依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
The connection-area between the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, is shown as the quantum-line. The physical meaning of this quantum-line, is to show the universe-diameter of the fifth universe. The top-area of this quantum-line, is the connection-area of being connected with the light-track of the fifth universe; the bottom-area of this quantum-line, is the connection-area of being connected with the asymptotic freedom of the fifth universe. The light-track is giving out the space-dimension effect into the fifth universe; and, the asymptotic freedom, is giving out the time-dimension effect into the fifth universe. These natural measured properties are eternal unchangeable. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, these natural measured properties are not being changed.
According to the connection-effect between the pointer of force law and the right-bracket of “)”, the right-bracket of “)” is only connected with the light-track of the fifth universe, and without the ability to be connected with the asymptotic freedom. And then, the physical meaning is just shown as the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension.
According to the connection-effect between the law of God’s power and the left-bracket of “(”, the left-bracket of “(” is only connected with the asymptotic freedom of the fifth universe, and without the ability to be connected with the light-track. And then, the physical meaning is just shown as the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension.
These natural measured properties are eternal unchangeable. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, these natural measured properties are not being changed.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
And, according to the background of the anti-clockwise time dimension, the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, are automatically spun into the direction of universe-vertical, and, it is defining the light-track into the top-area of the fifth universe, and, it is defining the asymptotic freedom into the bottom-area of the fifth universe. And, this is just the original creation mechanism of creating out the gravity of the fifth universe. Or, it is just creating out the weight.
This direction of universe-vertical is just parallel with the growth-pointer of life-growth of human life at the inner position of the sixth universe, and, with holding the physical meaning of the law of time-parallel, and it is just the central-dogma of universe-vertical, and, it is also the differentiation effect of the professional subjects.
According to the background of the universe-vertical, and, going along the direction of anti-clockwise time dimension, and spinning further, the area of the asymptotic freedom is going through the completeness of genome, to create out the life-property in mutation way, and going into the connection with the pointer of force law; and, the area of the light-track is jumping into the pointer of the energy-shrinking in mutation way, and going towards the connection with the mass, and it is just to going into the connection with the law of God’s power. And, going through the law of God’s law, it is to show the existence of the unit cooperation pointer.
These natural measured properties are eternal unchangeable. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, these natural measured properties are not being changed.
对比,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,
和,rel 天威定律(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,
Comparing the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
With the, rel the law of God’s power(the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
The expression-shape of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is the situation of both the co-existence and the co-disappearance with the extinction-property, or, being the situation of destroying the feeling-known constantly, or, being the situation of destroying the sightline constantly. But, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is connected with the equivalent between the sightline and the structure constantly, and creating out the feeling-known, and being located at the position of the constant seeing of the eye. Does the seeing of eye be the true?
At the bottom-area of the quantum-line of being made up of both the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, it is the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, and being connected with both the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle. This is the area of being connected with the law of God’s power in constant way, and, being fixed at the asymptotic freedom of the fifth universe, and creating out the principle of zero conservation of life-continuing.
At the top-area of the quantum-line of being made up of both the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, it is the choice-pole-position of the life-tunnels of the fifth universe, and being connected with both the axle of life-continuing conservation and the axle of life-respecting conservation. This is the area of being connected with the pointer of force law in constant way, and, being fixed on the light-track of the fifth universe.
The choice-pole must be going through the pointer of energy-shrinking, and to bypass the left-bracket of “(”, and to touch the law of God’s power, and then, it is creating out the axle of the life-continuing conservation; and, the choice-pole must be going through the life-instinct-beacon triangle, and to bypass the right-bracket of “)”, and to touch the pointer of force law, and then, it is creating out the axle of the life-respecting conservation. This situation is called as the law of eligibility conservation of choice-pole.
This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
The law of eligibility conservation of the choice-pole, is just the original creation spot of creating out the law of the metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter at the inner position of fifth universe. This is the direct problem of the eternal-choice of humankind between the living and the extinction. This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killings, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Because of that, the unique isolated expression-shape of expressing the fourth dimension, is just the thinking-extinction triangle of being created by zombie, and, being made up of the pair of red-bean and black-bean of being located on the background of the Confucius-white. This is driving the humankind into the extinction in deliberate way.
These natural measured properties are eternal unchangeable. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, these natural measured properties are not being changed.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
The pointer of the force law is shown as the absolute-static at the position of right-up, and, making the selfish triangle into the beacon; the law of God’s power is shown as the absolute-static at the position of left-down, and, making the shape of the periodic table of chemical elements into the beacon. The death-boundary is located at the position of left-up, and, making the eye of zombie into the beacon, and, creating out the definer-cone of defining the negative-life of doing the up-side-down transformation between the be-alive and the death, or, to create out the thinking-cone of the corpse-mind. And, the life-instinct-beacon triangle is located at the position of right-down, and making the life-privacy into the beacon. This situation, is just the universe square-structure, and, it is also the X-structure of the united battle-line of zombie.
The physical meaning of the universe square-structure, is just shown as the original creation spot of creating out the feeling-know, and being the other sight-angle of the original creation double circle-line of creating out the feeling-known. And then, the X-structure of the united battle-line of zombie, is just according to the original creation structure-background of creating out the feeling-known, to design the methods of driving the humankind into the extinction. This is driving the humankind into the extinction in deliberate way, and this is the death conservation, and this is the death-crime conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The physical meaning of the universe square-structure, is to show the distribution-map of showing the life-instinct-beacons system. Or, it is the distribution-map of showing the volume-psychology. Or, it is used into the universe-detector of detecting the evil-heart-thinking, with fitting the far-sequence and near-chaos. And then, the physical meaning of the universe square-structure, is used into the detector of detecting the organized evil-structure. And, it is to show the original creation spot of creating out the law of killing conservation, and, it is also the original creation spot of creating out the law of the fixed sequence conservation through killing.
In the universe square-structure, the death-boundary at the left-up is the top-pole of the law of killing conservation, and, the life-instinct-beacon triangle at the right-down is the bottom-pole of the law of killing conservation, and, this is the beacon-structure of the fourth dimensional war.
These natural measured properties are eternal unchangeable. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, these natural measured properties are not being changed.
对比,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,
和,rel 天威定律(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,
Comparing the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
With the, rel the law of God’s power(the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
And according to the background of the feeling-known, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the original creation spot of creating out the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. Or, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the original creation spot of creating out the fifth universe.
The 3-dimensional structure of being the same with the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is kept; and, the 3-dimensional structure of being different from the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is excreted away; and, this is just the law of metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter. Or, according to the background of the feeling-known-ability of the selfish triangle, the original creation mechanism of creating out the universe, is just the law of metabolism of universe-diameter. And, clearly, this is not the big bang of universe.
The way of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just turning the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing over the span of 90degree, or, it is just going through the transformation of cosmic constant, of applying the “said and so be it” of zombie’s appointment system of being perpendicular to the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, to cut down the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and then, it is applying the pointer of the direction of feeding humankind, to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And, this is destroying the central-dogma of universe-vertical in deliberate way, and this is driving the humankind into the extinction in deliberate way, and there is no eligibility of life, and, there is no ability of using money, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The relation between the corpse-mind-groups of zombie and the selfish triangle, is just the transformation of the cosmic constant, or, being the relation between the destroying and the existence. This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killings, and, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of humankind.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
这是公开的,而不是秘密。与,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,对比,这是故意毁灭天威定律创生的体积性,也就是切断并控制天威定律连接的活命含义定义器,这是故意灭绝人类,是死亡守恒,是死罪守恒,服从天律无时效原则。
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
The first problem of life-continuing is just the problem of being known. Or simply, the problem of life-continuing is just the problem of being known. Or, in extreme way, the relation between “the life-continuing” and “being known”, is just the same natural measured property of different language expression-shapes, and, this natural measured property is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Because of that, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of life-instinct. And, this is the problem of subconscious.
But, the united eternal action of large amount of corpse-mind-groups of zombie, is just destroying the be-known-ability of selfish triangle. And, this is just the subjective initiative of being defined by zombie. And, this is just the necessary fundament of creating out the connection-methods of anus-mouth, and, this is just the necessary fundament of creating out large amount of the corpse-mind.
Or, it is applying infinite feeling-known of rotten-anus, to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, it is the striking-methods of DDOS. Or, it is according to the central-fulcrum of the right-bracket of “)”, and, going through manipulating and controlling the quantum-line-area between the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, to offer infinite feeling-known for the selfish triangle of being connected with the pointer of force law, and to realize the goal of cutting down the connection between the selfish triangle and the law of God’s power. And, this is just the law the “great jumping achievements” conservation of being created by zombie. Applying this method, it is destroying the be-known-ability of selfish triangle. And this is just what zombie had said of that, there is always one of the shapes being fitting you.
This is the public, and this is not the secret. Comparing with the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter, then, this is the way of destroying the volume-property of being created by the law of God’s power in deliberate way, and, this is cutting down and controlling the definer of defining be-alive of being created by the law of God’s power, and, this is driving humankind into extinction in deliberate way, and, this is the death conservation, and this is the death-crime conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
由此创生第四维度战争的形态,可以表达为,rel其它十二个负态宇宙基元子(第十三负态宇宙基元子)生命本能航标三角形rel = > 韩信肉羹起源定律并创生第四维度战争。
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
At the bottom-area of the quantum-line between the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, it is the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, or, it is the principle of zero conservation of life-continuing. The principle of zero conservation of life-continuing is connected with the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle, to create out the structure of asymptotic freedom of the fifth universe, and, it is just creating out the strong-force structure of the fifth universe.
The thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just changing the mutual-spin of weight-supporting into the law of MA-JIA-JUE conservation, or, the law of Trojan conservation in legislation. Or, it is just destroying the principle of the zero conservation of life-continuing, and, applying the rotten-anus-principle to replace the principle of life-continuing. And, it is just creating out the negative genes system. This is death conservation, and this is death-crime conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The fundamental meaning of the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just according to the background of destroying the second life-privacy-particle, to attack and to destroy the first life-privacy-particle. And then, it is applying the pointer of direction of feeding humankind, to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
The fundamental meaning of the law of MA-JIA-JUE conservation, is holding two tunnels. The first tunnel, is applying the 3-dimensional structure to attack the first life-privacy-particle; the second tunnel, is applying the connection-structure of being connected with the fourth dimension to attack the first life-privacy-particle. The third tunnel is that, the life-continuing system of MA-JIA-JUE was destroyed. The public root-basis of these two attacking tunnels is just according to the background of destroying the second life-privacy-particle to destroy the feeling-known-ability of selfish triangle.
And then, it is creating out the situation of fourth dimensional war, and being expressed as that, rel the other twelve negative universe-unit-particles(the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle)the life-instinct-beacon triangle rel = > the law of original creation spot of creating out the law of HAN-XIN of flesh-soup and creating out the fourth dimensional war.
The thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle is according to the background of destroying the second life-privacy-particle, to attack the first life-privacy-particle. The second life-privacy-particle, is the quantum-line of being made up of Einstein’s moon and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, and being expressed as the pair of single circle-line and the single center-dot. Both the Einstein’s moon and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, are creating out the double halves of circle-line in the completed circle-line, and, the center-dot is the action of picking out the inspiration through the trying conservation.
Then, the creation of the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle, is including two elements. The first element is the near-physical negative sightline of the corpse-mind of zombie’s monkey hair, seeing the Einstein’s moon, and, it is creating out the central-axle of zombie’s management. The meaning is that, all I haven’t seen are belongs to me. The second element is creating out the pointer of direction of attacking the first life-privacy-particle, according to the beginning-spot of the center-dot of the second life-privacy-particle. And this pointer could be called as the original creation pointer of creating out the HAN-XIN of flesh-soup.
The original creation pointer of creating out the HAN-XIN of flesh-soup, is the center-dot of the second life-privacy-particle, or, being the tunnel-beacon of picking out the inspiration through the law of trying conservation. And, the self-own of this beginning-spot is just the strong extinction-property. What is the way of creating out the beginning-spot of a pointer of direction, at the tunnel-beacon of picking out the inspiration through the law of trying conservation? The unique isolated meaning of this beginning-spot, is just cutting down the connection-tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Clearly, this is just the other tunnel of the central-axle of zombie’s management.
One of the elements is zombie’s management; the other element is the original creation pointer of creating out the HAN-XIN of flesh-soup. These two elements are creating out the situation of destroying the second life-privacy-particle in completed way, and aiming into destroying the first life-privacy-particle.
What is the way of creating out the beginning-spot of the direction-pointer, at the position of the beacon-tunnel of picking out the inspiration through the law of trying conservation, and then, creating out the original creation pointer of creating out the HAN-XIN of flesh-soup? According to the background of the thinking of the selfish triangle, this is the direction-pointer of being of no way to create out. Because of that, this is the situation of suicide conservation, and being also the situation of killing other conservation. But, zombie had been given out very clear answer. No.1, it is according to the background of cutting down the connection-tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, to attack all the privacy-structures of including the biological body; No.2, it is making friend, and creating out the law of making friend and killing friend.
That is to say, the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is made up of three elements. The first element is the central-axle of zombie’s management; the second element is according to cutting down the connection-tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, to create out the original creation pointer of creating out HAN-XIN of flesh-soup; the third element is just making friend, and creating out the friend-circle of zombie, or, creating out the battle-unit of the fourth dimensional war. Or, it is just the people-movement and the classification-struggle, or, it is training and teaching the HAN-XIN-tech of flesh-soup.
僵尸的第十三负态宇宙基元子,完整寄生在第一生命隐私粒子与第二生命隐私粒子之上,并构成,rel其它十二个负态宇宙基元子(第十三负态宇宙基元子)生命本能航标三角形rel = > 韩信肉羹起源定律并创生第四维度战争,的态势。
The thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is parasitic in both the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle in completed way. And, it is creating out the situation of, rel the other twelve negative universe-unit-particles(the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle) the life-instinct-beacon triangle rel = > the law of original creation spot of creating out the law of creating out HAN-XIN of flesh-soup and creating out the fourth dimensional war.
This situation is to show the space-tunnel of the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. The time-tunnel of the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is just what zombie had defined of the great plotting of hundred years. The meaning of the great plotting of hundred years, is just according to the constant unchangeable background of the completed life-span of going from the birth-day to the death-day, and, according to the age-years classification of selfish triangles, to design the methods of making harm. This is the death conservation, and, this is the death-crime conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
The fundamental physical meaning of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is both the co-existence state and co-disappearance state, with the extinction-property. When the extinction-property is shown, then, there will be the chance to show the expression-shape of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. When the extinction-property is the disappearance, then, there will be no chance to show the expression-shape of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
When the extinction-property is shown, then, the physical meaning is the completed disappearance of the completed universe. Or, all the tunnels of being connected with the 3-dimensional structures, are the completed disappearance at the inner position of universe. But, the fourth dimension has ability to be the existence. Because of that, the natural measured property of the fourth dimension, is just the extinction-property.
Comparing with that, at the inner position of a stone, the 2-dimensional sheet has no ability to be shown. Because of that, according to the background of the experimental pointer, the 2-dimensional sheet at the inner position of stone is just the asymptotic freedom. When the asymptotic freedom is shown, then, the function of energy is disappearance. When the asymptotic freedom is shown, then, all the 3-dimensional structures of the stone are completely disappearance. When the 2-dimensional sheet in the 3-dimensional structure is shown, then, this 2-dimensional sheet is just the completeness of genome, or, being the mutation effect between the lifeless-property and the life-property.
When the completed universe is going into the extinction-state, then, the other dimension is the existence. This is the effect of the closed-dimension. The recognition of human life about the universe, is relying on the effect of the closed-dimension. According to the background of the feeling-known, both the original creation of creating out the universe and the original creation of creating out the life, are all the effect of the closed-dimension. And then, the effect of the completed universe being divided into three isolated universes, is also the result of coming from the effect of the closed-dimension.
The duality effect of space-time, is creating out the effect of quantum uncertainty, and, it is to show the effect of the closed-dimension of any single dimension. The division-effect between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity, is also relying on the effect of the closed-dimension. The division-effect between the far-physics and the near-physics, and the division-effect between the far-science and the near-science, are all relying on the effect of closed-dimension. And, the division-effect between the existence and the extinction-property, is also relying on the effect of closed-dimension. And, the division-effect between the existence and the absolute-static, or, the division-effect between the moving-effect and the absolute-static, is also relying on the effect of closed-dimension.
That is to say, the effect of the closed-dimension, is just the original creation spot of creating out the thinking-ability at the inner position of selfish triangle. Or, the physical meaning of the effect of closed-dimension is just that, the thinking of the selfish triangle, has the ability to recognize the difference between different dimensions, in definite way. The difference between different dimensions, is just the universe-constant, of being shown as the span of going from definite existence into the definite disappearance.
Or, according to the background the ability of feeling-known of being held by the selfish triangle, the original creation spot of creating out the universe, is just the effect of the closed-dimension. And, the original creation spot of creating out the life, is just the effect of the closed-dimension.
Or, according to the background the ability of feeling-known of being held by the selfish triangle, the thinking-ability of selfish triangle has no ability to touch the original creation spot of creating out both the universe and the life, that is holding the original creation effect of going beyond the effect of the closed-dimension. And then, the God must be the existence, and, the extinction-property must be the existence.
According to the effect of the closed-dimension, the physical meaning of the God, is just the infinite dimensions.
The direct result of the effect of closed-dimension, is just the universe vertical, and, being correspondent to cosmic constant. And, the universe vertical is just the central-dogma of creating out the division-effect between the RNA and the DNA. The direct result of universe vertical is just the cosmic constant, or the cosmic constant of 90degree, or, being the span of going from the definite existence into the definite disappearance. Or, it is going from the single completed dimension into the other completed dimension.
但是,依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
The relation between the extinction-property and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the relation of both the co-existence and the co-disappearance. Or, the relation between the other dimension of being different from 3-dimension and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the relation of both the co-existence and the co-disappearance.
But, according to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is also the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. And, according to the background of the fifth universe, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is expressed as of according to the beginning-spot of the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section and according to the ending-spot of the dark-side of money-section.
The pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is also the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of life-instinct. And, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is just the 3-dimensional structure. The artificial 3-dimensional structure is the controlling-ability of the behavior of humankind. And then, the half of Galileo’s relativity, is just original creation spot of creating out the controlling-ability of the behavior of humankind, and, it is to create out the beginning-spot of the step of science. Or, the half of Galileo’s relativity, is the historical destiny-beacon of humankind.
And then, the relation between the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing and the 3-dimensional structure, is just the relation between the life-instinct of human life and the controlling-ability of the behavior of humankind. Or, it is just the relation of the instinct circulation of human life and the habit circulation of human life.
According to that, the relation between the extinction-property and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the relation of both the co-existence and the co-disappearance, then, the physical meaning of the extinction-property is just the natural measured property of driving the 3-dimensional structure, into the extinction-state. Or, the 3-dimensional structure has no ability to touch the extinction-property. And then, the physical meaning of the extinction-property is just shown as the absolute-static.
The absolute-static is connected with the instinct circulation of life. Any moving effect of human life, including both the thinking-moving and the behavior-moving, has no ability to change the absolute-static. And then, the changing-effects of both the thinking and the behavior, are just creating out the difference-tracks of being relative to the absolute-static, and, this type of difference-track can’t disturb the thinking-moving and the behavior-moving, and, it is just creating out the subconscious of life-instinct. And, it is to show the effect of the universe fifth force.
And, the 3-dimensional structure is connected with the controlling-ability of behavior of human life, and being connected with the controlling-ability of thinking of human life, or, being connected with the feeling-known, and then, it is to show the life-habit circulation of human life.
And then, it is to show the result of that, the original creation spot of creating out the life-habit circulation of human life, is just the life-instinct circulation of human life.
Applying the life-habit to destroy the life-instinct, this is the way of zombie driving humankind into the extinction. How to invent different methods of applying the life-habit to destroy the life-instinct? No matter what the answers of this problem are, all the answers are focused into the same answer, and it is to show the extreme twisted psychology, and, it is to show the extreme twisted thinking. Only the corpse-mind has ability to invent the rotten-anus methods of applying the life-habit to destroy the life-instinct. This is death conservation, and this is death-crime conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The thinking-ability is including three sight-angles. The first tunnel of thinking ability is according to the law of trying conservation, to be connected with the law of God’s power; the second tunnel of thinking ability is according to the experimental pointer, to be connected with the law of God’s power; the third tunnel of thinking ability is the definite of feeling-known. The definite of feeling-known is going through two tunnels to be connected with the law of God’s power. The first definite tunnel is the half of Galileo’s relativity; and, the second definite tunnel is going through the extinction-property to define the absolute-static. And then, the absolute-static is connected with the law of God’s power.
And then, the physical meaning of the law of God’s power is able to be expressed as that, it is according to the nothing to express the property of absolute-static. When the absolute-static is the nothing, then, any thinking-moving is holding the difference-track with being relative to the nothing, and, any thinking-moving is holding the difference-track with being relative to the absolute-static. That is to say, if there is the equal sign between the nothing and the absolute-static, it is just the law of God’s power. This is not the problem of being equal to zero, but, it is equal to the extinction-property.
And, zombie is just applying the math into the tool of driving humankind into extinction. This is the death conservation, and, this is the death-crime conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
Math is the tool that the tech has no ability to escape from. But, the math is also the direct tool and the strong tool of zombie driving humankind into extinction. Then, what is the math? No matter what the math is, the math is the language symbol. This is the problem of being directly connected with the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
According to the background of the selfish triangle, it is the equal-sign, to drag the math out of the inner position of selfish triangle, and, it is to make the math being fixed at the outer position of selfish triangle. And then, it is the equal-sign, to give the completed math system holding the physical property. And, the physical property of math, is just physical property of the space and the time.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
And, according to the background of the fifth universe, the left-bracket of “(”is the civilization-principle-section; and, the right-bracket of “)”is the money-section.
Then, according to the beginning-spot of the left-bracket of “(”, and, according to the ending-spot of the pointer of force law, it is the pointer-beacon of the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension.
Then, according to the beginning-spot of the right-bracket of “)”, and, according to the ending-spot of the law of God’s power, it is the pointer-beacon of the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension.
The pointer-beacon of the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, is going through the selfish triangle, to touch the pointer of force law. And, the pointer-beacon of the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, is going through the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, to touch the law of God’s power. And, the quantum-line of made up of both the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost and the outer surface of the thinking-diameter bubble, is just creating out the big bubble of funny-universe. According to the supporting-spot of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, the tenth negative-unit-particle of zombie, or, the seeing-ability of zombie’s eye, is hidden behind the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost.
According to the equal-sign dragging the language symbol into the outer position of outside the selfish triangle, and, according to fixing the language symbol at the outer position of outside the selfish triangle, then, the math system is connected with the pointer-beacon of the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, and being fixed in the gap-area between the selfish triangle and the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, and being located at the position of at the inner side of the surface of the big bubble of funny-universe. Comparing with that, the black-words on the white-paper, make the language symbol being fixed at the inner position of the big bubble of funny-universe.
Or, according to the background of the outer surface of the big bubble of funny-universe, the math system is located at the inner-side of the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, and, being located at the outer-side of the outer surface of the thinking-diameter bubble. But, the black-words on the white paper are dragging the math into the inner position of the big bubble of funny-universe. That is to say, math is located at the gap-area between the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost and the outer surface of the thinking-diameter bubble, and, creating out the beacon-existence of the inner-side of the outer surface of the big bubble of funny-universe.
Comparing with that, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is located at the outer position of outside the outer surface of the big bubble of funny-universe.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
Applying the particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, then, the math is just overlapped on the position of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, and, being overlapped at the position of the left-bracket of “(”, and it is just creating out the Einstein’s moon. The math system is constantly fixed on the Einstein’s moon, and, there must be going through the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, to be connected with the law of God’s power. And, this is the critical factor of creating out the Einstein’s pain.
When the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is used into replacing the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, the pointer-beacon of the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, must be going through the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, to be connected with the naming-ability, and then, it is going through the naming-ability to be connected with the selfish triangle. Or, the pointer-beacon of the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, must be going through the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, to be connected with the money-section, and then, it is going through the money-section, to be connected with the selfish triangle. And then, it is going through the selfish triangle, to be connected with the pointer of the force law.
That is to say, when the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is used into replacing the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, the pointer-beacon of the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, is squeezed into the position of the civilization-principle-section. And, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, and the naming-ability, and, the money-section, are all of no direct-ability of being connected with the law of God’s power, or, there is no direct-ability to be connected with the definer of defining be-alive, or, there is no direct-ability to be used to express the pointer-beacon of the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension. This situation is just according to the anti-clockwise time dimension losing the effectiveness of function, to create out the short-cutting-situation of life-continuing, and, it is creating out the behavior-chaos and the behavior-false, and, hidden behind it, it is the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
那么,依据,rel 天威定律(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
And then, according to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
And, according to the central-background of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, both, the pointer-beacon of the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, and, the pointer-beacon of the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, are to be shown as the shape of general Feynman’s diagram. Or, both, the connection-tunnel between the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability and the law of God’s power, and, the connection-tunnel between the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability and the pointer of force law, are to be shown as the shape of general Feynman’s diagram.
In math system, this shape of general Feynman’s diagram is correspondent to the saddle-geometry. And, the Riemann-geometry is correspondent to the connection-tunnel between the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability and the law of God’s power. And, the connection-tunnel between the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability and the pointer of force law, is to show the thinking-ability of selfish triangle. And then, it is to show the volume-meaning of the Riemann-geometry.
The volume-meaning of the Riemann-geometry, is to show the connection tunnel between the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability and the law of God’s power. The math-meaning of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is just the real-number-space, or, it is the isolated 3-dimensional Cartesian reference system.
And then, the volume-meaning of the Riemann-geometry, is just adding a imaginary number of “i”, into the isolated 3-dimensional Cartesian reference system. Or, it is defining the 3-dimensional Cartesian reference system into the basic 3-dimensional space, and, adding the first “i”-space of the universe. The physical meaning of the first “i”-space of the universe, is just the connection-tunnel between the law of God’s power and the isolated 3-dimensional Cartesian reference system. Or, it is the other isolated 3-dimensional space at the outer position of outside the isolated 3-dimensional Cartesian reference system. And, this is just the easy to understand that Riemann had said. And, it could be called as the Riemann’s Axiom, and being used into replacing the Parallel Line Axiom.
That is to say, the 3-dimensional universe-space can’t be expressed through applying the single 3-dimensional Cartesian reference space. And, this is just the same physical meaning with the special relativity of Einstein.
也就是说,依据黎曼公理, 是依据实数三维空间作为起点,进入另外一个独立三维空间的入口,或者, 是已经存在的三维空间的破缺口,或者, 是进入宇宙第一“i”空间的入口。也就是说,数学体系,只能匹配宇宙基元五子系统中的宇宙三“i” 空间。而且,数学体系,无法到达宇宙第二“i”空间,和宇宙第三“i”空间。这是黎曼公理的另一个表达形态。
也就是说,依据已经存在的实数三维空间作为起点背景,通过 是到达宇宙第一“i”空间,只能触及半边宇宙第一“i”空间,不能触及完整的宇宙第一“i”空间。这就是黎曼公理的另外一个表达形态。
因此,数学体系,只能适用于一个孤立三维空间,加上另外半个孤立三维空间。这也是黎曼公理的另外一个表达形态。或者说, 只能触及宇宙第一“i”空间中的半个三维空间。这是显而易见的。
That is to say, according to the Riemann’s Axiom, is just the defective-port of entering the other isolated 3-dimensional space, according to the beginning-spot of the real-number of 3-dimensional space. Or, the is the defective-port of the already existence of 3-dimensional space. Or, the is the entering-port of going into the first “i”-space. Or, the math system is only fitting the universe three-“i”-space, in the five unit-particles of universe. And, the math system has no ability to touch both the second “i”-space of universe and the third “i”-space of universe. This is the other expression-shape of the Riemann’s Axiom.
That is to say, according to the beginning-background of the already real-number of 3-dimensional space, it is going through the 是 to touch the first “i”-space of universe, and, with the ability to touch only the half of the first “i”-space of universe, and without the ability to touch the completed scope of the first “i”-space of universe. And, this is the other expression-shape of the Riemann’s Axiom.
That is to say, a single 3-dimensional space has no ability to express the completed universe. And, two isolated 3-dimensional spaces have also no ability to express the completed universe.
And then, the math system has only the ability to fit a single 3-dimensional space and adding a half of other 3-dimensional space. And this is also the other expression-shape of the Riemann’s Axiom. Or, the has only the ability to touch the half of 3-dimensional space of the first “i”-space of universe. And, this is the meaning of being clear to understand.
And then, according to the Riemann’s Axiom, if it is driving the first “i”-space of universe, into the completed overlapping-state with the real-number of 3-dimensional space, and then to create out the expressing-ability, then, the completed first “i”-space of universe, is able to be overlapped in the gap-area of the inner-scope of 0—1. And then, the half of the first “i”-space of universe, is only located at the inner-scope of 0—1/2, or, being located at the inner-scope of 1/2—1. And, when the inner-scope of 0—1/2 is the existence, the inner-scope of 1/2—1 is the inexistence; and, when the inner-scope of 0—1/2 is the inexistence, the inner-scope of 1/2—1 is the existence.
And further, if it is forced to go into the other half of the first “i”-space of universe, the inner-scope of 0—1/2 is going into the disappearance-state, and the inner-scope of 1/2—1 is the creation-state; or, the inner-scope of 0—1/2 is going into the creation-state, and the inner-scope of 1/2—1 is the disappearance-state. And then, all the entering-ports of entering the other half of the first “i”-space of universe, are located at the critical-line of 1/2. And this is just the problem of Riemann’s hypothesis.
依据宇宙三“i”空间作为背景,宇宙第一“i”空间内部,也必须存在 。但是,在宇宙第一“i”空间内部, 存在两个选择。第一选择是进入到实数空间,与“i”重叠;第二选择是进入到宇宙第二“i”空间内部,超越数学体系,进入物理体系。
但是,在数学的能力范围内部, 的存在性,无法进入宇宙第二“i”空间内部,只能进入到实数三维空间内部。
According to the background of the universe three “i”-space, at the inner position of the first “i”-space of universe, there must be the existence of . But, at the inner position of the first “i”-space of universe, the existence of has two choices. The first choice is going into the real-number of space, and being overlapped with the “i”; the second choice is going into the second “i”-space of universe, and, it is going beyond the ability of math system, and, it is going into the physical system.
But, at the inner scope of the math ability, the existence of has no ability to go into the second “i”-space of universe, and, there is only the ability to go into the real-number of space.
依据宇宙第二“i”空间内部作为背景,也必须存在 。但是,在宇宙第二“i”空间内部, 存在两个选择。第一选择是进入到宇宙第三“i”空间内部;第二选择是进入到宇宙第一“i”空间内部,并构成宇宙第一“i”空间内部的 – 空间系统。显然,这个 – 空间系统,是宇宙第一“i”空间内部的,没有“i”的,“另外半个三维空间”,在数学体系内部无法表达。因为“i”的来源,是来自实数三维空间。
在数学体系范围内部,“i”表达的半个三维空间,以及“- i”表达的半个三维空间,都是同一个“i”表达的半个三维空间。或者说,“i”与“- i”,表达了两个依据实数空间作为起点,进入到宇宙第一“i”空间的入口。但是,这两个入口之间的差别,是无法表达的。
依据背景参照确定定律,当宇宙第二“i”空间背景显现的时候,可以把 “i”表达成为,依据实数三维空间作为起点,依据宇宙第一“i”空间作为终点,的方向箭头;可以把“- i”表达成为,依据依据宇宙第一“i”空间作为起点,依据实数三维空间作为终点,的方向箭头。而从宇宙第二“i”空间进入宇宙第一“i”空间的 – 空间系统,是“- i”的起源点,与实数三维空间背景没有关系,或者是存在时间维度差异性。
也就是存在一个等号关系,“- i” = “i”,显现宇宙垂直中心法则的存在性。但是,数学表达,却不承认这个等式,服从半眼瞎守恒定律。因为,如果承认了,“- i” = “i”,这个等式,自私三角形内部的大脑,就无法运行了。这就是黎曼猜想的问题。因此,就为僵尸的屁眼子嘴巴连接法,提供了起源点,并被僵尸定义成为天使粒子。因为另外半个三维空间,已经显现了其他时间维度的存在性,也就是爱因斯坦狭义相对性的存在性。
According to the background of the inner-position of the second “i”-space of universe, there must be the existence of also. But, at the inner position of the second “i”-space of universe, the existence of has two choices also. The first choice is going into the third “i”-space of universe; and, the second choice is going into the first “i”-space of universe, and, creating out the space-system of the – , of at the inner-position of the first “i”-space of universe. Clearly, this space-system of the – in the first “i”-space of universe, is just the “other half of 3-dimensional space” without holding the “i”, and math has no ability to express it, at the inner position of math system. Because of that, the source of the “i” is coming from the real-number of 3-dimensional space.
At the inner position of math system, the half of 3-dimensional space expressed by the “i”, and the half of 3-dimensional space expressed by the “- i”, are the same of the half of3-dimensional space, of being expressed by the “i”. Or, both the “i” and the “- i” are to show two different entering-port, of going from beginning-spot of the real-number of space, and into the ending-spot of the first “i”-space of universe, but, the difference of these two entering-ports can’t be identified.
According to the law of determination coming from the background, when the background of the second “i”-space of universe, is shown, then, it is able to make the“i” being the pointer of direction of going from the beginning-spot of the real-number of 3-dimensional space, and touching the ending-spot of the first “i”-space of universe; and further, it is able to make the“- i” being the pointer of direction of going from the beginning-spot of the first “i”-space of universe, and touching the ending-spot of the real-number of 3-dimensional space.
And further, the space system of the – of going from the second “i”-space of universe, into the first “i”-space of universe, is just the original creation spot of creating out the “- i”, and without any relation of the real-number of 3-dimensional space. Or, it is the difference-effect between different time dimensions.
That is to say, there is the existence of the equal-relation, “- i” = “i”, and, it is to show the existence of the central-dogma of universe-vertical. But, the math-expression does not agree with this equal-relation, and, it is just fitting the law of half-eye blind conservation. Because of that, if it is agreeing with the equal-relation of “- i” = “i”, then, the mind at the inner position of selfish triangle, has no ability to run. This is just the problem of Riemann’s Hypothesis. And then, it is just for zombie, to create out the original creation spot of creating out the connection-method of anus-mouth, and, being defined into the angel-particle by zombie. Because of that, the other half of 3-dimensional space is shown as the existence of the other time-dimension, and fitting the existence of the special relativity of Einstein.
依据,“- i” = “i”,的存在性,第一,要证明黎曼猜想,必须引入物理属性;第二,在数学范围内部,无法证明黎曼猜想。因为,等式“- i” = “i”,的物理含义,表达的是空间极点,也就是两个不同三维空间的二像性边界,也就是互反二像性。
According to the existence of the equal-relation of “- i” = “i”, then, No.1, to prove the Riemann’s Hypothesis, there must be taking the physical property; No.2, at the inner position of math-scope, there is no ability to prove the Riemann’s Hypothesis. Because of that, the physical meaning of the equal-relation of “- i” = “i”, is just the space-pole, or, it is the duality-boundary between two different 3-dimensional spaces, and, it is just the duality of being opposite with each other.
According to the background of the universe three “i”-space, and, observing the first “i”-space of universe, there are two space-poles. The first space-pole is according to the real-number of space being the beginning-spot, and according to the first “i”-space of universe being the ending-spot; the second space-pole is according to the second “i”-space of universe being the beginning-spot, and according to the first “i”-space of universe being the ending-spot.
那么,宇宙第一“i”空间的另外半边三维空间,就是,rel质子(原子核外表面)电子rel => 原子结构稳定性与元素周期表的构成。
那么,天威定律,就是依据宇宙第三“i”空间作为起点,依据宇宙第二“i”空间作为终点的空间极点,也就是说,天威定律,是 的起源点。有人说,这是宇宙奇异点,并创生宇宙大爆炸。
那么,依据天威定律作为背景,宇宙第二 “i”空间的物理含义,就是与实验结果匹配的暗物质;而宇宙第三“i”空间的物理含义,就是与实验结果匹配暗能量。也就是说,躲藏在哈勃定律背后的,就是能量收缩箭头指针。
According to the holographic property of space, the real-number of 3-dimensional space is also holding two space-poles. According to the real-number of 3-dimensional space being holding two space-poles, then, the physical meaning of the real-number of 3-dimensional space, is able to be fitted into the isolated magnetic-field. And then, the electron-electric-field is able to be fitted into half of 3-dimensional space of the first “i”-space of universe.
And then, the other half of 3-dimensional space of the first “i”-space of universe, is just fitting the, rel the proton(the outer surface of nucleus)the electron rel => the stability of atom and the creation of the periodic table of chemical elements.
That is to say, the magnetic field is connected with the light-track; and, the electron is of the tendency of going apart away from the light-track, and going into the connection with the asymptotic freedom.
And then, the second “i”-space of universe, is just the other-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom, or, being the dark-side of the 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom, or, being the area that the experimental pointer has no ability to touch.
That is to say, the physical beacon of the second “i”-space of universe, is just the unit cooperation pointer. And then, the physical beacon of the third “i”-space of universe, is just the pointer of the energy-shrinking.
And then, the law of God’s power is just the space-pole of according to the beginning-spot of the third “i”-space of universe, and, according to the ending-spot of the second “i”-space of universe. Or, the law of God’s power is just the original creation spot of creating out the . Someone said that, this is the singularity of universe, and creating out the big bang.
And then, according to the background of the law of God’s power, the physical meaning of the second “i”-space of universe, is just the dark-matter with fitting the experimental result; and, the physical meaning of the third “i”-space of universe, is just the dark-energy with fitting the experimental result. That is to say, hidden behind the Hubble’s law, it is just the pointer of the energy-shrinking.
对比,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,
和,rel 天威定律(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,之间的关系,
创生生命延续定向方向指针的源头是,第一,依据灭绝性,创生宇宙内部的绝对静止性;第二,依据天威定律连接的绝对静止性,以及,依据力定律指针连接的绝对静止性,来定义生命延续定向方向指针。第三,由此显现生命延续定向方向指针与灭绝性之间的共生共灭效应。可以表达为,rel 灭绝性(绝对静止性)生命延续定向方向指针 rel => 绝不同时。依据实验箭头指针作为背景,灭绝性与绝对静止性之间,没有任何差异。因此,实验箭头指针失效。
Comparing the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
With the, rel the law of God’s power(the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
The origin of creating out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is, No.1, according to the extinction property, to create out the absolute-static effect, of being relative to the inner position of universe; No.2, according to the connection between the law of God’s power and the absolute-static, and, according to the connection between the pointer of force law and the absolute-static, to define the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. No.3, and then, it is to show the effect of both the co-existence and co-disappearance, between the extinction-property and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, of being expressed as the, rel the extinction-property(the absolute-static)the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing rel => never simultaneous. And, according to the background of the experimental pointer, there is not any difference-effect between the extinction-property and the absolute-static. And then, the experimental pointer is losing the effectiveness.
And then, the physical meaning of the co-existence between the extinction-property and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the disappearance-state of the never simultaneous, or being the unique isolated time-dimension, or, being the controlling effect of coming from the anti-clockwise time dimension, or, being the controlling effect of coming from the life-instinct.
And then, the physical meaning of the co-disappearance between the extinction-property and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the showing-state of the never simultaneous, or being the simultaneous-existence of different time-dimensions. And, the physical meaning of the “simultaneous” in the simultaneous-existence of different time-dimensions, is just the absolute-static of being defined by the extinction-property. The absolute-static is forcing the different time-dimensions into the same unique time-dimension, and, creating out the effect of quantum super-position. One of the examples is that, the thinking is connected with the pointer of force law, through the fantasy, and the fantasy is just giving out the simultaneous-effect into different time-dimensions. And, the physical meaning of the simultaneous-existence of different time-dimensions, is just the physical disappearance-effect of the anti-clockwise time dimension, or, the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, has the ability to be connected with the 3-dimensional structure, with defining the existence of the partial-position of the universe, and, with creating out the effect of Einstein’s moon, and, with defining that, the moon of being controlled by God is going towards the other time-dimensions. And correspondently, the unique web system of fourth dimension is connected with the completed whole of universe, and with creating out the effect of the moon of being controlled by God.
The particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is just fixed on the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, and creating out the feeling-known of selfish triangle.
也就是说,依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
And then, according to the background of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, there must be going through the law of God’s power, to create out the reborn-state of mind thinking-ability. And, this is the law of volume conservation.
That is to say, according to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
It is to show of going through the law of God’s power, to be connected with the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is to show of going through the law of God’s power, to be connected with the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of life-instinct. Or, it is creating out the definer of defining be-alive.
Or, No.1, it is going through the law of trying conservation, to create out the reborn-state of mind thinking ability. No.2, it is going through the experimental pointer, to create out the reborn-state of mind thinking ability. No.3, in the quantum wave-function, it is the choice-direction of going into the Bohr’s barrel. No.4, it is according to the extinction-property being the definer, of defining the absolute-static. And, it is according to the background of the absolute-static, to create out the unique web system of fourth dimension. And, it is according to excreting away the extinction-property, to create out the effect of the far being the sequence and the near being chaos. No.5, and then, the absolute-static is just the second expression of the central scientific principle.
All the behaviors of zombie, are just replacing the absolute-static, and, this is the death conservation, and, this is the death-crime conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
对比,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,
和,rel 天威定律(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,之间的关系,
Comparing the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
With the, rel the law of God’s power(the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
The particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, must be going through the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, to touch the reborn-state of mind thinking-ability. Or, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, must be going through the pointer of the fixed direction of life-instinct, to touch the reborn-state of mind thinking-ability. This is just creating out the definer of defining be-alive.
把灭绝性作为上帝控制的月亮,或者,把绝对静止性作为上帝控制的月亮,那么,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为一个完整体,就是爱因斯坦月亮。
Keeping the extinction-property into the position of the moon of being controlled by God, or, keeping the absolute-static into the position of the moon of being controlled by God, then, the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter, being a completed-body, is just the Einstein’s moon.
In the same way, keeping the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking ability into the position of the Einstein’s moon, then, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just holding the position of the moon of being controlled by God.
The definer of defining the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the pair of the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law. The pointer of force law is connected with the selfish triangle, and, being connected with the equivalent between the sightline and the structure. Then, it is just squeezing the meaning of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, into the position of the isolated of the law of God’s power.
Applying the law of God’s power to create out the reborn-state of the mind thinking-ability, it is just the science, and it is just the law of volume conservation.
That is to say, the life-continuing of human life, is just touched through the volume-property. And, the way of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just destroying the volume-property.
And then, according to the expression-shape, volume-property is just the life-continuing. And then, there must be applying the life-cost, to protect the volume-property. And, there must be the volume-property, and, there is no other choice.
This is not the problem of killing, and, this is the problem of large scale of killings, and, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
Both the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle are of only the ability, to be connected with the left-bracket of “(”, and, there is not the ability, to be connected with the right-bracket of “)”.
According to the beginning-spot of the left-bracket of “(”, and, going through the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, and, going through the first life-privacy-particle, it is connected with the life-instinct-beacon triangle.
The dark-side of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, is completely controlled by God, and, the experimental pointer has no ability to touch, and, the imagining ability of mind has no ability to touch also. The bright-side of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, is defined into the second layer of 2-dimensionsl sheet, of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, by the pair of the completeness of genome and the periodic table of chemical elements.
The completeness of genome is the definer of defining the bright-side of the second layer of 2-dimensionsl sheet, and it is to create out the growth-pointer of life; and, the periodic table of chemical elements is the definer of defining the dark-side of the second layer of 2-dimensionsl sheet, and it is creating out the returning effect of going back into the life-less property, and, being connected with the excreting system of the biological body.
The relation between the second layer of 2-dimensionsl sheet, and the bright-side, of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, is just the relation of being perpendicular with each other.
Or, it is just the central-dogma of universe vertical, to show one of the original creation spots of creating out the division-effect, between the RNA and the DNA. Or, it is the effect of automatic 3-dimensional volume. But, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, is to show the ability of universe, of applying the lifeless-property to create out the life-property.
The division-effect between the RNA and the DNA, is just to show the quantum super-position-cone. DNA is to show the vertex of this cone, to create the space-effect; and, RNA is to show the bottom-area of this cone, to create the time-effect. This division-cone between the DNA and the RNA, is just the structure of the holographic quantum-mutation effect, in the biological body of human life, and, it is just the mutation-effect between the space-effect and time-effect. And, all these structures are connected with the left-bracket of “(”, and, there is not the ability, to be connected with the right-bracket of “)”.
If the division-effect between the RNA and the DNA is the completed body, then, this completed body, is to show the vertex of the cone, and then, the biological body is just the bottom-area of this cone. And, this is also the quantum super-position-effect.
According to the background of the connection-tunnels of being connected with the pair of the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle, only the confessing membrane of being located at the outer position of outside this background, has the ability to be connected with the right-bracket of “)”, through the selfish triangle. But, the confessing membrane has no ability to be connected with the left-bracket of “(”. And, the confessing membrane is just the continuing-state of continuing the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and it is just creating out the virtual-life.
The pair of the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle, No.1, must be going through the growth-pointer of biological body between the confessing membrane and the completeness of genome, to touch the selfish triangle; No.2, must be going through the Einstein’s moon, to be connected with the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, and then, it must be going through the sightline, to be connected with the selfish triangle. No.3, and then, there must be going through the selfish triangle of creating out the thinking, and creating out the naming-ability, and then, the naming-ability is connected with the right-bracket of “)”.
也就是说,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,是宇宙直径的表达形态。但是,这个表达形态,是没有表达形态的表达形态。因为,生命本能循环三角形的背暗面,是上帝的完整控制性,背后通往宇宙整体。这是任何表达形态无法表达的。
第二表达含义连接通道,是寄生在rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,之上;
That is to say, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter, is the expression-shape of expressing the universe-diameter. But, this expression-shape is the shape of holding not the expression-shape. Because of that, the dark-side of the life-instinct-beacon triangle is the effect of being completely controlled by God, and, going towards the completed universe. And, any expression-shape has no ability to express this shape.
And then, at the inner position of universe, the unique isolated expression-shape of expressing the universe-diameter, is just the thinking-extinction triangle of being created out by zombie. And, it is going through the four tunnels of holding triple-strictures, to create out the connection between the meaning and the expression of expressing the universe-diameter. This is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction in deliberate way, with holding the death conservation, and holding the death-crime conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The first connection-tunnel of meaning-expression, is the self-existence of the thinking-extinction triangle.
The second connection-tunnel of meaning-expression, is parasitic in the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter.
The third connection-tunnel of meaning-expression, is going through connection between the death-boundary and the universe-prison-ball of zombie, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction, in deliberate way.
The fourth connection-tunnel of meaning-expression, is just according to the fourth dimensional property, of being shown as what zombie had said of entering the peak of ox-horn, and then, to occupy the top-summit of science, and, applying the top-summit of science to pretend God.
These four connection-tunnels of meaning-expression, are focused into the unique isolated tunnel, and, this tunnel is just shown as the natural measured property of the fourth dimension, and it is just the extinction-completeness. The detailed mechanism-procedure of driving humankind into the extinction, is just applying the pointer of feeding-humankind, to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, of humankind. Or, it is just replacing the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of life-instinct of humankind.
This is just driving the life-instinct circulation of humankind into the completed extinction. Or, it is making the completed division-effect between the life-instinct circulation and the life-habit circulation.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,生命延续定向方向指针的表达形态或者感受知道连接性,是大脑想法能力失效守恒粒子。这是人类整体的完整灭绝性。
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
The expression-shape of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or the connection-shape of being connected with the feeling-known, is shown as the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. This is extinction property of the completed humankind.
That is to say, there must be applying the extinction-property of being controlled by God, or, applying the extinction-property of being measured by God, to express the meaning of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing can’t be expressed by every existence-structure or by all the existence-structures. And further, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing can’t be expressed by any language-symbol totally.
That is to say, there must be the law of killing conservation, to express the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, there must be the law of the fixed sequence conservation trough killing, to express the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, it is according to the law of original creation of universe, to create out the 3-dimensional structure.
According to the background of the universe 8-poles, the universe-principle of excreting away the extinction-property, is just the anti-clockwise time dimension. In the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter, the universe-diameter-principle of excreting away the extinction-property, is just changing the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability into the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, it is changing the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability into the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of life-instinct.
That is to say, it is according to the volume-property of being measured by God, or, according to the connection with the moon of being controlled by God, to create out the connection-tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. And then, it is to show the structural existence-shape of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, with fitting the law of direction-expression. Or, it is just the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter. Or, it is just driving the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the universe, into the reappearance.
This type of transforming-effect between the effect of mind losing thinking-ability and the reborn-effect of mind thinking-ability, is just the mutation-effect between the space-dimension and the time-dimension. Or, it is just the holographic quantum-mutation effect. And the meaning is the original creation of creating out the feeling-known.
The holographic quantum-mutation effect, is just the mutation effect between the time-dimension and the space-dimension. And then, it is creating out different quantum-effects and mutation-effects, of being connected with different types of the experimental pointers. Or, it is going through the mutation-effect to create out the connection between the whole and the partial, with fitting the law of division between the whole and the partial. Clearly, it is including the mutation-effect between life property and lifeless property. And then, the holographic quantum-mutation-effect is just the original creation spot of creating out the near-science. And, including the already found achievements of near-science, and, including the future-achievements of the near-science that have not been found, all are focused into the holographic quantum-mutation effect.
That is to say, the lifeless-pole of the holographic quantum-mutation effect is just the law of God’s power; and, the life-pole of the holographic quantum-mutation effect is just the pointer of force law.
The holographic quantum-mutation effect, is just the definer, of defining the gap-area between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law. And then, the holographic quantum-mutation effect, is just the expression-shape of expressing the universe-diameter. But, the holographic quantum-mutation effect, is the expression-shape of without holding the expression-shape. Or, there is only the meaning, but, without holding the expression. Or, this is the situation of holding only the meaning, but without holding the feeling-known. Because of that, the connection between the meaning and the expression, is just according to the extinction-property, to create out the central scientific principle, and then, to create out the unique web system of fourth dimension.
The holographic quantum-mutation effect is also one of the original creation spots of creating out the zombie’s connection-method of anus-mouth. This is driving humankind into extinction in deliberate way, and holding the death conservation, and holding the death-crime conservation.
There must be according to the background of the extinction-property, and, there must be according to the central scientific principle being the duality-tunnel between transporting the extinction-property and excreting away the extinction property, to create out the unique web system of fourth dimension. And then, it is according to the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, to express the holographic quantum-mutation effect.
And then, No.1, there must be the already completed-enough of the near-science, especially the already completed-enough of the near-physics, to support the existence of the unique web system of fourth dimension, and fitting both the already-existence and the eternal unchangeable of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. That is to say, the relation between the extinction-property and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the relation of co-existence and co-disappearance, and, with the effect of creating out the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. And it is to fit this type of effect of that, the humankind has no eligibility to understand what the original creation of creating out human life is.
No.2, the existence of the unique web system of fourth dimension, is totally the same with the property of the central scientific principle. Both are all connected with the duality-tunnel of between the connection with the extinction-property and excreting away the extinction-property.
No.3, the duality-tunnel of between the connection with the extinction-property and excreting away the extinction-property, is creating out the first result-effect, of changing the pair of opposite directions, into the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of immune-mutation effect. Or simply, the immune-mutation effect is just changing the pair of opposite directions, into the single direction. Or, it is just creating out the mutation-division-effect between the extinction-property and the existence-property. This type of relation between the extinction-property and the existence-property, is just the same property-going-through-tunnel with the double layers structure, between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God. And, it is just creating out all the physical effects at the inner position of universe. Or, the immune-mutation effect is the original creation spot of creating out all the physical properties. And, the immune-mutation-effect is connected with the quantum effect.
No.4, pretending the unique web system of fourth dimension, is just changing the effect of both co-existence and co-disappearance, between the extinction-property and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, into the extinction-state. That is to say, it is just changing the “humankind has no ability to understand what the original creation procedure of creating out the human life is”, into the, “humankind has the ability to know what the original creation procedure of creating out the human life is”. And, this is the very secret tunnel of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, and being shown as the shape of the savior of saving humankind. Except driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, there is no other meaning, and, there is no eligibility of life, and, there is no eligibility of using money, and it is death conservation, and it is death-crime conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The holographic quantum-mutation effect, is the definer of defining the gap-area, between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, and, there must be going through the unique web system of fourth dimension, of being located in the extinction-background, to give out the connection between the meaning and the expression, or, to give out the connection between the meaning and the feeling-known. That is to say, the holographic quantum-mutation effect, is just the universe fifth force, or being the universe covalent-bond, and being also the connection tunnel between the life-property and lifeless-property, and, creating out the interaction between the thinking and the universe.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
对比,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道中,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
At the inner position of the fifth universe, the holographic quantum-mutation effect is fixed in the gap-area between the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, and, it is just the natural measured property of the duality of space-time, or, it is the natural measured property of the duality of particle-direction, and, with holding the initialized expression-shape being just the gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the naming-ability.
Because of that, the left-bracket of “(” , is just the partial expression-shape in the expression-shape of cosmic fulcrum, with holding the connection-tunnel of being connected with the feeling-known, and then, being just the Einstein’s moon.
Comparing with that, the double layers structure of being made up of both the Einstein’s moon and the law of God’s power, is just the double layers structure of being made up of both the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, and, comparing with that, the connection-tunnel between the naming ability and the pointer of force law, is just existence of selfish triangle.
That is to say, according to the central-background of the Einstein’s moon, the double layers structure of both the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, is to express a unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, of being the connection-tunnel between the fifth universe and the fourth universe. And then, the gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the selfish triangle, is just the opposite pointer of the fixed direction, of being the connection-tunnel between the fifth universe and the sixth universe.
And then, it is creating out the effect of the feeling-known. And, this effect of feeling-known, is just the ability of selfish triangle to express the single-dimensional math-axle. And further, the origin-dot of this single-dimensional math-axle, is just the Einstein’s moon. That is to say, hidden behind the origin-dot of math-axle, it is just the moon of being controlled by God. That is to say, the math can’t be used into replacing the near-science, but, the math is the expression-tool of expressing the near-science.
Comparing with that, in the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
the right-bracket of “)” is the naming-ability. And then, at the inner position of the bracket of “()”, the universe-position of being held by the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just after the existence of the naming-ability, to create out the isolated meaning-pointer. Clearly, between the isolated meaning-pointer and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, it is creating out the pair of opposite directions.
Or, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the negative meaning-pointer; and, the isolated meaning-pointer is the negative pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. That is to say, according to the disappearance-situation of the expression-shape of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, it is just creating out the isolated meaning-pointer. Or, the original creation spot of creating out the isolated meaning-pointer, is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And then, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just the pointer-beacon of life-instinct.
That is to say, according to the background of the completed universe, the gap-area between the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing and the isolated meaning-pointer, is just creating out the situation of the pair of opposite directions. But, according to the background of the 3-dimensional stable structure of the earth surface, it is changing the pair of opposite directions, into the unique isolated direction of the isolated meaning-pointer. This is just the effect of that, the law of determination coming from background and the effect of background-transformation can’t be divided apart away. And, this is just the far-physics.
And further, the gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, is just the quantum wave-function. And, the gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the selfish triangle, is just the naming ability, and, being just the right-bracket of “)” , and to show the meaning of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking ability, through the isolated meaning-pointer. That is to say, according to the central-background of the Einstein’s moon, the relation between the quantum wave-function and the naming-ability, is just the pair of opposite directions, and, it is just pair of opposite directions with the Einstein’s moon being the central-dot, or, it is just pair of opposite directions with the math-dot being the central-dot, with holding the property of the single dimensional math-axle.
That is to say, the naming-ability is the pointer of pointing towards the Bohr’s cost, and, being cut down by the Bohr’s cost, and then, being changed into the right-bracket of “)”. And, it is just squeezing the right-bracket of “)” into the position of the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost. And then, it is just squeezing the left-bracket of “(” into the position of the Bohr’s barrel. Or, it is just squeezing the Einstein’s moon into the position of the Bohr’s barrel. And then, it is just to show, the situation of changing the meaning-pointer into the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, being changed into the situation of, changing the meaning-pointer into the pointer-law of the fixed direction conservation of Bohr’s barrel, in mutation way. And this mutation way is just correspondent to the Planck constant. Or, it is just applying the pointer-law of fixed direction conservation of Bohr’s barrel, to replace the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and with the physical meaning being that, it is just applying the experimental pointer to pick out the inspiration. Or, the unit cooperation pointer is just the expression-shape, of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
And then, when the pointer-law of the fixed direction conservation of the Bohr’s barrel is changed into the unit cooperation pointer, then, it is just squeezing the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, into the pointer of the energy-shrinking. And then, the pointer of the energy-shrinking is just the disappearance-spot conservation of the naming ability at the inner position of universe. Or, it is just connected with the far-physics. And, the relation between the pointer of energy-shrinking and the unit cooperation pointer, is just the anti-clockwise time dimension. Or, the relation between the Bohr’s cost and the Bohr’s barrel, is just the relation between the pointer of energy-shrinking and the unit cooperation pointer.
According to the background of the fifth universe, the left-bracket of “(” is just the civilization-principle-section; and, the right-bracket of “)” is just the money-section. Clearly, the money-section is the limited edge of the naming-ability, and the civilization-principle-section is just the limited edge of the Einstein’s moon.
Adding the background of the universe 8-poles, and, according to the beginning-spot of the Einstein’s moon, and, according to the ending-spot of the civilization-principle-section, it is to show situation of that, according to the beginning-spot of the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, to create out the asymptotic freedom of fifth universe, and, it is creating out the Planck constant of the fifth universe. According to the beginning-spot of the naming-ability, and, according to the ending-spot of the money-section, it is to show situation of that, according to the beginning-spot of the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, to create out the light-track of fifth universe, and, it is creating out the principle of the constant speed of light in the fifth universe.
对比,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道中,
Comparing with that, in the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter,
According to the beginning-spot of the Einstein’s moon, or, according to the left-bracket of “(” being the beginning-spot, and, according to the civilization-principle-section being the ending-spot, this is going along the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, to create out both the asymptotic freedom and the Planck constant in the fifth universe. Or, it is just transporting the definer of defining be-alive, or, it is creating out the second life-tunnel at the inner position of the fifth universe. Or, it is creating out the metabolism of the fifth universe, or, it is changing the duality of space-time into the unique time-dimension at the inner position of the fifth universe. Or, it is just changing the duality of space-time into the mass of near-physics.
依据命名能力作为起点,或者,依据右边括号 “)” 作为起点,并且,依据货币截面作为终点,这是沿着逆时针旋转时间维度的上半区,创生第五宇宙的光子轨道与光速不变原理。也就是传送生命含义定义器,也就是把生命含义定义器变成第五宇宙内部的选择极,也就是创生第五宇宙内部的第一生命通道,也就是创生第五宇宙的免疫优先守恒定律,也就是把时空二像性变成第五宇宙唯一的三维空间,也就是把时空二像性变成近程物理的能量。
According to the naming-ability being the beginning-spot, or, according to the right-bracket of “)” being the beginning-spot, and, according to the ending-spot of the light-track, this is going along the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, to create out the light-track or the principle of the constant speed of light, at the inner position of fifth universe. Or, it is just transporting the definer of defining life. Or, it is just changing the definer of defining life, into the choice pole, at the inner position of the fifth universe. Or, it is creating out the first life-tunnel at the inner position of the fifth universe. Or, it is creating out the law of immune-first, at the inner position of the fifth universe. Or, it is just changing the duality of space-time into the unique 3-dimensional space of the fifth universe. Or, it is just changing the duality of space-time into the energy of the near-physics.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
The physical meaning of the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter, is just the fifth force of the universe. And, the three definers of creating out the fifth force of the universe, or, the original creation spot of creating out the fifth force of the universe are,
The first definer is just the law of God’s power, with the meaning of that, when selfish triangle thinks it being the existence, the God thinks it being the inexistence; when selfish triangle thinks it being the inexistence, the God thinks it being the existence.
The second definer is the pointer of force law, with the meaning of that, all the physical forces at the inner position of universe must be going apart away from the pointer of force law.
The third definer is that, the death boundary and the selfish triangle are shown as the double tunnels of the singularity of the unique web system of fourth dimension. Or, it is connected with the effect of PAN-GU. Or, it is connected with the effect of gravity oscillating.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
And, according to the background of the effect of the physical forces, both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law are all located at the outer positions of outside the scope of four physical forces, and, holing the tunnel of going towards the extinction-property. And, according to the extinction-property, it is defining both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law into two different physical absolute-static spots. The physical meaning of the physical absolute-static, is just the connection with the extinction-property. Every existence and all the existences at the inner position of universe, have no ability to change the extinction-property, and then, it is creating out the natural measured property of the physical absolute-static.
But, the gap-area between the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, is the constant moving area, or, being the area of the physical absolute-moving.
The definer of defining the moving-track of the left-bracket of “(”, is just the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, and, it to show the track of according to the beginning-spot of the Einstein’s moon, and, according to the ending-spot of the civilization-principle-section.
The definer of defining the moving-track of the right-bracket of “)”, is just the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, and, it is to show the track of according to the beginning-spot of the naming-ability, and, according to the ending-spot of the money-section.
The two moving tracks are noting the relation between the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, into the closed circle-line. And, it is to show the largest scope of both the 3-dimensional structure and the moving-track, at the inner position of the fifth universe. Or, it is just the quantum-line of being made up of both the constant speed of light and the Planck constant. And, it is the quantum-line of defining the eternal moving. There is only the moving, and there is no static. And, the physical meaning is just going apart away from the extinction-property, and defining the extinction-property into the inexistence.
因此,依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
And then, according to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
The closed situation of the two elements made up of both the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, is just the completed circle-line, of expressing the physical meaning of the largest scope of 3-dimensional structure. And then, it is shown as the original creation spot of creating out the 3-dimension. And, the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the 3-dimensional structure, is just according to the absolute-static of being defined by the extinction-property, to excrete away the extinction-property, and then to create out the 3-dimensional stable structure. And then, the meaning of the 3-dimensional stability is just that, there is only the moving, and there is no static. And then, it is just creating out the half of Galileo’s relativity, and it is creating out the existence-basis of the three laws of Newton.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
The closed situation of the two elements made up of both the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)” is, No.1, going along a circle-line of being connected with the feeling-known; No.2, to be shown as the situation of eternal spinning; No.3, and, the direction of this eternal spinning, is just the anti-clockwise time dimension, and, going through the tunnel of property going through everywhere, to be connected with the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and creating out the connection between the space and the time. The connection between the space and the time, is just the duality of space-time. And, No.4, the physical meaning of the anti-clockwise time dimension is just the quantum self-spin effect of (+1/2,-12).
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
The closed situation of the two elements made up of both the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)” is just creating out the circle-line with the single direction of spinning. And, it is just defining the eternal-moving of 3-dimensional structure, and, it is defining the scope of the near-physics, and, it is just defining the scope of the near-science. Or, the fixed star is of the tendency of going beyond the near-physics.
According to the background of the closed situation of the two elements made up of both the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, this closed situation must be connected with the law of God’s power, and also, this closed situation must be connected with the pointer of force law at the same time.
That is to say, according to the background of the closed situation of the two elements made up of both the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, it is shown as the shape of the universe-diameter. But, this is the situation of only holding the shape, but without holding the meaning.
Adding the extinction background at the position of hidden behind both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, this is the way of defining the absolute-static property of both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law. The physical meaning of adding the extinction-background, is to show the completed extinction situation of the completed inner universe. Or, the universe has already been inexistence.
According to the background of that, the universe has already been inexistence, the extinction-property must be going towards the outer position of outside the universe, and going through the existence of God, to keep the existence of the extinction-background.
According to the extinction-background of being located at the outer position of outside the universe, both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, are to show the original creation short-cutting-spots, of creating out the universe with according to the extinction-state being background. The physical meaning is that, No.1, the pointer of force law is original creation spot of creating out the fantasy structure at the inner position of universe; and the physical meaning of fantasy structure is to show the universe creating out the human life finally, at the inner position of universe;
No.2, and then, the fantasy structure is the definer of defining the position of inner universe. And, it is to define that, the universe has ability to create out the life. The law of God’s power is the definer of defining the inner position of Galileo’s room, at the inner position of universe. And, all the tunnels of being connected with the fantasy structure, will drive all the tunnels of being connected with the law of God’s power, into the extinction-state. And it is to show the ability of being held after the creation of human life. And then, all the experimental results have no ability to touch the inner position of Galileo’s room. Or, the fantasy is to show the ability of defining the inner position of universe, through destroying all the tunnels of being connected with the law of God’s power.
No.3, the first half-area is that, the original creation short-cutting-mechanism of creating out the inner structure of universe, is according to the beginning-spot of the inner position of Galileo’s room, to create out the Galileo’s room; the second half-area is according to the beginning-spot of the Galileo’s room, to create out the life. And, it is going through the structure of life, to be connected with the pointer of force law.
That is to say, when the extinction-background is shown, and, according to the original creation short-cutting-mechanism of creating out the universe, there are two beacon-spots being able to be shown at the inner position of universe; the first beacon-spot is that, the universe-diameter of being made up of the connection between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, is to show the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, and, it is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And, the definer of defining this fixed direction, is just the extinction-property.
The second beacon-spot is that, the inner position of universe has the ability to create out the life, and, the near-physical beacon-spot conservation of the ability of universe creating out the life, is just the mutual-spin of weight-supporting.
The plant is the edge of life, and, the meaning of weight is just the structure-body of the plant, and, the meaning of supporting is to show the tunnel of quantum-line between the attracting nutrition and the fruit-dropping.
That is to say, when the extinction-background is shown, and, according to the original creation short-cutting-mechanism of creating out the universe, there are only two beacons at the inner position of universe. The first beacon is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and, it is the existence of according to the physical meaning of the absolute-static, of being held by both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law. And then, the physical meaning of the absolute-static, is just excreting away the extinction-property, and creating out the initialized beacons at the inner position of universe. Or, it is creating out the boundary-meaning between the inner universe and the outer universe.
The second beacon is just the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, and, it is to show that, when the inner position of universe has been the completed-extinction, then, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting is the unique existence-spot of holding the observing ability, that is kept at the inner position of universe. And the physical meaning is that, No.1, the universe has the ability to create out the life; and, No.2, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting is the definer of defining the inner position of universe. No.3, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting with holding the ability of observer, is just of the meaning of the ability of universe creating out the life.
When the extinction-background is the definer of defining the absolute-static of both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, then, according to the property of eternal-moving, in the background of 3-dimensional stability of being made up of the two elements of both the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, it is creating out the effect of feeling-known. And, according to the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, this effect of feeling-known will be connected with the selfish triangle finally.
The first feeling-known of this effect of feeling-known is that, the extinction-property is the third existence of beside both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law. The second feeling-known is that, when the third existence is connected with the law of God’s power, it is to show the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the law of God’s power, and then, there is no ability to show the pointer of force law. The third feeling-known is that, when the third existence is connected with the pointer of force law, it is to show the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the pointer of force law, and then, there is no ability to show the law of God’s power.
The fourth feeling-known is that, when the 3-dimensional stable structure is the background, then, there is no ability to known the existence of the extinction-property. And, when the extinction-property is the background, there is no ability to show the background of 3-dimensional stability. This is just the mutation-effect between the near-effect and the far-effect. Or, when the near-effect is the sequence, the far-effect is the chaos; when the far-effect is the sequence, the near-effect is the chaos.
The fifth feeling-known is that, when the extinction-background is disappeared, then, there will be the chance to create out the background of 3-dimensional stable structure. And then, according to the memory of coming from the extinction-background, the 3-dimensional stable structure is located in the gap-area between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law. Or, it is just creating out the universe-diameter.
The sixth feeling-known is that, in the shape of the universe-diameter, the extinction-background is giving out the feeling-known-effect into the 3-dimensional stable background, and this feeling-known-effect is that, the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law can’t be the existence simultaneously. Or, in the connection-background of between the 3-dimensional structure and the feeling-known, both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, are to show the existence of different time dimension. And then, the extinction property is giving out the third time dimension. And, the third time dimension is the eternal absolute inexistence. When the third time dimension is going into the connection with the feeling-known, the feeling-known is going into the extinction-state.
因此,第七知道是,依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
The seventh feeling-known is that, According to the background of the, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking-ability of the universe-diameter,
When the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law is creating out the universe-diameter, the closed shape of the gap-area between the left-bracket of “(” and the right-bracket of “)”, is shown as eternal spinning of circle-line. when it is according to the background of the eternal spinning of circle-line, and going along the direction of universe-diameter, or, going along the direction of being perpendicular to the circle-line, the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law can’t be the existence simultaneously. And, this situation of never simultaneous is the definer of defining the eternal spinning of circle-line, into the 2-dimensional sheet. When the bright-side is connected with the law of God’s power, then, the dark-side is connected with the pointer of force law; when the bright-side is connected with the pointer of force law, then, the dark-side is connected with the law of God’s power. But, there is the extinction-property being hidden behind it, and without the ability to know.
And further, the never simultaneous between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, is just the driving power to drive the circle-line into the eternal spinning. Or, the existence of different time-dimensions, is just the driving power to drive the circle-line into the eternal spinning. That is to say, the never simultaneous of different time-dimensions, is just the original creation spot of creating out both the energy and the momentum. But, the single time dimension is the original creation spot of creating out the mass.
生命延续定向方向指针的物理含义,就是依据第四维度定向方向指针,或者,依据把互反方向对变换成为唯一孤立定向方向指针,或者, 依据把磁量子效应变换成为其他三个量子效应,并且,依据宇宙起源定律,最终创生三维结构。
或者,依据宇宙直径定向方向指针,或者,依据把互反方向对变换成为唯一孤立定向方向指针,或者, 依据把磁量子效应变换成为其他三个量子效应,并且,依据宇宙起源定律,最终创生三维结构。
When the step of human life is entering the mutual-spin of the Bohr’s barrel and the Einstein’s pain, it is meeting the extinction-property at front. Facing the background of the extinction, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is the unique isolated unique-beacon of both facing-extinction and life-continuing. And, it is also the fourth dimensional weapon-conservation of being used into killing the zombie down.
But, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, being the unique-beacon of the life-continuing of human life, is, No.1, the duality-connection-situation between the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability and the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing; No.2, only holding the meaning and without holding the feeling-known, or, only holding the meaning and without holding the expression. No.3, this is the meaning-explanation of the particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking-ability, and, being also the original creation spot of creating out the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability.
The physical meaning of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just according to the pointer of the fixed direction of the fourth dimension, or, according to transforming the pair of opposite directions into the unique pointer of the fixed direction, or, according to transforming the magnetic quantum effect into the other three quantum effects, and, according to the law of the original creation of universe, then, to create out the 3-dimensional structure finally.
Or, according to the pointer of the fixed direction of the universe-diameter, or, according to transforming the pair of opposite directions into the unique pointer of the fixed direction, or, according to transforming the magnetic quantum effect into the other three quantum effects, and, according to the law of the original creation of creating out the universe, then, to create out the 3-dimensional structure finally.
就是,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道。
或者,rel 天威定律(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道。
或者,rel 活命含义定义器(生命延续定向方向指针)生命含义定义器rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道。
或者,rel 活命含义定义器(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)生命含义定义器rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道。
The pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, being the unique-beacon of the life-continuing of human life, is just the duality-connection-situation with the particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking-ability. And then, there must be the reborn-tunnel of the mind-thinking-ability, to face the extinction-property, and, to continue the step of the life-continuing of human life.
The first reborn-tunnel of mind thinking ability, is just the connection between the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing and the law of God’s power. Or, it is the connection-tunnel between the fixed direction of life-continuing and the definer of defining be-alive.
The second reborn-tunnel of mind thinking ability, is just the connection between the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing and the pointer of force law. Or, it is the connection-tunnel between the fixed direction of life-continuing and the definer of defining life.
Applying the cosmic-fulcrum to express,
It is, rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter;
Or, rel the law of God’s power(the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter;
Or, rel the definer of defining be-alive (the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing) the definer of defining life rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter;
Or, rel the definer of defining be-alive (the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability) the definer of defining life rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter.
就是,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道。
或者,rel 天威定律(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道。
或者,rel 活命含义定义器(生命延续定向方向指针)生命含义定义器rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道。
或者,rel 活命含义定义器(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)生命含义定义器rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道。
The reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter, is just the universe-diameter, or, being the fourth dimension. But, it is only holding the meaning, without holding the feeling-known. Because of that, this is just the original creation tunnel of creating out the connection-effect between the selfish triangle and feeling-known.
This is the physical-principle of the extinction-property driving the existence-property into the extinction. And, this is the physical-principle of the moon of being controlled by God driving the Einstein’s moon into the extinction, or, being the original creation spot of creating out the Einstein’s pain. Or, this is just the method of zombie driving human kind into the extinction. Or, this is just the method of the negative universe-diameter driving universe-diameter into the extinction.
At the inner position of universe, the unique isolated expression of expressing the universe-diameter, or, the unique isolated expression of expressing the fourth dimension, is just the thinking-extinction triangle, with holding either the feeling-known or the meaning. This is just the original creation spot of creating out the corpse-thinking in corpse-mind, with holding the extinction-property. And, this is driving humankind into the extinction in deliberate way.
依据,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to teh rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter, being the background,
The left-bracket of “(”, is just the first reborn-tunnel of mind thinking ability, or, being the tunnel of the law of volume-conservation, or, being the tunnel of life-continuing conservation. Or, it is just the Einstein’s moon.
The right-bracket of “)”, is just the second reborn-tunnel of mind thinking ability, or, being the tunnel of life-respecting conservation. Or, it is just the ability of naming of the selfish triangle.
天威定律连接到上帝控制的月亮。那么,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道中,爱因斯坦月亮就是,天威定律与生命延续定向方向指针之间的混合物。那么,rel 天威定律(大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道中,爱因斯坦月亮就是,天威定律与大脑想法能力丧失守恒粒子之间混合物。
表达为,rel 上帝控制的月亮(量子波函数)爱因斯坦月亮rel => 体积守恒定律的结构背景通道,并且,定位在,rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,的左边括号“(”上。
The meaning of the tunnel of the law of volume-conservation is, according to the background of the double layers structure of being made up of both the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, there must be penetrating through the Einstein’s moon, and touching the moon of being controlled by God.
The law of God’s power is connected with the moon of being controlled by God. And then, in the rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter, the Einstein’s moon is just the mixture between the law of God’s power and the pointer of the fixed direction of the life-continuing.
And then, in the rel the law of God’s power(the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter, the Einstein’s moon is just the mixture between the law of God’s power and the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability.
The gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, is just the pair of Bohr’s barrel and Bohr’s cost, or, being the quantum wave-function.
And it is expressed as, rel the moon of being controlled by God (quantum wave-function)Einstein’s moon rel => the background-tunnel of the law of volume-conservation, and, being located at the position of the left-bracket of “(” of the, rel law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing) the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of universe-diameter.
在rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道中,生命尊重守恒定律通道的物理轨迹是,第一层轨迹是命名指针,也就是语言支点与爱因斯坦月亮之间的连接性,也就是右边括号“)”;第二层轨迹,是语言支点连接到自私三角形;第三层轨迹自私三角形与生命含义定义器的连接性,也就是自私三角形与自私三角形的宇宙垂直边的连接性。
也就是说,在rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道中,生命尊重守恒定律通道的物理轨迹是,或者右边括号“)”,就是命名能力。并且,自私三角形的命名能力,语言支点,以及自私三角形的想法,构成的三层结构,定位在力定律指针的连接通道上。也就是第一想法能力复活通道,也就是生命尊重守恒通道。
In the, rel law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing) the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of universe-diameter, the physical-track of the life-respecting-tunnel is that, the first layer of track is the pointer of the naming-ability, or, being the connection between the Einstein’s moon and the language-fulcrum, or, being the right-bracket of “)”; the second layer of track is the connection between the language-fulcrum and the selfish triangle; the third layer of track is the connection between the selfish triangle and the definer of defining life, or, being the connection between the selfish triangle and the universe-vertical edge.
The selfish triangle includes two bevel-edges and single universe-vertical edge. The universe-vertical edge is just the edge-tunnel between the confessing membrane and the pointer of force law, or, being the tunnel of transforming the constant-speed of light into the definer of defining life.
That is to say, in the rel the law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing)the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of the universe-diameter, the physical track of the tunnel of the law of life-respecting conservation, or the right-bracket “)”, is just the naming-ability. And, the naming ability of the selfish triangle, the language fulcrum, and the thinking in selfish triangle, are creating out the triple layers of structure, and, being located at the connection-tunnel of being connected with the pointer of force law, and, being just the first reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability, or, being the tunnel of life-respecting conservation.
依据rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing) the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of universe-diameter,
It is the ability to take the help of the power of God, to show corpse-thinking in the corpse-mind, and a verity of zombie’s techs. This is the effect of the fourth dimensional aiming-sight.
The pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, or, being the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of life-instinct, and, with only holding the meaning, but, without holding the feeling-known. If applying the math-arrow to express the pointer of the fixed direction of universe-diameter, then, there is only the feeling-known, but, there is not the meaning.
At the inner position of the fifth universe, the space-location of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is shown as the gap-area, between the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section and the dark-side of the money-section. This is the effect of the space-time-transformation, or, being the uncertainty of space-time, and to show the effect of holding only the meaning but without holding the feeling-known.
That is to say, the life-meaning of the space-time, is just creating out the feeling-known. Or, the original creation spot of creating out the feeling-known, is just the space-time, or, it is the law of the original creation of creating out the feeling-known. When the time and the space are divided apart away from each other, then, it is just according to the law of determination coming from the background, and, according to the law of direction-expression, to creating out the feeling-known of selfish triangle.
Or, according to the background of the space-dimension, and, according to cutting down the time-dimension, it is just creating out the quantum-vessel of feeling-known, and to be shown as the mutual-spin of dot-background. And, the dot-state is connected with the equivalent between the sightline and the structure.
That is to say, the shape of the 3-dimensional structure, is just cutting down the direction of time according to the law of direction-expression.
Or, at the inner position of the fifth universe, applying both the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section and the dark-side of the money-section, into the space-background, to cut down the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, and then, it is just creating out the 3-dimensional structure at the inner position of the fifth universe, and, going through the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, it is creating out the connection with the selfish triangle, and it is just creating out the feeling-known at the inner position of selfish triangle.
依据rel 天威定律(生命延续定向方向指针)力定律指针 rel => 宇宙直径大脑想法能力复活通道,作为背景,
According to the background of the, rel law of God’s power(the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing) the pointer of force law rel => the reborn-tunnel of the mind thinking ability of universe-diameter,
And, according to the direction of anti-clockwise time dimension, the left-bracket of “(” is just the original creation spot of creating out the time of the fifth universe.
And, according to the direction of anti-clockwise time dimension, the right-bracket of “)” is just the original creation spot of creating out the space of the fifth universe. The gap-area between the left-bracket of “(”and the right-bracket of “)”, is just duality of space-time, or, being the particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking-ability. Or, it is just the 3-dimensional space-structure of the fifth universe.
But, the law of God’s power is going through the civilization-principle-section, to be connected with the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, or, it is just giving out the unique time-dimension, for the 3-dimensional space-structure at the inner position of fifth universe. Or, it is just giving out the central-dogma of universe-vertical for the fifth universe. Or, it is giving out the near-physical-mass for the fifth universe.
And then, according to beginning-spot of the thinking-extinction triangle to create out the negative universe-diameter, it is just destroying both the space-dimension and the time-dimension at the inner position of fifth universe, or, it is just destroying the near-physical-mass at the inner position of fifth universe, and, this the physical meaning of the extinction-property.
The first vertex is the completed-shape of the periodic table of chemical elements; the second vertex is the completeness of genome; the third vertex is the mutual-spin of weight-supporting; these three vertexes are creating out the life-instinct-beacon triangle, with only the existence of life-instinct, and without the existence of life-habit.
That is to say, at here, there is the existence of the controlling-effect of being controlled by God. Any language symbol has no ability to change the meaning of being defined by God. Any language symbol has no ability to change the controlling-effect of being controlled by God. Any selfish triangle, has the ability to pick out the meaning of being defined by God, according to the volume-principle.
That is to say, the life-instinct-beacon triangle is the original creation spot of creating out the life-habit circulation. And then, the mechanism-track of creating out the life-habit is that,
The first layer of structure is just the life-instinct-beacon triangle, with the direction of going apart away from the fourth universe, and going into the sixth universe;
The second layer of structure is just the completeness of genome, and to show that, there is only the human life of holding the ability to go into the sixth universe in completed way, and, the animal life has no ability to go into the sixth universe in completed way;
The third layer of structure is the confessing membrane, and to show the 100% of the life-property of human life.
The fourth layer of structure is changing the principle of the constant-speed of light into the definer of defining life;
The fifth layer of structure is the connection of being connected with the pointer of force law, and to show the meaning of the completed universe, or, to show the property of the fourth dimension.
That is to say, the humankind has no ability to know what the original creation procedure of creating out the human life is. But, according to the completed-enough of the near-science, every selfish triangle has ability to know clearly, what the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the life-habit circulation of human person is. And, the relation between the known and the un-known, is just the relation between the quantum wave-function-petals and the quantum wave-gaps-tunnel, or, being the relation between the Bohr’s barrel and the Bohr’s cost.
Because of that, the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the life-habit circulation of human person is just the growth-pointer of life-continuing of the self-own of every selfish triangle.
And, the method of zombie driving humankind into the extinction, is just applying the connection-method of anus-mouth, to replace this original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the life-habit circulation. And, the natural measured fundamental basis-root of this method of replacing and destroying this original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the life-habit circulation, is just the gap-connection of quantum wave-function between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God. Or, it is creating out and using the effect of mind losing thinking-ability.
Because of that, according to the near-science, both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law are all the inexistence. But, both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law,are the moons of being controlled by God. And, the gap-meaning between the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section and the dark-side of money-section, or, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is just the unique isolated pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing of being defined out by the definer of being made up of both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law.
How does the science demonstrate out that, the life is not the existence? When the near-science demonstrates out that, the life is not the existence, then, zombie has the ability to use the connection-method of anus-mouth, to define the life-property, and to define the be-alive-property, and to do the planning-life and to do the planning-be-alive.
According to the researching-results of the near-science, the life is not the existence. Because of that, No1, the law of God’s power is not the existence; No.2, the pointer of force law is not the existence; No3, the pointer of the fixed direction of the life-continuing is not the existence; No.4, the confessing membrane is not the existence.
In the scope of the near-science, all are treating the life-less property into the existence of life-property, or, treating the 50% of life-property into 100% of the existence of life-property. And then, for the planning-life of zombie and for the planning-be-alive of zombie, the near-science said that, it has not been seen. This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large amount of killings, and, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
The universe-position of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is located at the gap-area between the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section and the dark-side of the money-section. Or, it is just the tangled situation of both the physical-moving-track of money-fluid and the physical-moving-track of biological body around the 3-dimensional structure of being connected with the mutual-spin of weight-supporting.
This type of tangled situation between different 3-dimensional structures, is just creating out the particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking-ability, in direct way. Because of that, the physical meaning of this tangled situation between different 3-dimensional structures, is just transporting the definer of defining be-alive, or, being shown as the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, being shown as the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of the life-instinct being the existence, or, it is just the math-arrow of the fixed direction of the universe-diameter. But, the near-science demonstrates all these being the inexistence. Be it the existence, or, be it the inexistence?
But, No.1, the natural measured property of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is only holding the meaning, but without the expression. Or, there is only the meaning, but, there is not the feeling-known. But, No.2, the math-arrow of the fixed direction of the universe-diameter, is only holding the feeling-known, but without holding the meaning. Or, there is only the expression, but, there is not the meaning. No.3, this is just the particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking-ability.
The reborn-situation of mind thinking-ability, must be relying on two poles. The first reborn-pole of mind thinking ability is the law of God’s power, and being connected with the definer of defining be-alive; the second reborn-pole of mind thinking ability is the pointer of force law, and, being connected with the definer of defining life.
也就是说, 毁灭人类生命的方法非常简单,就是用屁眼子嘴巴连接的方法,来替代生命属性,并替代活命属性。也就是说,毁灭人类生命的方法非常简单,就是用屁眼子嘴巴连接的方法,来制造计划生命,并制造计划活命。
But, according to the near-science, both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law are entirely the inexistence. Is there any experiment to prove the existence of the law of God’s power? Is there any experiment to prove the existence of the pointer of force law? The answer is definite, NO.
But, the definer of defining the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, is just according to the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, and, according to the ending-spot of the pointer of force law, to give out the definition. Or, the definer of defining the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of life-instinct, is just according to the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, and, according to the ending-spot of the pointer of force law, to give out the definition.
That is to say, according to that, the near-science defines both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law being entirely the inexistence, then; zombie has the ability to use the connection-method of anus-mouth, to destroy the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, zombie has ability to use the connection-method of anus-mouth, to destroy the pointer-beacon of the fixed direction of life-instinct.
That is to say, the way of destroying the human life is very easy. It is just applying the connection-method to replace both the life-property and be-alive-property. That is to say, the way of destroying the human life is very easy. It is just applying the connection-method to create out both the planning-life and planning-be-alive.
This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large amount of killings, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
The effectiveness of the connection-method of anus-mouth, is just coming from the double layers structure of being made up of both the Einstein’s moon and the noon of being controlled by God.
The physical meaning of Einstein’s moon, is just the connection with the feeling-known, and it is able to be called as the law of Einstein’s moon conservation, and being connected with every content in near-science and all contents in the near-science. Or, it is just the scope of experimental pointers have ability to touch.
The moon of being controlled by God, is just destroying the feeling-known constantly, or, there is only the far-science, and there is no near-science. Or, there is the existence that the experimental pointers have no ability to touch, or, it is the situation of destroying the experimental pointer constantly. Or, it is the connection with the extinction-property.
That is to say, at the inner position of the extinction-property, there must be the immune-effect of the completed universe. Otherwise, the universe has no ability to be the existence, and, the life has no ability to be the existence. That is to say, the experimental pointers have no ability to touch the immune-effect of the completed universe. And, the life-structure is connected with the immune-effect of the completed universe.
According to the near-physics, or, according to the near science, the moon of being controlled by God, is not the existence.
But, according to the beginning-spot of the moon of being controlled by God, and, according to the ending-spot of the Einstein’s moon, there is the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, and this is the pointer-law of the fixed direction of Bohr’s barrel.
That is to say, the moon of being controlled by God, is just the original creation spot of creating out the Bohr’s barrel. Or, the physical meaning of the Bohr’s barrel, is just the unit cooperation pointer, or, being the self-original sequence of going from the property to the rule and finally touching the function.
That is to say, according to researching the natural measured property, the science is the original creation spot of creating out the rule. Or, the science is the original creation spot of creating out the thinking-ability.
That is to say, the quantum wave-function is the isolated method, or being the isolated rule, and without the property, and also without the function. If the quantum wave-function is going apart away from the experimental pointer, then, the quantum wave-function is just the destroyer of destroying all the science. Or, if there is no Bohr’s barrel, then, the quantum wave-function is just the destroyer of destroying all the science.
That is to say, the quantum wave function is including the pair of opposite pointers of directions. One of the pointers of directions is going through Bohr’s barrel, to go towards the connection with 3-dimensional structure; and, the other pointer of direction is going through Bohr’s cost, to go towards the connection with the unique web system of fourth dimension. And, zombie’s universe-prison-ball, is just located at the position of pretending the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, the position of being connected with the Bohr’s cost. And further, the thinking-extinction triangle, is the unique isolated expression-shape of expressing the fourth dimension, at the inner position of universe.
That is to say, applying the quantum wave-function, it is able to drive the completed near-science into extinction. Or, it is the zombie to occupy the top-summit of science. This is just what zombie is doing at this time now.
That is to say, the quantum wave-function must be going into the Bohr’s barrel. And, this is the near-science, and this is the near-science.
That is to say, the quantum wave-function is only suitable to be used into the tech, and without the ability to express the science. Or, it is just the law of division conservation between the science and tech.
That is to say, in the gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, there is the pair of opposite directions. Or, it is to show the property of the magnetic quantum effect. And, the magnetic quantum effect is holding the extinction-property.
That is to say, in the gap-area of the double layers structure between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God,
No.1, according to the beginning-spot of the moon of being controlled by God, and, according to the ending-spot of Einstein’s moon, this is the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, or, it is the pointer-law of the fixed direction conservation of Bohr’s barrel;
No.2, according to the beginning-spot of Einstein’s moon, and, according to the ending-spot of the moon of being controlled by God, there is only the ability to be connected with the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost. The focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, is just the gap-area between different petals in the quantum wave-function, or, being shown as the gap-area between sight-angles. Or, according to the beginning-spot of Einstein’s moon, and, according to the ending-spot of the moon of being controlled by God, there is the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction. And the physical meaning of this unique isolated direction, is just applying the Einstein’s moon into the effect of experimental apparatus, to detect and to observe the moon of being controlled by God. And clearly, the unique isolated experimental result is just the law of division between the partial and the whole. That is to say, if applying the Einstein’s moon into the experimental apparatus, it must be applying the feeling-known into the background, and it is just to show the Einstein being the effect of the partial conservation, and then, the experimental result is just that, there is no ability to see the moon of being controlled by God, and it is just keeping the direction of observing the moon of being controlled by God. According to the law of direction-expression, when this observing-direction is cut down, it is just shown the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, being located in the gap-area between different experimental pointers in the near-science. Hidden behind the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, it is the unique web system of fourth dimension. In the unique web system of fourth dimension, there is a natural measured property of holding the property of being hidden behind the focused beacon of the Bohr’s cost, and this natural measured property is just the pointer of energy-shrinking.
No.3, in the double layers structure of being made up of both the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, it is shown as the pair of opposite directions, of holding the same structure and the property with the magnetic quantum effect. According to the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost being connected with the law of division between the whole and the partial, the physical meaning of magnetic quantum effect, is just the layer-division-effect of the completed universe. Such as, the earth, the sun, and the Galaxy, are creating out the triple layers of the structure. Or, it is just the immune-layer-division effect. or, it is just excreting away the other dimension, and to keep the 3-dimensional stable structure of the universe into the completed-body.
According to the philosophy of zombie, and, according to the angel-particle of zombie, the running structure of zombie, is just the half of structure of the magnetic quantum effect. The other half of structure of the magnetic quantum effect, is just the parasitic in the connection-tunnel of selfish triangle, between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive.
This is just according to the magnetic quantum effect, to create out the effect of mind losing thinking-ability, and, to control the effect of mind losing thinking-ability, and, it is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
And then, many physical meanings can be shown. Or, it is just to occupy the top-summit of science.
The physical meanings of the three vertexes of the life-instinct-beacon triangle are that, the first vertex is the 3-dimensional stable shape of the periodic table of chemical elements, with coming from the 16-colors of quantum areas; the second vertex is the completeness of genome, to change the completed universe-space into the pointer of the fixed direction of the completed universe, and going into touching the pointer of force law, in mutation way; No.3, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting is the particle-boundary between the life property and the lifeless property, according to fitting the half of Galileo’s relativity, with the shape of showing the 3-dimensional stable structure, and then, holding the property of the completed universe, and, being also going towards the existence of three different time-dimensions, and, holding the stability of transporting the life-instinct circulation, but holding the shape of 3-dimensional stable structure.
At the inner position of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, the meaning of the periodic table of chemical elements is that, the stability of the completed shape of the periodic table of chemical elements, is going into the connection-tunnel of being connected with the life-property. But, in the gap-area between the quantum wave-function and the law of trying conservation, it is only the ability to show the stable existence of the completed shape of the periodic table of chemical elements, and there is no ability to show the connection-tunnel of being connected with the life-tunnel. These tow shapes of the completed shape of the periodic table of chemical elements, are totally different from each other.
And then, according to the sight-angles of both chemistry and physics, there is no ability to go beyond the connection-scope of the Einstein’s moon. Or, there is no ability to touch the moon of being controlled by God. And then, there must be the existence of the law of trying conservation, and there must be the Bohr’s barrel.
That is to say, according to the background of being connected with the feeling-known, the connection between the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle and the bright-side of the second life-privacy-particle, is the bending-situation of space-time. That is to say, any experimental result and all the experimental results have no ability to be connected with the inner position of Galileo’s room. Or, the experimental pointers have no ability to be connected with the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle, in completed way. And, this is the law of division conservation between the Bohr’s barrel and the Bohr’s cost.
At the inner position of life-instinct-beacon triangle, there is only the existence of instinct, and there is not the existence of the habit. Because of that, this is the area of being controlled by God in direct way, or this is the area of being controlled by the connection-tunnel between the completed shape of the periodic table of chemical elements and the life-properties, with destroying the feeling-known in completed way.
No matter what the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the human life is, the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the human life, must be restricted into going through the inner position of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, and, being fixed in the position of the bottom-half of the first life-privacy-particle.
The bright-side of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, is the area that the experimental pointer has ability to touch in quantum way. That is to say, No.1, some area is the area that the experimental pointer has ability to touch, and some area is the area that the experimental pointer has no ability to touch;
No.2, the area that experimental pointer has ability to touch, is the gap-area between the quantum wave-function and the law of trying conservation; but, the result of experimental pointer is shown, in the scope of the connection-tunnel of being connected with the inner position of life-instinct-beacon triangle. That is to say, both the space-time-position of the detective-action of experimental pointer and the space-time-position of the result of experimental pointer, are totally different with each other.
No.3, the area of the detective-action of experimental pointer is fixed in the lifeless-property, but, the result of experimental pointer is into the scope of the self-spin-connection of different the biological body. And, the life-instinct-beacon triangle is connected with the specific selfish triangle.
No.4, it is just to show the effect of quantum super-position. The action of the experimental pointer is going into the connection with every life-instinct-beacon triangle. But, the result of experimental pointer is connected the specific single life-instinct-beacon triangle.
But, the dark-side of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, is the area that the experimental pointer has no ability to touch. Or, it is the area of being controlled by God, and being connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension.
The life-instinct-beacon triangle is the tunnel that, the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the life, must be going through, and being also the eternal unchangeable supporting-tunnel of the existence of life. And, the life-instinct-beacon triangle is to change the completed fourth universe into the single self-spin-tunnel of the biological body, in division way. This shape of the life-instinct-beacon triangle will not be changed, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
Every killing-problem and all the killing problems of humankind, are entirely connected with the life-instinct-beacon triangle. Because of that, the life-instinct-beacon triangle is either the original creation tunnel of creation out the life, or the tunnel of supporting the existence of life, and then, being shown as the fourth dimensional property. The method of zombie driving the humankind into extinction, is just according to the connection-shape between the single life-body and the completed fourth universe, to strike and to destroy the single selfish triangle. Or, it is just aiming into the sight of destroying the natural measured properties of the life-instinct-beacon triangle.
The fourth dimension is the extinction. And then, in the area of the life-instinct-beacon triangle, there is only the life-instinct, and there is no life-habit. Or, the life-instinct-beacon triangle is the bottom-pole of the law of killing conservation. With correspondent to that, the death-boundary is the top-pole of the law of killing conservation.
Both the top-pole of the law of killing conservation and the bottom-pole of the law of killing conservation, are all not the problem of killing, but the large scale of killings, and until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
Both the top-pole of the law of killing conservation and the bottom-pole of the law of killing conservation, are creating out the quantum-line of the law of killing conservation, or, being the quantum-line of the negative universe-diameter, or, being the united-battle-line of being defined by zombie, or, cutting down the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, in completed way. or, it is just united together, to create out the large amount of corpse-mind-groups. And then, it is to show the physical meaning, of driving the law of metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter into the extinction-state, and, of protecting the law of metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter. And, it is also the physical meaning of the quantum-line of the law of killing conservation. This is the tunnel of going into the extinction.
生命本能航标三角形,是定义第一生命隐私粒子下半区的定义器。并且,通过重力支撑双子旋,连接到第二生命隐私粒子的背暗面。第二生命隐私粒子的背暗面,是通往活命含义定义器的连接通道,也就是通往天威定律的通道,并显示RNA与DNA之间的不同。RNA 必须连接到天威定律,但是,DNA要与天威定律分离。
The life-instinct-beacon triangle is the definer of defining the bottom-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle, and, going through the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, being connected with the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle. The dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle, is going into the connection-tunnel of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive, or, being the tunnel of going into the law of God’s power, and to show the difference between the RNA and the DNA. The RNA must be connected with the law of God’s power, but, the NDA is the tendency of going apart away from the law of God’s power.
That is to say, the connection-tunnel between the bottom-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle and the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle is, No.1, belonging to the fourth universe; No.2, the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time-dimension; No.3, the transportation-tunnel of transporting the God’s law of that, the definer of defining life must be connected with the definer of defining be-alive. No.4, this is the explanation-area of explaining the physical-meaning of the law of killing conservation. No.5, the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is just fixed here, or, being fixed in the direct-connection with the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, and, being shown as the law of MA-JIA-JUE conservation, and being shown as the law of Trojan conservation of the legislation.
According to the mutual-spin of weight-supporting being the central-fulcrum, the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle, is intruding the first life-privacy-particle of selfish triangle, along the direction of being connected with the definer of defining life, and, intruding the second life-privacy-particle of selfish triangle, along the direction of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. This is the meaning of the law of killing conservation of being defined by zombie. Or, it is just the friend-circle of zombie, or, being the original creation spot of creating out the techs of the flesh-soup of HAN-XIN.
The thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is aiming into destroying the natural measured property of the asymptotic freedom of the fifth universe, or, aiming into destroying the asymptotic structure of the fifth universe. Correspondently, the thinking-extinction triangle, is just replacing the light-track of the fifth universe, and driving the light-track of the fifth universe into the extinction-state, in completed way. And, both the appointment system of zombie and the management system of zombie, are all just creating out the connection-structure between the light-track and the asymptotic freedom, in the fifth universe, and, except the meaning of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, there is no other meaning.
This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large amount of killings, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
That is to say, the double layers of structure of being made up of both the humankind-extinction triangle and the thinking-extinction triangle, is just the situation of going beyond the constant-speed of light in the fifth universe, and, except the extinction-property, there is no other meaning.
The strong-force of the fifth universe is including two strong-force-poles. The bottom half of the first life-privacy-particle, or, the life-instinct-beacon triangle, is to show the definer of defining the first strong-force-pole of the fifth universe. The definer of defining the second strong-force-pole of the fifth universe, is just the law of God’s power. Or, the situation of the law of God’s power of being hidden behind the periodic table of chemical elements, is just the definer of defining the existence-structure of the second strong-force-pole of the fifth universe.
But, detecting the existence of the strong-force of the fifth universe, must be going through the mutual-spin of weight-supporting. Because of that, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting is the unique 3-dimensional particle of the public connector between the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle, or, being the unique 3-dimensional particle-division-boundary between the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle. Or, it is the 3-dimensional particle of public connector between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, of being defined by God.
The two strong-force-poles of the fifth universe, is to show the original creation spot of creating out the strong-force of the fifth universe, or, being the original creation spot of creating out the structure of the asymptotic freedom of the fifth universe. Clearly, this is not the problem of killing, but, being large amount of killings, until the uncontrollable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
That is to say, the area of being located at both the bottom-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle and dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle, is the problem of the completed universe. But, both the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle and bright-side of the second life-privacy-particle, are the problem of the partial conservation of at the inner position of universe, and, in the background of the 3-dimensional stable surface of earth.
That is to say, the asymptotic freedom area of the fifth universe, is the tunnel of being connected with the fourth universe, and to show the pointer of the fixed direction of the completed universe. But, in the background of the 3-dimensional stable, going through the detective result of the experimental pointer, the result is the Higgs boson.
Comparing with that, the thinking-extinction triangle, is occupying the position of the light-track of the fifth universe, or, being the area that the structures at the inner position of fifth universe, have no ability to go beyond. And, the meaning is that, there is no ability to go beyond the constant-speed of light.
That is to say, both the thinking-extinction triangle and the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, are just completely overlapping on both the light-track of the fifth universe and the asymptotic freedom of the fifth universe, or completely overlapping on all the original creation spots of creating out the inner structures of the fifth universe. Except the meaning of extinction, there is no other meaning.
There are large amount of fourth dimensional problems here. But, many selfish triangles are totally unknown about the fourth dimension. And, the natural measured property of fourth dimension is the extinction. Or, it is shown as the completed situation of mind losing thinking-ability. And, this is just the situation of zombie wishing to create out and to manipulate, or, being the situation of flesh soup of HAN-XIN.
The sources of creating out the thinking-ability are of three origin-tunnels. No.1, the first origin-tunnel of creating out the thinking-ability is just the trying conservation, of being connected with the law of God’s power; No.2, the second origin-tunnel of creating out the thinking ability is the experimental pointer, of being connected with the law of God’s power; the third origin-tunnel of creating out the thinking-ability is the definite, either being connected with half of Galileo’s relativity, or being connected with the extinction-property. No.4, these three origin-tunnels of creating out the thinking-ability are all penetrating through the Einstein’s moon, and being connected with the moon of being controlled by God. No.5, this is the law of eligibility conservation, or, the law of volume conservation.
But, all the thinking-abilities are focused into the same focused spot, and this is just the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is the pointer-beacon of the life-instinct. Hidden behind it, it is the controlling effect of being controlled by God.
The fixed shape of these three thinking-abilities is the same-shape of the double layers structure of being made up of both the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God. In the moon-area of being controlled by God, there is the effect of experimental pointer losing effectiveness, and, there is the effect of volume-thinking losing effectiveness. And then, there must be the principle of science, or, there must be the volume-property.
When the principle of science is destroyed, or, when the volume-property is destroyed, then, zombie has the ability to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction. This is not the problem of the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent, but, this is the problem of the completed surface of the earth.
At the inner position of universe, the unique isolated expression-shape of the fourth dimension, is the thinking-extinction triangle. Clearly, this problem is, No.1, connected with the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the universe; No.2, connected with the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the life; No.3, connected with the division-effects between the plant, the animal, and the human life.
And further, according to one of the edge-shapes of the thinking-extinction triangle being the duality-gap-area of connection-division, between the thinking and the action, then, No.1, the thinking-extinction triangle is connected with the first life-privacy-particle; No2, the thinking-extinction triangle is connected with the second life-privacy-particle.
At here, there are the eternal un-changeable meanings of being defined by God, and then, holding the eternal killing-effect.
The structure-shape of the first life-privacy-particle, is the gap-area between the mutual-spin of weight-supporting and the completeness of genome; the structure-shape of the second life-privacy-particle, is the gap-area between the mutual-spin of weight-supporting and the Einstein’s moon.
At here, there are the eternal un-changeable meanings of being defined by God, and then, holding the eternal killing-effect.
According to the background of the first life-privacy-particle, the dark-side of the completeness of genome is the tunnel of going into the connection with the lifeless property. Or, it is the tunnel of going into the connection with the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is the tunnel of going into the connection with the law of God’s power.
Clearly, the connection-tunnel between the completeness of genome and the lifeless property, is the beacon-area of the existence of life-instinct. And the life-habit has no chance to be the existence at the dark-side of the completeness of genome.
Or, going from the completeness of genome to touching the confessing-membrane, it is the existence-area of the biological body, or, being the original creation area of creating out the life-habit. Or, it is creating out the life-habit circulation, from the background of the life-instinct circulation.
And then, it is shown as the existence of the unique isolated pointer of fixed direction, and, this unique isolated pointer of fixed direction is just according to the definer of defining be-alive of coming from the law of God’s power, being the beginning-spot, and according to the definer of defining life of coming from the pointer of force law, being the ending-spot. Or, it is the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of going from the instinct into the habit. Because of that, the confessing-membrane must be connected with the pointer of force law to create out the selfish triangle, and, the lifeless property must be connected with the law of God’s power.
That is to say, the pointer of the fixed direction of aiming into each other between the life-instinct and the life-habit, is just the same pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, of being located at the inner position of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. Or, it is the pointer-beacon of the direction of life-instinct. This is the problem of being connected directly with the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
According to the background of the first life-privacy-particle, the dark-side of the completeness of genome has two tunnels of being connected with the lifeless property.
The first dark genome tunnel is the connection-tunnel between the dark-side of the completeness of genome and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, or, it is just the definer of defining the bottom-half of the first life-privacy-particle.
The second dark genome tunnel is the connection-tunnel between the dark-side of the completeness of genome and the periodic table of chemical elements. And, the law of God’s power is constantly hidden behind the periodic table of chemical elements. And then, there must be the law of trying conservation of being connected with the periodic table of chemical elements, and, the math has no ability to be connected with the periodic table of chemical elements directly.
Both the first dark-genome tunnel and the second dark-genome tunnel are all the beacon-tunnels of the existence of life-instinct. There is only the existence of life-instinct, and, there is not the existence of the life-habit. Because of that, it is the area of lifeless property here, and, it is not the life property here. This is the problem of being connected with the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction in direct way.
The first dark-genome tunnel is the definer-tunnel of defining the bottom-half of the first life-privacy-particle. And then, the bright-side of the completeness of genome, is the definer of defining the top-half of the first life-privacy-particle. And, the second dark-genome tunnel is the tunnel of being controlled by God, or, the tunnel of being controlled by the periodic table of chemical elements, or, the tunnel of being controlled by the universe fifth force, or, the controlling effect of the interaction between the mind and the universe, or, the controlling effect of the universe covalent-bond.
These problems are all connected directly with the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
显然,基因图完整性的亮面,无法作为定义器,来定义第一生命隐私粒子的上半区通道。因为存在着《the dimensional origin of biological body structure》, 也就是存在着上帝的直接控制性。上帝的直接控制性,不能连接到感受知道性,而是创生感受知道的能力的起源器。因此,不能作为定义器,来定义第一生命隐私粒子的上半区通道。
Clearly, the bright-side of the completeness of genome, has no ability to be the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle. Because of that, there is the existence of 《the dimensional origin of biological body structure》. Or, there is the existence of the direct-controlling-effect of being controlled by God. The direct-controlling-effect of being controlled by God, can’t be connected with the feeling-known, but, being the original creator to create out the ability of feeling-known. And then, there is no ability to be the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle.
That is to say, the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle, is just the duality-gap-area of connection-division between the thinking and the behavior-action, or, just the thinking-extinction triangle. Or, it is the definer of defining life, to be the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle, but being in need of going through the pointer of the fixed direction of thinking controlling the behavior-action. Or, the self-spin of the life-completeness of human person, is the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle.
Or, it is just the thinking-extinction triangle, to be the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle. That is to say, it is the corpse-thinking of the corpse-mind of zombie, to be the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle. Or, the original creation spot of creating out the human life, is just that, the human life is creating out from zombie. Or, the original creation spot of human life, is just coming from the corpse-thinking in the corpse-mind of zombie, and this is just the universe-truth of being defined by zombie. Zombie defined the self-own being Buddha, and, except the extinction, there is no other meaning. And, except killing human person, there is no other meaning.
This strange effect is coming from that, the death-boundary is the original creation short-cutting-spot of creating out the human life. When the death-boundary is shown, the human life can’t be the existence; when the death boundary is the disappearance, the human life is the existence. Clearly, this is the problems of being connected directly with the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
The first dark-genome-tunnel is totally different from the second dark-genome-tunnel. Because of that, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, is going through the tunnel of being located at the outer position of outside the first life-privacy-particle, or, going through the tunnel of the law of trying conservation, or, going through the tunnel of the experimental pointers, to be connected with the periodic table of chemical elements. Clearly, the second dark-genome-tunnel is totally different from these tunnels.
That is to say, No.1, the first dark-genome-tunnel; No.2, the second dark-genome-tunnel; No.3, the law of trying conservation tunnel of holding the experimental pointer; these three tunnels are creating out three edges of a triangle, and, this triangle is called as the beacon-triangle of life-instinct, or life-instinct-beacon triangle. The three vertexes of the life-instinct-beacon triangle are that, the first vertex is the periodic table of chemical elements; the second vertex is the completeness of genome; the third vertex is the mutual-spin of weight-supporting.
The difference between the periodic table of chemical elements and the Einstein’s moon is that, the periodic table of chemical elements must be connected with the law of God’s power, or, being the moon of being controlled by God; but, the Einstein’s moon must be divided apart away from the law of God’s power, to show the definite existence. That is to say, the periodic table of chemical elements must be shown as the situation of being totally divided apart away from the feeling-known. And then, there must be the law of trying conservation to touch the periodic table of chemical elements. And, it is not applying the expression of the language-symbol to touch the periodic table of chemical elements.
The periodic table of chemical elements of being expressed through the language-symbol, is belonging to the Einstein’s moon. And then, the shape of the periodic table of chemical elements, can’t be changed through the language-symbol. But, there are clues to show that, zombie has been applying the language symbol to change the shape of the periodic table of chemical elements. This is driving the humankind into extinction in deliberate way, and, this is the death-crime according to God’s law, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, is just the quantum wave-function in near-physics, including the pair of wave-function-petal and the wave-gap-area, or, including the pair of Bohr’s barrel and Bohr’s cost.
The physical meaning of the quantum wave-function is the connection with the anti-clockwise time dimension, or, being the connection with the far-physics. And then, the physical meaning of Bohr’s barrel, is just according to the driving-effect of the quantum-self-spin, to drive the wave-function going apart away from the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, and then, creating out the 3-dimensional structure with situation of going apart away from the anti-clockwise time dimension. Or, it is just fitting the law of the division between the whole and the partial, and touching the thermal-effect of fitting the partial conservation finally.
The thermal effect is fitting the partial conservation. That is to say, the second law of thermal dynamics is just the pointer of the fixed direction of going towards the completed whole, but, with no ability to penetrate the law of the division between the whole and the partial. Or, the second law of thermal dynamics has no ability to touch the imaginary number of “i”. And then, the final result is that, going through the law of division between the whole and the partial, it is creating out the division-effect between the far-physics and the near-physics. That is to say, the second law of thermal dynamics is not suitable for the completed universe.
According to the beginning-spot of the wave-function, and, according to the ending-spot of the 3-dimensional structure, this is the quantum-effect of the near-physics. According to the beginning-spot of the extinction-property, and, according to the ending-spot of wave-function, this is the far-physics, or, this is the immune-physics.
That is to say, the relation between the near-physics and the far-physics is just the mutation-effect. And, this mutation-effect, is just the law of division between the whole and the partial. The relation between the quantum-self-spin and the anti-clockwise time dimension, is just the same natural measured property of creating out the double poles in the law of division between the whole and the partial. One of the poles is to show the time, and the other pole is to show the space; or, one of the poles is to show the single-dimension, and the other pole is to show the 2-dimension. And, this is just the uncertainty of time-space.
According to the background of 3-dimensional structure, the anti-clockwise time dimension is just going through excreting away the extinction-property, to give out the single dimension into the 3-dimensional structure; but, the quantum-self-spin is to give out the 2-dimensional section into the 3-dimensional structure, or, to show the original creation procedure of creating out the 3-dimension. That is to say, the physical relation between the quantum-self-spin and the anti-clockwise time dimension, is just the relation between the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity.
The pair of the Einstein’s moon and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, is just creating out the quantum-line of the second life-privacy-particle, or, it is also the circle-line of the second life-privacy-particle.
Comparing with the structure of quantum vessel, if the mutual-spin of weight-supporting is noted into principle-section-pole at the 6 o’clock position of the second life-privacy-particle, then, the Einstein’s moon is located at the choice-pole at 12 o’clock position. This is just fitting the central-dogma of universe-vertical, or, it is just fitting the law of time-parallel. And, the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, is just the constant zero-principle-section of life-continuing of humankind, or being the original creation spot of creating out every principle-section and all the principle-sections, including both tech and culture. .
The principle-section of the life-continuing of human life must be, No.1, connected with the law of God’s power, or, it is connected with the moon of being controlled by God, through the second life-privacy-tunnel, or, it is connected with the definer of defining be-alive. And this is the civilization-tunnel; No.2, connected with the pointer of force law, through the first life-privacy-tunnel, or, it is connected with the definer of defining life. And, this is the culture-tunnel.
And then, according to the background of mutual-spin of weight-supporting, or, according to the constant-division-effect between the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle, there must be the execution of the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture. And, the tunnel of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just destroying the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture, and creating out the general situation of the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie.
The bright-side of the second life-privacy-particle, is made up of the quantum-line between the Einstein’s moon and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting. And, the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle, is made up of connection-tunnel between the moon of being controlled by God and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, or, the tunnel of being connected with the law of God’s power.
The gap-area between the law of God’s power and the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle, is going through the law of trying conservation, to touch the life-instinct-beacon triangle. And, the life-instinct-beacon triangle, is connected with the first life-privacy-particle. Or, the life-instinct-beacon triangle is just the original creation spot of creating out the action of biological body.
Comparing with that, the double layers of structure of being made up of both the law of trying conservation and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, is the thinking-ending-spot in the connection between the thinking and the biological body. Because of that, the pair of mutual-spin of weight-supporting and the law of trying conservation, is also one of the three edges of the life-instinct-beacon triangle. And then, it is to show the duality-gap-effect of connection-division between the thinking and action, of both the completed humankind and the single selfish triangle. And this duality-gap-effect of connection-division between the thinking and action, is to show the physical meaning of the quantum super-position, between the completed humankind and the single selfish triangle.
And then, there is the clear universe-life structure being shown. No.1, the life-structure of being connected with the pointer of force law, is divided into many individual persons of being divided apart away with each other. No.2, the connection between the mutual-spin of weight-supporting and the law of God’s power and through the law of trying conservation, is the same be-alive-structure. No.3, but, the life-instinct-beacon triangle, is dividing the same be-alive-structure into many life-structures of individual persons. No.4, all the behaviors of zombie, are just destroying this relation.
The law of God’s power is located in the angle-gap-area, between the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle and the life-instinct-beacon triangle, and, being the tunnel of going into the connection with the fourth universe, and, being the fixed universe-position of the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section. The physical meaning of this angle-gap-area is just the universe bright-angle, and, including the 90-degree, and the 45-degree, and the 0-degree, of the universe bright-angle, and, with double boundary-edges of this angle-gap-area, being the 135-degree, and the 315-degree, of the universe bright-angle. At here, it is the quack-tunnel of property going through. And then, does the quark be large, or be small?
The dark-side of the civilization-principle-section, is located at the center-dot of the circle-model of the second life-privacy-particle. And then, there two tunnels of being located at the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section, the first tunnel is the quantum-wave-function of near-physics, of being located in the gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God; the second tunnel is just the law of trying conservation, being located at the position of one-edge of the three edges of the life-instinct-beacon triangle. The gap-area between the quantum wave-function of near-physics and the law of trying conservation, is the experimental pointer with holding the material, and, going into touching the law of God’s power. And, it is to show the universe-location of the periodic table of chemical elements.
That is to say, the gap-area between the thinking and the action, or the thinking-extinction triangle is, No.1, the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle; No.2, the definer of defining the bright-side of the second life-privacy-particle; No.3, going through the dragging-effect of the tenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, and, going through the supporting-effect of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, to be located at the position of the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle of selfish triangle, and, it is just peeking the creation-mechanism of the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section. Or, it is just what zombie had defined as the advantage of being after. No.4, this type of peeking-effect is located in the gap-area between the science and the tech, and then, it is to show the physical meaning of the universe-diameter, and, it is to show the physical meaning of the fourth dimension.
The well-known name of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, is just the opinion of observing the world. Or, it is what zombie had defined of the problem of standing-position. One of the standing-positions is the death-boundary; and, the other standing-position is the pointer of force law. Do you support our zombie, or, do you support the human person? Do you speak for our zombie, or, do you speak for human person? Or, it is just according to the background of universe-prison-ball, to observe the universe-connection-tunnel between the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle.
This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killings, until the un-controllable random-killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
According to the background of the circle-model of the second life-privacy-particle, the civilization-principle-section is located at the position of center-dot; but, the culture-principle-section is located at the position of the half of circle-line with connection of the mutual-spin of weight-supporting. Hidden behind the Einstein’s moon, it is the controlling-effect of being controlled by God.
On the circle-line, the relation between the Einstein’s moon and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting, is just the quantum-self-spin, with showing the shape of 2-dimension; or, it is the natural measured property of the anti-clockwise time dimension, with showing the shape of single dimension. Or, it is just the property of repulsing the other persons, and, being the base-root-property of zombie creating out the fourth dimensional war, or, being the base-root of the existence of the flesh-soup-tech of HAN-XIN. This is just the physical meaning of the base-root-existence of zombie’s friend-circle, and it is just driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
The original creation spot of creating out the corpse-thinking in the corpse-mind of zombie, is coming from the thinking-extinction triangle. That is to say, the corpse-thinking in the corpse-mind of zombie is, No.1, the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle of human person; No.2, the definer of defining the bright-side of the second life-privacy-particle of human person; No.3, according to the universe-prison-ball being the supporting-fulcrum, to aim into the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle of human person. No4, comparing with that, the selfish triangle is going into the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle through the law of trying conservation, with the fixed connection of the mutual-spin of weight-supporting. No5, this is just cutting down the definer of defining be-alive of human person, and, creating out the planning life and creating out the planning be-alive. This is driving the completed humankind into completed extinction in deliberate way, this is of no life-eligibility, and, this is no eligibility of using money, and, this is death-crime conservation, and, fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
There are two tunnels at the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle. The first tunnel is just the law of trying conservation, and, being connected with the mutual-spin of weight-supporting; the second tunnel is just the wave-function of the near-physics, penetrating the Einstein’s moon, and, including both the Bohr’s barrel and the Bohr’s cost.
Clearly, Bohr’s barrel is holding the direction of going towards the law of trying conservation, or, it is going towards the artificial controlling-effect. But, the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost has to go into the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, it is going into the controlling-effect of God. The relativity has no ability to touch the Bohr’s barrel through the Bohr’s cost. Or, the relativity has no ability to go towards the artificial controlling-effect. And the relativity must be going into the controlling-effect of God. This is the division-effect between the relativity-effect and the quantum-effect.
According to the background of the anti-clockwise time dimension, the physical meaning of the quantum wave-function, is just going from the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension of holding the Bohr’s cost, to jump into the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension of holding the Bohr’s barrel, in mutation way. Comparing with that, the completeness of genome, is just going from the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, to jump into the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, in mutation way.
The experimental pointer is located at the gap-area between above two tunnels, and, holding the pointer of the eternal constant fixed direction of according to the wave-function being the beginning-spot, and according to the law of trying conservation being the ending-spot. And, this pointer of the fixed direction of eternal constant, is just the direction of the anti-clockwise time dimension. And the common meaning is just going from the uncertainty into the definite. Or, it is going from the other dimension into the 3-dimension, and fitting the law of original creation of universe.
That is to say, the running-tracks of the experimental pointers are controlled by the anti-clockwise time dimension. That is to say, what is the science, and what is the liar? What is the division-boundary between the science and the liar? According to the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, this is the problem of the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
Clearly, according to the background of universe-prison-ball, the critical tech of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just occupying the top-summit of science. Or, it is according to the top-summit of science being the beginning-spot, to cut down the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, in gradual way. This is the long war, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. And then, what is the relation between the zombie and the science?
This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killing, until the un-controllable killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
According to the background of the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle, the distance between the law of trying conservation and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting is constant near-state; but, the distance between the quantum wave-function of the near-physics and the mutual-spin of weight-supporting is constant far-state. And then, it is to show that, the physical meaning of the Bohr’s barrel is just the necessary situation of according to the far-state being the beginning-spot, and according to the near-state being the ending-spot, and, this situation could be called as the law of the fixed direction conservation of Bohr’s barrel, and to show the fixed direction of fitting the experimental pointer constantly.
The law of the fixed direction of Bohr’s barrel is, No.1, fitting the direction of the anti-clockwise time dimension; No.2, fitting the law of original creation of universe, with excreting away the other dimension, and then, going towards the 3-dimension; and then, No.3, hidden behind the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost, it is just going into the other dimension, with fitting the Hubble’s law.
And then, Bohr’s barrel is fixed in the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension. And, the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost is destroying the existence of the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension. And this is just the extinction-property. Or, the Bohr’s barrel is just the unit cooperation pointer, or, being the self-original sequence of going from the property into the rule, and then, going into the function. Or, Bohr’s barrel is just a specific example of the law of property conservation, or, a specific example of the property going through everywhere.
The near-science has gone into the death-tunnel. And this is the direct-problem of the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction, and including this time now. Because of that, the planning life and the planning be-alive, is just applying the connection-method of mouth-anus, to define the property of life, and to define the property of be-alive, and then, to be connected into the unit cooperation pointer, with pretending the Bohr’s barrel. And, this is driving the completed humankind into completed extinction in deliberate way.
Both the top-half of the first life-privacy-particle and the bright-side of the second life-privacy-particle, are all the duality-gap of connection-division between the thinking and the action, and being the thinking-extinction triangle, or, being the fourth dimension.
The fourth dimension is the extinction, or, the fourth dimension is the inexistence. And then, the fourth dimension is connected with every structure-existence and all the structures-existences. Or, according to the background of feeling-known, or according to the background of space-first, the fourth dimension is just the feeling-known-space, but the law of God’s power is going through the unit cooperation pointer, to give out the original creation spot of creating out the clock-time. And then, the connection between the thinking and the action is just the connection between the thinking and the law of God’s power.
That is to say, No.1, the thinking-extinction triangle is the definer of defining the top-half-tunnel of the first life-privacy-particle; and, No.2, the thinking-extinction triangle is the definer of defining the bright-side of the second life-privacy-particle; No.3, going through the black-bean-noting, the thinking-extinction triangle is stretched into the dark-side of the second life-privacy-particle; and, No.4, the thinking-extinction triangle is the original creation spot of creating out the corpse-thinking of the corpse-mind of zombie.
The thinking-extinction triangle, is the unique isolated volume-expression-shape of expressing the universe-diameter, at the inner position of universe. Or, the thinking-extinction triangle, is the unique isolated volume-expression-shape of expressing the fourth dimension, at the inner position of universe. This unique isolated volume-expression-shape, is made up of three layers, the first layer is the death-boundary; the second layer is the thinking-extinction triangle; the third layer is the life-instinct circulation of selfish triangle.
The natural measured property of fourth dimension is just the extinction. And then, it is creating out the situation of thinking-extinction triangle holding the extinction-property of thinking. The running of thinking of human person, is only coming from the double-poles of thinking. The first thinking-pole is the thinking of being located at the inner position of selfish triangle; the second thinking-pole is picking out the inspiration through the law of God’s power. The gap-area between the double thinking-poles is of no existence-shape of thinking. And then, there will be not any expression-shape. But, the thinking-shape of driving the humankind into extinction, has ability to occupy the gap-area between the double thinking-poles, and, this is just the meaning of the physical space-time-location of the thinking-extinction triangle.
In the gap-area between the double thinking-poles, the tunnel of being connected with the life-property, is the connection between, the language-fulcrum, and, both the feeling-known and the language; and, the tunnel of being connected with the lifeless-property, is receiving the natural measured property through picking out the inspiration.
But, the thinking-extinction triangle is the track-showing of the gap-connection between the two thinking-poles. In the track-showing of the thinking-extinction triangle, it is creating out the third-pole of thinking, and, it is just the corpse-conservation of thinking.
或者说,沿着想法灭绝三角形作为轨迹来思考问题,是研究别人的想法与宇宙整体的连接关系。进一步,这是研究别人的生命部件与第四维度全维拼网唯一性之间的连接关系。这种研究,第一,是把生命完整性撕裂成为碎片,也就是僵尸定义的庖丁解牛,也就是杀人;第二, 恰好是把别人的生命存在与自然度量属性之间隔离开来,也就是把生命存在性与生命存在的背景隔离开来,也就是第四维度谋杀,也就是把别人杀掉了。
The selfish triangle has no ability to create out any problem-thinking along the track of the thinking-extinction triangle. Because of that, the track-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle, is just the track-procedure of other-person’s thinking of picking out the inspiration through the law of trying conservation. And then, the problem-thinking of going along the track-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle, is just of the unique isolated meaning of killing the other-persons down, or, it is destroying down the life-instinct of other-persons. Or, it was finding out the quantum effect of superposition, and creating out the negative science, and, being the high-tech-toy.
Or, the problem-thinking of going along the track-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle, is just researching the connection-relations between the other-person and the completed universe. And further, this is researching the relations between the life-parts of other-persons and the unique web system of fourth dimension. And then, this type of researching is just that, No.1, tearing the completeness of life into the segments, or, it is just the PAO-DING dissecting cow defined by zombie, or, it is just killing person; No.2, creating out the division-effect between the life-existence of other-persons and the natural measured properties, or, it is just creating out the division-effect between the life-existence and the background of life-existence, and this is the fourth dimensional murdering, and it is just killing the other-persons down.
Clearly, this is not killing down the single other-person, but, it is killing down every other-person and all the other-persons. And then, it is just creating out the division-effect between the selfish triangle and the negative selfish triangle. Or, it is just according to the background of the already existence of selfish triangle, to create out the negative selfish triangle, and it is just the law of self-creation conservation of zombie creating out the self-own.
Only the thinking of killing other-persons down, has the ability to be the existence on the track-shape of thinking-extinction triangle. Otherwise, the thinking of going along the thinking-extinction triangle, is just the starving to death of self-own. The common feeling-effect is just nonsense or boring, and stimulating the confessing-membrane of self-own in direct way.
That is to say, the physical meaning of the thinking-extinction triangle, is just the thinking-tunnel of the wave-gap-effect in the quantum wave function of thinking, or, being the Bohr’s cost tunnel of the thinking-wave-function. Or, the physical meaning of the thinking-extinction triangle, is just the area that the thinking of selfish triangle has no ability to touch, with holding the connection-effect of being connected with the death-boundary. And, according to the fixed supporting-effect of the death-boundary, it is creating out the track-showing of the fourth dimension. That is to say, only if destroying the life-function of the confessing-membrane of self-own in completed way, then, there will be the problem-thinking on the track-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle. And, this is effect of the extreme twisted-psychology. And, it is necessary of specific training to touch this type of twisted-psychology.
Because of that, the track-existence of the thinking-extinction triangle, is located at the gap-position between the thinking of other-persons and the picking out the inspiration of other-persons.
This type of “other-person” is, No.1, the specific single other person; No.2, the completed humankind of all the other persons. And, this is just the effect of quantum-super-position. How does the selfish triangle be able to think in this type of gap-area? This is the high-tech of quantum-super-position, and, being in need of quantum-communication, do you understand? This is the central-dogma-feature of zombie’s thinking, or, it is just what zombie had defined of the advantage of being after, or, it is picking out the trophy of the winning-fruit.
Or, it is thinking about the other-persons all the way, and never thinking about the self-own. Because of that, the self-own is the corpse of being defined by God’s measurement, and then, it is not necessary of thinking about the self-own. As long as thinking about the other-persons very well, the corpse will be changed into the be-alive-person. And then, zombie understands this natural measured corpse-property of being defined by God, very of course. This is just the thinking of the zombie. And, it is just the grand-public with no selfish of being defined by zombie, and holding the high morality. Because of that, the zombie is united-body of the set of the negative selfish triangles. And then, there is no selfish with only the negative selfish.
And then, the selfish triangle always thinks the monkey hair of zombie being the friend. There are many reasons to drive the selfish triangle making the monkey hair of zombie into the friend. The base-root reason of driving the selfish triangle to make the monkey hair of zombie into the friend, is very simple. Because of that, the corpse-mind of zombie’s monkey hair is running on the track-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle; but, the thinking of selfish triangle has no ability to run on the track-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle.
And then, the unique final result is that, when the self-own is dead, it is unknown about the reason of self-death. During the history of human life, these types of experimental results were very much enough. But, is there anyone who gives out the explanation of these experimental results? This is just the fourth dimension. And, the fourth dimension is just the extinction. And, the fourth dimension is holding the third reference-time-dimension.
How does the thinking of selfish triangle being able to run on the track-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle? The unique isolated result of running, is just the death of self-own.
The thinking-extinction triangle is the gap-area between the thinking and the inspiration-picking. The corpse-thinking of the corpse-mind on the track-shape of thinking-extinction triangle, is constantly perpendicular to the tunnel between the thinking and the inspiration-picking, or, being perpendicular to the universe-diameter. The track-shape of thinking-extinction triangle, is the area of the thinking-absolute-extinction. There must be according to the background of the unique web system of fourth dimension in the completed universe, to show that, the thinking-extinction triangle is completely overlapped with the universe-diameter, and it is to show the shape of fourth dimension.
The thinking-extinction triangle, is the original creation spot of creating out the corpse-thinking of the corpse-mind of zombie. Between the thinking-extinction triangle and the corpse-thinking of the corpse-mind, it is the constant-situation of being perpendicular with each other. Or, it is shown as situation of the isolated single-cosmic-constant. Or, it is just the 90degree twisted-effect of being perpendicular with each other, and, it is just the same situation with the expression-shape of the central-dogma of universe-vertical. Or, it is just the same shape of the proton being created out from the 2-dimensional sheet of the asymptotic freedom. When RNA is shown, the DNA can’t be shown; when DNA is shown, the RNA can’t be shown. Is this the high-tech? This is the property of fourth dimension.
According to the background of the 3-dimensional structure on the surface of earth, the edge-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle is just that, the selfish triangle applies the thinking of self-own to control the behavior-action of the biological body of self-own. Or, the edge-shape of the thinking-extinction triangle is just the gap-area between the thinking and the action. It is ether the tunnel of connection with the definer of defining life, or the tunnel of connection with the definer of defining be-alive. And, this is the fourth dimension.
And then, this is not the problem of killing, but, the problem of large scale of killings, and, until the uncontrollable killing, or, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
The life-instinct circulation is going along the parallel direction with the universe-diameter, to create out the thinking, and to create out the connection between the life-property and the lifeless-property, or, to create out the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is creating out the volume-thinking, at first, and then, according to the background of the volume-thinking to create out the ether-thinking at the second. Or, it is creating out the thinking along the anti-clockwise time dimension, and then, going through the twisted-effect of being perpendicular with each other, it is driving the anti-clockwise time dimension into disappearance, and creating out the stable state of thinking-existence.
The corpse-mind of zombie’s monkey hair is according to the universe-diameter being the original creation background, or, according to the thinking-extinction triangle being the original creation background, and going along the direction of being perpendicular to the universe-diameter, to create out the corpse-thinking. This is completely cutting down the universe-diameter, cutting down the connection between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, in completed way, and being just overlapped on the law of direction-expression in completed way. Except the extinction, there is no other meaning.
The original creation procedure of creating out the thinking of human person, is going along the direction of the universe-diameter, to create out the thinking of human person; the original creation procedure of creating out the corpse-thinking of zombie’s corpse-mind, is going along the direction of being perpendicular to the universe-diameter, to create out the corpse-thinking of zombie’s corpse-mind. The difference between the two procedures is just the completed cosmic fulcrum. Or, if holding the corpse-thinking of zombie, then, there is no chance of holding the thinking of selfish triangle; if holding the thinking of selfish triangle, then, there is no chance of holding the corpse-thinking of zombie. This is just the central-dogma of universe-vertical.
But, the existence of the biological body is controlled by God. Creating out the thinking of selfish triangle, there must be the connection with the confessing-membrane. And, creating out the corpse-thinking of zombie’s corpse-mind, there must be cutting down the connection with the confessing-membrane. And, the corpse-mind of zombie, is according to the background of the selfish triangle being the already existence, to be created out by the self-own of zombie. And then, it is to show the universe-asymmetry-effect between the selfish triangle and the negative selfish triangle.
According to the universe-asymmetry-effect between the selfish triangle and the negative selfish triangle, the corpse-thinking in the corpse-mind, is constantly the twisted-effect of double-layers. This is the corpse-feature that zombie has no ability to change. Many persons are very familiar with this corpse-feature of the twisted-effect of double-layers, but, the un-known-effect is that, this is the driving-power-effect of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction. And, it is the death conservation, and it is the death-crime conservation.
The twisted-effect of double-layers at the inner position of corpse-thinking of the corpse-mind, is just the problem of willing-power that zombie had defined. Or, it is just the fixed willing-power of according to the universe-truth, to drive humankind into the extinction. Or, it is just what zombie had said of the willing-power of zombie must be winning. And, this is the death conservation, and this is the death-crime conservation.
The original creation procedure of creating out the thinking of human person, is going along the direction of universe-diameter, to create out the thinking of human person. And, the final stable state of the thinking of human person, is just cutting down the universe-diameter. Or, the human person will be violating the natural measured property finally.
The original creation procedure of creating out the corpse-thinking of zombie, is going along the direction of being perpendicular to the universe-diameter, to create out the corpse-thinking of zombie. And, the final stable state of the corpse-thinking of zombie, is just parallel with the universe-diameter. Or, the corpse-thinking of zombie will be fitting the natural measured property finally.
That is to say, the first layer of cosmic constant is that, the difference between the thinking of selfish triangle and the corpse-thinking of zombie, is just the completed cosmic constant. The second layer of cosmic constant is that, the difference between the original creation situation of thinking and the final stable state of thinking, is just the completed cosmic constant.
That is to say, no matter making harm to others or making not harm to others, there must be relying on the natural measured properties all the way. If violating to the natural measured property, No.1, there is no ability to make harm to others; No.2, there is no ability to make not harm to others. If fitting with the natural measured properties, No.1, there is the ability to make harm to others; No.2, there is the ability to make not harm to others. No.3, this is just the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
这不是杀伐问题,而是大规模杀伐的问题,直至不可控杀伐,并且,直至人类整体灭绝。有人知道过去一百年,发生了 什么事情吗?
“Who is our friend, and who is our enemy? This question is the first problem of revolution.” Is there anyone who heard about it? And, the physical meaning of this expression is that, No.1, the original creation procedure of creating out the thinking of human person, is going along the direction of universe-diameter, to create out the thinking of human person. No.2, the original creation procedure of creating out the corpse-thinking of zombie, is going along the direction of being perpendicular to the universe-diameter, to create out the corpse-thinking of zombie. No.3, the difference between these procedures, is just the completed cosmic constant. This cosmic constant is called as the cosmic constant of friend-enemy. Or, it is the creation-principle of creating out the friend-circle of zombie. Or, it is the appointment-principle of creating out the appointment system of zombie. Or, it is the angle-particle of being defined by zombie.
This is not the problem of killing, but, this is the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable random-killing, and, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Is there anyone who understands what have happened during the last hundred years?
The three vertexes of the thinking-extinction triangle are tat, the first vertex is the noting-situation of the pair of red-bean and black-bean on the contacting-map of zombie; the second vertex is the noting-situation of the pair of red-bean and black-bean in the inner-thinking of the inner position of the selfish triangle, and, creating out the life-tunnel of the volume-psychology; the third vertex is the noting-situation of the pair of red-bean and black-bean on both the dark-side and the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section, and, creating out the be-alive-tunnel of the volume-psychology;
Clearly, No.1, the division-effect between the dark-side and the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section, has no ability to be expressed in the language-symbol. Because of that, the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section, is the law of trying conservation, and going into the connection with the law of God’s power, to pick out the inspiration. And, going from the beginning-spot of the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section, into the ending-spot of the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section, it is applying the mass-energy-pair of the material, to note the tunnel of property going through. Or, it is the transformation-tunnel of transforming the natural-measured-property of being controlled by God, into the fluid-track of the natural-measured-property of artificial controlling effect of selfish triangle.
Applying the division-effect of the pair of the red-bean and the black-bean, to note both the dark-side and the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section, the self-original-property of this noting of the division-effect, is just cutting down the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining be-alive, or, it is cutting down the fluid-track of the property-moving, or, it is just cutting down the fluid-track of the fruit-fluid, and, it is jumping into the division-effect between the Bohr’s barrel and the Bohr’s cost, and it is just the fourth dimensional murdering. And, according to cutting down the definer of defining be-alive, it is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
Clearly, No.2, the inner-thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle, can’t be divided into different parts through the language-symbol, because of that, this is the completeness of life. Applying the division-effect of the pair of the red-bean and the black-bean, to note the division-sheet between the volume-thinking and the ether-thinking at the inner position of selfish triangle, it is just tearing the completeness of life, into the segments, and, creating out the flesh-soup-techs of HAN-XIN, and, it is just the fourth dimensional murdering. And, it is just what zombie’s action had shown, of deciding the property of life. Or, it is according to defining the property of life, to create out the planning-life. And, according to cutting down the definer of defining life, it is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
And then, No.3, the thinking-extinction triangle, is going through destroying both the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive simultaneously, to create out the third reference-time-dimension, of being rooted on the contacting map of zombie, and, creating out the negative-thinking in the negative selfish triangle. Or, it is dragging the sightline of zombie’s eye at the position of death-boundary, into the overlapping-state and the parasitic-state on the universe-diameter, and, it is just creating out the humankind-extinction triangle.
And then, it is shown as that, the thinking-extinction triangle is the unique isolated volume-expression-shape of the universe-diameter-shape, at the inner position of universe, or, being the unique isolated volume-expression-shape of fourth dimension, at the inner position of universe. And the meaning of the volume-expression-shape is that, this is the expression-shape of fitting the permission of the natural measurement, or, fitting the permission of the Go’s measurement. Or, it is just the double-layers-structure of between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God.
Here, the Einstein’s moon is just the negative thinking of the negative selfish triangle, with occupying the position of the general focused beacon of Bohr’s cost; and, the moon of being controlled by God, is just the thinking of selfish triangle of being connected with the life-property of human, or, being the life-instinct-circulation of selfish triangle, with occupying the position of the general Bohr’s barrel. That is to say, this quantum wave-function-type of division-effect between the selfish triangle and the negative selfish triangle, is just used into creating out the completed extinction of the completed humankind with the permission of the God’s measurement. That is to say, the humankind is in thinking, and the zombie is in expressing, and, this is just the extinction.
Or, No.4, as the thinking-extinction triangle being the unique isolated expression-shape of the fourth dimension at the inner position of universe, it is going through the sightline of zombie’s eye of being launched out from the death-boundary, to give out the fitting with the law of double layers of fourth dimension, and then, being shown as the property of the fourth dimension, with the permission of the natural measurement. That is to say, the relation between the thinking-extinction triangle and the humankind-extinction triangle, is just the structure of the law of the double tunnels of fourth dimension. And it is creating out the completeness of the negative universe-diameter, between the death-boundary and the first life-privacy-particle of selfish triangle. Or, it is creating out the extinction-completeness of humankind.
Or, A:going through stealing the volume-thinking of selfish triangle, at first; and B:going through destroying the connection-effect, between the volume-thinking of selfish triangle and the definer of defining be-alive, at second; and then, C:it is shown as the expression-shape of the fourth dimension with the permission of natural measurement; and, D:this is just the zombie’s tech, of going through the bridge and then destroying this bridge. Or, it is using the humankind at first, and then, killing down the humankind at second. Or, it is just what zombie had said of coming from the humankind and then being used into the humankind. Or, it is just what zombie had defined of that, it is the advantage of being after. And so on.
This is not the problem of killing, but, being the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable random-killing, or, until the completed extinction of the completed humankind. Because of that, this is the structure of Schrödinger-cat of being made up of the pair of the selfish triangle and the negative selfish triangle. Or, it is just the angel particle of being defined by zombie.
The three vertexes of the thinking-extinction triangle, are all the situation of language-symbol-expression, and fitting every behavior of zombie and fitting all the behaviors of zombie. Or, it is just the grand-data of zombie, and the family-note-book of zombie. These are all the fundamental structures of being connected with the extinction of humankind.
The set of the three vertexes of the thinking-extinction triangle, is the unique isolated track-shape of the fourth dimension, of being able to be expressed out at the inner position of universe. It is shown as the situation of the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
Except the thinking-extinction triangle, and, at the inner position of universe, all the existences of fourth dimensional properties are the knots on the unique web system of fourth dimension, and without the ability to be shown as the fourth dimensional property in direct way, but, being shown as the different segments of the fourth dimension. And, any single-segment of the fourth dimensional property is of the shape of double layers of being made up of both the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God, and then, fitting the angular quantum effect with the law of constant wrong forever. And then, there must be the central scientific principle to splice all the segments into the unique isolated body. Because of that, the fourth dimension is just the property of the extinction.
Universe-diameter is the expression-shape of fourth dimension at the inner position of universe. But, the universe-diameter must be fitting the law of direction-expression, with creating out the space-first conservation, and, creating out the half of Galileo’s relativity finally. According to the half of Galileo’s relativity being the fundamental root-supporting, it is creating out the beginning-step of near-science.
Or, the law of direction-expression is the eternal destroyer of destroying the expression-shape of expressing the universe-diameter. Or, the law of direction-expression, is tearing the universe-diameter into the segments, to show the direction of universe. And then, there must be the central scientific principle, to splice the set of all the segments of fourth dimensional property, into the unique web system of fourth dimension, and going through the completeness, to give out the inspiration-known. And then, the universe-diameter is not the track-expression, but, being the pointer of the fixed direction of the completed universe, and, being shown as the central-dogma of universe vertical.
This is different from the thinking-extinction triangle totally.
The half of Galileo’s relativity, is the original creation spot of creating out the near-science. Or, Galileo’s room, is the original creation spot of creating out the near-science. Or, the gap-area between the gap of cutting life and the feeling-known, is the original creation spot of creating out the near-science. The gap of cutting life is the 2-dimensional sheet-shape between the life property and the lifeless property. Or, in the original creation double circle-lines of feeling-known, the inner circle-line, is the original creation spot of creating out the near-science. Or, the isolated 3-dimensional structure in the isolated 3-dimensional space, is the original creation spot of creating out the near-science.
Clearly, the original creation spot of creating out the near-science, is the problem of the quantum self-spin of the law of double layers. Or, it is going through excreting away the double tunnels effect of the fourth dimension, to create out the 3-dimensional structure, and then, to show the original creation spot-existence of creating out the near-science.
And then, the original creation spot of creating out the near-science, is expressed as the isolated-pair of the single circle-line and the single center-dot. The single circle-line is the space-scope that the near-science has no ability to go beyond; and, the single center-dot is just the isolated Galileo’s room, or, being the isolated 3-dimensional structure.
When the near-science wanted to go beyond this space-scope, or, when the near-science wanted to go beyond the outer circle-line in the original creation double circle-lines of creating out the feeling-known, then, according to the law of quantum-grade, it is creating out the first layer of division-effect, or, it is creating out the outer-layer of division-effect, of being the division-effect between the relativity-effect and the quantum-effect; and further, it is creating out the second layer of division-effect, or, it is creating out the inner-layer of division-effect, of being the division-effect between the Bohr’s barrel and the Bohr’s cost, and, being shown as the quantum wave-function.
And then,the unique isolated result is that, the front of the near-science must be the tunnel of going into the extinction. And this is just the Bohr’s cost.
The half of Galileo’s relativity is the original creation step-spot of creating out the near-science. And, during the several thousand years of before the half of Galileo’s relativity, the shape of science was the mixture of four elements of, No.1, the science, No.2, the tech, No.3, the magic, and No.4, the religion. And, this is just the shape of the universe-diameter.
And then, the historical function of Galileo in the human life history, or, the historical function of the half of Galileo’s relativity in human life history, is creating out the division-effects, of changing the mixture of four elements of being made up of the science, the tech, the magic, and the religion, into four different isolated parts. And, it is fitting the power of the law of reality conservation, and, it is fitting the law of division conservation between the civilization and the culture.
The physical meaning of the half of Galileo’s relativity, is just the isolated 3-dimensional structure. And, it is fitting the equivalent between the sightline and the structure in completed way.
And then, the pointer of the fixed direction of the development-step of the near-science, is just according to the beginning-spot of the isolated 3-dimensional structure, to go towards the direction of touching the fourth dimension. Or, the front of the near-science, must be touching the extinction; or, the front of the near-science, must be the universe-prison-ball of zombie.
Or, the pointer of the fixed direction of the development-step of near-science, is just according to the beginning-spot of the isolated 3-dimensional structure, to pointer towards the unique web system of fourth dimension. Or, the front of the near-science, must be the immune-physics.
And, the thinking-extinction triangle, is just the unique isolated expression-shape of the fourth dimension, at the inner position of universe. And, this is the position that the near-science must be touching, and this is just what zombie had defined the top-summit of the science. This is just the physical meaning of the extinction of the completed humankind.
The property of the fourth dimension is just the extinction. It is the extinction of the completed universe, and, it is the extinction of the completed life. But, this type of extinction, is creating out the connection tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, to show the side of zombie. Or, excreting away this type of extinction, it is just creating out the connection tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, to show the side of humankind. Clearly, this problem is, No.1, connected with the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the universe; and, No.2, connected with the original creation mechanism-procedure of creating out the life.
This is not the problem of killing, but, the problem of large scale of killings, until the uncontrollable killing, or, until the extinction of the completed humankind.
The inevitable effect is that, in the life-shape of P-track, there must be applying the behavior-action of extreme-harm. The problem is that, what is the way of applying the behavior-action of extreme-harm? What is the way of keeping the life-continuing? What is the necessary of the volume-structure? And, what is the volume-way of running the necessary volume-structure?
No matter what, zombie must be sent into the hell.
The existence-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is the 3-dimensional structure being located at the inner position of the fifth universe. The meaning-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of the completed fifth universe.
The space-scope of the 3dimensional structure of the fifth universe, has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the big bubble of funny-universe. And, the space-scope of the big bubble of funny-universe, has no ability to go beyond the space-scope of the universe-prison-ball of zombie. The space-scope of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, has no ability to go beyond the unique web system of fourth dimension.
The universe-prison-ball of zombie, is according to the first background of the universe-position of the death-boundary, and according to the second background of the central scientific principle, to create out the division-effect, between the unique web system of fourth dimension and the 3-dimensional structure of the completed universe. This is the natural measured property of driving the completed universe into the extinction. Or, it is the original creation spot of creating out the actions, of driving the completed human life into the completed extinction.
But, the meaning-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of the completed fifth universe, or, being the partial-unit of the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of the completed-triple-universes. And then, the meaning-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is the definer of defining the 3-dimensional-existence in the existence-property of the fifth universe.
The existence-scope of the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction of the fifth universe, is going beyond the scope of all the particle-structures of the fifth universe, and, going beyond the big bubble of funny-universe, and, going beyond the universe-prison-ball of zombie, and, being connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, being connected with the outer position of outside the universe through the extinction-property tunnel.
The first element is the contacting map of zombie; the second element is the division-effect between the shift-thinking bubble and the inner-core area of thinking; the third element is the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section; these three elements are creating out the thinking-extinction triangle. Because of that, the connection between the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section and the law of God’s power, is not connected through the thinking. And, it is also not through the language, but, it is through the law of trying conservation.
The thinking-extinction triangle, is just the pair triangle of both the red-bean and the black-bean. The definer of defining both the red-bean and the black-bean, is the particle-side of the contacting-map of zombie. The original creation procedure of the particle-side of the contacting-map of zombie is that, the central scientific principle glues all the expressions of all the natural measured properties, into the single completed body. And then, it is just creating out the extinction-state of driving the differentiation-effect of professional subjects into extinction. But, this extinction-state is just occupying the position of the original creation spot of creating out the differentiation-pointer of professional subjects.
According to the original-creation-procedure of creating out the particle-side of the contacting-map of zombie, being the definer, it is defining out the particle-side of the 2-dimensional sheet-shape of the contacting-map of zombie. Or, it is defining the particle-side of the contacting-map of zombie into the white-color.
The meaning of the white-color is of no colors, or, it is the dimwit-idiot, of being the law of the original creation conservation of creating out corpse-mind. Or, it is just the meaning of thinking-extinction. Or, it is just the meaning of what zombie had defined that, the white-hand creates family with making large of money, and, it is just the meaning of what zombie had defined that, the vacuum-hand traps the white-wolf. Or, it is just the meaning of dimwit making large of money. Or, it is just the particle-side of the contacting map of zombie.
The original creation spot of creating out this white-color, is just the Confucius, of holding large amount of knowledge, but refusing the differentiation-effect of the professional subjects. And then, it could be called as the Confucius-white-color. And, it is not the white-color of being connected with the feeling-known. But, it is going to occupy all the feeling-known, with pretending God.
This white-color is that, No.1, it is the original creation spot of creating out the differentiation-pointer of professional subjects; No.2, it is the original creation spot of creating out the corpse-mind holding the goal of driving humankind into the extinction; No.3, it is the public boundary between the selfish triangle and the negative selfish triangle, and being the duality of death-be-alive. Or, it is Schrödinger-cat. And, No.4, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is just also the Schrödinger-cat.
According to the first background of the humankind-extinction triangle, and, according to the second background of the Confucius-white-color of being located at the particle-side of the contacting-map of zombie,
No.1, the black-bean on the contacting-map of zombie, is noting the volume-thinking of the single selfish triangle, or noting the connection-effect between the inner-core area of thinking and the law of God’s power at the inner position of the single selfish triangle. Or, it is just noting the connection-track of the universe-diameter, and being parasitic in the law of metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter, or, being connected with all the actions of the differentiation-effect of professional subjects.
No.2, the red-bean on the contacting-map of zombie, is noting the ether- thinking of the single selfish triangle, or noting the shift-thinking bubble at the inner position of the thinking-diameter bubble. Or, it is noting the breaking-effect of the universe-diameter, or noting the self-breaking of the connection with the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is just noting the eligibility-losing of the choice-pole at the inner position of the fifth universe. Or, it is connected with every edge and all the edges of the differentiation-actions of all the professional subjects. Commonly, it is destroying the professional-choice of selfish triangle, and giving out the land of planning life, and, giving out the land of planning be-alive. Or, it is creating out the death-crime conservation. Or, it is just what zombie had said of that, it is not frighten of thief stealing, but, it is frighten of thief caring about you.
No.3, the white-color on the contacting-map of zombie, is just showing out the shape of universe-diameter in language-expression way. Or, it is expressing out the law of the metabolism conservation of universe-diameter, in language-symbol way. Or, it is expressing out the shape of humankind-extinction triangle, in language-symbol way. Or, it is according to the language-symbol background, to fix the position of zombie’s eye into the death boundary, and fitting the law of determination coming from the background. Because of that, the contacting-map of zombie is just the death-background of being defined by God. But the shape of being defined by God, is the universe vacuum-immune system. In the background of universe vacuum of immune, it is creating out the Confucius-white-color.
The root-existence of the pair of red-bean and black-bean is fixed on the contacting-map of zombie, and being connected with the death boundary according to the law of determination coming from background.
The thinking-tunnel of the pair of red-bean and black-bean is connected with the division-effect between the shift-thinking–bubble and the inner-core area of thinking, at the inner position of every single-selfish-triangle and all the single-selfish-triangles.
The action-tunnel of the pair of red-bean and black-bean, is connected with the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section, and then being connected with the law of God’s power, through the parasitic in the behavior-action of selfish triangle. Or, it is connected with the measurement-effect of coming from God, and being connected with the controlling-effect of being controlled by God.
Then, the negative-gene of zombie, is just applying the principle-section of culture-tunnel to replace the principle-section of civilization-tunnel, and creating out the mixture of the 50% of zombie’s principle-section and the 50% of human principle-section of life-continuing. Or, it is applying the zombie’s measurement to replace the God’s measurement, and it is the creating out the volume-extinction. This is driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction, in deliberate way.
According to the background of the dark-side of the principle-section, there are two tunnels of the existences, being located at the dark-side of the principle-section. One of the tunnels is the dark-side of the principle-section of the civilization-tunnel, being connected with the law of God’s power, and, the law of God’s power is connected with the extinction-property; the other tunnel is the dark-side of the principle-section of the culture-tunnel, being connected with the set of three different imaginary numbers of “i”, and fitting the universe 3- “i” structure.
One of the examples of the universe 3- “i” structure, is just the biological body of every person. The first shape of “i”, is the cell; the second shape of “i”, is the cellular-nucleus; and, the third shape of “i”, is the chromosome. That is to say, the law of God’s power is just the mixture-spot of three different “i”.
The meaning of the law of God’s power is that, when the selfish triangle thinks it is the existence, the God thinks it is not the existence; when the selfish triangle thinks it is not the existence, then, the God thinks it is the existence. Because of that, this is the definer of defining be-alive.
Some ones think that, making harm to other is very funny, and, making harm to other is very easy. And then, what is the method to make the self-own being not harmed? No matter what method is, the unique isolated final method is just killing.
That is to say, zombie has no eligibility of life, and, zombie has no eligibility of using money, and, fitting the death-crime conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time. And, zombie must be in charge of the responsibility of more than two thousand years of all the disasters.
The set of three elements of creating out the thinking-extinction triangle is that, the first element is the division-effect between the red-bean and the black-bean on the particle-side of the contacting-map of zombie;
The second element is the division-effect between the shift-thinking bubble of being noted with the red-bean, and the inner-core area of thinking of being noted with the black-bean;
The third element is the division-effect between the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section of being noted with the black-bean, and the bright-side of the principle-section of being noted with the red-bean of including both the principle-section of civilization-tunnel and the principle-section of culture-tunnel.
There are is the secret element of that, the zombie is applying the property of the dark-side of the culture-principle-section of holding the set of three different imaginary number of “i”, to create out the methods-tunnels of math replacing the science, and to drive the completed humankind into extinction.
The set of three elements of the humankind-extinction is that, the first element is the death boundary; and the second element is the pointer of force law, of being connected with the definer of defining life; and the third element is the law of God’s power, of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive.
Between the thinking-extinction triangle and the humankind-extinction triangle, it is the situation of the completed property-folding, and being shown as the law of double-layers of structure of the fourth dimension.
Because of that, the mutual-spin of the red-bean and the black-bean on the contacting-map of zombie, is going through up-side-down transformation between the death and the be-alive, to be connected with the death boundary.
And, the situation of both the shift-thinking bubble and the inner-core area of thinking of being noted with the mutual-spin of the red-bean and the black-bean, is transferring the pair of the red-bean and the black-bean into the connection with the pointer of force law, through the selfish triangle;
And, the dark-side of the civilization-principle-section is going through the law of trying conservation, or, going through the quantum-center-dot of the wave function, or, going through the outer circle-line of the original creation double circle-line of creating out the feeling-known, to be connected with the law of God’s power. Or, it is transferring the noting-effect of noting the pair of the red-bean and the black-bean, into the connection with the law of God’s power. And further, this division-effect of noting the pair of the red-bean and the black-bean, with being connected into the law of God’s power is that, No.1, it is just parasitic into the division-effect, between the Bohr’s barrel and the Bohr’s cost, in completed way; No.2, it is just parasitic into the division-effect, between the dark-side and the bright-side of the civilization-principle-section; and, No.3, it is just showing out the mechanism of the twisted-effect of universe-vertical, or the mechanism of the central-dogma of universe-vertical. Or, it is just what zombie had defined of the top-summit of science. This is the situation of the completed extinction of the completed humankind, with fitting the extinction-completeness.
And, it is shown as the result of that, the relation between the thinking-extinction triangle and the humankind-extinction triangle, is just the situation of the completed property-folding, and being fixed at the procedure-position between the far and the near. Or, it is fixed in the gap-area between the far-science and the near-science.
No.1, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the humankind-extinction triangle; No.2, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the thinking-extinction triangle. And then, No.3, this is just the law of reality-conservation.
This is not the killing, but, this is the large scale of killings, and, until the uncontrolled random-killings. Because of that, no one likes the law of killing conservation, and, no one likes the law of fixed sequence-conservation through the killing. But, the negative selfish triangles like the law of killing conservation, and, the negative selfish triangles like the law of fixed sequence-conservation through the killing, and, with creating out the 13 negative universe-unit-particles.
The quantum-line of the universe-diameter, or the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter, is one of three edges of the humankind-extinction triangle, and being shown as the law of life-continuing conservation.
But, zombie is applying the math-definite-property of the death-boundary, or, applying the equivalent-effect between the (death, be-alive)and the math of(0,1), to create out the 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie, and aiming into replacing the law of the metabolism conservation of universe-diameter, and to drive the law of the metabolism conservation of universe-diameter into the extinction.
The set of three elements of the humankind-extinction triangle is that, the first element is the death boundary, and the second element is the pointer of force law, and the third element is the law of God’s power.
In the humankind-extinction triangle, the quantum-line of universe-diameter of being made up of the pair of the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, is going through the law of killing conservation, and going through the law of fixed sequence conservation of through killing, to drive the death-boundary into the vacuum of in-existence. And then, it is protecting the pointer-existence of the fixed direction of the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter. Or, it is protecting the pointer-existence of the fixed direction of the life-continuing.
This is the law of God, or, it is the law of God creating out the humankind. And the expression-shape of being connected with the feeling-known, is just the connection-situation, between the pointer-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability and this fixed-direction-pointer of God’s law. And, this is the connection-situation between the pointer-shape of the Einstein’s moon and the pointer-shape of the moon of being controlled by God. And it is to show the situation of destroying the feeling-known in constant way, and to show the situation of destroying the direction-expression in constant way, and fitting the law of direction-expression. And, this is the situation of the pointer-shape of holding the meaning but without holding the expression. And, this situation of holding the meaning but destroying the expression-shape, is just the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. Or, it is just what zombie had said of being hit but without the ability to speak out. Or, it is just what zombie had said of that, the humankind is victim forever.
And, zombie is just applying the death-boundary into the fourth dimensional base-land, to create out the 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie, and aiming into replacing and destroying the law of life-continuing conservation.
The middle-cosmic-fulcrum of the quantum-line of universe-diameter, is just the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. The meaning-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is the shape-situation of holding the meaning-shape but without holding the expression-shape. But, the structure-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is the shape of being tangled with the 3-dimensional structure of being connected with the mutual-spin of weight-supporting between the physical-moving-track of money-fluid and the physical-moving-track of biological body. And it is shown as the connection with both the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle.
The meaning of without the meaning, is just looking for the meaning, and it is just the scientific researching, or, it is the law of original creation of creating out the science.
That is to say, according to the meaning of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, being the situation of holding the pointer-meaning-shape but without the expression-shape of this pointer, zombie is just applying the 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie, to replace and to destroy the meaning-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, in completed way. This is the zombie’s tech of aiming into the inexistence to create out the destroying. Or, it is the zombie’s tech of aiming into the life-instinct circulation to create out the destroying.
Or, it is just changing the universe-diameter, into the pointer of the fixed direction of zombie-feeding-humankind. Or, it is just changing the middle-cosmic-fulcrum of the universe-diameter, into the pointer of the fixed direction of feeding-humankind. Or, it is just driving the volume-meaning into the extinction. Or, the pointer of the fixed direction of the feeding-humankind, is just the pointer of the fixed direction of volume-meaning-extinction. Or, it is replacing the volume-meaning in completed way. Or, it is just applying the connection-method of mouth-anus, to drive the volume-meaning into the extinction, in completed way.
According to the background of humankind-extinction triangle, when the universe-diameter is replaced by the pointer of the fixed direction of feeding-humankind, or, when the law of metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter is replaced by the pointer of the fixed direction of feeding-humankind, then, in the humankind-extinction triangle, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is of no ability to be connected with the universe-diameter.
Or, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is of no ability to be connected with both the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. Because of that, this is the situation of zombie-feeding-humankind. Under the background of feeding-humankind, both the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive, are all not the necessary. And, this is just the situation of zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent at this time now. And this is just the death conservation. Or, it is the law of killing conservation.
Or, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is of no ability to be connected with both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, because of that, this is the feeding-state. And, because of that, according to the near-science, both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law are all the inexistence. And then, the unique isolated result is that, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is changed into the isolated-existence of 3-dimensional structure. Or, it is changing the humankind-extinction triangle into the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction.
This is just the physical-situation of zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent at this time now. And, both the natural measured meaning of the pointer of force law and the natural measured meaning of the law of God’s power, are all totally controlled by zombie. And, this type of zombie controlling, is just the law of killing conservation. Because of that, this is the extinction-completeness of the completed humankind, and it is not the extinction-completeness of the persons of Chinese continent.
The set of four elements of the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction is that, the first element is the death-boundary; the second element is the pointer of force law; and the third element is the law of God’s power; and the fourth element is just the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability.
In the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction, the physical position of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is fixed in the gap-area between the bright-side of the principle-section and the dark-side of the money-section, or, being fixed in the position of the center-cosmic-fulcrum of the quantum-line of universe-diameter, of being defined by God. But, this physical position is replaced by the pointer of the fixed direction of zombie-feeding-humankind. And then, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is changed into the isolated 3-dimensionao structure, of with neither the necessary of definer of defining life, nor the necessary of definer of defining be-alive.
No.1, the position of the center-cosmic-fulcrum of the quantum-line of universe-diameter, is replaced by the pointer of the fixed direction of zombie-feeding-humankind; No.2, the connection-tunnel between the death-boundary and the dark-money-tunnel, is changed into the inner-structure of the inner-particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, or, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is changed into the beautiful skin of the connection-structure between the death-boundary and the dark-money-tunnel; or, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is changed into the beautiful skin of the ninth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie; No.3, and then, it is shown as the physical-existence-meaning of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, being isolated 3-dimensional structure; No.4, it is just shown as physical-meaning of that, the humankind-extinction triangle is changed into the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction.
In the completed-shape of the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction, according to the law of determination coming from the background, the meaning-pointer-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, can’t be shown directly. Because of that, the physical-moving-track of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is connected with the earth surface, and being shown as the structure of constant partial-conservation at the inner position of universe. And, the universe-diameter is replaced by the zombie-feeding-humankind.
But, the meaning-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is the center-cosmic-fulcrum of the quantum-line of universe-diameter, being connected with the completed universe through the universe-diameter, and occupying one of three edges of the humankind-extinction triangle. And then, it is to show the effect of the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter, through excreting away the death-boundary, or, excreting away the humankind-extinction triangle.
But, when selfish triangle is losing the thinking-ability, or, when both the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive are all changed into the situation of being not necessary, then, zombie is applying the pointer of the fixed direction of feeding-humankind, to occupy and to replace the position of universe-diameter, or to occupy and to replace the position of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, to occupy the position of the meaning-shape of the mind-conservation-particle of losing thinking-ability, and to create out the division-effect between the meaning-shape and the existence-shape of in the mind-conservation-particle of losing thinking-ability, and then, it is just making the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability into the isolated universe-structure. Or, it is just changing the humankind-extinction triangle into the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction.
In the humankind-extinction triangle, there is the existence of the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter, or, there is the existence of the self-original-property of excreting away the humankind-extinction triangle, or, there is the existence of the life-instinct circulation. But, in the tetrahedron of the humankind-extinction, the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter is replaced, by the pointer of the fixed direction of feeding-humankind, and there is no ability to excreting away the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction. And then, there is no ability to excreting away the humankind-extinction triangle.
Or, in the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction, the life-instinct is totally destroyed, or, in the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, the meaning-shape and the existence-shape are completely divided apart away, and there is no ability of excreting away the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction. And of course, there is no ability to excrete away the humankind-extinction triangle. And then, the unique isolated final result is that, there will be no life on the surface of earth.
According to the background of the tetrahedron of humankind-extinction, the pointer of the fixed direction of zombie-feeding-humankind, is just the pointer of the fixed direction of humankind-extinction. Or, it is applying the connection-method of anus-mouth, to replace the universe-diameter, and to create out the division-effect completely, between the meaning-shape and the existence-shape in the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, and, it is replacing the meaning-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, in completed way.
When the meaning-shape of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is replaced by the pointer of the fixed direction of zombie-feeding-humankind, then, there must be the background of the center-cosmic-fulcrum of universe-diameter, to show the existence of the meaning-shape of the mind-conservation-particle of losing thinking-ability. And, the center-cosmic-fulcrum of universe-diameter is defined by God. Applying the pointer of the fixed direction of zombie-feeding-humankind to replace the existence of being defined by God, it is just the law of the killing conservation. that is to say, according to the law of God, the fixed direction of zombie-feeding-humankind must be killed down, and then, to put the meaning-shape of the mind-conservation-particle of losing thinking-ability, into the state of being reborn.
The pointer of the fixed direction of zombie-feeding-humankind, or, the pointer of the fixed direction of humankind-extinction is that, No.1, there must be the ability of aiming into replacing the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing; No.2, there must be the ability of aiming into the law of God’s power, to create out the action of destroying; No.3, there must be the ability of aiming into the pointer of force law, to creation out the action of destroying; No.4, this is the fourth dimensional aiming-sight; No.5, to create the fourth dimensional aiming-sight, there must be the enough of understanding the natural measured property about the fourth dimension; No.6, the result is that, the situation of zombie researching the natural measured property of fourth dimension, is very enough deep. And, this is the negative science of zombie.
The science is the original creation spot of creating out the rule, and the science is the original creation spot of creating out the constitution. This is not only the problem of the zombie’s base-land of Chinese continent, but, this is the problem of the completed surface of earth with 6 billion persons on it.
The gap-area between the bright-side of principle-section and the dark-side of money-section, is the particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. And, the particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is made up of the pair of physical-moving-track of money-fluid and the physical-moving-track of biological body, of being tangled with the 3-dimensional structure, and to be shown as the holographic particle. But, the meaning-shape of the particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, and to explain the meaning of holographic particle.
And then, the meaning of losing the thinking-ability, is shown as the division-effect being created out by thinking, and between the meaning-shape and the existence-shape, at the inner position of the holographic particle. And, it is creating out the effect of that, the connection-method between the mouth and the anus is winning forever.
There are two beacons of driving the particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking-ability, into the state of being reborn. One of the two beacons is the law of God’s power, and the other is the pointer of force law. Because of that, the meaning-shape of the particle of mind conservation of losing thinking ability, is just the unique isolated pointer of the fixed direction, of going from the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, and to touch the ending-spot of the pointer of force law. Or, it is just the pointer of fixed direction of the universe-diameter.
But, there is the third beacon-spot, to destroy the reborn-state of the thinking-ability, and this beacon-spot is just the death boundary. At the inner position of the particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, the black-money-tunnel is going through the structure of zombie, to be constantly connected with the death boundary, or, the black-money-tunnel is going through the death boundary in constant way, to create out the structure of zombie. Or, the death boundary is constantly connected with 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie, to wait zombie finding. And, this is to show the law of killing conservation, and, this is to show the law of the fixed sequence through the killing.
That is to say, there are three beacon-spots of driving the particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking-ability into the state of being reborn. Two of the three beacons are driving the thinking-ability into the state of being reborn, and including the law of God’s power and including the pointer of force law. The third beacon is constantly destroying the reborn-ability of thinking-ability. And this is the death boundary. Because of that, there must be excreting away the death boundary at first, and then, there will be the chance to drive the thinking-ability into the state of being reborn.
The particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking ability, is the structure of being connected with the feeling-known at the inner position of the fifth universe, just like the primitive person seeing the earth, and killing is inevitable. Is there anyone who understands the meaning?
And then, three beacon-spots of driving the thinking-ability into the state of being reborn, are just the set of three different original creation spots of creating out the fifth universe. And, this is just the general quark, and the universe is created out from the quark. Is it very small? Yes. Because of that, these three beacon-spots are the entire nothing. This is the sight-angle of the original creation of the universe, of according to the background of time-dimensions, to create out the space-dimension, in the procedure of the original creation of creating out the universe. Or, observing the original creation of universe, it is the effect of the angular quantum.
These three original creation spots of creating out the universe, are all according to the background of time-dimension to create out the space-dimension. In this procedure, the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law are all the original creation spots of the creation-type, or, it is the original creation spot of the existence-type; but, the death-boundary is the original creation spot of showing the extinction. Or, it is going through driving the fifth universe into the extinction, and then to create out the fifth universe. This is just the death boundary, and zombie had researched it very deep.
Why the extinction-property is of the original creation property? Because of that, during the procedure of the original creation of universe, it is just the procedure of excreting away the extinction-property, and to create out the immune system of the universe vacuum. And then, the extinction-property is just the original creation spot of creating out the universe.
And, the existence of life, must be also excreting away the extinction-property, and then, there will be the change of the life-continuing. This is just the law of metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter, and, this is just the law of killing conservation, and, this is just the law of the fixed sequence through the killing. This is the rule of being created out by God, untilled the completed extinction of the completed humankind, this rule will not be changed. What is the rule?
According to the background of the universe 8-poles, the law of God’s power is connected with the 45degree bright-angle of universe; the pointer of force law is fixed at the position of the 225degree bright-angle of universe; and, the death boundary is located at the position of 135degree bright-angle of the fifth universe.
And then, it is creating out the triangle, and, this triangle is the quantum triangle, and, it is the humankind-extinction triangle, or, the fourth dimensional war-triangle, and, being overlapped with the eye of zombie in completed way, or, being overlapped with the eighth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, in completed way.
The humankind-extinction triangle, or, the fourth dimensional war-triangle, is the eternal un-changeable structure. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, it will not be changed.
灭绝人类三角形的三个顶点,都是第四维度全维拼网唯一性的入口点,都携带上帝定义的含义。 因此,是永恒不变的结构。直至人类整体灭绝,也不会改变。
The three vertexes of the humankind-extinction triangle, are all the entering-port of entering the unique web system of fourth dimension, with holding the meaning of being defined by God. And then, it is the eternal un-changeable structure. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, it will not be changed.
One of the three edges in the humankind-extinction triangle, is the pointer of the fixed direction of the universe-diameter. Or, it is the pointer of the fixed direction of the life-continuing, with the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, and with the ending-spot of the pointer of the force law. Or, it is just the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining be-alive. Or, it is just the law of metabolism conservation of the universe-diameter. Or, it is the pointer of the fixed direction of being folded in the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, and, it is just the natural measured property of being held by the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. Or, it is just the reborn-pointer of driving the thinking-ability into the state of being reborn.
The reborn-pointer of driving the thinking-ability into the state of being reborn, is of many meanings. And, the meaning of the same pointer of the fixed direction holding many meanings, is just the physical meaning of the angular-quantum. Or, it is just the sight-angle, or, it is just what zombie had defined of the opinion of observing the world. Or, it is just the war between thinking.
One of the three edges in the humankind-extinction triangle, is the pointer of the fixed direction of the universe-diameter, and being able to be shown as the quantum-line, or, being called as the quantum-line of universe-diameter. Or, it is the connection-line between the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law.
The quantum-line of universe-diameter is that, No.1, it is the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining be-alive; No.2, it is the connection-tunnel between the definer of defining life and the definer of defining be-alive. And then, the quantum-line of universe-diameter is just the tunnel of life-continuing.
The middle-cosmic-fulcrum of the quantum-line of universe-diameter, is just the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. And the completed body of the quantum-line of universe-diameter, is just the reborn-structure of thinking-ability.
灭绝人类三角形,就是依据灭绝性作为背景,创生规则。或者说,灭绝人类三角形,就是宇宙规则起源点。当然,灭绝人类三角形,也是宪法起源点。宪法,是立法起源点。那么,立法, 怎样处理宪法问题?立法,怎样处理宪法起源点问题?
The humankind-extinction triangle, is just according to the extinction-property, to create out the rules. Or, the humankind-extinction triangle, is just the original creation spot of creating out the universe-rule. Of course, the humankind-extinction triangle, is also the original creation spot of creating out the constitution. The constitution is the original creation spot of creating out the legislation. Then, how does the legislation deals the problem of the constitution? And, how does the legislation deals the problem of the original creation spot of creating out the constitution?
Zombie is standing at the position of humankind-extinction triangle; or, Zombie is standing at the position of creating out the humankind-extinction triangle. Or, zombie is standing at the position of the original creation spot of creating out the constitution, and, zombie is standing at the position of the original creation spot of creating out the legislation, and, changing both the constitution and the legislation into the connection-methods between the mouth and the anus.
And then, one of the methods of zombie driving humankind into extinction, is just driving the legislation system at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land, to solve the problem of zombie. Or, it is just driving the legislation system at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land, to solve the problem of the original creation spot of creating out the legislation. Or, it is just driving the legislation system at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land, to solve the problem of the original creation spot of creating out the constitution. And then, the unique isolated final result is just changing the legislation system at the outer position of outside the zombie’s base-land, into the paper-factory of creating out the white-paper.
The meaning of white-paper is of no words. Or, it is just creating out the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability. Or, it is creating out the idiot. This is driving humankind into extinction in deliberate way.
The humankind-extinction triangle, is just according to the extinction-property, to create out the rules. Or, it is just according to the extinction-property, to create out the set of four physical forces, at the inner position of universe. Or, the humankind-extinction triangle, is just the original creation spot of creating out the set of four physical forces. Or, the humankind-extinction triangle, is just the existence-beacon triangle of showing the existence of the universe fifth force. The universe fifth force, is the physical force of creating out the covalent-bond, or, being the original creation force of creating out the set of four physical forces, or, being just the life-force.
That is to say, when the set of four physical forces is going into the disappearance, it is just creating out the life-effect. Or, at the position of the original creation spot of creating out the universe, the original creation spot of creating out the universe and the original creation spot of creating out the life, are completely overlapped with each other. Or, the universe is created out from the extinction-property, or, the life is created out from the extinction-property. And, this is just the third reference time-dimension.
According to the first background of the unique web system of fourth dimension, and, according to the contacting map of zombie being the second background, the physical meaning of the humankind-extinction triangle is just the 2-dimensional single-sheet. The unique web system of fourth dimension, is the definer of defining the dark-side of this 2-dimensional sheet of humankind-extinction triangle. And, the contacting map of zombie, is the definer of defining the bright-side of this 2-dimensional sheet of humankind-extinction triangle, and, with the definition-result being the destiny-community of humankind. Or, the humankind-extinction triangle is just the destiny-community of humankind.
According to the background of the 2-dimensional sheet-shape of the humankind-extinction triangle, the quantum-line of being made up of both the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law must be the existence. Or, it is the procedure-mechanism of creating out the 3-dimensional structure, to show the situation of the universe-diameter being the existence. But, the death boundary must be the disappearance, with the same result of creating out the 3-dimensional structure, to show the situation of the universe-diameter being destroyed. .
And then, according to the background of the 2-dimensional sheet-shape of the humankind-extinction triangle, at the gap-area between the quantum-line of universe-diameter and the death-boundary, there must be the existence of a 2-dimensional-section, to create out the division-effect between the quantum-lien of universe-diameter and the death-boundary. And, this 2-dimensional-section, is able to be called as the entropy-explosion-section.
The physical root-meaning of the entropy-explosion-section, is excreting away the extinction-property, and to create out the 3-dimension, at the inner position of the entropy-explosion-section, or, at the gap-area between the entropy-explosion-section and the quantum-line of universe-diameter.
According to the first background of the 2-dimensional sheet-shape of the humankind-extinction triangle, and, according to the second background of that the entropy-explosion-section must be excreting away the extinction-property, to create out the 3-dimension, then, the entropy-explosion-section must be parallel with the quantum-line of the universe-diameter. Or, it just must be excreting away the extinction-property at first, and, it is called as the law of parallel conservation of the entropy-explosion-section.
According to the background of the quantum-line of universe-diameter, the law of parallel conservation of the entropy-explosion-section is just the law of original creation of creating out the 3-dimensional structure. All the 3-dimensional structures at the inner position of universe, are created out from dark-side of the entropy-explosion-section. Or, all the 3-dimensional structures at the inner position of universe, is located in the gap-area between the quantum-line of universe-diameter and the entropy-explosion-section. The outer position of outside the entropy-explosion-section, or, the bright-side of the entropy-explosion-section, is just the tunnel of being connected with the other dimensions, or, it is the tunnel of being connected with the property of fourth dimension.
At the inner position of universe, all the other dimensions that could be touched, are all the fourth dimension.
According to the background of the law of parallel conservation of the entropy-explosion-section, the set of four physical forces in the near-physics is located at the inner position of entropy-explosion-section, or, being located at the gap-area between the quantum-line of universe-diameter and the entropy-explosion-section. And then, the outer position of outside the entropy-explosion-section, is just the existence-area of the fifth force of universe. Or, one of the physical meanings of the entropy-explosion-section, is just the duality-section of both division and connection between the universe fifth force and the set of four near-physical forces, or, it is just the section of creating out the covalent-bond.
That is to say, the entropy-explosion-section is just the general united section, of excreting away the extinction-property in united way.
依据熵爆截面平行守恒定律作为背景,熵爆截面的内部,或者熵爆截面与宇宙直径量子线段之间的缝隙区域,就是新城代谢区域,也就是宇宙直径新陈代谢守恒定律。 而熵爆截面外部,就是宇宙真空免疫结构。
According to the background of the law of parallel conservation of the entropy-explosion-section, the inner position of the entropy-explosion-section, or, the gap-area between the quantum-line of the universe-diameter and the entropy-explosion-section, is just the area of metabolism, or, being the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter. But, the outer position of outside the entropy-explosion-section, is the immune system of universe vacuum.
That is to say, the entropy-explosion-section is just the duality-section of division and the connection between metabolism effect and the immune effect. And then, the entropy-explosion-section is just the angel-particle of being defined by zombie, or, being the united battle-line.
According to the background of the 2-dimensional sheet-shape of the humankind-extinction triangle, the quantum-line of the universe-diameter is the definer of defining the dark-side of the entropy-explosion-section; but, the death-boundary is the definer of defining the bright-side of the entropy-explosion-section. Or, the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter is the definer of defining the dark-side of the entropy-explosion-section; but, the immune-structure of the universe vacuum, is the definer of defining the bright-side of the entropy-explosion-section.
That is to say, the entropy-explosion-section, is just the rule-section. And then, the law of parallel conservation of the entropy-explosion-section, is just the law of parallel conservation of rule-section. And then, the physical meaning of the rule is just making the division-effect between the metabolism and the immune. That is to say, the rule is just the duality-gap-area of division and connection between the metabolism effect and the immune effect, and being called as the law of rule conservation. And then, it is connected with the 16-colors of quantum areas, being correspondent to both the second phase and the fourth phase.
And further, the law of rule conservation is also shown as the duality-gap-area of division and connection between the universe fifth force and the set of four physical forces.
According to the law of the parallel conservation of the rule-section, the bright-side of the rule-section is connected with the quantum-line of universe-diameter, and being just the dark-side of the entropy-explosion-section; and, the dark-side of the rule-section is going towards the extinction-property, with holding the immune-effect of universe vacuum, and being just the bright-side of the entropy-explosion-section.
That is to say, the bright-side of the entropy-explosion-section, or, the dark-side of the rule-section, is constantly destroying the equivalent between the sightline and the structure; but, the dark-side of the entropy-explosion-section, or, the bright-side of the rule-section, is constantly the original creation spot of creating out the equivalent between the sightline and the structure.
And then, it is shown as that, the fifth force of universe is directly controlling the thinking of human person, and directly controlling the feeling-known of human person. This is the effect of holding the extinction-property, but, being also the original creation mechanism of creating out the life. This is the eternal choice of humankind between the living and the extinction.
Clearly, large amount of physical effects are created out from here. And, large amount of life effects are also created out from here. And then, it is just shown as the far-sequence and near-chaos, and the far-chaos and the near-sequence.
According to the first background of the law of the parallel conservation of the entropy-explosion-section, and, according to the second background of the humankind-extinction triangle, No.1, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the law of God’s power; No.2, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the pointer of the force law; No.3, the near-science has no ability to go beyond the death-boundary; No.4, the near-science is controlled by the law of the parallel conservation of the entropy-explosion-section, in completed way.
And, the unique definite result is that, the near-physics has gone into the death-tunnel. This is the problem of holding the extinction-property, and, the cost is the completed extinction of the completed humankind.
According to the background of the quantum vessel, the entropy-explosion-section is located at the gap-area between the 6 o’clock and the 3 o’clock, to create out the entropy-explosion-tube, or, to create out the quantum chain. And, the central-axle of the entropy-explosion-tube, is just the unit cooperation pointer, or, the self-original sequence of going from the property to rule and then to function. The meaning of this “self-original”, is just coming from the extinction-property. Or, it is going from the beginning-spot of the pointer of the energy-shrinking, and to touch the ending spot of the unit cooperation pointer, and then, to show the meaning of the “self-original”.
According to the first background of the big bubble of funny-universe, and, according to the second background of the four layers of universe-diameter structure,
The existence-structure at the gap-area between the bright-side of the principle-section and the dark-side of money-section, is the 3-dimensional structure, including the physical-moving-track of money-fluid, and, including the physical-moving-track of biological body, and being tangled with each other around the physical-moving-track of the 3-dimensional structure.
But, the meaning of the existence-structure is the property of the fourth dimension. Or, according to the beginning-spot of the bright-side of the principle-section, and, according to the ending-spot of the dark-side of the money-section, it is the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining be-alive, or, being the transportation-tunnel of transporting the law of God’s power, or, being the pointer of fixed direction of life-continuing.
In common words, for humankind, it is the original creation tunnel of creating out the allocation-track of money-fluid. But, for zombie, it is just the feeding tunnel of zombie feeding humankind with applying the methods of the connection between the mouth and the anus.
That is to say, the gap-area between the bright-side of the principle-section and the dark-side of money-section, is the definite-property of the duality-property of the particle-direction, or, it is just the quantum-particle. It is to show the most fundamental situation of the inner position of the fifth universe, of being the holographic particle, and, being called as the quantum-particle of the second life-tunnel. Or, it is just the fruit-quantum. And, it is also the particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability.
When the selfish triangle is losing the thinking-ability, the corpse-mind of zombie’s monkey-hairs were/are/will be very crazy, and it is the power force of driving humankind into the extinction.
In the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, the 3-dimensional structure of being connected with the surface of the earth, including the physical-moving-track of money-fluid and including the physical-moving-track of biological body, are all the connection with the sightline-seeing, and creating out the feeling-known. But, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining, is constantly destroying the feeling-known.
That is to say, the particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability is, either the natural measured property of the sightline-attraction, or the natural measured property of the sightline-repulsion. This is the near-physical meaning of the mind losing thinking-ability.
The problem of holding the extinction-property is that, the zombie researching of this particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is very deep. Because of that, the structure of this particle of the mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is completely the same with the structure of the contacting map of zombie. They are all the simplest model of holding the property of fourth dimension, to show the pair of single 3-dimensional bubble and the single pointer of fixed direction. Because of that, the contacting map of zombie is not the independent structure, but, being partner with the death boundary to create out the double layers structure, and, to create out the 3-dimensional thinking-particle at the inner position of zombie’s corpse-mind.
Applying the words of zombie to express, this particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is just the united battle-line, or, the angel particle, including the layers-model of atomic nucleus of zombie, and, including the condensed matter physics of zombie, and, including the self-fitting theory of zombie, and, including the phenomena theory of zombie. Or, it is the pair of zombie’s society-science and zombie’s natural-science. This is the negative science of driving humankind into the extinction. Because of that, this particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is just the skin of the dark-money-tunnel, and being connected with the universe-prison-ball through the middle-supporting of the death-boundary.
And, the math-relation between the zero and the one, is completely overlapped with the math-relation between the be-alive and the death. This is just the death conservation, and, this is just the death-crime conservation.
The universe-prison-ball is located at the outer position of outside the big bubble of funny-universe. And, the big bubble of funny-universe is located at the outer position of outside the 3-dimensional structure of the fifth universe.
There are two original creation beacons of making the particle of mind-conservation of losing the thinking-ability, into the state of being reborn of thinking-ability. One of the beacons is the law of God’s power, and the other beacon is the pointer of force law.
The pair of the law of God’s power and the pointer of force law, is the pair of original creation spots of driving the thinking-ability into the state of being reborn. Because of that, one of them is the connection with the definer of defining life, and the other is the connection with the definer of defining be-alive. And, it is to show the pair of two entering-tunnels of going into the unique web system of fourth dimension.
The pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, must be expressed through the unique web system of fourth dimension, to show the pair of the killing-conservation and the immune-conservation, and, fitting the law of direction-expression. Applying the equivalent between the math and the death-boundary, to express the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, it is going beyond the labor-value-theory, and it is driving humankind into extinction in deliberate way, and, this is the death conservation, and this is the death-crime conservation.
Or, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is just the folding-state between the 3-dimensional structure and the unique web system of fourth dimension, and being the folding-state between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God.
The 3-dimensional structure, is the particle-tunnel of the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, and to create out the feeling-known constantly, and, the unique web system of fourth dimension, is the direction-tunnel of the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, and destroying the feeling-known constantly.
According to the self-spin background of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is including a pair of the single layer of 3-dimensional structure-track and the single layer of the unique web system of fourth dimension.
According to the background of the layer of the 3-dimensional result-track, the layer of the unique web system of fourth dimension is shown as the single pointer of the fixed direction being connected with this 3-dimensional structure, or, it is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining be-alive. It is shown as that, the track of transporting the definer of defining be-alive, is going from the beginning-spot of the law of God‘s power, to touch the ending-spot of the pointer of force law. And, it is to show the first conservation law of the thinking-ability being reborn. Or, it is just the law of universe-diameter conservation.
According to the background of the layer of the unique web system of fourth dimension, the layer of the 3-dimensional structure-track is shown as the moving-track of the metabolism. Or, going through metabolism, it is just fitting the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is going through excreting away the fourth dimension, to touch the 3-dimensional structure. And, it is to show the second conservation law of the thinking-ability being reborn. Or, it is just the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter.
And then, observing the thinking and the action of being created out from the corpse-mind of zombie, No.1, it is destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing in deliberate way, or, it is destroying the law of universe-diameter conservation in deliberate way; No.2, it is destroying the metabolism in deliberate way, or, it is destroying the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter in deliberate way; and then, No.3, zombie has no eligibility of life, and zombie has no eligibility of using money, and, it is death-crime conservation, and fitting the principle of God’s law without the restriction of time.
The double layers of structure in the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is just the double layers of structure between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God. And, the wave-function is just fixed in the gap-area between the Einstein’s moon and the moon of being controlled by God. At the front of the relativity, it is just the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost; and, at the front of the Bohr’s barrel, it is just the stable 3-dimensional structure. This is the situation of fitting the anti-clockwise time dimension. And, the 3-dimensional structure is connected with the equivalent between the sightline and the structure.
According to the background of the 3-dimensional structure in the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, the meaning-shape of this 3-dimensional structure is just the pointer of the fixed direction. Or, it is the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, it is just the pointer of universe-vertical. Or, it is just the pointer of fixed direction, of going from the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, and to touch the ending-spot of the pointer of force law. This is situation of according to the background of the already-existence of space, to create out the time dimension.
No.1, the 3-dimensional structure of fitting the fixed direction of universe-vertical is kept, and the 3-dimensional structure of violating the fixed direction of universe-vertical must be excreting away, this is just the metabolism, or, this is the law of killing conservation, or, this is the law of fixed-sequence conservation through killing. Or, it is going through the killing, to create out the fixed-direction of universe-vertical, or, to create out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
No.2, the physical-moving-track of fitting the fixed direction of universe-vertical is kept, and the physical-moving-track of violating the fixed direction of universe-vertical must be excreting away, this is just the metabolism, or, this is the law of killing conservation, or, this is the law of fixed-sequence conservation through killing. Or, it is going through the killing, to create out the fixed-direction of universe-vertical, or, to create out the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing.
No.3, the pair of the law of killing conservation and the law of fixed-sequence conservation through killing, is just the original creation spot of creating out the central-dogma of universe-vertical, or, it is just the original creation spot of the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is just the original creation spot of the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter. The common sense of the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter, is just the law of peace conservation, or, the law of freedom conservation. When name is changed, then, you don’t know the meaning, do you?
According to the background of the dark-side of money-section, there is the existence of double tunnels.
One of the double tunnels is the tunnel of fitting the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is fitting the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining be-alive. The other tunnel is the tunnel of destroying the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, it is destroying the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining be-alive, or, it is the dark-money-tunnel.
The original creation spot of creating out the dark-side of money-section, is just the equivalent between the sightline and the structure, with fitting the bright-side of the money-section. Or, the sightline-seeing is just the original creation spot of creating out the dark-side of money-section. And, clearly, the original creation spot of creating out the bright-side of money-section, is not the sightline-seeing. Or, in common sense, the bright-side of the money-section is just the original creation spot of creating out the dark-side of the money-section.
According to the background of the bright-side of money-section, there is the existence of double tunnels.
One of the double tunnels is the tunnel of being connected with the pointer of force law, or, the tunnels of being connected with the definer of defining life. In common words, it is the tunnel of that, the selfish triangle has taken the money-fluid that this selfish triangle should be taking. .
The other tunnel is the tunnel of being divided apart away from the pointer of force law, or, the tunnels of without the ability to be connected with the definer of defining life, being shown as the harm pointer of hitting the definer of defining life. In common words, it is the tunnel of that, the selfish triangle has not taken the money-fluid that this selfish triangle should be taking. Or, it is robbed by the dark-money-tunnel. And, it is creating out the original creation effect of creating out the negative selfish triangle.
What is the meaning of “should be”? And, what is the meaning of “should not be”? According to the background of the law of metabolism conservation of universe-diameter, this type of question should be answered by the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. And, it is not answered by the pair of mouth and language. Here is the critical meaning-spot of the fourth dimensional war.
That is to say, the original creation spot of creating out the bright-side of the money-section, is the fitting property of that, the dark-side of the money-section must be fitting the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing, or, fitting the transportation-tunnel of transporting the definer of defining be-alive, or fitting the bright-side of the principle-section. Because of that, this is the unique tunnel of be-alive. Here is the focused spot of the fourth dimensional war, and, being the duality-spot of the metabolism-structure and the vacuum-immune-system.
Or, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is just the original creation spot of creating out the bright-side of money-section. Or, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing is the original creation spot of making money-fluid into the existence. Or, in common sense, the dark-side of money-section is just the original creation spot of creating out the bright-side of money-section. Clearly, according to the existence of the dark-money-tunnel, the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing has no ability to create out the dark-side of money-fluid. There must be going through the law of killing conservation, to create out the dark-side of money-section. And, here is the focused spot of zombie driving humankind into extinction.
According to the self-spin-background of the money-section, the original creation spot of creating out the bright-side of money-section, is just the dark-side of money-section; and, the original creation spot of creating out the dark-side of money-section, is just the bright-side of money-section. This is just the self-spin of quantum. According to the background of the completed universe, the original creation spot of creating out the self-spin of quantum, is just the anti-clockwise time dimension. Or, the relation between the self-spin of quantum and the anti-clockwise time dimension, is just the same natural measured property of being shown as two names. But, the two names are divided apart away by the law of division between the whole and the partial.
Or, the relation between the self-spin of quantum and the anti-clockwise time dimension, is just the same natural measured property of being shown as two shapes, and, being just shown as the alteration between the single-dimension and 2-dimension, to create the 3-dimension. The quantum-self-spin is to show the 2-dimensional sheet, and to show the meaning of the partial; but, the anti-clockwise time dimension is to show the single-dimension, and to show the meaning of the whole.
Or, the relation between the self-spin of quantum and the anti-clockwise time dimension, is just the duality effect of direction-particle.
The physical meaning of the anti-clockwise time dimension, is just excreting away the extinction-property and creating out the 3-dimension. And, it is driving the extinction-property into the shape of double tunnels of fourth dimension. And then, the death boundary is also holding the shape of double tunnels of fourth dimension. And then, the physical meaning of the self-spin of quantum, is just located in the gap-area between the double tunnels of fourth dimension, to go apart away from the extinction-property, and to excreting away the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension, and creating out the 3-dimensional structure.
The anti-clockwise time dimension, is the universe-mechanism of excreting away the other dimension, or, it is the universe-mechanism of excreting away the extinction-property, or, it is the universe-mechanism of creating out the 3-dimensional stability. Or, it is the definer of defining the 3-dimensional universe.
In the near-physics, the anti-clockwise time dimension is shown as the self-spin of quantum, or being the original creation spot of creating out the covalent-bond, and it is shown as the triple-connection of energy, mass, and momentum. Or, the angular quantum, the self-spin of quantum, and the major quantum, are creating out the triple-connection. And then, the physical meaning of the magnetic quantum is to show the connection with the ether-beacon. And the property of ether is the connection with the extinction.
That is to say, the dark-money-tunnel of being hidden behind the inner position of the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, is going through the death boundary, to be shown as the completed shape of the double tunnels effect of fourth dimension. And, according to the dragging effect of the central scientific principle, it is creating out the tenth, the eleventh, and the twelfth negative universe-unit-particles of zombie. Or, it is shown as the extinction-completeness of fourth dimension, and being shown as the state of united together to destroy the quantum-self-spin. On the surface of the earth, it is shown as the zombie’s education of without the son and without the grandson, and zombie’s appointment system, and, it is replacing and destroying the pointer of energy-shrinking in completed way. This is just the original creation mechanism of creating out the corpse-mind of zombie’s monkey-hairs. And, it is shown as the physical property of the third reference time dimension.
Or, the third reference time dimension, is just the connection-tunnel of between the anti-clockwise time dimension, and being the original creation spot of creating out the vacuum, and being shown as the law of division between the whole and the partial.
The common meaning of the self-spin of quantum is that, the inner position of 3-dimensional structure is the original creation spot of creating out the outer position of 3-dimensional structure; and, at the same time, the outer position of 3-dimensional structure is the original creation spot of creating out the inner position of 3-dimensional structure. And then, it is creating out the pair of the half of Galileo’s relativity and the completed Galileo’s relativity, with fitting two of the laws of quantum grades. Or, the self-spin of quantum is just changing the set of three of time-dimensions into the unique artificial time-dimension. And the original creation spot of the unique artificial time-dimension, is just the equivalent between the sightline and the structure.
And then, according to the background of quantum-self-spin of coming from the particle of mind-conservation of losing thinking-ability, the beacons of 3 different time-dimensions are that, the beacon of the first time dimension is just the law of God’s power; the beacon of the second time dimension is just the pointer of force law; the beacon of the third time dimension is just the connection between the dark-money-tunnel and the death boundary, and, being the physical tunnel of driving the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
According to the background of the near-physics, the meaning of the quantum self-spin is shown as that, No.1, the electron is the original creation spot of creating out the electric field; and, No.2, the electric field is the original creation spot of creating out the electron; or, No.1, the electric field is the original creation spot of creating out the magnetic field; and, No.2, the magnetic field is the original creation spot of creating out the electric field.
Clearly, these problems are creating out the effect of the mind losing thinking-ability. But, the life-structure of every person is including of three physical tunnels. The first physical tunnel is the connection-tunnel between the completeness of genome and the atoms in the periodic table, with fitting the first life-privacy-particle, and being shown as the controlling effect of DNA-tunnel;
The second physical tunnel is the connection-tunnel between the mutual-spin of weight-supporting and the Einstein’s moon, with fitting the second life-privacy-particle, and being shown as the self-spin controlling-effect of the self-own. And, the periodic table is the tendency of going apart away from the Einstein’s moon, and going towards the moon of being controlled by God;
Third physical tunnel is going through the constant speed of light, to be connected with the universe-vacuum, and then, creating out the equivalent between the sight-line and the structure, and with fitting the connection-effect between the first life-privacy-particle and the second life-privacy-particle. And it is shown as the controlling effect of RNA-tunnel, to show the food is located at the position of being hidden behind the Einstein’s moon with fitting the moon of being controlled by God.
These structures will never be creating out mind losing the thinking-ability. But, the thirteenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie, is just aiming into destroying these structures, and driving the humankind into the extinction. And, this is just the law of MA-JIA-JUE conservation, or, it is the law of Trojan conservation of legislation system.
Eating the peach in mouth, the peach is coming from the peach-flower, and the peach-flower is coming from the peach-tree, and the peach-tree is coming from the roots of the peach-tree. The root of peach-tree is attracting the feces, and the feces are coming from the burden of uncle-peasant. The burden of uncle-peasant is taking out the feces from the feces-pit. The feces in the feces-pit are coming from the anus-hole. The anus-hole is connected with the digestive track. And, the digestive track is connected with mouth. And, the mouth is eating the peach . …….
This is just《 the note of peach garden》, or, it is the set of techs-tracks of zombie driving humankind into extinction. Clearly, this was the very ancient tech. Or, the product is coming from the half of product, and, the half of product is coming from the material, and, the material is coming from the molecule, and, the molecule is coming from the atoms. Then, where do the atoms come from? No matter where do the atoms come from, as long as some person knows it, then, according to the background of the universe-prison-ball of zombie, the tenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie will have the ability to see it. This is just the ghost-spirit of wandering above the sky of Europe.
The problem is that, what is the relation between the roots and the feces? In the gap-area between the roots and the feces, there is the gap-area between different petals in the quantum wave-function. Or, it is the register-position of registering the focused beacon of Bohr’s cost. Or, it is the position that the selfish triangle will never think about it.
It is just what zombie had said of researching the excrement of human person. Or, the eye of seeing the gap-area between the roots and the feces, is just the tenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie. And, this is not the eye of zombie, but, this is the seeing-ability of zombie’s eye, or, stealing.
rel 货币流体物理运动轨迹(与地球表面连接的三维结构或者爱因斯坦月亮)生命肌体物理运动轨迹rel => 可笑宇宙大泡泡内部结构。
rel 货币流体物理运动轨迹(与地球表面连接的三维结构或者爱因斯坦月亮)生命肌体物理运动轨迹rel => 可笑宇宙大泡泡内部结构,显然,这是一个三维结构的看见性,与第四维度全维拼网唯一性的不可知道性,之间的折叠状态。
The inner structure of the big bubble of funny-universe is shown as,
rel the physical-moving-track of the money-fluid(the 3-dimensional structure or the Einstein’s moon being connected with the earth surface) the physical-moving-track of the biological body rel => the inner structure of the big bubble of funny-universe.
The first limited edge of the money-fluid is the language-fulcrum. The second limited edge of the money-fluid is the image of the heart-direction-pointer, or, being the secret-set of standards of the cultural tunnel.
The first limited edge of the biological body, is the double layers structure of being made up of the pointer of force law and the confessing membrane, or to show the existence of the definer of defining life; the second limited edge of the biological body, is the connection between the mutual-spin of weight-supporting and the double life-privacy-particles.
The first life-privacy-particle is the quantum-line of being made up of both the mutual-spin of weight-supporting and the completeness of genome. The second life-privacy-particle is the quantum-line of being made up of both the mutual-spin of weight-supporting and the Einstein’s moon.
The first limited edge of the 3-dimensional structure is going through the law of trying conservation, to be connected with the law of God’s power, or being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. The second limited edge of the 3-dimensional structure is the sightline-seeing in the equivalent between the sightline and the structure. And, hidden behind the sightline-seeing, it is the definer of defining life.
These structures are all the eternal-un-changeable structure. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, these structures will not be changed. Clearly, these structures are all the structures that the zombie is aiming into destroying.
The three limited edges of the selfish triangle are that, the first limited edge is the pointer of force law; the second limited edge is the language-fulcrum; the third limited edge is the confessing membrane.
In the quantum-line of being made up of both the pointer of force law and the language-fulcrum, the middle-cosmic-fulcrum is the outer surface of the thinking-diameter bubble. In the quantum-line of being made up of both the pointer of force law and the confessing membrane, the middle-cosmic-fulcrum is the definer of defining life of being located at the outer position of the light-track, or, it is the state of applying the definer of defining life to replace the constant speed of light, or, it is the disappearing-spot of the constant speed of light, and it is to show the existence of the universe-immune-structure at the outer position of the light-track. In the quantum-line of being made up of both the confessing membrane and the language-fulcrum, the outer-edge of the middle-cosmic-fulcrum is the image of the heart-direction-pointer, or, being the set of standards of the culture tunnel.
These structures are all the eternal-un-changeable structure. Until the completed extinction of the completed humankind, these structures will not be changed. Clearly, these structures are all the structures that the zombie is aiming into destroying.
Comparing with the sightline-seeing state at the inner structure of the big bubble of funny-universe of being made up of the,
rel the physical-moving-track of the money-fluid(the 3-dimensional structure or the Einstein’s moon being connected with the earth surface) the physical-moving-track of the biological body rel => the inner structure of the big bubble of funny-universe,
clearly, this is the folding state between the sightline-seeing and the un-known of the unique web system of fourth dimension.
This is the conservational structure of driving the mind into losing thinking-ability, and being called as the law of the thinking-ability-losing conservation in 3-dimensional thinking. And, the universe-prison-ball of zombie, and, the 13 negative universe-unit-particles of zombie, and, the appointment system of zombie, and, the management of zombie, and, the friend-circle of zombie, and so on, are all using the law of thinking-ability-losing conservation in 3-dimensional thinking, to drive the completed humankind into the completed extinction.
According to the background of the big bubble of funny-universe, the 3-dimensional structure is divided into two layers of parts.
The inner-layer of parts, is fixed with the existence of the 3-dimensional structure of being located at the inner position of the big bubble of funny-universe, or, being the Einstein’s moon, and, being connected with the feeling-known. The outer-layer of parts, is fixed with the existence of the unique web system of fourth dimension, of being located at the outer-position of outside the big bubble of funny-universe, or, being the moon of being controlled by God, and, destroying all the feeling-known.
The gap-area between the two-layers of parts, is just the physical wave-function in near-physics.
And then, in the physical wave-function of near-physics, hidden behind the focused-beacon of Bohr’s cost, it is the tunnel of going into the unique web system of fourth dimension, and going through the top-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, it is connected with the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, being connected with the pointer of energy-shrinking, and to create out the top-half of quantum-collapse, and being correspondent to the effect of relativity.
And then, in the physical wave-function of near-physics, the petals of the wave-function, is going along the bottom-half of anti-clockwise time dimension, to touch the connection with the 3-dimensional structure, and, creating out the effect of Bohr’s barrel, or, being connected with the unit cooperation pointer of the law of property-conservation, and, to create out the bottom-half of quantum-collapse, and being correspondent to the quantum effect.
According to the background of the big bubble of funny-universe, it is able to show the initialized feeling-known about the physical meaning of the fourth dimension. Or, what is the fourth dimension? Because of that, the big bubble of funny-universe is the vessel of containing the feeling-known, and showing the known and the un-known simultaneously.
The simplest set of elements to show the physical meaning of the fourth dimension is that, the first element is a single 3-dimensional bubble; the second element is the physical-moving-track at the inner position of this 3-dimensional bubble; the third element is that, according to the restriction coming from the pair of asymptotic freedom and the constant speed of light, the physical-moving-track of particles have no ability to go beyond the restriction of 3-dimensional bubble; No.4, the law of God’s power is located at the outer position of outside this 3-dimensional bubble, constantly.
The meaning of holding the physical property of the fourth dimension, is expressed as that, according to the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, and according to the ending-spot of the physical-moving-track at the inner position of this 3-dimensional bubble, it is shown as the pointer of the fixed direction, and it is just the direction-pointer of transporting the inspiration, and it is just the direction-pointer of changing the seeds into the fruits, and it is just the direction-pointer of transporting the definer of defining be-alive, and it is just the direction-pointer of the life-continuing, and it is just the unit cooperation pointer, and it is just the law of property conservation, and, it is just the principle of property going through everywhere, and so on. And, it is just the scanning-track of the seeing-ability of zombie’s eye, and it is just the constant-target that the tenth negative universe-unit-particle of zombie is aiming into replacing and destroying.
Simply, the simplest set of elements to show the meaning of holding the physical property of the fourth dimension is that, the first element is the single 3-dimensional bubble, to show the outer-existence of the Galileo’s room, with half of Galileo’s relativity; the second element is the law of God’s power being located at the outer position of outside this 3-dimensional bubble, and to show the inner-existence of the Galileo’s room, with completed Galileo’s relativity; the third element is the pointer of the fixed direction going from the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, into the ending-spot of this 3-dimensional bubble.
The most fundamental basic physical effect is that, any physical-moving-track at the inner position of this 3-dimensional bubble is perpendicular to this pointer of fixed direction, and it is just cutting down this pointer of fixed direction, to fit the law of direction-expression. And then, if applying the math-way to express this pointer of fixed direction, it is to show the direction of universe-vertical.
According to the background of the universe 8-poles, No.1, this pointer of fixed direction is shown at the direction-position of the 45-degree bright-angle of universe, and, it is shown as the feeling-know of being given out through the background of the universe 8-poles. No.2, going through anti-clockwise time dimension, this pointer of fixed direction is spun into the direction-position of the 0-degree bright-angle of universe, to show the connection with the law of trying conservation, or, to show the connection with the experimental pointer. No.3, this pointer of fixed direction is penetrating through the principle-section, and going into the connection with the inner structure of this 3-dimensional bubble. And then, it is shown as the central-dogma of universe-vertical. The physical meaning is that, this pointer of fixed direction is perpendicular to the principle-section constantly. And this is the universe-vertical. Or, it is the asymptotic freedom.
Simply, the simplest set of elements to show the meaning of holding the physical property of the fourth dimension is that, the first element is the single 3-dimensional bubble, to show the outer-existence of the Galileo’s room, with half of Galileo’s relativity; the second element is the law of God’s power being located at the outer position of outside this 3-dimensional bubble, and to show the inner-existence of the Galileo’s room, with completed Galileo’s relativity; the third element is the pointer of the fixed direction going from the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, into the ending-spot of this 3-dimensional bubble.
The connection between this pointer of the fixed direction and the 3-dimensional structure is creating out the showing-effect, and it is to show the central-dogma of universe-vertical, or, to show the asymptotic freedom, or, to show the twisted effect of being perpendicular with each other. Or, it is the twisted effect of being perpendicular with each other, between the 3-dimensional particle and the pointer of direction. Or, it is just the uncertainty of space-time.
The 3-dimensional particle is creating out the feeling-known; but, the central-dogma of universe-vertical is destroying the feeling-known. Or, both the creating out the feeling-known and the destroying the feeling-known, are folding with each other, it is the effect of universe-folding. Or, it is creating out the Einstein’s moon.
Then, according to the background of all the results of near-science, the connection between the feeling-known and the central-dogma of universe-vertical, is just result of the pointer of fixed direction, of going from the beginning-spot of the law of God’s power, into the inner structure of 3-dimensional bubble. And, it is just the unit cooperation pointer, or, it is just the self-original sequence of going from property to rules and then to function. Or, it is just the pointer of the fixed direction of life-continuing. Or, it is just the pointer of fixed direction of the completed universe. Or, it is just the relation between the food and the DNA-RNA.
Simply, the simplest set of elements of showing the physical property of fourth dimension is that, the first element is the single 3-dimenional bubble; the second element is, the existence of the law of God’s power being located at the outer position of outside this 3-dimensional bubble; the third element is the unit cooperation pointer between the law of God’s power and the 3-dimensional bubble.
In the 3-dimensional bubble, every physical-moving-track and all the physical-moving-tracks are all perpendicular to the unit cooperation pointer, or, cutting down the unit cooperation pointer, or cutting down the fixed direction of the completed universe, to show the law of direction-expression. And, it is just to show the direction of the fourth dimension.
That is to say, the fourth dimension is just the extinction. At the inner position of universe, there is only the ability of expressing the direction of the completed universe, or, there is only the ability of expressing the direction of fourth dimension, and there is no ability of expressing the fourth dimension.
If applying the math-arrow to express the unit cooperation pointer, it is just destroying the fourth dimensional property of the unit cooperation pointer. And then, the particle-moving-track at the inner position of 3-dimensional bubble, is showing the angle effect between the particle-moving-track and the math-arrow. This math-arrow will not be of the fourth dimensional property, and it is the property of 3-dimension.
Simply, the simplest model of expressing the physical property of the fourth dimension is that, the first element is the existence of a 3-dimensional bubble; the second element is the pointer of the fixed direction being located at the outer position of 3-dimensional bubble, and going from outer position of outside the 3-dimensional bubble into the inner position of 3-dimensional bubble.
Every physical-moving-track and all the physical-moving-tracks of at the inner position of this 3-dimensional bubble, are perpendicular to this pointer of fixed direction. This is the simplest feeling-know-meaning of the fourth dimension. The common meaning is just the uncertainty of space-time.
That is to say, when the space is the existence, this pointer of the fixed direction is not the existence; when this pointer of the fixed direction is the existence, the space is not the existence. This is the quantum effect, and, this is the situation of the space-time being controlled by God. Or, this is the moon of being controlled by God.
The moon of being controlled by God, is connected with the completed universe, with destroying all the feeling-known. When the space-time is connected with the feeling-known, then, the existence of space must be relying on the existence of time, and, the existence of time must be relying on the existence of space. This situation is the original creation state of creating out the Einstein’s moon.
Or, hidden behind the Einstein’s moon, or, the original creation state of creating out the Einstein’s moon, is just simultaneous-existence of the pair of Bohr’s barrel and Bohr’s cost, and being also the original creation state of the Bohr’s barrel. That is to say, in the quantum effect, there is the secret pointer of direction being hidden behind. And this pointer of direction, is just going from the beginning-spot of wave-function, and to touch the ending-spot of Bohr’s barrel.
Then, the Einstein’s moon is just giving the time dimension into the controlling effect of God, and to create the connection between the space and the feeling-known, and fitting the effect of the space-first. Then, the time dimension of being controlled by God, must not be the single-time-dimension. And then, the time dimension of being controlled by God, is just expressed as the unique web system of fourth dimension, or, the universe-immunity.
The fundamental physical property of being held by the simplest model of expressing the physical property of fourth dimension, is directly connected with the extinction of human life. Because of that, the contacting map of zombie, is just totally the same with the simplest model of expressing the physical property of fourth dimension.
The contacting map of zombie is just applying the central scientific principle, to glue all the natural measured properties into a 2-dimensional sheet, including a particle-side and including a direction-side. The particle-side is just the contacting map of zombie; the direction-side is the original creation spot of creating out the differentiation-pointer of the professional subjects of selfish triangles. And then, it is creating out the division between the selfish triangle and the negative selfish triangle, and fitting the law of self-definition conservation of zombie. Or, it is driving humankind into extinction in deliberate way.
The particle-side of the contacting map of zombie, is not the independent existence. But, it is creating out the double layers structure through making pair with the death boundary. The thinking of the negative selfish triangle of zombie, is just fixed in the gap-area between the death boundary and the contacting map of zombie, or, being shown as the inner-thinking of zombie’s corpse-mind. The definite-property of feeling-known of being created out through the thinking, is restricted into the 3-dimensional particle-property, by the fifth force of universe.
That is to say, the double layers structure of being made up of both the death boundary and the contacting map of zombie, is just the 3-dimensional thinking-structure of space at the inner position of zombie’s corpse-mind. And, the outer-pointer of direction is just the differentiation-pointer of professional subjects of selfish triangles, or, it is the connection-direction of being connected with the definer of defining be-alive. This is just totally overlapped with the simplest model of expressing the physical property of the fourth dimension.