is just what zombie had said of researching the excretion-stuff of humankind. Clearly, both the universe singularity and the big bang are all the excretion-stuffs of zombie’s contacting map, and being located at the red color-tunnel of zombie’s contacting map.
The side of applying the central scientific principle of zombie’s contacting map, is automatically jumping, from the initialized shape of zombie’s contacting map, into the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, in mutation way. Clearly, zombie’s comprehension of the fourth dimension, is fitting the law of God’s power enough. Because of that, the contacting map of zombie must be holding a garbage tunnel of showing the part of un-fitting with the law of God’s power. And, it is just what zombie had said of the war at the inner position of thinking, or, the revolution at the deep position of the pair of soul and spirit. And then, what is the thinking in selfish triangle?